CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Dec 1894, p. 2

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»" tt to- g . liAi I ibIBUb1I~ isatu g weheFAMOL Jth fe teri te ho chssu te au vacaucle sud W.1oml u ca . lected Pue h fret dar th.eglaitures meel or viethér Ârmien is1hipCecrled tîme Whou Sénat-r are Wi elected tle sueeeed sttiug m--ber- trims th ternsaréaboilt tu expire. SeatorDýubals Saa #41<AD 918SplCIOUS 0F ef Idaho, ha, beec lookng up the malter C uIA. ud-bau fouud thal Senmaters eleted te 611 vacaucles muetI b.o loted lu preel 1 he. h sains manar as thonestIo ilterma hi, ex- pa u isveolE~tlO5et Ar-pire la te near future. Thia wlll proventpak a Avait Ivsiaio fA-theeleci Sonof uIete 611 the vacancleslî aesed1 ~*> Mattwo.-ramons *Sas Fias until the rime when tue regular Sénatorial Préside eb 'tm0it BaUiel - Bverythtflg electious-would occur. Aneother uatter The bll Whlcb ho ascertalued lu loeklug up the, priao4d etl Georie.* case wus that wheu thono Senatora are of 3,0« -elected they trilI net draw salaries outil tary Of WIsbed wth -Vier-. thoy quality, whlch la net the case la the. land in( 3aj>usoe Parliament was o0pOnd election of Senalera elected for tulIterme. by coi ,guMlieun. The speech frenth lu the latter case. whethec tbey qualltY vides tt ta brdeà* referred te the victorien on the 4tit of Msrch or net their psy ha- der an ,"4. by-te Japanese troops lu avery glus. Idaho tras aditted on July 8. The rernain gwÎiansasys they are steadilly Soers elected began drawlug:lisy fronm they a àig tortrard lu the euemi terri- that date., Since thon a provisioni bas now ex *adiàgthbat lt la especlally satisfac- been lnserted ln au appropriation bllI pro- The pu to uolt tainlu Pite ef the cold and arbing wheu Senateru eleched te 811 the misaiol bie the ferces are more than aver Taaudes aoi begin te draw salaries- served Rgi baitemeelvos by their vaior. 17 der Ge = 29atio Ju apon wth th. etril FORTY PurIEBOMASSkACRE». ofOl h Nm are mern frledly thoan evor. The third i dem ef treaties au long cherlhed dée-Twenty-Tbzi.O Armeuisu Villages lu Generi bash bou accompllshod wtb soea Aheand Otitore Pillaged. pampas trie amd with otuer States the nege- The Cologne G azette publishes a letter section OUfo tocibis pupese ara mating fa- fromn-Armenis telllng of treglh borrors t atiai ble progreas. in conclusion the thons, lnludlug twenty-three -. villageaseoftite eh esi "*. lavlug been placed lu laid lusales,. elevon ether villages plI- hie bat 16 glorlous situation wa vlsh more laged sud torty priests massacmed. Au as hal tevec te prome thte civilisation of Armenlan paper pnbllshed la Tiflla bas Faut1 c8utry, aud enjolu Parliament te advlce* fremt Moooh, Turkisb Armenia, Centre notice of tue tata ot sffaire at showing Ihat ince te appinîmout ot a *aed. abtoad, sud by aecuriug har- cemmisse tle Inqulte luto the outrages r btveta.a4~e.ovenmet ad ti.Turkish oppression bas greatlyesseued. ~uNstl1h tutitrace t ti.Many Armeulauiï wba had been arrested, Cept. ~iêtrlbO5" Ti.Govrumut 'bave bssu lberated. The Korda have i *tIcua inl eadt Ciaspaebeau beld lu cbeck, sud a Kurdigli chiot Mai u~as.has beau summinued te Constantinople. ot Pa NEYES? POI BLACKMAILBRS& STARTE!> TUE VIREEWITH 011-donci e4 Adveumtage Of 1LexovInvesti' El-na Mas u d Mi, Wltes-euud teteni , atiea te Blly Offcer,. Deatb and Ibei- HoBoeDstroyed. -of su hé viilesale terrer lu whlch Ne'v J. B. Cook, a weli-kuavu resident eft re kgcs>hol4 the Leze CommittCO ln Elyrla, Ohio, attemptedl te lght bis kiteli- brille -e -alsof a nov kind ot blacit- en tire wllh ceal on, wheu the 011 eau cotait =.Benepersous are threatond oxploded lu bis face, thé blassig oil mn- tbat1 k,*esusalon befere tuee ouilte, nlug deivu bis body, burulng ail bis hie f li ethersm are te gel subpoenas as trît- clotues off. Mm Coek, who rau laolite ceut me tIf * refuse te psy. Nec are tbaermois, aise acught fire, sud te twe op- ex-lu We eocaping. Whe#t tey subscrlbed ipeared outalde s moment later enveloped ers.j brWard the traveling expensen of Katie lu flamtes. Thsfesh vas burned off their han, mýtt and Mm. Thnrow, oChers who bodies. They lived but asfow heurs. The. ex-Cg >w the damaglng tacts were luapired bouse was dénioyd.Duni go f«r fren transportation or ls equir- Capt ut la con. A police captaiu teld a re- Peediuifl*bouet. forb liter tai be had bees bulied or tbrest- The. teediug oeat etaanimaIleibsale- te te ed h more tas btwenty keepers of dis- camense general.tbronglieut tuis country Fridî butbouse&. Tbe vomen blid hlm if that requesti are nov couslantly recelved his aisteld le psy them money titey would aet te agrlultural departinent for lu- tg 40 XêtaW. Geff sud the Lexov Cern- fo.Omation as le tue bout mthodaetf fod- jabi, bWe * accuse hlm of receiviug bribe lug tuaI grain te calfie. liege and etbor audi ##tra fer protection. The. captale animaIs, lu dlacuslng tue subject Sec- WLAM pugotice as becomlutgégneral. retary MorIon aaid. "Wbeat value as au ë:.Wgblied a aumber of fellow auffer- animal food la grésil. But te wheat met b.oused carefnily, and vîtu due regard te Hou the habits sud enviroumentaeofthte auj- 1 -ORGIA WAR 18 OVER. mal@, sud the forage toed accompauyiug Il. Growing sud fattenlug animaIs are O "Pa Os4ee te tbe scole ield= found te titrive upen l. The profit luMe x .vyuouquiet. feeding wheat viien that ceroal sud cornu a ýýbe trouble la Brooks Couty, Ga., ln arsetaIth saine prie la greater titan lu latd 4n Tb& VidOdta Videtth e e or- feedin tue laetter. Wbeat weigbs 7 per agre , , uÏ«bytihe Governor- Captais Caf- cent. hoaier thon coru. Wheat la, welght Ger X$, Iuteuanb Peopitoi. D. Base sud for welgbl, equafly good for fattenlng out--suil 'Tbq en ps.rstrdgk f rom thabt eedlug ln pro»,,,uced su- bea foéulai poem thaohre le rte auy ther. The f eedng sbeuld agi bi-»êbt,é rotbW ble i.kilngoi habéoin hi glvlng very siall Uqusutities port v ý*r o s etirely eucliled for, -te the. animal. Il should ho mlxed wilb Den 1. wm Uied because th"e were sup- chopped hsy or willi otuer grain. cou] Cêo i b.e vieabouts ot Waver- Périls ofthlie Deep. gel .1X«e, Who"e crimle vas lb. einlailu- San Francisco dispatches say there areail e te lawlesasa. Good citizeus et now ton slips overdue lu thia coast sud wxc *on, wMltyvl do'their utinost te bring 300 lires are et stako upon their fate. tIi' >,JUW . tâà eu who are raspousibLo The. vessels are: Steamer Montserrat. sub cwl*o ttsble. fourteen. days frein Nanalmo; steamer the . _l1Mýý inàea MISOUT. Keewonaw, Iirteen dais trom Nana- uiî ~4TA< lino; bark Germanlu, touteen days frein the wis ïewt MaiNt i vena Seattle; bark Columbia,. tourteen das ý1 t* Amom" Atocsga . frein Part Blakely; slip J. B. Brown, ST. -'Tb-bla* lduoniay*Atroitiome. seventeeu dsys frein Nanairno; bark Ses ~$~tsnModaieveilz A King, sîxteen days tram Nanalmo-, sclioo- Le k ioe pgtti.application et United urMr u dt iendi ri ~w% uiiurTemeli aICe ett- Shoal Wstem Bay; slip Red Rock, four- 1 ' ellai he ave consul Joe teebn daim fron BauFrancisco te Fort- En =, - «A dependeutlalquiry lit thebcl and; hlp Glenlul. sixteen days ftec WUIiâaroublos. The Bultant positive- SaunJIrancieco te lPortland; bark Do- 1)r r*lbsdtasow the consul te se minfuli fifteen days frein Ban Francisco un b*ft1 6, .*1 cis ion. This refusai te Puget Sound. col aIpM epetde Washington. The ha muwne 0etbthe TorkIsh -G.venui5iit te I1nourauce Law In Iluialil. bi àiplste tue roiucin a ecouuted for bh At Deuver. Col., Judge Grahamn asd- w 0prldbi r arlo t e whlch the cided tuaItue lsw prohliting inaursuc p Sl ootates ln fivor of computies frelin writjng policies onau Ou boita of the Armenllani Irves et chldreil under 10 îears et age le i 4i 51151ud. unconstitutila udvi.Titis rnling will b. ta-reacblug lu 1is effecta, as tuero h - VAMOUS HSes ESTROYE16. have beau ae large number of convictions h for thoue offenses. The passage efthte itbesGri-e st esorta Near Bau ilaw tras precured through tue efforts et , ' liwt es Wwp4ont hi Pi-o, the Colorado> Houlette Secety. The Pru- tufBoi .,leo*edabout seveu dentliInsurauce CempauyoetNevsnk, I#&~B a clàovas detroyed N. J,. vas tue principal ceneru affected h lt*d« gbt, entalling a bas et by the law, vhikh vas passed lun181)8, sud 'a. ils O lieusebi a vorld- lit as in a case aber. the mnuager, Fred P dm ý u t Oplrleoked tue a G. Ledden. and a substituts agent, Charles a Wp. patt .lb. osaegdaleaa eBigert, had beeu arresled tuat tue de- 0 Tii.M buldings vée traine csion was secured.N M14 o re uw *8asrestaurants. wf o ao.e "d eulo abop. lua adition, Irfe air wide hacnl ftrointwhicb the. Alderman Maddeu et Chicago au- s be hovuved. The Dow sait-tnene« that b. viii net b. s candidateb bata.eâiuabeto holding 20,000 for tue Mayoraiynomnatien ber. theb *ffllantboraid.Republican convention neat sprnn. The annoulâcouont occasloqod great surprise vilie tu Cleveland. *mous lie polîiciana e t aitparties out- Sesbrké utlu ho~~ di.eofthte ldermani latinistefrlends,. 4èd4 *"d b the eau vho bave known et bis Intetons respect-m Iiec11 in, e déi teDsnlug tué Mayoialti for sevemý91 days. Ai-0 -l e dma u esryddmman Madden's declivatin, it la gen-n Tle lIon oui uldigBe erally coucodsdmao that George B. giA ib. treh ýle0'7011 publican nomination. Had Maddo e 40.00Suad $87.000. régiO< mained lu the field tue content bulveen 14 'vedea Emie Iltel. htue e mn vould have beau cdose. US 13ATTLF-FF1ELD TO BE A NAT .IONAL PARK. es efthle Southbeet te Be ae 1Treated as Tbeir Conarades of xast aud Central Weet-FrO- ar Bil in lthi e' eate. poutaine 8,000 Acres bill creatlug a national milltarY Dut of the battlelield ot Shileli bas jbath houmt a d awaits the lentes signature te jiecoe à a 1w. IlI ns lb passed tle Sonatte appro- I $75000, sud provlded for a Park 10 actes. Il authdnism e becre- )f Wam te sequir. poommioli et the mclnded lu tise propese UImits eithem mdemuatienofet etervls, but pro- that tb. proeut occupant@ mai, un- Ln arrangemeuntu lb.theBerehary, In upon their premises, lu vici case are te pretect *Il laudmarks oltiter *xlstlng or te b. bereatter erected. park la ta bu lu charge oet tires Cern- onoms, oeeoet bem shall have d in tbe acuuy ot the Taennese un- eneral Grant suotuor lu thea ruiY hio endier CGenerai Buel, sud 1he lu tue army of tue Mississippi uuder ral A. S. Johnson. The goueral ou et tue billla sel forth'lu the finst an, sud la declsred te b. the preser- in on the ground wbore heY fonght thiston eoeuenetftte mtmetmoent attleofet bammies ofthe Southwusl a, been doue for the armis ofethbi t t Gettysburg sud for titomeofe thf *al West at Chickamaugs. t. fichmttboigelMae. a -Clue 5.5.1 te oLexeoo mCoassitte. xzmilliau C. Bcbmlttberger. Captait lIce and nov lu commnrad et tho te> lun district in New Yerk, made a coi ln befere lhe Lexew Committee 1Pt ta the affect that the aulîre police sY' of Nov York City, vitu the axeptio Supl. Byrne aud a fev allions, wl en ta tb. cor; tht lackmail an >, extartien and corruption ver non crimes lu the. department, ai tmarcenami metuode alone sctîiate tellaw officers. Hlm charges impl ed inspectons Williams aud McAvc. Ispecter Steers, relie Cmmiesi0e James B. Martin sud.Johin 0. 8he iCapte. Pnice, Gaudinu, sud Msmtei Csul. John Gunuar. saud Wardme t. Scbmittbunger la undor indictnt bribery. Ho bai ,previonaly refused tstify before the Sonate Commîle. iay, hovevor, ho s rennreated sud h Sbail Increaseil. Thon h. look advun- li et an ofer of lmmuuitY from, pua îlie mnt beld out ta, hlm by CouuBs el ufmi, amaie a dlean breast et il. in an BANGS IN TUE SENATE. fo ue Free Sagar Bill Cas B e Taken Up et Amr Tisse. Dhairman Wilson, et the Wsys sud eanse Commîlîse. gays ne consideration hi àyet leen glven le further târiff logis- th ou wblch would ovorce the dis- ot Teements bolveen this country sud Io ermany. Franco sud Ansaas a te- e t ot tue diffementisi duty on tle sugars Pl thos countnis. Atter tue Germeami- mader bad umade s vigoreus protent ainet 1h. doty, Germani Ïlosed bem >rtssaginal Amerlcan moat ýpredueta. b nmk fefloved sut suad a general" nunarcial varfamo lietweeu tue United n ttem sud aogar.prodiieing coonînies bash 'mcd imminent. Undar these circom- incas lut vas halieveil that Congres uuld taka off the differential duty, and aus reatoro commercial harmeny. The lbject iarend>' ta bu taken oP vbenever ae Sonate couaiders Il necessary bo gel 1au iudepeudent measore desing vitu ai differential against forelgu countriea. T. Louis BR1!-WERIE80 CLOSE». cheor Leaders Clais the Credit for Theîr Boycott.t The lirovarim et Bt. Louis owueil by an uglisI synilicate are preparluz te cou- 'untrate their output lu s portion ot their ' roperty, a d w itl taï:end lu view il le luderstoed that tour brovarios lu their .ntrol wnlîl scon ha clased. The Libierty ase aiready sbat dovu, th. CliouteuuleIn 1eng turned lute an exclusive ice plant. while, the Phoenix sud Excelsior - wl I prlabli b. closed ahortl>', haing aiready on short force. Tho Dean Drivere' Union oficiais clalut thal this move le because tf the boycott whicli lalior organisations have been e«forcinig upon syndicale been Torhured sud Killod. The lady ot Mrs. A. D, Matson, stiff and cold sud Iylng iu s pool et ber atm beood, vas discovered lu ber heme et To- poka, Kan., Thursday attemnoon. T'o &Il ippearances the voman badl been dead aboeulton daye. It la uudoubtedli a case of murden, with i'obbery as i10 inetive. lins. Matson lived atone, sud lt vas gen- eraIIy supposeil she lied considorable mne>' about the bouse. Investigation sbowed tue mont brutli trestint bail beau deaît tue vernan beforo hem lite bail boen takan. Ex-Gev. Aiatn oDia. Ex-Gev. AlceueofMississippi died at hismu, "Eagem Nost," Tburadsi. Ha vas 78 years et age. aud tue Mont fa- moun anuof hie State. Ho vas eue. A member ofthe United Blutes Sonate. Ho vas elacted Gai-ornor ef Mississippi lu 1543, deteatiug Judle Lewis Dent, brot- en-ln-lsw et Gen. U. B. Grant. sitevu la Uer Eyeu. The retinaof the ayeofM is. Winslow Shearmn murdered at Jamostovu. N. Y., Balumday, ware exained under a microscope maguifyiug 2,500 dismaters sud a photogmiiph et ber murclarer qoite clearli ravealad. Il fadoil on exposure te tle ligît befoe, a nogative could be made. ____ Mnrdered by Hisbvaîmen. Jonathan Crumbtcer, ag.d 67, a weIll to-dô fermer, wbe llved neat Bristol, iii., vas murdered, by ubnovu bihlgwspen ou tus public roai hait a ile trm hie residemice sud $85 sud a silveî wateLi *AX~T WKln*= w'.p-w Meae a f ld«Wiors' Be eKt et i wok'e te p»4c-eRe1ow-* "siP ¶BO- tatvus of the variffl Stte soldiers hemea l'Iowa, North Dekots, Nebraska, and Michiganl met lu COufer- euce. a Milwàuke for lte purpose et cou- siderilg referma iu the managemUent Of thes institutionls whlch hit leptoposed to, bring before the differeut leglslatum e t their next session.- The couferetice hms been promoted by the Board of Trutes OC the Wisconsin Veterans Home ani kta teudency willlb. teward a more rlgld mam- agement ef the Insttutions, empeclally lu the matter of suppregaiiig insubordinationi. [î I. la ilmed titat pliltical erators sand cthera are lu the habit of claimini oun te atump that there la nothing toe goed for the oid veterans and that they ought to control the institutions lu whieh tbey are sheltered, aud that as a recuit more or les, deinoralieatlon le injeeted Imb btheIn- s titutioiil. ___ CÂBLE BMEN AARE BELD. West Chicago Street ]Railw&Y CeOU' r sutred for- wanton Negiece. After bearing the teatimnuy iuntte lu- quest un Se victime of the Washiugton 0 treet tunnel occident, the coroes Jury heid the West Chicago Street Rallway Compay rspousible through its a wntof uegligouce and, greed iunot Provlding e preper preeautionu for trains goiitg ,threngh the tunnel, and recomnedd Lthat the gripmen and couductors coucern, 'ed lu the collision be held te the grand jury for criminal careleafleulal cauSIni Lt the deaths of Morris Smilth and John 1'Donohue. ____ te CANADIAN TRADE FALLS OFFr Le. - SOUR Exporteand jImporte Are Lemi Thau ia 1902. Canadian officiai tradt0 returus for tité -tirât five montha of the. fiscal Yesi reyeal mn- grual ud- etu~4deprseiau. --The fallung off lu trade totalea auounta te neari In ly $10,000.000. The total importaeu t- valued at $43,113,727, canPared wlth u- $W0,333.5«4 lu the correpoudiug perlod i. of 1803. Total exporte were $64,61M.50, ýs- eompared- wllh M.91,503 dnrlug 18M1 n a doline ot $2,234,7 58. or a total dacreasi te lu bath importeansd exporte of $,534,57ti id equal ta $28.000.000 fer the year. e Chinsse mpresaEpresses loy. id The Dowager Eniproa f Chias, edthrough Tonng-Li-Ysinen, las e ouveYed ffto Charles Denby, the Ameriea mlulstî )Y at Shanghai ber thanka for lte gft 01 fa New Trestamient sent te lier by the for, eu ouan ladies resident ef Pekin. The Em, aproesonuevaluablo siîke and laces ti ta %Ir.Denby taelbe given te thte Indien wtc sEÇRETARY SmiTi4 opposES THE. FORFEITURE BIL.. gei-eu <ieoig Negroce Luilbd fr Revsg-Stelwrkers, Ps> Cul- Guabimlaottlég edy fr '(ae -Brgiare 1.001 a Bank safe. Tha adverse reporte pfthIle M.ecmetuir>' et tho Interior totehîe issage Oet 1h' Iou erai ferfeltura bilI, nlieblI»07.Lire siven lu a commniucationi terwmriled le Representstiva llis, tran-oilitig blie report Ofthîe couîmisfiotiro et(leuGe- orsi Land O)ffice remniending the Pas- Mg o f tt b li. $e ret try US mith d es net Sceur wltli (t-î,mmissioiier L ae- reaux's vlews. The third section of the »et ot Sept. 20, 181), le enys. provides for 'the irgitt etpurcliase of lundsi witi tb. forfeited limite b>' îwe clitises ot per- sns. Thee are eizeflofethlie Uited Slalomsud those tvhe liave det-lareil iheir intention etf leco mniug istiz u. ul m)$ie- gsa the ferfeiteil lands under clccd. ui- ben contruet . illi or lîî'eîse frou thc Stale or corporationî tu wbicli sncb grat vaa madle, or iti îge. and persoîti Who settle on tIc, lunds witli a liera Sdi intention te sectire title liY poluhaetrait tue State or corortioui uben u îuine I compliance vlli tle re-quireim"tiiOfs t1he grantiug set. 1,LE N A RACE %VA 9 Whlten and Etacke Lined Up for rat- tic Noir Quitnti Ga. Near Quitmnu, Gm.,,Ihe lineofs et mr negream have lieeui taketsinl reeue fte * t aIt et eus wille tan, aud inul BB a.1 IsigitSfail aller1> iniuy liresn-ire are in » jeopmrdy. Twu ladies et determiited utnii >. .bêl -we g 400 sud 500 m en lu nil, (i . . c inubing beavily urineil.and ae boldy h about equal lu numerical trengtli te th d othen. separated bly loes than a Luile c1, snd lhable te clah auy minute W«va the s*ectacle prosanteil lu Bruels *CeurIty Buadai night. Oua body le auit 5j up oftstem. detornuiicdwhite nmen.lien, on revengo for cthe' brutai niomîler oft un ofetliet cifions efthlaI colit, th- other luaimade up etftegIrcO. terrur 94 strickeou d fearfui lest île>' or fli ýd familles lb. made the objecte eft hélB. aui el fate a as aiready betuiteui sevnot e u et nuinLer, aud radi te defencl tlemselve f' rem surI ft. as veli aus eyIiin'mi I Sable.____ te bc 7ARNECG1E wAGES CCI. At Wst pu fiU~ luurdu on.fumthe. ii John Boson, ged la . John Calculs, £remau, a«M 24. Abert Huebeubeckei', sged 1I& George Pfuud, aged 17. Albert Baba, aged 10. The Wuured are: Chres Dorge. s*0& Id p WinliliTe. Roe Hudson. aged 16. trtici bl 1% debris; will livo. Fred Wildsnger. aged 17, strtmékbO ing missiles; Will live. The explosion occurred wblle 40 was ehut dawa for a few "moïî bays flocklngta 1 he englue 2001.S lunch. It seema thatota bou been customary for th. beys lu 0 tory te assemible lu th. fIrerom, purpose of estlng their 1,Mé.dI Iine Tuesday George Pfun M Om rbenbecker. Abert Rabs, 30a"1 bu *wlth John Caleutt. the arUfl the firerooni. Wlthout wplg I burst, wrecking the brickb-ti. the oast end of the factory, 0 te the uartli. aud acatterlug d4~ directions. The employes et 4 ruabed out paule-stricken, bat, 1 covering thenuselvez. began lb.0 rescuing their lli-fated cupuee fis-c unud were dead wb.u t"b fron under the brick, timuberasud Mothlersansd istera rau tote .s ail directions, crylug pltlonshyfo their linebandsansd fathers b"d nkiled, and te seene waa eue of mml rconfusion for several minutesa.- jl broke out lu the ruineansd an 619aM in a Company te the scene. Chili. I wax foud ou the platform hbiNU I*tng milîl sud tbellçrroonmàiÉâ lyy a hotateam ppeuu bââ é hiliers. The shaek fthe ex#i$g§ tç els two miles auay. but the 94POO p, omparatively aliglit d: E COULD14T MARRY Mi1 u tI neAud Thot'* Why BUl CookESeUi he Famuss outlaw me I94 r- The baud of outlaws uow opeami ir Indian Terrltory lu the Sutbvte >ie lips the unot dariug 1h51 bam eM Pr formed lunttis country. Itl$eAd raCook, la a youug man lou a sa 2 bc old, buthbebasaonlthe dalligtid a et a dosen Daltona. Were it set love affair this youug man. of Mi dian and white hlood, would lu ailj Foot-Ball Ployer la Dcsd. unmd Uraddock Wil Sufer. George . XYoung, et Phladelphia, . Notices vi-re poste-I Friday et hIe îe Fr'ankford! football eleven. vWeotral omestesd acinks oethîe Carnegie seI 1jumeil ou Nov. 30, la dead. Young wal Company' auuouucitg that the aev seule envillitîrowu fumbluthîe bail. Wbiii et vages for nest yenr wne resuy for the *ching for il lie vas cidentaiiy kickei inspection ot tua workmen. Five heu- R b th bead. lie vas taken te, bis loini r.nd m eu are affe,-ted, aiid thore le a eu ud grew btter, lut iter on an aliscasi lu ages ail arounci except lunttheeOf~ rmeil aI th. base et lis limin wiel re laborer. Their psy ins n o o iw tuatitIl Ji uiited ini bis destl. vas net dlsturl>ed. The mesîs for tue Ed- Five Clilidren Orphsued. gar Themmen vonrkmnnlt Braddock, J J riglit acrenstle river tram Homeeteai, WF I Charte& Petense, et New Yrk, howIIi ien b. .ajuated by the compaiti. li e t Iica, kiliiug lier, sud thon uili The. vages efthte 5.000 meu et thb.Ed-EILL COOL th saie vepon killei hiei. Jeal gar Thomnsn plant viilb. edaced. The billty b. a dcant mernbr of useWi cua, for hlcI there appears tii havi beavlost cela are n akIIIed lalar. wblch Indian Tontony to-day. een ne groud, vas te motivaetoftIi te Caregie CemPsnî bas beau teadilY Wheu Bilvus s a cîeobay at s imaue. îlve ytragidre re. t roduing, as it doue more sud more et Mile Creek, midway bevees Vert _______he rgey.sncb work vitlli rnaiery ecr nysr. sonsud Taiequali. le feU lalovér,, Legs Polaued by Steck~ing-tto. ERM-prot girl, Martba Pîtina. L misEva Dooeai.oetBoston, md.. but GUATEMALA BUTIOFIERRL mance rau &long smootli e-04*, ,eth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bl lesswtte-TeauualtDI as convicteil et smugglint ' bts mleamputled.kesu amai sCoepelied te Monigage thecaCntonmatutte cTeritry-au offense Ibat a wacssmade t the poisuod ndition et Dutîsa ho Puy for Blles. aay people are gailty ef. Tibgý' lier es. ry yte pongfe ndiin el I ousatsa Goyemrneul cîrcles tIe tuas tatiarrveillIaI, bIsl tltilgs, reevaig ry le oobîtul. report la carrent that the goveruntent bas ,<rould nover marri s criMitnal, 184,1 st o k i g s . H e r c__ _ _ J e__ _ tf l . o rd sre d 11. 000 n o v M a n ie r m lle s to r tu e 'B l o o u of ai l e w s Nw OrleausStike Settld. arvm>, lu paymant et vhicli tua custoins iion geleut it uil e as refuusi& T he itcved oes ' m rike ut N ov O rleans r c ip ehave licou m ortg ged. s u i- s ie tea Mli ron eM anIa. 1.1k vas setted Thorsila> night. tle wvIla potant concessions ilds,a etc.. were but BUil retoseil te amry er vi and olomeil onganizaliens ngeeing te dl, given te tue persnea aangng the ld man's conent aud mwore tl= vide tle womk aud rejitome rates, te smliitranafer. Mexico- Il ln a ad. vili exsct conîd uel eblain il Ie'd geou o w4 * "genit e c ncurin nt h u îe re-cttbli ah en t beIsides he r o igin al dem and a a leav y lu- sud put te vIole Indian Teesit of pence and pricca. demuti fet oxpeuses incamred lii mehlllz- h. nnt tue point otflis Wtadb ______iug ber tnops. Catanino Gansa, tue â To tue varptl le consequ=*lyý Fla tsiluasceal i Mne, mens Mexican bandit, lias offerei lits so- ben itatba's tather romaled 'i The vboie New Cache (Waamb,) coe, vices, report lias It. te Fraudent Banjos aIe, sud il muet ha aId that b,b. tle entime mine vilI hacone a urck, lu MAY REMIT THE FLNEiS. the qui vive aven ince. And bbs voiviV a oas of $500.000 te tle Oregr sîmangeet part of te romance eo01 Impromene ComPan>'. Spain Auxions te Cerne te an Under- iglit. Alliliroogli Bîi'a train rabbiq ______ I tning with Uncle Samt. isodes sd roîlieries Marheru Te Xcct lu Lemîlvilc. j A bull was lutrodueM l alu te SPauish truie, sud finl>' itr ftler, I%é@g Ex;ecolive Ceuunilfethe Grand AninY Climber et >eputios le suppra thîe e- vth BiII'e nerve. wiilidrev W biolJ ettl, leubie~adecided te bold i.itutrahlxsensuaAOItethmaringe sud is os muxions to twety-, uic u&'net tî<~siiport sudinutelaxso grdd twety-int en, ýrpmnt t Luisill. ýmoiasses lu Cuba. Seor Abarzuza. min- DII1,I as n uou-tn-law. Itlai nov e lieginnîng Sept. . il le expecteil 300,000 iter ot the coles, declaring tuaIt th people whil atend. goverument vas prepareci te tgmo. te e- miltiug Ibe, fiues imposed lu Cuba ou Net Ceuvinceil et Fraul. American hippiug. He added tIaI ne- of Darraglu. clargeil vitI eceivîng de. sud tue Amenlean mainuster fer tue cou- puait» atter lc kuew tle Kansus City cession ta tle Unitedl States efthte 1"meut Depooit aud Svinis Bnk vue insol- favored nation" trealmOlil. vnt. ____ BANK SAVE BLOWN OPEN- Wiii Go it Atone. The Colorado Bu-rer Leagua resolved Beld Durglars Attack lai-sersansd 'SKEETEW AND) OHE[BoKE IM net le affilaI. vith suy pa ty fIat dbas M erche »ut a nsield - M a rt .hanbisg oen i on ber l1r1 " , net natienuîIy declano tom fmee nd on- AI Masfield, Il. tue safe Oethe F ea'- bem tatber'a blasing. limiIed coinage et silvar at the rutileotof ensud Mercbant' Blat. Bank vas Assocabel withbaDIIIaremi 10 te 1. _______bleu eopen. Thetilme-leck ut. la a COm aMe charactors, vhose nams ______-pite vreck. The Stale Andilen l s alcrop, up lu newaepapr epoeli4 - MAR = QOWAIWýia completed tue oxamînablen of tue book-. thee la 'Skeeters." l-- The front door combluatien vus ponnded ThmnDlinsd h. all VhIcaso-Cal, commun 10 prîima., off vitI a sliego bummer. Wbat mono> kanss. Ho le hit. $3.75@0.10; loge shtpping grads, $350>vas in the ste in nearl>' a total los, but lieutenant la Cherokee BilIl, @437; shep. fuir te î.heiea, $@.~le a saisi amoutas the inkt cannied a thite, negro nud Ceroke4., wbeat, No. 2 noci, 5:14ti.c; cornt, Ne. I2, heavy depesit lu Chicago. The liank e- naine le Cruttord Crosbly 45@45%c; ot, No. 2, 2J214t2c; nye, Ne. qgrned buliesa as nusai. yeana aId. Those are thei. 2, 448V.c; butter, dchoc reamari,210. emoa ttu gn o . 23%e; oggs, fremli, 18@19c; potatees, car Blaum at Marsballti>u. Cook has ostewang llaeatiyý lots, pet bumbl, 450~48.AtMnbltv, eatedrbos Bill sustaineil a serions lnjurY Indiaapois - Cattîa, ahipping, $e3 o te Flmmilch glucose plant *as Itimned vitu deputis at Talais. 5.75, lnes, ecligb, $MQ.75;l'sbooP. tithItilscontents. Âdjoiulug buildings__________ 1comuon te prime, $2@1.50; wheat, No.l ver. badî> dnutaged. The loua wilI proli- 2 roI, 52ffle; corn, No. 1 wite, 430 ably reach $00,000; inouanuce about $30,- Tii Meel lu Chea 43 %c; e t , N .2 wh t . r f eT he generai com i as 5 St ouIs, No. 2 t$3@. bugs, 34c.40 intenlpal Confeune or St.LelsCatie $04; egs $m~i.O; Cause f Dpreselen. ag 189 at Cita trheaî, Na. 2 ed, 51151W; cor, N. 2, Duneexaviev e .Tradrsais gol a- Th 2, @41uc oamNo. 2, 291hW.80; rye, Ne. e-3. t . dfiideare Jun, 2, ~~~~~~ ~ports and uncanrtaint>' about financiaiîg-3. I sdcdlt e4 Olaeiuntl-Cattie. $3.15O(f550; bugs, !stion are cepreesing trade evýerywhore. lu tue South sud Ch 54@54%c; cern, No. 2 mixad, 4444; Mvs aissdRts presented lb. ailvautages at, eats, No. 2 mlxed, 32Y jI34c~re o 2 nib rIemngrso ot ail the surreundinga ofte cdîy, ai 545(e-Mississippi vala>', seuthernusud soîîtb- heteis sud ralmoad taciiles Detroit- Couîle, $2.5005.50; legs, $40 castenulunes mt lu Bt., Loule te ravise îurd the contorence. Aun 4.5:slbeep, $2&à~i.50; wlest, No. 1.wvita, tuniffe sud oe'ehaul rates. Tliey cenid- 10.000 te 15000 le 'eiliei 55@55W4s; cern, No. 2 yeiîot, 44@44%e'.c t re-I grain sud utiiling neensgmut pn air meeting wil I sb ad -est@, No. 2 thite, 33@34c; nya, Na. 2Z te sonthesteru pointe. Il le Ibeir pur- Meunitalu. Ther. are o, 51051%ec. pose te enter the nov ycar wyul a doa u tembers oethIe Epvor*b a Ie4si-Wbeah. Ne. i roil, 54ffle; 'leeket sud imer rates. Uîe tt. a cocu. N o. 2 m ie , 400 47c ;: nt, V u.- T oilaow wIé883, yN.%5 62.Peetos u lte WuToWilev.Berg n ~ wbl~ j: rys~ Ot~tl.c. $44 Robert B. Feston sud Battis C. Patcl, rsdn erJmsos 42 Csbuqucomisionfir 0 vit0îreat, No. 2 red, 57 vite more than a year age cvludled tue teldiug the tua" .2 elo-.4« 0. Uuderwood out etf early p000, vere 4dsCalscdeal ro M t spwing> $5q- arrueted hi Detective Da"ts DIOtI bnus s d i b4 i 1 % m o i q0 i ~ U wV of torne of of rient avent s ta uli-i oret 994 Me bw viiila Ie W avents ut 6make ap ric as lu PE uMeed a pari4 Ion. The y staupeudeas lx the bisto. lot ltee mi a fom ils su b ave been *0l eloctioi W bî taies brut lire*, nr Ia'Irdi *mebee JLt etuc tom bas w y eoule"sl0 talen botc e aopemate ma stpitai eoflt.t »se empire. bas already for pose.. 9at poee. à of ber Crs ; SoumIs ?fmlui -ias Ve -Admirai 1E -Rietinit Pli do. W. c'h ire st Unis NaIllant. th M. . ttemapted 1 naýte e pe selon reaf; Sthzumîl ev aý re A", Ilm*tlgî- ý

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