CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 10

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SpeMial,ýattèflton igveii to thé corrert fittug of gisists. ýuhtil 10e. M.-1 to 2 P. m. end igfter 6p. m. ROCKEFELLER. Frank Yaw. <of Camp Lakte, speutj SURW41 h lere. lyAdàard Quentin, of Chicago, called on friands heelast Suitday. Try A: M. Briggs' new brasd of Lard.' it le warratited 0. K. Illenry Vatillorn, of Oak Park, eall-i ed o» nonieds bore last week. Illtrve3 Hagerty, <of Springfield, called 0on Iriends hrs last week. A Anumher oif oui yosîng men attend the. slnglssg cinasu t Uuamosid Lake. Franir Knlgge 'tas returned f rom bis Iowa tip, a! ter ait absence of thîto weeke. Our sheriff's wife, Mrs. Geo. ë rown, ut Wankegaie, spent Sunday wius tlier eiusier Mrs. Jtohn Cronkiite. Misa Mary Nortoni spent a few days with lier parents, returning tu Evaln ston, Mouday tsi resume ber studieit. Ouri pastor Rev. Cookmai le con- ductiîîg revival meeting&s at Grays Lakte tln& ii'eek. We wislîi. squsceâs in I1i18 wîîk. Wil KnigIgpe i4eceîving 5i.w gonds stem tu aflect his business any. ît nisu8t be b>cassuse ae seill su cueap that everybtydy cati affosrd to buy. WVe sre sonry u Bay Mis. Rousa la n iter. Sise lit carefuaiiy cured foi' tsy ier chisidres i ws wiiiisîgiy do al tLiey cais to make list comnfoîtale. lier tuany friens aie anixiotiusiy await- lîsg ler recavery. Lasf' Ssudny snrsisg a dangaroîse affair lîappassed at our stationi. Ordarus wera senît tsi sitie trsct au engine and cabosuse. Tw t ramps were senît tu op el, tiles wiLci whîchi was oniy partly aunie allowing oulsy two wheels o! tise ongîna tus pass on Lise main) tracit whis tlIe aLliers tbo thtisasida tracit. Both onigiieet ansi]freinaus jusped ieavissg a sonewlist tlesnllisedj( tracit. We are gisd tsu stste stsc)ies lotit in tise smiashi up. A sumbar sof Ivanliot- peosple atend- od tise mnsusisg srvics cosducted liy Dr. Tunipkiîis, of Chitcasgo, anid Revus. Diblhieansd Cookusîuts. Mie-dedication o! tîse cisapel will lonsg lia rasnailered liy eveîy onse present. Great cresit ls duo oui klsd people wliti 8 wiliiuglv asnîtsd isi puttig isi tise naw *smpsîuve- menîti; masiing iL apsîear luta aitentire- ly uew buildinsg. We ara urrthî ie roads wara lisisuds a ad tlconditiosn ts ps'evest a largo audience lith mursîissg ansd evemiîg. Pay Vour Taxes. Tise taxes foirLise owss<of Fremoit are iiow du@ ami patyale. I wiflha at tise Post Office luIs vasihse every Saturday for receîvissg tise same. Jasi. 28, '95, AStA JuRCE, Coliecttsr. Teaohera' Meeting. Tise next teacliera meetisîg at [vanhoe wililie ield Saturday, Fali. 2, 195. Al sttdy ScIjool Mansagement lusd ivdually. Stol y of Sigurd tise Volsung, W. Il. Faust pages 229 241 ...MisaMorsi Faust ppages 242 255. . .Miss A mas ['ha Pied Viper of f lsmelil Miss Sisussi. H. W. ABuoTrr, Sac. IVANHOE. (Prom sa speciai correspossdsss.) Eigbhteetsiubeitw zero? Tîma for suiow piowus Warm weaLtier iis'L IL? Mr&. 'Welsg was i il tha city ast ws.ek. The snsuw stuîm pirevenlted Mi-e Decker's spesîding Sattidsty at home. sick lit tie put tww.êk. -John Wailborn and wMie COn- tenplaLe movismg t Ouk Part. WiIi Ray aisd Prou Clark were Chicago visitors laat 4laLurdsy. Mr. anîd Mrs. Wilbur viiiited Dur- ingto, Wis..une day last week. Look for ail modierni iuoprcvetuitlite. W. C. Wedge anàd B en Celisimail rsturused fro uri irisgtîsi Tuesday. The 19. L.& monets tlaturday eveli. lut Feb'g 2. De- sure to attend. Mi"a Margaret Haliman, ôM Chicago la speîîditg a few days Liere Lile gueât of Mm. 3eyi. Mure fun nt ail auctioli tisail ai a picill)i> iL semfrow what we liest about Lamee. 'William D'srsey, of Chiicagil, lus en- jtsyiig ia Vacatiou it ihomeiC thIslia fauter of thtus place. 0850 flfiti p aacaU, ,IflOf F. D), liîtter6lisall anîd wtfe were 1 1 Fsrst, spelit Sattsrday anîd Snîîday ii Lthe citv oit busitsesu latit wesuk Tuegday.1 Everett witililer cr 0015855 Kitie Yure. 1Goo. TIhotpsoîs assd wfe woro among thie iany witu vjit-d UChicago $aturday. Mr. and Mre. Bulidtînser, of Cîica- go, visited relatives ini tlisvlcility Mie. Leoisard and sons spent a few days the pai. waek witii friends. ut Rememiser tihe meeting of tise Laite Couîîty Agr'i Society Fecl. 6. nt Lib- ert)vilio. Go aud lielp pot 'Ouusil ini offite. Wlis nysîu meev osr posi., mistretss holding tisat lably, dou't mititake Its pareistuge. 'rîat is tise ieýw auditiou tu the Frasstz fasmsly. Our Semi-Annual CleaipgSalés, Have become well knoln Genuine Profit - Sacrifice Bal Honest -efforts to turu our goodu to money as quickly as po8ssi bv sellinoe them unprecedentei Mr. Strowe pîeseuted iis daugliLers l lst wégek wae é Veil atteisded, despite che ap. MIisses Beala and Florenîce witlu a file isLe extremeiy cold weatlser. As inital Shethèjild poney. everytususliad a good Limeais ile en Cainvassersi are getting tisicit as Ilio. it)ilyîIlle it.%b~ptalfly of tige liostras. Siicl a Sale is now in active, Spctacle msen. lite insurance agents, At tise lsst meeting of Ila E. L. S.0.11 book seliers, etc. tIhe lslkswsssg ssiliers v.ere aîs.s-sqî îsto o fleratio i t urStore Mr. and bIrs. Wrighst, of $and Lakee, set for ise -ssuing tLlsemunisulas: J. J were gest<f beir daugliter Mis. M. Wsadsan, pre-s; Aisia Yore, Vice weragssstspres; Kittia Yore, sec. aassd'tas; G . i aye few dayss ast weak. Fins Redmussd. S. ut A; iNs,. F. IL v r v e r o t For W. C. Wedge and Misses Whitinore, Zer%çer, eFitic. v r y r o t litirgeasnd Fraizer took a fisse aleigis 15el. 6, tise Lake Cosssty Agrl risde Ssssday aîéd called on1 frieîdasint Sotiaty willi hold iLs assîsuit meeti'lig E vMN llaissesv .ille. for the puipuse of electîsîg otlet-rus fur Wlile out driving Sunidav, Wîl the esisuiuîsg Now Ya EverettitesaE v r U Iste r, I)osiie«gslsre becamre frigistèetd ..asdpeuple of, tsis vicisity take tIseAn il lad ts)lie gigot. - to i Lîl tyv 1e (tasi Liat 5183 sussslattessd- M.tise nmeetinsg. 'Tise gru.test aissi muât SI -9eBO S assd ss. Jsoss enelsîs.eier iportasst qusestions tîsat ciass;aase Ht t ai cd a nisisber of tisir friensisat'tist t fmee insg l Wis Wht wsIins tke thins si humi n lae s dssy eess slsed , yasItrsulsa11 PCI>SLî e c now lave in stock, we offee at lower dassimsgaîs ganes wre îsjued. C'sity Fair8?' Asnd thse ajisswer ahIl ('oustab!es Fritsch -and Lisav enst cone inuSaitly, prosper mnasugemenst. prieles tha te ain' uait can possibly be, to Lakte Villa last week 'Visîrsday naal sd oW jU acis crsieto oft ns r.tla h î h an arreste'd tise nesgro Johin Bsown and qsetih. eul crstorfeis.e bi pro8pers s i Luliist ousît îsv rcî ght at any oh rsoe took iisî Lutise cosuust jai. Browns litrehresettstive asi~tI s utheoiceis, tal Ssspîposteil to Ise tise fellssw wlîû aboie *tihe Like ('uisty %gs'l SecieLy. suitv nrc,11)iatr )oi o~,iid Mi. Pruce's fair cost wiicii was fumaîsi! - ren ate o o ,m d lis tise isawnsitosup atiChsicaiguo assd cost reâletit4 ni Li letyville tissie, aisosii i tise owîser $8 Lu redtî t.eîî L.iut of Lak Cttisecstity« yVavi is3 siduri ng this sale, is not for an hour or a day, Sixti syouisg mals wiso %ti-ked ai doulas beeist 8aktnt-suber of tihe Societybu u tltie tî s ck ssod tise ive Iboue stsrlad ifr tMeir homes in assdl as estîtied ilu a vote ansd tfoadbu itlte gtr sok ssld Grîays Lake dis ing tise blinisisg 8510w 555551 Lt> tise lair fur thse foursî sayus Store of Friday iiglit. Soute luisst Lieir We hasvea s asisiag;te ;or tihe sitlem oofretw b s b ran oreery v.ay csmiigsguit liy Jîse Litwiier's, director. IleieaNM. ILRedsloîi i o sc r h etb ran o eery otîserus iv Carmni Read'i; assd <tîera s a bus usassd isîsed aisssng lis suad )oîu weunrl n tIse rairssad tract, are ail awarîe tisatli ist a maiss tf rareTli Tiis blizzard ia ci!med tu ba rieetif businessus absity. Tslais)î wagi due Th ,M d l lt u H n Ltse wosrt ist yeaia. I ligetise guteat susecem sof!1last ye;tsr a Tssesday na isiin ou si -tise fair. Ie wili work tur' >our iiiteresti preseisce sof aitiiisernof rei~v îs d nd e a.4k 35u tbeli eleet boiii frie sdg occsred tendiige(fGerTeîre s kalryisstise ssi11eof Ileisîss.sleis forIl and islM's ' eai> as diector Now or pIsiSdCssL y<i. I>fanssliii- tsl,(f Fremusut, ans ies knsw A. W. Wnidui to lia a osisi Maggie K. Ilorciser, o! Lonsg Gîtuve, gat îîîîî,sg tse oempceasd we sîsi tihe .G ýrmasn (atlsslic, cîsîschi nt capable of jplagte oicslsasst(]w iee en ean eT m l, -/uk g n Fremmsst. e.Fatiser Rousiege sti- 3155 tsi assstit lclgIii h aîtiing. Tise biide ansd gissîsus have LFsor secretity :)ait wortiuy fri-ssi, Il. C. Paddock, editor tsf UsVi Ne ilDE hst of fricns lttiusn tis us sîmnnîssity whoi 1,8 lssttse ieli. 'This a Leils s t se - extensd amost lsesrty consgratuilatin. portanti uîtUce of ail ansd sissîslsi [e ilied T H E IN T E R LC E A A week o! prayer hbut lten oserved by a mass o! gasoilisssisa Ls.rissi tits week. 1.1ev. Cssokinstss lbas [soeil lis asnd jssdgeiuscst, You loie uký it1 isai 15I THE intenudasnce. Rev. Dssiay, <of Neis., wiii'Iiie ae a nstswlssotîs sus ke ;a5t 555ce-5ssu lrRpbia esae fteW lie prieslFslday eveisisg anssihalît whejse otîsers have faileu as lie certaini- MstSiPopulrRpbia esa fteW s s risig Lihe lest of tIshe metiiga. 1lie 1> lias dasie ly makisig hisaiser tise And Has the Largest Circulation. lis ai eloqsieit speaker s:tidt Lu lie nesin L akse Cusity aîsd stssuustaisuiisg osf tiha best evuîngliiatss thse state. Ail a pristiiîg otUce lisi Libertyvilie after ~ DAILY (wthobt Susidayl .... .....S6.oo per year ;re cordiliy issvited Lui corne; t s seVerai situers have f ile(t. Tisese ares TEMS DALY (wlth Sundayl ............... S8.oo per year gssod fortis ail tss lie tisere ansdlittesi to tise kîssd sof metss e aikytoysu spport T he Ite . G o tIsle meetinsg put tut-se YMIL T eW e lyItrjea 10 t David G.Whitte, oui tossasrial artist. messiiiuoffice asnd sext Septemnber yousERs A............... and Miss Amy Morse oui popuisti Isolat- will bus greetei at Lakte Cossityâ fair S A NEWSPAPER TH1E INTER OCEAN keeps abreaat of the tUnes In o'l mistresea, wes-e iappiiy marriad at tLis y e ts bo adiese A - oterepcsNi prngnihr an er xeslaTRE rigAL F hîome o! tise bsîde's parents. Wediissc itra e r astlse"e ty Lu isersetg lsnither 5555 nArDeTHE siaOFils aecusing ALL itiL day. la wiss a ver> privatea sufa' ya s îuciyeiu feLh.egil partieus liiîg piesent. They axpect aftar a short wedding tour to set ni) Isosse keepisîg Msd cake this houe amossg us. Mis. White bas lietis re- appointeul posteaster 'at Gratys Laiete et, tisare wil be ls») chassge in uur presesit excellenst service. ROLLINS. Frasukia, stuion!oflMner Siekias, la very uici. Chsarles Wit)tiLuîsas, o! Cîicago, le caiiissg ouifriesîdèqiere. Claire C. Edwardis lm going Lu ti Charles Simpsonf is again amnong oui Valparaisu tW attend U cuuius. sumber, havsng meovered from a brit f Mrs. Elmer Ilossk's fattler, Mr. 111 . ess. Cossverse ts very low wa ht-ar. .Mra. Carl Dorfier lias been ii1 andi Wm. Doolittie's boise brukitLs lt-g rumor Informa Vit lkse lesno betLer Sussday moi'ning whila taklsg lis eutk tiea week. to Lhe croameîy. Mý,Iiss Pkuy Byant la vlslLlng ber .~.- .~-.-~-- Blter Mrs. Ilerbert Chamberlain, soutis GURNEE. ,f Llbertyviiie. - Mrs. Corser went to Chicago luat Only a faw attended the dedication weaît. at. RtockefelOi slut Sunday but tht-y M.Jue a u i aei reported fisse dlscttirses. - Mr. juswsott i amls Tha depth of the BOow prevants wEe . Fidisgan t-s Lise yousng peuple also a nuscîler o! E .Fodi gi én îu tisa older fok, participatiug ini tie vcn gent-rai sport o! iliming. Tisera ls prospectus of a sur-prise C. . Shismau ar as otliged ,tto lo'e patty iere usoul. bie ciasà lin ;enusauisiip the iast of tiss - 'Cusas. We!cîi, wolîsisas litt-sisicit week on accouutto! bis lassviisg tisis sauna Usue, la sîst inijrsviîig snicil. place forî tise Suttheos part of the stute I gent V. A. itosý-eluaek lissa ute whese iehabgas oliaiiesi a posssition as absent froîn tise deisot a few îv its. ,Pitf,.off peitmoktahup and fine art. Tihe' Y. 1?. S. C. E. are bsy pre- î.s l aîlîertiesAsdrew Slsstng parliig a prograin for C. E, Day, wbich ssgarsuis ltsses tbi es w111 Le celebrated next Suiiday even-at . ing. Ail £7re cordlaliy uvlted toa ut- Messie. Nurman Brown,Ralpls Dady, tend espoclBliy t.hoee who du, not be- Park anud Pearl Smiths are stiti attenîd lieve Lhe society tu , h doing eny real lng achool in Waukegsn. etork, ge tho maton" 7wlll ho polnted The Reading CIrcI. met t C. M. ou ptudeuIart. Browne lestweek. At imsent Liero vite.yu wo a MU «eil t & a are'about eigbtsii members. Iota. b.ty a )o I otmlW, or MY- The' building recently Vacted by a by Mr. Bitche, in W liho oeupled by luq»m ft Wb ià eurs.'Thorn &Frieab aibut th. DEERFIELD. k'rasiFuiLscis siII witls tisa g il). A littie bosy made lis appearase iii te hoime o! Mr. anid Mrs. Alviti uuike. Mrs. Ret-Iu ansiMri. Beder, frmns Chsicagou, visiied witls tîeir biater, Mra. EmiflIlficit, 'Iuetiiy. Last Sau n ay, Ed li riss aiss ss ,%[ztyllil ill t-e sua's tidat tIse St. -'tuîî'm Evait. ciuicîs. 11ev. W. G. Juosîgitofficiatissg. Laîst Suisday eveîsiisg 11ev. Il. IL Thoreni legusi a sevival meetinsg lu the lieLlileieuîs E-ais. Cisurcli. Next :Sui- day aveîîiîsg lie wsli adîueuss the pteople is& tise Esuglialui tssgiisge. Corne mse, come ail, ansd heax ut goudsesrmn. ProOtiAm Foi o. A. c. FEu. 2. E-say. .. .. ... _.. ..latt- Passons. ILeitatiosi ............Aleait Antes. Society Lipei-. is Maisclaider Biogruspsy ............. red Parsouis. Auto'Biog-apsy.... ElssiaW ilmot. Recitatiun.. .... .. ..Laurit Muhike. Select Ltesîdiig.. .. . ...esaleliole. Emuay.. . ........ ....Wll Walteia. Querv Box..............laa Keyes. Clsariltu4a........... litiaScliail. SelectIReadling.... .. .....Irat ile. Vocal Msic... ... lattie 1l'n(eli. Play.......... Mis aiacsaltlei. Detuate e.......... Iole. Tw as sigisoas aof3oqinsg people Iseipetitsu d a * su snrse ' st Mias. Jots. Gsîllu'w sy ITs(e"di3 sessisg. llefreashssseits wese gtval. AU iwîsis tif gumes; ti 1s1ed suitr essî s g ibone ail isad a j.tlly Limue. Eti ierman married Miss lit-il andi the boys isad a good Lime 'lueâday night at hie axpense. -RaveS you àfrlond or relative b> whoni yosa wouid Uke tW b. beld in ploasent remembranob every ireek foi tii. oomint gut~& Make that perse. * prusot oe #à a'ss ubeoiptm W là* Inmnu»m. AS A FAMILY PALPER IS140NT EXCELLED BY ÂNY. It lias aometh5ideof Interest t. ach member cf tiie fasnly.1w IFSY UTSePARTMENT i-=tht erybt ni l- la.. W I 81LII ERARY FE.TURES ., .qsld. POLITICALLY IT 15 REPIJSLICAN, ansd Ulves lus readers the besielit of the it idscus I nalIlepltcltopici. Ulvgies theai THE NEUAS OF 1I.L ,WORLD.non11Ie oti&tpks IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. 'slE INTERt OCEAN IS PUBLIStIED IN CHIICAGJO, lTE NEWS AND COrIrIERCIA' - LTR OF ALL WEST 0F 1THE ALLEGHIANY MOUNTAINS, ANDI-S1 BE 1I LER ,,%Pl 1:1 TO THE CEEDS 0F 1THE PEOPLE OF THAI SECTION TitAN AIY It kis n accord wlith tepeople of thie West boths la PoIttics and Literature. Please reolember tsaitihe price of The. Weekly Inter Ocean la ONLY UNE DOL. .iý PER YEAR. Addresa THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago A COMPLETE STOCK '9O 0F'q- ,INIEEDS, NIILL-STUFFS, Lime, Drain Tile, Farm Wagons, Buggies. Agricultural Implements. Etc. \Vc have a newv Stock of the al-nous Weber Wagons ___And the. Iloomington - Harber Brcis. Buggies ib Carriaýge8.s Cati and See Them.ý "Wright'5 So80, SWe are always readv te eupply your waate ln Our liine LibertyvMle. Mi. VILLE. âRINO GIranit [y *uk 0o! ~-~ç oerfor POIng'. II~ St., ~s I r-' ~*= 4~J Q (n mm

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