CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1894, p. 6

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k no, lu .I, et *touno - ~abontii Doou*' lëad no Ybu àîlOSÈag R mtkosgi? Reogu '.ueTH4E PREAOMi'â MRSIN deutigsostrig.te e h 7 olu~gsDiu1 hdrsbe mg~and the 1fovers pt ulianVht ofth* oiue. t kO»eI~ -!V,14 fa danger net because thr 0a F BENARES, INDIA. tea ha ave thelr fragrance unerg 01aGod ton s outl tbel1 hgr dangerlindoingilI, but because thore b- hl h l inltheoppeaîteofa ara- gravesi, but tbeg viiiÈot their op- "No honar ln dolng my dutv? Have ~< ~ ~~After yen have Sea te «bats the Ivo the day la won, se ut viii hoc on.Noè I tl I wat, hear Wl b>=»sY ibis?" n teM" -a rgreat things in Benaresa t eou muet la kenaneavii ho tes gSod f«.I» Bae say, orangsudave cir ed miceu 1h do nat ni ike me, father. gtr edFkrMOnkeY5 and née.are the Golden and Mankey temples. SomiOte olb. islters et hoois"hslire thhe teoagsvn'ite DwntoreCrtain or on'. duity e not as -plain in Mlslafariee-A Brightor PInttire. About the vaut Golden temple there la Dot aonmalariasof "4000 or 85000 a Yar vt olre aeI hy DoYutscrsaet o rn es, as much gold as wonid inake an Engllmh presehing the gospel of hlm vhs iisd âOt 4â w, eoughitaeb. bit1ýýr enemules» e g of yeano," ho eaid, "net ta dis- At a lino otr oereigu. The air itaelf le asphYxiated. where ta 1m7 hie bond, viii enter bnvea Ia1 k. a men: h. thinke hat a cne ihos ain ul opie hre.At as fm ef ovenmntthponsi'lime u pi em"Rv.D.At a ha elvre he Hre s es eo nnmaking goda out aofniud and ho veleomed, and whlle looiag for a Th=eséya afrai gveam hu iw ± ifu.too,"Mest h adthird of hie mren of round the wonld mer- and thon puttlng their bands toiehrl lc amtdwnte ilb od Jn M ud.I<> o ur;b tie g it ote1hpiibea nsiri A e Mos through the promu. the ubJet betg wanahl) Oi that which thm elven bave dor In thatla erln aitrna o ii 16R #qen s W rs; ut1h.wonl fottbith n a ?:t ~ nocra h nt the "Burning of the Dead," and the tort: made. Sacred cae wl paddw esyu lcs o ntotrnsn Cel. kiD aufir aaiffipte, oir ofhy athbed, ut'hUnitdednt;th tmp eHres tood afUwi h oi.Dn' e e h epe fakir. wlth a Batt1h. King. They are reserved fer thé juth Ptel hw I ouist t ey hatI mfoohe thave thor, but they walk not; neltJh- nlght arn' upliftod and for ne ong lI e mmlnal m i ng 4hJl.d Sao . Ia n a n 0 0 1ya rs e kley thrugh their thro t. They that h o cold n t take il zown. and theCa s t r a ne u I t b îa w î u ia h o1 m y training, iny loy aity, m l love, a m k . thon' are like nute thoe-."- ouo t thlie saudpents grind u antl 1hle0U7brs en om h t f btecanobsof c.,utry, nover iaught me tla mm Pai' cxv, 7, 8. ied wk erena nldni i Madn e lo mi hiAbou 5000ho iebri l oaIko p erbud1I a. .ny band egalumi My ovu pe. plo. The lite of the misiuary la a luxunlans &round the palm.laId eryerunrthméois bainalaiy puimsant bands, that bn.s alf1t glance an h. ail this and Indolent li.Hînooin'lurellg- .orthe pgod iso Gold. en s tmp I . i ionnd b~out 70 00 cderlb. Mehola- . bnt of tho»o4 oaught II t he mnuiscf mnflenlng ou Ion that onght Dot ta b.e intoero wtderrh oio gdthvlse tuaBi msinand abmsou , and000 cou le0u- .t»tà4- b» est i Ib nm fia ichampions the noble old face that ho Iaod, bho hriatianity le guilty ai an impertinence Ho ia the gad aifinar. of famine, Of peut. lscouvets unem ilnanlso t*7 »A& wo denmpoe"orsendturued mflres P. ecin 1h. look of!srnlug llab.hewcery inhon Il invades hesthendolflYeTn muet, leuce. Ho im the destroyer. H. bas er u oetauhtCr$ t thi .09 WD h o hin utdmle. es a ae ein4n uder luetanme Une of révérence Brahms, around bie neck a, sring ai ekulle.L Btmr hn ht Br-lal «ou ab. aulvacton lulu udermling htthyuan, sd mo an ho gril bis teeth and fo011a S uddha,e Mahanmed and Christ Taero-tarehlm ein ou ohamlaaInneue 'tomly u irtA taano lve?"hare fr l. omn nh wa uI 1.. saperesdtlaphOluOSnan uen cobanhd stcaio sd taCity r aiaorre bbrhodof1015bm va#e Dua i kuov,"ah. aurvered, languld- atdng murdfrtewle h u ueteeaadr n lspeisnwke ob here dlrectly or ladiretole thesia .imo baiIl asbocumoa ama tahn'odhlm that ho would have 1:00Un o prévalent, and tualaird out before the whlch 1lainorme. Belle ad ud and tbe day m fodson ihen HindeolS3, 17 "uie i W b l a oma s adofalanaîhor lime, hita oi h otatbewe e parce igiacon'e fron' flg ot=h ms hr r alasgires sway 1th st she's gaI. H. homard bis fathen'a vardai tromu-- Idlatrons and, -Chisteian coantries. 1 hundrods i181of le aasemIg Ihein inhale rillages inphlfh bave ivenu p tWer bis ey'es, «Run on te ~loue wllh emollon, but 1h01 b.d no preach Ibis thîrd sermon un n'y round the last plece oifn'aney anay. epending h gd.adweenta O nlf b ilV f ý& e b govenuor. The other meauing te hliff uhonthat ai world Series. lest item ai treugtb ln ardor la reach eidan of WoManbood la many pbsie le M ilbgrim l 'saban ai' t rellred davu lb.euater ug wilh whlch lhey weno Iu tht. dIscourue I toko yen ta the very Ibis Golden ten'ple, sied te die lu ornenar beîng uulooaened, and tlIroan nIPof fonabrt. Th geIiy's ander ahi-oud. f <<>hi, î, aî s oub headqartrs oi beotbeudofl, ta he very t ad bave tho aubes ai their bodes at abigrlxi.Hmamells a -fo r asit Temoniht; een ir acl rot "MyodVon a icon'. e taln'kaasif et auce capital ai Hindoalm, for inhat Mecce ibravu mb othe Qanges. hare ceasd, aud tlst psrk of *0 Mdthon Why rIvle bzeu waiuR tar a co'mad. no cutry ad no fathr. I expocted ta theO Moammodan, sud inhal Jérualen' An Interestlng collaoiy. ueraI pyre out whlcb lb. videwIn Mu tic alb Ca f-r, & eil » nth;bau ontuai lb. 00vipe i.ate ime lu n' y asseistne. Iî lete the Christian, Benores. ludia. ln e t inToue ai the citiez for the tiret lime lu Ieap bas been extlngulmhed, sad th Jus- CAO mysell and &Il- n accouat,01 the GOV Ïs thh.oeHtndooIn Welarrivai IIderethlulb. m W &ie I bthd ann thp rtuuît 1 lidtau oingtunonnantu sgerpaed st naindstandstandsau a euse- 4A lathé ucee rnon'scranky Norihomu nations. Yonupeuded onyoun Io ait , > aur tonue Ofai ,euluanod tbe neit morni'1<voe tarted vitb a fakir, or a Hiudoo iho, Z Te~- 117 fan liarelers te,1lok e. Al I"da IS é lb **>pobbly know vhet a tinot ho le. ByJove u d vour affecon n yutalk ot oarly. aonnSother thînga ta béeothe noanced the vorld sud lives on tan Cri*t If any oue bas amy bhfitr h ho Grgiafla, ja Could bel p me; ane te me about resignlug. Frank, n'y boy, bunîng oi the dead. We awi l, clr4m'- sol under a rougb cvrIt no a plattarm, dlaheartennientlet 1hlm keep them nit i vit eutenant word Iran' Yeu Weald dx np n'y have you turaed traitor te rour ooun- lion, ual as ny goad people lu Ameica af brick. Ho wue caoered wvll be b. nes wn priva. property. H. ln valeurs te irig rsveing statue." o Yua "lb o] ry? No, no, 1 vili ual bellevo Il; aud Englo.ud areonov advocaling il- ai the deadas u$asaIlbhelime rubbing ail af thon'. But if any man bas aMy es- «W al byyo rbosesai a.ail n'y training camme te uotli.n ' namely, the burulug ai tb. dead ilu dean mare ai Ihaoeashea upan hie armeansd eauragementa te aller lot bhiu uttei' tb u a m i modlat esotly, eomowht as if te bc s boy wbeu Itlalemot needed? Whv don't aud orderly and refiuai cren'atory, the legs. Heunuderataod aud SpokieBegl"eh.What w. vant lla h nrch sud 1he con'- Imighl b. a tinao te the {ulllec, eu s p. aout* d ' ynu@se. yon ara bat farnace sOon reduciug l.humanu I mid 10 hi', "Hai ongbvoibelwrdl e.caku vao h lh j t Yeu M M the tbu ongauvehYenareularldh."Dos o ane iski 1ý:f»hoortotheoar a von Be san Iak 1 yýt isfoabtea we elecrful rsr-saedbr? erPi nt~a..-ku~~ha Avo aeroi! da foer e gmy tsbos ar wia. lookîug t ono 0b aonl rae'-aao oe" H ela."Fifteen aud mare moring larks with a*prnd wla 'fïsmuwoslsatsaa it .fum- iîedsdcune ~ oin au un.- bul crematin as the Hi- yes." "Have thame idle wbîcb 1I sesready te n'est the adraucng dy. Pold llïnaonn." tubbloisa, ju coul gt me 1 ent tea 5 resso alogh ho d414net are teafnespatioe k-power te heip on 4deifiiy?' _ He .ad- g» "N5onr ud"Wludbam" and gve me fi lowYoke orlu tainsu.byJosalonae B eu boast sud vore rainai"Na; they ouly represeelt God. TIire 19 *'eAriel" or fifkount Pléjab" on "ocrons- airl~llb.Gav yawlh m."tha lb blck yeaver w tcngdaina lbeRiver Gougesnutil ino came but oau. God." dolion." I bad the joy ai preachlng la !5Wnit a p"irat I . Beaveus, every expression af bis face, 5me b.c poielaihr ir nsîo-Vd pcl<ie, inhere d aky ofatctes oai .naandve' lns te "olirer. eAnd -th.ILieutenant, more cvsy s 1111!." brougbt every norvo .Ib 0s fln our ai the o amen wrapuied In red gar- they go ta? dsyfcso h aie lube wayta olp "FndytheMelleransu. Wy hm.meute nd a mou wraPPeAllinhit. Our Anwer-Tht depends, nPouw1mlAtleT vîth beaveuly anticipation, Iu Clctta Moulôi& e op Fn th e s d it n l W iht "h e al ato, a tkmIi.bu iseued, inovoai ud dwatehcd.' bave been douug. if tboy bave been dto- ihile the congrégation nere yet seuftad 1 wbIIcame bore for. Savannah v. nid Pausancien ancelipse. malter taa acntely. My affection le n'A Hlgb piles ai wood were au tb. baak. sud îng goad. ta heoven; If the>' barvabeen de-o-tk n'y doperIonsfor o railroad trai. 1 Uw ovrnmontpnopferty7sial thon ve'd ebcape ml. Ibis politicai ahat6d one teu.thousaudth part o 4 Ibis wood la corefulîr ineighai on largo ng evil, ta bell. preacbed by the istch up tej the let min- hubbub and interncio umpu." coucelvsble suppoition, but in Ibis secales. according ne the fionde of the de- Q.-BnI do yen uat bellove lu the trace- nle. A Siflt carrnIsse brougbt me ta the rbred toscd "Lot ns b. euhan," sid tho Preston, nationsl motter I have no hecrt" ceaeed con afford ta puy for i.I. umonymigration ai Boula, sud that ofler dealb station sot more thon hiait a minute bie- il' thon an he umanld; ty'g at the amo lin'.te b. fascinaI- "Na huart, Theroeason', Ameniccu caaes anly a foin sticks canulb. offorded, we go intobirds or animai&osoe 0sort" tare etanting. I1 came nenrer te ndluung 04 lteen Inch columbi- ing, DO yen kun Ibte situation he e*?" blood 1luyiu, isln'l thone.""Meod de d -lbtythean ohys But A.Ye.Th l hc au e iOf a to mta in a oesyaoa evi "Ou vsoe~':In airai te gv- i&ld s moment,' andlthon. wss a sud thon throWn lb h Gue.Bthtblkiug aifihile dyiug la the Oe cn '.10m g n boen. tl*LIet~ roc., tha en agii bîn'm.lf luaidthboxsdvsen- s wI a erbl al.ihere the relatives ai the deceased une whle cb hwyll go. If hlainthiukIui a s__Of_______ at ilonac o unp ma. Iu that luterval the fIJ . nel-to-do en abandance of vood lu pieces bird, hbs ii igo Intela bird, sud if ho ln HE PASSED AS A GIRL.. SupoeYein'ndabadteole! hic abeeattachai toe i.w f-our or five feet long is pnrchaeed. Twa thinking af a cow ie ho iiigo imb a cow. - ner"hlm up, but you eau square orefb- rhelyrofsikar enptoth Q-1togâye adtautda teTeie»ml LeelSv gMmu e e rnihi h Lau. We with your couedoienc 3 b yhelpiug mue. " ards, unflded itkeif lu a anddeu artron eayri ica retha on liail h .Ithn~t71 oblhaaethl b. the rn i» e oAI f mmt mnsal Irois traugh a «I supposo yen menu lig o breezo and apread ils funil surfaceofa rsdtercioth odfr' uuIoul goes taeeavon o el i iiaAp a vr asolgoih lp auca u t.cln)o ngvibodbu h otploce aifsndalinand are Iuuerled la pro- A-Ho goes there by a graduel procai. The extraordlnsry mlony ai a yoa hoin u my 0i1 oIes gune oun'y people, eh: uulalipa b.b" davnIen ot. ueo fragrance. The doceaed la lied b ~eh'yas u er. ,ne p-sn ncgr is Ielits . c wshllb Serary "el oiutb nsll e "Do yon staud there mute,' nsuiued iran'the reatiug place sud put apon Ibis Q-Con any aile beome a HIudoo - Ia mnth or linot a h ,el,1wud' e ss eago la .*et relal.d troim 00t properly South." smorneat he felave inhastand on tbe lbe Commodore, wilb mare af paren- iWood. Thon the caver ia reo'ved iran'Could I hecaine a Hiuidoo T e -cbalel, lu tb. Alpin.editr icto ~~~rJte nl bygvno in u thie broil. Tell ne, tasithan martial autborily lu hie touel, the face oi the corlise. uud hi labatlixai A. -es. you could. Siitzer and. H. rau kuowu by the glb.farn upnobsicly kuai, làte b loanoko "whilo n'y scanred face Le biauchine vith inter ai bbc Gouges. Thean eyeraI Q.-Hoin coald 1I hoao lundaa' ns,, af Laura Bosuer. and came af a a.nm" ked Breeze. ati liltans?" vith shamo; ara yonu suent inhen your mare layera ai wood are put tipon the A-By daing as the Hindaaa <ndo. hhy end fami y. Wby bis frieuds should kla sr .Sol rmfther and yonr country apreIcositaYeu? body, and other sticks are pluced ou bth But as I looked upion lbe poo ity§vo rsgitored the ch 114 as a femalo 1* reto. bcs rui 'Yes, sud avelihg orders. The,, My Gad, Frank, n'y boy, my lather aides ofitil.but theie od and fot are lbit wrotch. bedoubing bhlnseclf vlth Iho aubes and egubsequntly kept up the dacep- ? iebe." Wua ahitcb about t, e command.» xsý,-ied lbe fia" init Bainbrldgs, sud expoeed. Then n qoantity ai grease suffi- Of thed4004. 1 Iliught the ast thiug 0on lion le a n'atler dof 'ybtery. The , 14 t' inta lb. do- "Bo 1 beat d. Wby osauIt v. gt lb. died under il; 1 have served undor iîle dent ta make everything Inflammable la eorth 1 vauld vont ta hecoale iould lhe a Young mne l sad iibar. iound the Wk mr ntb- mmsoke.- moue ki.d of seclal a.rv- flIdi round the wvend; il vas vol with put on thede Pood aud imb the n'outb of tie îîindoo. 1 expressOd te0a mîmiony nha Companionship af lb. voaker ccx tory il. <~ober, F cnk, l.don t you know, ike Lieutenat vbland ylz~ i vaved dead. Thèn ane of the ichest mnunlu verbeord the conversation belveen the plemansu, sud iould probably bave r' e , Frlb pakLy'nh'sieiclte the )eild Ses th d on vice antia . Benares, bis fortune mode-j Iis îîay. fakir and inysoî n'y amazementut aI 5i110continueldttaoquent tb. .ociety of ooevPreston'@lldtfoinbinonda Ido!e'deut s afl n aoy sa d The fakirs ore very nc- =Unoefellon lu love, bat la orden 'ar.Mamoplofllrukin. liecograin up with was a ip~leatiiet rblieie e vaîke tareewesoraad h lb.sce is onmatuni.d epolg70t .at o u i b d !biao 10f0 tliOWer Sharp 1. obp or l.suaiCma y vere bora. Nicli Siuitîl, * 'ie "luL'sd then apphio e .tancb, and the in w tedai hretcu.yhoaunaaucod the h. doclared bis presior Box. 'orfttorb i oc e as n s ure af that if e vlultlmg lis molJer anîd ,th bancsaUP, and lu a short lime the body îheory ai aue 004. sud that af rewerds The sarlier jeans oa ie islf. vnr* S5'W o nItem idould aanteo bis sentiments. Wo rdf bh -tll3i eysac as became tho e abhch lb.relative. sud puishmn1." speut luna content achool, on leasing [ gie luf aetthe Aile- Illuo bst a od îbing te gel i irGxlb l vrysare tbrov mb otho Ganges. Thons are, howover. allevlotione for wihbho sludled e cure for tssumsr- ai beau onîsned ihm noîbth tohee~cretarv'isoonspir r îniof ffice, lie dry senuleus xîî,ultheA Vile Stream. Benaros. 1 attende-I vonaîf> luinsn ofiing. ansu àheqtentiy founded a chool oould b. cannled, out vith only auntgat years etainxhuost civaued out thue raV We soi flooting past us an tlb nesthe Christian n'issions. The sermon. for Ibal purpolo. Thie vasno me a- marieltaedeal vith? Thon 1nal hng dlvee uHldotne, ao ceSuiul that iD a low yen 'e ho cn'mud sokad Lietena t ïovsa111 tuhaisu comîaruîlvelY iuer'HeceieçedTon Laie Oo lthe body af s cild wbîch lied benoiyt b eierdi idot -U P ý a sr,,.qsster?" Ie ter ucaln'et. t, sent 'ul < i u n ?îîin'a~~prtly burned becauso the parents caulà 1uhieh 1 coahd uel uuderatand a word. 40,000 francs, sud thon decldedt .ftuzdy -hs be "og' h rpie 0)l eilre ot afford onOagh Waod. Wbihe vo n-atch- 1tlîrilled me iith its earuesbuesesud teu- MedtsaWteIbistoh e Grhnova. kffl~ 16cprl. th e ln talgand u the lif5b 1 reidic, Wm t'sifie ilnd wife . aithe flooting tor'u oi the child s craiow rc a oe eeoially mhnteme nee e lda IteGeo _l" e slthbe snoech%&moa u oianlf O vle vsstabsleceîthy. Iralgbbtdpolu te meonlime bau- soaytem t the <cloue ai the service Sceeol ai Medicine a. a inomen, cSM ~*a~t uo'ieyci yoar failion plhiilidboreof ai Hndoos vore bathing lin th at lho recènltly baptîzed a mno wu% tae10ailOuvadponacsasc. gaag"What are yeu thinkiuoe about?", am aandman,ut I amn bre -terep- iedpigterhas ifn hi ciettrograignomor i etrswr itnty1m ocer ?i n Iuko .td the lieutenant. -ret ut lb.egavermnt. 1 have bolsted rivter, dippig thir bas fihlliîg t-i dcurnt ao tebillsgofredianeinyson- BIistieadntiirivn.tuchayofena "I vas thluktng." @ho replled, "inhal théE ag sad I shalldo my dlytauirtmahe te.yngtei baehapmo- -nsamn te lleofIei. hesng tt.,sutoiln uehota>.a tociC a ven ta the a fatal lhîng ih hg la use anaiOd sawn, bhast ofn'y bilily. 1 have no daubetrleg varda ai so-called prayer Sncb saiof be tu-aChristia ssemnblages 1 via- malocho onriwhikrva aba or~esandn vt1ll u vsabout ta use bue te eut Is abO3ut , il le e lU~y dovun'my ile mingling ai superstition sud loatbsamo- tod lu Ibis citY, althougb the lunes inereo erved. Inu v - w b. o eponted problem-ali la fair lu lave sud van: il eee aento edei.Icn nsd inhuaoity 1Ilied neyer before nein and the sentimnts ual translated, hmofa.a 1 , u e .,,.ngclonvan lansomeinhat stale, bat I think Ihese -ouly aay ta Yeu, sir, thsl il Ihere la seon. The Gaugos la ta the Hindoo the ur pifting sud inepirng ta bhe last aThesselu h. cbwarjCtei lieavaede esi wsgtg hooof 000 m nytigvc nglhr o e= paraptîbrakce up mes havetresheued itl 1111.. auj psng lu tiraI lut honnit vilii hobéat river ai al the carth, bat ta me it la dogree. Thons vffals aus sb4hm, ierbaps, vis a aiight eus. sali tte Ileston, "l m 1"I1eccept Il, eauoclaly the love d5ued by airecréant son.~~" the vîlost tream' that ever nolhed ita'native girls, an institutian establiseai i j4fe thIe ma-aulnI luisvola.. ILch I prefer tlironl clans. . our sentimnt lloughltaebe .And turniug upon hbea1heel, 1he aid teucb le barrer la the sen. I ooked ail a rajah ai generosity and voallh, s groda- e s, ovve% vws scanceL, -suflelaul hmfrta be ril i Ie elangn Ibr yur olilîe, il generai- offcer loft thon' vîthout anoîher along the bauke tar the maurucra fan the ste ai Madras nnivorsity. Bat, more than t îrc pca lnlu r Guavmm. ttme the ahip fon Word. doad. I sawin lutva ai thie cIbles uue cre- al1tî nlarOiefl are buny, smelefni The yaugman bas bren married. h by 61il msa e,"old O4k- tic re ofo!Cid imes, sud thon lot mue Il vos vilir ametbitig 1k. bitter- mations, but la no case a Bad loak or a thon' chrc, le ,inchapelsaond bazars. and as a buslland, bebas nrealb. mas or lire sunl'aiaaprot4eo.nepiW Ihen'.Shall I seud your uigger nousga the bLieutenant spake te the leur. I sais ta fionda: I"Hoi le thie? TIhe Landau MissiOnIraociety bas bore domeutnulted wltb lbe bandar p. :o! tonb blibuk dttpàtolh"' restau: Have the living no grief for the dead?" ite calego for Young mn, aud ils achooli he l.rangbe sex, for s-td la nelate, ho 1 skei hen ladyshlp, vitir "No," airesaid, vth a rigniflcantî.ul ete 3i?"h oua ct h oend eted urhfrc ersgedis ofe o osinfrlirgserdfrmiy.yeeAej ~5t amle theo's100mac dlpath "ou fatar la sveeoumauch occasions, bat thot dais ualt n-. Tle Cbarcb MiBsioaryoi7 elty bas 85 Mmo," ho r.pesled. "W. e e y baven t seon you for e You gtela eve tr. " counalfan lb. absence ai aIl signeaifgrief. ioegt colail fille-I vilh usarnons. B ot saroaelreîber taIk. " ngo ve gaI ta moke jour oau- "Wiî Yeure me he obp5l " Thero ies enother reason more potent. Ieeagciigwork ai tbo Wenloîans A Fronchmnl' S ctio'.. ouee abnu itnc ' vraan . o atbi.lCa uslnin pr. rein- 1Men do net aee the taree ai Ibeir .iesand the Baptiste lestlunail parts ai Mn. Berthelon. tb. illustrions iFrench ranaofCap tole Yu u yn e o l hu te segnngpoer M ifub nil aften inuriaire. They toke theon uBeb s.l isnightiest stronghoîd chemial, îuggeste a bctin h #,tiUnulnro! apa bois, athe n aCWaxIlvaotiata hoecvie" ece ends vlth a rocommeadatiae. 'a recon'nendatioa. Marringea thos foruod, HJudo ne'la beiug osaaltcd. at tnn of flýb. cext igenerati ua on- tOsl0 u hpi0 a galbeui r "Sein ehai.a l t. xla , on1cmmao thelb.Rosuoke, Yeu viii oi course, bave nal zunchiaffection lu Lt t foi eaaî.gne b ustitulion of tI e boat of inhovasbaugug ait pniughu1a. - g ave teetarfor Willietl s to-c a,,,if lo' «me r are- t7sdofAc ann t h nutnasmg-thoe enn, or the Cntral beat as orce ybO te a aber, ofered Doty *Aitlg dovu, - ah. sald " sdynaebhv . b ninvi .yearsofa go, land are granduiotîers nt mont ai missalalnes. It bas been sali by ai eeerky, Ion Ihot deredI rotfocool. teebelon. jon: yen undonalsud that 30.mi i ça»4t ook a prlilminary comiug, 1,bear hie voie, enîî pa'by 0. ,. Sncb nnwisely fonmed fan'ihy nass- soincotravelers allter their ruane t Amer- Tho aiofnga absiat tI l àire or icur. è sale heingreas bttl iBaenes," gasped the Leutenat. ynwl bbyoueen 3eo fo. itions <aoual ln'ply mucb andor af lave. ica or Iiughand that the missioenies arekilatieteu5 d9ep is not boyani lire > 1# by gt te batof is pag sotthoug bi, "ot heStates as.poesibla." The foutily me poarly pub togoîber, inho living fi î,iîfull of inolce sud luxury e fmodeon. sud eepeially ai la- ~k bf gl b hsta m spngabttbouhhl, a .nkuagb»living engineering At sncb a dopili aimen b Se e t ell ou the bore." Yeu anderetand, aise, tba ha onders îhab Il la eaeily takiea apant? :17hatliusa laisehoad that 1 vould sasy l atISOSeond it emo I~~~~~~~~ lr xite:"h,"h al el rhbyloigever Influgnce I cau briug la bear ill Andt me I uccoant for the abeeunce ofai al higb ne heaven if ilbdid nat tgo4naune of i60degrees ta ::00 degeesà, tI, BnoIO"Ior yOIL b rfitshi nigue ai grief at tb. creinatian ofihi thbbcopposite direction. Wben et egers Cen..,wbich vauid devel' p enosrgh ktla&oa,. inhenh.o ff.rad hie "Iommuhsr I have nl etaunhlm nl a Blf an boum later, as umt sas ho Htdn.come o mbthese tropical limate., thé nie.- xvroraynme imcho.- 'PretonIbalcapnalon Ibm. jvasnegetlleg reody fan the train, Lieul. B a th be capital ai lindfese aiuiotos o toir-.ebta oterain hm eýto c && a2 a pric"On tir e e a enr fHidosiîinris trbairtelir, boîter, I van Tspoer ol caalel M * xais hml'i l mOntey-jSu i h e e'" 1 t te on- Harold puisa cipher duisptehir tram Novw sudBuddbisun, but Hiuuloisn' bastra:n- nakia sacrifices ior IbsI parpose. la part of the globe, sud many 4houms sai o U ofl tiedam. oythe met ad n 'atngoenbe aklu hl bu.ped out Baciciist. the boat fathIe One' the clty ai Beuares a n'isloflni toIaiofjeans wvuli asay betao th dfe tonOfte ru."At amli btzcda keep eveytiriug jinutonster on he grizzly nek ai the othen that a gentleman camies fin'Enlondsinaiengvodsueruypf6 fhu*** soclely." Impulse of lhe ýounGffman vas tlaJ'y, tata quo for iorty-eight banne; the mniter..Il Ia aime the capital oa i lth, Ileaons oft bmheasion mtations o ainl, cîibîe dimnution. la yipterip va. board te battheb. agulfiansrutirlny ofthelirercinbas leen grien te rernavo the aud Ibe capital ai malodore, nnd the capi- the n'insionaries bneditogethor ta snber- Iieovptdint 'es vhnguak eeaIba vr. naohig lmfour that lime derelop- tai of Iadeecy. The Hinfdooesur ytho> 1 tain hi'- Amoas aotr lblugs, tluy bac A FaiI Iuan 'Coman t -iinu ah.isremaane by detrmlued bis piilcus.meute aI &Dy moment lu tire $ocre- have 300,011)(,W0 goda. Benres ena a eld rpfdmulbsiiol m.M .Bnioa a au Y l Promeai. ras de- bie heurt vas awihinofaIenmtilons. He tire Lieutenant kneiorperfetliy veW all nt.lesnrpriaed ta llnd thatthlb. n'nlg aiund front bouse ta bouse as thix sîran- departmeni Of tue1 ei le a tioo Ibhis ose dainly Tam-. "w tire white bin a i ir is lathor, a s t i te pioprtj oDeul tb. r.noted of goda in a profituble business. Homo gen uppeared, aud lu other repcts a con- Inarouce Co nuy, lb. ouiy ea viehem br ccsib.ha me laborloualy up 1he.E teps. sud in a veek, unleas a regiment vas ment hiers ane carpeutore utuklng voodeu godas spiracy ai kinduoss vas effeed. The lu lire counutrjbolin g a dse.l fi oma u *as Ptcqlng ho tot the varm trouy ranmeaifthe te effect I WhsI ho evas mnrasafraid sud brame vonkons uukiug brasa goda, vister 'vet home te Eu;iaad u note lion. ?,Irs. Barri ounbas lio ima OSthbo DI veeleem vound round hlm, but h. ras ai vas Ibat his fathen von d put bim ascu coplonemakingstouo goda, ad and spoke ai the iazury in wblch the eie- rooms -fille I up lu the Jaop»na au ibi tl a bi i-let hlalngo i.bic yuth vr uder arr.'t, sud be 414 ual reahe pollens maklug cas>'gode. 1 cannaI Ibluk sionanieofai Jdia vers living. eud necelves hon agents Ibere.shelo', w ba atoiîg hlm. easily until hotoit hinseif movlDf e- ofaithe abomnations practlcod bers with- Ameians and Englishebn came tea sîbonoagirircapab.e t usibess. ilt, an tîluda albr, a boalca offta dmir bl, oîlb.Irai vîi ýdo im a ura. clgu-AIthougrhmnuch labsali about bbc nry living under palme, and inth dîffen- grealdeekthtiAIhbrltilgvi

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