PhyslaQ de.Surgeot), office Over Drug Store. L*.yriulae, '"f. Dr. Charles Galloway, Office ln Loveli'S Drug Store. 8E t Io01000kA.M. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. 0<0e ovor Trlgge & TayIorS S8tore HOUEM: 8to 0a. M* itO4 p. m.ôSto op. m. HOIiz* A% J.HE. TEIGGS. LIERTYILLE. ILLINOIS. DR. ?-î H. SMITH, SOffice over LoveilleDrug Seore. Libertyville, Illinois. A. W. ZIEGLIER.O0. D. S 01410*00 OFFICE 11CaaapBiiiig, Cor. lmat W §&Nditesusta. At Ub"tMlII.Satu-rday oniy. teuh u.ek. 'OMS, with Dr. Taylor, Over TrIggé & i Ty lor' tore. T.eeth Extracted -Ithout Pain. -%ALL WORK WARRANTrED.q 1 HOTOGRAPIIERI 1Geneiese St. Waukegan. The iAbstIsati vi nldge.. Sattifactiofl assured to everyone, -1. the Place t4)Bu- Ladi«e nd Chidren'e MIUTINS, Fancy Work Materiais, STAMPED LIN ENS. L"dies Neckwear. Ruchinu. etc. SMITH & SWIFT. LuRe Couiity Bn Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILLC. Isseues nterest-Bearlng Cer- tifloates Payable on Demnand. Chas. Kaiser. ài» DBALUR IN.... Here*Furnlshlngs Coode, ROBES. ULANKETS. WH'PO. TRUNKIA AND VALISES. And &Ul goodes nsually kept ln a firet- clasa HarnesauShop. frai sâdtkFil Ainys a RUni iceUirlns Nontty end Quiokly Done. LIBEHiTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Loveli, the Libertyvile Druggist, Will Close Out his Stock of Holiday Cood -~ At Costa SC 1100L.SUPP)LIJES. P'en and Pencil Pens, Ink, Tablets, Pencils, School Books. Paper, Stationery. Full, Fresh, New line Just Received LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Great Slaughter! We have been Slaughtering Beef ail Summer and now we are going to Slaughter Prices. Mul front Quartors of Beof at - Cioice cuts in proportion. lancy Patent Flour for 4cts per lb,1 - - $3.50 per bbl. The Largest and best Stock of ,rQeries apd Capped, Gocds In the County can be found in our Store, wbich we offer at waul 10 per cent. Discount. "4ead aLre .AJays Willing to Show Goods. Ful HoIlday Excursions. The C. M.& St P. B. B. wilU seII excursion tickets to ah stations wlth. in 200 miles on December 22,23, 24, 25, 31 and January lot at one and one- third tare for the round-trip; tickets good going on date of sale sud return- ing to J an.. '95. Half Paro Permit.. Ministers and any others entitled to, them, are requested to, make lrnnwdl. ate application to the nearout station agent of C. M. & St. P. B. B. This company la prompt and accom- modatlng ln dispatching éheir business and: cater to, the publieo patronage. The Boy Recovered. Âny one wlio bauehidren will e- joies witls L. B. Niultord, o! rlilnflid, N. J. Hise ilttle boy, Oive yeatru of age was slek.with croup. For two dayu and ntgbts ho trisd varlous remedies e-i commended hy friendu and neiglibors. He saysa:11I thought sure I would loe hlm. 1 had seen Chamberlin'au ogh Remedy advertlued and tbougbt I would try it as a lat hobpe, and ar happy ta say tista f tom two doses be alopt Unti morning. I gave it to hlm next day and a cure was aftected. 1 keep ibis remedy in the bouse now andi as soon as any of my children show signa of croup, I glve it to them and that is thse hast of the croup. 1 For sale by Frank B. Lovoîl, Libertyvilie and G. C. Roberts Wauconda flruggiuts. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. Cbrmretd by thes Mrchanis every Thuraday. fluMtr-OCreamery ..........S 8 S u qtt.a-Cbo&uDaU7......5 . EgPer do"so.............5 PUsasee, per basisb....... .73 Wcc.......... 6.O 00 5leu under a new org anization thut wotsld prove stronger, w.' would heurt ily endors.'sucl a change. We will lend apaoe for any good cause. Wliat are the plans? The editor and bis better hait took dinner at the Waukegan House Wed- nesday, and found Landlord Murray tondly carresalng his first and only child, a promlslng boy of six months. We notlced that the country visitora have Dlot furgotten where to get the bout square meala wben et the county seat. Amoung others we saw Law- yer Durand and J. W. Miller at the table. The expoutmaster oan always count on a liberal patronage or bis hotel. Prominent oltizens from ail parts frequently go there to consuit thelr shrewdest- politician. As uoon as we eau collate the facto, we wan t to Pu bîli a iat 0f the many lmprovements-new bouses, barns, and other buildings together wlîh additions or repairs, gravel roadu, sldewsiks, etc, wlth a fuir estîmate of the value of samne. We want to keep Libertyville boomlng. Be- member the editor bas to get out and hustie around, "scratch gravel"' to keep up thse publication o! uo good a county paper as the INVYEPNDENT aime to b.'. Dun't he merut your aid ln every way consistent? Who will beip ue? Boy W. Woolverton ufter fIve years experlence as a printer came to Llb- erttville to round out the flnlshing touches, and atter elght months of faltbf ul service under the able tutor. slip, of the editor o! the INDzPxiimsT ho bus graduated wltb an extra.rdln- ury degree o! proficlency as a practi- cal and artistia printer. Ho departod last Saturday for bis home ut Hrloon Wfs. whm beh.expeta t $r4b«k in. it. Qep, ar ,'~i~i~yand,* det al thre pap r oe year, for THEINEPEDET. NEWBY NOTES. PERSON eLL. H. C. PADDOCK, I&Dmnt aAW» Plop. Particles of information. Cathored Mise Minnie Moore of Highland '194 by Our Ruatlini News athorer. Park la visitng friends ber. FRIDÂAY. DECEMBER 28, 9.Wlaen you go aiway frmtu, or Eugene Biton is home front achool Churo andSoolty Drectry. ha-oefr7ead8 t-istingyogior,. pu t spend the holiday vacation. MBTHODIST .1J. B. Menion. <'ator. Ber going to give a arty -I ,.c> Mrs. Gibbson and daugliter Ethel vices: (Jenerai clam. 10 a. m.; PresLb o hnyu hwd e r iitfghrmte rs rgs h. gý .0:30 à. m.* 8. B.. S12Em.; Epnort4 Leugue in orwe orcucorgdeyaevstghrmte M.Tig.Or m;Preaebiras.!;*)p. m. Prayer mut o.e44 u la any proceeding, or when Mise Deboruli Cooper ha gone to UM> ~ jou gell, buy or change 3/our i- en4or < .Palatinie to spend lier holiday vaca- pRESBYTEHtIAN -J. F. Macolm,. Pator. busness, or your snor.. gtr sma.tion. ,p5 er'Icefi: Preaeblg ,10:30 a. M. anr dug:00as Mai--utefedfisrtrnd1c ai; m.S. S.. 12 m.. Y. P. B. C. B.6:16 P. m. reed, or tchen yoeîr neighbor gets a uss Ms W lterll asrtre raer Meeting. Wednekeday evenlibg 7:15. hia-bin, or, ini a word, if you know or Jear home after a week's visit et Highland UNV 5ALIRT-Dr. J. 8 cantweli. Cht-of ausy qtmo nersbtepule ak go, Pator. il.' c.w ý s:it Sunday oeb fineei bte ak oeontié. s. S.. 12 m. esch Suoday. brin g or send it ini, and th INDEPEN»- Miss Mabel Ellis and brother b iSiliiLL LiS. o 42 PLA.M.VIlT till gladfy publUsh it. Warren are 8peuding a few weeks ini L Etogular Communicution 2n an d 4th Bat, oa urdays of each moath. Vlistingr brethren cor- Booms to rent in the Higgin's house Henry Dymond and fumily of (Chi- __ diaily wekSeod. J. 0 . Les. W. M. Ry pn 0. E. sac. 5-Yr 1 . B. Be. cago, setChiristmas ut W ni Dy- Don't forget to leave yoîîr orders mond"s. h ut the cash market, Walrond & Hoyt. John Prie.' ani famliy, of Wasake- If you want a gold fiuied watch why, gan spent a few duys visiting relu- you can get onu of C. R. Shermanives lier. I * for $10.00. Austin W. Tripp und wife enter- j tained tiie Ball.ird andA Baiiey familles o FOu SALE ut a bargali-DO on hisms want an organ cheap?- Inquire of W. C. Sanborn ut Smith's store. Wm. Clifngman of Evanston, spentH sbr FOR RENT-Tlie house'reeently oc X s Ith1,is ler r, e, ,_Hs n th cupled by Charles Smith. Good ' E W. Er n alieiy fml. fEgite intheI cisterri and-baras. Appi! to F. Protmne. E .Fle n arly fEgn h l We (don't like to dun anyone, but if bers t a fe aswthter1).rt funnyCoa th o8e who owe as viilpuy up Prompt. eaega O eotta u 1% i we'ilale o se ,ttle ailcuir (del) ts W r ldt elottjtorELEGAN' hv jan. . friond J. NV. Miller, lias recovered I Ladie.s solid (ioid watches with i f'mbsUraisis i t of fiuisnREAD FR ED CROKER, Elgiun or Walîiîam novemnents, from A box o0 riis1 adîg'e 18~.00 1te 3(i.o0. Ask Sfiermaot how li resent te make a mian witli a good appeti te. caýdq tlis.. . I - i ' D N U 3e r LS l T~ai-lof eDr r ie on1 -v av pne I e-j .w Yeatrs prescrnt to soine àab,ent la G *GEST.. fi4ts ens Frits and Vegfttabblet; home tiiot yoo e(!an net git e in 4jettter also a large sto-k iof eutitied goouls. Oua] wek LIBEETYVILLE. redeie ntpe t. - vr AIsule. u ignilttecel cohér How wa cilFivee Dollairs strike yeuI A GLEANING ýýREPAIRING is gettiiig ahead or you,is for yon to fur a good Boy's watelî witlî Elgi..I . tliiik youî are gutting ahead of hin movement?Or oldYUWt ___________________________ inî payros in tiie end, to deal witi; $3.75 watch with Ameoriean Imovereîst? I .. tie rliable tlrm of Colly & Co. Shrman vata your attention. Here la' l anotiier, a Gold Fill.'d An Earyville woman sent a dollar J M SI Ladies' O. F. S. M'. wuteb witli Elgin away the otiier day in answer to an-L mnovemneht for otnly Ton Dollars. aulvertlsement promising for that suni V/ cosd uta otSherman knows wbat lie ia doing. to telil how to keep the smell of bollisig Prices R We losd o t alotLook for ollier burgains. H1e bus sourkrout from peiietrating the bouse. lof Christmas Goods at tlsemnyou bot The answer wus 1(5 eut tIhe cabbage M 150 cnso h olr The Libertyvîlle Pleasure club wili Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Riton departed d llrgive a Holiday Pmrty ut Hotel SPOOr 'Sunday adigbt on a Holiday pleasure V 115 doz Handkerchiefs Friduy nigit Dec. 28. Masie by Prof. trip. Tbey expected to stop overaet O'Connor and orchestra. Al the Cleveland, O., to spend Chiristmas and M uflers, most of boys will be there in dresas uits with with friendsanad then proceed east- q '! them Silk, at a diSC't To RENT-Library Hall for Wed- N. Y. t.dirige, Parties, Sociale, Quiltinga, W. D. Bailey lias comîdetedl one' of 33 1-3 per cent Church or other entertalnments. pile bridge acrosa Squaw creek in Dress Coods at a d is- Ternms $3.00 to $5.00 according to use. the town of Grant and buas contracted Speclal rates for ail benevolent pur- for another 60 ft bridge soutli of Big count of 25 per cent. poses. S2tf 110110w. After these jobs lie las Charles George Washington Jungk sawing enougli to keep hlmt busy al V/e wiIl Seil them at le the niame of our Dow printer. wlntr inhbis mill ut Hall Day. thesam rae. a1 Thoîsgh s young man heolias liad A. 1. Mailory, artistie printer, of -th sa e rte. Calyears of expoeneeas a printer and Nanda, Ili., bus been engaged as an S e heNies lnelea. seholar in both the Engliali and foreman of the Record office ut THE and eete NiestuneGerman lunquages as well as an Arcols, Ill., whither lie werst to-day of Holiday Goods in aecomplished musicin. W.' trust to begin work tiret of the yeur. Tbus our people will make hlm feel "ut anotber of tihe gruduates of thie INDE- town and for the Least home." PENDENT OfflCe secures a prominent a c -~ -.*-position ut a good salary. Success Money. Holiday Hair Cute, Free. to you AI. To introduce my work I will give to There lsau movenient on foot to Ever broughtt '~ C1t~n any on.' Iurchaslng a ticket between organize aCongregutional churli et * Q ilnow and the flrst of Jan., a hair cut Libertyville. Now whlle we «think K t Fe.c SuÈitli& son fre dollar. RailiL. rliy, Tonsorial the arelea dy moself s ustuiing nd d I LIBERTY ILLE. Ofee Tlkets alfo Drby, shaa rice there ar euldymrcsu rches lier.' d LIBETYVILE.Ârtlst, Barber aliop overEger's Hard- effective work, still, if two or more o! ___________________________ Store, Libertyville. <10.11) tise existing aocleties coîuld ulsite LIE 4ILY TAULORED )Y-TO-WEA R ,ranteed Clothîng There are many imitations, but for people who are neyer satisfied -witth --ANNVTIIING SHORT 0F THE BEST'-- nothing but the latter Will do. Everyý coat of the Genuine "HAPPY I goods bears the GUARANTEEetreE f the makers sewed to the sleeve. iange Irom $7.50 to $16.00. B. C olby &ce FINESI LINIE 0F to this city will be shown this week M EATtI &S9, 3ERTYVILLE, ILL., Now is your timne to be Iooking around for Christmas Plv sure and decide on somnething Useful as well as Ornaim Rockers formn 50cts to $6,50- Fine Wall Pockets, 70cts to $1 9< Stands, Center Tables, etc,.90cts to 1-IUNTIN-G,; There is no better place than Liberty buy a Good Reliable Huntting orOpè# Watch'or any other Tirniiepioeeý C. R. SHERMAN HAS A FULL LINE OP-' Gents' Watches Silverware RMp> Ladies' Wattbes Fountain Pens Obaâý Mantle Ciocks Ladies' (.old Pens C~ Wood Ciocks Embiemi e Novelties of alkindiiinthe, lé 1 fer and, £et Wbïr1igç ought about many char making of Clothes. Frt b road-falI Trousers a ýt and Waist-Coats toit