CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1894, p. 5

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erfi one year, for onlY il ENoýNT. NEWBY NOTES. CtNI PROCÉEDINGS. PERSONAL. H.C. PÀ zOc, rosa Ml PIaop. Partioile. of Information Oathered Reguier Meeting Village Board. Mr. Vre, eto Churoh and Society Directory. bDu etigNwaerr. LiBznTY VILLE, Dec. 3rd, 1894. 801therii Iowa Monday. M,1)1T-3. iB. WNounPastor. Ber l-i iy- go away p.c- ol or There being nio quorum preserit, J. S. Lee moved hils family back to viciGe i d Caus. 10 a.; lPreueb haioe friern1.a tiinq you, or you arm Prestdent adjourtned meeting to Mon- 13ilwalîke Th ils ley av 1day nîghit, Dec. 101h. Malle many friend leheei h P. m.;edaebyeing 7:30..Paenigigt ieap tm8ceore«lehewo Frayr Ot gingto ffrea prtig sutwa7.30.eeP- E. L. DuBois, Village Clerk I regret their depart mLbry tioei, or tchen your rJ&rch or societ1 ville. srie:Preaebig,10:30 . M. andé 7:W5 e~~ay oed~g rwe AjundMeigVlaeBad ~,r 1 -.FSMîer. atr anta Claus will perc a "Ferris rmew lieei . Wedneadity eveniog 7.15. Il .. y. P. B. C. IL, 6:16 P. m. yait sell, buy or change yiour reidellnce or LraEartTVLLiR, Ill., Dec. 10, 1894. Wheel" iustead of a tree ut the M. E. bosnes, o yoî*sonor aagte ismar Bordmet pursuant to adjourri- lîurci e(liriâtmajs eve. Gio and soee UNIVE1uALIOT-Dr. J 8 cantiveill.Chiloe or wrimen your neighibor geUt a tiew Ment wlth Pres. Avenuiln the cari-y the preaeuts 'round. monilta. 8. B., 12 m., each BuadaY. baby, or, ini a trord, if yoit kiîow or Iiear Present.-Appley, Heath, McCormie-k,1 Perba1>s hie'il have bornething for you. o! 92-F 1 , oayiten of iiîtr8ttoth public, Oiriie adTyo.Asn-Iý Charles Siloitz tormerly of this 'egILL Cmlis 8Iati.. S .j ad tbSM.ebriani or se,îd it in heri INDEPEN»- (regor. lîîutu's of, place and MWOss Anae Jackson were wissofeoui rooth . VsOpbeirncr tiiand2lst read and ont motion of dii sWuoied. . * .M ECNI'Itcilll y palilL4u il. 8hadmurried at Keuoëtha, Wis., ihursday ___________________Ii__ Buy your Chistmas Hat and cloak Apiuley and Heath were approved and Dec. 3, '4. ibey wil make their 1 placed on Ile. Mcaregor tîren came bomne at Lake Forest. We wisb the F. C. K NlQ HT, M. D. of mrsI. Protine. lgiu ibosel and took his seat. frmnho couple a long lie and prosperity. Booms (o rentina the Hgiaihos reasurer's report for thmmik ran crnsof PhysicIa,) 0, Surgeoi),* I. B. Ray-. November read. Said repuort shows.-,temil ri cmst Office Over Drug Store. Don't forget to lerive yoîîr orders 1a'nouttonthand Nov. 6th. $608.76. 1s ddeu stop, if la a common remark T0 ~ M ut the cash market, Walrond & Hoyt.! Nov. 12, received of Joseph Boeihm, t> heurotewa l uahîtenger a:-l our-1sit UOUTWBORSmaoAv. You eu buy >our wlfe a Rat fer du-M quarter saloon lî-eliiue, $337.51). lAbrSvilIe, lit. j' hncsto r.R . lrlît.rotai oit lband, $946.26. Disbnrse- i agalu. Wish the compariy would les thn ostofNIr. . foHrill monts, Nov. 6th to Dec. 4th, $48379 superauuat.e the old mani, hes too Dr. Charies Galloway, leasaut the Libritry ln Smith & Swft,,, eaving net balance on baud lat treus- erbldt esf.Idn ulsi Offce n Lvel's ury uof8W32.47. 'Motioni Aîuîueyand l'm alwa>s airaid tîe'li l lnis tfIllte Offie l Lovll' Dru Stre.McGregor the report be aceepted linil dltch agaîn." I.r-iB a 1 ocick.A.M. If yon waut a grilul tlled watlih why 1îcdo ie arei S. 1. Pope, of Chilcago, Whîo if pro» 1 1 to 2 & ato 8 P. M. Yot, can get one of C. B. Shierman1 fo IiFinac cmite sîmtted i le Prietor o! air extenolve plantation iu ~1brtuUL,- tLul. For 810to. ! 'olIo wiîîg bills a td reeotnmended pu >'t!rthe mu burbti of Li berty vile. anîd Peter _______________________ Fr îiLi,'s.Silk Hitiîîlr.i'R. C. Paddock, 11.113; Johnt Dietz, Mc>3leer model farmer, who lias receatly ldes alîi (tents njeek welîr, eail on $1.7... William liîwllman, $6.72; Johin tlioroughily tlle drained his several Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, riPoin.Sdarn, $19.60u; G. F. Cooper, $8.25; hunuired acres wekit of Ivarihoe, wr Office over Trigge & Tayiore Store AUl kinîls o! Ladies Fîîriiiýiiilîi-Fed Siedum, $18; Chas. Sîisser. jleasant caller to tUis oflce to-day., BOUES: s b tUa. imi.2tu Sp. m. Atiolp. im. jGuuouut vu-iv low lpries aiutMrs~. îiSur;Heniry Boycén, $15.110; J. A.! C. W. Mjuudhel lias startc-d unothc-r LQBM: .ttJ. ETIIiS'. H. S. Hrîlbritgs. Mioore, $19.32; Nie-. Keber, $8.25; Dari subscriîutionlualuer thijs >ear to raide LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. Laîdie-s îiw is the time - W iiîY has;! Mrcormick,81.; George Pelton, futumi for belletit of!rthe aeudy p)our. ou cnge the~ yn îîî.-lu t M s8.25; Ted Fiîîcutter, $4.80- Widlie7,lie Ulirîstma8 preseuts dtistributed DR.E.}t S IT Il. S. HIirllhntt's.1 Williams, $2.00; H. C. (,Ieason, $6.75; 'by hlm last year Word worr.hily be- Fo (ra len~t.v. , ~ Wm.irn i $u.3;JhnLweue towed aind we bespeak a hearty co- îiîe~,î.re ouniî git.tueîus~ tov 86.81;William Warren, $2.70; 0. A. oîeratiou iiu his generorîs, tinselflisi, Office aver Loveii'a Druit Store.,foithî ie lu-a>1 1,noue.v. H eathr, 8.25; A. P. Staîules, $18.48; 1 motivets, which, cornes from bis TO12 . .n:,, ICal-b riglit, $2 m7; 'i. H. Fresirmaiti, îuatrj-utîc utr.Vecerul o Hous:(I O 1:.:A.':),A choie lot of (Iii ista m;,. dt. il $ 1; 1dF C iiri&nna$4' iirte urie. W heflycn Lbertyville, - Illnois. hiigtliu a ukfoîr .l tiiilt,. Litrir lo- 9 xi.ittco ie ______tri Smntrh & .ivfî.iture. î>eotion ii -eaid Tli thr(lebIll ld iulal Grrnrîoi'a ifamily rejoive 1 eallowed uîol waîrrants, for the;0e u nearî io wnb>, -. I F' iii S i i Iluta iirgiii-D) o ~~iz seVver:îîamoitîrts lie drawn ont(élieI llea ie araio tillrboys, A. W. ZE GLE R. D. D. S wn i îguide ' iiii f"- ra-rr rmtri eletv uuslul -1ti T i llare peivels21 CbMlCAGO OFFICE teuefo hi epciefid ldI br8etvlý 1810 Chamnpaigi Building, cor. S1atal ai s aî'îîSix C aîuru t.inti -trC r . Gali i ies the credîr. to his - ~~~~FORi llN'T -Tie lbouise reetlv oe- A ivirbal îîroîio.itiori wrs sent irl î~iiîi adtetc la il LUb.riîiilie, Satuûrd-y only * &,bh wtk. i-i b% îîChl es Sm liii. <,ioil le Il, Vtit.eBoaîrd tiiuglir riistee Oui.)orîî e p ýiiI td tr att 01hS wit iliî ,,Ir. -lie tîriigi- liii- uilk to the L i Lurt> vi t- (ut,- rig.. Vîîua. ior, u--.t-ri il bari il-1îuh r lu F. tl i )m J. W i;ituu 1,rtt if rte Boordceel. - . vieli bi sliipei to the Teath Extractfd wthout Pain. ChistF~mas gooud-uin great vitriu-ty, w 111.1 rîle;is,- hlm from building a cttjýolcm iii- -uALL WORK WARRANTD. i- it--.,fî ilti î Mi io rslirbtwar it ntre eat idle 0f Jur -AI lm lvL.Bo-uis, etc, tl8l ijl treet irifroitof hîs prouîerty (ueo. cater look charge of t-e J. . B UBAIEl i Mn-. Nuurilnu- il, iiideit-ul bvorditicjNo. 48, lie Lîbtrit> vill public seîol Vudiies- J.H.B UB K R J]Ilittf-1uonrtilt ig FlglBurt-Iof 'ritcule W "Iid aiîk-r-,bulillii irsteadilaafouir dit% aut-ri-a)ii w±ile î)1ijiilîiîl Davisu Pi-iTi'G iAPIIER. î iiiii wv 'Ai 4~4 l.34oI îîuiuu fo tir. %alk ualug thre West sigle o! wîtii liiliieli (iiotliu.r citizelîs n elt t i. Gonese. St. Waukaganj .ý-iii!g i 2;.-.ak-ui, 1tuiîe louîiîs Suafai rontumDivi.-Ioristreet IllevîtN, Nw hotui-rih.Il-e)weîe dratted 16GuaeS. W u e a . at 22('123. 1;1.,t wiik. to liai k naillie. )loilîr Me reýgu)r't> te.tIIý a.t-)Illue bii,lîeo caîlavit> The hrlitt il 4 srk dun,. I l o w i lu n for w linn-r Wi 1< '* i Ta> lorthie li upoul tiîînu ofM r r o ail L itit. i i r i versai Bitluvr ie r-iJeicu-d. 'M otioni ho i rith îa t haiItjwi Mi tt l îiI i h k Satisfaction assu red to ave ry n.Two n, ik I . i lle kî-- . fi.) z ri tu-rta:îl ii i 'stilte-ihai r. ili-tI age I&til r;l i r-a oii-crvatvir. iiîur, itue fimurare jun îî, 'n-î i thbe cbi JUpera nosias naîtI sÎ~rr1i ~ 3~l ~ .3 alii N etit i. l iloliim ai-. 1 Moiol li lerîli anîd ApIî,h-y thl tri.unetrtan luri bi hcié have beaaPlu -l treiqu.e iilii> -mai-111i r a n iige SI) a., nu ilae 'i- lu kbicago for soins imua Tuée m i , 0tben-.noiawîe ouiip.uiig tofacietY pol Aete i- tfii 1t rte I i. E. -hlurch i Cli itmN ti.i lmm irt uori,-otf Ml i-' îy-momaay DnLgr.t.%bon ste ep."o4 ib liarsilit I:iî-'ar- nîî.i'- - îilu!ti ii ~ i-r <ilIliiiiîîtt ou tIldu-i rthre dtra, and a magniicent audience l Cl l iti clii, -i - ai, iuîur,-ilan, g ofiai. it bi- cou*iy. 1 sured for everyacceed nsg irt ot Ladies and Chiidran'a MITTENS, ilp loltviiqo rIjej t&%eek. fortrio. advanda sae bas 7111 îu o!FALL and II~TR M111211Y îii. imrtii. u,îîrt îîîî 11îîiî.l~lie arnee dii- riofgrtheato! th seaonuatitee 10ii , Ol FILt and DUR l- YiCourtTaili Ca ,4odmy louse. During ber second n«eikl Fancy W ork M ate ia ls, nii- i.ti jl l o h îrlltti-j-btiIlu iw-. -.1oî~ g Icidal rbby Aah y Ladin Nekwer, R chln. ec. - - . fl X n-t ai m, i-u-h:' i t-la i-I nu - ir rle, d -i - rti î nh'y ien t 5lit Prmist e rai n,"pie - SITH& S IFT ~ li iiiii Xiii îiiarailtit i. b--îîîîîîî i?,. sAai ra yld "T ly nul Dnrih ti il ENS aOr î. lb vit i.. li i si~bl îuî or iiiil t-1> tC o:tfarnui-i ddne lit bea-il it-i bolreyaniP er 0 ii - fI..rdake County ifmi La ie ec we r Jch ÀJAtc 5 t ,i io t-I-rA iii - -ni -. nt nii? l îii g:cIreif vIl r lg i' iiî tit ii- liliî- -hiel p*ir. - ail 1 -ii et ii- li t-~ .-ivi-rîI tiiîîrs j:;î. foii-ra 1-1,auri iiuiift liiiîînil h0 ie la- aù-,,.i- neltftnwhitt e ________________________________________ ioit l iIli ii l li- .ia-.e Ill iil Ad-Ioi ned aitMe e itin Vill a od l ai tiih aietîiiî l i-iliis iv Crias.i~amsr, lîlhai rrgtil u-\hale li Iiit gr Lui>i il,-.sieci fa it î.a iiahi. ti lii lîîiîîr N o .- It 1iiîiî ii ituii-.ri..u h ii. ii:%iiil nut i iiiiiit tufreeif i llageiit iOut- irdh lik-tîîîî> hut La-.sze~rr h- xihI.l- i le. ii.iiBank lvitli 1aob ut Aitruli liiritei ito Cu>lii % Cus i-tir,- Hors. o ri e -il; i - 1~ iP . d !lit' sv.jIfrýa vvîd a nd ii-ti-rs hlui ; l.s- it.I - ~~i sii , - o f i-iiig ti V -l. WMPS ii Liiai- Ihînl f u'u A.. lii l.ifl-it P ct I : Ii lt iiiil i î-im i c l&fiie iiiok ufCuhigus o, of - - TAUNKS AN VL ISE. til ili i tht--, Scil. , iîtui ct-il . ii iciiecl Ab> Iiýiitetulug igîtCi--tn cliri- uruu-s Si ioIIITuSinu $llu\ 10 % l ' iii ai- ,i-i-u 't 1ii uitigiicaItî. ert.tir -i w Il il>eiil irilt te n tui- t-n i ît niL iii Hd îu--ii ubi- iî h b-i-iutui îur ti tii îîîe îîtisirtu-ul t i t, lSî llu iiii[te sIti enmruii lutisn- ii riteistPayablonWays OU I , 5'tflisni>otlle i Tlirt- pi-,,hi-ri: - uu\\Î11, iisihi , u- thed Mee-ting tillage- B ard . tu t a i u liii d is,.ilb 1ii i o oi tr . A l t o i i uoi on t lii i-.i i ta hi uc, ioir-rliaien t I)% - e t vir o dtr~Žis lIlu -nuîu uilt ou i ruer t w i h Arti I i-a t - niiio , AND-Il i IN....l I oî i l ive l i irg u t-e ii ili N W-ic;- ie f u M lw îik e i . b>- Jar.sluit. be a m.ii-s il' icul iai rr ronr it ~r- iet, t-il te rprstîitii on 1-'., t hiroiui& iii> t ni ou rlg t liei HorseIIIlsonian ohdi, rs tîoicdUîiItîu r.sritht uragur reu d it vuîiidfumNw tîtMrke ihafil ia ROaESa Cliruis Wlw IoI l lîêr nrd n yroi'-bnluo irur .-b ttî mis nur-us fuilta aui Vegtahe-î; AfnChaigdstrnýias Goods lia rt To iitrorutteyrl i ii gc lrî welddtha îeioex jTIt-c u ASrtiigita h lituîe )l îîyonr puchairi atict-tbetecu C Iiirtlî îîom Hot'leîse o D>mondit eLairr es d y u l orsouî to 50 cents on the dollar, iiOweautl eft o aîvr, a o uîît-v Urt Ibritîge a it tilt erîiiier, ai w ;e îik>u r gtigairdo rm 15 dz Hadkerhie Spri dllratr. tlt pl 18.01)a g viotAnwestgoo;okShermatne 110%vclhm f Clblieo Mut SokFloo, rY nos f ritBrbraol veEr-rIHrr-uodh irown lor iaaddu-iter sitUi Htulurîtîi-aGodFhcdTh w arr Stoe, Ltîertî 11e. (O-il ouetislt-izi n dumî,Ill in ti nof h e Boanfrd th t doîIlics . F . W -iitl ll l u b R tem SrilJ<, a andisct ryiheLDony ocet. gru-I retue11il rlfimi-imr m'ovtr t uir oi 'alTu-nt olhitifs of 33 1-3 p' ce t FîrlaîiORM s SR-r o - duju.Ani uecutricmitehirîsoiiirmrnkîow wrît ieisulihi1 Drs G osatads-St-ct ifor eiiateening. Thet-d thu tlrceuuîy for gravel rld otadotIrem >lie bett. tl i ordb t SataCacent. ieter i itlt -mninîs ridgon tir IdlrIrulttunissFlit nd-,g al g- Iititer. Ladr-s: flimati-e~Vlit ~st-rhvd lîtîswhrr.-î mrtedy .. t 8e Iîlrge-utli i uiifii-lh art-gooîug of Chrismas Goo s at Wrilt Gue. mFriie; Neiatie tEd wd riigeiuIVvet lit A srigtd i ttte lia-rgup ulotunk, vve Wîî oîî Llern a anneunIu, Nolsiia ceblh A ili rîrul frustHet- lîi to>' Dp.m. gneiliuî tendr oulu Vc ommenul 50 cnts n th dolar, ow ad th ti- - o l.ýabi.i brirdure, alDelthir, he dommiteeour thk tre-isdum aîîî abuorvufitr free.giet bsîdelf 2s radnîî2g"' f t e eoutî-actor rejt-t 'l rave l Ibt-ssed.ytii heed t ]uiwt 15ndoSeehe n ikcest une etiollNr. B1'ps L.cyrjueftohe Li'l îs nite. and >-orkiwe ad- tie ril e evmofu vlble or AritBrerfor e gelH r-o cnrELt Bor , Vad illa e Terherramn hth r aon aul the Last fôré, dar IExcursions. io--.a-- Ideive.s ew We.ster ' s _In-1 teorna-oa i Itio- "orne Right WY As Colby & Co. ren-arked to Claus, when they net the Boy. Copie Pight- Ip To C olby & Co's And sec wlîat they induced Sant.l leave there for the Holiday Festiv'tt Copie Where the Season is Renieinbered. Coiby & Co.îm ili make you feel thec good old days are here agairi. THE FINEST LUNE 0F' apcy ChairsîfqocI' E-ler broLrght tii ti- city mî ill bc showîî this week. '/XAC 1 EfrýATV1& SO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., vi.. yiitr timle tii liookirg arouuîd for Ciuiutmas Preý sutre antd dccidc on suuruetiiiig Uscftui as iî'el as Ornamel Rockers form 5Octs to $6.50 Fine Wall Pockets, 7Octs to $1.90, tands, Center Tables, etc, 9Octs to-$ -j UNTING I iere is no better place than Libertylv! uy a Good Reliable HuntingorOpert f Watch or any other Timepiece, C. R. SIIIRMAN IIAS A FULL LINE OF 'ý Genîts' \Vatclîcs Silverivare Ladics' Watclic-i Fountairi Plins Masitle Clocks Ladies' Gold l>ens ChaSeý %Vood Clocks Emblems Novelties of ail kinds in the Jeîvelry and get his prices, and you % L.ow as ,the Lowest. Everytý ail tb.ree

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