S, 'VAN ZILI3~. y CHÂPTER 1. struge cAeer ef Marcits PBdaoY, s cholar sud electuican, bas thees. o urcle et s vaut" ameuintet ug s aa pecalatlea. The tacts cf hie 4M *00 kiin'ute me atone, sud I uow jatawé te maka lbem publie, Partiall' te i*Xve tu>self of s wighty secret sud 1U*laly te open the eet ofscientios tt - pigat discever>'. »,thq age et 30 Marcus Redue>' n'as wkMthte. nould catis,,a tailure." Thougb ho n'ai iu perfect beallh, cltureul, enen- getic aud lu mental attaiumeats a man>' Ma.t n, seciety looked nt is tbnond- bme a5t, bis tern, fonbddig eanule- uaaoe, tesnied that hc liveul iu cboap :"Iglngs aud lied "no visible mesus Of = pprt," sud at once. plaeed hlm outside wu aarow limite aud loftI hlmsevene- Ir aine..It is true thal Redue>'wx n'u- 11Usd b>' blth te a standing ln the cern- lauWst>'ver>' differeul frein the oeeh bd& ReHoliad, hun'ever, becoie nmrn- whet ueured by bis innbilit>' te acquire moey and made ne effort ta dlaim tnOm tii. friends et bis youtli the cousideratiou d» hhlm, Ho haîl invenîed variains elec- triW lceutrivances aud bati Palentedau a linpeovedl siglit for rifles, but is lack ot taet and isupteasal personalil>' bad uesde il difficuittanorhlm le intere8t espi' tan$e la hie dosigns. Se nwas a queen fellow Ila man>' ways, abrupt ispeech sud at limes ver>' sar' tastie. 1 nemembor a remark ho once meade te me whichî. te somne oxtent, ilaus- trsted hie charsu-ler. Ilie ad licou it- ting for a lonîg finiei bis luge head rosI- ing upon hie@lbad, and bis uîîganly bodly r.clniug upon a sofa. "01d mai," ho ox- eisimedat a lengîli, turning hie large gray "w efuît ripou me. "svbou I dia 1I nst you te place apon my gmvesîî,ne Ibis cpi- taph, 'Q. K .-'"The ver>' efee'e of modern fataiisui la> lu lits nords. ()ne intghl, ual ima>'year» ago. 1 bail loftIMy>' ixuinus qiiartm'rsou i ifbase une te visiei n 11id nind lI bisinog>' roimn outhe mast side. Il n-as a îvoam eveulng la July, asdudnas1enteros lits aparlrnubho nas sittinig aI an open wn- dow smoking t pipe. Thîe<ries of count- toms ragged mhldmu'n illeul the air, sud the cider et ami mictanly sud averpopuaneut neighborboosl offouîuiou the mouses. Litte did 1 suspec(t at the momlent it îipu-n our couversalion that ntglt uold himi tbe fate of Murons Ilodme>'. Hoen'na in à more taîkuilive muout thami ustiat, bal bis teqamity dit] ual se-cia 10 lie rb.' rosate ebeerful spirits. Neve-r lifore had 1 beard hlm mn bittent>' boss-il bie lai-k off aucetoso. but lie fr.'eul lus ovenliardeneul heurt la mein lu si- softiîhig aîet ce". Wýhy stuîuld ho, a mis of ahulit>'. a saientist. s siuudeut. a woîrken, a progres- sIve thtker, ho -aion1enoit lepuvertv and negiéeci niile the nvorlat poamed ils t'enssnres it thtelaps of taî,ls? Vhai n'as bis s--ikies hP'ire bail ho faileul te lako adrantai' of bis oîîîonuilieî,? Ho put these questions ta me spitefutt>', almost desperatel>'. Fimial>' ho sii!: "The tritb is. iii> frie'xd, 1 nopel mon. There le sýîmeiiug aiout me n'bîeh au- tageaizes bthe very-puspeo1I nst toata- tract. Thora e îîît a child in the Ktmeet there wbu> s-,,nid approacli me. I have lived lu Ibis popuous bouse ft Iînc yoears, aud ne mnuonrn-oman lias over vrisaod me 'guod day.' I holeve 1 am tbe oui>' maluinme it>' nho nas ui'vm-r besetigt b>h u l a r W~hen I enter an office 10 tîik hbusiness n th >a mrumger 1 seem taulîmil uiny i>'stiuum ly a tsimgie glane'c. Good Guîd. Kir! Arn 1 s epi' r a ssiminar- drel? IHave 1 the aunuhîpoi? Amn I uhe 'adening .l,'n'tir mnu' l'inî'c <of ark- nees? W- 'yshuul my ftolamnedtest mer' Aflen a marnent h e i-urne calmer and coutinueul: "Mlthis has laed an evil et- tect apon my nature. 'Wbaîovor mnanual et feeling I manomce have hauu for mari- kiad bas licou d'stroyed. Ilereafter 1 shahlot noa mnpambeie Iliroli aglîmte my beart. From Ibishie forwa ani I hahl lako my n'a>' tîmuglu tle norid enidi>', uupityiugij- . nnîrst-emly" He arum-e. ligitm'd a uaiidl, mnid goiug tb a book shelf lîouglul a muuebtlumbexd vol- ume 10 the wniiosv. Ilai-ng thlitghînul- v»atageomst>'hei id: "I bave licouread- ing a baok b>' Ilamertan outitleul 'Ilumaxu Intereýourse.' I have hocçi utai, aIrik byb>hie opeutng ent'ees. Lýistei'A book on humai iitereoîirsm mghîm l ic ti- ton in s variety utfn'a>s, anil amaioug ihoîn uighl ho an atîttu titreat the sabjecl lu a otu'ntihiv- iii i ler, su as tiili<idate those usturnt laiis b>' nhich intercourse belweeu hunauî luîings final he regalal- ed. If n'a Luen-quite pertecîtl> abat those laws are si- shî,îîld enjo>' thp groat ceuveuuieuîeoutbu'tig ale ta lîreuiet n ill certaint>' nhidi men ndut sîmnen n'ald ho able ta as-îatie isitb lleasuanimdi wbic i n-ouilut lii' u-uui-iaiued or mî'lr-essl lu noaialmira sot-i'tî. Ituiuan itetur- course is-uix hvi î le axinik lna ositi-e science as cleisutr>-. li subthbbeffu-ot of brnging substanaces iîgî'thi-r eaux le foretolul i h tie ut io'-t n-cuua-.' Again, later on tlie autior sîny#: 'Symu- palhy andt iuiiiniatiblitl-, "îceare thetn'o grvat postersa ttîuduevide foir ns n'bether iutrcourse iateul le possible or netbut the vi-umes of îlîeuî are dtuik m> s- tories that lie undis-ovrcnud fan dais-muin the ahysmal detps of lirsonalit.' " He n'as silont tan a finie, îund religbting bis pipe puffeut n-a>' nervouat>'. I let hlm luidulge lis dresuns for asvhile, lhîîugb 1 ivas auxtaus ta Icaru the cause ot bis lu- terost iu the norks et the English wiviter. 1 noalizeul, hespver, thal il ivas bsst lu permit hlm 10 labo bis aitu course ini the conversation, as hecn'as eue oft tbîse eccenttic men n-ho canant bcho irrieul. My seif-restraint n'as revartled. *'Byvmpalhy sud iucompatiity," lie e- peated afler a lime. "Thoso are termes uaknonatoetexact science. TIi'>'mn>' xsatly au artist like Hamentati, but tIc>' %beaunuothing te me." More ho arose and paced up sud downn the. narrow ' mn. 1"*But, I uuderatand hlm," 1 interp)oseat. tacts yen mention." "À"d Ibit Yeu will nos-or ebtain,I ne- marked, couideuti>'. He bien' eut lte eandie sud drew bis chair te My bide. Peenmg Imb my face ha said: "Oh, yen, I iili, andl oclet>' shall psy dearly for rny discover>'." There was somethiug unmîanu>' in his mannor Ibat affected meunupteasautl>'. 1 pushoul ry chair Lack aud gazed ut tae te uight. The mraI haul grownquiet, sud s white, seft moon n'as juist peeping with culte indifforenlc, above tIme homes of poeot>', Acronselte n'a>' 1could osec a werkamau iu bis shînl leeves silling at au epen wiadon', white a sltiallu>'n'mau leaued ever bis brawmuy shoalder. W1by sla lit aI sncb people are foeeor peorng int the treet? Do lte>' hope te catch a gîhaupse et Fortune maklng ten'ard i Ibm donn'ey? Attor fà white I tarueul le Rodue>' aud askeul: "What do yeu mean?" "I mean Ampene," hoe answeed cartl>. "Ampere, Ampere," I relienled. ".Why the douce de't yen taik Engltisli?" Hoe smiled condestendiugty. 'an il bc tijat 1 have a Phiistine bore?" hoe ssked. muasingl>'. "Von corne trem-mî irne of uelth te the east aide te ask n'ho Ampere wasr*' "Ah! ho n'as a man, titea?" "Ves, hoen'as a man sud a greal eue. But lhe onl>' paved thuo na>' for me." Ex- cttedl>'lho arose sud paceul the ron agalu. I1ealltnover fonget the n-eird pic- lune hoe premeutou. Hie long, tnaslod bain bang aboutI bis enormeas bond as tloagh il had been fiung thora b>' a mischievons epite. Hta gray' eyes baul turneu lacnk n'ilh eseilemeal, anud hie face, ansymmot- ricai as a picce oi gnaedOak, sas ai- most ghusty lil s palior. Itis gigantie and cldams>'figure seemeil tefi hI thie emali nmom. Ilis Itaumiol ahirt n'as openaIt the' neï-k, and as hue shuiffleul about ilu Iis lance iatitutîm'r8 I caulul hînmt>li elieve lIaI 1 ga bas efuire ame a man pnsecs-sing lime cultur of tle adoIs sud the breeding ut a gentlemuanî. lHcest dan-n ly >' aide agatu. "Ampere," lho explainoul lu a cold, baril vaice, as tlinugh Ierturing te a lasa of muýaaioboya, "eslaiblimheu thîe bypo)theses upoýn wih w e explain the pheoameun of (i-hco-Tralagnetisma." "Vos?." 1 roturneul natberboroul. 1 tdon't came mach for tIal sort nf thtng, Idan't yaî kuon'. "But lie sud lite taloiters," n'ont ou Routue>', pedsnicaily, "have cuinfineul tlîetr researclie and diw-'iveinie1 a very imiîed iplere. Von are fonîd et me, aid man 't" llitequestionusnomeunexîiî.--d thut 1 tookeul up ta aaîouishment. W~hat had m>' ikimîg fanrluîm tedo n'ttb Ampere? I lioganuta fî'ar that cuonstanît faihuro blad affiteut my friende mbain. "Vau bun- 1 am rn nI noutiti't lic bre"- "That«s so," le satîl, liiokiug aroîmnî lie litho noum n-ith a snd amoleoou bis facé. "Yen are the oni>' visiter I evor enlemtu. Il sceau. almoat tan lad thaI it in ont>' a case af carment,." 1 ivas mare than ever couîstnccd blinI lie n'as Iastng bis mind. 1 did nIt dame ta 8peak, Ion tear et agitating him stiht tur- tier. "A hine lîace o teocnglit n'itb a rand mea," Inuitiecu c, ias 1 peereul through the darnese ton'ard the door. lie mîli sers-dyeuin'umuittîxioînd sveut au: "('orne."onei>li'iby,.1 in I t ase yoiu ni> longer. but the tact ta 1 bavenmadte a trememîdous discover>-. 'T'e id nie ta îuîy feel. lu anollior monlh I shah l e svenlthy. t'unnt'il. happyi. Alla it's ail on- tmug tu Ampewr- amd Harnerton. Sîrange cuîuhmmatiou tint! Il*s seldom you eaui mulake a coumpoiund of a Frencliran aud anu Eugiinan and oblain as a nestl ricbes, gtnry andl ail the gond things of tbe esmîli. 1 tett you it'e the greatest tent ever pertonnueulb>' ihat ane miglit cati mentlichomisîr>'." I lot bim huave i as>',sud Ilieuasakeu cainîl>': "And n-bat le the disceverv?" "L~et the remîlts san-wer yaur question. Il ma>' ho that 1 arn aven sanguine in Ibis niatler. Ileaven knon'e 1 bave baul bold hopes hotore, sud Ibe>' have atnays tara- cd te dast." "lua at l Yeun'witi 'gay atsty My curiomil>'?" 1 remau'ked, ising ta go. 1 had uiot n'loliy laid aide the foar thnt the mnmright 51 an>' moment liecome damigeous. "Na. sit dowu. I w-ii go a stop tuîrthon svitb you. Do yen kîîosv n-b>'yon andl 1 have ninays licou friends*! 'iympathy,' says lamerton. 'maih,' se>' 1. Tie tact ta, aur respective cloutrie curonts have atn'aya flon'od in tic marne directaon. île, sult-attraction. Untortunatet>' for me the elecîrrocurrenta of otiior mnuflosvin the nopposite direction trauimnue., R, ansutI ropulsion. Whiy, Ilion, are ynn ualt a s utxîhopfmxtur as 1 ani«? youi ask. Tht-rein ics n mystir>-. Lit ul'Putit I, for the tsakc ut arguxmu'x t laithue dot-trie ci-n reit îierlaimîimug lu,>-iur seiiti i nui viii- ilslit>- is flore adatab uhle thluxlthlaI n'tichî dinxîiualu-s ilu ieli-diîg si-hf. Dos oui foiowl vme? Vuî a-kiiowlýieit blisemarn umen atîmnol you anuitalers retîcl youu rYti famIlier accort ttuat auiuieis >-om -like a certain nai>axd airainu detcat bila. il'haî is, your etectnie curronît sornelliius flan-s in auîe direction>, suxaclimes in ail- othen. If Yeunillibc bancal n-itluyouur- tsoif ynn siilI admit thuut yaun iiking fuir inue ual ont>' bas degrees ot inli-usil', lbxt sonîctimes chaunges iuto ahnost aveoiun. F"luctuataon l in e uîrtsa in. JusI llink o f ni>'thcon> for a ienuxt. D.'es il ual exîuluin a vast numnbeof etsocial îîhecniuca? Take malmimuen>, for in- stance. 'rn-ayaxug people are draitu ir- reselebl>' ton-uni ouchi atier. Tbe>' mar- r>'. Afler a tube the curr,-ls lieceliîe eisturbeul. Porbaîs smre niglut the bus- band incs homîc vilh hltselectricit>' -flaning fram bhlmetactandllis lcaît. Il ts lime final linie that tht. bas eccumneul. lis getlie ife bas caîrny i>'uaiulaiuod a car- remt, ithicli lIoivefrtrmier lbond te ber fet, sud gretcIahlm as usual. Ullimalé breétti.as tWU~h rather âsbam*d 0f thein.a In a moment b W«eht ou:a "I have not yet solyed al the probleme s presented ta me, bat you will admit thatp If a man could obtain complete cantrol off bie own electric current, aud nt the arne time hie able to lenrn the direction lnu which the current of another person withv n'hom hie was con'vergiug was flowiug lehe could fascinate or antagonize that person at wll. Furtbermore, iflihe cc-tld control the etrength of bis own current, lie could moderato or increase that attraction ort repulsion at pleusure. Then would ail thet prizes of the eartbhoiebis. For kuow, my1 friend tflit if lot ment. fnor intellect,r for energy, ior wili, for oneO of a thousand other things couducive ta mucceas wbich le the rnost rotent factor in the attain- ment therof. Give me onlly the power ta win the affection of men and women and I wtli squeeze fram this qaeer world ail thait men hold dear. 1 have seen men Who ivere pigmies beside me intellectually far outsîniip nie in the race of life, becanse they wore what la called 'magnetic.' MY1 friend," bere hoe arome and drew himuelf up ta bis fuît heiglit; 1' my friend, 1 am t about taoiecome n Magnetie man." 1 walked home muingly. The air was cool, for midnigbt badl coule. and the mon looked down on a city grateful for the braciug breeze wbicb bIen' in frotta the sea. *lm"Is arcus itodney a madman or a goulus?" wsIoprbonin My mnd. Littlo did 1 imagine bow importantt to me woald hoe the solution of that ques- tion.t CHAPTER IL 1 Weeks pas",d but 1 did n sec Itadney1 again. lu placing my friendship for4ffim1 upon a purely scientic basis, lehuihad sbocked my teinder feelings. For 1 hadl been unrelish in rny intercourse wiil him,t and hail ofteu saerificed my inclinationsi for the malle of clieering him up by MYi presence. 1 would -and could have doueg more for bim than 1 badl if hoe badl not been mach a proud, uns pproachable fellon',1 but, nevertheteus wbat smaili attentionsi hoe would accept 1 badl always gtadlly ren-1 dîred. I was aunoyed. thérefore. at the1 nateriuljstic interlîretation lie badl place&d upon rny affection for bîm aud couid neti persuade myseîf ta sece lim again. Jt n'as early in tbe fal before 1 heardi of him. Oneo day I rmadl in a newepaperq flhnt the War Dopartmient huad adnpted1 "the Ilodney iglit for rifles." At the fiimei I did not realizo finat the item reterred toi nMy tnîond's dev ice, but not long after-i isard 1 rend Ibat MuIrcis II,dncv,, inven-i tor of the imî,ravcd riltostght, badilibe-; corne manager ot the (iraball Electric NMotor -('oinpany. Ifnt ar-nr ,te Ihim a letter of congratulation, ta wbich bie ne- turnd n nswer. A wveok Iter a col-i qimn M as devoted lut one of the mornîing jouruals ta a diecriptioni of Marcus Ieod- nî-y's inventions. and the articeestâted, incideutalîs-.flit t "is wonderful genius" ivas rapidly acquiriug- a large fortune from bis royalties. The n rer aisa as- srted tbait ".'%r. Itoidney is onue of the nMost fascinatlng ufonu in tbe country. pas- sesîng a pprsoality which attraits men instantly and sunrounds him with 'arm and onthusiaslic friends." "*Do you kiiow Muronus Radncyr' I1n'as asked aI my club onue niglit. -Yes. 1 uscîl ta ho intiîuately acquaint- ed n'tth him. Vbs '!" "WVeil, bis name is up for membershilp Ilis proposers are sn uncompromimtug if th<ir praise that lhey bave alînost made Iilm n langhiug stock in the cornmittee. %VN't sort of a fellow is hoe?" "A gentleman and a geans. lie wil lie a valuubte add ition to the louib." I aid tbi8 por! !., «Ity.thou1l, Io tell the truth 1Jid ijo ik avard 10 ltod- nepy ndmaisston vilbi4y gront pleasure. Ilis iîiture ns 1il.,hait j e cllilbjm 'us ili miy mimd. and 1,,I îîod utiagfine bîn ns a proetalile clu>ni Til f.1laMing îveek, boîvever. I1n'as uprisd ta inît that 1 bail doue hm .n utice. I bad entemed the smoking-rýoani cf tlle ecltionue evouing after diuuer. n he my attention n'as iiistantiy attract 1dfl' ta Il. triking taokiug man, dressed ichIt but ta good taste. nWho n-as pufling a cirar i rn af the nWood tire ninbcru fied leh grate. The Illchkû f lits bead l4îaed fa Mil- ifir. sud as I tepped forwaran lie turnedl loward me. It n-as Marcus IýadnPy. The oid todnsfor bila came orer me wittb added farce, and 1 sjîrang forivard and gramped bis baud. *'Welcome, welconme. aId nmaný I anide- lighted ta have yen amoug as."1 Ho smiied ratber coldly andi seated hlmi- self. 1 toîiched a button, ligliteit n igar and drew a chair t0 the opposite ide of the fireplace. "Permit nie." 1 began, rallier eervoîls- 1, -to coaitalato 3011 upon yoiir suc- cess. 1 kîîeîvit mustet cae ta you ta tiniie." "Excuse me," lie retarned. "you kuen' naotiiing of the kiud. lu fact you liait bo- gun ta look upion nie as a permanent fuil- are'. Bot I tld 3ou one. iigbt let suai- nier Ithatvcaltb n'as aittîtinîMy grasp. Vo otiuiibled i le thonl. Vou did îlot fallv reailize titat four parts of Anîiîiîre to, one, of Hlanierton le ibhe formula for Ille 'lhl- osophcr's Sloio.' "Great henven! Ioiniîy, ynii don't nîau n tltinie that oliavie carried ita la tirfctico yonr statmlge tiîeory regarding etcctric currents? I ca'l helie'î-oil." lie stoo pand >nileicaîîoulgîiinait a table, bis lainis beliind lîiîi. "This ta îîîy irst visttt t le cai"lic satd. "Van rang for a boy, dtd yîî noua?" "le bas nover Reen me, of course. Watch him îvbeu lie coune iii." NN'en'ere alane ini tue siuking-room, nuit for a feomenonets thlire iaa silence, excopt for the jotiy crackltîig of tle lire. A tboy in uniform cuetcred tbe uparl- ment. "Two poules of Cimct," I saidtot him. Ho did nol heur me. WVitlî n strange sile 0an llm face lie îwas lookilig nt liod- thaow lsin ie faëbaa Md rtndlo about hiueY'es, as thobesshi* effort to lat- tract lte wallon badl beea made aI the ex- pense of a certain aount of nervoug "Well, itodne>'," I seld, atter a lime, "I1 suppose aow thut you bave achieved wesllh snd faune yeu are pertectly happy." Ho looked at me aud smiled rather ssdiy. "NO, MY boy, Fi'mnet happy. I once t thoagbl flbat mono>' aud glon>' wore ail thut are needed te metke a man contouted. But, it seooms, there ta aln'ays oue tbingC requimed te complote aur existence. 'Man nover is, but elw.a toe blest.' TIi.ee tbiug necessany we nover gel." Ho uipped bis liqueur musîngly.u ."And iu your case tha ne tbiug is at proet-" "A certain Imoman." I n'as sstonished. l'You meau-yoa t mean-that yen'ne lu love," 1 falîered. a "Yes, tbat's il.im lu love. God belp me!" "We'ol. Rodne>', it yonr recont manuifes. f la tieu of maguiotie powver find no obstacle g il. mcx. I1nan mure I1n'ould back your1 chances of wintug an>'n'mnu nluthe il worldl." "Tliat's the ver>' point," ho exclaimed.a "Sex maks no difforence te my device,e and so 1 tind mysoît undergoing the momt i terrible lemptattisu a Man evor oadured." ii "INVhat donyenmesîl?"t "Juel tht.: Vben 1 found last saumer e that I coutl make mon and n'omou love e me or ble nie as litjose 1I badno sera-t pies about laking avtgeo ypower. t It maîlenoa i pe ao uMy consciencP. thut 1 couuld sa imj re . j'apt that t ho ivoutld invesit money t icbhaIt of nîy( siglil for rides. W~as hoenIt ta boa againlerc ulii d? W'baîdidlIcaro Ilat b>'th(o use ot iii>'electrifc-niuginetie upparalus 1I eouild fuscilale a mian anî makte hlm en-i gage ine t ra bis business? Heaeth-t taint-il tmore- ienefit tram the arrng- ment tian I did. W'linlushort. shouih1 t lame uMY self respect if 1 alîtaiuod frî,m the orld Ibal ahili nas iMy'due! 1 as stmply rcîîairiug the detecîs watl hich niature liadt haudieappdei(. And me I ivent (in front triumph ta triumph, making money, fascinaling mon, manipolatmg uMy eiectric carrentl mn that il n'antilflil ni> pooket. Bohold the resait! Front pas- ont>' I amrnaised ta affluenice f rom an in- mtgniticant indiividual I have becanie a fa- nons mail. I have my laxurinus spart- monts, iy horses, ni> clubîs, andl 1 drems alid livo as n'etl as though. I hait noyver knon n the narrow affairs ot the oaIstide. AU thtu is the resuIt of a s;imple inven- lion îvbicli enables me ta Makte an>' man ni> fniend." "And yot ynu are nal content," 1 snig- "No. Vîuu ierautelymy scienliflc ex- pcriment tins shoîvu me that 1 have a conscience. Do yon kua.w 'Margaret Dnnand r' "Vos. I arn gaing ta bon reî'eption ta- niglit." "Seamarn1. Vll, my dean boy, 1 lovei lier. 1 lave lier with a purity and itln- Bil>' that noa hu ovor yet sbowed for a %% ouiau. Whiy? Recause I have it in MY poawer ta fascicale bier, 1tan'in u'r, and I wilI nat give way te the lonîplatton. Do you foilon' me? I could lu an insant place myself mubave al] men lu her regard. bal 1 scenta lake advantage of rny Powver. She muet love me ualuraliy, not miontificatly. 1 coutl muake ber as docile ta my n'ill as theia ater n'bo came te sus a whlite go, but n-outld that lie faim to ber? Woiîld siioli a course rosait lu baplîtîoss ta ciller of us?" "Vau have nover used the meaus nt your disposai, thon. ta wnulion?." "'As 1 tald youn." "Do Yoa thtuk that, lnYing amide the imaniultion etcurreule, yo coutl t - tract lier!" "',Vlit makes you thiîk me?"' "Look aI me. Anm I a unanun-ha 'oild lie likely ta please mach a nomnan?" "Von miglit affectsme n-amen, I1 an- sn'ored, carnesl>, "but nua lMargaret Durnnd. As the> mn> lu saî-ioty, yeu are 'uatliber style.'" "You are right, my boy. Thnnk you for repiying ta me wttb sameuucli frank- nems. But place yourself for a moment ln my position. I eaun win lben consent tu aur niarriage b>'the aligiiest effort. Yen have no concepîtion of the pow'er 1 now îvield. If I was n bold. lad man ne faii ily_ in the cil>' nauld ho mate for an lu- sta lt ~ chose la domIno>' ils ponce. Arn 1. tlionta doiT'iysoîBf the onty lhing lu the n'irld I crave, 'muer if q_àkutimofl- tat regard for Ihut threadbare -lord 'lionorf'" Ile arase tram lus chair nad waked up anîd don tlirera min a manuer nhich ne- called ta me aur imist Meeting. " 1t, said, ">-ou know s -nsn-it as 1 do thut a unionn ander suck Circumaitaucos îî-iutd net bc ullimatlol> happy>. Supplose, fuinistancu', that sanie day pou fîîrgot tu kîmîînitlh ynti yaur device, ihesigni, l s-ii- 1tii iii. coutrivaliceoransviales cm yaoueatiil. Wliero -anld yen ho Ilion?" Ile mlopiuod in ii alk and Iookod ai aie earuest>'. "Tîamk yau for those nords. Th ey have Maide a man of nie. I laie lion toi) 1awlIttaiko nîlvanlage of hor. Slip shall love aie ton uiyseif alune or uat nt aIl. 1 .amn ailliig ta tap nD'eln'itlil My oItro- 1aiagnicll'a plaratis, but I shml nuit trust ta it for nlilte coiiIahioil. Oh, 'il argiiret, . n-aorsiiîy-on. If1 i nuye0n nl dealb mmaitlibe ii portmin. But 1 shahi play a 1squaare' gamo. Itest conitent. Nature' .shahl alsînys diret yaur comment. 1 shahl uat tamipon n-illi it." 1 sprnig up and grasîîed bis !iaud. "Tliore la soietiiinigluyoui!- 1I ex. claimout; "mare Ihan jiertuins 1taIthe av- o rage ele-trh-nl exipent. li t act, I1lie- t ieve yomî arcea a nm. Vautiare ssorhy ofe & tbîîîîsauîl Maîrgaret Duanda." - bp biW* How the gi.. lb IM gwzim9 tag the. 1à W.b6 John Moyer et Ooek n'as Tuemîts> iit iorninated ton Speaker, ot the Bousm b>' 0. he Republican canette on thb. iraI balot, frea 'eceiviug 48 votes, eue more bh" a arups Chà oril>'. John W. WblteofetWhuteidofetb County had 20 voles, T. B. Needleof et6. 2 Washington 13, sud W. G. Cochran et' Mmitm Muuie 11. Iu Ibis or the>' uuited la(2 noviug that the nomination be madl. xauimoue, nhicb n'as doue. bl Both branches effedted . a permanent organizalieu on Wednesday afternoon. Thue Sonate did net ocupy moes han thirt>' minutes langotlag imboranes,est a atter n'bleb il adjeurnel unîl 10 o'cteck tleît rhumais>'. The Hanse cousumel tno te, o aours ln speech auakiag sud rolilcals-he- long fore'John Moyen aseuru e heSpeaker a An gavel, wbeu Iliat bed>' ahso adjourueti om The pnoceedings aI bolli ends efthe Ca> - b tel were lame. accol The Sonate sud Hanse met ln joint ses- et ou tien Thumuda>' aud cauvaseulthb vote have cent for State offices. Itl nt ob a Min- ..Wth utc or t'a, sud thon the TreasurerSuper- te 0 unteudeul et Publié Instruction and the a ]II three University' trustees n'ere dectaneil eloctoti. Aside train recoiviug the Gev- Qn lug. enner's message the principal Meature ettin the Hanse sessioun'was lte introduction te by Mn. Shanahan, et Cook, et tho clvil titan service refonm bllI nhich n'ae prepanod be a>' the ('ivie Fed&ation sud the Chicagoe "Y Civil Refenin Longue. The bill in No. 1i -Y ou ttîe calendan and n'jllho eteerreil te mira, tic propen committîce nuthe commît- bava tees are appointel. Two nesoînîleuns nere Tii inînoduceu lu Ijue Senale providing for lt Il tie licIter caneeofthe Lincolu monument n'lh Senator Hamen introueul s billmakiug lug t the des.truction of buildings b>' anar-' seusa chiaIs a capiltal offense. etf(C day Sn'cet Gianfih. haie Our home n'as closed for thnee yeass nhol wis e e wO i're ou lhe continent; anti coine marn atter our returu, hast June, n'e ho- fn' gar ta hear mysteniens noises, Thte the 1 hofts were Ion', wlth stopiug cellage, ina, the1 .ne t lw-us there tInt wo heard thein. h The sonds varoti. Somelimes n'O sud bonnet a fow, heuvy numbling, like Aâ i aut Ibundor; at aller limes we heard, solvi or %eemed te hear. breken aurmiaUM lugt like bourse voices lu conversation; but mn: nanuallyhe noise saggesfed distant wsu s.-hispering sud groanlng. and WVe wene net superetilleus, butIt n'as lb. i uat pleasaut te have sncb bluings going &s Gu lu bhc bouse. For tour n'eeks We bia1 sought vainl> for an explaustion of bte Cert mystery. Rabe sud mie nover anada ho i îucb noises, non hatsansid birîts. go fax 1b09m as ive coalîtthinit, nbthtng liaI fl.h~(i uolhlug Ibal mruse, eutd produce sucit fo scande as came frein car baunted look, cliambers.th We had man>' curions vijtere, lf tbe prett>' men soesof carmono Ignorant lu-t tioighbors bogan tu bte houm. Pu*l This haît beon gcing on fer about fayq liaI waeks, n'heu ftlioncame linte grsoeM eue momulîag lu a stahe cf evident çai1. citement. iâe "Welt, I've solvei bte unyses'l" . iii' excliauncî. "It's boss" 3 "Boom!" ive edo. "Wb*h do you mean?" th "'I've seen a tboasand bees, at lesat Unto golug ont sud lu at that amail bol. hla th«î the gable ment," be salît. "Tbey'lfe lb. swsnmed thono, sand liaI explalus the bal We taughed aI the Idea; bat tatber cald a carponton aud lad tiie eUU- Isole lunlte gable enlargoil. Tue huMie if lie renofn'as fud t e oebi- eusoboo-hlo. Oer lt o untie i mehins be>' n'. er ftaboudeut an -1t iwitb the remevai ofthe bees lie mys- ttou onsmenîe canms té an endl. Ohast>' HatMaTable. There lu a table ln lie Segate dopart- le0 ment efthe Nuova'Santa MarIa Ecepi-FI taI Maseumn aI Flerence, 1h51>, nblh "W tor eniglnatity hn lie mattio f conoep- don Io prebabl>' witeout a rival. The - et designer sud coustructor oet hie wnn -_ dem n'as Professer Ginseppe flto < Ca (ane anliority spole bis naine Be&att), jatl th~éd1-'coVeMrot a lest procose of Petlk ver fy'lg ug aan I..5f4 wbO 'ked ltuiCI. the varieus bespitais sud iulmItO f (the Ily 'about tortr years. Tet au t511 observer Ibis table la nehlg Muii'?'-'Bi lema tluau a carions messie made ùp oi'0 mruanles unît agates ot dîfforeat sizesa ande caloe. Iunoallty. bnwevor, ît lànor il ce ç-orposed wbetty et humait fesi, nias- ".Me cles, viscena, Intestines, etc. A irriter h,,i w-ho doscnilies Itln Harper's Magazine yen Says: non' "lt comprises ever>' portion efthe bh.an id man body>' Insformed itastone, des- thim tîneul ta endure slong s e i orlît ho shall lamI. 0 * * Pifferont portions eam of tle burnan body>, sewlng lte 'hoeoWbi intenai aaton>, are so beaatltulty h petrified asftS 10 oaswender tte travt-hbu] eIon ausn'el seasau ebiset oet ld>'for the meieal stunV ' " The table la benorordn'lh pward ef eue hundred ul Mueyes, preserVeul b>'Io soins pr-oesan'blch makes thein look us nabaral as lite. Il len wltbeat deabt the Most ghiast>' pleceoft urnitane ever olesîgueul b>'mn. Net obsee'ved. A lan' passed l the .tinte etfKing Bd- ward III. asuilR upen bte nuglisix statute books prohibi la the servlng of a dhnner ot more than tn'e courseste an>' - ne, ..o nbotIas plein of' AU dba -as tiaasa mh hof iw m caes gaveyaII yen; but ik>'yý 9 s lie trucea st eyès ahr5l kge thadet Wod stdoem u? gays h. le taeesaMi is n'rd, bte B tn>', li.lu1a?* eanuot heUbon' pro t>' cala euti*t 705' sud see.» ' , 'tmCits le bluess Slaner, 114 to Wonde ast Lise lbe~ iE ~-t~iti~ îtiieot~i îlOt ai akilIta savent ~s i. - 'ding tetu ur Bavllr rle stx'uý IBeé kaÉo* an& lie m hithov," tI onr as lme h seek me., s teeii but b,@ ,, aud n'e, are le emel *ooing, dise dfreaum Iil 'beso and geuen* ede of the C ol>' deprlvel av ili -the est n'lbb elop In de bij ild»#et t Oe eAU»M ihifUt %tt4 au the.