~~i.N.)lThe. Orceat V.ietugPwerw orSomse POLrts 09fthe ]Bislter Boette. ~ RILAYUNIN FFCES ARE The strongly vesicating power of014 RAIWY NIN FFCE certain parts of the apparatus of the **oecis.enM IouI GUILTY 0F OONTEMPT. bliter beetie of course suggeited that I eeps fr c o igdl ilythn ktae the function o cattharldinlnte9i liâ Ul 07futWB~ ede enene h ixan i.Aso'confuXy of 1the Insect nxlght be conuect- tnalmo keey m su ed bSel daite. ho Tbrce Moulua - Judge ed lu Nmre way with therroute wtha et to trkoug Wood. Barsthe Defendanta Violatefi pro,-ens anys Kuowledge. But that the a freu étriins in imud LIat entmer.such la flot uecessarily -the cme evI- h O A B K N h IL The assal isem.ee tthe InJunctloiI.eLmSiffir deutly follows front the tact that the the RO .AgoBAK N ofsboaudfl andayTakaairpei.Inseet possesaefthe property to a great-cutI and Save me itense Judge Woods, iu the Circuit Court of er or less degre ln auits stages, ln- POXVDER, because it is an piIn. .ziieOtOm&sthe Uit ued States, at Chucago, fûufld ail luding those lun iich it lo sextially To muobi offlipi alter the respondentit in the contempt proceed- Immature. Ei-en the eggs are pos-'I was toild thsth li g ~absolutely pure cream of tartarcoda ii w relef. Ibeadiun about à a 1dy aSily Iailro0d Cmpîany gis edn fierâepeeted, since 1the orarios are Strongîy powder and of 33 per cent. gives rettef. oh . ~d f the Ae icau Ray Union guiity ai rnpregnated witlt cantharldin. jS t Wh à ue b ei'""Prll ule hre adetrdth olwn sn nIMBeauregard tunk a portion0fRoange I. tek. il. tenee. a freshly laid hntch of eggs, and. getrIa e lg srn t n nioycecfil Eugene V. Debs, presideut, six monthe Worklng tlicm up Into a liants with a orcecn S"m lnth cuny ol. eadetlitl wte, ppie, helitl paserother powders, will give the O O as "'L Iro lut olntcuty jail. vigorsien, foriued tu lisarm. Aller four houri is ie w a s tlfeiwa m tuytt a r it .ILII bot wueMtly eI 1 w vio eortgine W. owyad, Intent e ad Udi o stopthePlexper-best results. It will mak<e the oteleii àff VaIgus, whch. l a Son of on pomlla a thement. He therefore removed the plan- Ti awrh à"tun« uioulàL 2Mm 18&1 1 er, and a few minutes afler an enor- fo i hes etr f fn rI aBth Vrenkut. Kdjim. el Unir HOD' iO u eetr, ile _________________________mous blister nppestred on the spot, at- pooket, but wbt Ho"'* PlilIo do mo woaken but &W dli- testing the îtrong vestcating property iiimake jou rtoh. t" .tMs u oetaum"ah Trv lh.em. o f the freshly laid eggs. fa o n oe w oeo e A IM lu lte larvue the property waflvor a d moe whoestme me Bevwaro0 the Street car Strap. found to be much lesIntense. Ten it;hu àý* A Pittâburger vient t10 bis physician larvae, several days old, were crusheddie yQè a few dayuu ugo complalning of a duit and made itut a pnster, which vas ROYAL BAKING POWDER GO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. - ache ln biW left arm. He had neyer applied as before. Even after elght w had rbeunutlsm, but thought bis pain - - ours nothiug more than a considera -__________________________________ muet cmrne f romntfint malady. Âfter leibe lnflatumation was developed, and treets or 1the Town Burned Up.' Milltary Forces ofEuropean Powers ceecrlbing IL. the doctor said: "You ride 1 - no blster appeared. Wben, howver, 'lit ileflot offent a man la a witness lu bis answer to saine criticisme ad- * tuo and fron your office ln 1the cabe car, a larger application of th1e crusbed te burnlng streets lu a town, but 1 huit dresoed hlm by sorne deputies atth11e don't you?* 'Yes." You seldomn gel made, a blister wu& produced after the that pleasure a few days ago," sutld G. latest sittlngs of te Vieuna delega- fared the "Tabil ot h" oldnghave lap ___officsaine _____W. Douglans.of El Paso. "Theli-, ticn, 1the Minster of War of Ausirla dorapl the haurtlfbaud" "Since JA ~zens of 1the village of Las Crucesa, N. M., compared the mlitary forces offlith J& mtr it on il, kowthbatd?" s, thouS rTaIfA 'O-niRTnm are ln 1the habit of gradlng their streets empire wlth those of other Po mr wltb 1the accumulations of harnyards. The figures he produced were as foi caulset ut 11 pin of u feelh. Fortau SUGZEN V. Don& ONE DISEASE THAT BAFFLES They had doue tIb iliith1e s Id owa: The peace footing of 1the urmy ~ d.>, s~ rje iykur lefI arrnih W g-s ujtrofohcalogn - TI4E PHYSICIM4 dust,_and manure huit become to-la, ln German>', 584.452 men, or il pet La held la an unnatural upratised posi- and directur. tiiree iknths lun1the cuuuty ___f # i mur rdWi-cet f~h oitaln ' rne tion, and If bas begun to tell upon you. Jail. 1nnh h te7o ou hfSfeeialiug. Il seldom raina lu Ihat part of f 6,000 men, or more than 13 per cent.; __ 'fou cmn relieve the ache with tbis oint- M. J. ElliotI, director, tljrec rîn Yar-Bw il in iied the country, and the manuro evas dry ln Italy, 278,000 men, or more than 09 mle nient wbieb I shall gve you, but a the county jail. (rm1.Nwr.N . vnfiNw. as powder. From orne cause il caught per cent.; ln Itussia, 907,000 men, or céuréýe ao oiTy 1e effecteiti uy ceam.ng JmsHgn ircotremonthe il, Vaivular disease of the heurt bas DIi- lire ln1the western part of 1the vit- nearly ii per cent.; ln Austro-Hungary, 10 upprt ourel byhanlngb athe count jolil. ways been couiderefi incurable. The fol- lage juil as one of New Mexlco's 342,999 men, or 8 per cent. Of the popu tu suportyourelf y haglngto a L. M. Goodwin, director, three mouths loiiing interview, therefore, wiUl inter"-st typîfal sandsorms vwas rlsing. The lation. The dîffereut var budgets wwers strap."-_New York Sun. inth1e cott jail. the medit-sl profession, sne it describes r1 a Jsl 1 John McVeau, member, sentence su-h1e sUecessf ni use of a new treatment for wind soon became a strong gale and ln 1893: Germuan>', $120,000,000, or1 a utyaqu~e * pended. . this disuse. The patuent la Mmn . heo.1teire spread rapldly. lu le8s than per cent. of the wbole budget uft1the T&S ,lvd sick s8r' Archer, of Clifton N. J., sud Ibis publi- twenty minutes th1e wblrllng wlnd huid tale- Ily,$00000,o14prcn. V iSB>' agreement Of counsel the court 1cation b>' the Newa la the irât mention o ar telr ot i atsO h us, a, $0,0,000, or 4 per cent.; "Let me tell yon something. granted 1the coevictedl mautigers of lant' the cameeumade b>' aur newspaper. Ail 1 rerielr bai at f11 lssn 100000 r 4prcn. T "Fo yersI hvebce amos a.mmer's great strike ten dsys before the physiciens coumulted pronuuued the. Pat main streets whlch liadt qeu graded France, $130,000,000, or 18 per cent.; 4 Irè~ il constant sufferer from fml sentences should lie executed. Iun1the tient suffering with yalvular diease of wlîh stable stuif. Dense CIOudB 0f Austro-Hungar>'. ouI> $78,000,000, or femae 'tme te atornes fo therespn- he hert, and trcated ber without 1the imoke rolled over th1e buildings and 14 par cent. of 1the wbole budget of the ANICPR" trouble in ail its dreadful forus :- entnue li e ntresfoar igtcsespo ghe relief. Mns. Archer sad: "I out on 1the plains. The whole heaveni empire. GIOW1I sudII "Shooting p is all over mn o t he 1 tprm8o rtc 1e ut coitid fot w lk scros. he fo ; uelth r M_ __ _ __ _ __ _ bd, sCI iftsb u m Courileorbthheied could I1onp clairs without shopping to vere darkcned, aud if vas a graud Th oenMte C H I b M y si , ! p p ea l, i o s b e olyh b a et th e a n lu ut>' c le t a n d lefI aria m g lit 10 se e g re a t c o lu m n i f sm o k e ,fire ,A u e i r a t l , h a a h , corpus. The latter course will probabl>' ceaie. toit an aw ut conatrictlon about H s f u d t s e ite c s rfn sp l i e rned ut>' arut sud ebest as tbongh 1 wore tiel inau utsrlg ningan Hs ond rIb hber îîueneslaatie . Andu air utr spalcs To heur Judge Wood deliver bit opinion witb nopes. Then there vas a terrible dartiug away toward 1t1e mounitaîns. ypro orieby 11e puleasaofthlua.in da orit -Md wek. s te ourt-room on the tourth floor of thb, noise et ut> right rar, like th. laborid Had th1e towu not been hulIt of mud If yrpfFî,wlelund0f11 a-l alsTrI'iI f ih reahn fsuegetaia.1hv vudcrau> aebe eloe.tive effect of a genîle remnîdy, than by oflen ln intanme$ q faintncssitiouadn ek Buildingowaee Nomedcries-suny other, and thal it la more accept- patients whoedlUl dizziness, prom ncut cies.tenutnrnead e.pclt e ouece-The Sturm swept 1the streets 0f ail abla (c theut. Children enjo>' It, and it ducel tuo sucb a kw deprsin law>es, fedsu Last July," contlnued Mra. Archer, «'I barnu-ard gradiug ututerlal, and 1the bensfite lLem. The true renic-dy, Byrup that «o M P2JA a n T esvero.-ni te defendants, aud was nt Springfield, Mens., visiiting, anil Las Cruces villagers wyul have tu re- of Fikls, la manufaclured by th1e Cati. te0.17 ry- two womcn, one of my mother chowed me au accoiuRt lu the thin hat111cm a sister of Mr. Springfeld Examtiner, telling cf the won- grade as muterial accumulates."-St. fornia k ig Syrup Co. ouly. wouldtoeas Wz rthat -Ai o th d fi r es offected b>' the use of Dr. Louis Globe-Democrat. Aps«îg Ïwas lh1rrid uDe inIl thee Williamts' Pink Pilla for Paie Peuple. My teAda MSS.HAfltît WAPLER "I ricdcosaeMrl i e, rmo t h e' megd IoC10ry 1the pilla, and oie Mas. LANOTav'S foriniglit stguet AFec tlitca asta 1 concelve Of anny dora in different parts of 1.e ule o ovnb'2teslat 1 bought a box anil et the Cht.s5. opera Bonse bide fain te b. number of men and vomen ln France SNb RCC -the US.,but Lydia E. ikthn' 1e Sauta Fe ne- Keautn gtheut, and 1 bave been tak- une ofotheic argest utlleb bave beau Ple6yed is more nearl>' equal than lu any Othpr WNALU e.., klw is ceivers, and Mn. Ir- ing 111cm even ince, except for a short i- laetbicago for s@Ono time, Tuere w Vègetable Cern <»nd has done rnorcvin for the resp.on- terrai. The tiretbox did flot seemtu tlien- noaîle outpuurinig of soclet>'PepepZ uen ftewoltee en u> 'Yfor me than ail the doclors. -dents, were present. it ute, but 1 pergcrere.>, enco b> Monds&y nigé., iutis siur upepe4 gi Blsd- 1,007 vomïen 10 1,000men. lu evuhzer- fee ilmy utyto efl~OUAIlthedefndats 11e rqueîs f u>' elaive, Âtto i- ne>' GruLdy's gaat drame., "Esther Eau- land there are 1,064 mon tu 1,000 womr- I ~~~~~~~~~~e x c ep t Dinector ning on Uic sec-nd box, tout> wodt4kthe di, u amgt sur ideC aa-e n l reeol (3 h F,these tacts that you also enay be tux. w. novAafi. Goodwin, wcre in noise aIet>' ight er easd tirely. 1 sured for over>' uccedii ast ut the sl on og ccr gt heart i (nil o court Ou 111 benchwiîh Jnge IVu kept rit ou, and the distress ft1usat a firat week. for the advanu etsi a endtosl ogKnacrl cured. My hat sfllo graîl- cut Ontebec <15ug Wost 10 aeilm cient uýnd ana graduait>' dis- 1the groatest of 1the cms aw i 1ttheOpera thla authorlty, are 11nppalling," there . iS tude to Mrs. Pinhanm7'-Mrs. est .ludge Jeukins. &P lird.Te blood bas retuned te my Lion$& During ber second %eiX, ln. Mm ol 99vucu e00mn. A tar *Meu Harriel ampler,50 Kasota Judgc Woods read but a smaîl portion face, lips aud cars, which were entinely Lauiry will prent sorterai neW places., _________36 _________1.000_ Block, Minneapolis, - ,in.of bis exhaustive opinion, wbibdyn eod0 ooadIfo e u togiildn.poai' Ash ydn Mn.83 pages of typewrittett manuscnîlît agIlla Itercbant sud Shilp Owiner," viîcihemu FINE FARItS FoRa SALE.- Mrs. Pinkhaxn's Compound la and rentaine more tiean 2500() vends. I] '*N;,ieuo o<bad boen lroubled with cuer been seen beem and ber oia ver- aImproyeli farine ln a Caroline. Gergla ou n naln eeyrequired more than tw,î houri for him t10Pink ilawi- retbeuefit. 1 tee that "Agîi ha Tyldon " la a pis>' lu wlch 1the easytfrnie. F.Purtrher eformuatlon ad- rend 1the opinion mnsteoisos neven>'body ought 10 kuew or iii>' onder- fakir]nglisit soinan isdê a terrifie snoces@ dres Z A.IEVER.Alante. Os. llieGreaest edicl DicovM brief thc decition flnueth1e defendante fui cure. and I bleus God that 1 have do'rmIn ber racait engagement abth11e iii> OreatestMedical iscovcr guilt>' of contempt in conspiring to hinder found soutthing that bas given me Ibis masrket Theater. London. It la fron the1 plhynlds .1 th Age.and prevent 1the trasmission of United great relief." petiEwrdRsue !11 reaet Ta 1envE malsan itesttecomerce. Dr.Williamns' Pink Pille are nov giron ut the rounger EnglIsit playwriltal, sud appoints twent>' whero it pieases totn KEtatesasthe 111adr e ePublic as anu ufailiug blood builder das. Ilike itrousou Howard'* -Thé lieu-chrhtn M. Debs in reganded as 1ennlae nd nerve restorer, curing ail forme of rletto." mith theb. boiisonld. Ilbo AnCuf itesa11 ain n and inmore hsvilypunished. The seah a aniaiug trout a vater>' condition s Bllmli i Ickport, England. andàuj oc litrse h ain n MUshIUI II~IIIV N V of 11e defendants are charactenized as a of 1the blood or shattercd ue,.ves, two 1the pa>' open$ et tbe domnle of old John mcii both Lonje and ThnoseDu. lx _____ la he,"wlfu iobdeneofte nunton rin 0.caTsesfpilnta ar alito at ueic d«ug her. Agatha, beconiesiehe i f ta curejour Cengit. mnd reileve bot 1the issued by th1e couirt." inbi e hu il r inaseii bis immense business tutereeta 'Ihe 51cr> Puimouar>' anid rouchial organs ltflAl8 rMMCIV IE SiVDIDV stes Thisisa1the concluding chapter for 1the for 1the troubles Pec1ulinef emalMe" mahof 11e pl>' laianiost lterettui une, sud SLINLM, V tW~î A@i., -- aI eai in111 hitor- o ~ as euppresslous. ail meoet f eakuosi, the four acte sbonnd lu dramatiti cliniaxe. That even those wth defective sight OL IDO UUY AS9turne beng u es n hcitryo h hrouîc constipation, bemarng dowu pains, "Patrie,» te lateaitork of Sandou, hebu te-buiesllprvn. Has dlscovered In cne of our common great rainoad trike of laxtIentamer. etc., andiIn 1the case of mn iwll ivue ceRda Inicmesto l ai.au ___________________ Lasture veeds a emedy that cures evcr-y It la not lukely t11151 Detsand bihsaseo- speedy relief and efrect a permanent cure t111ed a nlicie vesaion îi n. ars- ga s hn M ofHumer, fron the worst bcrofula cdates vere ether unpnepared for the sen- iu ail casesexiari; from muental worry, Ir>'nIll prisent, la mald te ho1e .best n UIPe down te a common Pumple. tence passed upon thim or wene inclined owerwork, or excesses of whatevcr nu~- wicb bas yet heutmode.idra Lauxtry"s To Becomeàa Mther? DE~Wl He Itas tried it ln over eleven hundred to regard il as severe. WVhen an injuste-tture. The pille are sold b>' aIl dealers. or dre-ses Ibis seagon are utarrels ut richneS4a"abueodni cases, and neyer failed xct inlutwo cases lion vas issued Ibroogh thUnited State anesatpi îl o eep o ncsd beant>' sud Are fro th11e ateliers otfIf go, then permit nIusr aheetué s <11b tuner umr).Ht asnowInhiacortslai smme nstriuig he e ÇX 410cents a box, or *6 boxes for $ .W0- the usinons French nmodise. vorth and My that Dr emE huunedcelifcaes rs f 11eitukefrot nlefeeuc v th 1e>' are nover sold ln bulk, or b>' bbc 100) La Feiere. ot Parla. The suppcrting coin- ion inlatde possessio over t'ohnrdcriiaeseso h efontitrer hb>' addresîing Dr. Williamîs' Medicine, pan>'la nsm excellent one and ful>' ad*- - a true cf its value, ail vithin tLventy mtiles of Interstate commerce and Ibal injumetion Company, heuectud . N. .qaou h uepeaio t.11epas~ , 'Boston. Send postal card for book. was net obeycd, the stbsequent mui in- lu Mms Lanalry's ripertoire. Tite Lily A benefit Is alvays experienced fnom volving the arresî t f1te strike leaders for se& Air va. Living Skctctons. hurlait reteins &Il the soudrous beant>'P r the irst bottle anda perfect cure la war- couîenxpt of court was au outcomo oamil - Macdonald Gordon, of Heale>', Aus- viticit gained ber farce and fortume wben biir s 'ranted when le .rigt quantity la taken. ferecu nboth by th1e public and hi> 1e tralia, weigbed but thlrt>--foun pounds. beruappearedl in hegoas rov n~ril~li îWhen 1the longs are affected l t-cu etrukers Ihem@,elves. aluiiough six feet lu heighl a.nd hroad couclusioly thai be mîlThe tales 1h schaoting pains ike needles pssng -Il len in ie decision as tu certaîlaproporio>n. Sme Loadon Specula- sîroug hoil on theaffections or the Am i i, lies ssslstint Nature ad sbc ? itseuohiu -trougb them; le sane wththe Lîveraor veigbî>' pointa invohvcd that Judg@ lors heard of the freak and resolved te can public.1the possession cf rhlc iteb "L A. The palnful ordeal ofcidltàI o -Boweis. This ha caused bythe ductsbeing oods'.ruring vilI 1e mont tikel>' te croate pl11ibimu lvh kîîu emonoutratad lben abs fiat prodoeed l oCcf Its terrons, and the dangers uea 0W laiit r . ..-ut the sEstitr n'nlivinboreksoutefour onewstlereofgrestly lessemed, te bcltntmotherind lie Mam veuabi aiaydlapeas n ve~dicusin.eu .uucizegî.> pesn-exhibition la lie Brtish capital. T11e> agoM lnmgtryle engagenment la fer bild. The perlod of confuemens loqaoih lifter taking i. Read the label, talion of 1the case revolves upon Ivo cern- Iereioî.sdst lih oirdgrcatly sbcetened, tqe motber atrenith adj , *My hfth soac l ou o îlcu t îhtraI topic-the validit ofeth11e ljuncti sul inteUcAtpds10blgo iua. e.2,b anna.teme nd buil up, and an abondant secreica cf- .1fhestmac l fui r ilons i wlland the actual culpabihit>'ofeth1e de- the skinn>' Mac lut an> resonuble fig- lOt ugîy.ci a. eraa hems nonrlshment for the ehild vroutcted. cause squeamlsh feelings a iatfedns nth ioainaI.h n Seonuebt hnli rrvd hywoeontr aiea.Staincnsfoa ae ok(z8pae) No change cf diet ever necessar. Eatifsed atsins111emioAt te iityuthepobut et harr-e d ic>tveraetfr o oute ienl lat n alpriua gessok <' 'ht .btst you can get, and enough orfil sudaais bu.As1 1evaii> 311 ga fr Tbco 1eUîesa taNS.ARYMEDICAL ASSOCATION. 663 Dou, oe abhsponfhinvatrat e of 1the injonction Judge W'oods deflues lhe fraud-the "living skeleton" welgbed The tobacco plant bas become thon- Mi Slat., Dufâlo, N. Y. 'trte Sod y al rugîss.internuption o! lulerstaîe commerce as 141 pentids The sta air and change ougbî>' naturalized lu every part of 1the PAINLESS CHILDBIRTU. tie od yalD git.cieanly vîthin t1e jurisdiction of a Fe& of food Land rulned lte speelatiox.- world, andI ln man>' plat-es et AsIa and MaF.nHn-,0 lnilN ,gg- crûl Circuit 'Court. The acte cf 11e de- St Louis teublie. Afrîca bas hocome se conîpletel>' do- says: " I rnd adbout Dr. Fierce'n Pa-i DIRECTIONS for uing -fendants 1e deines as uuawfii.asd lte nsiae htsvrlwtr aevot Pscpinbig80odfraw. CREAM BAL3[.-- ipplu SAt oppoenti of "govermuent b>' injanetion" &tnp. 5prnig emetcaedIhtseeri dtes'avth b reeili o cn s 1df o parieo ,f the Bo"am wd. w,, vlI doubtîcsfind herelît occasion tb lu- Iatuo umeabreemi. Dempfte epeateddieap- cueddIa bngnll ~egt tc boulca est -p 45t utUmivotrili. Aile,- quire w11>, if thue acte vere unlswfui, lbe pelatutante. the divine spank rokindies &fier or 1the ther eftIhose continents. r1ptruther, and De- . muoientdrameo sucie-positive statutor>' reîmedy for 1the redreis escli. Tho'nah5enemua>' ot be a slven itnn cember z3th1I ad'a .brmîUthrouh Vt nom. of those atsetflswhessuess sboîîld notlteoiee lend, the vapuns rhieh obscure lie rt 0 lvmL00.Iev dbb Vse 'u'hn- ave been employed instead of 1the instru- eky et watt Acide sud dlsclose te ful splfiu- Theloresitd er tapie 1 liess os 're<ed cogir edf1= ie wu -e tietliQ aht ninuclo cuoth bogh n e. ueid eostkle adtamille-(iail ilsst thoratsudtliaiet oe Olrh. d cid ol sirou> &r mel preferref, id ss ment ofth1e injunclion. The princiledurrof ime aeendsy sun. Thtug 1 bote JUSti- disosse that scieurcebas beeu- able t cure sick jma*%yLoy.1 beffis eetting.-tha au ijiumeen cnnut e broght n i fo& joratie whoseïk he &I frotllssat- ltsai b us e i.n atitiM lnt>' poe id moiententen -la MU a estriof un iet aIr ady decared cnjm- 1 lera flomeu Bitters l inte hffl et ecuteti HUag &T C ethe n oste ourspan sd vbe the