OUR AIM: TO* FEAR GOD. I'EU. 711E. 1'RUTH AND MA KE MONA Y. PftIdR. 8 LipertyviIle, Lake County. Illinoîs. Friday, Februaêy 1. 1895. $1.60, lnni s Zioh i ndsncent. "I'ILL.E. ILLINOIS. tlà"~ couatyt for tbiiot-"ovende w4m. #iv aiH the Couniy News d âumità te titke ewib amau l U R'S ATES et ÉUIOnui oatfor Frut lPane or Ukoeuto lpor lino fo& lm jdu. 008MintePer hue. for eaeh addi- eb arry teg olateiedr adob '#fiper IMsh for aa-t ttano and f511, foLI1r escb sut"IleunelInse.rtionî. ff'aSe lude aiverti8i u eail No.exir& charge for chantg-' made nts runniteg by the j eut' -4- »I'eLIKuand Juob Priatteg ame pffle. lot ut <arth inontti. *,Iing it C. 0. D7. anal ?îIverthosnio ba Advanoe, tiii] fot uivis .. afflse M ceb optffl 5 oes uach. 25 for #L. -~$1.,0, per-YVear,' U. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. ;>OUr Ciubblu'g List. ,ý eeorMNmo11da±Jos 0( suichof our rat- 4býïl fluoettueSAsdenirtsi otaue Say> other 0ýAkbma116r the enuunir year witt, thulx. Et U X.t iEtîtiCEP RATES. The .fo>liow- b*10 * leu 0f1tdmsmoespopvUIu- eewuîpuuî,u- ~oieWhsru mre ttuan Ous tm de ibb &M unut tuebépaid for the ,.tra bu- b tu oruilned hi' doluctilg 81.5uû 48. bePrtimouaimed tn Our clubîratss Jmrtw wee 'r. ee1.jo t,2:uiz daliy. i dii>', i <t', <ô -M b;rOoeaa. wekiy .. 1ime. 2 ge "s t dli>.Sdaiss arL«) Oi 4i Sot.dai> - tu)li 4 I )ter". dtIly. 6i-lais . . i "Mres. woetîiy -. . î ai <a &.dute Zeituet. Lt'O<e 5 : t-w st' 2s u5 'le I[ . as W . c 1 i (Ob 4:11u Great Excitement. Lake County Fair Notes. Èe on Lime. Don't b. lte. Thts Fair belongs ta LLike counly. Corne, everybody, and see thie faun. Fair ElectIoh Wednesday Feb. 62'96. Poit yourself and do't fai10 o there. We want lhe verdict of a majortly of the people. Anyoue enu vote by buying a membership ticket. A. W. Weido seeme tobcb the cholce of tbe people for prusident. No star chamber caucuse for us.- Everytiîing open andl above hourd. Let the people turu out neil Wed- nesday snd gîve "ring rule" a black eye. If there le large vote pocîled, we'll bu sattsfied wllh the decielon of tlhe majorlly. Don't be "i)uffed" or «scrred out."- No onte wiIl know the reuil titI te voles are cotînted. Rtiglit sud Justice are sure ho lire - vail, when a majorlîy o? the pt-ull nender Ihîcir verdit. No oue eau vole or lake liantrt ihie election unirIl he litas irAt îaid the $t1.00 mcmnbershilaCe. - Eveiyonu ihd*hô'PIîS tho ld uloffice lu thc socicety, muîst ltit hecorne a member by paylnig $1,00. The -'-ernerahhave tht-bn'"ring tickets" ail fixed u; buultte peoplel iii "buet tiruir siales" by oîtt-votiig F.uitor Ptaddock te ruceiving eni- -ounigenentt on aIl «iles for hie üaudidtu-v anîd corîfideuhiy expecte lu be eieeled Secrelary. We woii.l not lue surpriseedlu see au InidelenientlTicket materializu sud sweep thie deek, yul. Hurrah for the chrîtte of the people. The s-ditor ls in the fit-id 10 stay, and ard will furniie priit.ed il-kets wih lis name only, te aIl who wii te vote for hlm for Set-rttant' 1 For lst Vice President, D. Huntington, of ELa. For 2nd Viece lre4.dent, E. A, Golding, of Vaicunda. aU lrmer~.. <aAtis'une cliti n payfor as maris t-or tcretary, r ... .... 1 lit)u's:, eahj tit-kuteas he like.,, but nu -- ma mirsin c'inn cet more Ilîsîr ne vole 0. E. Churchill, An sview 2. a 3 Ilifor titseu. of fi-e ah une ballot. of Libertyville. '~ aed Spplînut -ICtai Rrnbu'r thi(' Laki' Cointy 'Agr'lFoTrsur W*oiLIf............4 > i S. tlet- lt tita toi-kcruniny. hiene -~ ~~~ wotgPo<u 2t .3 tlunerei<liu' t.iilet<l-i, t1017 aSSsuss T. IH. Kern, - MON'isr.Ymuntl;brît ail profits, oîr lusses, aitcrue of Libertyville. ' .Eio... ... ......a us .1 t' the auit-ieto onou-a. .Ie > 1 Tîtouui- iluuPx îîe-itu have a vuiiie in ' For Directur, agxue4 ixi 4 tCi ýmakiîîg rip tire eticeeessflit teleît. M. H. Red rrond, e dsirS u»' teruouuiu uiuiuoi. ioointe shiîild 1rn-ýetii lilintNvill1e lut-noorni of Vernon. aoe istîltinou or ao lsus.,as weorgittize lut-in t-uni- i-soulic eutfuir joyeu osltital rmtes e ayput;lk-uion lite îtitientut wil i egin in tIh#- Toîwn IFonrLirtctor, iltil.Hall ai 2 ocuuk shari. 51V «h 0Utî.-uribe'r tiiOuuee fFUramer. ' Sel t rvCl iiIeil 10 s i tOByron Col by, Raellford.Ilit.. Amsuica Feaieaor of Sprlnaield, Ohioasapr,»mluun itîormîi hP ie iîlîî ht hle wililienat the of Warren. to every auuiii.rIbu.- *uq t)aisfîs- ICt'u Twn Hall ihni-utls' iften 12 'îluck,FoDict, -DENT Oone fuît yeur. arictl ille in ~rooli, ut-i-A V,-rlulu, orcgiu.icr al o iet ______ hou witlii tieturcone membere <f t'e Charles M. Gorham, 'a.WANTS. FOR SALE. ETC. Laike C'uityt Agr'l Societs'. of F-remolt. ESI MILCII COWrC ANI)u SViNG- If the-tdtlor were setretarv li- . uêwauuoit aud .tlfi aewîil i r îsu.sîuu nî-îFor Director, -,, MîILLER, CATEiI & IIAruY.v. suuîlle irrtunmabuunî u'hiIc-h lic (-)niid E. P. De'WAoIf. RNAD EI)CRN Fr ltothenwl-î- ooti<tu tinut lie wauldl ut 'auke-an. 0 .~ le. 1000 bush tels ot col-là for .;ai,.-lise jud ti - i t for t t' i îî'rî't fth tte "-t 5 eitsa ahbasket full. Aliîst-culrd Fairanruudteus tte Ag ' sc'i" î a-ulllFor I)inecton, eoem for Saie. AplS'tii (eo.iDo>îî ut s t rit h-i'u nhurtuieul dollar',s- or'thi George 1 hornsoni Prie., Freniut î'eunter. i15-17 cf tri-e th,)" i-iilltlî e iiirfiuirig. - TIei' iur it'. n it\, ris'ng lAo. Gurmting Saws. t-uimnhîtuiiti.' tînut vriict titir Iri, I now htave a cotiplue te unt ilit fuir lii'lu 'i >;Oi, uit lut-u- ti tlui' i- t;l g-N OT IC E. 5 um ring, li ng i:u tti i irg ilIlk int t or uil îîluit Ii.'theanim<iailu-c-t tii i1 - it tguInurnno uttt t I ef lSWS. Aill oIs icft l ii>cuia i ure li-r'unnî'.' s -T' heîk Culyartno e eitin othe aî fi.l put in perfect utile, fuir rtasuuimale e\iltjiir oti- u l tmm.'liîle P-u itt u uutLlcn~sl, .price. 9-15 E. S. GI.aAsoN, liait Day. itutiet. W'l' li ui lur uoIiei0, '-hnuu-lit heutow'ihaiL'y t-, '95 ut a i( i hiî et votehu'fiour tt the l'e rui 0'e-lruc'k I. tmfuirthie rtnime u d c o G EO. B. M ASON. of io'î?"îu b uts cî vt -u fliocers andtiheî finiîîcal reluto I ' Ithe soî'itt. Tîte dPor i< fi-i-, u-utitl'it ii li)'tll1 t. .Cî'r itr. Su -eor Commercial Hotel -i Lt r ei o aii a-kn( tmr .CilICIL. erto: generalfi îîbas t i g ru ake it-i t or Board by tue Day <or Week gn-u 1-eh tti LieCiiny Witluhie e tau beitrenocornmutîîîion Special Accomumodations for Traveling' Fuir sud ullien malter, uit bu'îictt t titekete tie greal dry goode bouses oh lient. Libertyville. %cenutrail and tucraI Lake Chicago tire îreîuartrîg 1 give a lut of E3TYVILE, ILINIS.Counîty towrîe. Evi-t\Manot lu s own tcountrytpeuople fre rides tu Chicago LýýEILYVILE, ILLNOI. fltie of bustines. Au'edilor ls etcter this spriig. Il wililbu rieceeeîtry for Squalitied Ihaun othllîrtu jUtuge wlial local dealers lu bu vert' mut-hi awuke. malter irterestsls rhenaderes andtii W h oI1I~V prepare sene fonrpulicarion. We must kindly, but tlrrly iLusiel Ex-Preslient JohTlîî stri proosesîi- leial we caîntl pubtishi obiluury- We selI the Best Plour on candr b ffr hefuiustihum-umnS lipocît' execplt nlregîîlar ads'ertisltig el- ~~~~I t " lh olwnari li Love t)ruites, and t-uirtt-uiusl.' retîîet otîr ,'(The Daisy) for $3.65 pe-r. bbl the iîeutîtiluhuîîîî j;ý cirepifett eri ri m Wilt se.11 you iolb Granulatcd I i,'ty 1e ldi n î'uîl i'li-'li' lti'uluteofiuîg tir si'îutinig rus îîîy', îues3il bt-s ;Sugar for $4. .î î iu' i îîu' u u 'îlîn ýci-c' nt t lii.- euil it uubittiurntihce. "Lt ,,, hu-,,1~ fil t;,, .-.r lîtuitu <lîuii ii (rii el to i i- tl'i get ~ . Crts Furnishing Good5, Boots,i Shac Rubber, Gootîs, Groccnies. ý9e r<Fced, Coal, Tilt-, Etc. 'WUJibe glad b quite you îmccsi on~ 'tlything we have 10 st-Il if Vrou will càlîl and give us a chance tê dose. nd will guarantee >4 Wi besatisfied with the p~i~'md ~sowith'what yoa buy. d ut -sfut' I~ 'l'.- i T uuu"u' s uuu i iiu'iiiu luîmile ;uiujl'i u, fr n ii I'rfi'r'o e l it itreic Clu titit l' eau t uý,%iiui lld tluat f " ini-o lt ti t t'e tt'ta t t'%lie tut-t eîîuîîî t-unstitttuî -aiqîuu ni tl for i' te - !' ouucie lui hiold ilkcric' liii ' t w't itt nu tralîse i îî t î-:i "ofs t'uruîui' in i Lu kt5 .u'u ii ty' svluiaun i u'ui-g l'g rouîglu rueItîke tiolu of the Pre'umNo.I.-ames Mnthy. bllui-itîss etnd ut suaît a golluerhug? Ptert~m o. .Far.er Muitri. 'Tle mouey je renîdy for that jîirposu To uvery sausciber svho pays $1.59t und the farmers would ruceive tbe .trictly Cash In Advancei for the b enettt. Lut somne onu set tin, hall IXDEPENDMtT one yuar, we wttt sund a rolîîng. yeir's îubseriptton for the Fermera ___ Monthly, a 16 page tarin journal pub. The INDEPEZ7JCT Offie' Bi iii ep Ilihed et Bockford, Mi., PrIce. Soent.s; to prlnt Sae. BIlle on short notIce. buý our Oash-in-Advane e ubetbera, 8aUtisactory work guarateed, lru 1 ou ha" It abeolutely Fn. sotie. lu th. paper vlth *v.ry orde. S .;..-;.-~--~- -.----- - I~ Lake County Fair. [CONTRIBUTEFD.] We believe in a county fair and that the offcers thercof should be selected from a.1l parts of the COunty. We believe in an honcst day's work for an honcst day's pay. We Ibelieve in running the fair on strict business principles, with- out fear or favor; in buying wher- ever the best goods can be had at the lowest price. 'Ne believe that everything used in and about the fair should he purchased by weight at the mnarket price, and in paying for what is actually bought and in getting cvery.pound that is paid fo r. We believe in good, honestly conducted horse racing, but we realize that it lakes other things to make a successful fair; and that base bail and other amusements should be given proper attention. We believe that ail surplus funds belonging to the fair asso- ciation, should be placed at inter- est by the board of direcîors, in order that the fair may derive ail the benefit thereftom. \'e believe that this is the most important election' ever held in the history of the fair, apd that we should elect persons to fill the offices, who have only the in- terest of the , fair at stake. We suggest the followifig ticket: For Lresident, A. W. Wad, of Vernon. ËPJCX, 5 1 j OUR GILT EDCED LIST. V COL HIBBARD'S IDEAS.SUSCI T aw W lopar, tu &ducbat@e. . ra leitkcitebsJp».o; E ITOR 0F 'rIItEINDEPESriENT I Oe y u vn ou. gai, u ajeai. r aitoastt. J..kIX aaouths, cashiayao. We set the date one veur attend<nli from yoI]r ceiilans a Moet lauldahî Trenîaceasb ancu, COUsideration of $1.50 pald by eaeh ()f <effort lu iîwakena feirl publie lu- Oe er 1 t pad wtbi8 *Ut.. the fOllowing, since tî~irelî ubivi<- terieat.l li th Luire Coîuîty Fair. If it Onyer fhopaidwtbinêmoa... îlt idisame ia the IIPSîN: 18 flot Impertinent, 5.1101 utne or twu<o I] etiar op m4o LIBERTY VILLE, P. 0. suggestionse.JE9'0pe ar R., W. Sherman, Ernest L. Davis, First, hy 1il1meuns make and kept W. W. Builkey, Frank C. Day lit aLake collety institution. Of ~ MILL.BURN. Dr. E. R. Srnith,, John Lawirence. course, located in yoîur village, Liber- ui creo4n FOX LAKE. 1tyville, Vernon and Fremont bave 'lie annuai meeting of l'le M Walt.er White, Nick White. niore direct intereet iniIt thtan Deer- Social and Literary club w LONG GOiVE. field or Bouton. Bat don't let il de- SattrdlaY evening Jan. 19, trp Rino Bees, Victor Seaier. gnrIefbameeîo1 afr.u residfint. Mise Nellie Trotter , Ge.W.DvsIano.you do, lit le dead. Thre rernote towns 1oe eri i h Geo W.Davs, vanoe.I cn'îor ont tun oI nxt Vedes club were presrent it beluug lb.e C. B. Eaaton, Deerfleld. I mto Wntr otnx wde-aeeting. After tige regular &d*ý W. D. Belley, Half Day. day to thie electlun, but don't fürget i business there was the eeJeoton; Mi»a C. J. Clark, Chicago. or ignore lliam. I tutîlcers for the next six monther L. J. Smali, Fairmont, Mlîîî. Second. Don't forget who il leilînht Nellie Trotter was re-electelli L. H. Keller, Pairie View, makes a Fair. If. is outl the hourd of Jessie Strang. vice presldent., maniagers, îhoiîgi a tnîd or irîcompe- P 1olock, sec. and treas. . Mise S .NespaerPatonae. tet board cari dumigeoOr spoilnune; Trotter wlto liasfilled lihe a Ne paerPatonge ljitlrnu hourd vair mtlkt a l'uir a silo presideiît the past year, la ë& Many yeare experieneei h es s.Te luluer <-so nlj wîîiî makî*fîîîrs icompleteut thtalws ç. palier business has couvinced us thut ad xpo>sitlins a a îcs,îretu I x- le.lftyer te inrîuedsso 11 the terni "niewspaperpatronage"'wil 1bior. iiive Managel 1 u maiîiy rise were aut elieat t supp admit of many constructionse but very e <stîrs u olueleatriiiî.dti at1lsrei.li'etngba bO Maly are ignorant uf lis correlesoN tb-ri lo t ig Iii.tor lîett.'ie md euetlig s aesola menlng. iuîXt we-ik . b ' i u i ((t rhie inj i iijîntarto the yourig peopts Orie man cornes lu aind pays for hts wlîoîn t1w gin tlina i iv 4 ex hibitors ihave(douie a greiît deal of good papter in adivauce, and goes borne wiilh wauit; tileil N iii are ait ri glt. Willi leildereil ftliatîci aid 10 soine lthe proud statisfaction of knowiuig Ihat l f irc l î.,l ir ý M.i Vlo i le- *\ ae ledy. l ta ies. 1-e hands in lits advertise- liiiiîî. t ail toirii ut aiuliiis ment aska the priee, pli) s for it, goeaILubig trai. «nuil whlîîitii. tido <liii, rie F ',LAKE ZURICH. tu i labce 0f buiies atnd eaps the , peuple wilt gu o lisee il, «uif, wlh.'n ~erry slghets advanîage of the words "nawsiîîper thtlîy guo tii se-'ilt, e l - ll iigel eglbte patronage."' uit> t yiur Irva- iv. T't itte lIirea IChlarles Williarnms l into wu. AliObier Ma" saYs: «'loîîrMay puit or tour liiikul u'hiliri. P'abronize Join, the ~br MnY nami) on the book," anîd goes off < Ihirîl. 1 woiîl u gg'el two îliunges Miss E. Ficke le visitinq lu tée witliout ý1ying a word about îîay. sometime, une, maie - orv e-shititor eî seraoun,£eyg Tine fliles away and you want. hlm tuo0f 1894 a menuller icielîi' treî-tursE eyod eeatohuîanoe pay you whîît le lnestly your (dle. foii' t)5. 'lcî<l- îetiî î i He gts ail pebapsliepay an (ti ths rl. rle var ole- . L. flokernever w-es a Fslulm n ft, and orders bis aper irl f r wo \-li s and ne tiird for c ,Jîuhn un redaysve.ly e Ù 1 8his lea other kiit ot thîcu. ýe ir.aill il Ujer int arc sure or expected lndilve peîa trouge.." . îmc-e xîerlerii.i.îimeni ontire huard. epce detulierafo. Jut e.A N er ba -3bee il a sulîsuriber àh1 I tfl tîik fui-n-taorne value lit thiese Zt cii itd eaek. Jilt ez ton& the ebsrelid]yuîur laper aiggîulioiis.TZurl mutitiseuesalu I for yearis wthouul îaýing a reil for it, Fouîitlî. t) he're la o muuet!itio 10viciiîiniIthrwe" Landcones leur irîg to t ie office oiei ittle lov-a ti!. i of at or 'set.," ime&Iiîa îîs or twte a year nitwanuî#îo kîuw hiow iliess- -leito cil lui kil tire a. ~ir. lue&lila ilsn el . it crnmes hae "got rio paier lii,,îweî-ek. " lley "<ueni i ail ' r importantito vlitup sorte bulditigs. H1e goes off witiuut eay inug a Wor d t he e- ,îOtoI ligouCicgo' about what lie hasue îveîou su onîg. hit '. 'ni ini:iutiii iui il,. wuîlâ. foliks îavisilover Stinday. He ial .'iis- iypaper. lie Theu-greîît îîîîîî. uit-a;re %wîîeîîîc'r Slocumr's building suftered'a ei tels hIb îusîrast*er lie (lotît wurît tht s rniiu(Plr t bal, isn toi) ,"lhit it eil igtereceûÇtoSàw0a. yourpaîpern ut'cnger aîîd >outilget wanrts gomai nirig'u'igite lisîîillit Vrn. lilioean bas bfflht 4Lcxýf a papier reiurned, tn<rkeil 'tetiisetl. unîd igfi lt îl i cf îîr 1h11,- luîî'iîl îe-teuee, But dues hacuit aîîd îay),ou'? (>lî nu!! îîîî lîiîve i, ti tuwn ruectings, bu wantsbte mouiey to pay for )lits ctty wliiere tht.% bî-tIînIg. L. I. H. W UOD %~I paper-he ca't gel that wiLhoat puy- Mis Sasile Wells is viulit4ii iug for ilinudu'auce. 1-lasasbhawîll They Rective the Perquisi tes, 11610. puty j&#.ter awbile. But ilie neyer LlETV ,I.JN , . P..Br4 dues, ules %ou Sue'irn. -Tui c ie 1 B15Xa.:igeonient le M ' caled iewspîaîîr-r patroniage." IPîcase baud thieeut-baued note tu J. Chas. selp, o? Lake. Ailolhîer manl Wanth a 5q) t-ul rudver- K. C. anid aslk hlm if he will keep Stijllielue on bsiknes çill. --r lise-rit ud saule you I) "thirow i" for a faw days. a $2 piiff, anîd if you trefuse lie gues off M.J .CRcxE.a L. Elghb new 'memben Jqlhnoud thdi, Malil. Tfiai isua very commun kind of DnSu-nrelîly tu yonr ques- Ms ukcc a "niewslîapar patrrouagej." lý ion as trilîow the President and Misre tkc, fLaliti Aiotiier mari lives niear you lie Board of Dineetors of tie Agricullural tundtuttsplae ;àtw dIO'î like the ediion and the puaîer lis St-tety gel lîjeir puy, I wili say lit bas Mr. and lira. Win. Puddoek buo isnaîl for hlm yeî lie begs hie hbeen Ihe'eustorn for sorne urne pa, tained a relative from abméwai iieighhue andlrada rd tii de tault forthue officers '10 hire Ihernoeav e,10 Klrig's Dighters oMgaieê*&"t and ijuarrels wilhî tha opinionofut ie do tie carplîcter work snd put the honte ot Mise Li Bangs,'. W edior.hueIs iemealeel kind of lrsck iu order anîd ollier tiîlge 100 A Yoîug People'a Union wu newîiucr arîonae. nmmerous ton mention. Wu are asà a ized et lte iaptiat t itue Anoîher mari takles two or Ilîree clly rnie- quite a liaudy' clas8 of peuple, everîîng. pere botlliunot afford te tHkeý hige and'lhorîgl we t-unI do mucli more Mr. Siack, of Chicago, wss lib borne palier, but lie liked il. sud crnmes thatn haîf as rnucli work as a carpeu. oflMr. sud lira. Il.FP. nsgbguà irîlo tire office on piublication dai, ber anîdnltquiie as gond, as the week Thuraday. ILtk pacîyaJwleOIW feneou tule asi side 0f the grounds lire. llenry McGutarreil of i I'i ie ari 'uliîetre paliroiîae WINl te stify, ytl hile work we Manuageu tisthe guest o? Mrs. JP. Et Ariotuerman ike hieliapr, letu do lut a stock lime luthie fult, and first tof ite week. ' itîkes ieii-iy tor himseît sud family,glcolelrePyfri.Ashre Iî cbnthhooy8.5 lliayvý for it anîd dues tilt lie eau to ge g wiîî lie tie îlt (foIbits r 0 dont htoony$2 cuei'ier-e lie îeere grumbles, but wl eiuiealtO hswr o d ilzen, littlite Waucoitda Studio, tlît tati, if 5e (laiti Lully gai there, lwe Suîrdsy, Feb. 9. ujav asa celeertill Word for tire wtiibe'al riglît. 'thera e i1y oule ed7or. It anv uile ,item oeuure ihie liî w r îeayaotta eil . F. Thomiîsui. wii fmas bmnnvlWe- jialruîig. cora rg re ualvy ul ayt, irops tit urie iillatt, rieiglîtîorhood lie itifonsyuo*t hsti sa g fprgesoln n i arents lit lowit lite plust ow, thiii n-pie r ifomtte o? il. i oge, u ss iea uth lîrogrlopsudreluirned test week. Aoermari liii-.at parent o? sortieutO ie suîiel y thut tie soeiely oughl Irs. Itermry Muinrn lias goila t iud and waîltsyuîî lu> give itil a$2 to savwî~hattey' aunt donc and 1. ite lwiîolieonr egain.whcweb notioe every week, "it wil be of inter- sîriet lthe bourd of managemnt o itel 10o rgan Cet luyor radr,"liesae; utaI.Ilat effet-t,also order thern o let the Chas. antd Enîrna Itidn, o? rs thougilkniowtng uitthie same lime differeul jobs luy contratt 1 bhc low- View, were gîteste o? L. C, PrIce fi thuaiti will henielil hlm the Muet of ail, es t respunettîiIle bidder. If they do fiirily, finI nofliie week. yeî le does nol offar lu pay for il. hl eaelu;ecu;ifle o' Ms .C1els iola Thuis te called nie çepaîier patronage." our hash wjll be ueaaied. itlig frletids lu Campalgn the pse Another mai bahue aken tire liaper IiAT ees euDdhueafwdy for venurs wjtloul pas Ing for it, and ul i HMo ayPIa- T ee rtMdbr. ad Mae fcewho .Iy brituge 'in a $1 iidvertseennî ud vCurrent relatvmsor bathe:pu wtt o oisr t becausu ha te ThaI theru are niow two Ing ticketsvitigrltvehretopa ailldyou 10 userl Thisli lu inthe filbut the PEUPLE, Who are juive relurtted t10their home la', uneweîîaîîer patronuage." eoliiitiualty oppoeed tu ring uie, The following htoseomen wereObr Another mati-a yoiing mai about <il n, nc u o.iftlosg iiosTisa rWl tit-nlo Lse of lit tkitîg a tailler, lie littie electioni, Fcb. 6. Turner, L. fi ubtardI,R.Kirahrly, kios lt htisgitgo. ya '1 Tîttht-te lias lîcen îa cémpaign Johunsoit. -- lie Mes rnlihat is goiîdu.banid l t' I 'Vin ),rt i Te nieuibers oflte Llteraury ioio it uîîiedad briue a doliC ttuue0niî> t cd îîfrtydotun e Iat t lnaiteil svibî lite pla3-,8,ly tlb-e îîuutee wtlî " Oct îar l ' umduitr ttnîith n i oiitty s' t Vt, et i-y i îe oeîîuîtt* ti o pis c i- lii'r iuî i i i- iiie lllo- ' o rs ouhut tu y c W icuttdi. Dutu 't m.ie t. W mc>l iin l ii lioh e li or k ' -un ui -tu i -i ri 'utuiîusi.-ijlc -titis pape!' forthie date. Ani'~d i i îîiîlirg i'-î'l lra"Wa Wouid Suggesl. MuîN e-liigt ntînerf agi ' ~g;îhiere-il <tirbule of~ Autilî-er tmai t Llesi'r5ciii ie.uu-, lis ot-rki's5, t t.ialîîîîbltlots. boxes OliiCoth Hi utrcSe of îe>r4In9 goîîult'i 'v-î- sîiil i l u lei' iliî's ti nit tut g-uIt1lcirI Iîul i i the((ier luit',Iilis niverlimny of Mi-e. rk' silS s: "'fil( \ t ri' oit%' sii l p il is and l itild lî'-l'liT e gluie 4 madIewu t aout t l u liicIwai rtuli lay l'nfor i- 'Ilit une vidr the ha-latlie necrve-ttfilue hlii g g lmp. cute.-Al5 iî c (re tî n- o ai' uî hlurufe I