"bundÏrbuna" of wveebig ud cliii- abut lneffer. te.lit thia cent- tiiy of enligbt- eucut, welmve Dr. Pierce's stonîach anti bowel deran1e~ muost effective S Mettinow anîd theu, with a geîîtle. densing laxative, tlîereby rcnsoving or- fuuding niatter fron the stoniach aud bowels, toîîIigtup aud invigorating the liter and qu kening its tardy action, L ", od you tbereby reniove the cause of a multiîtude of distreasing diseases, such us besdaches, indi¶estion, or dyspepsia. biliouaew Viimpi es, blotches, eruptio If popl wold ay oreattention to ,regulatmîîg-the action oftheir they would have les. ire- qe t osonuneuto mfrtei oct. T ct f ail known aents te secom- fic htonce used, tiey are always in Tao.Iiteir secondary effeet la to keep thbow oe andi regular, not to fur- ther usstpae as ic case with other pilla. Hence, titeir great popularity, iwltb aufferers fronhabituai constipation, piles sad indigestion. A free sanipie of the IlPellet, (1to dosm) on trial, in ,nailed toa ada s pet-puid. on reccipt of uae snd stidreas Addreus, WoaLi-a Dtsaav Min C"A SICATION. Bulwol N. Y. 'oUdOxygeu frr Minera Onue of the dangers of mlnlng seeme 10 tic la a fair way toward reineval, or lit least a degree mo diictinthat wil rob accidents ot most oq hlrtr fr. Since it bas Leen proe ta dmatb frein suffocation la not due, aus bas been supposed, te the presence of oxygen, it stands to reason that If s Oupply of ox> gen eau be fturnlshed the Immediate danger lu averteti. Oxygen, COMPreied into almost incenceivably MISni! pact-, is stored lu strong boules fitted withl nhalers, tubes and regulat- [Dg valves. Each iner may carry onec Of these botles 8lung aitlbts beit. rcady te umela case ot accident. Itlus been 81uggefted that large casks or other Muitable veg-sels wlth comprcaiied oxy- 8M. be Storeti "long the ways andi on Vaulosî levelq ofthei mine ready to Opfi In tme of îîed. on the saine prIe. CWje OXygea mîglît ic toroed Into veflà, vFautu or other places wherc bad air la A menace to beaitti or lite. Rheumatisn, Litmhuo. pain lu jointe or La4rek ali du e maua.*equent cIls, IrltaUo., ianamamaton, , m4umtouaion or csaisse et thetilailtise Dlsordered Liver mm14 ,beadace, indeeta-sîontal - WA3NW-HOOT invlgonstm .OumIn lo # dMasMas Enghts tase, ms.tu sbw& Impure Blood V detioe, mala ria, generai waak odebllty. Swvamp-sot bunes up quieki>' a -nu doua a .eastutlman d mais. <Le w«a uOD. J *5 memwgo ents sad $ 1.00 MIm. «Jud v siI iata E1.atb" fis.- ZInim tisa Du. Kitr" 5k Co..Bibioa.xuniJL X. ÎZ-\. 'vs- - Plnkham's Vegetable Compeund CURES AhI ,Almete of Women. ioriUl entîreil'sesthe vun6«4litasa >mal Complainte, ll Ovarien treuhlac îoismn sd (Iloeration, Fafing s Pr chszssgeof L4!.. Sias urait mare s0as. ei M-eovi remadth e vd Lbas et. knova- ele àhmast tufallîblo e nc casaes. K die- 11w« tfflt dewelopmînand niececis tiae!i o eseus humera. 'Zat Song"'down Feeling Xy Int, veight, sid backache, lu la- eilevcd andi peâenstly otîxeti b> , e peail aslumms(nee u mte u bttheL.lava (bat guverxthe w".qitsm anti la as haumiens as value. Wie, tài . 65-ust AEONDÂÀIB tTITL SRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLINOIS NEW&. Death of the Okaw Bottomm Hennit -He iRed Been a Vreebootcv--Cemh Reaerve of Chilcago State Banks- Crime giapected ut Wlnnebago. Feilthfnli Do« Guarde a Corpse. The body of Martin Strong, who Lad litei the lite of a hennit fer several s-i-mra, %as foî,nd lu his cabin soutb -if St. Elmi,.liit Fayette County. TLe body' Lad )ce-.: dead several tiays, as decoin- position Lad set lu. À tiîg, bis oui> coin- paniioîi, aas,teunti lyiug besitie tLe corpse. titroig wnsabout 6-5 jeara olti andi aas sent tu tLe peuitentiar>' several years ugo for herse steallbig. ie a-as partioneti b> (1ev. Hamilton atter having scrved one yen r. Stucs the burial ot stroug letters and papers Lave been tound wLicL Leur out tke bllt tat he ut oee ime a-as conneteteti with a bat.C< et robbers a-hiei operatéti lu houtbeatern Illinole. His ueigbbors knew uthing et hum, as Le conîmunicated i -th ne eue. Durlng tLe ten yeara bo lived there ne euea-a:- ever knoa-n te set foot imalte is cabin. It in helievedt tbt Strong possesseti geltiaund valuablex anti that tbey are burieti near is cahiîî. An effort wiluLeh matie te un- eartb thein. Wliat the StatelInttations Ask For. The aggre.gate amonnuit eLc the sev- oral State charitable institutions aili ask the. Leisature te approprinte for therti lo $481,370. Aui approveti b> tLe <Bte B,îarti ut Charlites. tLe amounts are as toiiows: Northern Hospital for the ln- sane, $94,9W0; Eastern Hospital, $132.- 0010; Central Hospital, f4,300l; Southeru ilospital, $47,720; Asyhuin fer Insane Crmminals, $6,700; Institution for tLe the Blind. $26,5W0; Institution for Fe-bl- mintietiChlldren, *27.400; Charitable By aud Eur Infirmary. *12,'200; 8eldiers» (Or- îhan' Home, *15,ffli; Soldiern'anud I <iloe' Hoine, *350 Exelted (>ver a New Grave. Winnebage 15 exciteti over the discover>' ot a ncw-mstie grave lu <Le Burritt Cern- etery neuF tbat place. Noue efthte cenie- ter>' officieis inea- ef the existence of the Igrave sud it ans dseoveret b>' workin at the cemeter>'. The grave a-as tiug ini a secudeti part of the eineter>', anti the sud won repflutin such a muaîner as tmi 'make the diéscover>- nîmost impossible. It waus undotOedly under the cuver ot iarnieza. anti the gi-niralimiipression la <bat it eon-als a crime. The malter aill be investigated. Rockfori Overrun hy Bargiaris. Carl J. Erric-kéon, oft Rockford. a-ho a-us brutally nialtreateti by burglars Fni- day meruiîîg, la in a precarieus condition and grave fears are entertaineti for is recoven>'. lie body ta one mass of braises andt here are several ugly enta on ie beand. The police Lave apprebientied sev- eral suspecte, but in esc-h instance they a-ereý able te give a gooti acetount of thern- selves. The ciy in fuIl et sneak <Lievemi anti burglars, and tiiere ta strong talk of a citazeus' association, which will enaplo>' detectives to patrol tLe districts. State Banks la Gooti Condition. Chicago State bauka show that the to- tal resources are *9,97,282, or $1,343,- 000 more than a-heu the lastCalil wasi matie. Intilvidual deposits have inereag- ed *2.000.000 and ti ter tiepoits tic- creaseti about $1,000.0(X), while loani Lave inereased $4,000.(0. Cash andm sight exchange amount tu $29377,947 aîd tieposits tu*583159 or a cash re- serve et a traction lk-,»»ilian 39 lper cent. ]iterrd of the Wee<. Jamies Barry dieti at Springfield after au itineus et se% -ral jeans. MIr. anti Mn,. J. K. WVhite, uell-knowu oIt resitents otf Ruckforti, celebrateti their golden weddlng. George Fraxie, of Mount Vernon, a-as founut deati neur bis berne. Hleurt trou- ble 'vus tLe rause. Samnuel M. Bridgmnan, a veteran of ta-e a-ars anti the eoltim-l epl()ofetPinker- ton'is tetectire agency, tiieti ut Evaîmtoi. While visiting ini Juîîesvilîe, Wis., Mtiss Florence L Wickes, daughter et Vice President Wickes ofth<le Pullman Coin- pDnnywon secrl>' inurnie t(;<6George 0. Ford. Oliver Drake of Reeý-kferd, died ntuth(e ageoet80 year&. Bewanawaarupersoual trieudftet e nteti nuthor, J. Fenuimore Cooper, anti wu@ Torterl>' keeper oeth<e pîrisoni ut AuburnN. Y. Levi Z. Leiter W-II have to puy Augua- t'la B. Finnegan *4,500 lu censitienation et injuries Finuegan received wahile Clu- ployeti ou Uic Leiter Building, t Clii- cage, a-hile it a-as in proceso et erection lu 1801. Finnegen a-as siruek by a plank falli.g from the mpper *tory anti Jutige Dunne orderedt f iLettar make reparu- tien in tLe aus nameti. ln tLe Sangamn Cireuit Court Bale>' Boa-ens enteret I t agamrt -the Wabash RailN-ay Company fur *5,000fer persona] injuries. While Boa-ers was eniployeti in the general aliope of the Wabash as a mu- chiuist a forty-pountibamuier feIt frein tLe ceiling et eue ofthtes aork-meoms, strik- iug Boa-crs on <Le neik andi bock, laytug Lin in lu ed fer sevenal nionths anti seri- eualy ijuriug him for lite. Trhe shootiug et A. J. Green, a Young farmer living tbree miles seutha-esi et Oaklandi, b>' Nlgbt Watcbxnan X-awn lu Oakland, wos the rsuit ot a btawl, iu the rear ot J. T. West's restaurant young Green anti Jack Foie>' got lt, an alterca- d5on over norne aId tend which Lad ex- A Bmfed.h Luthersan hurch la tu bu ab tablisheti at Bockford. A new Bwcdiah Lntheran Church a fcw n lien cast of Sycamoneewas dedicateti. The county set war ha. broken ont ut reah between Canton and Lcwistou. Belleville women, wlio unîtedtu < wipe ont local plague spots, sem tu have béen defeateti ail arouud. Misa May Emnierson was uiarried ut Marshall to B. A. Sweet, ex-county eu- peritîtendent ot scbools. Henry R. Henburg. a Chicago traveling man, wvas feund dead lu Booth Bend, lud. is ttonght Le committeti snicide. Kid Waddeli. a bîuke sharp wanted ln Illinîois, is inu lau ut Fonda. N. Y., churged witli swindling a fnrîner ont ut $4,800. i'rotîrjetorg et filthy ('hicago bakeries %vili be given tLe option ut leuning their Pinesg or retlriug troin business at once. Driven froin home by tamlly <iseord, Jeunie (iriiameng, a 19-year-old Chicago girl, atteniptedt o kill herseif with poison. Uueînployed workuenin Pul.inan and Kensington, sîîffering for toodi, are cireti- iating petitious askiiîg <Bte anti city nid. Lillie Vide was sentence t t a terîn f sevn earu in thc pcnitentiary for herse stealing lu Jutige Iorton's court at Chi- cago. Twenty priens assisted Rlev. -B. BaalL, ef Rtock Island, in ceiebratiug his alver Jubile etf iiis entrauce into the prient- hoo.d. Seme uuknowu lierson went into the barn of Fariner Lvuîis, ni-ar Rtochelle. and siashed tLe ides of two valuabie herses. Benjain Simpson, of Springfield. lins soi-J the Big Four itailroad Comnpany for $20,000 for tiamages; received wbile lu ftg employ. The ocbools ut Mackiunw have been clodel on account ut au epitiemicetfmu-' lignant diphtberia iu the country neuFI that place. --Henry Nelson, ut Lndtow, and Lavina J. Moore, etf(2hainpaign, have Lecu lad- jutiget insane andti tken te the asylui at Kuukakee. .Generai JohinA. McC'lernan ut, utSpring- feld, who bas been iii for a inouth Pust, suffering frein a cartinucle. is able te Le u the treets. 11ev. Edward H. Clarke, recter ot the. Church ot the Itedeemer. Episcopal, El- gin, tenderet i@Li resiguation Suuday, te tuke efFect jark.,il. ltentiered tiespoudeut by business re- verses, Chartes Masson, a Chicage mer- Ant 70 yenrs olti. e8sayed tu kill him- self by inhailiug gas. W. D. S. Andierson, for twcnty years assistant treusurer et Cook Connty, is mlssiug. 1< is feareti lcebas beeome de- rangeti though overwork. The Northwestern Poultry Association belti its tiret animal exhibition at Lauark. The expert îîoultry fanciers declare they have neyer sPen fiuer specimens. Burgiars discoyereti robbiug tLe store of Meore & Moffeit, at Oakland, cacapeti with fixe revolvers andfilrcd a bullet through Walchnsan Hawu'a clothes. Brooks Mitchell. au old resident of Bloemington, was found lyang dciii on a a eodpile bebind bis bouse. He Lad sut- tereti for sone ie me frein heurt disease. Company G, S<BoL Regiment, 1. M. G.. et Dixen, reccived frein the State new uniforerîs o replace these duinageti while ou dut>' lu Chicago dnring the labor trou- bles. James Nevell, wbo la accuseti ot rot- bing A. J. Sheravg. a Chicago travelinrg mian, et $150 anti a golti watch, a-as bouud over for trial at Recktorti in $5W0 bonds. <loveruer Altgelti houereti a re<quisi- tien frein North Dakota fer tLe returu of William Bruno, wanited fer imufljeriiog Albert Petersen andi under arrest nt (Chi- cagu. A tramp giving tbe naine et Charles An- derson attenipteti toecrinsinally assauit Mrs. John Altenderif. living near Blom- ington, but was driven off and captu-eti by her husband. Mayor Huffinan, et Mount Carrell, bas issued au order te the force ut work sink- iîg aun urtesian well fer cit>' water pur- poses te continue tiriliing until tbey strike water or China. The a-ehla already tiowu a distance et ocer 1,300 feet in suow- wvhite sand. The Lewiatou eourthouae was cern. pietely ia recketi b> fire on Frida>'. The jutigîent records, .'xteuding back for teîî years, were destro> cd. The librar>' in a total Iosn, but the carrent files et the courts vvere rescueti. The building waus erected lu 1837 sud eccupiedti frst lu 1838. Man>' are the regrets at its de- struction, as the building waus Lelti sacred. lu it the voiceset Stephen A. Douglas waus Les ri, le for a turne Laving presideti therein as Jutige, anti froin ts teps the martyred Lincoln delivereti ancetfLis iîîîiortal adtiresses in 18M. The e- queue of Browning, Baker, Bushueli, Cyrus Walker andi others of the cari>' giants Lad aige becîx heard lu IL The flfteenth bleîinial report of the Trustees of the Illinois Asyhuin for Fee- ble-uindcd Children at Lincoln a-as madie ta the Gevernor. The per capita ceat for 18N4 aas $135.25, the lowest lu the is. tory efth(e Institution; The Institution bas pîrovision for 550 chiltiren. hînt la pro- vldiîîg for M0. The ordiinarq groscx- penses were *83,441.80; incoune not frein State, $9,405.27; cost te State, $ Ï8,641:53. The trustees ask $193,700 for general expenses for the îîext ta-o years. The ninetecnth blennial report efth<e Illinois Chariable Eye and Bar Infirmar>', Chi- cage. Las heen laid befere thc Goveruor and approveti. The treasurerreturned $11,- 770.93 to the treasury, bing $3,318M3 No Substitutes For Royal Baking Powaier. The IIRoyal* is shown by ail tests, officiai, scientific, and prac- tical, stronger, purer, and better in every way than ail other Baking Powders. Its superiority is privatély acknowledged by other, manufac- turers, and well known by ail dealers. If some grocers try to seil another baking powder in place of the -"Royal," it is because of the greater profit. This ofiseif is good evidence of the superiorty of the «'Royal." To give greater profit the other must be a lower cost powder, and to cost Iess it must be made with cheaper and inferior maferïals, and thus, though selling for the same, give less value to the consumer. LOOK with suspicion upôn every attempt to palpi off upon you any baking powder ini place of the 11,Royal." There is no substitute for the IlRoyal." EGGS 0F NEW YORK. Alint a Billion Are Connumiet There Xver>' Tear. New-YorkerÉ aire tond cf egg-vcry fond et thein, l. tact-sud tLe store con urne an su rinces nuner ef do,eus ei tue delîclous ovoitis svery yesn. It la Lard <o guesa just Low many are U-.;a~ ~ey -eé"lu -tle Makîu(0of cakes, pies, and cî utections, th. con- cuction ofhlanions b3verages and as 8mlplain eggs, cooketi andi un- oed tla aste tesamy, hovever, 1hâ1 aithough. thens are conalderaffle exporta of eggd f r. i hs1 part, the greater parteof those reoelved are con- sumed tbere and ln Brooklyn and inl the immediat,3 suburbe. The i eoeipt j frein Jan. 1 to Oct 1, 1894-. arnountedti te 35,U O harrela, and l,>-65,41l casei, If îLe>' vers ta con- tinue as heax>' for the la quarter ef tLe year as for tLe fral threc, 1h. ttaL wouiti amount to 46J86 lbarrelsa ndX :,4. .14cass.But as October, No- -ernbcr, aud December are Lsrdly te be considerait good l> n"monthas vilL ILheuen, it la not llely thai tLe total yull rea.ch tLe figures zimed. k or convenlence It usa>'b. aseumoti that the year's recelpts vil amount tu 2,4 0,000 cases sud 45,0,,0 harrels. A case - f eggs la stateti by the Mercan- tile Exchange authoiies te Lolti Iroin W4 te 351 dozen. andi a barrai troin'.0 te 75 dozen. Avsraging these figures, let us assuma 1h-.t Ihene are 32 doxen in ever>' one ot the 2.400,000 cases, sud 72 duzen ln cach of tLe 45,000 barrels. The ttali umber o! dozens wculd h. 80,040.0. 0, or, dropplug the otiti,0Wc as being likel>' ta arrive broken or speileti, $0,0,0,tttO of dozens ln tounti nuninter. This voulti n-an 96,000,000 of lu- dividual eggs, ouly a lîtle short et that incomirehenâible aumber, a bill- lion. Itsanet easy t.i taklt îes. figures ln, but eoins notion of their magnitude méiy lie obtaiued by coorputing the dis- tadce tLe eggs veulti reach if îhey verse ranged lu a single nov. Eggâ var>' lu length, but t.cey averagef rein five ta six te tLe foot. Taking the latter figure as a bosistahey mray te cen-itiered tve luchei long. 1Mus hundred,,c udsixyi insnof ta-o-moL cggs voulti re-ch i,1420.00OCJ 00 luche or there are 6tiJ360 imoLes tte LriIeý 3L).; 0, mi les. Thal looks lîke a pretty big sien>', for tLe circuinfe, suce et the eamýth la oui>' about -'i,000 miles, aud Nov Yorks yearly eupply etfelggs oulti, theretoro. rach ontire v arount ileai globe aud lap 5,000 iniles, or about tice acre-s tLe continent of North Amerlos, ut tLe latitude et New- York. WLal an industrial mznmr of e society tLe iroutte lheu nmustte! This 960.000,0 eggs voulit, et course, urnount te 80,tc00,000 dozen. Nov. If tLe average wholesale rate pali f.e-e80,1K) .tJ,,Oof do. es case ig- ured t 14 cents, a-Lich la certainly not tee LtgL, tLe a-boteaeaunt ta ut less thun 811,200,000 a year. If 'the retail pi lac uveragzes 18 cents, anti that agaîn la suret>' net toc hlgb, the con- sumera psy 1 ,000,003J fer tLe eggs evor>' year, or nearîy enî.ugh te builti a dupicats of tLe Brooklyn bid ead tLe profit netteti b> the <elesa oIre than tbres times as muob ase tLemill- ion dollars aporopnîsteti for the relief ot the. poor sud te tie useit la naking park lmprovernents. Wosnen Kick Hardest. Ths Fuesauacourts have revered tLe assumptign of tLe Amenlasu tri- hurlais Ihat, vuen a huýband sud vite are drovned lu tLe came dl-aster, tLe wIte dise first. The I£usiiaf doctors have teatileti unanlrnouslv 1ha1t th inu oulti te Lerat te die, because the wa-n aIsmorie.gile and keepe lerseffbsger astee uter. FINE FARMs FOR BA1LE. impi-uved fartms la R Carpla. Georgls and Alabama. Fine climat* sud watert easy t.arn&arPinurîher information ad- tira. E A h]BEP. Atlanta. 0&s. Tables: 5f Everbody may wsts(~ And pyet Tiser. arma>' klada The word table oritinatea f 5o c The Latin tabul% Tublet fi anotbar word, Origlnating tiqua IL. Frenehob ettd Llterally, il mes a ssuff --a littie table. x Tab-ato la also a Pread woe& Orltuatiu Wu mmthe Laun tab, Anti la the plural --Or tabule Il§ relatim o aTÂ'E'*L Andi T-Â-B.LrT The arbitrai>'use af The Word tabule, or tabuis, As applied te eicaiTMW la a registueeutrsdumesk, c Belanguag taithe Rivais Chemtoal Comosa7, proplstors et tb. standar amuil>' Alon.- itipans Tabulas, soltevSoywieo$ Fhfty cent@ --a b= Noy Diffèrent Hernl Ther. are about 150 cocklug scools ln Germnsay anti Austia. No proprie- tan of a firat.-etas otel la these ceun- tries wiii engage a chef unss he has a dîplorna frei n eeof these achLQL. Mental AIes-toes, tiepmntis ver>' largel>' on the physîcal eau- 0dîtien. tlugglsL blooi la <o brali. A Erings comfScan d lauo W< pans I ahule altr munats i l lu vy tnut omi4il thlots f aushort eider. rnouaiuS T e Joy, Ba-ted Deep. ter Ihan others and enjey Iun orlng an artesian veill t Eureka, le.= _dtuo y t 1o 'dth le Vorld'a Irs Cal, vonkinen found charreti vooti aItis'ee of physls.being, depth of faO ftsu ad aIf,80ftet took the value la healk of tbe1 teut sh'e% ansd a portion of tLe skeletoa m t îsnpe ua of a bird.laaie *aiese zu remedy, lance la duc i. LsEau your full na e ad abo-let, i- t ec e l dmotFIta bIas'rosp Ntg. Ca.. PhiadeWa. Psi.. b>' la th MEIif L asiaepttbl retenmail. and ret, If- cfail 8o6ta asut t Ie te,lthe tieéli mautonuorth several dollars if ui,.tib>' beneficlal propertieS of si yen ta ita fîmil advantuge, Doct' deisy. alive; efictusiîy clemuigý This Is worthy attentlon. dlancelîiugcoldàs, beadAci.ý Tîn>' MItAana4 pennanently ourln The arnaileat baby ever bore lu îL' e tIl iiiptven atacodd1 State o! Missouri came us au addition mtvt i prvl6 loe D otiges farni>, aI Carthage, proliseon, because l sct lu 18b0. Il velgheti but sîght ouncs. ney< Liter sud Bol]* * - -enIng them aud la pd1 GîV r»taA ISi tu th L eart sYMPtemB af every objectlouablc subaeth aLuug con, anansd cheakthe droeadt ymup of FIRlefor dises.a n tu li nilpieucy b>' eslng Dr. fJ I MMu O sdIbotu J.uyau'à Expectorat, a sate, old-!aabloned ufatu nedbMle 0Ifoeo rawedy tur &sI Affections or the Lageand Uat IbyteU9 1Bronchî._________C. oniy, -houeraine tespelo Wbee te Cow a Apreiatd. package, a"anthe uDame, B Whcr theoaa la piîeolaed. and being veIl Informée The orows et Ceylon are pratocled 1 accepi suy aubsaeîil*sIfo by tLe people tecause thev purity Le- atmosphere bi acting as acavengors. Tl, uc& C Rsaut e o the lst ioetS U U D eguip .1ani =1otet 1nete -Flonida. SolitiUd sABR~ ca oti Trains sud Through Sicepens. LFB1 UM AlasforRuftl 1 If the 11,cr doca net sa Alas er Rfsu!Neglecctd diaorderuala A twist lu one of the legs cf the -- n cmdi a nthe treusers wern by Refus Smnith, et Oak- bcrit. landi. Cal., eau'e i the gentleman te stumbie antifaitla-hile Le vas draa-ing Dr-... foLo. Ihei n o. The tati causeti injuries freint which h Le dt. Uver nd Kldnpy -~An! Tom, <hans Iu nu s-Fauta cimantu IR Capecus-us' adapted to ei <han s peach-bloeuî conmplexion. acui as disordered lver. Curea bd the Y'oung lady Lsd. va boarti extulling eurae, Dropsy, Diabetea, Tei Olanns SBulphur Joap." Biliouness. $no pet hi Monkeys fiat imoke. by aIl d&U«s(" Playtul jus-enle ageLave uaught the monkeya ia the JardIn des Piaute3, Paris, Io arnoke cigarettes. TAKE tLe Queen Cresoeut Route te iKnoxvlle anti Astîctille. Oui>' Through Car lino Cincinnati te Ashevilie. ViennaeBats Herses.' The consumption of horsFe'esh la lu- ~3~~sdt a crea»lng ilu 'tenus. Lest year the v.,uiie. . oll eiani e4ad residents oet hat cil>' ste 18,2Q7 borts. 2-i al - -- ~ Oel a On"easr~~d lierc C,,.. f.. flm..,À,1194i..COU Hereoi oun Snne.a 0ouîgh md ucîs.-F. hi. Anno"s. a83 REtECRaInLIE 0014 Henes Sonti @,n.ecaaaSt,. Baffâloa N. Y., Ils>' 9. 1891. l l ialth I us a11111 s Ksep your test tdry. Au emineut !hroat eýpeciulist of this cli V ays ai Hua- Was Bis Foot? E~ 1Le lst cb-t Droct rlaon» on Poe Lad tLe Ide 1Ilv psychic Lanti, tLe t oleo f the foot" with very ernali thumb. toe Cues~5.JACOBS OIL cures H Rhoumattem, Sprains. Swollnge, Ait Achos Th. a-be l scîypblh Nmeuralgle. Brulses, Sor.nesu, lfes, "Souera me-te teBinaser solstIe, Burns. Head ache, Out*, Hurta, itcoutains oe 0 ,cr i. al, W Lumbago, Wounds, *ackaahe. PFost-bitee. ta=rn ow l ithe liLse ..WNAT MORE 18 NEEDED THAN A PERFEiCT C.URE. Blood Diseases mach as Sarofula sud Anumis-8km Eruptions sudPle oS Saole Complexions, are speedily curcd gy ~ I3muision th. Crean cf Ced-literO011.No otherrem- edy mc quickly and effectively entiches sud purîiA., the blood sud gites neurialiment to the whle mystem. It inpleuaant to takel sud eaq on the tcmach. * TbiNEmaoit.d lMronsud&ili aufeigg from Waat'mg Dia"mame r e moma hea-o u t s qws EMOIÇIMs Jr. L. nadaias ttl~ hi n. au Il' S UN cii s. ýt ý «t