liti. a 46Mahp=w lby C rak Your prO9J, ' - ven e but&OuWgte- w contusion on the. fair forshead, but «My promise waa vrurg f rom me ln ut er have se fer 1OUD esoe." mara.- caera. Constance could givo hi- no 'explana- a moment of bliud passion,» cried Mns. Lord Clanyarde vus pressat vi, Min M E IIU tien. Waluingham. "If the Prince of Dark- tbis oinion was Pronouïcei. H. vent tIbnlc 1 fel, " she faid. "It wau net hZ aaked me te seal a covenont home f ull of thcugbt, more delyeaou. l~u f a e oete me, was't it. vitb him that dey, 1 sh nid have o n- cerued for bis daughter than ho bâtd ltm ki for h=loe " dlmes." ented ns freely as 1 consonted te your ever beau yet for avy mortel except they lied fini "It muet have beau a very awkward barizaiu." bimaeif. ncation, ihel' hope l i ay be on a botter-defined foot- fal. s, Dr Webb te Melanie. -Tho comparis-)n Is flatteringtom-," "For 1Ittle Gonlé:" h.e thought, re-te ofn "Whore did it happeun replUed Mr. W#vatt. loo&nng ,at her mem-bei Ing ber lu ber white frock snd Ily ive i sjelot le rom itoutaneer Molanie explained o hoer isltross 'darkly fromiinder be .tbrows. Thero biue sash. "elhe *aî alwayu my faor-j word. Before Sir CyprI .'a bell had had bh o tundinl the summer-house. lu a stage at w hich oâ tra ed love turne ite-the prettoest. the gentleieu . sa theYý suwnmoned the. smootn-faiced valet, the "She muet have fallen againut some te koanest ha e, and James W3at'a most hilh-bred of ail my girls, but 1 1i they were b ., trest door @but wth a bang, and (31- peec furniture, eometliing vIth a le3lllngs are fast approuching that didnt know @ho had sucb a hold upon qualantaflni ituL * or Sncar aS~ î-' pi bun d g e. It Wa3 an a 1 uibiow. stage. "In oue word, do you mean my hearV te." trlé vf - eard the doors of the hansmc oapd She le very lev, poor thing. The sys- tu k, op taith wlth me? Yes, or n0?" At Marcbbrook Lord Clanyarde Asa freinth '4te, and the umaok of the weary dlrivers tam lbas receîved a sevo*e sooiL "No,' answcred M~rs. Walsingham, found an unexpacted visiter wallmg' by w&y04- 01. hip, us the vhoels rolled up theoýilent And thon Dr. Webb enjoiued the vith a stealy look liai meant defi- for hlm-a visitor whom no rccaed a mn paoa etreet ~~~~raatest of care, and questioned ance. "No. and agiin, ne. Te'l the wlh a very cordial greetlug. swmn hmo" -1ý, "Wb*t did bcotmean 1by that speech Melaule as to, ber qualifications fr the w )rld vhat y iu have don". and how I Salon atter dusk un tue folloviug western eyes « abTh mnwfI" o e r eilaitrmaiau. toenurse. Sinclair wasuot te have cheated you. Pub'lsh yiur evenlng Lord ClanyaHie returned to Thou nq mon',1U " coedlkea udrer: C, loft ail night. sud soute ouea due wrengu If y. u uare. I have neyer Davenant, but net a]one. ReHoo<k acceunt of- thât He dld net know liaat tibis moment muet lie gett o-mornîw te relleva oe u u a tvylf~,a i il l uadry gentleman, with ]ourney be#woe Glbert içarvshatri ht Melane. IL was alto,ether a sorlous name Is Gilhert Sinclair. A,.d novwite bair, woru rather long, and a ,tioned abo"*, and brutal blew ef bis miglit have beea e. go d-ulghl, Mr. Wyatt. or, rther, while beard-a person et almoit patri- lin The CeW*M f G___(ilbert Sinclair returneti next moru- guod-mornlýg. for it lu Su'-day, aud I achat apperauce. but somevhat dis- 1 CHAPTE MILlng, hagtard sud gloimy, le ,king like don t vdnt te lia latînfo' chureru. n tgured by a pair of smoke-celorud - liy give teira 555 WLSNouM SEKS AS. a man w 0ohadspotit a nglt at the ___ spectacles o!f1the kiud thal are vul- Turkey. gamning tblviti tettune stoadlly ad- garly kuown as "glg-lampe." The corruptIbIlle tabta, hcinaom I alie metûÇIWJAPTER XX The strangars clothes vere of the officiaI la almout bringu liteansd busties, and trio galber- the hall, andi vas told that bis wlfe vas Teilyerbgn î born-shabbiest, yet even in hoem decay nhuloeep ing cf maay guesîs te g cd old contr Te nu elr egn ithth riglooked lie garmenlu et a gentleman- vwhere "the. publie xVIt~.oaiflad.1ontr lg opari-h halls, ,s me o g ' n Ol~H ore ancient ubeivberd's plaid trou- gadi aa seW," - ~tAtEhome@, b.ougI n y gloom and 1,011- 'nl danger?" hoa a4<d, eagry. ltinctaeadsrvt'hlsHw-genorot1 ad Vo sç oine miutes-tbree or tour, tudetLe avenat. Mr. Sin uir's vitiL- "Net lu Immedlate danger." 'li nctae sdsrat alsers, and a bottle-gau0vrea tes, net drink of l, cas eebo ail se biet a space oetlime ors bad dopante J suddeuly. aI a sngle "iLhnk odfo uva"poins oie bt itl ee anti sine lîerlSnlirvsleuehlt.e u mleslli r = 8 ejion lob pause lu-a eiteal it- figit. like uwallows Le eue a storm in It seouned a smaliliting te be thank- suGrind Ilaeal.Teci! lrtSanair sis thompalen d au- u Lerublofi6" ~Moi..GlbeSi~nclair kept slence. auturnu. Mrs. Siula- Il waï ver-Y ili1 fui for, uluce tie curgeons tengtio was nouslotaddn:-oOXil5yria.M'iyatbi uîo atvln 05th7e bies-4d* (-ypdanstanding viii lbis back seniuiv li l-mysteutsyII.Hrutvn' br -nc-rsdmsac-ooi nd wegro abndeed itO tmLndn ndte v ouwr hmS..1fo mi âgt on0e end oethle vlvetoevet'cd dearet friands shook tUir hadu sud iad been vaigbed dowu hy the apJ crgteub beromymstroLes o nm c thars bymLie g real hall slde. 11Iê acelpleoe. walted witi polte tran- looketi awul thingu thoy talked hension ei somting os ta u.huesmokmgi uwllhv utfr ienoblheirdci a eructhe eat llti eue e 1h olt n1Zy.Net 1-y a word eor gestune did o! ber. Il ,%as montal, Lhey feareuL He tound James Wyatt lortc lu tlieboulin.beirHolad ightorell hadesput fwîîcteîbl-ceendLie eraousmeal'neovtepoib attemplteaiurry bis guest. "Foor des: thilig! Ths comaes ot billiard-room, sud Iearnad !rom bhlmaibeir shutters. as in tie absence of tie failedof abreinhce n r& o h alaloflmen. eI i,oàok youtorhee, Sir Cyprian,"»(311- Lord Clauyardo's o-eediness lu gettingr thatbis guesis were alneady o i ai o on the he. flart "Myodea rin tclai nt eran LoCa <L cIemp ulenbu.h bue tbega. a am g vt avage ah- rîci iusbauds or ailbils datighters." i i.Sild,-ir lved i uils Fnug--ery at ihe vrdacienaesoaswhathurnled s wptea If va bail llved l bLie duel- *Th-i - id man ln a regalar barpy," 1'lire. days late u n ytbt u ttcl aleryaiesuddrak e , wabicehamt hrriv n frvrtea lsoo bt gdays- the only days itheu Englsi- exclaimod Mr.,. Muis-1unu, witn a aIs aigotI Devenant, but ut for g<>cd.tiare. urend bis esae u uoei a is aoieduie a-galt .al eroe OM vere gentlemen -I th uld bave charmuuig imuéen'rue te detaîl. He ald promlsed te ruai down agatulu inen.;anek dad doznd lu lie ibdmanwoenfavlite ddagter"I b av t o rale tec meue fieu Lyouto-lurt ustad ! Aidtimn Leuefabloabl u al- weel< ct- se, uand techeer bus tdern duli vinter euenings. -He rodesa good ventured te bring auold freud of mine, îonitg-ti.geeWrffluk o.imlng myt-,elf, sud Lie business might Iowa sklmrned avay te fresh wvodansd friand, Who, aliiou,,h ai ways treatiun deal lu ail kindà; et veather, going farDutr oled!,aetemniebs uorwv h»v, taon arrauged l inte eusieât man- gastures uew --ou- ratiet' fresi billiard- hlm more orbs de bhauti e bas. i Il dDeun naohe-,an er-bao r He prlcaingentlemn ud v ie Kar onHîssr ea w ner possible andl setiled decLivaly ha- reomr ud thar afteruo mu teas. avei-- lw' l euo preW llly that hoa ile d nhoe ai dusk. slandLeLebas iad veas pi iireinand to e tom reak ie t-înri ow. But au our lug pirt songsansd mru'ng rides u esliait uns co rety n u hokmeudetiiu bskh IsIa cndtonenait. et exî er:ence lu lie ratie aIte ra me cvllan duesiu1tlinoethaut ruîm Flh a nes WO. c bo'5 temnt Audbocrrnîlems.rIna pthueirîvugnavîÎe kln e tang sd s ihaent qit be't sd fagane eenlumi'dwiu- l put opwith agocd dl oet snun stabl-b8 goosand lendor!, Mu-. Sicait'. I beg youu- jar-bIye, ulener' - au pu up vdnc ogoItotet2.biifwhnhokoa bsearone lebysrdon,"V"yatt, bow do you do?" inter- av e uel t4 a distric lstro ou rtg1u ougonete tlus tere inb.inhakcu s hem tliue' ' ul aemu je d iLord Ciunysu-de, eiffnring Lia so- 'eerba-nklgsd t Ia cee corgt, IuLou and iLvetiocvrbfoelngsidte'iei Constance bad been mlssug set atiin- urder bis thuun.urbfr og, ad"hrln"s, liciior a coupe ef finge . Nov, Gil. g eîman vose i tooomsiraght t yousud gvo Yti non te ou he da et ilbetssudefl nfasionabe as as te sesen, ~jeret a. Tu,-e'si5ibl5eedtest-hart iuhold mc i l- bal maein ae1fl*ul * làr wal'ing of. vial y tu mak eyciçe soldrnc i ke !Docter Ri o uHfiil' »aai utte. ourney te London, but lien absence lu Mus. Walsingham vas 8t1111 in towu. nul ha sot sncb store bv amonti age, leudontoLe eo my pon Conmtauce. It preyîcus dyMha ne in the future. tie oy morning routem vire Ml.. -Sie bail no rastbt reLu est ot ber owu, with -andly a le, Le stand 0on for wlud- mav do no goe, but it eau du noerran . *Lt us supposatLiai duellug is net illamount arn'cs.d cd ir ucie bytli ansd sia vas net l intai ci&rmed cmr- galîs, snd tic rsu filly*â ever ai kuces sdi e av eociovt n ng Gaim csm anu oded ecustorn. Ve bave Francs auu c~und yo c-d-orecie, patnician ou- milllonaire, wiich ne- aand If"Wob'sonu veno cet couru, ue îalo ot f e l>oroi ,nc o ore,1elýii. Btuael À" wgium and a tcv otieccuntu-icues b1 d miu~c tvo e- ic, ucîîtybuses. Futien- a e an n icli.vovstk- aI ou' isosa I w sîu! uak Ci Sicba ee f ir un'oscati- mure. sia 3bborredl 4hi- hasutieî ef iding is tinout heu- es with a 1prodigaîlVWbb lu in the bouse," sanaed vereuaiore&,I- o aounmi! ds tQtight. buit Isîteuld bt c ,n iobc u lihi d," said NMus. >Ntue, aud rogndd ine sideurce rccki,ees. (4iIhau-.l'Yeu can agk ir ifor your- gueut apartusent, te kuov Lie gronnd et our' quarnel ha- Mla'ui tkn1oe-one hei h OC' san 'xilo' bleaieu- Lb n rs'anca Sinclair lvad te sec lhe belt. I have no objection." an.:Armenian loind tora vo go lte deimile. -tea-t' a 'sic is u'. lLii' k nde!f w ma:nOvid*s banluimenit toel du sud sava.!o new v ' log i iintko u a atvi euyar udeusolMadco "I'amn giaà Yen aîe ma-' enaugInet)tu havun'eus hladaëhes."- T mis. If sbm bati beaun ihouough wytecurl-el rn u i uu'hy(>» asticd hehuu-r, v-ie hvelldugerliengarOvsi ion12the Lie ýpfoakon bail t asad te take any un- sda inid W àeopse tO ugl me" nsacethii Lvie tîc eu-, "l'I guue leur odds 'iou dent have toulb ave idgeti e al u caprcar Oquiteriiniglut. Sie tatd up f romt te a n lifa. Gilbertihandlyieookde ai rees ô agey."t ou't lîuk~0 <'u equrehem," sai SirThomas Houudo v o ul bv gn al bg eU ie r iiw ih a frlgitonci lok wheu tha German, ou- Angle-Genins, doctor' apeorfrti tubho to14 viv Ishiuuld lukul il e, ieWau * .'uihbi ukaLt in nlui unis. sie bati anincto w c aieh c.u- taljuypeas, cuyiu a ttJmsWaî i u tsmr h uio ~or ifyodha' tan l d tîtabo th le mavi l ea e iltheendanr-rment 12ust nha a t ieaantly witIh- tic>.."wou-clher ve ddng bc'Ils, and Ilînt observant turm, acrutinlzed hlm atten- bis Û.lDbcu ' w e bs oenye u ke pe- e icpocelain thutitllorned it. eut auy indulgence ot cap iceà. Ticushsicmus't gai î'eady tor' ciui'ch. i, eiv. tiai pictu*qu 0 for ,"M ty closniyvlien 1It il %ou tiat I saw 'Never iad headucie bu, oeue in My vînter, tee, slle iad pauuliu-rrauons T lasc vonu papa." ste sait. "Fou- "Fene la Webb," sald Gilbert, st'-e d.aserbi h- jmof iebaiec îy of MYv%%ufe's suri- luc: a i th- t vas vian I camesa eu-.fou- staying lu Levu, over sud abov'cail Our sake, papa. PuLy nmý buoken Itl otncm tlpu eulergth mxer-hou_-e ibis alterne . p u . iÏ. u)imuceîuttry." r, icti Mu-ls. otba'-i' motDouevecm. iehesng dwu'ted lu lic snn th peau'rytht utereniiosext n r hueinRl-.\g îîaae t.e o-great staincase, viii Lie ligitueme se- îead. oe '1m ory a uc're les xi .iIimcnngra ,sw u ouel .l.on§rate-- Tiarehad baýnti ys and nighLu at îivlîy o! is profession, rubilg his mie o.pjl should offeuti you. 1I md no(libeu- \ apre hbsaegiv(n nav te ferininnaforeansd v ai thome' on u ain.iy te endfth! lad yeau-, ven lUn. t y eh cm.wne t eVi vay of getiig b.Ik tLe Marcibnooek i lu tics, aud tiare le uotiinr new -o'aveuings justes if tic s--asoi lia'd ieen Web. uti M h fr h 8-ve LrdCancame poetdD.HI i ydO lime for my train. 1I ahî,uid hava had dioWeb'eoadutn.'mbledafortis uad teLetd. anyardo prasoutahe Dr. Bol- wiOOutO7êdh eewak icvole wdth of etDvenant dwi nufsiuab sbtbsl il~Iet h eit'vi nc yonng lite vilci ho bcd waîcheba lendont le tia rural practitlouer, andl vions day, i te ak sdaouthue !hgina, \V.'eu the di'a's r.gbcl rang asud he fliet ber rminiateCdaiiug-room mot îrom is bha,tinlug. AgeiLsadbs s.DrWobcdub-publ, - loi y 'o su me-bus iss in laiu-was sail iabsent, Meane ' vas Iitenau-v, m ucal. anti tue, da- 0y auy y aadcore duvu n ron L ,ýudu jetion te offer. Auj visi of a father'. ëniwruliio m. iilx-n egn ethinthleu-a as somo 1mauijtic c OiLdiihîniSOlCy d iitad gone swsy viti a must ha uacrad. aite. «AdyntikI etea-iecaue !.u- aleaim. Hanmi trecs s iaine wie aut sU eUt lsproponiion ste l) bis reputatin, "Yeu vilI coma up aud se.ber et tm:!sude "Ad entnet, gntemn-ui d endeni: luinail heu' babsisIfuitBoiernaniein. Sic badl chosen atter diagnosing tbe dlsease lu a mosi once?" ho snld, lnterrogatillV.V to inge hanlumY uigib:IrbeoJ fr a .b e uwaîk ia hepark irn 1Saturda; oevauiug bacanse journalistewo Irflmauner: but iL vas the 1Lîl A ee, usir a agrub gcrtnght, te avert my bouse, sud lee hdiatoatru mn utt he h oe ree orni' ugit conld vountrauf e aosvdCn-wA ne" nwrdth tag vnet ýite claudastit:ely lu a lonely m ataeuchtn qio I r vop inantd-cMonle. oualsnha doreBaotry apet iedr e o-vti a llghliy guttural accent. metmy Sebtn ie tgig ue)lsu .Wiga aoe sîu- îcsrlita. Hie vaicittil- The lire. mou veut up the 1c-e4IiS ' -corneret my pr.<~' hvoud Lha park, M- auto knev, sud, Eualis es, bis dc'votien, bid ke e iacern- case, Gilbert remaluing bin.,vnh p '¶'7here vas noe ulaudautiiuameeting. sue ony wee-sal-skin jacket andi 1 On Ibis particutar Salurday, tirafi mon auemy at bav. Thelf-eurrenl, 'Arut oug1ng ý edW" ' Ibo*lÔ "~You lu-uit. your wift! by stci a auppo.aar orae She iigit have gene 1tisys afien Lie uceno lu Lie summer- i h i edat bbed veny lcy. loved "No: my preseuce genora ly stra ÀeW ý'\ sillon, and pro-, e-if proof vara ueed- tMa'-c biib'r, peniapi, lu Lis eau(- -bouse, James Wyatliebd made bis Sp' tradusly back. aud u ai ying fou-tonbr. hysedIgo Im O ft _4 tsevuaatyour unwonuhi lotsattira, but net anyviere aIse, sud pau-suce lu the flalf-Moon streldraw- asys insun uttanly prostralo sund &Sa- vantad.", MSsa of such. a vi e. M ii e lier u'visitj te Manchbbook vera veyluntIjust whan meuh people vere liatic s'aie lie rat out vus now 1 iudoIfIeeyn. ow# i osaMms.Sinclair sîing-oa. rare. gelng avay. Ho coutrivea te outâtu ta> oaug .notxgh to tiseansd ha dresd, you kuovwbat Ibis rmail? Au ït- Ubter u- vi git-amoen'u Mlanie vas puzzied. She wvaut hormail, tieugi Mr. Walsingham a aud ie oou Lia sfa lu ban prehty moru-puutuaklullroblt.Yo s&cred4grlet-wrnlg turn ler inbar sol- dovu glairsansd seulsa couple ot grooms mannar vus net se cordial as te inite inOig-rcom. wvila Measuie, on hou eut ouhtte b. ureseut, iluesudtolowd ie icpule inluquei t fheu' misîress. The gar-uhlm te linger. Si. vawnad audilîy Marba BuIfgs. wviebbcd corne baek le Do you tMnk @o" momue n vllciom theirduie fteou-eus hbail lgene boit t L5 o'clock. -Ibebiuà tha edge et ber lare baek tan nurse har ol aose,)Bdtabr e Dc y. molentawlady vhompt k e sdbvd 'o oter bkoln-iesurnr- Mr. W yatlteok up bils stand in divert ban mmd itaith doctor said;- but, "Thon l'il go." viesasadywu m 1 k ciandil. i eu h b ottia ern look i si t es M .-: - tin. t i m nay-plece titi Lia als! as yjo t heLiam d see'ned incapable 'W alcb your vite e u sa la ma l e u wh ale aà cil." irue oan wlia uext eheu t ofbig e ismotaI ite t ln h3tu gte ber" sald Wy'attin-u a lower-0 *And atervards, vien sie baed ]&nie. "I knov Mu-s. Sinclair spenuis aaIetamnveiglgtehs -etangvandteuaetluL akug O, ceased te ha a cilîd- a fat mouLtha - deai o! heu- lime th ne.Haeo lzPt fan ai beaun myvit. Yur t- The upung mou leok the bint sud i"Hae ohard Lia navu?" ha stance spoket vasf et iapait-ef haner "What de yen mean?" akOd lielauis tore h oul aumpetty vîw uvuliifon L'ig f eLiasumm n'ht-a skd, atur s brie! silence. ciiidooti or gininoot.o e eplo eud oter tuu-ulng uharpi>'crouuD&Opinon. 1 ' vâ aend lu g ty enou-a. I alie e L v the 'o ntetr, ueio fftca theL u mka dfer uh j '"Fn tDavenani? \'es, I a mn kept scene - taumiliar te ban in t at hppy t- ulhatl m sv. W tch your vit ' eilgienIe 'ou iiny I v e as 1, t linoae. " djs og hr , tc, s cMe ie ub ak i bld em I pety vell secourant." tinta. Of ion busbauti sicnevenspoke, lura. Slucl&ir's mori #-r Sm wMvus &c bali g - tbQ O Yen1mWho w a 2.i n ighav akn ce.u i eton. T e a M a'.L e d tolk Lieut "A uham'p litila liug,hiaL Dupont." asu ibs rau -'visitse teha e r b at a *padi s l -fash(,5io ld apartuent, witih u s it$ I li ou mti k e âia I tae vas tahat o-i ythe in asette v s a ine iL, -« Van>. I iistu biug Influence. se mueli se hiat t el n i d w ,o eol:nInt In -tu ourlmplj ol'oug." li t e w s V b - wa y d e muerwuihad att n t i Silence, &gain, dunig v lieh M n,. ilDn. W ebb uggsted lthaitfon thepies- atie alon wind o ws, enua mb e c m Yean-sdeyn L iai g. haetouhmeau f an g wit aî,sd aseon b WaLingbam surveya bar vIiot veîrot eut Mn. Sinclair siouuid refrain tu-in c ide lc own t',afgrni ias u ni & ,v y u en? li a t, ba -e ngi meta n ask 'fin k taleu-aes and c n. o Le gowu anti admires tLema Venice point seelng bis vIte. sooludosi, laid out lu 1he Dulci stIe- ua wJeu hte 1 gita m cigh teIbu iidn ua t er.m-ankat, a ido ua o! uloiiunce vbîc h rli lev u es i s: h u e na i -1 cn f eel for you, my d aa Br,"» ho a gardon v ilci ilie eauîlWays saoed, 0501 = ont _TOU tu figt Ie,"ou uidis-Iemns e hwa ont pusib eof j Clama," said James Wyatt, viti a sait, sympahetically."I quite under- te tie mistre-s'a! Daveua. Tiare ether op.o"j 1 "Met embatically, sud.I stds-tiB o a 'cha% ri laIeuluLie ff901 uudta.'nosutiat staribcd lielady lute stand yonn suxlety, but yen mc>'trust vero ieavy eck sbutlera, snd a coin- tln.y euse tu mako a quarrai ou auj xnci a gy ylo,ki , up atir,". hiluk I.bave u - me andthLe Yeu yl haveaili plcateil arrangement o! bits su" bars .gruud onuct"dwil jor vio. uL as fin abat." i eianeeTi.PrIt25 groua'ds cure ou byingihIt-yfeme mn> artt le J-gi. n itiin eo rors.Tho mmd lat tute ihbeo Windows, but as lbe-e y uylnot find me low e rasent au hhr'sa u"lg prn hl-ogomrauprso.tebagan Isl aol e as l-tia retcls"rtna i la niare> ou goluz 1ta perfenm vu-a?" I proeat lu tomea aLastmay." shuttars wve ra oly cleed, thbe clair As tu ie fu-die ato on- lte-s,rvat Trtes thvar ad i "ton t quitae nter tant you." » "De you Lilnk i ill alvaLyu ha se?" Sudheblom th oadr i Ilka am M uA Où-rs'Ve ce Tel. app-isakn e înv "QiOhvas, yen de. Mus. Wailsiha. askad Sinclair. "WIII uho neveu- reaver ua acouvonuoce ec bd dovlde fo stanuce Clanysu-do I sha'l ha aveu- ready ore udHgns* itke ? nem.i Tiare ar- ematlg ialiihr iber sensei?" lie hanefit of burgi»a, obugam"i eun Io labo up Lie cutgels for Coustanc he assie haiple vswu w p-,dba eb ýcseee ewe o el vrtigt id oeeytba er fa -nmo& LI elaveu agaînst ber iusband. tarnosu, aud l'îogans, vie enterr i oa Lobeam euel, ave aieern ¶tui' "Sydenhir ingendaartfilng ail hvenan , yetbenhebistci cou t çoy*the-u ReemerIbsMr Sncai, nt n-finaL, sumbled oe-r lie protrata fera iatus. I arn nol goiug Le enter tubThope. Shaaipiseoytuuthe anti oie disa1sa Dathabis -utember ti, l niaa andue deLrd tismsru.Seîy~s ae -tit.Wiea 1iftald veu l ita is ait ogahn emyeiou, viether Tuu vsapln lulerc.cfuscol.v -mmertaucn y l ha s 'euor ofbt fafl s Sen tu-bsant'a fea, fet om iea veau-s a,1 on Gibtani Sun- the affect et the blw-tist ununckY Tiere vere woll-fillad bock-eues, Pl- 1 l Claovrdo'ntaî novu Iba I hard e au ghe vii caIl o nag b' l av gcle.,îlar*î) weddiug-day, jeu ILad but ee al or viathe:' simpîy a teveiepmu thules, quu i t o chIn&a dliithiag tha I ba glu an e. Shlu e eI TeadrmngIaligit euh o!ils thouth, eedesit .yor vole haiug oethle brooiling maiancboly whici v mkliepsantllbemu aIuI"Ço êlii. Ceodv bha n i n-bae. S telne e r-lo tushea box, sud te a >'ltat L was attîlu-atle'- naveulg . Yeu s"c e- bat te igit agansL hera hie cccl- at cse, ansi thici m oy ble uppose tàa ndul»hall eucu -' oeI tanc-ubnstne m efuselec)andigu en Iey hir sud booatvageti. andi I bava b .nthe chie[ in- tant, il la lui ec'ible'te SaBY. We are ,fier somo consolation le lbte-bt-or., orne of mu de& ý trument in ~~~~~ ~I t hOe raLbtin fyoPou-tante ar.Fect seclu-loti tenad spirit, TheO fre blazet merri>, 'lu dondaon, 0069àn Even Lie dm11 rail hua faded ftu-ot thLewhite fsae oi vi ci Lieu-rea srum is.A ickn luzationcur o rt aje an ullel e dao ."a. na oai fot0 t osb for theMUk u lGiliert Sinclair*@ ceceks as ha con- guasti>' streaks o! blond. .\Irs. "l u- wîs Awcko ise ithou youa- : sutorauide>' a omuctiselshircid, ua sofal frnt et witencuuc . ouu ftnte th ninnui lignlfitya hyrled j donand' eatien ialred, te ha Yuuu- danghtar nearl>' aven v aIv.Ho bal more govu, bao yvlerIiathbe 1111*a sanu és.1bo hl ldti vr'lp.ak re vsdloftber tr..m. tie grolinti, eut ths vas a _'il te t haiturefu. ', wo ', on il forbeat~ y elcoe seut, fr Li>' bd loutie n a e. si.. am coiteti cucine back tle .larebue o a ahc ia i ck !0 <*l.~uuP dampuesu n is largea o, wis tilougit hu tefot. hd lu u vs te beau- tie burden ef my guilL, but rmore agreeable s eue i ou pu-pose tu ha brovu bain vasl 4nawf bock by aband lveilihod, tsud thls, he brusdhie lrgtreng bnd..ohtb re oyers e ciestailofm.y neyant. %Wbin an heu-.But bus presenceaseernaultleo! bie nîbbon, just aus î bcd bnauten besI sud baly. Mm acroos IL. j ,we ote" dr n vae nI have doua I bava doua ton yonr sauce give Constance ne pleusure. Tiare yesu-u cge, vian Constance vus' "lIthO e nd ugolc.- 4ftAnà5eý Ib is man a ca-avn?" thougit Si r 1lte table sn.1thle alier groeru dipp tu 'n jour loe." oed-aonwchonifltngbuthea uyt mu eg talI;,nesudgneeof.a i- 5hadkoi u rs ui th "s tore and To bu>' me," aie sauti, as slaves au-e viii a vsndeing gaze liaI veut he Mareibnook lko a wvile sud bIn îî molfsO ,Ii 'W el, sat incai, d awng lng d ii u Mr.g t irs troetupint l mv beugit., lii sa pice. Tha s vhat ' ils huant, orsabaîuk el.n ËoiLi î fi .I raue fgliag v4t «e," 9Sinclpai raine m lng pe1ai" hal'sat : 'a sup et brandy jeu me an. You dont suppose I sallappalat hlm bj its sytunil lkouesu te 5 cNTENiUfl.1poule au pet sMd breti. -supoe 1e s . mure îî i ring' "ho anud, ove eufoi-' venkiug Gilbertncli* vieheelcr te dy hn baad.Yu ah ol h mn t;ymih', n rronpeiapi. Loklo n ew . hi.Ora ve edy irtl wi»S t lb sat 'O 'Iter'about if yen can soea anythlng lu that min. cia kuav bim. Ou n tsIkano ic m a etinignet preen- ý - Yu atttesehmren-. as ail o! tihe pait, and il vas dean TcS' Iasld i-o. the uaa pcclS = dototmenre acdidauut. Yes, vou have a, egars. ,butaleobol being su "'l's, viaouIvaS4 mai viti rage aud itint mem mn>'hal taken the place o! My f athir vus lutie van oft112,'bner; Who, he 1W bau- gnat alil a gent ainîn neconîl>', "uM n>' h51,t a DO -tbut o viel>' s l oi l et Thé nuinevu aeMu-. Sinclair therjgie DIit jeu thikOSjeare talkiuîg intelligence. sa h to*r Tbo.' n dsio er lu Iyng te ofhL. v snocxvelu at e a tu t o te anse voman Liat avening att* Lord Clanyr-ta defeIt a i ag t aa"h aill m o is e ex-ato, h y u Thea cuba! cort, n aon gu. la minte summor-h"ti-a. Sha mururetGilhou-t'u mainiage? YOu'yüet akiug,a as u.e contamplatadthIis ep - eeuai.oeeboeluh stat le ma san en 1> ee "Mnsinuofcor, de jeubvutir. tesomauigiui anticulala, sud Lie iocked lesveran wviasu brain hbat-bocu on taci of asbnekon hart, a mid ynckad 'WaIl eve bto1iani lie Sbar.the nglot sudoed hi' îovu'*i . Si yncet l aioto lIpslooseemesteiram iet tlt> a win iti deapain anti ealu j tiug- u by sucroti. B uebtIeu bl e i ay v e rpem il b - i ,t n tul ucican difjeu tit." lia goom beda n teban f a a sLaln use iianzn z a' t t - aty ia a m sel[ ton firt il oit va3 oveu'uuuug Our divis Inet mong thO86 hu" '1e c e a ulaAis r ' i L e s - " Po the u . ie un b veW b l ongie u rs ofI ieuî g or but .ý' '-i'en o b e ut I c ac p r' i t" h auuu d on v u a xu o I o u do e 5 b i. ho o i ' a cf _yersud ut Lia r>'îo o i mIfit." sa t iedher mn.liu? Si vs i'pj nigi iiionu a gint ton' essBit: " avell 1te n e o f p ualtirehaîdabi eam'sI "pcalplc,1cnap,"augotcd "WlI jn-A o b t o r anste- adgi ,toe ch d," oai' ab." enheatiurrncs by' 'pave i