CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1894, p. 3

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FULLY RUOORDED. We.Court sttlea Boveral Knot- jisUna»at1s of a Promnlnnt ~rèrCoaty ManL-Intereating on the Wheat Crop. 1_r âme Iportant Deelmtion. Woithe decisionua haudeal don'n lu Z i late Court ofIlilinoit. ar lno -Id111h. importance te the Stute - tboem of the Gruat Western Company vsi. Benker, au apt- - Peora; 'anal Mr. -Dunham vu. oua Zine Company'. The inet sOt to eoalpel Banker, nbo n'as i._dor la the long mince defuuct ,te pay an Rassmmaent upon bis të,pettls dobts bonght up for a sonti 'Sumtherlandl of Chcago, the latter ;athe. nains cf the conapan>' tu - Dxer to par hi@ portion, bamlng a Cook counnî court. There are et tokholdes lu tus State, andl saunisila Statu importanc-e. MW vigoronsîr conteted Ibis cdaim ~ the groutia thet the Cook count>' rt as no jnrlsdlcuion elewaheni. The îw beld with Bankor. 'lhe. Wenona WroettIea a diaputeal point of Ian-, so h iaI, court h conemrneal. 3Mn. fln- $b suied an"l ecuncal judgmeaît fan dam- Oîia tlue La Salie County Circ'uit Court .t+Xlr? ober propunt>' anal heath ne- hMg trom the deadly fumes exhaling one flu cbauey of the Weuone Zinc bàpmw, eonteuding that the 'vonki n'unî s-4on» e nuisance but a perul. The lbt bo1<1.tet a- heu eny tact ory on husi- ebeemes a nuisance on a menace to egogding property an-uer. it is as ma-h Méaifnce as though il n-sm not a fae- ~-aadthatsncbplaintif ceauri ngbt- .AerIn an Cetion et Ian'. This a-if tustained by tue Supreme Court, z3:_a"l oleee. readiang. -glue, -glu- e ther offensive industre& mnder- eftnumiances anal force them it VWIl Reie LoeaWheat. to th. State Board of Agricul- jadlcate thattue area sucded7tUo thim tatIIla abot 1.882.000 acres, eti? point. froan the 1894 ares. ijrhernu andl central Illinois the ares 12onebelon' laitYeuar, maiuluinth e urea for tuese t wo di vision. 900,00 Wis bttlu the mouillera division of the 4je ich comprie ovur baif the #tlrowing area, the dea-neame in but p4nts, and tue ere acedeal ahis fai, ai eIatd by crop correspondent., in L~U0ate&. Oning ta the unusuai dry tbrof the anmmen, the grouid, a Enfine vonkablu conditioni,n-as toi -for rspid germinaioan o! the aiedand egrowth of the planat bas canseqently Mssow, andl i isnul tas largea s in OMMl et thusa dte. iRepoarts arfina>' tey ègM wt ere aniot unaif-sal. but the d» of Nov. 29 anal.'30 prara-al aentbha- kmi and n arions damiage is now bout tutehave bhurdaonc. lla.inan fi -orted in the n-liet in the acoaition -Ihdgar, Schuyler. EFtilgbum. Jasper, wbnrase., llanaialpb. Itiablanal and lambut it ila bu cari>- tu astiîaîate i. nJry frora ibis cause'. VqnlJohn Thomas bNMure. 1i-John Thomas tue oldest and ~tetreeldent o! Si. Clair County, 8& Sturda>' aight et Belleville of PM'l.Thougb tbc stroke n-us oniy ~tabis gret age. 94 yen-,a prevented reeMvernag. (Coloanel Thoîîîn Sgt.Clair ('roainty nith lis pîrnnt Vlatîirgiliam lia 1lMItS. ald ra-naîi air ii ,.bmi deul,. Iii- n'as I,.rii i NNyeîlî Slty, lu Virgiiia. iiMI. )and al s of ~laces1n>'. WhonulIhe Bla-khn- mrbroke out ia 1832 li'! aîlsuat a voîun e ompaur anad becnnie Caloîaul of iil but ejoineaL, n'ich wnus mustenei éxicu t Buartilt ownn y Lieutenant betAnderson, n-ho gaincal distina'tior ~the civil n-an as the be-rofo Fort Suný '.Dmrng the Indian 'var buon'as taf 5ijel of Abraham Lincuolni. JohnJ IrjE. D. Baker. Toto Duncan anè mnemn-who aftenn-and be-ai' fa Colonael Thomas amuasseri a for aOf nmaurl>'$1.000000. nIaicll isavel ptd.mainly in reul esînte. At ort jbe ownnd Irol»artY iran unl>' a-ca ~Ilu the Union. eli Len-as killeal b>'the cars RI s onvillu. tifs Parents li-e i ville. s mutilatual remailîs o! a un toin n-onue founal oaaie Builirgton tar -second battulion. 1. N. G.. nete $300ounte perforamiace art -Pian et Moline. rge Nuylor, avbo esa-apeat tram jri - 01i tno n-eks ag9.n-ais brougli frtr Texas. Merryficiai !arm of ! II-Oacaras, ie. oral, wus sld MoualaxIr Smuit Brooker. Sbarif o!fMaiol', fataily 'vomnduaebd biah -'îîllrc -ho na. endeavorirag lu arm-.. A. Comn'i, o! Chi-ago. bl'iea- ldururg. laIeelie! îlaputyi - at Clek*s oiice, laîrrd nit -bar boarduns a, of Peorlapagud about 1, %ne -.s for robing Josepha Franke' store andl Iains comfesseal. oie Broder, ageal 20 yea r, ducati ' Vernon. 'About Ibren-teks ag accdetallY shot betaveen th tnhe thigb. -hich n'as the la - àuft of bis deuil,. naer-l-Chiof Lanler, ot theu bas. - reeýved officiai noticef tuat tue dedicition o! Ch-ivk A mudi needel and copions- rein has tallen le Central Imlnois Dr. Samuel A. Wbedon wan merried to CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF THE Misa lÉate Beckwlth, an ocullat of Elgin. FEDERATION 0F LABOR. Mrs. Joseph Hobson, aged M, dIed et Decnfur from I njuries received in a ru- 1r. Gomipers Faile Treugh Min Re- snay. .mi1 rdraGnrl tieLi Myer & Blank. bous and gign pailîferai, fsit re eca t eLn et Decalnr, tuiLei. Assets, $1,5S0; lin- gSnerConnitlatea H la oice* bilities, $1,100. or-Indianapolis Heedquarters. The Star Company'@ agricultural Impie- ment factory et Carpenterville wna dam- Minera* Leader WIne. aged $6.000 by tire. The delegates to the labor convention in Mns. Lucy Edwurds, colored, whn tras Denver were ueerly al in tbeir seats wben boni in Lincoln County. Virginifa. In the roll was called Mouduy. ,The tinet 177-0, died at Springfield. business n'as tu déterminé the futunre loca- Mns. Sarah Joues wam awaraiud $2W9 tion of tbe headqiinrteru of the fédération. at Decatur for injuries received on the On Satnrday the cities of Indianapolis. City Electrie Street Itailwaye. Detroit, Washington, Brooklyn. and The crusade for social refornm bas Louisville hed been pleced in nomination. struick Peoria, and it in reporteal tiirteen [Lndanapolisanad Washington were the cjizens wili bc indicted for gamhiing. oniy contetants. The vote resulted: In- William Conent, tbe venerable Mayor dianapolis, 1,290; Washington, 026. A of Geneva. n'as found deafi lu bis ed resolution to make Indianapolis the loca- He n'es 80 years nid and an Illinois pic- tion for titrée years was amended to makre neur. A cal hem heun extended te Rer. Willls Itede, of Allegheny City, Pa., fonansrly of Evanrton, 10 becomu recton of Emnmanuel Episapal Cbnrcb of Rockford. August Weleenctine. of Ladd. outed Henny Kuoff for $5.000-damagea for the death of bis deugbter. wbo n'as trampled undun foot by Knoff's loose homse. J. il. Newell, a i'hiladelphia traveling man. wn arrested on a charge of robbing tA . .. Sberwood, a St. Louia traveling nman, of $100 and a goid wateh et iRock- fard. Near Efingbam burgiars 'venu dsco- >ered in the store of J . P. Caunion. and in atteinpting ta arruat thena ltberiff 'rudrick eliot one of the despradoes, probubîr fafulîr. JS Bm Thé officens and djnectnnwrof thi.Illinoi PEI NTJ BIDF lietail Laîmba'n Deniers' Association have decldud to hold thé' State meeting in Feb- lt fi-r. years and referrud to the commit- muary et Chicago or Decatur, the ruer- tee on lan's. bers10 etemîn whchv v ote.Ifi' -The election of officers -'as thé. tuken proposeal te mibie a t5np in e body to the np.- Mr. Gomnpers and ..n. erde *Southemu pinf ries. présidernt of the UnitetilMin-Worker. were the only candidlates for preiderit. William Moore, living near Sunny Hill, The vote renultud: '%IfBride, 1,162: Goni- ten miles aonthieast of Meline, hem sufer- __________________ P d for 'vaut of water ail nmmer. ait bave bis eigbois wo bave n'eus s a tep ns 150 feet. Thé other day ho uld bis son nuent to driling witb a four-inch drill. ILTbey lied got downn ifty-fivc- fel and * aent ta dinner. Wben tbey retumnedI tbey 'vere tbaanaierstruvik to tlnd uvery- Sthing blon'n oui of the n-cii anda four- m ich, ireurn of aater spouting aus high as their bonds andl tlroning ot quantitiesc of w'hite garid, shôwing that tbey hadI htnuck a vein of St. l'uter's anastonu. i J ~ * y Mn. Moore nill tube~ bis n'eu. which lain r, overfiarning is farm. 0 For the sec-ond iaure theU nitedl Statues i Satiname (Cournt bas uismimait-althe nea yo!f1>aièl el aton, fluas William Nen'by is Benton n'ai, <onvicteal an the United y States Ditrict Caîîînt t Springfieldao r' fatsely imps-nonating WilliamrnNerwby. )-a l'a-eral soldier kilicri in the battie of iv Shilob. andl rcAppearing as Newhy a few yuars ugo et Yen'hys olal home in South-- s8 ern Illinois anal pnsenting a dlaim for a rpenskin for w-)unds allugeal t0 have bep à npea-ivud iu t,'e miiitany service in the1 te Fa'deral Gov.-rnnent. Ilenton wias sent- téecd to tL-ee years in prison. The cause n'es diiissed becusea of failuru ta filea n sppral bonad. This 'viii probubly id endthe cse. IISTORIC VIENNA., T( f Tu-o Cflurne, numual Caris Meyer anal pers, 937. Mr. Gompersi vas nomiuatual ly Albert Feal%n. rantatet Freeport ru- by Mr. Eickhoif. The nomination n'as >d cently. il appuaring Ihat 'Meyer knen' I econdcd by Mesors. Cohen, I>aily. andl Is Freoken in tl.e r-Id counitr'y as a criminal McCraith. McBridu n'as nominateal by t ot s w fs 'ata-I la olh.-iuis thure. F-l- lMr. Penna and sparndéda by Mr. Allena. u- kenî, f-aring Ma-.act 'vonlal gve nl i) iS se- The vote pno<-eadeïl a jîbout incident ex- le crety. %naylairi bin in a loncly spot Mon- eept t raeverldrlgatesanuioine-edtbiat f il.> aid fira-i ight ohuts et him, bre the>- 'voulal vote agaiaîst Gompers by in- ,-k talikig cfet iana'eck. buad andl struction fnom varions unions. Présiadent n- boady. Meyer 'ii dia. 1-'cken lied to the Gompers moyeu 10 iaike tbe vote Iuni- e couantr. anal-.t the- noint of earrevover mon. furMBid- but objeetioia %vas ,d niad.- a farar gir.' lim dinner. He inade. '.%r. CGompns uat once- nrote andl t show ei tivrre.oolver» andl snore not 10 aispatcheal a message of congratulation ta n bc tahken aa4a, -euken wn.captnrua l Mr. 3MeBridu, n'bo is iii ut bis home. tu. laIe t nigbt '. '-n mile. froan Freeport, '.%r. Gompers isa e ember of the' Cigar- hu by Clîjef of 1 a-iice Brubaker andl Deputy makun' union, uni hais belal the.iposition j. Slîeriff Silk. lir bal a revolver in euch of presadent of the Ameicun Féderation Id banal, but 11W cfilcers surprised hiixan d o! Lebor ince 11882. From tlien until bah dii lit bl- time 10 use the 'vuapons. 1886 there n'as no salary attacheal tO\tbu Pr- The Stte IVourd o! A;ricnlture bas o>ffice. That year il n'as ducidual tua nake Pl just given ou' reports o! corresporadants the office a permanent one. a nd the su ary [l ncgarding tha aparn cr09 o! 1894. The n-es bxed at $1.200. This n'as raiseal ta ry cnop n'as not Ii rionsir injurual by drought $,800in 1892. The first vice president of last somma-r. The acreaige se-ded al s the fedcratioaa aais Richiardi Poaers, 6,705.,475 acral. greter tban any vear eiected in 1880; flie second aas John Jar- ince 188q. ex,'reditîg the acreage of lS4iui1 rett. e-ecteal in ISSIi. Gompers bal fuir at , 3000ns-.Tae'milo n urn o! re-eiection, [rut the dissatisfaction thousanal acre" n,re sowno in Notheria n'ith bis course duriîig the ltfuî Illinois, 2709.)a00 in Centrai and 58b,(l)O )rminths bus becia growiiig steuaily, and va in Southero Uinois. The everauge yielal the ballot shoneai duit a mjority of tIe k n-ns tbirty-oia4 busha-is per acrc. n'hich 1 delegutps aaere against him. There %vere n-ns trrgert-eu 10 in to va-trs. In the mnny causes lsading te) bis uettat. Ilir ei nortiieru divition thie average n-as il 1 refusai to order au gcîeral strakt brut suan in- biiatr.4 enr-il adivisiaon .18 bishelt aîainier wn-usairI vadi aecaia-calby maiiy o! tii soutiiern but 18 hushels. The tt t yia.1rî trongest uniiorns. If n-as clainacal by 1ht iifor 18L4 wn-at 205637.000. 37.949,000 friendesf Mr. lcha, that the assirstance oi it bashels more Ilian in l1893. The iliarausu Gompers utt hi criticul mioietit ould inithie nortbefn division n-as 17638,(M10have hroîîglit i-iîry tai tht sînikers. Theý arhaîshis, ceatril 2.00.000 bishis. 'anid ihouglît that tht bî-aîlOf te Airacricaa ir oîiîhern ,5 00 usiiels, as coinpaarcri Fédération laid grarun too vanserviative. n-lithiSI9. "lie qunity of parnuiin tic For irst vice pr-sida-atMNlr.T. .J. Mor niarrhermi division is 9t8 anîd cenral 1a5 pcr gan, O! Chiicago, anad îr. MeGuire, ao ic'ait..aOr nibrait nua-arage cr09. Southlli 'lîitadarlpliai a'. n uiiiateri. TheI-ut( r. criaIlilinîois i. anly 70 per ca-nt. o! an 'a 1,865 for chrc 2261 for Mnir aeraige crot. Morgan. Tht election wasma:de unani "es John McCaffley. n-ho bas latain ontrial mu n t Springfield on a charge of steuli ngsix- ATO TCGALW USD ,th teccai iînd of cattie f roui Farmier Scrog -________ALO S UED ,ngin. near lHarrisburg, on the w'itoarssi, Jaceý9 Cronin Il.ecuted at Hartford lnstand gave bis life iislory. Aacording ta Coun, for lilllng Albert Skinner. i'i' is slory lbu bas stoien hundreals of lua bhonoidudrr fAboISi ls of horsts in Illinois, Indiana, Ohijo, Ken- Jh rnn udiro letSi tucky. Tennessee, Missouri, Texasuaîr nur, n'as hanged ut Welbensfield, Con'ii in ()Iid Mexico. At nu ime, ho declureal. on the men' uuoafnrtie gallons, non' lega gai bu stole sixteen liorses in 3Mexico. For in that Stale. This n'as the irst lest ao th btis crime the greasurs ebased him co tucniivance anait iln'arked ta the mar buý thiRosfndaa T...tion of Varaen Woodbnidge. vhq nurd Joiid thé 11h Kansas isyliankens ler hefly esponsihie for ils adoptioan anq n-br won itinisnamual. Cronin'@ îîcc 111# 1 Pech exoeisitoner.S A D ItT1ê Is ha. eo clled the suicide galleos. By a Mot ingeniounscontrivaence ltheanale- _ _ u factor hs indinectl>' conpeuisal toeesete REPORT ON TREAIMENT ^No te himeelf. This exlriordinary Connecticut PREVENTIO>4 0F DISEtUSE. bj gibt litconnecteai nitb e couceidedlu clockwork eppanalus that operates. tics itlah e bydraut 1h, sAtomatit aRumi, nitb Bureau oft AnImal IUduatry GIr.. tuechol n-buels and cgl andl spingsé anal catiche., Raî tLn u hruh ~ T- anal the nhole sinister andl steaithhly Pi fLn n hruh]a H n-erkiang muchinery in invisible nI onîr Vestigation ef Bwine Pliague sad to the condamnel man on tho scaifoid, Olhor Epidomîca.De but aigu, 10 lie officiais andl spuctators. Ils operatiog tmachilileryiq so conînireal Strict Qurantine ifeceeary. D that the murderer in stuppiaag on the drop Witb etlmated losmem of between $10,- who springs a calchn that ats in motion an »000~ andl $25,000,000 f rom hog ehoiera mil apnioat i! hc ay buregniateal analan luspagne lu the Unitedl States, apanuoftignthut i n al I engthuee.itue discussion ef tue treetinat and menis or alorluner us the haugnian aluies, of prirention of these discaes nel a belle.- spnings bbe i napaundl Jaunettes blianato tin lisueol byhebAgrienturul Depantaieut uta-nuit>' jgst us the ;jul gihbet n-esn'ont in of grial valu. te the forierof.t lig lu do. The coradenanual man n-asmmnarched country. ho the gallon-s staire aîîd led up on the The Bureau of Animal IudustrY he. drnop, lies ima anad legs sîrappeal. the belu conuctiug an exhaustive Investiga- anoneu adjusheal.anda te black ca dnann tien of tliIs aubjeet anal finals that th. Ilerhlm face-. Inaia instant, Iben, 's1tu agent. wblcb destror the germa of on.e oral n-anine. %%ithout a signal on the part tisas fatal diaclases, are al effective in of unyboal>' a'.itiasut an aggresslvu more'tue destruction of the germa of the outter. ainiamt fronitlae hangman or lothers, w.ith- Ectu are gpreed b>' Infection snol hemr out jreimiiiury noise n'batever on the course varies tram oue day te bhre. i)rnt o! lbe cornei machiner>', the wo.ks. Botu are conseil by bewtdos body 'o! the crniinal n'as shol mbt the The germa of hog choiera, saym lbe ne--th air. port, au very hardy anal rigorons. nhileth ('roain haI been a bireal mon for Albert thosée of the mwne plagne are rery deli- edl Skinier-atîtifty'South Windsor fariner, cale and l econsl destroeea. The laI- for auvt-mul moniiba, anal aid gocal service ter are founal te bu preaunt lu pructiculi>'tete torn bim. Hae 'ent on a proongual epres.&Il bondi of sana, but the formnermontah. bl a quarrea-.nad then a fight nith Skin- b. iutroduced fromn infecteal hurds. i ner, anal the lutter lhrew nou ot of the The most efficient vrua remuai> trie-aiMI& bouse. Cronrian ent an'ay mutterini, b>'tue Govenment'a agents la th. fol-w' vengeance againat bis empOyer, uni twIo ing: Wood, charcoal, aniphur. sodium th' hoarni Iter rehnrned nith a aoubletar suiphete andal atimour sulphide, euene reli'd aholgun anal killeat Skinner nitb a pouud ach; sodium chloride, isodinas, i- me' charge o!fhbnll>' abt. carbonate anal sodium itypoenîphite, tvoma ponill each. These are 10 bc compieteir tair HISTOIO VINNA. pilverized anal mixeal, anal a Ial dose of E e largs tabiempconful for ilch200 pounads Midway Attractlaio Be ]Reproducoal neight etfitogs gîven. Thte meaicine mil ou a Gigentic Seule- b. uaed also am e preventive of theme if1 Visitorai bo thae Vorld's Fuir 'viii recall disea. lmit onla ho put in the ouai o! the with viaid îaeasnure Olal Viennaileuoettue n-bol. berd. To mnne more succeis- aut the mont interesting attractions of -the fui treatment tue animaIeshaoulai b. kept rai Midw-ay Plaisance. Ibm unique- ia.rac.ltdry' and -aujnfoxttW ourtersaa-arsln lunsoniurrd ntria, its.,-.-igmuie from draft. af air. z . z sicx inonthsý San anal attractive civironnmunts ma. an shauli! bc alidwed tauea4pkè alter an ont- im-pression on the mind of thome n-ho an- break befare nen- bol are purcbuseal orl il tuasIl eu-onl>' bu effecein-heu the aur of tue Io lal bfd ra. The report recemmunda a riglal quaran- tlnlug of nenly-bonght lhogs anal tb. pre- rention of tIà jcining th"ail e tho farm for J et ilsix n-eeke. During th.en-arm moilhmo! tue rear lb.en-mun ahonlal have pleut>' of yonng greai or il r;crutbeal or rolled wnhuaI ahaulal b. f eate the gron-ing animais. CORN UP, WHEAT DOWN. The Average Feaits Price of Varie.. Agnîcutural Producte. The relurnm ta tue staliatical division et I Ithe departanent ef agriculture for Decena- ber relate principalir ta tue averae farma prie. of the varions agricultural products on the tiratIlda of the menti. B>' form pricea inmemant te price at the farm or * liii ~ et tue nearesalIocai or rafln-ay market - 41iercial quotationsalalownco mumt b. profit. cf dealers, etc. Ths ferm pnice ef ea - corn averageai 45.6 cents par huaitel, n-hlch lui ______la 9.1 cent. higher than the correspondîng Ti -price. etlest year. n-hichva 30.5 conta per bnahei. This price. n-e 6.3 cents par d bushel igher thon the average prie, fo- ne lhe decaie 1880te 1889, analila mat 4 li ce-ts hîgiier thon the average ton the nu BE BILTIN c~1oo.four yearg, 1890 ho 1893. The aere in 0 __BE _________IN__CHICAGO.__ price.of n-et la 49.8 cents per buahel, aà 1 ieruarries uft he W~hite Cilty .are no more.t. linest prie. in lb. pont twenty-five wl îBait this aine attration nta itit 5 ob yearm. Titis 33.9 cents Isnsu tian MI sraitctiig more than n mumony. for if the tbe average for the ten >'ars, 1880 ta 1889.4, prlans of sua-irai Chilalg' mont promu- muid 22.1 renta legs.titan the aerrge for b3 nIni ar lqrrid mt, t wll c tr fur yearai, 1890 te 1893. Tite returua Im 1îrn-tIr%.rr iii a-dirlig forru. nanke 1h. eerl price.pur buahel o! rye am t It is iatrsa ta ena-ct a mnuamotb (.0.5 cents, n-hlch la 1.3 cents Ion-or then vc .surrîctîtir-. so)ntý-nbat simailiar in design te th, prie. et the ane date lest year. Tite t l Vitna babt fan surpussiaag if in averae farm price.ofilets a retumnealvil grandraauînanan thet inrnsitYou t is Pro- for Dec. 1 thii year im 4.1 cents igher bc Iluuaruis. Therptauts lanae atîl bea-ni arav thun for tue corresponding date lest yeàr, Ivthe afr- an-litert andl dessigners o! the big 32.9 centmpar bushul, againal 28.8 F'aiaslair alra if th-ir idcas ara- car- Dec. 1, 1893. The average farmn prce. cf ia-i oral Chia-uo niii have the mait hurler la 44.3 centm par buahol egeinmt u tnafiqe sîa-tîciult-arl.Ilvl b 40.6 conta for lterer 1893, or a gain of naowna as Historie Vienna, andna%-aili bu 3.7 centa. The prie. for 1892 n-as 47.24 lot-aleal ou Northa C'ark anal Locuat cents. Thte average price.of buckn-heat Istret-s. iving a truntage o! 277 fel on la 562 cents per bnmitel, againat 59 coenst rtire formeir aunia 171 fr-at on the ltter, for the year 1893, or e deeine of 2.8 cents. The arr-Iaiteettrè nilr lieih renuissaaîel The returna show- the average price.o! yîiaagiî-rf a'itia the oIl Geratan inf vogue bar tu bu $9.18 par ton, n-hile [bat cf lest a ii Vu-nana andal long thelacDnube. The >-ar ou tue ferma n-as $9.12. ,f grealusit enture o! the an-w projeel 'viii The avrage condition of cornl 4- Ire an imrmense u, ditoriîum. -caable Of Theo condition of ninter whte on Dc sealinag 12.011)0pe-opale. It n-il reseaubie averageal 8D, ageinal 91.5 lu 1893 and 87.4 IthetoltayiiAlbert Hall, Londlon, but n'il lu 18M2.Il the principal ninter n-hast- a sa-t 4.1(mure persanis. Il niIi ensii>' Slates the parceotages are as foilen-s: Ilbc theu Iiggest anal graudeut naditorifum lMichigan. 92: Indiana,8;Ililinois, 91; in tht wald. Kass 72; Nebraska, 76; CalifornIa, 92. "lire lia-er punrssarf tht building n-fIl The retiaros of corspondents o! the de- le conataaii, aiîaanîg oaulililugi, 13 storens, a parlaient mail bhe ucreago of ainter iarda-l Ititel, '.aith I121> aprtmen ats "I 40 1ilhctsownneitt ati103 pur cent, o! tue - itagin rouas: librair>'aindalr'ditng-nrrrr final estimat. of thu arun hanvesteal lun fana lia tia luading inilfus o! the nvorla; 180, nhich n-as 231,518,79(1 acres, a é lilliatrd ntil, bow'linguIleya nvarita-lerger figure thun the preliminar>' est ie il antisae inu ail ils duails; estn- mate given out in Juoc lest, m-hicit uponr rmots. '.itb a vlrautmaLuErropuana chef further investigation n-as fouanalttelbe tee - In hag !tucuiiu- yina " lîr on'This prelifuinur>' estimate there- V- 'caniaiii I-ler' aindl"Bien Strutr." Ifore mails tt anaa w-vufor tthurveil Inaatulilen itea- ullualuaurso! iffr-o! 1893. 24,224,000 acres. t-iiCnuau, nanat uas, Imanti carrab ifr. aaaiglaiitaeni m ." tutu lrasumu, banqueart 'IlS NOD IS LAW. bale s iraalu u miaa lairloicts hll i ti fr lIraniirîaeaganduI laibrIl 01 T"~ Sultan of Tîrkcy and Hnw Me l,-ast, lIra-entra-atoluthae boxes@Il luat Rulea Hlm Barbarie 1Land. trami Iaets tret thlirugb a perméanent one ofthlie ail inlercsting personali- lata-r ladina guden. Ies in the n-orîd juil non- is the Sultan cf Mutllaunrd f lat ut the verl bighest Tunke>', Abdlul Hamial, n-be sardis ru- typeî. iIu-anstitunîrthe- banie attraction AMEN111l sponsiblu tom the mi- dofthie "Ilistie ia-oitnut." In ils walis cent horriblemua- a',ilI he e nriil <ilinîasiî- a la Tbeo- cru o!fnom 6,000 te dura- Thla rma.uiva-sitiiid b>' bat oet , 10,000 Christiana lna e. Sraus. I coneeton hèri a ou-Armenia. Ho bas Nisernautrrra-o! atîmîie nili bu establimbeal. been Sultan aine. aArrangemients n-Il bat cousuminuteal ta te,1876, n- heube sanc- p-urua Idi free.' Sunîlny aumnroas b>' the most ceded bis brother.t a amiraa-t iivines Iîrl a a bu sc(areal. Murad V., w'vitel pocra aTrinsltJ3 jede inemiso. r oled:. eta is' Mytne appReivXe sigem ers~ ees','o aesm ee ri Dr.. TJ bo renmerof1t hot s pplited to vresoeasedi ission o ues pitloal d os w ubl btlwu Telend ttemon ineredluth mut o t atent 04.,' tua b. close , i oenign l e thnat Tu paient'mof h I id viien the thnde ài.belv ,ime theairr Wmilsfon, i.pais5 tig luo ne j*thent fthe bjtuY muftneosly tii. t i aer 1114~ leaTn~iî ?reh ar hr or thiem rverse aide Thisair la torce l at fI lunge by thie eomprossion of the hiAllos., This la ail there la te IL. Dr. Gibbons gays a large eomaiq esthm frots electricity are flot insati seous, and conld b.e verted by ni.ntion. The voltage nOeiiBrl ta,~ net a, fixed <pientlty. In Steteexct froux 1,200 toe1,800volt* are uned, wiii U, ho maya, ho le ecquainteil wlth. e ue - rhere a man opeutiag an elotris x ' mo reeelved a mhboa frointa cuttWt<*t ,fi0 volte streng, and va« r*suoUS by ordln'îry nrotho4s atter Mares la another came Dr. Gibbos' ou.w &nt a Mr. Greenwood. receivel. voit@a nd wam restored. D'Argon " ports a came wbere a man recelvsêdMê, volte and was mesumcated aftr biMLi beur. HEAD 0F THE SYNDICATIL ' le"u A. Stewart Organiad the lEsta chaseof the Boent Bond Ise.b John Xai Stewart, sponsor of a ~r~ syndicate, who orgaele .pucho* the mniot recent bond lsune of $50,MOM< la 72 yerof a#& Him early edueatioS h. recel'red la t" j publie achools of New York nd iho wa Muated *Mfl when ho. u yeans old. Per S years he wuasw of the. Nev w ék Board of 1~to Thon ho allppw 4 position as U mr~ ~KSA. ~of the United Staten lie reminaned eloven years. In 1804 viie &sstant Unfted States Tritemurer CIsc. vaceted the, office, Mr. Stewart; vas ehiomen by Prémident Lincoîn te 61fin~ whieh ho dli!, disehafglng bis duflee wilh ikili and ebity. He bas for aaY YaM been president of the United States Tiîat Comnpany, and under bis cure the bumineaS or the compaziy ham grown to ifs premaa great proportions. SEAILERS SHOW ANXIETY. Canedian lImbesa Expected MOr» tbee premiMent Clevelsand Recomeumn.uua Accoding te a Victo-1ia, B. (1, difflfob President Cleveland% recommendslion t: congres. te puy $4=5000, practk-mIW bla full settiernent of the dlaims of OanaslIs meaiers against the United States, ciase arrioums seculation. Wheu it vw» la .fficially Mated nme monthe ago 00 that amoant would b. paid il was unihe. atood to b. merely for clalir eiu te the Parla tribunal arislng ont0=11 seîzurei lu Behring Sea dun ig 1887, and 1889,there havink been nui»ýÎ lm8 About $400,000 wes the aIMOor." claima on thisa ccount. Qanadianushm~ fully expect to rec Ive large smnabe lS lois of prospective profits throlwb * -., cqumlon nder the modus vivendi, iqs0EaI ly becaq for 1801, the flzat ré.mat arrangeaent England' advancet $100,000 as lndemnlty. Clatum «t lUS sud 1893,. whlch wili be preem& 00M the Canadian and British WC3"ot~ ainount te considerable' momreM$»* Therp is likelY te b. a at»Ut* i8 coai minera ln the. EeynobbsY.ay and Punzautawne iae likla ~my~ nia, owing to a redoctis et &.PUt ia wages. Passage et the Piei od~ to the lnteeutate

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