7'ô, F2j ~'ob. s, L~k~ Cou' 7* .41ND É~oI Friday, Jan.uary- 5185 Aesfo IJ*,pajd bi «Oai £p 9>y s..tb. hWU publie- aie »edee, Fiorence Lusk, aie (hulldge,J.<.Bcer I. (.. B. n dingA"h Pr. s.Job priin s,.m , - - 71. realse u <ile faille enung i fr eti hl Ne fImsON sio».ur eu.pe or nt 0 uel fOr aetr- t heumoe s ilianr ne lse- be mortaedby d.SuciUqsk I Ito s ed ln oue club mes4: Publlsheru Our(1lu Primo. Puticea JbernuL veky. BI... #1 0 82 ., dIIlY. 4daya..6 se' ella Inte an uekly ..1 du 200 "Sandouny 8500 85W. 'aly .... -: a " . 20 $55 oiwsaub 114 milli WabOC.1 1;5 34o s.............li40 4 "4 Auie p eu l ... 200 as .......... 1 Ob 420 ....d5up -ub.. 1 tuI .... ... 4 6 440 Iéw6e,wmouionormm .as aie subemier c ie r a 640 et gIiaiy..........iii a qvusiube er wiayafur the0 OM fls, ul onoradd sredy "hIr D i-uiaiaalrSieouAujpuumie tevr-aluibe pand ndfr uSa f« gale.f SALE Geb. D >.24out nt fui irniuibt Il em*l B.umMASONw ha1e *1at Litef he Dy orWees %t Flour on eartb, r$3.e5 per. bbl iio lb Granulateal ida full Une of ig ~o4,Boots, rl4,Groccries. Tite, Etc. p.4m.ote >'OU puices e bave to SOI if ~gie us 'a chanCe 'd: will gtargrante àtis6ed with thC à,h what y-sr bu>y. W., Caubuore 8r, H. B. Wilbar,, eL . B. oua, Clark Obandler, Nu. ay 1D. Compbail. y. 0i. Bo",. EH, Buaun. iC*k QontyFaitNt: Oaily on wee.k frOmne ttwedot4ia Pott youml.f aard don't fai 0bO ter. A. W. Waldo memne to b. the ch0oe or the. peo ple for prealdent. DDa'Lbe -blufed- or -soare.d out.» No orne I kaow thie resuit t111 Lh# voL-eu arc oouated.ý The sehonirs bave tueir "rinag ticket" ail glîted up; but th@ people wll' bust their slate« bY Out-votluig them. Edîtor Paddock hreeelvlaag Ou- couaragemexit on ail aides for bis candldaoy and oonlldently eatPects tO b. elected Seoretary. - - -- - -Let Newport. Warren, Antiooli. LITl -u Avonr and Orant combine on a candi- J. on ratkmn, Eo. Nl. . date for dIreotor and trade votez with H. Fuersein~BobI Nieole> thre verni, ouLai or east and their mari George Herrick. w ceetd LAKSE ulucli. wl .eetd lira. Wan. Heai, C. L. Hokeaneyer,, The columnias o!,taie la)ZPIMDENT 0uLU"a. are open on the. sasb. terme te al H. Scbverman, Louis Roder, aapiring candidates. Wlalie ve bave Frank Ultricai, F. H. ililmaiai. ourIindividuel choire,. still vo are no B. F. Moran, Rendont, 111. partisan; but wili gîve every pereon a E. G. Nickoley, Long Grove, 111. fair show. We pubili Laits papar te W. Y. Wood, Hagler, Neai. nake oui living. Rend onr "4MOoll Jaus. C. Genty, Bavînla, 111. at the. top or lirat page. J-as. h. -1--EMt>WCi. f - If 'dam taa ereote »cretarï- .he. liabel Ray, Sutherland, Iowa. wonld bcienl possession lot-macai Mis. B. J. Brlgge, Elgin, Ill. valarable Information wbIc libe coulai tnotknhbar'!tseub.tauirIbatire 'roulai Lens than Iliv years te elaipse june judicloirsly for taie benefit. o! thie before the eighteenth century viii b. Fair aud thuthte Agr'l Societ.y voulI aiunébereal vitla Lh. ages. geL et least a bundrird dollars wortai _____________of fres tho' prolitable advertieang. 'Rendl thie tovucoôrre8poaadeace. jTaie Editer i,§ net ilauay "ring Taie vieisare amng tihe ablet citl< combînatiou," but vesars te str a- at zoeso! thse county. The INDriEqDENT thre peuple, su there wîli Lu a large lsa place ail iLs ova anal la net In taiaiout te taieanuel eleetion rob. 6, confliet or conipetition witai any other '9."aemoeti eue. vr puper. Whatever utiier paipers are extibîtor bas te buya membership talien, tiae INuEaII'.NDECT 1la aSO Wanit- ticket. Wby net pay youî dollar nov, ed. Any reident of Lake Oounty and bave a vote for thie neyerai vluu bais once taken l, le net content- offilcers' Thon taiebaet mncii mlaie lad vitlauut ItL But !ew subacribeis ebosen. drop off-oui liaI andl muet of those vo Taie ditor feole entitled to speclail l elome back in a short ime. *redit foi baving awakeneal a more i ---- - general Interest In tlae Laike County This wlnter bais houa remaîkabie la Fauair d other mattere of benetlt te die f aet that ini nrberu latitudes it LiLur-t>ville. central and rural Lakte jbas been one o! emceptionable milal- County towns. Evervmin te bis owa line, viaile iii soubterai latitudes it bas lineofo business. An edîtor la botter been une o! eiceptionable severity*. qualiiedal ais otaiere te juiage wbat Taie ertire sostherin elt, ;coverlng mI terintereait Lb. publie aind tW welldy ail of Fýecl.a, l l thLe 1. -14 rp>ar qq ai>ia~o. os ai disaster. turope huis nuet ecaped- - - ira Sumîay Italy anad Spain Mauny are re. NO? a. ptrted as !reezlng bu deutai, anal the Taergulair a i en o L Il oivea, daiven from tlue mountaine by Lake eounty <* al ociety will jtaie deep snoa. laive mae ravagesLuellttae.Liitvlo amoag taie fbokelu taie valleyn. Thias Wc elayt t ob-, 1, '95 ayit 2 kinai o! viater, none of oar veather o'cluck .m or annual electin p ro p h e ts fo re to l a, Be . H ic k s n l o b . o o f c r a s d ta i a n l l r e o t u art will bave te take a (rasai--ein lf01.is t laca eoto -tirliprophetic salle. iLie 0cit.E.C UILectay Juais WAlNîMKEB hbasthe'liRrgeet1 àstore la Pbiladelplîia. He bas 4,838 What la Thir Salary? empioyes. la taie slxty days before Mk. ITR-W in you pieuse normn (britmie ha' sHolan arly iserme boy mucai salary taie Preaildont vora o goda Hele n idvrtierand Board o! Direotora of the Lake wbo spenals nearly IOOl,lIUl pet aintumn County Agriculturail Society receive. Ho bans apent in a dveatlisag among andi boy do tlaay get tireir psy? It newspapeis luandm close tii Phll10iol- : muet aie large for there bas been r phailathue tharty-funr yearieueasej quite an effort mas by scertin Bing abeen !n Msineas over $5,OO,IJoQ anal1 iu and near Lîhertyville, for taie paet I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lt 1a' fli iewi oh îeloe i montb. te eecure the entire maniage- woulîti ajenti double tbat aimot. 1 ment o!fLaie socletys business at taie coming.election, Feh. 6. If Ibis vont ONCE l u aile a SUlîSreaur Whuo 1le te aie dune gratis as generailly owes ai publisher. orders taie Pajer supposeti, vhy are taiese fow mea su l tpeltrubtaeaeyo ae anxioua te coutiol ît? le tirere any postmaster. IL le a meurtan ad sueaking chance for tfieni te vote iliemselves ýe way o! duing. If yeu uwe ferla newe- îaaï? If go bow macli'Taie aembers paîser aiuticananOt jay. auly tllu taie outaide o! Libertyvîlle voulti do veli editor snd promise bia wheir yoII upeetaa tk natv ii = obtain the money yun vili ry Dou't teb ioetIàtaeu ciepr ai la iis comîaag election, J. K. C. i aite It montai aftea moiath, anal Rockefeller, Ill., Juin. 24, '95. Laier eneaklngly order taie laostmieler to notity taie puhlieuier that is paelër Chanoery Notice. rla nu longer needeti. It la a ferofo LLt'ILN dlshoîaeety anal diserves exîîosures. SîAV0TI-r or LAKP _ê (jCilti court of LakeCouitY, tii îe- M5p-<- Term, A, D. 155. The Cold l Fower. mason B. cola, y va. Mary ilarkhuri'L and] Ed- win W. parkburmt. lier huslinnd. Il ion Col. Taiâ lover, eo fiihgIy calle-J (olal byàn Nanacy B. (bI lis alute. Flora Dy- I ~ mo ..,nii*,~a hi M ,Myuar and Pranklinii mnd.ber hus-.î~v,--r------ - .-vn. vr" ."J- ' o! Versailles. brance, aai ntroduced , ita o i N#l .Clty a la Europe lant soason. Lthe Plaints elli- aId, cu W oaay. May Coiby. AI .Mnu~ Mois and William eu t a very bigla figure, unly a fev M(et orabadNll .(ay y lants comoing te America. The flow-I oly. dinte or doe aots non. Wilh ors are tvo te thra-e laches acroaS, Of the wyul e d 1i n known owaaera. a arirgat, ehiniaîg, goldena Yellow aiud t n (~lae-y arand- hoauirag tameroUs baurMsomne stameais. iNt iereb oa ithe-tairaiNettle laM Tla pan l o b. pradng bîanch- OCA rau col . fEwlo W. Cit- The lantIo o low sprad y lby IbY aud C. Motz. ing grovth. witli hadome leaveàt, 'aaX r eueA. (Coîbi. ibat thse apjeisile muacladark -'aia laie ,ir 'mmvu'rrIli cînl li ant ldt. lover. t il e afectlv hardy, formea tain- ile ilas o f ucaonaaaauaiut Iaal exa-olleaat bor-der, or îts grauuad for 1)(d- tii0 o e chlîer idefuteT iî h ai iterv u-rn im stia ut o ai .îr ding, viile a$s aisingle pt lat it i li (ou ri a usttlai imw,vanrd ,Ife,,îlat>. cbarun iag i-Ia':ean, h iglit green areulut o lu k' aiiîy. fath-et-lia01aua foilargea s a 1ut )Ilaeîkganind flor Lai <ie<'oirFlotpainl ttuaki-giti, li ii i t,>. floyers, gît-ait-, stliniv llsaw <diai, (,uty. u iai-e 2nd iîidauy of Ma-tIi. A. ). brilliaaut. ira tht-ar rt-l ett 'aaio s a -. i li u s by aaw rtlu i ami. at,îî l i ai i a , j alsled golal. 1 iti uanillai.~ .t1,î . %. N.air. Titis yutir an eaterraîaiag lrm i, DI laittWaukegar,. Jaimar> 24. bibi-. offériaig l it anlia pies ofoordinrary '.ira- .Daa..mîa~l.l-a Plants, via., 2M colesa plit. ' 1-_ By sendluig Ill cents to James ~ika Sons. Roefhester, N. Y., for Vie k's, Preinium No. i .-Farnuters Monthuy. Floral Csaadê, wiaieli amosnt may be To every eubscriber vho pays $1.e0 dodaicted from iratOrler. you vilI strictly Cash in Ativance, for Lia. tbon -Aliabout, Ibis beautîful Plant NImhaonyetv.iisnit -ridaamMoserlauium, anti aieafr a oru la1 shi et Rooko r. Iw res SGe a à Uarduragho offer o of W) esifor year's subscrlption frteF Mr ~à tr hNew DoithleaOveet Muntally,b!'16 page (ariajouradpubý. *W& ' Woq" la *9 ae a~Ibut ouriltsa.p di»ncesab=I.ibe 1 eubaveLttbIt àtY 7*». '1 A#nnuai 8tatet eint. OS~ ~ ~Al suruaADoSaamos orrTait SllI$lsvn Mluttsiaisur*lc*CompalY #na 213 ulaU NDIna DUC. BIOT. li 0 sUl lu fod.Sarea. irmijLll.N. ,~ wsoe< ~ 9m W i~. -.mu Pdntîn and ouaue s.... .. ....... . ........ ... ............... 0 . .. ... . .. ... 00qmlectdfor1895. poilç*lpmretary. John, A. Tbaln; Treau&Wr. John Bie;DirsetousHoward T. Msan. Wvol. 'Ibommou and James RI flunur, MILLBURN. !qepfe-Troteï-*ïas oh Laesaklt. laot. eek. Miué Jones, of Antiocha, le visitîng wlth a *"Fin o Vinie Jaanon visita Soniere aad viclîafl-yfor awbile. Mms BaLai gave a home diiois, to a few oa lier friends. Friday. Paustor lierris @pendls a wee lit Shir- laaad,-with lismon, in evengelibtic ser- vice. A verv large aittenalnce wasgiven to th*. funaeral services of Mrs. Albert Webb, asatur IHarris anad four memiiers of lits Mmnily were taioen hlo thie clmiacb, Sundav. W. ilote, lin . .ews of Missuri clurclaes, cheering menmtiaîo! of ev. S. G. Arnett, formerly îlaslor liers. Muse. Mrithews lbas dvertleed toalouvP a senle, Saturday. ài.Ir 2fitI, at 10 a. mni sharp. So bille for list o! thinge Lu abe muid. TIhe chiurch hlere took officia] action oaa the invitation tii attend thie dedica- tissa, trai. Z7th, of tlae Ruclefeller cod re 4iieféAËret Heu (romkilitatng lit Mis. Bàachý*r'sIlrend- ing. Alfred Spafford fevored thie lc- causioxa vit a numuber. Ouar Suiadav nool teaelers laad a pa-oftiable csfraieshe paraonago, last Tlauraday evenlaag, led bv Siapt. DKdge. Sonie practical work Was map- ped out. Jliea Taylor anal Min. Tillotwoui, suai anal daugliter of Hlenry Taylor, drove dova f romi Kenooba. trust veel, W visit. Lîttle Fiorerce Tlll0otao was wltla them, use- vorse foriber biokea ieg. o! last nummet. Mr- . G. Gs-eenhield. aiat miels of Mis. Dr. Tombauga, anal son aie guestis liera fora fev dutys. Titegmson o is vay Lu Elgin, ax> outer Ltie Hortelogleal sclîool. He in a Young ni5îîo! Promise, viLla hright, musical taulenats. l'he inavlitin î hoattenid liasMemo- rial Meetinig o! Mrs. Lallînope, of W. C. T. U. fanme, ait Graays Lake, waas reand lere, vilai iiteaeet. Tii. veaitlet îiieventel soutle fromt goiaag. W. heur gaaod tlmaaags o! tite local W. G. T. L. tliere. Arthuir Spafllurd ie humte fou a live days' vaetaticil, fromt Vilpeaata). lie retarma Luextra voit an iadyll fianishalia J.1 n1-îe, with« Alfredan sd Misa Maaud, ie-iafoiced the. choir, Stiiduar. Wisil vs miglut have thia aid ais taie regulsi rule. Robaert Strang, gr..,and laie good vite countati taieirforiy uiintb niaiage aaniversaty, Moaidauy, Jan. 21, W9. Good congratulations are tbeirs. f rou aa vide cia-cie of frlenda.IL la to b. gretteal tbat Mr. Strang vasLieonj with <vhat. vo hli.e, vili praave, m eligait Indispositionî. Mis. Boucher came, gave lier read isig anadbhs goîi me avlig more fa-lesdi andl nomestrong andd uppreciatîve testi« muai!. If lier objeet vwu to commeia the SeliaucI of Oratory uiae serves, idh lais daîubtleee nucceeded wilihmiwy. Mies Cura Whbite, lier pupîl, exemphi ieil ilte eiaaqaeiaeeof gestaîre, alter1Del Sarte. WARREN. Th'ie uorchestrat unet lairlpuatice aiitlî j red Paîtter recoailly. Fred Potter le teaacling t-le Stifforil setoal tluje avlater, Mtay soic-ss.rai.- Franîk Slieaaad vhao il llaig voai aicîtas tie river, eaiys theIat nea- hatht' luvest hoe ever sa t -tlis theO'1>laiaae rivet art tiitlime oftte yeaei bourg oîaly 6finlchesdodep vliere aie drives W heù you vapt te m»Il or rent a bai? lo, rae hrs.,or sny- SIç'l~eit em p n ot Sasl t utsCmareWbrlag ou a ote. B I B Mis. SMilla bas roterufroua LIasth City. MM,ýl Dr. and Mrs Rickey were In tuwu oMYW&%tI - W. B,% HIgIy anad i, vlsltedl at"l Wadwottli unday. ltt M#os Viola Lâet e vl t hM"u. HavyaWedi»esy. N George pràwu bi enrquit.e sck, Bik~ but. le sow 06 thé gain. 'TM* iln l0 Êmlry*OKKatUM WtllIrboet S1 .P bas *, Mis. Wubb"laaw n' ailà Ml.... Vlol.Buw ean uawIM Qum »W amOut. weU atWdta* Iaday a8d 'W..Austin a"d fs«aUy , tp tu cove tu Leir uMW hu,.m rWiss"W ie enule NevIlis ent shopping Y" li lu Unaieoty o" dssy " st Me. Mi» Lotu i llisangtou la vhdIùhg ber Cousins,,iMu. Moudy in Wm*ub. . J. o.jÇ Do not for get Mrm. tarrusa d wiat -0 ~ S~ out u at Laiber disanhlitry *txa"u. i.gdI Milinery ut Gut t-close out . 101*11àt, before 1imulve. Nuw la youq, th06.té qite. sa gel; bargaias. Mr»s. liaruls. ad.CIag F. D: Batteneballl andl wilé attended JhaaltoI Thie Sewiaîg Society vas atteudedý Wedneday. 'l'bu nexc meti'g Wini jaia~1 ho held.at Mm. leunard's aext W 'w1n4. co aesday afteruaoois. n t The building 1 nov oecupy hie keeaa muid, L amn obligad tW.r n d irlai ' j_ Y order Lu cloue out nMy Stuck ut anhiumyry Té9&e. wSS' 1 will oilail goudte o.boidsai toust. day, Jirai. Battus. l itut Mars. -Forvur diedal a 2:30 o'clocI4 .1 liai Tueday anruoa t ber bonéi sfl meuth ls ber@. Thefausserai tous. pfIs'biÀvo hIIb i day norniag at Lake Sclao lqç am Ritenauns were laid aL rautin luhe>IOb114*. Grays Lake cenietory. The Literary Souciety met at Lyceuas Hall, Saturday eiàiibg andi waaa veili atteaded tay a large andl appreclatve audienace. TIraidebate vas iuaei &1EÙWOa tlII iexL nMeetinag aisMmof theLe.iad[lot iaig speakers vare acast pressaut. RuciLa- Fyi ff tiste were giveras by Misse Louiou Raich, Knud Ralvards, lisa tWeil# alésas r. £dward ailirdmas. Jliadeé."- Meurs. Smith ua anaM*d4«pa allacouusl able atump lieaeheis whicla plesaed al' SjaOsea preuelt. <out i*qy Fred Wilbur was the vietina o! a J aý Liurprise party receaatly lui bosur utfliâ A. R Fi rurtieth birtladay. Ilis nirny friendas for sulutp4 gatuîered ut lais bonie wbere they ware oar sau>0 anuet royally eatertsaned by tsl uest anda honte«u. Anig tiause pussent Hu. voee MeusnandlMesameis. WIII iLl anytaUi Daanlan, anrd icemas, ut W4tuaegaai4 vOll be W Putter, litîd, Oscar WlîitissrasDUaIxlpI i lass Wlbur, Lu WlIlbur, John Wooley. , &a Patterson, John Buck, Hubert Béty, om Jaike Feiser, Henary Wilbut, Elvin *e,çasmft Griffin, Thouapson, StruosWlatehied, tu he t Iligiey, Jerry Smiîth, Iirdmtett#, Mr. ad Mau ss e, Misss uBe M" >IB snd len Whiteheed, Mary' adalea, aMta,191 lI PiFed Kuebker, BiseaaMatdesi, Arthur 140994 t, h Bulsell. 1*111 t ii eo t bdt m ION Laisi $aturlasy eveuuiaag the towi vais 1etotuiet by a Party ul Young peuplée A marriege i froma GChicaigo, WbeelIng anti Dearffelti - Ouily î801te' 01 wlîo came to visit Mr. aindalMm, . iH. Medlaaa ilbllia Sher main. 'ite vieitaitiolu waaai lai theansd 28; Ooslt*hi nature of a "siarprise Party,!' saitî .is acaa; mut aube tîisk respect as ii ils Roblers, vas a.MirUoU co)mplete aucees. efr-esnieats vere TIsolewbo ih seiveai by is. Shieraniai ter wlauci printaai at LIe )ý Mi. Sherman laurrled aruata town aiI4 a fulil IM eaud secured l ittershils Hall anal LIa-e Lk# ouuty i" slervices ut anulciaaats foruils guiesti' dàtqwt% a lave 0 eialertalanaent and suon theY vetorit enjuayiaag tlemmsees ia-taie uaazse-of lîlcea btul the malîz. IL praive aadeigaiul ie us4 àxffairMr. Solomuua's recltattluis b.lg viii b. conviuoe a testuare o!fIthe evening. Thffe present (rom atoard viresses StoMkî4i >leiuaebl aunai Zaeleru and, Meair ~Aala, Bleimtrialand Su*a froua isitax, , ae 'DeerIl.ld, IMisisArunà*in. 1#.,qO014>okUm- Wheeilai MsaMayer and tMuw t ws arrubruatr, OeloeaS, and aaaWMI - ,»- fw"«ié, Louis Albaldt froui io. ortbsîss14 msa muiutedt at ousai tfi iM t rqçq4 MuAM'el, vîtaitious. Awong these vho yeupou4*I Mr., anad Mas. W il l igIey andi Mr. a«d bys iat pembrie. Mr. te iss aurejIaae81u~e gietsremaineai intil Monday aiauruhaug CMI aés whon tlaey buardeal ths 8 d.îciock trainsf' wagm4a 4 Taquai for their lboule. I Cne. uugu ROLLINSt.a t iace lîausa. Ma-e. Richiaads, uaeihataof Mrs. Ueo. iixkî Beaik, le sailbeuiaig f'ua-i-srk it~l l*AC paralysie. . moumi 1 Wraldo Edwaruls anti J. Weîchb lidau to 4 er"« Collishi, iteakiaîg ivo butaie. No 0118 irjureai. Mnà. Batile Kap#le L#4"o à*i, Rachbel Kapple .1 araM* day; foub4 ula llPbF Shae 1,m e11 t- v.-.. -ýý !ý- . ý, 1 - !l 1 1