A >1 Bruige îîwaP h M.i attel aory î ickwîl at ui sghtelr, is en peiig, o! flii- * ~1ptfl rdai u ugl ad ho gaLe, o c~aa1 eoveriia. Mlira kintts, of 1?vabe, la staylug with hler. Ni.eaeCroîklilte wuIs home, aptsdifii a fewdatys wtlilier Par#Jits. Mted.Wodnesday,to reaunie ber # mMtVallOrals.1 A oewlot u isof Wsslqeju ý iwcoled at out furniture store, &iud a lot (d éther new gouda, lu thle furniitfl' A itumiberof our town peuple attend- md the funrsrml of little Rutht Wîlcox, Ob lu a' Pr lbe ai t ti 10 el thir'mly chuId oÎMr. antd Mrs. Belsorthi g Wfltox, at Diamuîd Lute, lest Sunday afteiifo. Ibf o. Iitd M. Bealey tartea lait Sittunday t Ip W for *Texas, to hec gîtîe a monthu. li et Beëi%8ey aîud danglittcn May weub lu si Trgavur, Whea. îto peîîtfafew wvese with fîtenda1. ti Our pulpit wis occtîpied lait Sunday. tc j <roawkmaîîiî laviiîg tinualy offeridtd ur, ôor Ipreuiciliut te COrnys buake igrega o * tinnal ciiutrch, cluicl le ut presVuît witlia onut a latton. . J. M. llolcoub aîîd Rov. Crookwauu' cclit teLutlie City leut liudgay, briuging s * L.~ni tL. gie sa tlthe-papen facoiuy le soon tu tart. We are giad tgi heur titis repo)rt, fon iL will cerbaiîuly le i agreut hilp t)bu tn vÀl * Groeeries, Bout andl Shoes, Notions, .p etc. NoV là yoitr opportuit to 0buy these gooafuu cliap for casit. I VIII of- fer, spécial bangains la close ou$ my stokof mlerchaîudile before ime Lobe- t gin spavlug cork ou n.i faim. I meatu * aiiz". Let me quiote yon rices. a NexL tMbbatl i te Coigregabioîiai s ooety viii dedicate te cialiel. It le hoed that lb-re, viii be a large ut,- tendance, forlhey expect sorneiter- 4eitlng speakers Lu asist 1ev. Cruok- sn5nu Ouittile oecuiloli. Everybo)dy la e I<vitd tocoiue aund briug youir ri-nds. TfféIlA j ue Li Co-aItbianond Lake vere aboliïo quit m.utiîg ice, Mon.t ~- dui m9inIg, oi acoluit of te Jaîuî- ar. . aw, buit before etin8ueîtiîey veru blOusa wth a coud cave that set titeu ai *ork Tuesday nnuitg, icith t teir full M *rce. Theiy expectbt inim is i lti- ing the. bouse. titis ceek, but-wili con- tinue euttinglfor ehippiuug as lonîg au .8.6.'lluli, Lthe nshiîi'g real i-tate #puAt, of Chicago, formenly of Rocks- f~elias# Jat retuîrned froua Sprint-1 WdaI, wvmIllte huas couupleted ithe clos-4 Mý p f -s, big deal belveen F. b. of 1 <t vaphoe anîd C. F. Thaper ut Cuicitro<, Mr. Bareelved te round iqmo f t7.5 per acre for bis farrn, *M 0. P., '%byer l îow Uie owuer ut WsOfl-t e ist farmea b Lske-vounty. t. BMlote wdell peaued with lits nec - . 4asln an d wvs&àaish ii hIe suc- iýs o te nec jean. Any une clsb- hWtt dIoixm ofut Leir îroperhy vili do1 - mIl bo éVenor uddrees E. A. Huti * . 0.,<ýt19464 W. Madison St., Chica Ï,1M en 1, u is cay froua Sprint- *Wi. MoRped ove a few d ays ln Bloomn- lùttoi, with bission l-lac, E. W. Mil- fer, à1>4 .fa.Oy, aud vas accompauiied 11 l§ us vf, seul 1111e grandson, Ralphu MiMblt l Ileir beautti <'nisuburbain b**lu'Kotbit ldgelanid. Mm. lil h4,14 ptoaWnilsist of four -Ceteswitb her Iauiber and famllly ln lisein nec home n ii tSmngbon. *SALF DAY. Clkffl- 0«6",t snd family are re- x »Ver lte remeit arrivaI ut s 4 lpaglow bati a fu set of at lbei'tyville lait Sulur- dilso buUd a nec *bw4tai place suin. idsilrw1l #ouinuve LuIluie ewut %0 bave aânelie m , utQiâ herird auoc. rSIIuOiIineceitly iited i.,- nL. 3 wu .. aieliai ba u uned fr Lbaîiiy. Wis. (ilad *cv"d liasa opetied i i 113 »amod buke. kjot i te clamuixa s------ beu atiar ~ have naIn ~âtu as W-ta if 1 ou Ib**# to Ltb«UTYWDsam'aby. Itsa.of imke Mc4t, Ad aby Per. on,~ male & femuje, s4altor ohid, a beo*M 3 niemberl h ait »rivi. gas4~aqieut~f*1. A o4 g*eber- &1p tIt.I emîtie, tth. boldertel par- olipate la tb* Anoili Floetion>. and Iif àoses; 0 o <oloeotli tkeeclbib- ta sud ad - m ession durtîîj lite-Fair. The. Lak.(Cotity Fair hbaa réputa- Jeu fr and beur of uîîtvlrg ud Its weintume-.aud pong'teu u Nland *Inlg the." s agcesul t*mlly w a", Oouaty fair te the' sigte. IL, iàà mmdc taotcey rightalong fot Years. h. dtceIOmresoeutly bwîght six kre* more laud whioh VIII ýffOrgd âem romà eugiýta o nove ait the- buldioga outolde the traok ati thus kave an uaobatrted- yew of lte 3tire offse. Ail bills have been and laltsdthere ile atili. over 100 cash on band, 10 start the new Veë,.ree of debt. There are Dimer- use Imrv4ena: .made Ibiel yeal wlith will lie under the direction et the new board of directors telie' lected at the. next annual meeting, 'eb. 6, * 6. The several omniets, ouglit to be men ot rare jîîdgetnent, exî>ereuuce and business abllity, for on titeir action argely dépends the future succees or failure of thé Fair. The Président and Seoretary oîuglit froua the treqUoîit need of theIr imeetilig, te reside at or near Libertyville; but ee-uhauad he 10sestii.Ovedi- -1 reetons cliosen froin the four qauiers f ofte oounty andtLitais teuud to awuen a utîtveneai Interest lil te auciesof lie exhibition. Il 113 higli tîne the people cure aui- sidering chom tiîey visit for fficone. WVe have huard thej.ollovIuag naines menti oued -for 1'rasident:f A. W. Waldo, Henmry Culer, 1 jobn Austin, E. W. Parkeuirst, Warrenî M. Hethl, C. M. (torbati. Ai ot vhom are competeuit uien, but vu catît evonytiody to have a vaiu-e lit the a-holcu. Thene caai't lie too large a tuant-ont1 at tIhe annual meetiuîc Pub. 6, to suit ais. We would liku 10se5l)(i l 1or 1114>0 membenut enroiied thut day. The INDSFPt"DENT dli i-ver tutu prideslit "bogming" the iaterets of Lttel Couitty. We ut ta ai-e ail tiie hi-adi ng people, especially furmere. from Antiocia, Avola, Grant, W'ail- condu, Cuba. Ela, Fr-mont. Vernont, Deenflelul, Shieldsu, VaukeguînA,ýBeli tort, Newptort sind Warren,~ pr-s-lt anîd tutu part. Our îu-v Townt Hall le large enugli Luavcommodutte mil who corne. We woulai saiggest thtt our enterprisiiig citixens set nI> a 'Ireluàech" lit the baserneut antd matre otan visitons "fi-el ut [tome."' Wake up nov, eî-erybody. Doui'L ni-gI-ut you opportunîîy, and tht-n tict about the rnisuIts. You aun have a volce li t te maniagement. Corne nov, bu on baud anid do ýyuur duty. The pi-opte ceau kîtoct out any "rilng combluablon," if bbey vii unite. Lel us bave a fair competition anîd may titi best exhîbits takethetii prumiorne. The INDCa-iODENT culi «"choop 'en up" ioud for titis year'e Fair. Hurrah for suces. «The editor vlshtee to bu coneiduired thi candidate for sucr-tay of tle 1AgnieubuniaI Society, saibjeeLtu Lte wiii otfte rajorlty. Ruap't B. C. PADDOCKa. WARRENTON GROVE. P. 1Dugaît lo suffernîg frutîtaauceci-ne cud. Mn. and Mrs. Win. ltcliiiutt are entertaining a iteihew front abruad. Chias. Hawkinas. tif Wadsworthî, made a pleasantll a on friclida lure, ruccntiy. John and Wm. Kell -y, of Chicago, vere cllera i titis vicinity, letst Satur- day. lins. l.'.. ieux, chai lias liesîavisit- Ing MneIli Chicago, liai retiînned homne. lira. David Gibbons lias eturned home, at ter seudîng a tec cashs villa relatives lu euuicago. mime Brownu nd Viola B-lic vere gueb sof the Misimes Lily aîud Lizzie llutbinolaut Satunday. The frieuda o!flins. Jobtu Thoamas suirne lier biousld dîîîles, after a mnoubli ut evere iliatess. 'rou isl reoelve, veekly , al l the nevs fnom -to sie yonr aurounding countny. Adv-nhisé lu the INDEPII'ENT, and let peopl- 1e siulg tnov yu anu alîve and chnt you are .Cine doing. It le the besh local papen and idA uu adyertiiug umedium lu bate Couaty. Joseptîihieniuian idanat uis honte ai IIihice 1ý Tbunsaiay, Juin. 17tb), aigeti M.19 years. Titis la te second dealir fouustwhlch bis obeticred in the ttirniy cith- i a Paie lu te ast eu dayse, bis aliter SaMba * s m>*o b»Yng beeu hala to et ouuy a 5hotd Lluieoti, wack laitons. à ." "0 oclng abl t > YUIa q op8Sb <5of 04 iit 1double r- *as enm -in thé, Caii uaf.i q. ~ ~ Ïb M"sliraoiO4 b'Preedd«i i. toila, Hsv*bol b biI!d mua from the ;Pmebyterigib Tb* txSmE1uflUT bes*.auy ot!er 'bpp? lu Lake Opanty for' oodt news, sSd pwbU9iahes IWhuI t la lreah. ,too. A'sw!pliae Party w». lielfr'oi red and I<i.tie Parawîuai, leist fridé&y even- îîtg. Abaout tweiaty-ove we*e prsseut suad mil lied a pooi line. Literayy Sicifly vae lisne, lotot Sat- tlay eveîilîsg. 'lie juograsss lur Jais. 26, le K» ftiiloWs. Ui utii, aîiiweîuui by fitea lus, luiitry. Selectrmaiing........ in iît A.îUlliorapy . NaryIileimoisi Vocailo.....jeuîmle, Welcla Qtuery bx...... .Jîlîn Vetter iliorupl>........... an age lle<ttitiiit.......... asser J>ttls Dialogue. intrge of Jeimié Welch Recltatimi .........- .....Jolai pliit fi rnîf. A. C. 8 rayer Debat'......~J. Il. Frituicl. it vaut a gay phrl'y if yoling pieople C 'lio diuîve to Wlieeluing. Satuirday lifter- xoni, to talle thie iiwtl-tmbuîîid W't in Ceutral train. The uobjective latînil a , rays Lake aniti te objeet. ti. surprise" Mrs. Mima Shîermuan, nef, .llaralt. At Wiieelilig oui continget mt a jîîiiy Crow(I fruini Chicago, anid wigetiier tluey formned f ap îpy a set ne- lie could ilà daiîywiîere. The pasiteit- erut tîiouglit a weîkftug îîarty 1usd ropped lu iufait le.n. Jouhn Sickli Voie bucli a Iueamning cîîiui.. lie waii at oînce e§iiîgied lout as the bridegroîîu; and lie uteeîed te likete udistinîction hua frîrced tîpot hit). Arrived ai GruasLaketIîe îarty prteedt-d talMr Silerniiii reijdeîiee. and lie tay tai wjtasif sutld wife acre -ttsatht nilly exprutues it. Afite-paitrt;1t'litg ofi.il<I1 a ball mats qîîickly se uru-d. inuisie pioîvded and id u<n evrv- ipidy wam eiigaged ini "<riîiîiiig tiie iglit, fiiîtuatic." Wlîin theiti)eerfeld people renched lutine, iiext moriiing. lue sentimett as, titat a delightfulp tiue htall tiuti huad; but, 1 ob, that tîredb feeling." Those front I)etieid tv-n' Mlisse(Carrie Sîcks, NMinutie Zu'uli-rsi ihtie Bleimetîl andi Messrs.-.Jli Suckut, Ed. Bleimellanîd Geo. .Adamns. PRAIRIE VIEW. Enîteat Lanutson writîuîg lus jireita nrom ilîroîî, S. 1D., Juaii. 1i, '9i, s.ays "**Weil, 1<1W 1 have tieeliniiievery state and territory west of thté Allegli îiv ntaîaiillis lThe liane hie uié aî,u)lliuulebig hlt I coold mul irîii L inhl ait81il tîtu r 4o a. liîere is soin- sîîîw litre, andiîî is seem toLi Lie more as we go i<rth Ilotelli are 'ery l'air liere - Yiur car-1 caine to fla3', aisui a cold wave 23t tjehuw zero tLitlàairliiIg. taotilh ueluîw ut.i p. ièii.anîd theie ehittes art- guuîd tiergettîiig ciuidel. Ilipt a cap anîd over ahiaes. Vie lîîtel jhi tarin îand we %%Iii live. I1ivuote ltu Ned Mille uit ('aastlewîaîxd 112 miles) thiet 1 woiîlîl le îeie, huit alont exiiect Iiini now 'tuss uaii tii(. A 1llîlusi'i dBoy- aînd Win, C. Manuîel a hall Day Boy ut Wemtp.irt wiil l e a goasi tuuue if lie- cornes to-mnorrow. 1 shaHlukok up 1). A. Lisîdmev, ant old lall DaY sellool teachier, ut Furgo, N. D., and îl arry 'foe*s it Ciookaoi ,Miiîi., cousin W. F. Code, Buiffalo Bill gave isi amiotiier cail uit Freeuiesit. Ni-h. Prîo- hiition wv(rks abouît hâtif lu ilise tovos; lthe uîuulentukers und Ilie tarbers keep the stut!. We 'met several people lierai vlo knew Ed Launsoit 1 duî't biaise hîim for li6avilig liane. If the wîîîd goe down, 1 5ligil go and sehis htouse tu. morrua. We play t Winniipeg, Maniitobla, Jani. 17, 114, 19. EUNIaST. 1 amn tali îy the Old folk nt houle tuat Ed M. Lannioni celit o Wuter town In Lhe flaoft*85 anîd but a huse and coliege builinig tlîruîîgh Lue Building Loan Association anti vus veny succeuftil il) eluicatloîial buism taîtil .Jan. 12, '87 tiieî limaI awful (leadlnumtg blizzard ewept over te <cei- weaI. Anîd uîving a brothe-iii-l v. a 17.,S. marchbalif IPlîoemîr, ,Ariz., whuî came uast vitiisoume gaverinieîit prisonrs, cit t luWutertovn S.ID. ti mce flsrelatives Iliere andîti he lucre the miercury dropped dowcîtoL 40 ltelow zero chen nece faim Phoenix saai on the same day il wîîs 80 abové. 80 Bd concluded thtuaIlie could nfot vor< chers iL took al] hie ear'iimigs, to iiîy fuel for winter. He is now lit<lie land of sunilisvhiere oranîges are tnylng te nîpen oit ihe tree. Winnipeg. Mainitoba, Jua. 18, '96 *» A'aln the curtAiti talla to the lune of. Ood atie tbo Quei, titis ibesutifui City of 36,014) people is§ 900 tuie4from chlcago 600, toiles fras any place or ite&iize: The people are ot ail claséses sud ou) the choie iL liotks very mucti lite an Amen-can towu. About hlf of the people weur fuîr coas eand caips anîd teit boite.Doges drawiug eleiglîs la. a comuioui thlîîg, useai mostly ,y Ithe ijudiaum whu are ntreateai better lucre thant ly Uticle Saw's agtli andi(terefore are tiot au reeolute but tlîey lite ail peuple d10 liot flgs it e power Lu iglit lu eitîer balt or extreie cold liiates. The lantd liai-e d tn fas a floue' for miileii. Faruting has iicua mre auccestul here 1Iju ii it te îîrtlueru' eLuiâ except lu ,tue N. idW. anouîîidlake Mallituba aw'iere tu-y Illfen have f toit ini Augîtet. Soule i-times Ilicre wiii ualt be any raîiu for six i stouthis at a turne, but tiie f rot thaât b., puidowu 156tet and keeput gaing [y duWn *fier the surface la covereil over l.th gri eeu, keepa the gnonnd molat, te Waterpipe& bave beau frozen lu J une, SoMetmnes it gala 80 belov lu wmnter an sud bout 10ê aboya lu aUMMer, tu- la day Jan. 18, vater la dropplng froua the ecavas. OurSei-nrtuat Have become well k Geune it ftrit Houes t effortis to turu our to mouey asqielyas by, selliug them unprece heap. Such a -Sale is now in aci )pperation at Our Store 9YCry .Ove rooat, For Every Ulster, MEN Every S IT, And We îîow- have in stock, w-e offee at low« prices than the sarne quality can possibly bE >ought at llmy other store. A ny priee, no matter how iow, midop during this sale, is wtt for an hour or a dayo but mntil the entire stock is sold. To secure the best bargains corne eary. ila-aatqu or BI. c i ndtlMeMt'S Wear) Temperance Temple, - Waukg THEINTEROCEAN _____________S TITE Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And RHas the Largest Circulation. (DAILY <wltheut Suadayý .........6.oo per yeur TRS DAILY (wlth Sirnday»............... oo per ce BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean __.o " Il, 1 IER YEÂR.................... ASANEWSPAPER TUE' INTER OCEAN kofpu abmat of the tiffl la &0i Jj~~~~~~~ ,, 9ssjirm.Ue mrnurtag AL£ Itt 0 DST F =ENTLITE e . The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY»i., Ut ba m memthI e 1 m.tq.e.t e mcmember et the uly L.. I TS VOUIB PerA Tala .the very lieat eof.ldi IlS LII ERARY MEATURES are msquele. POLITICALLV <T 85 REPUBLICAN. a"md gb'es U.reerthe ......l b. iblest discusuions on &HmiIve poitikml topl~i iso gives Ilium TOLE%%E.. . i R W0RLD. IT 15 A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. F!Ii INTER OCEAN IS PVBUSUEI N CHWCAGO, TUE NEWS AND> COf1ERCM- '1ER 0F AU. WEST OF TUE ALLEONANY MOUJNTAINS ANU MW Mi'$E ,ip*EU TO TUSE NEED 0F lTUE PEOPLE 0F TmAI SdCTtOt!t TItflAxyiN FPRIARTHER EAST. <ttl wmoeod wittlil. h e 00tho e utbathla PeltUolm WLMtrew Plese -rmi meror t t imepiet m11»b.Wmkiy l*r Ocemu la 0?LV OHM 00<,- ,-e PER VEAR. Ad&res THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. ACOMPL EE STOCK Lime, Drain Tiue, Farm Wagons, BugîI0 Agricultural Implements, Etc., We have a new Stock of the ajnous Weber Wagoîis,,,. -And the Bloomington- Harber Bros. Buggies ý A A'%O Cali and SeTe 19WWe are alw asreadv te mupply ypur wnta in Ur lIii vu 1.1