b Veflequipped mith tise Styleà of 1Type e N eJw, machlnory. 'W* psy gcod salaries to 0*,ý,O Petent Workmen -rb,.ii4AMP mAiNTrAIN À ifrft 0s sReptation fSr turnlag ontth But Qualiyof WorL Gîve us a trial. 0OMEROALWOIRK SoeKi and Blaiik Prlntlng piarties.wishing any- thdng from a -*C4BTEDE ISITE,& TO A ý7 M O SHET POSTER MLAIN OR IN COORS .M fflh iL Lu tisir advantage te iob 6Wi, estimitte for and bring > der Job Printlng to tise ,» enindont PintingoeTnse. ,' <ver Sehancks Hardware Store) . vMotto-7 "Uve and let Livc.5 wtiaer. Md a orrepondents Lremeuber tisat it taises tume1 ýtype before a paper can ho I.: Ton mAlI greatly oblIge by dg, ta our opy eîrly. Capy s'tuot hereatter ho is our bands W tIbas Wednesiday noon, so me !OtO Tiursday to settlng Up te, items. We alm to print thee 1w ob, Thitirsdy afternoon, 80 lP isk Our readers on tee Friday F out lorses ar e )r don't eat weIl, »pay you to their teeth. ex- d, There is a at thse county :Wh nder-' E.. ~ zznx Â.»À»oK ti~tA Pa"p FI& .DUC. 98,' 1894. Ifov %o aMr ==c-Mr ucoffl % owla Io Mr Ihboaliv la bi*Mug.-8cuiO....he»- queM d acommUéa dvçruobbng bt Mh &iI w.A LSeat. T.nooss opend upoS libecipatrous.cof printing om.- aut.... .low cm athe world know a miztbus a good tblng naIn ho dftflm tii oU& "ic et 4-it-anidit. ... 1y mo. dig oni wftb men mli. advertm on wM lnomerlmo blu.-rnln FOX LAKE. Min Maud Moore, of HIlf Day, speut Suîîday here. Corne to Sunday sehool at Fort Hill next Sunday for tbey are going to elect ne tifficrs. Min Alice Granger and Benjamin <'nshnain. of'Fort HUil, werealaio Bundayybiotors. Mfr. and Mai. 1. W. Snyder, of Lake Villa, are vicitlng thefr daugbtter Mis. H. L. Johnîson. Lat Wednesday evening a îiumber from thiii place attended the surprise ot Rich Mai,zer of Lake VIi Seveîîty-liva were preselît.. We a]) went to the Christmans tree at the Fort Hill clîxrcli. Tbey had a very lîandscme iree. Some verv cost- Iy prescîlti Includiîîg a gold watci anîd silver tea pot. And a Mot excellent program wtich was given blefore a crow(Ieilbouse. Carnie Simea, of lIclleîîry, vi3ited lîcre iast week. Ethie Sayles anti Enima Sinus visited ini Mcliii-y receîutly. Rtob, Fiddler tand mife, oif Aît ioohi, yi8itedrelativos haro SuRiday. Aîîy one misliîîg grubbiug doue wili do mel tocali on Wm. binie8 aîtd bis two lielpers. Everv., <ie wlo is tiittested in haviuig a poîst oflce laie, is requtested to stop ut Ltite sboe aîîd sigrilthe petition. Sonie of Dtauglits Dalziel's friends surprised hlm ut lîîa home Satuirtuay eveiiiig, iL betîtg lus brtliday; aill iad a good timoe. Premiuth No. 2.-Money Found. We milI aend as a promluim toa ai 5ubecibera miso pay sitnictly Cash ii .%A.vnce, 01.50 W rthse INDuPuunusr, a cýopy of Prof. Tis..E. HiI'snew book "'Money Fonnd" wmiciscloaly esets forth a practicel nemedy for panics atnd bard turnes. J VOLO. Mrs.fliogaut returrned from Citicago lamt 8aturda>'. John Adams, of Jolinsburg, was à4 ,Vîlo visitur lIsaL Sattmday. Why masî't you domn to the coni- cert at theo actool boîuge Xmas ove? John Rusbng bias jusi. recleved a large supply o! Dr. J. Il. McLeans ued icuios. !,williams, tîe lios. jockey of Waucotdie1drove ibm Kjrwan'î clt Lirouglh toma laat meek. Tise constant drop of mater, Weare amay thee ardest atone. Tise constant guam of Tonser, Masticates thee isrdeshi bone. The constant coooing lover, Carrnes off thie blîuisling mald. But tee Iimupmorir advsntlsuns, * aree one« mho geLt the tradu. QUENTINS CORNERS. A happy New Year te ail. Old santadamws mwu a,pleassnt cal or Mouday eve. r tirs. Chu& Neyer viited frienda i Eus Grove tse pa esS. Tise d" aslnx Qîentin'. hall Wed nos day evensg mvs mll atteuuded.' W. are gad l o repet that Mn. Nel- son i.ahowiy reooveriug fronlts long aiege of typhold tever. Look for the gland bail to b. givea by our band boys la the neur future. Exact date ont known yet. Pihli Young, our jovIal paînter lij as puurobasd a lot ln Palatine witis Mus Intention of soon oectlng a fiue tbeeon. è *Schmomaàter «Uoîby. la preMnrng a rame for a grand entertatunent. - li tiste-procséds ho propose to pur- a u>um chat for Lb.e-sobool, par- LIeultIari iiihb.iven inter. - gauta clawa gave tise schtool clîldren ba Èreat surprIse lutI Fridtty afternoon . bialiusg AtthUre .hool.homre mih a ,OMsit big box of goodies, the large * aclolari may ltoacher doute lt." Th Tbnext Ume -- trys toisead o ewtrougi tise monda la tie dans ho shoutl keep hoido thtie rope, and.it mouldnttake hlm tm ouors a nSud thse *rosIbut -baya IL an't hlm tbulmwas lt It mswlumhnoad tiat We n'et a gentlsunan the'other day miso ooked s> unouaily gond natured tist we ere lsd toluqulre as otahUse caume 01 I, sad Me ddh ad Just re. ff~ibvel hi. &AI; MéW ait j«m.ubmi'p- t imuI~u" uuw end th*t; ho m OA ser a 1fr.and iiwNýawfflor om *gM a short vîsit te relatives bers t$béwek.' Peter Mowers la linprovI gthse ap- pearaneoofbisaplace by movfng smre of the buildings. Mins Edna Schapter is ai, home fora. few montha' reet, after an absence of about sievon years, lins. F. Hertel uipped and fell last week, injuring mi1e 11mb so sevenely that aihe la quite lame. Chas. Vis bas been quit iliI; lie 18 improving, but it will b. a long turne before lie is able tu do much work. Mr. anid Irs, J. Richards have gone, to Jitteaville, Wia. te spend two weeks visiting a brother anîd othen relatives. The whist party held at the resi- deuce of J. M. Foot last Saturday, eve- ulug waa weil atte.ided;,-alt repot ail eîîjoyable ime. EJM~itlIîel inteuds Wo take up lits residerce ut Ravixia iext spriiig. W. uxédersLand t.lîat lie bas purchiased a lot and will buitd thiere. Tie romii'of lIrs. Loty morelit- terred at Verîîuu Coutetery, Muîîday. A stort huril iservice mas eid utLthie grave. t5be mas ait o10 roaidolat of thia place, but with hbnrltusbaiid mi. it to Elgin domo Years ago, b îtivetîoar lier dauglittors, at une ut wlio»e omlit;es lie died. Mr. Dot>' croâsed te dark river aulne Yeats before ls iti ie. Mis. C: Tatcott is very nichupleas- att by te arival of, a tîîîy gratîd- dauîgliter. Àîuotter lîl.tle wate 'upuil the soit # i tf,. Aiiulluet soul tu save, Am.id te toit aiid atrile, Aîîutler heurnt tu love, Receiviiîg love agat; Ail babies are the sainle- Charges of joy auJ pain. Now let us maîy a mord abotihLie chrîsimis troc, we haever saw tLeue lt chuicli decorated su tnely, nt omuds cannot exîrtss te beauty of the Uieo. Thie programmte mas ail that cuid ho îieired, uiîtîlt alas,-ala, utd cata's liait cauglit. irathue poor uid feiluw dii îlot hake tu tire naturaly, lie likes ice better, clu, Ait? but lie soui avetg ed liiseltf by giviitg aiway Rev. Gray'S misitaps. We have iteard of stteep go iiîg astra>', but iiever remeaiber ltear- of the sliephord gttiîtg lbat. Bv tit ma>', the cliurcb tirs burîl very briglilk ly iow-a-days. m. V. S. BUFFAL.O GROVE. Misse]iirck la oijyiiig the hilidays mith ber pareuta. Mai. Francis Weidner vilted frienda liti <JIiicago last Saturd a>. Frank Weidîter nmade a hututlixug tip tu the ciL>' ash Friday. Misa Katie Smith mont to work at Whelîoing for Mr. Boehmer Dec. ltît '104. Oh por Ji m. Mossns Jno. Raupp anîd Bron. are buîy hauliîug Stone aîîd liguneer for the erectioli o! s fine i eideoce. Andreas Dusllut la tr>ilng isard tou civilize, ji.dging fruai his colege praiuks, lie muust b. near the goal. The IN DEPENIElT OfIRce la in shape W 'prnt Sale Bilse on short notice. Satisfactory mork guurantuud., Free notice lu the papen mite every order. Soute of ourn ieigbboring Poys en- joyed the clîriattuas exercises in public, sehool District No. a. Tbey reporhed thaL it mas a reunarisable auccesa atnd a delightful eiîtentain- aient. We are sorry to hear that une of our beet aud muet accomouting young gentleman baid tise mistortuine Wo lue bis bat (not lbis bead> mhile bu a jolîflcation trip. Wilbotut doubt, hole ii oLie this came with bls fnieunda, mbo played tihe joke on bita. PPop's LsUTER Sbermood, Nov. 6. 1894. Freund Joisal Icob mlidir aur kasrt uittelen mie es bier n laWluonia bergeht. Secha Tage ballen Wr ge1rsuibt, bis Vit hier-, ber gukommen mmnd. Die Jàgd bettsalir gut tuer Buacbhuener, Fuecism, Kaiuss, Baeron undl Hirue.. Wir slnd gant o- bon an der l1clgan Greaze. Roiz ha- ben mir hier nocb se viol, dammmie ganzes Jahr laufen kana, bis ma durois komut. 2 Baren, 16 Hirhue, 28 Vuecbme, 9 Kulins, 12 8tinkkatzen, 6 Smnse babsus mir aobon bekommea. Icis mar 2 Wocisea bel dea ladianern und baba da duo ônj'-reiten, gelerat. lois unocbi. so .gae lien Hisai scoken, aber es ot jetzt bel M Strate verbotea esinoaIndie Stadt tunbriuugen mdil diemen Sommer se vils verbramât sied. Au sineun Platze issus icis80 Stueck Haigen sehleu; aile maria ver- branlât. Den alten sebmarzen Gaul baooIcob otasun allen Ixlander tuer $76. ver- Laufer.. Mit Guorg'a Rend babea in saol elae rlcitiffe plage gebabt. ES hat sin Band lm, 1hwn gestoloun und dao bat"ts 824. gekostisil, dem Rand baise lb. ois o. loisbbatte tuer den Rand sehon oft OU8 bokol8men koeb- nen, aber lbbverkaut Ibmn ncist. meil or gut lot tuer dis Jagdi somoders bol Bascbbuenera und lHiuWis. Wir lha- ben jetztactison vier T>gs Seblittea baba.n. a2 Woeissa millinlaL Busch arboten, gie heublon -von M6- ou,. -Mit fBaudI -:d-dam "0 st. Wenn der üe«p'Our boau Mins PioeTtpp l is iting etalves MW Maqde Moore la home on her holiday vacation. A. H. Brandon bau been on thîe ali liai. the past few days. 'fi fi Why don't our burg move arouîîd and gel a bras band like ail bier istet Ail of our yuurug people wmut danme out hie old yeur ah unie place or anuther. RoSds are very mucli improveil b> graveliug. Good thiîîg, lot us huave more of IL. A gaad time to advertise la igbt nom, and thse best medium la thse Iin- ixEFIKDUT. WUIi Scbultz bas moved bis hane- hold effects tu bis îtomly purcbead placud-ta Frtosit. Patrons of Lise fuctory received Lieir October divîdend luat meek. Botter late tisas neyer, but botter never lai.. Several young in a d a very thrnllllng adventure lait Tburaday aveu- Ing. Bu caret ai boys It mligbt b. loaded. 1ise ibonne of Hen rodes mas the Meene of a jolly Lime li ut udu.y tbe occasion being chluning of bis youageat cisild. A party of young people gatbered at Ca>rne Goeawillen's -laut Suoday evening and. spent the boum lin an enjoyable unaner, A party mas given Tbur9day night by tlhe young people at 8cbarn. lngliausea's. A large cromd mau prient aad ail report a gond ime. Save you a friend or relative b) aiséesyen would liSe t b. held ip plesment rémombra*ioe u"m eek foi tise oemlngyeant Nui t t Iporson * proset of a yeas aubsoiption tu The Obistinas testlvities at the Luteran cisorcis mre Weil ati.nded. Qui. A Iengthiy progranm as rendered in a pheaabig manner and was brought to a close 1>7 the appeananoe of Santa cans... - BIDDT. If you ma bandblbs, If Yeu ma teAVelopea, ZtouM ut o*normui, 2-ftu wysI bmuuness ,~gu 'Mrs. Gibson spent clirlstmas witb frienda at Libertyville. Tom Lynchs shook bands witb olil frlends bore, cbristmas. 1 Mrs. Dayton bas retuirned tW ber home St llerriîîgton, Kaiiiaa. C. Sturm anîd Il. Meyers made a business Lu the ctty, Matturday. The Misses Budolph of River Viev gpeut clîrlatmaa at I,,ong Grove- Mir. Klin of River Vtew mon thse piano at Lhe rafie, Moîîday iîigtît. Misn Westermann ls spending boli- day we i mLlfrieîîds in Chiicago. Frank Fixote le ,xercieiug bis trot- tera on our graveled streeti, daily. Mir. anîd Mré. Richards wero looking for 8auta claus at Oak Gleti christuia. George Foute anîd timily of Elgin, speu hL lristmas mitli frienli t iitil 'vîciity. Mr. iand 1Mrs Whigang are ontertAii- iîîg l'rot. anîd Mn,. W. W. Wliigituot Chlicago. Tige a ist clit) lid a very pîleait meetinig ît Mrâ. J. M. Fo)otd* Sctuii dat>' eveliiîi,.. C. A. Mes.îer dand Chins Stîrm ait- temadeuai a lolida>' Iart3 id Rivet Vie w Mr ail Mis. J. 8 Gi-ilievaiiil E. P'. Gridîey lite cluiiistillis diiinî-f mu ta frienin iiWaukegaik. Miss Maîîd Moore reîîdered a Geri- mniaisoîloî Lt the cliiîieli clini îaaOvt iii a very clialinig tutiîier. 'llie social cii, m ill gîte agraiid bail ait thei, l'umi I all, liait I>ay, Nec% Yeais etc A Chîîc..gu tiîcIiebîa %a l usil tiît ii. t clas uî haic. LOAG Z V Muddy Chitiiîaa, etc. Cihas. V,îss Jr. lmastîli very tow. W liait dîd zSanta Clauti briîig >'ui? Wby donjt foiks Ltaik commun escat?, Misa Cortlctt niýw boards at jouie Schlîutz'. Scîtoola aie closed fur tige holidav Cail ou BolleubabLb & Soi for aîleiglîsi ati uttera. Porcy G(iiey la hîaviîîg bis tituber lota cieureti. George Kiepper ls buggy liiuliiig stole for Üisuew barii. lieury Webrosiîterg miade a trip tu tie City ligait aek. Sure tîig, we're atila'aitiîug for that double %edtuîîîg. lot-mnas Shultz aud Ilank Lcnaker art out buyiiig calves. Frank Ruppert attîîde i bis siepLiew s fuitetal ui k'rcoiL .Muotîdsy. Unie of Our bu) 8a-ais tigh lît ILlahU 'rhursday nîght. Loo ut Bill. Bert Wickershein, will give a danîce aL Boieîîbucb's hlitNew Years ave. C.M. & St. P. Ry Time Table. 0011(0 MORTH: arn. IaBrn. p. P.m. P.= (btao. LuveIl7l80 980 1 ta 520 a6D Shoermervltle 828 10 18 2 m àOU 721 Deorfltd 8 bd 1022 240 614 72r avorlti 841 1028 248 BU1 78S Bondone, 848 1035 2 u 486 74i LxumssvvxLLa .... 1046 .... 460 7 8 Wmn1nlo 8 56 a Q0 GurnesI 900 808 Wadowortb 9 10 8ais Russell (arrive) 018 8329 GOING QUTH. aibda; GOfiO BoTa: ont; arn. aM..m. . pn pMp.m mussoil a as Si17so Wadoworth tue0 65a bol GunmnsBU11 684 a5I Warrmion 917 aSUàBi LmarrviLLm 6 10 730 .... 128Bu ... Bu oândoul 620 7 48 .... 1240 6446à U ves.t8 aie 766 .... 1246 sas 1 Deerfeli es o ... 10 4 8 I Sbermerville 686 808 .... 1286 406 651 OhCbb#LmÔ.rrve.7 as 900102& 145 700 a68 BIJIDAY TRAIN&. Lv. UbertrvUIs.10p.m.Ar.Eondout5&I0 p Lv.Libeftyvle$a:10a.m. Ar. Oblosno1025ae Lv.(~sa~g Si a.. A. Lbortyvfis 9:40&.n Lv.Ubsty vlle 3:40 p... Ar. Boédout ,586 pm Ly. Olîlasqo 1:45 P.,im. Ar.Lflyvtl. 8:10 p.u WIsc.C.nt.R.R.TIme Table G0150 Noera. S1.01 Li .M~n ...P. Chew .......'Wl 8 00 62 4 ll Aptakltc.... 785 sole.... 8a6la.îl prulteIw ...881 8919 .... à589 auml . ". ..92P 8040 ai 68 aie.eue . ...4... ...6. a l à aan Lab ois .... 9 a 951 8:040 loti Goura a ura. elKeville..... 42m7485 980 as 51 Lofine ...........4d81 7 M...... ....o7 « Gray Lake ....M87 800 1206 .... 9101 Rocefeller ....@447 818 M1M5aitbd54l7I tllton ..... . 481 828 1 os ... 87 2 ProblelVtsws.... 4588i1 11à -.o7 M .paite.. . ..01 8 M 118 .... â7 SITNDAY ONLT. Gonga oultb Train loaves Grays Lakee 47 p. n Riockfellr 6 6 p. mi. arrives Cbloga 80 p. a ODalIY xoept iunday. 1 ftop on1l> on signai. Elgin, Joliet &£ esser Ry. 4 m linaMd"v. ... Wauhm=... depas <« t ai 4:600 poiw, '89 816 PIWar.NOUE**It ip ........... ....... 95 nle Ballot Law Bs o b e $0 mwP~ as to /gesaVtrsgh. Thse Bupreane Court of thse State of New York ba just rendered a decision under tie Australlau ballot Iaw that wi11 heo0f lutenest te the rendors of the INI>KEÎ4DElT. At the muînicipal eleotion of Wapplngers Falls a year &go, Edward H. Gorlng recived forty votes for police justice, an office te be filod, but for the fillng of which the election officers had made no provisions what- ovor, the village trustees decldlng that the office waa unueasar>'. Gor ing was not regtilarly nomlnatod nor more any officlaI ballots contalning bis naine nor thse namo of the afle prlnted. Âfter tbe election b.e clalmed the office, but the village trusteoes contended that a citizen chosen under suob conditions le not duIy eiected, the provisions of the ballot 1cm not bavlng been compled wlth. Judge Dykman of the 8iipremo Court sus- talnàedIlorlng's claIm and lits deeciston bas beeti con llrmed at the general t.rm* Justice Brown, who wrote the optiinih, .'ild Ibid the question pre. senteti mas wtîether a duli> qualilled voter mn>' vote for a Jîersou for ait office who te not nimeii on file officiai ballot and for th, fllliug of wiîieh no iru)vîsituiha.; bî'enin ade, lbut wliii MaY lie tlied at tii 'el"~tioti. The otîiîioiî goos 011 t>Say 'tîmat the rlght to te> V.tCi ..rv.irom the ccaî..titu- Mi.; the mailier of vilugl e giilated by the stîîîute. 'Tie cou- stitutiotiéiiptrovtiimn coîîferriiig Lthe riglit gijloti nilale vi izl îs over 21 yeîîrs of agr, ai su coîtteri the .righit b ovote for îilierson for. evvry offie retuircîl bY law W , t,îiIIlîle it thei, ctiion ilit wlîlclcthie îcttrs <lesiresto i>vote. Aiày taw mli telprohdilit s the n gh t to vote Is itlîlîsgtittii onni, and lit)laa shouild bc t) ,, otstrui tas to depîrive the voter of bis ights. The deeiâioii shows iluat tîhe cotirtti are dlisî,ost-tl ho tuke lilîcrai views lit interpretirig tihe ballot iaw. The voter le comîîelileil W iîse ai offleial ballot lis votiig: but white ln the votlng boof, ltet voter shii retains ail hie right8s i Amerlean ail.izetis free to ise ihiat cofliîli al 111r in bhs owiî way lit mn kiiig kîîî,wn hîie choce or 11) itcr-tboy Jouîrnal. For a uiee viaitîng eard or bî,sinesi carda give the 1 laI> -ENDE\r olai Fite îiiew ,e-rilît and an nce assort- ment of cards bore. Admnitratora Notice. Estàtt,, of .lenie lo1. lariîy. 'lecssed. PUBLIC Nîriîr j, bervi,î givn tiàîet the sut> &eribeïr. Itsî'cii,rof theit >Isi liI and test&- ment of .ennie M. lsrby. dteeu".s. wUi attend the Cîî4unty Court Of LaLke C~ungty. ai a term thereof aI e hotîlen at tige Court Housesin Waukegagg, IL, iad County. on te flt Monday of liebruâr> nez,. 1520. when sud where ail per ous hs'îing e dimsagaiist l"id Etate. tagr notifiid and requested to proggent thiianie W nid Court fur adjudicationg. CI.ARtTWezN. Dtiin th ector. Waukegut i.. Nov. 2III 18. 7-12 Win.,rg rltli o ihs A nLAixT dstMe Vlq mise t l houCdImu Evey eatorlmm". sud lI ne longth c ab mtWis . bas oma rte o -lho $4 Tracrea that apa isso ave feqmnntlybefnr ail fo A HUAiS ftae allaey noie.ngan anyaesae açcba ear ropeaite yahogra i ilsr niouth Itla whit M&betbm-çî Tock of th of kid trmet. 1the bypnoatlc poer buoatr le taM Àwingng s fae cock laond.UW akrmThie he la am work o mcar ra IL ma ho prona te lthamt i pul ta iocrrni g gbcdij thelI tii tiigc weioi. onl a pesue pata.ietaor thspqrIý 0fswingng I rham s ta ensdaa4 1 t t pul s îs'erear pnally na4 slî:ape-.% uix f À imsitute gu d and 1cr Ir.kulls. * Fa.. N(i Ilrail rai companies arceli teptine for the ~tetcjraph. l-'il.,',a tfrin îf ,csnd. b4rely vWs * W the îîalid e'ye, .îue thousaad ad o! quartz thire1ay !lW- Spun. * ime mvatLh which i-. shaped lîlke aMO bora. At tbe end At every bour ItI icharges a tin3' pi4o1.ý A Lyaxciîcmist who analisau *sample of 1iair arer adUeline f fty cents for a two-onuce bo% faid l lUt. cotai n common watmr traces of >.lt and sage extract. Tîîs Scientifie .tmîrican ha flq i t ont that the' enurgy excrted byaiÏ s rood train travelio>g eventy4n. ma an bour ta nearl>' twsco tint cf ;7M thouiand-ponnd shot ired bona10 hnndred-tern Armtrong <uS. A LiLIPITAN electric lighl besti * nvented for thse beneât cf .q *reporters. IL t amt.nteilte1 m pencil so tîat the reporter may.U bis own light wlth hlm Md lb. e niake bis notet. evon inth iedab AN ITEMIZED SUGOS&dý THàAr a moman cas sucSe. , Pzamu and pondier thse f191W Mima MàzvE. CuTrni. v.m hoLa 1ton, Mama r AmTa her father'. deas t tony m go mise became soes manager cd mIý 41elght acres of landl. Ar that time a mhool teacbse, quit dfrecting thse ahooting of rj, minds and thon went to fmrmimCkVl.ý Fammân and nelgihors éhook 10 iseadeanad sald: "Don't yoledq Mary." Blut Mary ald, wth a I and decided air tisai.se mould &Mu' dia. Faurr ansd vegetables ame 09. cropa. 5h. supervises aIl this woé sel and mlli the producta of ber and lnduatry direct tu coasnmss surplus going tucan.riem whmen I. la miteil tiat Dot a ai othim mide-saaie momanmeaMOm o eveu yomrm lia iaing ucammahi eý Of peacis, you ii"aMit à5 la chance. _ _ FOR MOTHER îiNO THE Roi n turc ii lmappam If a boasl1 hala over tbhe=.* te You caa tait. ont pot tafflm gocd by rubblng th- wmih be i tembefor. mahing. &I im airmay be. kep e Io out after flnma b~y a fraiusu lion 01 sage t« . te bmmem.ï m WmW the. Lugeruimiaae' break ..d17. viselin rubbed thse banda armahed wmiido"' et gcod. - Wux Ibm fnneMo irritai. the sun c01Ithe baby meather place betwm e lsa sia a layer of sot linos o A aimv cf oliciohspa do side of a b.d miii oursMy smomuumbnlimm. Itlula 14 Fi" soufaIes 0f thse ollloh in~I t:1 alii susiten tis he per. di Rum» « lovas ame S gii, ime and labor over thse hmdý sp thie- û»eebonbu dir1 likely 10 b. banbe *>ý