IONA- L.AW, ate and mflue Measure In-. IBeferrudta lork. Congr'es là »It soe inlerettib piller likéiy tIsA ily> dévoted tg la ci' probiétus be- réident bavlngr tii' the reciai- ui tge. It wiil be, d South do not Lu page a free ail- ve been eieeted- twbe wiii, wbeuO - ubt si-t wltb 11w - 'ente te% wil en- thé présient $es»' ré wsasu appUi>" u thé recomem- ile 10' previde f10P thé contt.tof the tO be usd inlta ke nt ieast hat a ou providé for the-, t e-<lection iu th&. ectoi'5 et Interna, sud bis %ethOilet le tai bave Ëddl- hin oPPOSîtit 'te'- ofli th é ood '- t ding for thée free ~ ,1& nto te -»-t Ill01 , ;rlls and as ani et aci', mettmre toi bi* uttu.imson, If Dot fer' àts ils pr thult the CeOUD iltirable qsltî" iItbt'aniih bad t vi- work- Tii. r.- . .%Iiuisti'a bila beeft. sst's tiieuaséd thegm uti i-'ithian, et liii- buis là ffecitinE the liii- huIs were de- ig vexs#-Io ut a Pur, tax%. a transfét' il ui chaunge' thé mess il t-Oon te those nwanul other a uuuglt in to diminlub viî-iu thé ves»ei* or t' to luayi'n fot'cigii ug fuir thé tree cois- utcd in tue BEs'U liatn. et Mion" î55t'5 suhene thé arti ute ni' utglt ts'eiiiD ,mnnet»t ref»S to tht- tnîýe cuuilgeOet"- lurumaétalled for ut furmit tuin relivse - queî,stiotnms, anti tht- . lii nîufuîrO Shioh is uittuti pa nk. rals)' suoi stîSte Pll tImtwere recetved. itd the elédIés Of tt. Thé bill exempt -,' î'ign exhiluitu iltii ,iituu altd a billa fîur C'ommetiiing sitti ige at'rues& thé bMisaisw Orleanes assOed- ttitce tbsI thé emorne ae Seosîtir Vsn.0 17 oeil. A bll Was oa tlédicatiéli 0t the O C 'hattanoogall national 1, j), utndér the di- 'Iutry ut War. Tii.en. ýlutai usas occupléd la ut' ralros'l poolîng bil. r. uas takien. tîs Itumîdai' te IL disb- tgu relastion@ audte The Hiose dlmot tui'.o the' buslafls )iticl t of iColubia rai uilîs ot piréii' lal tsi1anti a néefflut il tsmue tite- tbmrd gatir- -tîlgies on tb. lite unsB. Lisle, lae otiil"htKeotlickl 'uslYafier a apuritod iii l,'galiinug thé pool- i> aî sIt'e tIf 1661 te 110. tut l,-uiîurki' réerted i-i-àîui 1-r. DiugIe'y ut a reeiuiutims i-tthllog if ut- Treasut'Y tqr in- ta lu, uhether thé arti- fig St-s tribunal had r.- ol l saving thé fur seW desrution thcY WàirQ - od sî'x ut sélskIie- u's; third. thé prOt uîo the Prihyleffle reentue derivédl 4 uni the seai! durine 1uendiure of thé (10 euetttid ina thé oif"itu thé Senate .uîiug noolutiOltt- ggraphie %Ckis an bi I wss»» det ondé. vshii-b reJect0ti,, he new Comédy th.- atiasion men moe !lite throngb ref il disi-ntinatélS 'lotiuing et John I tgéd 13, oil boy att rs, eaught fine sud Wo el ordinance, W m aîtit transit for a ii b) thé Ceuni-il atnd, t 'lpaa'uiso, IUlIL, againal ex- anti Itis bouditien fe*- 0, 0 ,10. - triai a thé lUnfteti- Smt, Ârk., chargeS .i* à C_, py15-, ,omfn an UCkÏÏQfl' il lï',n GING'" al-owed.for t e 11'rent y "Il ti!.p10 ' AnBw mpmmnteti.rvylgo aemates hltory. The Ite report accompanyig the bil l ,standing on the banka. "o, i r idw and mocked the. sufferers. ho L u 0 T H H O R O R S 0 F e, here 1 the Place te w hlch G enera s' ail th e sou md s ce ned. T u t n îgh t eft tsio er w s 4 f,7 4. e an nuah e REELTNSINTLIMNNA- sallie ut the' pensions $' re .72.sndth t, ILà OO MASSAREOSOFWbeeleriand his people came under the June 20, 1756, passed, and 12M corpses VLTOSINTEMNEP disbuir'o tuients on their account rported 81'OcRiESi .....V ý ýIl- HNOOMASARE. escoit of Nana Sahib." An the women were taken out. Only 23 people eoftthe OLIS TRAGEDY. by th treasitry $1.5,121.482. In 18U94 theOFTE-l",I' were getting loto the boats Nana Sahib 146 were alive, and lhey hiadto be puUled - - nombler of pensioners ini(reast'd to 9419,- 1I ý1JIoldi and Mohammediliau obje,ýted that onty the aged and lnfirm ont front uDler the corp."s. Mr#. Carey, 5rdly1.44 the annul valne of pensions to $13.- - ,', ,' C, -T e 5Bat xs-h Hreigwoivenanod cblidren ahoutit go on board who survive(], oas taken by the Indian Asanin l1. Clausu A. ttliutt H 1 *l lu)'N2i, uit aîdtie i,' litrseuents by the agmeOcd i ub M"S 1t e lul tls-h iresn the boats. The young and attractive nabot) lto lis harem and kept a pris- Burry T. liay-ard -Crime I.padtuiarstt$111724 - . u 1Nau.Os 5 Procens of Sin-CGraphic Story of the women were kept out. Tsventy ight oner six years. Lucnwii15 5 by Confession of Itle Lttci"s liroih' îîî4uanii îuîumtir 14l.i, lîioIeui lîcture the tyEaUiius no rM t 0» ' Xasaacre ut Cwnpur, India. boat@ were filled owith men, wionten and ooiy ant echo of Calcutta in 17M4. Dur- erBlilt Tell. All. ,iituittee, cxjire'itsi'i the opinionl that the eilîdrenanod fdoated ontito the i-river. ing Ille mrtiny uofo hici 1 have heen _____ilîgh-oater mark o in[I pymenit 0 pe- ADudgdtetPa. ,ofý Taco h iyo lo. Each boat 'ontttaned ten aroteti natives. speaking anftiieswoiaiht been ln the é iierIsuac. , euiraeii'. Maîty of the 1-ýý1 Tal ettheCly o BIouI 'hen thre.i- lats, fustetý1toé tîît.tîr, surviu'e utfîEtropuîatîs andi weciitreateâ by Klid oi nsrace ,hwîth- e The mot bangerooa ole. la,. e dit.. uinay gelit î,',îsus. s,, that, even if I 'D, tr. Tanthe esth onSndyodebis mred were brought lip> and (X'terai Wlîeeler thent,sant i wth il,catie ufoffene vol th ~ iatolu ,of t îîr3 î'cîuî iniir.îIîîîî ' . Bulplcetin.heueatte o. "the. worid siries ut scrutons. the suîbiect were given tu start, tieti-tiret luîats voere 503<,îî[îitîîwtiîn, stabiîto, ,eatbhie tuth' ýc age.The offit-ials lhave' 1,atially ,,'<rug teprs1te ecn-o bsrondad i saf uIin ltolgloîl's t u eht, li- nuiîil'san oihîotdy h m uutiatiuîuttt'flîgritîîl ben,-reCt fBod"adtetext d a*eî.',.,"'.iuhii iux tttîîiIvo %-itnot it ereas.e 111ii J j m's (loue made bis mo a ' 1 elng, "'rhe 'aisy f loo. ad7to omehow toate.At Iisjunctore aesait( iîi,,he ft he o' hodand ,uPhope O %r.ogitug i'-,itîif..i%fouý'_prir ,lzcoitO it Levs e.etdben 'amscl. : "Our boy of 12 years of age lioistcd on the top daish it utheliii' nîts ut the ' ebtdruti. llarry ilayt3 ol.uI.itlit si'i'tiia -.0111, iîlîîs ,ltegi frslt fr bis ýasoiry"ÂtltfltS 1 o r cteeiattt rv' ot.Of tueAHidoo temple on te batiks two , Cit-itiliity or Hlndooimm. ;that thet' eu.'%%lii t(-,i' tiitrial ilit. idfrbsslr!-t"e I « when one cutteth and clî'aveth wood ilgs-at dindoo tîla Mohamomedan fgag Thî"iu' natives are at hPence now, bot : " %%iol (tuîîit ii. i litltiei'.'iiSTOLE A BIG SUM. stitutiton. 1ý «Pan thée erth. But mine eyes are enota -ai wbich signai the boatmen and armed give them. a chan Ce, and they will re-enact , celebrati'ii iase'liit iiiiilc ral 1 iý " i 1 vnfotso bgtl the, OGod th Lod."natives junîped front the boats sund so'aM tes-ue t851 ni157.hylokHarry Is3Ixxtrd liiialareiitl3 uiete- -nlC clWoRbe h a r igtsuewr? Bcui1 Tog omaredtitetrotfor the shore, and frott inoomerable fftifs opon the Etigliâb as cooquerors and mmcind ti ihgiit theti ig ouit lotilt, tolitc' toa tu andI lathcr Bank. 1î -i ogsenpasr hn 0 :the. Bibe, 1 read il as ct iîy chisclilota the natives on the baokfilred on the bouats themselvcs as conquered. The mutiny of c'Danti fi-Nomre lei'lointiii'itare cx- "le1 fiitit tthe' Yatii-llilSitue and xtwstegvniasuehi fdt tii. pdestaiot a coss bccath wiéh îl aîîd asked atteris ahov and blow 187 occtre- be-anseCoetesrtish (tr-apl.ed heîiri' iti' cs,' ii'tfii',tii tialrki(toft' Bank t N1w iirk ît $354o3O unertîti one."gitrl"Figaro ny of the xassni'red at Cawnpur, Ino roarî'd with destruction, nod thebotst rimeut was t«tolenient and put lu places Adry A. liaywoard,. rlhîier of ti- ' iîy 8îinîneiC. S'ý,L(ly. for fîurteen yeni's a5 t1ý,Illtt (laintuliy)-The atth-i k <lb th ausnadîi cmmnd faorslfu 'nrsd. atît iiietiîi.iiobt-th-ii'iîîktets'r in the oft tue gentlemen are so tiresome.E occurrence Joîse'ph ILec ut the Shropshire o-cnt doo'n save threc strong swioittiers, maoy of the ut lis. .-ailtil tîon 'l"1u9- teiiiittiiii%:meelbe- ainl cofidnc- oterewomnTheoateon tranmcpag , ' 1regiment Of foot rude in upon the Cawn- who got ta the opposite shore. Thuse land ta stop tht' pres4ent attu'tolt tii pîtii-1 ateiy piayned l'y lits iîrîther, Ilarry. nti xti(elcnidneý-hrwne?-otnTasr pur nmassacre-. le %oas the lirai: mati 1 who struggled out riear lty ocre daslted Ditc the ntives iîy anîlusu gtîîî' uîîtehiuiti Ibat the bloodydi'cd o-ast comnittei 11b>sas placed, is tone of Ye"'al.M. outufi ' 1oe tCirpur. I1uaited to hear the toi ieatb. Nanas Sahib aîd lbis staffsiîh 1iiiu1u Iia C. A. Blilv. te etgittu't-m'irfthe' t>u'ork tegett'tsensa- lîke iitney, anti oiy ati ýiO ,i mtr ft uni n h ii enheetoorsodgalidt iië viriflats.Tht' motive foîrthe (imeitt%-lsut Ilu' 1q lions jitfinancia citr- Ik oky n oe oIk t1ý b 857. andtî l dtiti ll n iust untii thbe V,lieder and bis staff, wsubtiitîl otîgitt ht lesn i atii-s iait, lo i îtit f nîtto an eurn fteiiýiiio4 nIl nioor- lsi eetyas Io s ta '." Iq ie i wÏ.ý in ssuer' îtti b'c187ige.ati tr sh oa'tou h itîu , iu t it n y siisCii t lit-ti fttit t it-r 55 Outm tl ite., lé,sj" sit li, t tcr'îre si-eu. oThe Clîmaz et Dîbooutîistiî'. $cyws".iney tttlks. -New York 1Press. .1 Lesaedwt i, tre orteweeý T lia fDablou. antîl1isiuy lesuare, tir tht' i.îti-kiisvand Adry's t'otft'tiîonshuit s tit i trrlu a1riinient Brook- _f1tielt-I.syour lîttIe dog hiÇýý The St or>'oftlu aar. I adta ie3tlngnttîîtra-ii' tsutlratiitiIitltrIîtttstsr thé mussacre I [arr> hi.he il g nit rrttractive util titi' r îîdi-hon-h member, gen? ilmaliN1pCc1-WeIl, h It germe tat nail ti'. os rt passins uof te O -ent iIiu illig- Otitt-o -ttehit .it'taiu c sci s iiIedtii ftt oaî i'lat'îîihir 1i (asas fî i o o unnlisnéî uibed u the century oere tii hi' iîipersiuat'd by boat. Teeu-r'mii-i'lisa o e uipîîst'îîI bytiti-Lutt ktii tta<nusîîîî'i f' tuî rt ii'lih -ii Ou- ui li iir'l sttieujiyd ailacns i akowalot.-4iod Nw1 on mn sdlie Natta Saibiand udtr es- the gîtard <f the 5t'loys. aod IDelbi mari> rdîns lui lii- etiacteii. Isatunen t itt voniit tuîîuî-r totheit' itlo'ti , 1 lexei-t Oftail t Oort at Caus'îîur, Iktîen -the mou person- "Vl'ioa!Iiqîr-.'o-twii Show spcaluob at 1 hve cionandheurt]. ltteo udta l 5i5alitit,' ' uiiktiuhm le îl vr occtdy- .ntb*l~î si:"Ilm. l'ec. there auy yot," sait IrM. Lue. Agait ivust' tîîk sentulvs t ~ fevery inteltligettEng- iahove bonni. Turne soit titîte rigîuiiî litm1,s nut výiitiuiiiI shotîlt like to marry any girl *uW* ally. I i oaseth pno f aepro-a pel , Ai ut..111,1 s .ýxy inati. huits's r.anud 1 llsite su-of uta selt-sacnificlng =6m " peculiarity in Nana Saliib'e ajipearanc**in 'iuthe carniage anud saîrtî'd for thé cli-'ihittuand Setitiluinanuand Irishutan 1nlader stî ai pîiti=ti i> 't,,>t' s..SEt Trhé reply wuus: "Notiitivery peculiar. max of despenttion aîîd diaboliin. New and Amen-can obom 1 met litiIndia, ati il i ,,o: "f":' 1ýa iei oioiliritninlyO n h-Iu olutta rv 0-4ýf1., , e was à duli, iazy. cowuardlY. sensual uue are ou the uîy toa asoummner boume, Preveution is betten Ilîsu cure. I1 do t oa"outsut- a0-li slxitntion Bski'r, su blias t-uiendiljtteti sîti'eIsareottht&Onoe ' man, brougbt np ta do ttithimtg sud loant- cailed the assi-nibiy moins. it bat twosay it [abetter that Engîand rule îndia, di' -ule -o-'e-lte t' is e. te ite il- bssg rs a cgfre. n - ed ta continue on the' saune si-aie taorous o- 9 î 0 odseoitdow a utigaant ib tIdaI at--ittunt. FritIat imue (t it lo-ns com- Ca' etu. Auy trust ln I ' cothing." les cioscîs, and bere uere imprisoned ta r'.ie hi-rséif But 1 do say that the 1 Ieitei> îiuî i -r luoss oer. nult aing teex- would bc Imposlble.-Newstaiee , Fram -nt 'tir. Lée tîiî me sud tront i206 helîtiese people. It usilas ho bei-orne moment thé native 1 opulation of Itudia jos fr lI 1confit lenritnin .luîh'nîNana Salibt, r- tepio !Iis wre udcioe-tbiuk tthere is a possihility et driviog bai-k » iit îr ftfprouîs"îtiîîî and for Weekly. . o'om e o th eill sëpoy s sol: Pe m ission O f E u rq enttutti-t yn'arat B akerl m i ireothmutlu neueasî'B k'kiyrt m o n eiteekB aehn-iorel'utelw aitinwa l in orfor t» W ' dered the messai-ri- i tîtat titi' from sheer ittetftts-s-usgtpnueino urlcn rmIdate iimk-télit l ita-14amititei tt $t54.i55t. Thée crstti oumn t 0 ha ti.neèU gurvengé. Ilim alliebtr abitiated tht' thnne, Nana Sahitb te latke oneî or mure ot thèse atteuzutit, and titat hbey have entugh 'isîkvindwiiîu's oniy tutisi,-orei%o i] s ktt ile ttt'g onnof3 ht h o ýand théetuiglîah p[iidhit, nîuîîlly a Pen-oieîîîîs tii tbir own lai'é ou the' promise crueltics, for tht' tirne suppnt'ssëd, whicb . ,sv atiofîî tiiuitkki'i1uiitig us as îîîrîue' in tl about "-W01l, you won't alnd bn ; sIl t $-W h)e5J Vitn tIi' fîîtu 'r dieu. ,bait tiiiy shlt id hi triutght bai-k lii the ifmtet Incise w iiui ubm erge usitb car ag e -1t , l itA ll tu.";un er ý - ~ t é ln iili Gu t' -uit eiiiî i t o ttpuy "Milluer gardeifitxt m nuiiiug. A dsîîgh - veryh ing front Caicutta lu Bom bay, a d fii lu' , ei 2 " lit.1 t -the Egihoî emi.Atui t '-t"- o1, anelc ec 2.-, t hthle P n io n l i t e s n n hut t e ofnîle r ln tt' r a rug o ta r- N u sunt u firtont ît lu Intfhre i ft N uiii ui ii . î, î' t îu i.-- î um li i utk. N - w o n a e o î 'n ti g u th m e1~ -r'%-a )lsrral h;e-an id t eurl ho f...r ar Ow nyfi i-Isgohm ift -hat' Ite ls(tiln )(e mttIt- ft e Nstes-"G Briles-"Tietme sIs' - r-1 Ca tiiu r. uumaissaunitltt'iutni' i vt) liîait takenler I have said tu sie the heaîties if tht' i 1JI Ntiona suliShe iuanîzld L$II.' iîii asNw ar-r ynwrtngl t u wand ttl uustettt-Ii eoy îvsb)' îhrustung i-lildren throtigh sith iany thlruk it wiliibc oeil to havi- litro le&da n ub"£ -- Swrplnigfrbsdsrcinln aoeilant odn hi pbfr ýIi to mr(iadt i ito *ý 1 . Nituiuuay oiî'îlit ,'v Dlleciiut'aWilliam S w.r panîuîg ut iîtl ayect iuiiîîî .~"'"t du-é 1, it'I oî u cl u iti JA lit i ditigen. ufthte pers Bazar. eh t fail bis rî'gîuuî'uîs and aitlh E- thcur nittiers iite lsîîmr i-hbîse. Ail lnat turni l evolu't5us îuri-lii gve hédols rosraton" Se-It u.. -uu pesos in Casu nçiur. the doore citai-l, anti the si-poys standing liasit laî ita uihtiiered vay for thon' eti tlo.Tepioirwstkný -Ie"eFeh ali pwt « l zuard. tue cross ieil uso-u su ad cilîlmen anta ofutyears. andt t iinklition te 1t oielediires hr igv h oospotain"Se-ltmg-0 RemarableDocumnt. etîtîtîti'Il au tif Frank ..1. Dleit'.t e ifuscd te stiînethlig cisc. Nothing on éêrth oc*IS'ý A wninuil icmn. sated lîîrth itutointfîîr igtec ay utlontiers etfrnanrhto for Christs sake, Mr. ILeutextîlaiut'ai m teadt ymore 'e' t- r .xe scr' ny tîrtlî'furiorthetiitiiginuerunti1protrate thut feow's nrVY-. Dé tact that Glor t-l ssteetcr lusdit iariei a îandilstarvatiîn. uîissiîoaniem, uaud IOe ot-tuibîthc Miré ,lituit'f. lishtuiuarautî'i' eitiint'ae -l"ree î'ress., nathie, sud hsttaturauuly hlook hir sdury I'TholoN'naun SahibtuhtCaunithat Ilnveluuek iargt'ly for the wo uritituvangelizntuiiui, .'xau'tiy iththtie-deiscition and pi-luné, sun huh héea i erl u h as Cî-îuuuu aloh s Dmewaî a sr sent otnt u>-tht' poli'i tf Ni-uvYtork iu a tIl lniruced that there are 0Db ,, ",, and h or hogb tii-rt as tue îîenui Nuana i- Sa- , ui u ua errautd to hcémnie-assnn'd titatievt'r that 1p; - -rakngfrSclysarssaeýpaopaesltth ntdsae. joý tiut fr ut [niiI -'Det ui niuu %veNnatSa o thé selx,' Let tht' wutuen andtti ult'e vrtîrtw of the i(tliiiîîs ut Of [na- icuu skug înSe'i-' mia, népin paes1i téUitdStie hib iaitconi, x noi-ut l a o 'ni ren inttin int'l athe situimer bouse tuons isasoi-h a stuiîettuts su rk thaI httepioü' nsah ii pa-ýte lneetaymnPSdn bt ' forth uns iiu'nrlof.e-liaitulsi-en the sbli ,huld b4 Iliera tpul laK)uten weneo, ilered utuil hi n g bu t a ruauduuiu i anutbt-tu t i huil lbuiougon.'Tuisîlanuuunuî'u, dyeîî etd y. sv n In xrai-t: tutfire tru h h-insut lîe , b t t- f jsuis C rs i-an c lý 1 l huai is.,i I iuiîii îîuuandconibeul dtîus i 01r Texas Siftlngs..> ý *'Asl'yIli lut-tor 1f1Illeu'bî'utulilt inuîeueeud"àe 'finb eiuug: - pushedi fo"Yoad îs starteti onthd il taoedkotet p 8p add=,q I r "As hiY t in4tt-ttte, O i] -.anud t hi- fin-s <scm t lients ofettht' imp 1ri5ittt'I i -he-i.Attnl ganod fortunetfI'i ii- Ei ii a-urut iti i and nuly ai I - fie utre killlî'îl 'l'_t-tu bacikas oas 8Seeicy's habit. ',eve", e. Gigt egI ' Ciiian oa s lu,-tsi-it tt Iiuli. l'uuI)ili, lt. sa>iblas in a nage at1îndt'nî'uel ECSBE THEN IF EVER. O TENE REIDN. p""No vedciedI'eSITté: Batiora atmi otitun 1iltt.s. uti1 l 5ititu uf'si u iiititu'hens frntni srung Il 1h,' EWPEIET. u? N; oedcde tse eovered. art' destnu,> i-il i~~~ ~~~ ~~t to lit-I ' ,, Viv oftu1 uu titi-it h lititi's ik hi irt i h -n-nuu t Bankén . i'.M \u\;PiAssociaton. -B lg M s o bé I g s S thepionatuuulstuitiuiitt u...i [us suhi un' iruut tIentcihlil i'.î'li til fuitteldeuutr the Cokero cas', befone Jndge A ndy!?),NIr ollit.ectyelrool1rs- te thir religioîn. snuiti tî hve ail b giuuuutliiss. ahit(] il w lft tîatwotîtto'- ahoun .Nserafter-'ittttu i, titlit'A î."dotift heiuu. ua eiidu'uu] treut AtilaA s. oshom a se.uitshewa taeaID t-l ' Ws'éaleututrstttg pontsItli- ~" c o n q o 'r ü d b > t i it - tr e m e t il uo iu un itt e u t il Oa 4nd I s 1 l u ît u u îî u i i ' l u e s îuîu m h l r . T h e btti-e v r l i be t i g p i n s o i w oyt l -ltA I R I E G N G i n si > t , i a r s d e t o A l n a , G . s o l ,y s . h s» £5as it tracit ile itît mtlft tt intteeai' i -siauuuitiuutsiî bnitgte h tatat nstitution. Cao a a Tan ht prettv itr,,ita ýten 55 iii 5usi uu0u013ianduuoeeof tt'(, tst othér day and titey sent for a vetettu7, ýý Il 'istht' luhty -if niitti- suttjetls tattIsi- ulu mu' tiétiun us untii. tutthe' diuiii' usi-i- ýbo bld aménabté ior usiug profane ttutt uu f i-rtetl>tîutî'r[uisiug otentlmu surgcon."-Néw York Sun.,11 vanta mîtfte'go,,iiu'nu-ut i ,)rejoiu'i'lut tit' ( o- .I ttI- Itit lsulient'othi-v u-î'n,'agututuotîuuîi - lang nage ove r a téeléphono usheu speak- 1 lii girl s itllu, iiit haunugî ug fuir ilt. titirmn> luit i-ty. lie i's nsate - N , o n M l 111T,, 1. deightful o t-Iltii-e ut ti tnd uryn> euttitr .1 ht rt-e suorfq ndît ut tti'at lilu ini a lady la théetusé uft tktéex- gni-u s u'n a unmt Ailr> 's reiui -tient 1 i to onrutl i îiîRssel'îîuHer cliath erNti.youg mn S : repe'tvt -sirkutitt 'uuufurtani 'aî'tlis e.Ail these wu're uuiotidispatu-hî'uipnus'.in, "daru f ol,>' acuordiug te sititîn tuttifiuaiy tbreateneiluiouuîuni'r ýl'rItIignty, Alahottiamii tisugher eu nearon;e1yors." 5 :, .ý As by the Iiioutly tf titi-glornts AI-îîîandut a Chrinstianu tir a Eurupesn usast hé la,ý.,te'uthi-a athoritiés, Protane 1hunt if becnusited. Atten titis Aul. i, l'5t.Tht' i-oue eof dre-Q Ie aro1 ont-wa mghty anti thi-e uC'nY iI,"tt'ig forune 1, ft iti ('su uilur.'rThe muttri wnsere lan.obuthet, tchubcal sens " ,posuts, the s-henie bail bei-mu pdnuîuu. Il tilt,- uan ftîeod titi' "Il lier te be muy dnnghter. 1 want belr .te.e' tof the' euupenur tIt, yu-1,'hifo-t" i aur- laid fifty Centu tsîr tîcitlaîlyilaiin.'The 1Afttr thée recordeér decided that -'la1v-ai Dotut îil tbt's'days lutfur,'tht' titiv Il t r t ptin tat ion -bh my wlfe."-Harlem Lite..7 1'1 rew'mîntletl Illu' lait' ýl-usent thhi. Nlthsniuoidtinassas'sints maggu'l by 1tokér conid net ho bhlli uspxotlhbléeoft themurder that hi- rtaliz,'d thatthli' -înîîlutci dt'estîu -"on canoot i-rush me," lihWO b in 1, and Casunluir huis tiieuitil ontuel. utltalite hsin tht,(-ail hu -oiiis tot utftiti'91t11t- for any disorden aci-urding te thé City plot %%it asmil t ictbalint'. unuitht' sori. Iheutl ta thegirl wbe had itust spurnae4 W neceMaaî7 ilîitttuaitiutct tii laîtu ouuuitse iutu1 ilunCusIlii i itttitilt-' usd1 -utile. the tasé hiConfedson.thèse tisaadBlandt's Confont't.iii.u.ý17,> i-ans tif uice, liait -tuyen Just waîttilt 1 get yen0 n owners nutlguist' Tlnîîuu'uîî sui ttu hoîuuuil s .~~~ uch ,, ufeetlintgs as 1 tunat <n .iotb sucré decilcU tut the liu't uu'--u n llttas iuviettuti i uuiu lui to.hegiuàthtit' aithi tetsttn'bcyl,'a.m. t uit i t'ruine t uly w i i uuu1 u' Bvt ie aie iu)t uîtr'r tue tii -* ýfvie itIi n v. (-,I itli ' t 'uitrIni 'Polut-Sta-ut iflufuire or hit atlt. srn wtaîî a î y bietr " Trbteune.ýý , ho eas obutîtel lutt t i'- i"'it '-l gl ot m gneilt î-teM l-nuuucs a4c ledi eg lr seïin , aî'uît. D tri riu e 1ýI ai *8they baso,e lutt-tlui tilt, i unuutîr tuet; titi!ai]îuîuiîu'shuud bt't-tu Ibn iDitu iiIthe i ua callcd in rdgsandeti ion .atnfrtai tiucsAteb-Il-nngdt l%--"raeaotMy.Se 1i : lit ls the inco- turn iuu ll ofut l t hI eliix- P 't tui-l tt'e u'îi ittli- au-ine rt-n eilin et court yéatei dy . ia h1ide' n ttetoinus .i teoi t ai tu s,t itîi pA ft- e lIt' uiea nsgi-il lit tu-- -LIfurr S ants sud lauddui îiinî'tn"of cIi-ny dus tirul uuu t -tuitu n h lo nlt,,oothén yuuîn! ladies cmploý éd aitl iie-u'Iuiii'usaitrtiý nu ioiun, ba gued1t'te'a- JtoECiil ngin"Stmangéauft May. bc du triIotoe ej.uiu't'i tut htîîtit thar tii' ,sali toi t' slîuugiutc utouse. Att eycssit-the, tltuephî'né é xi-iatitré sucré ltihx -uOuSu'ltttIhei «'Iti' utiittt. ltit'itti l-n' u iviengbipo-er gcte mano." becue hed"oea., b t thu t 1 "t -utlu%,taou ali ttts tu bu tr ttii-5 tu ont unsi loo o k e n flreudéning bis d&cision ,ludgo (lai - eutoflii hee uîail s -iiilil-l thirtti'ittIi tu t.tu -ltlui- ni-ai est a h- ut uit uuiatut'eý o lisions -haveutin as-o a bnél nesiewdut tho us-uole(ofîeuîuîtit of tcnOfiiu..ou-atti'talneasuuttiias titi-i huîttuuîuas. attul u 18711 t'uli-nt'ih n thé ains1876s comples."oDétrit Ttub ý thé> aboî - . 25tiSluili-tîetiiîtan e tt uîunur .gnetî f.iafn's -lIICa 'e. lié did nult tink that any itiblit.,tnuit sit', hlui ug ilts > atulouiifsutttrhuetuAtlanutaîiliiîgau iusî asso- u ili eéboter t00 d pslee stîithîrilies ef ltgush'( unettani e e hnu's strass bats, a ci- antstue t'outainuttg isoJerLad beén cnéatéd. "A man '- ua it-s tut io- ml iilîy ,-llilv uitîtthe (cltiiLtia .lie hîe'ue letîîie teAluîtata ynki l eoer10 i suffer su> i ut1u1oliitt tgaitttst thle'lvi-5 a cutni s-it tht' insu-ruiut, 'Neda liait,1r, tcrea jy'h i.-hog ds h ih ft, otrlnvto in lsll(eCmay h atA-ngt lbuo-O i Ore to a b titi-cars tut the ighc-n autuihun itîthuis t" a fco ltares o u nEîicuFalghLcasnai uComphéaadn"yng nttuith tîguttu lii'numnmanli>-rtnult uti- I uaîauuc toupauY.lie itI A ngh. theliO-OWdidler zs lty.1îallra întî;î,al- ta book hé t lephono, and thon hi guit-, oet tlî litii-n titltelui-itu1 uintgi'ti fuir lier lîtil.aî' id tetIy ai- bohrko? "hI islius" stî utitir"n.tsaltut ln >îabo"eotkitlne diaouré. -u lii uuttn "gruiti gt.'uitith'u uii-uuhn uIlleltgteruOtrtf thue CuîtsiuliittI, ne' al thlugs thtt ceunt, yen know.î".-YOQM "ý*Mn. Iet', o li tii .'1si i u klIilaait irDa -aBible oui1 leéd t1hat the aw vies d-tectisé 1 uuskint,i of theî' i-il> -Th-',sututi-uoif ruax- ýit'unîusuîy atutin lu t-iguuit if bis Statesman. escot auits ,lu,ite t ic,' u ut11-1ii D lu>iiui l fy lt'utf tf wsu li luusas o rt t u'u '"onr égardi n g thé. tisé ut lu ine n languia go oi tht' nule togug'/li-n. Aloiii t t%% lus i- l il ii lits i tii-sntii sîî'u 5 lit lisitte- . akîuu. - d'lt utt."sIetttaring malouin.t frnt lui-nalectional-tithon>.h thétel .hné i--on. , rittt'therktil i,-luttBtu ius t-nuiti moticI-ltu ii'1ntaui-t> itiir ti Irlrkdte om trencbtui-uut us luu'nu' lthe ('iistiatta -uit daghlen. Isaluellut Blair." hotu tht' une gnîîty if ho n -éd pnofaneor oppro- us aro nîl uceiert'tilet i lliuxu iriClii.htii'Amniiuit iStree't Itaiisuy Associla' suoman Who la tend et researcht0mI S Ca u r tcouuk ne i-. t htii'reltinus lus hl)u snite t <'il uutiti the one 10e ushotu il bieus language lu the î rus-ace t a o t lu îh, joIlWe i-i eet th lit,-i' ut tutur- li tu. 'nn vr uhate ,a t usa ailwo-l utthtit ttt'Of tthtue utu s u t ,,ls 1unt-st'utti-ii îuîantc-d foever.té male. Il said uciluing about a tiana ni-etuluierit n t it, ii' usu m iii iutsul t tuutî,.e iii su-es" e lid itle M4 v wsOnyftuîr e ih CidWih hotyWl.cursing through t e 'photue. , iîîîtinitiî'vin tut îu hu'nitgg'> and llui WHEAT FED TO STOCK. iten-ot-ac man, "theSMamelle twi" usith i(tit fronithluintt.the tit et A, si' Tkn réutuginto considéra- ta*'uwec a8igonSr.ý1 ýý 130 degnees, 4WDe'îtu ol 5 1t0> oieut Wvhentt nl nît Scotti-h troop iiia in" buoiaid, 'I du net think that \lr.îresu'it tthue uulit( îg. itimtt luRport-outhtinsoni anti thidreu iNl su i-il ut ttu mututithl. A tanc ust iea"îî.tle ai uas se litukér ta gui ty ot creating an v puibl10 uit os enuuulieruit Rutielit oms ibe Aétenat - 1-u tht tht'ra Nsiluai th buîtis 3 cse toWahintoniti',,ia Bueaili tiges-îlge tta unl rital.mmr- 1 hanuiful etfuoitr noutls I i t Pellat s ust- gr a i IGt urt ulhiîitb -ersoldiorén nd 1-Wiîî d sutta the cse auicutihsil ue ber-tt beltli ut k (ot i Vsed fr Ti i'urtntesi-Iiog-I-sndrw'yi's5 ý, daily raîtioattul îuîul>tusit us hi ui-ny, anrested. andt,1 tustutnî'îg shult'ouuîieileii OfJerAssîý ftheîunîu'l it-t i ltîl ier heil tuti l'h' A liutuu tîîîll-hBn'utttlugck uagcdelu ll u w t GeOrmummeuu. oý Cylorie to-r eui Oen t NIpeu'pa t uuf t h ' uur of tlu>lIuu uîîtuîîtLutfselu-at alri-ttil> feu te live bei-anse te>- lutia iti iti' Iii t 'y ttnu llce tutîumassac trt'. t lu s loen teit1'f tr ,asu.utsiautut itisu i it it ý1%iiti ' - Dcr a gIrl. 30éestherséIt in a sunîlpef th sîh , lli' ihi, sut-hi hei là uts itim 1 etliuiitt, fur titi-ni-is uulhiug a t o iunies fi eu iSwit erlaîid ttt'ntu la uuu iti itttîhuisu. stik iî ui(t-29,27I3i t uisii,0W b ding-bouse looking-glau s he U AW - ln he et-I andthe Allerw Ci thefucu thew hie h sho idturnialu the nîmauttit h1rt tînd Niss Giignu-turuidtîl l aii dtutilt,' îîluîîîîtît' fe'uiaI2tT3O>bi- etMsr nboy-e or ek ý nwbiclî tue ani lin> tif tee it ly-I tV ii nuoit,, a isliti5us lu touti-lu il. i l s-l iat wl b a the me aftt 'nbis oinbtad uuwrlývi I le jlltis n kn h otl 7,Lý,0 é, d go thot it uruut itui' it-tu twe -tut unli NIii-olias i-ock camete ouuthé st-ini', béa-t. Ai-reui-b tamiy tut goed puai- luenui uOzrtiiiuut iiit-i"'l'ust'figures uiemeneiy lté -Borax-"My wlfé makes a 11115 hi' ythirtn'id outiuhu-tîuIiy bullît or sut-Il. lie had titis uuder anuulied."'hé oel w,, ~tien bai- hild wbom they chi-tiied tti-ate itsth tt iluite iaîîoniet1ýo,.,e-(sUxt, riotoeSae oe o ogwy hs ii [. Ten t iutut t itt-lung 'flttults eut stiitu'oIni > tDt01, utltluthnutitbodies liut had uuu'aln'e(oui-iseaoi-s nutîtuheutuse taloneney gonnlongolis taetorneys. Ï>11,lers Laun. ho a<onauttnetétIe00Mui-tott ttut' -bu1 hn GENERAL CABEZAS. liiieguîu'tstif Iti' deutartluttnt, and Iîy She'ut always snbscniblng for UCu péoplet inalîi- littaddittintth lui- ny ttot're for nty heurs eutgagt'dii coernOg gru unp. inroitted a cure for statun -1__r______no a mr tni n t AIlrOt 1 mte-a liCui t-t tt1t -tto uti ilnsieitns iiii itluta t-uiogaln l Anîaand Polynecl8.*.rý f. - ru'o iktss' s îuu'ltu1uttut- ?itii-h i-iitismu lit -tlîa'n rndetuu'ou Suin il r-ali ted a lit: le lurtutne. La ira, thonu ut. h R oSai e o-tnt ras u m taîi umden exîuuîaîu e . heur> llavt'itck anSu i lo nu u C'am npbell en enéd a nu-ducal ich ottu, w héore saebé "l sî t the l î -reot s fi nt- lie t tu usv tuî.î an mtu ith of u t he u i n tîl e r he 'rrnth." ay J h ny W Y -. Othiers dnîîpud luimir titoilex> A tanu bît.canse ut the extei-ninittlttt u uk the> studliéd iiiuenîli- fer soute tittue, aud ,tl'l'he uî'uîsîti, uîIrî'uîulsf Niîuu tiii4iIls-'n.siity uti Ilincthîe tinti lo i-nushI en.pasnyoUS ti Johnnywhy ijtMl. ilateti. 'e, uitr ' giis-1 i -ih,ýis -os nediltvs g1opular veÈail ber- comîuaons!Il iy group, ouslttig to die. Why dtd tot ast1 .?ly ccrt M. It,,lins tid mue Now cme 'bcroane.Laura Sud- îuuau-'t tttuIlorinluzta a ju-n.uuu tutitulun tutti itis titi-stiitt capde" essén er d 1 - heat"en"thac *e.,,,vthé seîajys fnsteued lu the déuly ele tuiid oserybody by dét'Iar- iîaý. l"iut' NMosqitou ~tluutItn uîtitt~It0ltoiese Ie htmd atrwdyn 1,and thé 10,0130 atniiate tîte nosv lesamontha ot cannon, andu then thé glais iug hrnséit a man, and makiug Ns lolnt 1I rtus uîith i lui- tr st'a tr. TîueIî'ît"uutîr tut liiiyaMoutreg ti adfreer iuee wîs eianethy eee u'ohdfne ad o afeu éonuis there loeéto a girl ln thé auto achuol, for 1iniui vtiN-n tnhr 'iutistt i rîu u n' gettî'aidesagorn ery minte f ý 1 than 1,000? It wsbcuetutsûe oldlradfr e e gi,:, muoti i;eek'mun i mtrtuneIiu,.buit Dotnc us-nsoffu'rt'tifuir Glamesg l epok ý. superuaturali' defeutîed. TIue iufautry would hi- netling hut ameke, a0ndait the whoso, sake abé <un hé was willng te (tliis tlr'ti'sI' Iiur8aett7i'hm s',oooo M Yunok lHerald.1 ut utatititunifîtic l'ut' ni-shluitfalli-la tutptioh tha0 tiisii-i lii tut r>' ntitipl'ami mille. TrertpJarenmoroutheuw and cavalt'y anui artiileny tutNatta Sahib smoike hegamiteleifttsifragmentsounti-aitndi('ail-thé hiféloug dceptien tîtat Vi ,, made on that day telle grand ossanol, but sveuld be fouuid ilying titrongli the air. parents had bîtitun. (t con i thé ex- atoiy h os uhl i ih nt I thé feu s' of thie Euglisb aod Scotch Ton mai' de yenr on citiciso. 1I herc citeméent lu thé duve cotée ayb iM rtnvtiiuiuih iiitt uîht.îî, nî f r.î<% <ýbt - shmeou ahoIllea teatr y put 1t fliglit teseIlindIuuutigers. There- expressste topnlin. There coin hd ne aiined botter tba'u ticribed; but, ou I t-r olui-tjirn tuthte bhtiltg atuunu'ul iit 'agti iles alors, nd i tc fcnyàdaIfe iltDn,(fteeelvtr e u foeNn.aib ,tti om tli~dubbueethal thatmneofetfinaliy ",anra'a" statemnots béiug venlficd, hé uutt[u s lt'ZaîtINt I-tstiI hl tttftt-se eltvatorsgel1meastoth cWanlm;@ 'id pla. -SAdilu-afield ne.t tir fronttresttng tàc epuuy,)s brokis the bai-k ut the wasalliowod thé désire oet bhàIet, ,IDisutt rtitl' ii-suttI u i-luuu.liliua tlosesofso."1tte-Watd enw -tho nîren hutett tufthe E ghisb o-as n.tuiuty. rhe H ntie s ttit - 1hat lté mat--led u-tue gir eibusoîuuru uu'utttilireit>-îî uuiiitit tr,' stt'i-tintil bb'uery uiaysbtick aostck uteandy " M et er-"T B t'O natve Chisia Otttt). lsohé y tueîcatsi-eh1piy I hésatégaue ho-e T e uiis u th ~arati or[t -tttuuîî'î itli uehio i-aî îuuusuiIitIs ureinig uiicnt h.l -me be'_hé s .p.-;Z2YU