Bat. iLrjsd rom ht4v ftti> IL yau Who ha' beau vistalM thaï City. fi89 . c . frlei& aiiaChicago bas têtutlWd buttis. efpr H. utsk. te MoUeiry, le livin~g Mrii, Mdraiîi, of Waukeguon, spéîst 1LP. E#I NG, w ml"i,r cll. a few dayà wtb fier soit Paitrick alib ~'~-'~P*~O~EW - Mia &.Gaflbanof Kenoaha, Wls.î filIiii rjaiiUly. 01RBBASE8 0F THE EYE0 ln vîsltîî relatives tu 1Ibis viciiy. Mlclîoeil'oowuey lias beei callet lu tot'.îr't .E îî 1caldo hs u 18bnie at Iiarvaàrd ts iacculait of Ispecinlt atUnthmi gîven tLthe o ilt : B Giber mtà l'lsr. ftngo IMe letr,at Towislawk, Wis.. laet LweeL. tl iMsearoali ltraile tle Z~r~n a 2 p. m10 0.LM. -1 tr 2 P.M and aliter 6 p. mi. on Waucoeîda frtutîdé, tirât ut tlIt e Wk. prolotiged ilinesp. l)tceaseul was Weil _________________The - 1 ee tocmn e ha>i~ Irvest. a îiuwti lsAit Lis ciiîîh l titty hlîi ig ~OCK FEL ER. J. i,.'Ùaiiier ti lleita iiumiier u of i,a,, resîltie t es fi-oui, it'hîdiot i iiîg iOKFLE. by citraci. Itinly t îieîîds whîuîw il iur,î lier I1iCo $.l Franîk IIK iaîig ge otaM e tii 1)%%'a foi Mira. Sidney NMieiise auJ sotii(ifIBit. 'IThe fuî,i ai asevices weîe bliuti S a vgil; almo to boy et est-loi tt fcaille ,ings, Motl., lire bôt'iîdiig a tew a 3, Ms, >ary 's ciut ut,, V tî'ikg i, the lt'itilie ÀN , J. Leoiard and t.unuly, out Gîays 'ViItIig fiem(hlie,,'. * teiaitiltweie taikeutuI lle tî~ Cattiolit '~ Ltke, clled i h tilsliete unie <.-.tisesSaieand 1Iou aSîrnpson, <ofceineteriy foit Iuialîî. htat wek.Ilvithube, imade Witticuiinieiêleîdsa H ave become w l Mt'sw . . Weekci, uds~ u' ClîtWC. îatle§'îtheaycliail i iv.tst 1cr lit're.- Mr. . . ie, ieu afe dy: sot ui, "I weh . ta getttîîg reilolYtut' sletigiilig. ( ~ I 1 T ~ D 'f' ytlir jetuîî, is, Il iere sas a âirliaisf eatTesly nu e Prft a -10 e pat ieodnekteeveîlitig, a ltt houmeof Id. ZN. P osu.1,tu Mr-,. 1-tîti'î' liîstîg i ît past wek. linir ut lits det, Étolier. li. iiiciîv.go. H n s-ef r otr u A. M. Brigguisuatif e uqîctt last 1 atie T iîoîî,s Ituîd is l.tviit (jte a Io e tefrst ux ~x fF4I U irta il 5fe iCicago.hArhurieuter, was tIe gia'stol Mr. netîte M r. titg iiiL;0 tiii W i eblI4stiickwtto money as Cquickly ais the Ilia. Ek. bt e are Io Mr. 'uudry, (tif Rokefeller, atteiidedt Juas NîcUîti i adi ate a jolly crowd by selilnoe fI', i n pvirncA ~~DIDTQtPflUT LI~~~~ld te mieetinîg ofthLIe Watteiitd Lîler'ry<f~ a m'uiesuîlîî tîîa lucart lt e idfast tecoivering. (If iet>, ha;L Tliursîiay e eîîriig. A cutîiber of out tmwi peuple lit Il che p., 31i)tlqLtieroi tndd the ftiîeil of Mrs. Edwin Mr. anid Mrii. tlarry <jîcen, of Chii- Scltmml resiined M îiiuly ay lviîig Cok ai L"brtyville Tuesday .cilgu, cmue out Satturdmîyevetîiltg, Lu bette ist't-t'loit .,t if tutheLia'itii t ic . 0al1s no i MlIfli8Vîsit Ilits parenîts. 'I lley tetutieol hume, jte teacliers m tiiet, M rh. haitii. u h a S l isw n Mrs. Sidniey Morse dnd-l ons, Franik Muriday. Cteleriis(tii'ttvr antd Eatrl tel: Billings, Monrt.,wert, guest Chias. Simpan)ti, Wit) lias la'eiilakiiigtod frîtt, a severe atl.îck ,of gripmaî opperation at Ou btore of Mrs. J. F. Clark, te past week. ltsboule ut 1R. hirsois, verid luis amilai ieuiteaiice s s is sil bîî ~ ~tm~ vork or Carpets, lîaîiigiiig laiîips, anîd stand nontils, lins retoirited Lltob iîonte al, otice mre.*~ uipeaee etdle o I7 OIY tIU redtiction t Witt Kigges §Flirîiture Ther were reie perdonis iiierscdt, ieot ;Iklu atiîiI Ilue grand lrecep- o - St re 1ast Su iid ay evetintig, at Uic lIsp tit t tiîuîî aili Lgi vî'i h) lrmt K)e tidy*s Eycy O erc ât. iapdumdnca bttcfI. lT itle '1'îîmiit iCouper is a îîea'vy 1chitiiti. 'l'ere aaam tlarge cimwd iei s'iîi, Iaiimu-isg cluibat iWad-swirtlî, miea t, lt'nlAitiîîiaiilitg lis age, as illa teidatix. Fritiay eveiig (hie 5ili. Ilope » NI~~ h K GA. Geus. ti. det i (li ttt. whlulie ta ckled j Trie yuuig tailltes were s a't'citig Ille, itue Ili î'Puir YP oit,,g pu-Oii e w iii s iiithe a <ti ai t eutiçil ei i i it li t lruigli the'1Isiiîîoa' tit heii'lake, ilrst ltfIlle week, 41) 1giîil tut'ta i- r i i îg gîvemi fi t Ila'best vr i t r oroi' uiite L otl'tii~t o t fL 1 ize org. tad l tieni. "lie L I iIuîl 'çt id (Ii 15e îiiTei îitKijfl~'tigitei'~1sl ýt;t11l [tee 'VeilFei'idclt e'ou ,Ve - y la sat Ii(ti i tig liIllie honte uofMism. L IlviiLI'îuiPit fever, expects uuuut aiiutit s tsv-ltmt ci'tr U e ir K. Doulittle. We %i~~le iiireti si theLime l, a le . tt .3.oLuEv.îiistoià,, Aiti-re lie gi-iflit ,lu %vstli iNgls te'o oi itis lhue is îîitldIty prigressitîg, lis u a ti'i itiiig college. lIaitri s .îîîîi (;p îaîl tur.Iatou'; VW. ,îuîcs a îd .Gî--il ili'gi lime jtle ~eiwhave in'stock, we ofee iltAyoiQ Wilikis ai Iîîîmtioitiounr «ta ,ILS eil 1 (I f (tir (laiirN mcii t0lotitt'uiel mîii ,. 1t a iiii 1".iai t Ibtrd e nome s n e u i t tr os i i as tli lady aIiisei ii11iL'th, ad t)t edl l v, hy âsliipiilg thtiîr iitîik iteîIiei ili ai.,î ofittiw i, tty giri e- tu Chii it t licaîgoi Siiii have bt euîuiii "Niw ,girlis git ait' t ic ji,ige'i *I ii-,S hmite a eqiait a psiby 'riiteiteetitigatbelti althLie Chatuel, te ,leu]are tkiîg itueur îîlk tlIbte laietiiS I) l hl1 1 th r t1e lait 'îiek, lsy I'stîir C U iaui ti ae (tiry. I -- -- 1-111ny a h to e bt-'i Weil attetîdetl. I bey cuontinue ,s ati t'eiig Iii .'i1 W R . Lis wek aiisJIu& ei' K x&ioLs0ec a: ?v,)~ I~ Z'"iZ <ilies. i - p1~ ~1 4~r ;x 'no m atter how low , Lialîcilomieai;sce. M '. CoTuelau iieaeî & S e ,I'i i'î,c illtiiigsaer, tend we ILI op -l] , a î;suttîu:fm te A eI i~ii iati 7 ~ he 'M d l'O ohn olo stIock t irl auiiîe iiiibor lîe u le Wc î'îiod 'îîiîai ie lii" Si us li ctim i uc as %lus wi'î's. o f r in li ti o Mtjiailet0ie qsr eupin pices "~'~ PO!DER - . J. hIOV'tE M l irpIse mf 'Alî ia ., it u istî dti iit of )~IIIiag 1t' mîii Goceie t' out 3' iii g --'Iio, wl tiigit t ' !mut tue its. iiIiiein îl V i ttoicc uIIsi t cd' 'îpu iiiu atti i r le ( i<> tc' rý;tv i ee le jlý e i le c ;: r btokhav er L cîhiau. dobelot iiti il v b-er ug lC il ts it v . "Leti' l~ ti n %itu:iM i S ,11s U il iuchi iirti, i t d em p ra c T m le J-iz. J RuLe i e clle ti Lii(ice. te SI II>i euC'ifo ic INFii 'te îms i'r i tLiir i pblin ll îil'(. Gd 'vi-Stît .:l h cliauidse ausd Jt.unilu tatriuig uut e l-e lely, tt te ta'n uiktirt CI) liei%%lim juuiThe -'0ds t' îotiinirc OUi t LusLteo(tîdiae luias ienlut lsogrncr3 oir urr'udigcuttr.'giei iu ý iaaitiuî t,1)meI"'[111E N I'E. 1 iupIoiei t thpsessinpe r lt 'te o[aelte-u wityu ar tîi tiiîfjeia uiL~ sar cale dswtýltlwt hi ae, Ilr 1i.o lrsel als.>wîh knw k e gla(tiau, îîelbr aiît S.Ilid,'Pot-P puar RePub c n uitew s e r he W tuy No devlie wato l i spos e enof l it D ;r on It I sthe be at ocl paîucr and ctttvilul iicsi elîy Jit. the: sk ha i ti ii t I l , og o aîinSthervr1 lc sioiwa tneps l uplendà!re <tiewhreaîsa its tockIII uicor, i lluuae i itiýi of Molig î luepitili ais c ei ii'erll eiii w 'od îe tjit ethoamuieithe ri st -- l Let akPemu. dI " 'i î e u L f iîv <1i i .t(a rtiêiti, ulviv AIY(wt una) 8.opa c arttattgoiat uouile iuîWon. Nve ilîîn. aIl14WSî IIu.bin e aîS'rîI as L M s- J eetiu iiithiet xse liaI hastThur- doueIeTti Waîcoiualptotqglplte day . uev0 i eida. I enr d nrtu l i as er- j lie gadkt,: iv.yuWthectuiesg rNE . -,ýÏIL Th W ek y nt r ce n 0 c iauagdbse d e ud hia îow enreay p eeltus aiat ies frbm1rv 'ine ect asf1 n ierslck A HESAPITu NTER OCEAN oe<bratf<u lista ___in t eI Dpl E NDENrs-andmlet It searetlneIL er tua sscurlag ALL li wluf îrli au- Toseswsonaplage tte'9- nw oae lu le anedtIsetudio.u etki byCin.Kckrhl t '4,od otPolarI Tuep b 0i.canN LITETUrEo heWs = lsue Waittu meetig OfTlevar no ___________ Witp ent athered toLte houas t Milsa .J bshLI ols er ftg i. nte i nlgg of litre tlîey s ucded o h uiev s ;st él l ay oDI LY .ss iu t ho t u din.. .. . .. ...$6 upre* & i~~~ w .. . wtur a keshck dit nero up. Fr toffay. ihu c tirai r&ikttbuie ' sV usI ARt MES nT i .... ..........beau. ai il. 5usd. ~. t'lie tugli ellonia the îtde st oria t g o nls t unie sWcnd thaveoit i t M . andMsL 1--eek Lu tiStc.iSLIRAYF TJESaeu q. m 3 J eveti ltg r nw halleat ii p a -gdore uTe by iiua m tegrliur. .K Iicaeaîtfaiy xî'-ti '.TCA YIT1REULC .mmdîv i 'destebufoU 'Fluda ee nty if nr y utds w tas served. le usgl"i tuigutite ur i uiîhl ae sî,rîfuri Gî'r isw îuîs- i Mitiia I : ..dssi, ril MAL T e W p li olcILter Ogleane h ~ tît-tte ptav o i ck ui) tSuh ua. iPtîi cu Iastti'imîu' (u$ 1 u 5~k ~J ary tpr nd tr sute (i Le foti remeyou adv ueî tise tsiti atlîîîîgî'.PER I IS A W .............. AP... sbepWittîCorshtatetit tu ChicagoT SiiiiEAsr an-h' ililhtibent' e' y r pcuîe ta s lud ticle wss havfe ed. litif t eite citie tLî tt na~udwLîtepoi f<u etbt aPIUsadLtrte Aagd yte tIo n mrdes. keay aes h t os.ciy No ehuiisatiîuat(' Cale.s euc li'utîime oitte is IiiasueebrhthicksSANWPPRTE OCEWN eey s abr0e.a i t the Unis nlei foros.bere w i a elargemeen- of s ua alwe ea ut'hyclde suth tfItsf'eîb iîoouatA NEtI- AND TE BESTH CREINTLIE R EAN h John G.t Raui nllet, G . . , ed igstu roptgt'ar lem sud A ir estef senute lîay inî teady tevelg, Jan 2 O, 95,folrLite T l lehs ttecuu.'FtIcl tfi aneut 1 l rcit > he ~l~ t'fier n risatuuslelyFskB.y Leovt bertyvWe Chicago.y Theîin. AluytiInftrry iteaL > -wo at Lerus es lo ng.ufru A iat(. . un e rtaWh lau hieona ru -~a. eepect. pîe eea a'idt P-0Vpo leA N IId t th o ue. o i s N J lU ut o ,iMey u 4 o i sa Rose " tliInthîy t o Fch me be o Lair Rhe 3re hy stai viaîtigiet * o t* n amosa- tUyMJon nsuuIi " eaiak Po iatee T'- tlirriig ie nnheglddLheir.Wil u)n thluonasai.o sok.II 17ERR i lRS reueiall W a<u a~M~buî. nltnglile rivars ue imted a A ur frRhumttm -rite e thovti a s eni t i qu ite s ck. fine lre hog hoint.14aFor rliiesl .Rî e nd I a v xe c foîtuîdCLY T1 EULIA.adtvz l « mte 4eà tÇ Il o ftua ReIlthS. oti ed i411- tti old 00s uî t rteiqi Lu Chonteuili eli ail :3tse m lip ud tFboy b( tlruhr t ousred e frts eimontht. u aga Itrbt1 ILe sit s oo D Ain TWELe, F Arm XV Bu% wppbled .1. W.asoet lWasthLbe, anLime ahoi, Eaothersy ae pent haMyisAy l, Bm *r w ssLteth- w. i. 'flllue pdrmpkt sessoli'ft f O L ES FTEALEHN OUTISAO E hoeisou u Va slon paraiFis t. letîutilaritig. 1irael hmthea saboire, Ils.u masifles. Leti iut aiin I m NES FTH EPLEm H esE tc. AN MtsNli lakuswaL eîtd o ande ais ure ast w ci- a pcril. naausîte crie ýi czr l h eoplesle yFrof th\e a e n Wet ahSPlto k a f d th erah ÂAtsteeuniCrilespht te tauaa tlcrs Vc-iiiti, Di thiigiste fllaj"rnous Wtetth pieb ee er Wla agpLYU Zi sîmbrgahee sd i rpst) îY taîg ein ue iiîtehl tiuc ini'ierandlgVR.A. dr jolli G . R gan P st, G A . R ,C.edMig Vsiof c ua i gu oM ette M ~ isd s A PT rst': No li as y u wnO t4saveig a. 9 9,fo h ha dtelato h cop oLhl ak e orneki o Lbn hiern fC h loigo intalla1ti of)iffcrs andtnachtrionsd yFay nk B. eittell, it fummk uluis money. uftenin.Abosut u fmok" a tets, i e al1 . bsie s utillaisb.25 atd0.C ei r. a u I . wAibam s not Lhia izaseis-n e ai'aît irno is~u r "t a.oeW. J. FULLER.tCb111 . Kie'sf Mi1 i r.ces for rjob workgonts vct ry amal A C M L T T Éw Ice te no red aaisarebdy Mr.oJhntCson Deletha t elW i b 34rs. RiGeo. oudpromip hysaiterfwardng, Ieiyohowlel iJ onlblS ar.,mve uu isje O~ thneute alone, plase aid p 1bs VAu o is fth inh utin..w j ug fo w eny livethe paina suriwelt I7.tas4ltm' . MaoMIdaandFly lyraitsurz ap- liersd. . n.a W est ibrt, imUran il. arnW agons, - ,i a. r Il - S s.