CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jan 1895, p. 9

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MA - Awitl IExpipsi of Giant Pow- der The Rise of the 'LUN BY THE SCORE. BcwetCk 8Wvety-ve iIIe an On The leaven of yesterday ruins the cake of to-day. 'AL'SI IIMIVUiO HudredInjued.Don't spoil good buckwheat with dying raising- batter- fresh cakes want Royal Baking Powder. i Battre ire Depalrtmont, Iucinilg Grandma used to raise to'.day's buciwheats 1I4 ~jigB MmnIorme a"aaMachines, Wlied As treet out of xxl.tencC - Explosive Won with the souring left over of yesterday i -Dear boâ,bftingo Wal Stredin a Warehouae, Cotrer7 t <a Mred gt and the Vcttie Were Un- old lady, she was up to the good old times. But Denoti.hd anthe Prorty ille these are days of Royal Baking Powder -fresh- fi4b 8QUI41e0b WIIRechEoromiigre.ness into Ireshness raises freshness. le IleO t êl, &Bd he 1rinig the prgress of 9 fire at the And this is the way the buckwheat cake of àSrOUUd »tiO. Yrdof tI pneun iie, lnrn re tomt>ay to-day is made: Two cups of Buckwheat, one .t boutildUe 40i banbearti, Would evi- i±tatrrleep ocio (oeirred, as a Icup of wheat flour, two tabiespooins of RoyalToeacrrsi meli 0« the *train now rsu ; of r:*: iti et aved thfrlsey- Baking Powder, one haif teaspoonful of sait, la y'er vont yocket. jrawlo besvyvehice Wnlitv ems bave lhiiii î e ir wy th 'tae p ora n ev preials h oehitgttniied yj.(l5 w r 5îked aa the ail sifted weII together. M ix w ith m iik into a ao uns'vrnighi. biglit of the grotind for ahbock arouud tbc thin batter and bake at once on a hot griddle. tbMCnelaat &hom etm efrto. Se(elu> Ofthe' explosion strewil with tht' or Klulsng.n. **S*ip eten. iquivtring and disinî.nibered flesh of men T~sushv tbny postage stampe a die aloIi borseit. 1inndd,wn by fragme'nta Do not forget that no baking powder can be sub- olaryshvIlan, below the needies O of uthelîtir,-e egines and tnrning briinds s The agorenetRoylla bottepur,. adre~* qB?'lg 3W0 neeffies. As fronut i eîîl,*. sti'tI for reî6 Roaln1ein. kiz pre,. c eravai l es fe w .00haies are puncbed the site of ii vaî,s thr at sweet, delicious, wholesome food. un-- OU traveler *WBon the. die plate le ex- gluîslly hole filleci aitti delîris. lazing in Ad1u hfldw,âe ýlwm plates Wear out la a day lîindredi of [Laîca, itiîbieandl îhîre 4ImtIinudwfne stelplates are rapidly de- Ai.'eranu'tsî,faninlrtuiat- ir'tian -cm. ior0faluminhimt bronze Thie înuise o f the eîxplosion I)rîke ilteA*RPES*Tbl glas@ in] theî de nte- tlie bounestIci la worth more tie die plates to iast for roc.k s, îil'îtiy t111.1Ille residi'te vr ï-trîtlen îwitiî f'ar. They did i nt wI. ROYAL BAKING PQWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEWYORK. --froni whont quartoîr th iati-Jii r liait OInt'. àQI1I5 111baeadau. a ni as tht'e >Il)si,î liait vniiust dtic riveîl 1li to sayis, any wr' Tbue n-ttsrti ii'lhr.w e.Bnpre Eprec fPv-erty. Ratstng Vegetabies ilner Glass. Market Gardeuers Grow Utchl ta dis suife w iary ahl4eiîu nd wn, î rd Explothi i tn . N'<eu Buonaparte reacbed Paris on Notwithstandtng the general feeling There ta lots of money made in early ex ni-sq gy ea os ibl cu\ir hed ndhr d Eip«ifins. ay L'1 179i2. tiere uns il poor outlook that vegetalîles canbee ,roiigh lipf roin vegetables. Everybody admits that fo upiant bankruîît ln fids and the far South ai lttiýcs hti ate earliest vgtbe r r <wn suffering, for if site îîî'ha.ý,el t,1.. ile ct']%il 1 hi,% - rc->inrpttih otli a nfo rftb~t as euudrgasduoed irom Sazers Norther Grown -*-W------- - & onva- tut ir i rt ,so tf- Ii aatdfi piaio ud tt ot% htibis laSeeds. Think of having radishes in hiI~~ îev wî-reIc-îîîlîa,rîîîg iireiîller asit tintdand bs pliaio asmll iteN orhsome niwtiait fourteen days; lettuce in twenty days; IN piy ta Iforty Cabas aff Ms nueto thé- injurei-t1i )ii ex1li-.iii itiouttthe ioss of a nionueut. A ni" anytlîing but a fact. W. W. Raw5in, of y S j n forty- iý1nkhamn, re- ot-î'nrred. moing diîaii cîwil .4t nlaister o! war biail been apîîoitld Arlingtûfl, Masls., bas 120,000 square six days, and splendid sbag nffy lief twill fol- muin, womt-it suit alîdi'î s witi. a but a fewv days beforc- tlîîre were six ft-et of ground under glass. especially five days fromn day of sowing seedl low at once. sait' !dah u ui îisw-î a- changes lu tlîat otriee during as matty di-voted to growing lettuce and cuellit- If Tou Wii1 Cut This Ont and SeudXIt This I triig f rom the scelle %iiî- il tiri ex- tuontts. anîl lit(, assistant now iu hors. The cseu la Sown lmgut ew1hS onyode ote.onA know abSo- victime, as manay of theî-tirrî,r-striiekeiî-barge of1' hie rrtillery seenieîd fa cor-lbas hl ai aone tinie 15,0olilld,îzen jetune izredLarsWs. -uuletel"ju frontil, s. i(., tie8true~-~ able to thet' l't. or a mnomenlt he ready to eut. lie has eiglit bouses used you wil get frets thirty-five packages ut-oie. on1)if lst rit-reist. n lesplat o xrsl o roigltuQt ea r liest vegetable seeds and their great My pr in eemieldw ytg lig tioilitu ,soîi htguîîl tl epesyfrgoig etc oaha.Seed catalogue, or for six cents postage, son eper-btion. wr iw'idî nb i lig bis pstin but et-ents were marchlI it takes about elgbt weeks before they a pcaeo orenDyPrsRdx ri e.Il nus spe.-dilY t-tiaiichlat tit'e etire t.,, swtftiy. anditduiviiii-ls mitre urge-nt are ready for miarket. le c-OntenCes seed ana their seed catalogue. C. N. U. rnc.Hier fi îîî-jarttett, inî'îiig the it-f ien 'l",Jogtied aside the' ilainis of an Obîscure t n nOtbr otnlgtrul Comoud s mrale. hrst-a ani] ail the' inaiiines, liaitbit Ileiîenant %vitÎt a suîady ilînracter. Noebe, December and January. By Phrenologicai Item. icure womb troubles uttî'rIY s6ePt ont îof exsten--i. twiîîg Bonaparte ai once grasped lihe f:ct tîtrît having thîs succession of bouses hie can The brain of man is tbe Most highY T wisst doctors failcd tu tht' nature o Ille' tire tatd ils Jangerons lii- uull w-i lits cause ouly bys patience eut about 1,(0M dozen a week. He bas1 convoluted o! that0f any animal la the don't hesitate. iocality thée etire force 'vas callil ontit Ofon1,0 t,1,0 lerbes .r fl * preveit a ,.puend of the,-ilianles Ito-lt- or tîy irnity. and began tu con- hdfo'N00 o1500cuuaIr ol. The ower the' animal In the dAce, relief is waiting oan aeis'hu i h'mnsider iîow lit' coufllarrange for a pro- nîady to Cnt wmoss otai fte o isngle day. lioni'Seille of Intelligence tht' amoother the ~-Mrs. Jennie Street, wîre et work. Tire(- hot-meti were lotigei stay in the capital. lissn pats of th' jer the lettuce sud cuctminiran. dCal.edt je 'îthet' spetators baek. tand resourceas ilrealready exattsted. but bes itne roduced under botbeci r o a-lk bnTaetl? lasjel ci~é~ E. Pnkha's f'ge.thity nere ai, kille-i. Malty of tit hi le founil Bourrienne, a former school- saab, So that bie bas these vegetablea at Cr-ckeslastyntounyppe tators w,'r ilîity klUiJ d nd si-rcqaI fellow- at B iennie, Iu equal straits. naît- îonauid the w-boIt'season tbroigli. a re-giCkn s. I onsfo tad rn e viii sateom yod dug- he tre nritl uakr unifrinttittvIlle f lg likebitaself for aoinetiiig to tuu_Iî M Rawson lias been lu the buiesits neto h'soah n !Rp Tweny h:.ria lie continues bules is an intuiratice against it, and a box lcc ucs. foun oaa rceo heni, . i,cth i-irt tmc ls i n.riis lat re-rt' t yaro! theni slould be la every traveller's ont-T e1 ruparleld sccess. fuothe oda ut.k frai litsin,-i ti' ntton the Ittie st. IHoniorete tfit. Oeu:rg'bspan r1 ea o Piedkal Discovcry brui"e, le-eiitg au1 iti nusio it îîî îisei'i sar-lotisitians o! gainlttg la it is ev-Ident that the' business nust liet mrufl a utaber of ii'uîî wilI aîuîr,'cover. Us-ililtajOîi alla seriously contetiiclatedl profitable tvien conductt'd inteiligently. Take Frequetit Bath». RW Vand W1NX etth Ae.The' ire tarted in the itoyal Miiîuig naîîartner-i intasubloittlg apartiîîîiîls. lstiiis ont'seents to be.-M'%Iehau.t -,Aration o! tht' blood talies place to C'ounîtait't wireltuii't'andI sîirtad i) tliti , uufeu'x'-. baie ini.seule extent titrougli the skia. lu mt.ita C " M tE Y'S eaonConelwaelOUe n hih ;1 hepot f ecetryinIlekîr - ___o___ hl.- _tht' akin gis-es off a thirtletb to a six- A superlot' autY#Id4 Ky ca-t doftiissat bîutinsib he St'utarts)cn't byisn turae wb. ofU Olden 'Timtes tletb part of tht' carbonc acld gas given A" a welI* firatredosuuns ilîf tt uiowerifeThat' -tPetoplsetta uscmmewnsoverlooked the Imuportantce of ont by tht' lungs. I ns kM iog'flledevD y itii élumiak- issttigdl b psstiui îertnanently beneficiuil effects and -ere le lo" mC kiilld esa-e>two bttuiliiIb utedentrtafls-nricis txalili o s atiatsfied wlth transiet taction; but now SExDyurninieBd3de5t "patm wioff IED, OF ROXIDT, MAS&.,station. Ow' if tit,-s,- 'i"'staninug lie'- ' i SousNaileinin athe that it la gt'nerally knowtt that Syrup bina' a iC. and g l, 1aa c os,byaedtnaS huîd te htu>i-tnt irss aud ht'î,berUcttti> _______________fo!Fîga wil permanefltly cure habituaI pon wortb several dollars, i ued byCt tgp em la one o!curescommon way.ta 0r% ruttstuedstne Motiday. Jan. 14 Geiorge Edwardes*constipation, wellilformt'd people wlll il& ful auvantage. Dont del £abin wbswy a eey tcreu-y a . s-ar. nottth mui blu1etfor_____atenton _wos*______Wb*, t intaestiuatei tiat abult 100 eddi Etht' musical 1 ot yotîter laxatives, wblcb c o OtYatnin moSvr[ on JIed At;u.t, il"ette(lucga tme, but finally Injure the' systein. Tht'Bleu w-ho succet'd beat lapublie ~omo imle ouitaralisw-r' nnuc. errl !Oîi'r'lotniTht' engagemet will exte'Uu whotîî dicîl after ieiag tnîktn tu tht' bis- ONser utls-riod'of thUrtt- wee nuu an bids faîr life are those who tala e s o A"lBs"1ý" trlmd0 It luiiiver eeeven htmdnedsA Lille of lItsOwn.stnig ythraw covton- neeratedexeti to asspitlI. Tht' list o!fJî-îi ssili posibly l a uisa u--nstte u'o heri Itsttelhlea if o tand~~ingb ldroncv as W ln "'S mr)ae-h nanoxv n lts * - - n-hedia (lu %es \c -,iiýee Dc iMr. The air appîaas tohva ieflsGrildia=rDclûs ose wohn rctificates iuwi enct h'Jtngu ueitt-s~lii Ui 2uiulttdDcle wJe iwthin twenty miles of taulîroptrty wilI hi- nure than $1. (..11" 1.1 farta )ulsdî rii erk.That n u. Muy-ilateîlato ed t _________________ lu ailtlîhreiationdslao! powder expînded, lit--;u-s îIitnbîgte hnaystances tire kîtosn of the' liti !da potlcr frbo-Engitsh ;noric-ton cuer set-a ltreisastillt- a uis u -rea n lngtb ailter inter- ~cnu posal c rd or ook oitte tf ubi-li ias stored it h te Butte a»t ttt u eu rk cities are autiior- b d es Ares n la away exerlecea trm Hardwsare ' tîiiatty's warehoasc. ahicl tNlt fîîr. TIi- piece s sîarklitig heyond tift. I boteand a perfect cure is war- odioiued tite- Cca: uut-Coraeil %ss eeluIuîe. ,,,asre. Nîtuie thet' uuuuie ta mort' daiaty rili qatiy s aen Eey irma ile ud ict-ytitatn aIkt lîhitat lues beeît N'ery Much off Color a e aequa it aus es sryFrinnKltduerd tiiia leadu-. Mn. Edwardes lias rt'people Whto are tioui i'dwth clironle Usutp ae afeedIt C5USng The- ii-uien ths-iiliîadit-uvpedil utc tit brouglt a large u' î n-vîatta tbis countr*, lis er comptaint. ti utetlaa igsi e a-e it te Liver r xidos iii.n iîutditely rali- adwct.autnlutueait ure turo!the' lobe 'cuttceeand esen the eyetîalila and atso ment- Ths is Causb the ducts benoe ha-îm.îimu tiiît iter :itli-k ssheu a fsecond blie ýt nî ,-mtgluthein'lnce o!f aestests tlta preseuce by uneaesa 5ln the' right .aw dsaa rS in a Iel v uut iolent Iihn thet ins-. TiitýiitîI iton. The' conîlans- lias heen sd u eiatutergtaate id.W Wdng i. Read the label. ulo1lepeeinLdnitwsor tuai owedlitenplie it i t ->~s ltelwuutsscythane, 1î enîn-efurreu tongute,.cuouea. %iek headache sud an wcrc îîî,st'duloss ut~a 11 a giestvcytîe. fi4u:tý1iiat itssas tihi- triingetStrgai- InUlipleeint breetti. It i. unuatly acconîpaulea n~is fout or bilions t tll aaltie treets for hlsf a bloc-k aronrdaittîiun outhte kid -en put taîgethen. One by costisenesasand dyspelîsla. For the ait-7 aish feelings at first. looek&like a great lattle field. Debnis grenu featunt- of thue centaintientith u'entlsi.adissitu alettas ~liâuge. diteve neessay.Fat wes trownn igh ii tuair. eomiumg clowvn Jauteasg o! 1issRosseil and utt'i-5, but tht' Itostetters stomeeti Btters in a spet'dy andLE ESrsM <a eadeog f~.haif e mile uway. Mniuiy 1), eoi h' itni amealyis50cr-i-ed scttinos-el tea- cIceerenieity. Thi tnadmben EVSfsM R '~ alespoonfulin water t bed- srin jathe ceiter o! tht' cil! wcret ibtrs itsthat it uems almnost sup;s-tuoistîli o ipe asadr etcu'--every, ue O!fte paînfiti Irregnîsrltle aluA a-ut Druggists. ljtred îtiîuguish or mntionu an> partieular une aist preveults sud cures chttes sud tes-reandl weaknesses thtat prey upon women. - Af--!tî-w re uiiiiing trmf uwir' .At1i1t ir"juuîtu1i-tetui' u n iatttamt, uersotianess andulthe lnilnuittlt' Tliey fade the' face, waste the figure, rala 1. th rn. irtaswre on i 'ýt'ssYok anid fornouilla pat bas ineident ta decllalug years. It builde up au the' temper, vwtlen 70e up. makc yoti old W -dsilrerthsad- tv gaîîîcng theniselves togettier anald t draivn to M. l)alyis tealer auditences muade enfeebieut phystque and fortifies Il agatist before your lame -- ti.mqting tii escale to a place o! aafety ni of te elite o! New- York. Seats tuese dIseuse. Appetite andl ighty ittlumber are Gel weli Tlat'a thse way te look wefl. A nues Phyi- - scuen te ttird uîuliaiast explosion ocîmr- bieuai ta îremium turouguout thein stay p1.iniuted hy ttleand lit la e protei.tor agatutet Cure te disorders audailînts that beset W". Thtis. ti,kiîit'Jand in ira aî it-eand es-t'atterdn tîose creuinsteaffl tht' eff,,its g or tln. !,vnwurex'- you. wtu r)irc Fvrite Preacrlp- peupl. Thre wre 4venl'nrs t die were otten liard tu olitioui. Vie music is of pubiure and uluwbuulesuutue food or scter. tOý ion. . irc' F peBleaheimiine a t cis ! hietit popular type tiat eaules il to lie m'bis- - Il revtlates and prouic&tsalliepoe tedsaepou-dur aa i o! tht-ni exptloîded. The' tlidaa Iîunaed eserwbere, and on'e! The' Praiphet'5 Nutu. fiiuitioii-'. iniproves dige'utini, enriches the %tote henîveuis s--nlightî-ýttit iantI te tht'musical nnabinis,, Tuînuu tkias," W'henes-er a strict Mlaieatpro- blood, displs laaches andin iat. elanchioly eay ity sahook a-sif :nuit artiiqtiakc n-asii ie bs precedeul the iev to Clicaugo aullias nutnces the nine ofa!theophtlie and iernVusnesil, brings rrfreshttig leep,, pnuirretis. ~~~~aîready beffome sery familiar lere. Thre pole, at etrnhat nisrnîi ts fi C R E M B A L ¶nuu iedi e u r ii- irst explos in w i ut, ndeOitbd y, b e anu n precedenteoi de- pl ln I!k is ca bis tliitii b nails, presses a dp so re g eeal, s e and s ut e n tuit c pgSiUSS the asalePsuusss Mtaoc Pai manal ion t-attpforeti us tertaitumnient, aud them It, bIs !orelit'uuiianu says, "'hle and nervitie, impartiug vigor anud strength ofot etuci sth'eagiutt slietnio er peual rupluet o! God, tusloi hoi cail glory!- toi tht'e tire systein. Il te orît tr,-Pthl. er tîniioed ad innyofth dtah-o! tîret' sseeks uni%-. the securtng of saetsi ,,Sd.Selretlie5eiieewt'i5te iucts tof thesevi .uiuitiiatrar- nunig tht' lioid b a mttttiblookeil aitrat tbhe 0OEoaAEun'cted Colt ilîl lts. Amwa Uu.aicf, of Ffsu Ctsk. uffat i'., killed anduliijiru-d tutiti- susltiît e x- earitegmuaient- "A G.iet:, Girl", isson- aestîup a constant eougb altrtacso! Neb.. viries: "I eiijoy structed ta amuse ws wer. tierceis Favorit rý) lusioui5. eitm ntt'd l seeasièhriail-touslLang lite breatiandt'iGolseniigtli, ana ss-estingni estietrtfltqf5 The giamt 1oscer. Nsii-i twattfor ise ty-MmIiî-ut eiu nîî I ein, )ltial:muanteosiusnoiLigecpe adio ode 1 un ttin*iotets Wusrrî'tui tvsts Mu«t. N inTorS l bstiîig inii tue mines. w" sstored iiilias-e ui lld is mssin liuirabli - affection, ii-Iichmae b a vo u ideilor lalli- wMeinit idcorvteI 5oi5lOstr5*' tIe caettiur-t-unrtty o tsitrenuetotlr n CiNewi cliiY. atby using int imitDr. D. Jayuuae's Expec- fr:sc esa ih oubfamouwl Oemt afeiwk e ii u ev. WneflCif wlig. trn graduait tic aMd vatuttsttnaulear f*I ê a t ~ h 5 b t i o at t i r s t e x t io s iin i t i ra s g sui -r i ea l tBi t i hc oti g tu l s il o t s I d r m é e m e zf P ~ WE WIt3 tA fie t ' nî bcinusmgi -ir'litite Unitel. State-si aue tbose o! the' w-r ofi e, turis etm el tat ttee nura -_______au___ exp osi e, ut ue uitst.fitthehon ir l, thMa eos n Iou i cr ol rroc n e offi c, nîtis slimt d ot hl e a ndth e a oii t a itl a i o p en e J.foM U s os _________ -Inn ers. Ie nto nfor

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