lea -e go fes'ti eou t. lt» hee !be 5151! IhriaI wo*, ,troeur mg of 0o0e 0 le eoiti -, ury etI ed etof J uer, bow vis ettei bos The word imen or 111 Every M-, bad, geod 4"b semer e41ada t seus fan. bu'* us. liI i le.p ncd hce bis W&l tan le a 5U5' s seus, e i tup rer ef sosd. ne purposehy, la a4 Sunday la a go y sees tte hartW [eot User. ava o< raughooil te U r businoe letsgS eao. lu bome tIsa eed la beluigi'I lusys avarem busa conssis mi se vend of tewth. v'e hav" te. lu egillions su" ou c litue biset-el irisao et he4 eware of theièn Y. WeuMy M*f tor tite .epu i~bee&i ules la nomes'oh gnard. Mie tion-Wh" do rkausofbe iction that &bWM b part ef ho* à Tumu ot lits dm plant bs ae Ir tliatielem arables., e . full et -à .teenli Psaia glory of Ged" l as lit uer.. sle eet l c erd etgospl- longevlty oft iii. ivem lie ~ 1ee ti tmuti coum, ', t Christ lseI 'e, instiuict U tond for God. lnfidel-ule, S ind unpreJu ion tte ne of stflWa U Che aIret udiceul," hem lu irhici W beed oflesef Uste closeet for seule.v Dompaiiyl, il the uni. them red it mJLi vas, sud ho publie n Usy seai, t Usine baud; to lu IR;vl dl molesp ktheTev 0 au<Thot. $101t0e uti 0"0 wàl Let the. Fat-Be. NieGisete th. Jndg;-C ~A metFu orFat * ou C fit.hise &lest of t o Religions Revivas," tout Lue v, 0, -Titey lnclosed 9peltude of laites, sud theit' net a"d bu comrudes htdexpert-e -fl mgtbefore uhaitero ~s Oh"Christ @tape ou hoard Uack aud telle tiselers tueI trou tbosch sud directs te Mlub lb.he t SOirsenogi tite Meta fou lof ithes, sud lb. leohataI. 89large aichool Pu ta tI ha1ttehardy mmn ho. , Msd lt e fac as lhr pul% bave tiserbagua 1u rejeton at 00 « vi ap sous a Ureed of tjah e.pgous aotter Usroud, so B« e ot oycfloing tie ai ~~~tIesire au le boy muci Use irer itou mach vaten le spiambod e thebdJIOIBO rush about, galiur- t* Wb amusbo0fUsnet. Out liwtiet a sihc dancing on Use théI h hal Il. "Shlp uhoy, heur ýÊa.t Thte sblp comes, sud1 ~boa laag macbs, ire MUsd éigtreasures. saya somus oe, "hou mach but- wo01W bave been if they biail staluli ou^ hulsbed viit a hoob sud line, Mlr.os elalimte, lstead of baving M"5< ozeltement, and the boat ai-j ,Ug. s»d te net brobun, andi bav-j 1E'fo ei. sud gethlng sopplng &at Use "'s The churchin le h ci g isnllethe nut, soclety l intej im0 gret revival la a viole ichool bêla aetuon@ vep ef lb. net. I =h tien for that ManuWho goes 4ah ad ineto0fii. Iadmire n. unuiids lh. rol anti sdjuste 01< sud drops the book lu a quiet ý et a stli attemnoon, anti ber. Sp eas sud Uer. on, but I like aie bosI, sud a largo cr.u, and n net a 4anesw1t oso, and tout saila. an1,oemd a greut multitude et t4 u no s greet a multitudu tint tai t. gehlp le draw it &@bore. lie net le tie ulmost unl il e md lter.. letting a feu us- ï balng the greal mulitude lu- .)OJectieua te Itevîvale. sther tords, I blieve in revivais. poat uork oetan ving mmnbegan ulit ippejiling tihe cîturci in oui. day, lit wlil ciosee iti 40,000.000) or 101,- OIlpimplesesvut inlutweuly-t'uur mors, bmasions shall bu boru is a day. But rie objection% te revivals,. Peopule oppoed 10 theot bernuse lie nul d ge9 breben, aud if by lie presulr mis Il dois gel broben lieu lhey tae -oua peubivu, anti mt lie net. o#aleàetiat aImultitude etf ies, 0&net brab." k ao.âtctmcs objecîrd te revival.suit ion tatthoso miecorne lto thte aba t mch ituco do nual etiout. Au t" tere la n gale et bessilig tlîey tb*pla up, but as suoot as strong tIlkwlug ueo te>'drap mb a lwuhat are Ith farts in lie »Wob setl people are lies. vie ~egt la under preat avubenlugs, eh, dont. Who are tie pernmi- usmm lu the Uniltd Statelu ebe. la pmaer meetings, lu Sabiatis =1i Fo the ment part lie, are Use Met et greut sabaenings. bane es.eed taI thon ubo are MM.aiRo Use bingdom 0of (Codt rough rats bave more peritenre sud mire reisaton lu tic Christian hife than gq ite cotas ln unter a 1ev alate et ls. Peoplo hu in en icebouse tnav Ml lieviii nover gel over the colti epgllu lie Icebous.. A canun osed pon tbe Impulse oili murs ortte for tew fsr il sinil go sud boy Iyaad thse greuler lie revival terce ilibiet a seul ia startedth le more fan- blis and far resountdiug ou ii bueh Mt* le sometimnes oljecleulte revirais >ube' lte ot-i exuitemetî itha miustabu bystenia for religion. ýrA Unefui l ctemneut. rimast admit tiat lu ever>' revival ilg"o ter. le elîher a supprecsed or Ooutalrted exclteunent. Indu.ed if a ",»a go out of a MnIe et couduxuna- 1.1.* a tute et aceiînuce miii (led, eere go, wiliont att, agitation kil te la In un unhealti>'. morbiti ansd le as reuînsive anîd aheurtiaas u bsoulti hoast bue awa ebild =ie out tram untier n iofs's bref <giI no agitation, or env a man rus- em;,th Irsliourli 51er>' et a bouse. boltoit ne accelenuîiono0f lie tie rou sn sud deti and bull -itd pene enul bearun torever **oudoue tiing liat If a man eau lobk ou it ulîhout anu 1dçsb is chitianit>'. The sbelmes excitument le lie possible lilng. lu case of trou dromuing or freezlug $tu excite animation. Be- - we are tlead. It le lie eburci te revive, amen.., éIpectate, tartie . mb lite. - ubai er go"d accordlng 10 àu do. If il make uns do le boul il in hat exctitet, Ua enr ugilaleti about ooin Iif il moite ns pra>', if il etedepo. Christian service, o s cvyfot r tmmercy i! ee tentent. e.salultint durtng ne. milgien grunh multitudes of slu 3oums peoplc are hiought *ebui,-sud lie>'do net bîtow Lait thi.prince of BajuicI tas oonvred ah 12 yenrs ot hup oth u 1ev mat bu Ilattlxew Henr>', the com- 'ho dii nmore than nu>' man ot -tbr lnenucsing tho Inlereet lu orth Ibe Sipturet, usecou- tl , Y*rMobluge; Imeblla Oms- ýWAn the Chisitan ciorci. ted ut 10 yeurs o'age; Dr. b ymne viliho Wsnng li wusocouverted ut 9 yeare ~4ardsc, perbaps te tbialisAmerionu pul- wie eenerted ut 7 Mail .Uso Y, ri In td p k Ji e IL] t t If ursç a ravival two p'ogproeat lIite of Ohratlans mon wboee hort bemey:ias. canddates ot'l.chureb, have neyer beau changed byt.e graee o9 nd tb.e ee 10 years of agn sud the Goti. 0f conre thoy are aIl sautag»Out )ther ln 40 years of age, I 'wll have nie.te revivals eoidene lu Inte profession of religion How di tiey selt Jue he obdtry'4 f the os. 10 years of age than tb. onu 40 Perbap o morne t tem chose kt s. a ruý ouars of uge. Why? The uenuuo pro- spectuble profesion. Perbapi somso chose feue at 40 yearm of agea bas fty yearsitilas a mneans ef llvelhhood. Perhapq t impulse lu the wronif direction te cl- seue oftem uer. sîncerebbut were mis et; the chlld bai only ton yeare lu the takun. A. Thomas M amer@a aad, ho wrong direction ta correct. Four limes had been many years presacblug the goe-a un are. forty. Pour Urnee lb. religions pet ber. hlm huart bud been éhauged,0 prospect for the lad tiaI coes,Juie tie and. as muny minnîters of thu gospel de iugdom of God sud into the church et dure, lhey bad boee pruachini and hý 0 yuars of &go titan the man et 40. been ordained te saced ordure yeureallud I ams very apt te lok upon revivais a years butor. iheir huarts were regeurut-1 onnected wti certain men wbo fosterud ad. Gracions Goti, uhat a sleins»- thein. People uhotl ib is dity do net Ibougit for thase of un uho m'iiter ai Ilke revi valsnevertbeleue have net werdo h. allai! Wlth the proelleltmlnlstry lut tu express their agimtion for Use ru- th prement temperature of plety tlb. vdvalist th Ue pont, for lhuy uer. ru- werld will nover ha enveloped i ullire- iraliet-Jouttau Edwards, John Won- vivais. Whlle the peus o on ee ide the uy, George Wllefleld, Fletcher, Griffu, saitar cry for mre, the pulpît.. on lb. Eavies, Oehorn u, naM Nettletou. and other aide the allar mut cry for murry>. uauy otturs wbose Damese cornu teniY Minîstors qnarreling, minlstere trylng te mmnd, The srengtjk ot Osir Intellect and pull .acit otier dowu, mnisters srug- he hellnus of bei r Ilese make me tiuk ging for uets.îaeoicsLl place, mîniturs bey uould nt have antlng te do ulit leliargie WiUs uole congregratlens dylng tsat ubiclx uon ep emeraliOh, It la uaay on hiu baud&. Wbal a spectaclef te talk agaluit revIvals. Aosdpliswl aeý.» A man sa"dte Mr. Dawson:'"I Arouiesd pulpis faewi ae uouedn yoursbronsverylunh, ut te ateragame. Everybody bellevas lu a revival mutlinas I despîse. When lie prayer in Iradu, eruryiody likes a revival luaiît-. meeting bogies, I always go up IntoUse erature, .verybody Ilibe a vivailui art, tallery and lok down, and I amn diagut- eagrtmniudcoetnestd a&"~ "Well," sld Mr. Dauson, "the rea- ayea grel multe caurligonDestnd on la Tou go on the top of yenr nulgis- arvvlI atr frlgo.Dp sor bomeami100 dun isci oy pen i1, uhure yen find a mau autago- ta examine hie Ore, and of course you ullc1reias hiebuuluppt onUy geltirnobolurorin e. b or peu, ho needs te bu regeuurated by the dentYe cornelunte door and ait dowp ue0fGd and warmr' . Voluateerem Wanted. The Doumuard Rou.l1 I ould provo te a demonstration thal Oh, 1 am afrald te iay anytblng ittiout revivai ibis uorld will neyer bu against revivas ofe religion, or agonst convurled, and Ust lu 100 or 200 yeara *nythlng that obs fllbe sen, hersa»1o i uhout revivals Christianltywulîl b. pa- tblnk if wonld bu a sn agalnst lie Holy t-alY uxîluct- It I.a muilur0f aiteund- (ihost. aud yeu n bcuthe Bible says that lug aritimetic. Inu caci of our modem a milu against lhe Holy Ghest ibal nover guneratons liere ar etaileacl 32,000,000 le torgiven, neilier lu Ibis uorld nur the children. Now add 32,000000 te the world te corne! Now, if you are a painter, werld'e population. and Ihen have ouly aud 1 sgeak ugaînit your pictures, do 1 100,000 or 200,000 couvurtud every year, net " Me skulYen? If You are an and bow long beforu lie uorld ilil ho srclitect, and3 speak agaluat a building iaved? Never-ubolluly never! yen put up, do 1 net speak agaluot yen Dnriug our war tie Pruaident of tie. It a revival bu a uork of the Holy Giost, United Sten. made proclamation for 75,- sud 1 peak aglaentfilat revival, de I net 000 !roopi. Momenetfyen renseuner thse apeak &gainât the Holy Ohost? And big sûr. But the King of lie univers. le- wbeeoeves, spuaketh atalnst tic Hely day sasée for 800,000,000 more- troope Gheml, says te Bible, bc siall neyer bu lise are eelisted, and wu wunt il doue forgiven, neither Iu Ihis world or lu tie softly, imperceptlhly, guntly, ne excite- wornd te cornu. 1 liink somellmes pee- ment, 0i by unul pie have made a fatal mllstable in Ibis You e a dry goedi merchantt on a directlion. large smele and I uam a merchaut ou a MNauy of you knew tie bitory et Aaron srnall orale, and 1 cornu te yon and uant Burr. He ovaseefethle mont brillaut te buy 1,000 yards et cloth. Do yen say: men ofet israv. 1 suppose Iis country "Tiiunb yen. F'il sel yen 1,000 yards of never produced aà tronger intellect. He citi, but l'Il melf yen 20 yards tb-day, and vas capable et doiug auytiing geod and 20 to-morrow, sud 2W lhe next day, anîd greull for bis coutry or for the eburci etof itlates me six menthe l'Il self yen thu God m he cieue righlly dispoaed, but bis wholu 1,000 yards. Yen vilii uut as name in asàeeiated with treason against long as tiat te examine the goods, sudlil liée I rited States Goverumeut, whiets be vaut as long ausliat te examin, tie triud te overtbrow, and wth libertinlsm iredit, and, besidu, that, 1,000 yards ot snd public inioralit,'. lotb in teeiniucb le eli atouice?" Ne; Do yen burv vhere Aaron Burr started yen do net say liaI. Yen take me int ou the downward rond? Il was wbeu bu the routning-room. aud iu ten minutes wanci lu lege. sud he bei-rne auxiona the ubele transaction les coniimmtid. abo)utiet»bIs elani uas about te put utm- Thse fart le we canuot afford te Wc f001lu self under Use influences et a revival, and anylbiug but religion! a miniter ot religion muid: "Don't go Thot very merchant who on Batszrday Ibere Aaron: do'l go tere. That'. a atternoon soud me tie 1,000 yards el cloUs plaf-e of vildîire aud greet excitement. "0eat oee crobe the next [Sabbatfrma ehuwq religion about Ibat. Dont go liere.." H.evin troke IlMtabeoy u& w whetig tamred say. Hia serions Impression@ de- il uouid Metabis~ete'for= =ml d parteti. lie sarted on the downuard rend. comea ulagg«ngalong for ion years, la- And violle n euiuoble for is muin? Wau stadet solftns lu at one service. il the minutter uho wamned hlm aliet W. talb a gloodi deal about te god Ibal revival? timesi liat are coming andi about tie Tie Real fllfflcltv. world's rudemption. Hou long before Wbun i1sam speablu.g of excilemtuinlu Uey wifi cornu? There is a man vie enys revivals, of reorse 1 do nme u tempo- 5M0 yuars. Hure la somueue more coud-. rar>' derangernt ef the nerves. 1 do net dent via suys iu flfty yenrs. Wbat, ffty mestu lie absurd tiiugé et ubici vu bave years? Do Yen Propose taeIJItlire gen- reads transpiring soututirne lu tic eratiene pas@ off the stage betore the cittrei of Christ, but 1 mean auintlli- oorld in converted? gent, intense. ali-abiorhing agtation etfrThe Occam of Lîfe. bo'dy, nind, aud seul lu Use vork et apir- One ummur 1 sîoeii on the Ie of fluai escape and spiritual 1escue. Wight, and 1 bai pointeti eut te me Use Nov I couic te lie ruai, genunne cause ae thr.le Erdc akwt 0 ot objetion te revivals. This ln lbe cePl cerdie ankulit20 neo etli obecer.It e ie ecel ndor 300 young me wio er. je traininug btdd o eeb ctr.umîs ta e asecluevern for tie Britlishnavy. Yen rernumber rosde aut1ev staket eonauésli eheurt. uen Use tralnlngsiip vent down lier. rae-u lw se of ereigon usteful crt.- wasa thili af horror ail ever lie worid. lidane o . or arateviras. it Cis isOh, my tieuds, Ibis worid in oui>'a train- tapiinll u arenoe afraid etiv islavtng ing siip. Ou h wu are training for their oupuicher moleated. Tiec clief tb eunofTi e bi ails nw u su tdoe agents oethUe devil during a grustaaken- le ae ofetmnit, no trogi îug cru aîvays unconverted professeof the goldaecet Ie duigilf themor buti religion. As Boou au Cbrist'@ uork bu tmalsgol dmilesdonuave t e menu but gins tbey begu ta goslp aguluat il, and also nlmiso.Alraii e take a puill etvater and th, te put eut werk ulîl bW doue., and the Inhainalof Ibis sîîark ot religions influence, and 1W>' beuvun viii look ont sud fiu'I a wonlul trv 1 te pt eut suother prb . msslng. The rry uil W: "*bere ln llie suirced? s vui een Cica O te aIerth iiere Christ diud sand tbe bu- onp re migiAumoielnlbae enehcaot ultman rare vere emauripated? Send out on gren mIh e-otyn aegto eutnuit ficlsofa agels le find lie misslug cratt." il.dnwtr-o rigteetnus Lutthlenimail up and des-n. cruise op and il. deun lie ecean of eternlty. and tiey ulli 'Tho ddinilt' is liat uhen a revival be catch net eue glitupse et ber mouataiu gins iu a churchIl beinus ut se mun> manîs or ber tep-gailatleoet oaling points Ibat whiie yen bave donsud eue clouti. Gene doive! The training shlp et atuxious seul uti a pull et enfui water a world perisied lu the last tornade. Oh, licre are 500 otier anxieux seuls ou fine. lt il net hc liat aie goea doivu vltb ail Oh, itou muci btter il vonul ba te la>' ou board, but ratier may il bu saiti of ber bold efthlie chariot of Christ's gospel aud passungers as ilwon samud ot the dr.ncbed blp pull If on ratier than te ding our- puseugers et tic Alexandrine corn hilp .uIves in front efthle uheels. tryiug te liaIcaed laIli e brenkers eftiefl, block them pregreus! Wc viii net stop 'They aIl uscapet sfe te holandi." tie chariot, but w. ourselve. uil bc __________ grunud te poirder. Deati Bo,.iy'e Llv1n. Vlid. Did yeu over boear Iat lier. use a con- Alvn ado e Avr vention once ield ameug lie icebergs I lu A fo lvn ed.ou a ddin bdy tue ar- the Ar-tic? Il seemo liat the sommer -in thd e lite,. ndlng pt ttii tdca won roming on, and tie sun vas geîîiug lr uleP-I dbsîaitlt botter and botter, andthere was danger condtien of Josephi Ra.',fetGUlea. tsat the ultele icefield moulti bruak uI He started trons Giead utisa coman- sud flowuovay. Se tic tallest, andi te 1Ion te:-a camp 01 Freucimn a stHa> cohes. ad ie rodei e ai tc ie iog. The Freucirnen la lame w5a ise vdte r inget lie*Ilcthe, teeo-leamned of hie caml ng »d wera nothîdâ bergste likn f h rtis tfl]tat ho use gong te cIgl tiens out, at tise head of the convention, andi miti a riey w-re badli, frlghlened. This gavel of Ire %otson a table of ite e lling eas ltl ud u uebllu lie~m convention ld ardd.aBéutwlied sui thepcgovntilunlteuaiteBt h tun lelesregitîn. 4tfter VaIi t-yiug t3 seti rwin blIeu at oferadsu tej provokr e nFmeci's ente igît. Rani>' souh wndble stoner ndstrouger. 1seizelaansd begantoedru yhlm lu. and »o ao iltiheicefieldi begaunte grindtu 1thle w Z4Tie boy thitinlurthat uîp, iceberg against iceberg, aud te flovw uey wou d kilthihm, sieuteti"ur nway. T f ir-t re..Aullothsy-Ibyle ur. -d-î.d ._ti ' 1fr é-lp _Ti Woî»euý Should WWk laiter. Mrs. LIt»gti7y alwav s eerteti aud stoully ,n.talnod thal elle oued the linelleas et ber 8kin and the briliancy of fper complexion te the rapid unlit ublch ah. teck daiiy. Many Amer- leam w.meii ua'k, buithtiy are slow walkers. And the emplexion sp,3cial- 'lt$ s ay lte a sslowualk is neoItetter iba uorn* t a&l, except that Lt obliges the watbw'to breatbe fresb, epen air. uhicit l.aiays good. To g et th. full beneclaieffecie cf a ualk for the.cent- plexigin,- teère muet b. rapid move- ment for lt.e blood, quick liresthlng for lte oter iu th. cheek-, muecular exerite for the development of the wbele body, Inciuding' the oheet and bek enI ohin, and, flually, the general ezerci e r calllug te lite the. lug- glah or guseof the body. That la the feneral eapianation. Practla.d, Lt vrbe uwaers IM"OANTFO0D TESTS. Heu te ps4iuce More Ecoeel a" n lffltbmI-Article. fer the. Table. The StI t fod enalyses by the United Stes a"dCaiaia overn- mente hanbre udied with intereet The Umitul States Goveroment report =1res Ib.ogàes of eighteen uell-known ig rers, son Ie of memtadver- tied in gli reain.mof-tartar powders, which oc&Waiu nu. The. report abhows the Royal te bW a ca re$nof-tartarhba; nTpowder hilo" instreagth. evolvlug 100.è cub 7 I.ip of leaVeniag Rs &inm gle oune powder. Thoeouerse eght other brandeof creamn.of-tartar kow- der&stggtiud, and their average strengih wae 11L5 oubla luches et goz per ounce of rowder. Thm Canaditan goverument investiga- tioue ver.of a :1111 large r number ot powders. 'The.]Royal insking Powder ua berne aso shown th. purent and higte«l la str.ngth, aontalnting forty- five per cent, more leavening gapr ouce tiataheb.average 0f aIl tb. cther 0t.of-tartar powdere Thoeu Arures are very instructive tu lhe pracUlihousenaer. They mdl. cae l taItb. Royal Baklng Powder gom more than 311 per oent.,t urther in use titau the others. or te one-third more economlcal. b lIII more Impor- tant tiutahis, however, tboy prove 1h15 popu ar article bas been bouirbt te0the blgbest dogmee of >jurity-f r te Il tieriative pnrity lis cuperlerlty ln strentihinisdue-and aoueequently that byle us. we may We Insured tie purent and most uholesome fcod. The powderi et lower strenth are found te have large ansountiet impur- Itiej in th. food. Th t act in empIa- aiz.edbF lte report o et i.Ohio State FDood Oom mioer wbo, wbile Onding the. RoW l raeti aly pure. fournd ne otheor le contein les.t tan 10 jer Tlo ktd§tcs ck It ohre là T'he Powder--greater than tti er baking pouders oam- o4o-~ risa even a nLher evi- au eri Iis artl'cle, and of lis ladiepe &M te10modern ceokery. Unlephant Load. é lu SIazWand Afghanistan, wheretie elephiaî h. chie ot st f burden, an- elepbàut 1Io"" ln reckoned at tue tons. Ur»oalms bheadI Prudsaoe% leamlàhat Imlibvesa s. g& OW gbtiâthubas geno 10 placea aant tIe10*uM.la a quallly *conspleuons by l abuwo anongManr classes of lis- es, om.ao~me10 ne more notablv thaju »o««»stseblsd ulth lnsctivltv of thc kid. anmi4 Wwbàm iWbm Ibese orzane fait oe luW gr7 âlvous troublein o 1bu approheud* 0&. UCAO disme. d1aboen, cal arrb and items#ab$ ltbader.jare. mmoue the dises.,es ubijU a duwogmrd of ariy symptouneconfiru sndtgodâbaL.%ba lga laiy effectunai di armais. Eeoestors SteesoliBittera. wtl-i-ce let aeu rne egotroubled lSergeittbie-rom ody tbd symptous et appraeiegrouai disoasu ant ohmàeeklafUfObu, roorse.Equaty eflacdons in th1e Bittspsforconstipation liver complainut "mlriaand ybmaUo trouble sud debility. Las-guet Statue. The lBpglt bronze stalte lu thg 1 orld la th&&a of Peter lte Great at St. Pelerabuu,, hich i«eihs bout 1, 10( rASTEtuAinc Tanum.at &"ereos, o 1Ibo Longs er Thmiat arm rnsealy everromi by DD 1h lyeS'. aPeeO~&nî-- suri MMlsFýRàNcESWiLLARD devais elgil heurs ofthlb.day te work, .1gb hours te sloop, ansd 1taeretualulul eight,s te.expresses Ili, te doing sa elhe piseées. aWn.se le more teecluatinlg tItan a romn. piesim iaited lko th. raros ea-c ni o 1 urlfed Up the use ofilonn'asalpbur soapi liasy Man*@ Coulrivance. A Sadraumtogardeuer irrigates hi gard:-a by dtg power. rima PARS FOR SALE. Imrnp@oedaimla & Curolisa. Georgil Yasd £Ataa Mme climats and usier "aY terie lot'furtbou tenformation ai drus. "£iEYE Iua s Soàim people mîght find time te hel' ig ooe another if hey were nc n 0 sbusy hqlpine themeelvet. d S115 7ytr fullmanme aed address ta Doh dbloc' ioag ts. Ca, Philaduiphils. Ps.. b> roture BUL. ad gel, fris ef au but y oupoun seoetb soeraledollars% If aed b> o te ll Uiadrantaga Deel dolay t otyaîtentioa. Woo makes a qulIck use of the mi MIE SA file lall'nuy. Iu su aid Englidictlonary a 'girl" le deecrîheti as «a roe-blckeloftwto years." A comme sud a haIt la gtven t,] lie description et a crocodiîle, clos- Iug lu lils uav: '11 yl ueep over a man's heed alter deveurng lb. body and thon deveur tie bond aise." Th. S.deruo Notier Has teunti fiat ber lttlo onee are lut- E rovoul more b>' lie piossaut laxative, y'z-p et Fige, wien lu need ofthle luxa- tive eflecl et a goutle reutedti> ialiy anr yothor, sud liaI l la moeaccept- ab la 10 sout. Chitîtron eujoy itand Il boelulit L@m. The Irue nemedy>, Symup of Fige, la utaunfacreti b> lie Cali- ternie FIg Symup Ce. enly. TricLmph of thu Dieeoting-Room. Ever>'oee bues liaI lie nerves la lie human bjdjy are almoit vithout number, tireading ev.ry part et the systfns.The dîdficuit>' et dlssectlng 10 =v. lie nerves can, tierefore, lmgled. In a glass case Iu ti. museuns of Hahnemann College la ehowa the enlire human oerebro-spinal nervon syastempevery nerve arrarlged in île proper order, sud aIl intact. Tuae remarkable ploon ef dis.ecting la tie worb of Dr. V. B. Weaver, oee t the ocoliege professnt. It teck hlm six methe, working elgit boutsaa d, t acompllah tho vork. Ho me- celed la recognition su officiel ribuien frinsth. World'e Far, where lie worb vwu exhlblted. Ever>' uer, e emanastng frein brain and epîne bas beau presered. sud the subject looks like s fiai net lu the case. Borne oetIhe nervesaie useite tbîck aud otiors as fraile, seemingi>', ai a spiderseh- Prh=ilaphia Record. IAu sutextalumant et au estlruly sovul Isur aVlI'uII occupy the stage o et achil- Cae Opra Houme for ie* porfernnauces bolunasgDec. 2. Sondai igit On %Lt date 11>0 charmingsud briUlt-phuuu-- donna. UmIssPauli»ue Ha l il protioce ut mai Renorsou'ls popular the Ansel plaec from tise peu of the colobrated Il- breltisi sud piaywrlght, iBarry PauItou., the mtion ot uErmW*i" andI 'Ntobe,%.én- tikled «De&%»s. slirc&%" la sali 10 ba ,nodsisd on the lInos of tht>.. ais> Frsrh plecus w chl monifi play' a. comsdism lttb- out boy muaic. and are stili suppliait i utI music oun;b t esqulp a rezulation comie opoma.Paultua Hulile buauty mal ber ox- ciptional abllties bath as am@logur andisas an acîres bave long &go made ber a favor- île witb the thoator-golna public. Thure la no other artiltupen tho Amuican stage ubo seurchea moesconsuîl>' a&fier novel. îles of a wortb>' ature thas dou es Ber compas>'tibis bason la a remnarkbl>' slromg Oo nsd lmciusdeammg othous Jonsolte Bt. Hemry. Rat, frayer, 3. Aldrich Lbby. the boit lyrlc banlIeue ou lhe Amrîcan staste to-day. &Bd Willnmt Brodertck the veli-kueun base.a Polînu- tas Panlimu Hall% engagement aetlIte Cii- cage Opera Bouse cornes Kir Langlu->'and ber enlîre London rompue>' ln a reporlor>' eaIlrely m e tbstheAmcrlcam tagu. Wbere, Indeedl Not long ao, a LSolo preacher la- *uhgdlinsoittle 1lt o! eatrcam ever s semall cooleotiogt. Ho diditil er>' neatl> ina Profite60 e e.mon on th. fol- lowing Sanda>'. "Brethren, h.c said, Mour collection haut Stunday wu a vry @mail one. When I look i t is congre- matîoti, I se>' le uyseif, 'Wier, are lh. p )or?' But, as I looket i athqi coller- lion when we counted il, I exclaîmed: U Vu ore aie lte richE" AUSTRIA bas only 155 per'iedicals. PROG RESS. PeopleWho get the greatest r.ouufrd. E degree of comfort and regi en. 55 O joyment out of life, are thon who niake thc met eut 8 , Vl ru . of tIlir roppertunitie.. Quirk perception ani o auus a?5551L 1, goud judgnrut, lead sncb obK pronipîly to adopt sud 344rW5i&moLo.. Chlceutmll tnake use of those refiued 4 ebh e. ad improved pruducts of niodernhinventive geulus _____ whi h best serve the gl e needs of their physical being. Accordtngly, rs PnsdporsiepoI SI~~iIIu us 1.the most intelligent mppem."r.adi'.'TE ais5IUA tySaU onta g rvsd the mst reined nd 5 Toi'nas raul"u.tîumeIs Fm -perfect laxative tu reg- S II 511 115UIUI.Sluu i. Iulatecand toue Up thePA E - Stomgachb liver, sud F- bowcls, ue iiue d ià3166~ cf sucb an sgent-bence Uicr Cal popularîty ~1 of Dr. Pierres Pleasant PCOtU ~e re$ h 100 S made front the purest, utost refiued and '" W inss forty - two 10 ortfour are conlamned in eacti vial, wbh aot.5 old aithIe satue price R NWUAWWR £' ux as thecb ape me atnd more ordtnary pfils found lu manrket. In curative vit- om aom u@ tue$, there le no comparison te be made bu-- tween theut and the ordioary pilla, as auy fU D one mae sly learn by seudiug for a fre ssinple. (four to seven doses)I of the Pel- lets, wblcb uilli be sent on receipt of naute and addres on a postal card. ONCE VSEDT1IEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. ~1i.i O5 Tihe lkelleta cmr billousness, sick sd ~ U , n~ bitions houdache, digziness, costivenrsn. or TE U . ,oustipation, sUr etocb, Iosofappelîte, guAtia-10m5.h5 coat.d logueor dypepuia. ~ cnfor inuetore Siàk~U wlndy bebings en 'paiu nd alaseSPavio IAMUvW5 &Ya II distrese &fier ctatu sdkindred eaug mente of eUIclivr, somacliaud bowels. MUi b uiti r Put up in glass vials, therefore aiways F.IEsJF 17 11theuryyul roC fresh and reliable. Oise lle "Pelet" M i 1, a laxative, twe are uildly catltartic.d wn eW As a "dinnr li,t Ilpgo ute digestion, 1CuxiS 1tenta I I take ..c e.ch d le r gdmune r. To relleve dt ÀI distrees fraon1er-eatiug, they are un-lu'ta equsieti. They are tiuy. sugar-coaîed ta 1. granules; uny child wll readily take ten. Accept ne subtitute that uts>' W recotu. ueded ta be t 'sgod"Ita'd belrfrIh d ger eueopargItn abtter profitbut 6 snet tvu ' i wi ciATioN, 663 Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. ko hlautteepgtho s ........I ............... ............... .....Il ..... !Webster's International Diétionaryj Irie N'ew *U"illdgC" I The Best Christmas G4IR wnlsA Dietiouatry of Enauiah, Qeoglrsphy, igripi, Ofictos, EUK. I hltmtfilf(AL Staeda.-,if thu. i«.S uupm-aweue. lit h o-e-uîctTateO4.5 D~Tl<I~ifr ne &H athsue it.Laolbuiuukt tn.i by et-uy à... isst.'mtlti U 5>-Senus fou-rucer m ,uplsit mli Pe a s , u y mam iueoaUmuUs.ie Mus. WLeslew'sI iruhlitg moul,55 OIIijs Lu5ta. C5155 STJISOI t' ÀBOIJTLYPURE 0f to n lthseUmun7i 0f wlnul.aibsd Nor nt t 0Oro e,.hestois% But too near wuli To romaisi away One in Ripans m, Tabule Taksn ati e'- nefre reutnh Baboosknown 4= 9YOWU1> it 1 -ffered teriy f-mu roariusg in sy head dus". ing an aUiacl of caarr,*, ud becorne very def; used Ebly'a Oream Bafra hear'aswteUlas ever.-A. E. Newmni4Gmutsng Mteh. ELY'S CREAUB AI =~ni snd e emes lthéUX"t As s 0r»id. latsmlsu'Bail th.eBoesr audbmi. lThe. - inquiet y.] m à t,.rtfrle te sppli.d iote sao a cerl able. P'ice 60 usntaIil érsegiol.or by s JCY EROTHEtIS. m Warren ÉIts, Mm Y*. A QUICKses Reinedy lu cases of accidents, mas Cn18 burna, bruises, severe scalda, sprsiea, etc. (an be applicd by keepsng cm band a boule of Dr. J. M. MoLans Voicanie Oit Unint.L Il e art once, givesintant relef aàt restores vital haut le the injurcd or dis- eased parts. Pnice 2SC55Cand$àSo per boule. Sold by &Hl druggistl. Daibarimunt o1 thé Dhin0àohtcsl Ralfro&.10 telsester, t~i: j 1