CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jan 1895, p. 6

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vît du W y 04r t 4i 4'.tire suI o,> WOginst tigelaw. 1 opt" Iue the prouti pre1ate pa.ted dowa% a. aato cebk wa umblard tui ie groand. I9.MWmercift-i $Cid fo niagla u-a, e bv.ed i fuany ttouhles soern. -Charch Tirnos 'T 3IUEST OF BIRDS. lu a towaof lte aient kingdoun or <~ Ças~1e tierslivet in former agosa * yotathlcaîU.edBarola, wba trie tla e oi a living by makiag cages for birds iud taklng thoranround la ,eli a thie QWie melbbrleg villages. But i trade waa aà ai-ýpa o e, sud ho Jutigei hiaiseoinl ~ i>4look il ho olil one cage in aday, su&. à& may lue snppaeed, ho knew what sor- row sud privation wer.. l W ho O ne daya as 'Pro e d g ta S village ho bcqi W revelry, the O liis bafau mid the trali>o o [0010 a baud o! musia. This merrymaking wus a proaaes.lon o! childron dresei in 0 ne for white, orrying lu their midtst a beau- QiIIthetiul ohilil cravued ilth rasesinua "io obroovexoti viIh white satin andl Save Suerned with acaciasu an yrtie. This procession was lai borr o! Maya, id :1895 tbe per.calffcatiaai o! ,pring, and olk id aand plans ta sunaunco the entey o! spring. *loe-Infront of the luItle chariot noms chul ' j vu dren da cod and eld in their ba d tin "Your paters fou ,contributions, and. aus may FY ho iaiagiaied, ail, or uearly ail, the spen- IP laisi.taters droppeil theix hine ita Ihein. hiUSrea BarIola aiioeil avay ila a espoidini mm ore. mood, sayiug ta binasoîf à ho walkea soing on:.'4b* 1h13 the Justice a! the voriti o«g in- Thoire they are flilging theïr monei prsiltln thèse platters jus$ beemu., the.l t hoel>Udren core ne uprocession la ainane teothein that Il ite mouibaef May, a tfl hqqt hey aouid not know it by lock îu if0 n lu a almauac. They barter ant I «l glin me dowai la the lowest prie fa my c6'm age even wben I chance te sol sand =eu?." logf Pull o! these bitter thoughts, b magba &aIW lou..aty, for thevoics o! lu, Simpulj'Iate enelute. vexe makîng them uïod.meta bohard vlthlp bin. Thos vou bouger andtirint. The one clamore 4« b»1ud mnd tb. otbte for drink. Bis âW sqa liaiaobiug la bis.allet bus hb ula b adhâs d babal aught for hi tiè h #67 Rar bqI hopes, and thon. mad " ~Life hi btmaorp sud active. g11ü4 Se.bail roacheil a plantation when b d wbaS a percelveti a woîl dresset iuîdlwidual com In# tavard hlm. Presseti by hunge e05T505 Bmtqie% aklng bis cap off xepectfuii: .Piclei.. p»tomolietd dsalti: " Uauj- , 1E1hoin me, air, but coulti jon kina .ei>fail. ly Siva me a trille? 1 promise 1 vili rg ï64 ina tara il-as amonasa1 eaxn saine money. 40g ad .'Dcau'1 jeuthînkt hat it lu a shain ~, fol tingu for a man like yo-youti so wba goci, beathy appearauce- zi *t4,dmmanidiaagcberitj o!people? Do »e$~oWUui eu thal you bave a dui en* stO our living bj worklig et yj -O* Y«n, ir, certinij. but mj Ira( do' outp m ufilli ils owu dutj. Mosl pe Ëo ter Ike k.ta uoo the birds fliing abo ftoe rutber thon lu cages, and therefo ,adday by da I fldmjseif poorex 1hi bujqrd, bur h t lb. birduage maker gai "00 WIU'bné Oùdetalietian aoccunt 0o!MbiS a tbe sua1I profits b terivdthé t. wlt#rbàw'iii fortuite. Bartolo was am g ie alwayn knev boy taexcite gpi .>tVOiue oine" the straugex ma %MiIJluuý "Iailii do somiething for ji A*- l caznait lad cosumera for yja n*.trfeow. eOe, 114 iii aferd 7011 a paverf ~~eçêm"# i5aby vhiob jou %hall uever an slens.belu10 t " Ot,-imanaa. vbu ne Ba ebè a w bvistis, anti Bart ~8V~I*ê verb M"ne&,,44 qw i bhor" aa i or blo , fiao j r i b s d jfx r.eralle e 3yi'.17 ihic ne o bIrdo tiimhds th1 er ae vi.beil t s aSiprtgllea', ang. 'Bueo!uebfor&Ils, d I saeembhy, uts diytylr" qlrH. j~er0;ffloly win f lat yard s o for ia, ! mIII qsutb Iand m dienlj aprleai hOt iti su %»Y fiMy *itb0 B Se Ithfe bql a s rpriedls*l aert Iot of uIoiluebod Sdog - p« 4dtis »eshe is i 1Ito b* hi., laittaho r.lsedbldt waouiwgan oathle. Sit dovu 7 go wlhhci 1.6*. Tgke ailvantage 1 yr 1nekstar aai4 than smilla 1' 5g »rVereutly boit davu e Mued 4 b'ijot .pon vialoir h) e toaad, nugable te Sl"d adquat «P a c a ii gratitude. 1- 5.tb aai <40"isMmaMe mIebS >, 41w, lis imesi BarIoej i. oisoi ut Iob>tehave oII>r1 *lu 10 bis ola becza~tsoufoad 1* ù0aet! r1o am hhvso oM bill teul *$*ýï"w si 41» bab " ançe' atim"., " - . _ - - - bo*e dotirg that tbey RItI4bec o -the .liear future. axpponted cf the iminstrola Who WOre WA Wm. Buesçh1nge of Lako Zurich, havO Ti p1yed ,madie a Caliit thea corners recently. BArtoio, un Icarning ibis, sadvanced ereadPe opo tidil to the biwer, and i fter ela'gantlY salut- à là iilFe oip fR5adai ing tlhe lord nuit lady of the ensile in a WiscOaaaaaali re visltiaag Cl"' . Froolicb imt rofinoîl voice saiad: Looek out for the mnaqîeradîe buil "If it bc riglit fùr a simple k:uigbt 1 to t1) givel, by litle Ela ce inuaaid offcr hi, Frvices ta atela dia.iaaizu1wd lilait 2(j9d. ' coanpaity of ratak anal beaîty, I tbl.tak 1* I ' couaitipromise t0 provlde wlîat you ara Off yoit volt Itg) boay saautiltg, uli requiing. II laaa oiieduaig saeia, go iglat baied "Oh. do, aI once, pîcase!" cried i ~l to Villeaa Qaaieataa'â. the ladies, 8Who were leatglng ta datnce. irIadodllavug i wlig "Di1nost of bluebirda., do your dutyl" I use iir vid. Wotdtr wlîa4 for?li11l Sai Bairtolo. 1j Fred i ave ýoaa catched i o u~iieal Suddeuiy lu the distance wam hoard thilaag? i the noise ofo many feet½ andi a Iroop of musiciaras wiîh thor ipstruments ap. Peter Jeninesi clainia ta be thae ipeared, ta the great deight of the coin- .troaages3t mEn nui ite tOwll Of Elai. lie epany. 5gays lie aua'L taaid ta challenge The tort] of the caîfll thanked the Corbet. M~anger and desired him ta open tbe .%Yi~ s ball with bis eldest daughter. a midion FO LKE fair anti iovtily, like a imam, bird. FO SK.W Whou the bail was at its height, the Mra. Wm. caine lauaahie sick liât. 1 birdcage maker ardered au élégant ban- WatrWitelIedli cebue lquet ta b. ervea, durlng whicb the huit week.j bbIutest of bluelrda wa. cummasndod t tagf t lng aom»e rong%, which verevery much There was a euchre party atI James a , admired. Gamo. af chance foliowealBiaasiaitble's, Wediiesday eveiiiaag. P and BarIolo, taking avantage of hi George Cor, who lias beeaa workiaag gooti fortune, distributed among the for E. Iluok, lias begut work ou t he a ladies peal, braceletas id rings of pro- ace nt LDeep Lake. bu clou tones. Ail thoe présent wtre1 surprbaed beyond meteurebécanese the Soute of the people frontlbers ateaad-n lord of tho amtIe viaesknown te hocex. ile f11 urneral tof Mirs. Jolaaa I>urnàiaa a u 4tremely niggardly andiamanu. Aîtioclî, Wediîsodav. J k The lord of the castle, 'who knew how Borîa-fTtaesday, J an. 7, tai Mr. anad&y ili ths hâti been donc througb the M,,. ?Sire hîeîaoî, a boy baby. Ail th agency of the bird andi bolng binmlf o! conct7raîed are duiaag wei. an inorduiately avaracious natureE thought ho migbî do aine stroke of "lie Misses Calme wme treated tua I y business wers ho ta purchase the bird. PleasiitaI urprille,last Wediaoutday i>'.eai- Hoe. calling i. unkauown guest awaay log, by about foto f Iliir yoîaîag to his study, hoe proposodta ithm tii pur- frieaaa.s. T ' Chase the bird for wbaat price he should Anme e ieyaaelaikafrn I? quota.,fietrs atteaned tlae dilate scial atIbPar. "Yaiawould never give me my price, adcâ,ierVt)ls Tedy ly roplieti Bariolo.e,î kraai oa, atTe Da ils anea forets," saiti the lord of tète M r.-Straltaîaî is lbuildinîgail ice baîutte, m ti.staîae fouaadatiiia, te holti 221 toi. It. id "Il iis no 'ung."twill b. lhisled lit few duyt, authe "Very weili. 1wiiI atitimy live plan- mena wark o0u it wliin l 18tSatu)Co11lti at Drtations andti vneyaras. " tie nuits â tick 1tulaeir hlageiua. à "That in stili insuMiint." crieti beBartolo.1 O . II'I wiil addt the orchards, gardonsVO O un Iudlbouses." 'aili Donaaall la sufieriîag a'îalt a 'I"I want something else." terrible coi. e "1What, tili lucre? Wlîy, lutn. Yeu Mn. P. Jjuiaael was iaajured hyt ad iqlt want paradise ilséel. - ."vn okru &t)bslg r- "Net la 1 wantwhet You eCm gîTe laaa oknl aa 15l li ie tu..',very amomeant. 1 wcaut jouA The pisîmaliter liauthlonizeli t'le "I daugliter withwhout 1 daaiced jutnaw. tak" tsulaawprihitiaas for lte aDa dl Let bcr ho my bride." PENDEiNT. ' ' bat, my daughter?" criod the oid ho miser ln au ocetany of joy. "By my A good lime toa advertlse le rlght m' faith, we shal soir on nclude the bar- now, anîd the L.est medium lai the li- r, gan Why did Yoeuflot say sa before?" DEPENDENT. He ewent to sei'k the 'girl andt ld ber M-.1.. Iliglaia aad ilaglîtar elly o! the engagemenît ho hati entereti into. haave re-îiraîed haomefn teluaIl'ii visai d-But i. daughiter, in utter amazement. ai Waukaagaia. "But wbat if be is a woked elf andi Wly Vo iain l apeakiîag of liaviîag a ug ail ho does bc witcbcraft?" batik, ilalîaan anal meal ananei a aaaolený >g "Yeu have an amulot of corail hang- This will 1n0t enter irnta amoke forn - ng from jour nreck. lA a. au anti .Otaa James Doyle wili rut) th. baaîk, Jaîlit ffalist ail witchery. ' logaiui tle salooan, anîd A. Kooij îtlae1 't Andi what if ho ho satan hirmelf?" couler. Tiieqîhpit wilil@liechecks luia Tr 'I wlll give Yeu a pitoce of blesseti Casah andt al'ýo a PTaL' . eave tlae iecandis, and ho will have no power ovor IlloliCY. SCAN ý':z' eu IIn,"repiieti the uarleting father. Bc- hcin br hanti, ho led bier to theo )ut sâtraugor, who was already on bis horse, re anti aauisled ber to mount bobind ber le future hushenti. Taklng thea cagevrith the bnet of bluebirdu, ho watched the h. retreatiaîg formes of the pair as the barge IVe carrieti them away swiftor than tbe C.M &StP.R TmeTbe ork1 wind, andi whon out o! sight ho pro-stP.R ieTb . liât1 ceedtitajonhie gneuta. The compmy J OINO NORITH: ld wasaail gathered inknots discussingtbe &.m. sl. u. pm. Pz' un p au exlraordinary powers of the bird and iCaÇbîi's6 a eve- "130 e3 1 46 i5S20O63b ont ai the oents wieb ba takevplace.828 1oIo 2 je à0ou -28 iltai Ie votwbchhoi akn lae. Deeufe'd 5894 10 22 2 do 6 14 7 2M "Peace, peare!" crieti the lord o! the EVCFaI 8 42 10 2i 2 46 6 21 '. Xi bill, lit 481 10 36 2 526 35 74« ldcatle nas hoentoreti. 'I wiliiperforai La ,toL3. s.... 0 LS i .- e0a5e7 tM ucmre marvelouis thinga thtan over ho War. ton m 61 ailte Ox diti. I have given bini my daugtre14c eo, e î0 3 (iI fui weti lu exchange for the bard, apd§ Ibis ERumaetî arrlve 9 18 3 29 ars bluehirt i lll render nE44 eue wealtby OorGoSOUTH*. nlay than .lhe kiaago>&on. Approacb and an.on olo, iililw withit1." Ituseit 838 617 fi01 n e taok th. cage, anti lifting il up ta Watswortb 9Wou ià27 5SOS Oufliook aet the bird wan astonishoti taelid Gu..9 11 5c38 àI1 that l was not bine at ail, but a largo LasîwrVaLi.E 6 10 7 301 .... 12 30 ... 10I ger, BItndout .620 7 431.... 12 40 i 56 tegray bird, which turnietita tare at him Evereftt G 6 7 5i . ... 1248 5F»6 si3 lur ln u ansîolent manner. gave a firots Deoerfld 632 802 .... 12352602 537 rard peck at thé dooaof' the cage with lta srei-arville 636 8 08 .... 12 66 606 641 and Chlcago. rrive.7 36 9001021 145 7 00 60 udbeak, fluag lit open aid flew ont of tbe SUNDÂT TRAINS. S0f wlidow, uttering a terrible screech. Lv. Llbeutyvilie, 6:10 p. m. Ar. Boidat i 5 p.u euxa The lrda!f the castle etooti wlîh open Lv Libou-lyvUlle 9:10 Au. mentth, mot knowing wbat ta do or pay. LS.Cteaaa 8:30&amAr.lberty 10e9:40..1 age o!Lv Libertyvilil2:40 pua. Ar. Iloudout 1:512 me is gueula braile ontinl peateio laughter LU bloaàgo 1:45 p. m. Ar.Llleityvl 8: 10 For at bis discoanfiture and the well deaerv'-_______________ kil eti punlsbmeait for his unseemiy avarice 'aur of ezchauglng hieabeautiful daugter for WI*c. Cent. R - R.T lm. Table a worthie.. bird. 00150 Noatu, hie Monwhile Barteoawua galleping on a.m sm. p.m. .u. .m. ho- with bis bride ta the neareot tovu ta Chxuo g.......frt 800#1 2 45 1109 .716 sOIS .... à Bla 1for ho rnarrlod, and wbeai b. arriveil at the ai ~~ew 81 9S un 5 11 fate fixat hoitelry ho visheil ta dismount LolIton.8:*."ô4 .921 5 ô li812 2 Rlokefeller. 856 $s90 82 438 1e.22 lo! anmdeumgage the mcet splendid suit of a-yLae 9 b0940 .3118 bât ilsa imi- apatoiets for hlm Intendeil bride. btakLee Vîfla*ý.9-151 98113:(4 6 10. 12 4 ~ b ho funi hineif utleriy penulleis. os i up, He batl net alculate t t a upartlng alw oTa witb the bird ho badiparteilwilb hi. Lake Villa .s. 4 2745 180 l32f 66a mi"t Iuck,, sud therefore as amn as ho dia-iRollis...........41 76..... ......$700 .ry ae ....47 800 1205 .... @706 'and mouuted the bornesdisappeatret, sudh bi ckfeles......n4478 1642 54.12 54&7 lI e o! elegant tire.. heclne changeil for the lbton ......4 1S 8 28108 OS... a@?34 PrudrleViews ...4 8 11 11l.... s730 lely babby oue ho hal worD before ho met Aptaki8lC .. .*. &O501 83 I18 .... 8sBi the kinil Individual wbo allat vihet Ch-ago.........ô 10 45 tft 2 16 8545 sud aberie i- lm Wh..n tRhebatiful 8SUNDA7 OuLT. JO"UflAIL MAKES THI8 IlS ANN UAL-AN NOUNCEMENT. tî im tiera.oet ioase-uvatlve. candlan ad roll W.- neniatag ia',wmaper neel tata)West. it laLjultca h, i p,Itlce bu-cause 1the entral palaliea utoflis ltrputican Part.y ir J'ri'tY. pro-tlcltin andîlpuultrein alai i rtj,ag.a. ela, iiie>ttal ad paîlîtîcat. Il iijhid.e iarlîi+ fl.a t at'a. ability unit upital te > ut cnaeùalifor tIlir r a-.poc- Ive a-uni raîloil à astu lt.a Coenluy's weathi. it ativocaWa aganeeaadIsturu- l'ho Juua-aastands tor a free laallot-Ikax. ar iaw. huitathe i.,naau-t yeteui ,aaagalnést 8spOiI5 id pulls.1 ht wlilne ar sutissainvien jftitanshlp la inoqiynaois wltl arittu-uiu, but It sîli tue 'berever iba.y alilaal for publie lndoraemeait, in a] ta news teaturesm. Tbeiaiuet aiitai full, adeiiuatl-. dWimrlantlnt Bd as accu- raRte ag iuattuabiu. As The Journal, passe.... sagl i temodern scîlif osrai aitialitng lte ut-uasreadors ill never maaisny evontotreat moumniahap- poulag- aiywbere oaaou- visible frin the au-lias sur-face. il la edited ias tu saou"the raader thei, ee-sly of buuling tbiuugb busha-la fci haif fur the kiarnela ot grain. AlorI and eatarprlslng ln giatherlus lte nevs.bold sud eorageons lat dh-eusslng arî reialsbe aind radablî, ln agi roos'laecla. Journal îaturally aePeai. toa ecou.lantiY ,eldenlng'cicle oI f nth tiaudpeopale etf(Ciago and of the Nurthwaat wao aiprtxlei.o a iiurughly aîoaad ,aevalapor. In Ia umarke-t. iaiaaand tc)aîntau-ciai re- to>rta. The, Journcal bas earîtelàtiti tille ut Mihe Oaid hi.,Iible." a sontarictuetIt il l ai- ways atttva, Wud,,c-uvî'. 'lites,, ud naany uthcu- aroaala.lersloîamagik rhe Journtal thetavoite evanlng uew4apiei if tae bausineass oflit-e. thse burne aind theiafurn ln tb,. grean Nortliaveal. .tli ILf.WIIAON14.Publihca a hia-ago rHvninxJournal. 1.aiatla -iuand 1. 1. Ilagc. i11- If your Horagis, a Poor or don't eat we it wil pay you1 have their teeth'ei amined. I here, isi man at the oitru Farm who unid01> , stands the business'.,' '- AdmlaalmrtTmor'a NOtlOO. Rmate of Jeunie M. lhrbi. adfOO. rd PIuBmWNoT&cz la he ebY lVutb AI*0e09- wribr. Recaof et thetai; il am a MISS ment ci Jenehi, M. l)srl,.doad wllm i *0. count> Court of Lake COuutY, M a W6M Ilher o t e hoidenout the Court Ruf»ef t Waukegan. ln ia d UouitY.iJo btr@Oft MOU*B of Vbruary noeil.IM. when and WbM 50 ail mos han lia gla saEtale. -W .otlled and requoated ta proeeut Ib m m tel miaI Coort for adjudicationi. CLARICCE N. DvaÀaun. cloetuM. Waukfflu. Ili.. Nov. e 6. i Who doei' yuu. > tlg 1 # look neat and artlstlc? la the papoe what y.u van t? Doea It corne op t@ I our expectatlon? Can It b. Improvelt No seLonti-cla&,4 wgrk torned out MS l0w prleeaa. Try tus and b. om- FREE TO INDEPENDENT REFADERSU TheI\i-' is an-clous that ils sub-.cribers should have the advatitage of every good îhing going. \Vith this end in view we have aru-trigeil wîth the ilosterman Publishing Co., af Springfield, Ohiîo, for a supply of yearly subscriptions to their two greal month- me-a. -1Tiv, .mNiE<IA*N FARm NEwS,." and "'WlMA"iKIN).» cither Ml which will bic presented bF.ta evcu-y l'aid in Advauice subscribef tui the lND>EEDST. ýThe Ameriean For Woman endiMon.. Farrn News. i Worn uliid appeals to the tases f he rca rassofpeople. For the Former ant iehl FarnIIy. ils editors aiia b111ili with Such - bright stories clever poems, inter- This rnonthly bas gaiaîcd its esîing sketches. heipful bints and/ immense circulation soleiy on itsj suggestions that no waman can- mnenits as a journal for the practi- afford ho bc withaîut il. -Sensib1w cal fariner. It aims ta prescrit toiXWear," - NMothcrhood," "Bight ils rcaders such artices as willebI Hounes," *%Vomcii's Progress." of puaciIC& lass-istanîce 10them' in 't'hildL.ihc, '-Floral," Womnen thear dailv wor-l<(in thé fan. of the Day," etc. au-e a few of i!s' Every deplantmi-nt of the farm li interesting deparîments. It is represented; ouclard, field and sensible and practical in ail thinge; garden; bau-n, grancry and par- "Able, Buight and Clean," is its I o-il k pu-c.cminently the papen motlo, andi that's the reason il is SAMPLE COPIES FREE at this Office. On accoulît of the expeaise to which the INDEPIN)ENeT bas been put. these papens can only be sent to suliscnibers wbo pay up their subscu-iptiotas ane year in ativance. This offer is made ta old andi new subscribers alike. Do not fail to take ativantage afiti. Tell your frientis about lil, sa they may secune, in addition ta the best ylocal paper in the state, a year's suliscniption ta a great journal of national carculation. FREE TO INDEPENDENT READERe. 'The Weekty Ipter Oceap,@ Price: 81.00, per Year, 1The Fariers' JVlopthly î@ m of Rockford, I11. Price: 50 cents; AndI La-kle oupty lpdepepdep SPrice 8,1.50; published at LibertyVRile Publishes ail the County New8, SupervS0Mr4ý SProceedings, Real Estate Transfers, cuars News, etc., etc. Y. ou ean (fût these 3- First-Class P~ w For orly, $2. Cash@ am 1 can Save You Money on ail Your Reaig, m matter. Resp't, I. C. PADDOCKÇ Pub,~ :- or we wii send the Independent on a tHI trip tili Jan. 1'. for cents. r mtit *ua. lim

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