4ý£ M the~ Cityn6uadewHh ouetmO be flh t CtTobseqlu les took place from the M. E. bfere D g 66b quëiUm Présent bande Jan. il, 1895. ichuirch and Intermept at the Liberty- ?r _-ertadorrned meeting tuMon- She was one of a famlv of jeui day Jani. l4tb. children, tivc. girls anlila liboys ail ville eemeètery, Ttiesdav. Long live. o! wiL. wt-u'o(OivtVillage tîtilelitethe gaod I-ole of Libpertyville ail( U.PSor et Adournect ?v.eetngi Village Boar d jiiii<ijlid the Mtorguii M. E. clîîrch, St. (lire And may thieknlîo- - ~~w h il iw ns iai oit-iin I ii: or oft t liir showlni 1: ttrie keriories ifi tIt rhirtii r îiigi'rv VILLEF, Jan . i tth, IH5 . atltr W ho w as i ts stivsiit .4 it.stu lof îiiedbf. i i uiitiîlie I ta o iail %V lt ni Mt -4.,X IM [n.the- ilîrk liîalîws fall onf voir way. * . E E :1 p o.Bo fmtllrîln aa iofr 3-olrs. l'rom ti listimfe forth shit onue1 evetlas1ui5 . ruent. Absent Prosident Avenu tiiw" ""l'tniail (iitNtltmemluitr R.' J .Wwi -Present Apîpley, HeathMCme, 0f tt- i.R.inii tirlit-r'littt' iLvir 8etves t Sulid -it.i MeUrt-gar, Osborne anti Taylor. hrii i esoîltiyhwv- vR.HMtignRcptn e* n i illoion lîéatb and NMc(regor tri8tt.- Te ~ r, lîlargi'st, most ipratsocietv ;;)tuIODSiu CLJ 51 ]Nf- inutLeS of Dec. 3lrd, l0ti: al 1 31h married ta %Ir. Edlwin Cook wliîbtliligvn t h-Oîa oi I. e. lup w. u rea mIîprîmtonl breunioni wa.s bit-sii d witlîfour childrin Fi bla teviiiig, .Jan. il, 'U5;, in hloîor 4.c.s . ~ - rea anîd outhwerematioenOf(ondaed o>y andt treegirls, twa of whom f B-v. [i. 1B. Milligan, former pator on fie. îrecoedi lier t tu e Heavepiily Homne. of tht- Preslj) terîa9 eheirch, but wlîa ~ KNI~H . M.D. inane emmlttaeu submltted the; R. D. Ciook, of Gibier, I[., and Mrs. forihtpîast two yîi:rs bats labored as c KNfollo.w.lFng I atIreomeeddCarnie Cook hatorî, af Mt. Chatt-s, missionary on the- western iiîterior of II Surgeor), their paymen,; H. B. Eizer. $3.60, Ill.. are l-f t to mouril a mother truc. etiautorial Afica. In spite of the dis- Ofik Ovr Drg Sore. Isac Hetb Son, $ 08 C *Ilichespring oft '55 tht-y came to agreceahlt- weather there was a genera e no.Smto8;on $ êF.M.B. Cy O m lle. We r gSo re. Isaco H ah.z S i s, $ Falrlield, Il., where for years thiey turnout ai th e- eom m unity. lMer. M liii- 65;H.C. adock S.34 H Clived and pruspered surr,,,ndJd by a gantreid bis num"rotîs friends bUgCo. NU laH. C.95PaJdi dac 0434; H 0C.large ýircle of warm frienids, for she with bis aeeustomed courtesy and Ber osen. e2.701; 0. A. Heathi wds a friend to ail. Ber bande as warmth.' Everyhody teit it was a Henry Chs.Sîuse, well as ber heuart were ever open to pleasure te met-t and sîtake hands ~Charles Galloway 18oca. Slusr 3.15; J. A. the need y. Ail were welcome to ber with him agaîn. The liail looked brlght Inovils ru Sor. Mor,.tioNi..loresd manre1o50tbe.comiartable aînd beautiful home aiid and t-ht-crfuliI(many thanks are due ,7ý, ln oloo A Sto.- Mion beayloredanîd Mwartsfr tbe esptîcially was the Methodist itiier- Mrs. Dr. Strong for the lban 0f ber I5W ,01Wc everabll ous bi drwn onthelat wecome where be soon flt hlm- pietures, floar mats, piano and tbe Teaserfrmoml t ei rarespnctive self at home as long as he migbt gent-rai tasty arrangement.) Tables funds. Ca T oas rr respec tiv hoose te stay. wt-rt-st twitb pretty tea services and rud arid Soine flve Yas go tbey lt-ft their dainty lunches were served by tbe Dr. . L.TAY O Fi Moton Moregr an Orso lt- old farm matie st-rt- by previoiis Presbyteianiladips fromniae to eleven atjourn. Cttrnltd. me maries and moved tinto the village o'cioek, during which Misses M. Alice ~ ve Trggs6 Tylor Stre . LDr oisVilagellîrk. of Libertyville taking possession of Davis anîd Lucty Btlkley lent their rup:8<lLm St4p.~. ~o~Ii~i- -thein beaîîtifîî new home, in wltict sweet and cultivated voices, illing tbe SohBi tJ.E. ItIOW.PERSONAL. slirroitiled by <iki andtied- frietids rotm anti îleasing the assembly With u& qrTYVILLE.- ILLINOIS.-t thev bout-J to ilpend tht-m declining sonîgs. Mr. Milligan's musical talent ____Mises Mabel Mason, of Pairile , t-evtarm il% quiet arîd repose. But ber was ltressi-d into service and lit was DIR. -E. H. SM ITH, lB vsting relatives here. . intensly liritetival ehristtîn lie, like easily set-t that bis deft flagers bad - .r..Wm. Warren visitt'il fiiila in Dort-as wlit..lt-llcved in deeds ratiler bst lnone of their skill. Bis pefoni- Chléago, firaet of the week. thian words, would not suifer ber to ance on tht' piano was tJt- be8t t-ver 011.. e ver Lovegl*e Drus Store. John F. (;eliinge whiu l workiîîg at 8aaken lier zeal ln ber MasteP's work heard lai Libert-yville and bc was et- I.,:(~15 : )Dii . iLke Foresat visiteti at home Suilday. utleHlm, went about doîng good thusiastlcal encoreti. Rt-v. Milligan - -- liIl~~~ Brdly- ~e -t -ow. bui.e, oit h us proving berself a blessing. had btien away neariy two years and 1 apendng a feî diqsof Christ,, wlîom abè loved intensly of h63returning-illI heatb-they wene' AI W. ze E.R. D. 0. a. bure. anîd Who was the centsr auJ inspira. glati 0f the opplortut4ty of again con- OS4IABO onPC Mrs. Madoit- bas bteu nlnc tion of lit-r ieautiîl life, aind lier versiîîg witbhlm. AIl hope for bis M~pgu dàg Ce. Eh Md madoi&iu h.ber bouse st-vertu Jays Witt, a aevtmnc comfor t and stuuy inihber hoîr <of îlîath spet.dy restorai ion to beaith and fie- milbupoi atýurday only. «£b gui.ll. Even lier Jecliinig bealth did not ceas lu lst-boatti Oodievbih Dr. T&YIOT. Drop itemns liiotîr lrivate nat i*lýx, lrevelit ber ar-itivity i tbri c -h work VISSIONÀAY WOIIK LN APIIICA. O«w 2TsushalIOBOLo'ee on the dooer at foctot f DEY.ll as bier large anti iaiterestiiig Siinday Rt-v. R. B. Mililgan was greeted by Tat £tat. lhOtPan tar-sCbool cla.ta of votng oien iili a large audience at tbe Presbyterlan -qbML WORK WARRAUTRD.- l' MX. ,bolin Nfe lee ice ' iss elia abliîîdantly witnt-'.î. She lîtel ftr chiirî-h, wlieb was crowded to its full Davis, of Chicago, _s__ed lier __[t- ict several years reason ta lelieve thaf capavity, Sunday eveanrg, wkh peo- - ..BRUBAKER. ber., rî'cctl. ihir li.fe would end sudîieîly, buît site pIe aîîxious totefheur a missioaiary ad- ij. -wa iahi beenuse af lier trust ini the dît-as, f rom ont- wbo bai beetu in the IMrS. J110. Bsniour wbas etilîidto fr OT OR P .L-I~~Ornt-MoiavhERtt tleca Ilber (lospei anti wb-u the finual boîîr .ume -i.Pastor Mac(itîfiLu atihi§M. E. 10 GrueeMorday y th ilil S be oi t taîiîhconequit-rt-J deatbthroîîgb eangregiitioni were lpresenit. Pastor ~ ~aOmoeSt. Waykêgtun. fatiier Mr. DitlY. the- promise.s of ohîr Savitîr. liThus J. F. MtIt-loh irt'alded. Rey. Milli- * ~~~~C. Sebehertnhiori ivel iis - luî:taittthier bt-autiflîlile lias a goildeni gan sp1okt. witb antlisîiasm o! the ifa, ci"# ofon amm r d o e ryon i. ito Ed Aîîîley's cottage onti St- siiiset Sa m tyail atm lives end lit babis anJ cliarater o! the- peopleaii ,iwmoftouon____________________ err Ae.%, lie da3.V i!tortrnough oaur Lordîle.îsîis Afrieut, aoong whom he labored. Tht- - ~ Mr. S. ietr %& o hln -ni)e i "-t1i (hint. choseî fit-Id is ont- ieretefore unex- ~ ~AI~rt- ~ ~W1Fi liîg lier Solit J. W . etui lied to ier ?!i îiîi-)arSruî rtna. plant-i. 'Ihey landi at Batanga. on tht- S -là lb Place tw Buy- h uelaChicago, Satunîlat,. îemtm. îcs': od0 -îîuu-west î-îast of Africa, ut-ar the- equator, Cik=àO«V i Lbertyv ihle oîîgbt to have tlt-t-tr-ietioitaî-nîiî u'auîdntîgofauJ trav-l ont foot to tte intenior, adChildrenle *îrrm.S, !lghts and wate'r wirk.. W liat >I fMathuer Cook. Friday moiniinig. whiî-h is qîite dlt-iielv popliatedî, as ~ the ublic Let~ liai- oiir itîtas. j.fin. 11 th, Fatb'r aud Molt-r, togî.thîtr te ofrhe t UfLIU lT Collet-ton E. H. Wells lias estahli-,li- att r.WhtonB-î--ttt Tht-jr irst station is seventy-five - Fncy Work Materlals, e't-ls offiet tM. B i. lty&(05. S- ef,tlrt)vet 1Whitatoi, to slend a lt-wmierotas-<'atîntwotr store wht-rt-lie will ;,bc Wiîtat1itahotira wiîb my Fîîtht-r, whtu is getting stations have alreudy bt-en loeated, STAMPED LINENS. irt-ce ve -lla frai aIl whio are n.adYl~it from a thrte montlis* ilînt-siof a! h-5mlsfrhrhln.H x SN.okw.ar. Auohlnu. etc. t a h- txs ito paanlg eets, on lus returni tii the- sprnig, te SUIilH & BWIFTr. E. W. Bîittt-rtild'sU tbre-- ear.aiJ Alter îaîisiiierable î' eiit'itiig 1 devote bis abo)rs at tht- third station, M-'datigltten. Mialiel, bil the- oisfortiiie staN îîverin miglt, wi' iniill',eoinicidt-d 225 miles frai the <oast. 'The first 75 r ~~t break anît. tf lit-n limta b1)%.faliig go 10 home anid ai-cordiîigly saurted,mieil traversail witb greet bard- down atains whiile îla inig. t T..B ioi4poi he loî Iie-mlso hip1, as t-ev bave te waîk up tbroîîgb son' lîat etirdii. tt- ,va , hetwt-i ~~riliIJ uJ urnr ilit- oiiiita insanitd often wade watt-r -W e Oounty Bak AfisU. sls audi.tewý btenWnil n unrwit elteebign esso 1 oams ta) rnt ini the Higginî's hiaitîte.Iiinetiaîi. lis w-e wene eliittinig 1lItale-witdcit-r-tegnab t o Wriht Pakhrs & o. îanij, -hie , arantly us Wilas t-ven, birdeni. Ha teld of the- itter di-gre- Wrigb. Parhursr& Ce B.Rav.whoe ofbe dation of tht- inhabitaîîts, et sali LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. 1i Fus S'4î. nt a hargain-DO o ya tW",ta stiiliît'(Ilititkt-n change aorethf han went an orgai î-iap? Inqiinto!f W. j liiispeIla.with whieh shue htla hen tt-wertd wi sk tvei-aue o tht- het-iz ios nterest-Bearing Uer- tC. Sanh)oro et Sîitt's store. flcefo eea er,(x-tmn ignlucsofhitaiy.Hbs t-d O ETTehuercitv01:assel ae e adtbrhut great hojies fon their ftrtture. Tht- <ti- ~o ePayable on Derad. Fa n1--ht-ît01t1,-tiil O* im%," anJ hegan ta gasp fan mate lit the. vcasat lavent' siîkly; the- - cu~~~~erpied b Ci'ie0mi d.oJw"1, tbreati. W itii great t-imçistint. hi' ________________________________ istenu auJdhîau.IApply ta F. Protine. t-ou a.-.kt'îlta stop ut the- hit itouse, tnatives ctlit tht- white man's grave,- Chas Kaier, L'a- l i -at4 ct-b Cuir whitet- L-Wilti-hIlWaS about a Mile îîway. WVt but on tht- intenjor elevated plateatîs Gh s.Kase. py six manIAtis old. Lt-lt home tliree w-trt- ialies, hawt-ven, shie wo.ld he it la î1lîtt- heîîlthy, and wbeu tht- tonu- weeks ago. Fintien wilI ha siiitahhy alei'te) go on ta Turner, wlîere - oila try la auendit- p totomme-rce, it will . A 1» iINAi.... rewarded on return of Jog an infar- aid t-aîld bt- set--tnt-. But anit lidîîtg yield etormaus, îroq3s that will be ai iýhsrs*FurnIshing. C@olde, nation te the-awnier. 3îthînt Mt-Corni-k Isite Ias untable to, go f!îtîîir. - eausteteah. ~. !SUNICS NO VALISeS loîtîîd a vt-ry wanoi weleooie at thet lit- Tht- Liiiert3ville towu collec-ter, E. inflgoode u3nally kept ID a first- Louis Rader, of <(iiner, anîd Chias, j le Germai: home of Mn. ant i r. H. Wells, will bc neady to reeive ofis Hameau Shop. Nickolt-v, o! Lonig inove. cnlhed et~ Huas, wbo did ail iii their powen fortasnet odyJu21Uasl our sanctîîm Wednesday and renewed us. thligh tanhlgera. As solen as file your chec-ksanad take your net-t-jta. * g, their 8ubscrlîtious for anothier year. was comfortiâbhy baîsterat i)iibt-le 1 Tht- moîuey wilh he tunntie over te the Always glati tw"lcome you, genithe. hstt-ned fon Dr. Isbt-nwood, wbase propen officers and qîîickly roll 'round SIgmaiNaty ad QuiOklY Donc. Bmen. Bninîg or sî.nd lis iii tht- news kitiuess will t-ver be gratefulhy ne- into tht- ehannels o! trade. Tbose who L15! fiE ILINOS ut any tume. membered by litsail. But on aur an- bave Pulici bills cena sooui get thoin ________________________ he Lberyviît-Plesun i~ob iîriva, we fouîî, tbat, tbough conscious puy. _ gîve gran Masqeredehall t t the- lest momenlt, ht-n spirit hall al-- Comerid al Boefrerhba i tt-re ay talten its fligbt te, the boit- nat H. B. Wilbur, of Warrenî, was a Spor, Friay evaning, Jan. 19, '95. made with banda.. pleasaut taller Tuestiay. Ha came Music by Prof. O'Connor anti arches. Ater ealt-w moments consultation,ternw bssbclponuth tra. Ticket» 75 cents, atîppen extra, wt- concluded te, take the preciotîs n-IDPNETwih ac ig t servati ty Ueo. Mason, proprietor of mains whl us in tht- carniage anti agreement,' hall beau stoppeti on time. 9 Commercial Htl Salbndbg asteithomet. Aiter a sharp ride o!, We are Pteadt nolbsnî-o gage free. Floor t-ommittte: Geo. san hotirwefo.und ourselves in the u G- Edge List. Lt-t al bi: tO hs hall, ast tt t -rclb ies.aort i wh oeovng mhelrtrsadbotb te iad ont esaer.iStdytyn horst-wotu t a rae et h îîîdlving wi -e tmi oaîenhgtt iear oit it e malign hetut-t-of themseriis. sries weh td e tht- Seturtay. Quesat fr d aen Warsoivng le, îîar ealeatht- petra t lvti thpat th t- ramSbopve TOOK J ~~KI1L ~WfEI CM.HENO[R8ON ~KCO CR~CAGOILL * <5>7 GVNeiMPU Observe These Points when3 ing Shoes. Get Solid Leather, with SiIk. HENDERSON'S"L RED SCHOOL HOUSE" SHOÙ that Kind. Another Point: We are th rough- Invoicing and tu a Lot of Odds and'Ends to ispost at Reduced Prices. Cali at Once Bargains. Point No. 4: We are the Largest Dealers in0- eral Merchandise in Central Lake, and have a Greater Variety. of Goi Point No. 5, »We Warrant ail Goods as Reg sented. Point No. 6: Our Prices are always the L.owe Point No. 7: Resolve to Save Money during year 1895 by Trading w ith fi/I.B, Colby O.. Zs HER- aM-* k~s- Heels Over. Head ln Business, When You Want to Mewve O BUY VOUR H ard ware, StovOI4,gg", Fwlo HB. ECER, We ar .Ag.uats Warranted t4 e tbe'l , -.