mw! ýO THE .A in the whisky trust hbu Xo aI Mnday evéuing ~he rsps-senadthat mspetltioneai for thé - e, sud e. thels- uscp eniéréal an &AdUaiLrenee. Mr. tet thé trust, was 1h. ttAnte ndiforknally cons- *ëD*14itment etfrét-lvets -P»bcsiUgs w-été beld Au ,Kvezug, aobedy learued o ié natîl late Tuéssla K 't 1et féluormationi 0n the $4oéNew-York, sud, raller tèiot thé oEee, et aifis-astut éts. Financiers, and et'Changé, w-re as- e #ÏWutt an Ilinoies carpes-a- i"Ptai stock o f ,000,000, . uothehéais o ercelvèrs Ï4b liferuatlon et thé tact hé- r4labe A atCblago. Tise r- Wh*ée.m 99the mos-e némarkabi. f6 *e mc that whisky stock has 1 1 the 10é0« activé on tisé liât, MM w-ieonstautly on thé. aient ~.~.ItUpctsmiadcondition. rmu l -'irE PITE ~14$hou.aNew ]Record by e 'r vsiomandl sta et- ~y. Tously pla'ea l;ess i~Seat Of thé Chicago Btoard 4 ¶'h wbét pItroareai andl * WheMlahIgn l thé ciutcb- ai,-lurw-ndand the mm bWedhthe andl thithér ma se . utght hé thé ?ma.- w-s-ekéd, veéml. Cash &U.1 formqer recorde, OWY 49 cents a bushé- tbm oed soft ceai. There &à Is nahsuai optlonalte , îwbrdansd therémlgbt le 0 IpilUUres, too, bal net 1496OOWétd s tayad thé de- 9 1 u 0T OL»BONDS. «M v.Cment on the j=. lmancts ituation.' i[gputhé lu11ancil ique- MqiM"td Statéu.. Mr. Burnas. > Jýsrla lioudeutof J. S. "-.Up4 Ail that w-e w-sut se et loien upeet6talpayablé OÛ«b. domé Europe wil sre- bw mem a& iaeby Mueoic. 0M1b1 et lanthé ailAity et lJ<I a omfVoée iebu te lu dvte"eébt as te- biaI.qm Uet Mm Grant, t 19t utril)Ma éeue lai thé par-a ef t Agens;aou Tue-- SS, Grant, who had0 fraday a ou ite-to PoAu ý 44 élégeation s-uithé Fnl-t ew«Ié4 teoVet W saA%àso- ;WPOMlnéereO va-e ntreducedt Wgàf tai O«em -i Clment A. b'f 1se'o brigadersand lits of Geor-gie, andl 0, e oMW ia ad*hake sudt 1trthé tonnai tée»- fte Oery achange sut ad the é f fthé hogdw-ita Forger-y. w-z ma es-ééi n FAuA- N'rhelméle Moaday by the .Betaou thé -The prlsocét bas long -rmu it siniste»d bits been *y "tu reeentiri when hé lest >t Ut vas Indicléal by thé We forains thé naines of blé Ms-s. Elizabeth, 1P suutad which thé i'é-dwrfugéd to séttie. me a baer now-sorm during ift throeghout Eigandan sd Ai' W eaihérprevalls.Thie snow-- d mx foot déep la mgny place mbt. tbérehavéeiséén casés et upspP to atA. The raîtrouda pela la thé nos-b t Bee-tiani mev. aowami entioor vp-k parts etf Engianal huis béés tOt.a -milion. la Ore. 1; , f or spécialtraiu béas-- pwsmt froua thé Indepéadelice twh>iél GrAt4(rék adlisricite nIldTneéday ornlng. Thé hlItios of 1 tonse Ah os-e, ~~t4U0OOOO. 0 g suoo.aEg o WPCW ailee uday ntotulg ÇmkT4a so yuthat thé Isue 6f Gdvutuueit 4 ver cent. gîila MfPllY aets-arou onthé btithime ca"s, 'i, *lswlYo thé e * V@Trk bond kb'ýb!L5 t w-s ebd j a. t 111*oret.~ Mercury fflolw Zero Oser Thityt-aix. nouris-A Dég thé e0e survivorfwesm the Chcota-xew Sobéme of emoth Chicago Thievé;.. Ne go.quito<é i Tisl. Chicago enjoyed the distinction Sunday sud Sundny aight of béing the coldest place in the United States. At *53O a. -mi thé eéery recordéd ainé degres be- low zero. At 0 a. m. t waa eigbt heiow, and fr4im tbéu uatll 6 Iathe qyening t porw glnally warmer outil only one de. gree blow vissown.' Then the temper, atuter began igain te f51, and Dot until Monday mornlng did it get warmer than six dogrées beiow zero. Monday the cold îwas Intense, flot once mountlug aboya -0r. R4erté from a&l ever thé country are that a thick ceverlag of snow protects wheat. go far It is blilévad fruit trmé are unhurt. DOO COItES TO elîOnE. mU~e inutes thé tevn u, -s.A T Isé .orILfe vas enormene. nie. iieimé v erecrme ealt dee*.h br falling bldhige, but maue wes- :iiOateiéd atb, thé ruina An w-hlch thép bteétaugledballot cangbîté.mSMx Md l wei er. éntombeai An a mosque Ir"s suagea iAn praye-. Sixbhadreil é, ther parSons pea-lébedIn thé varions butha.- Thé sus-vAvor. coulai obtsan neAtis. t'aédsi -aWterlot the" es das-thé t"lé g'pizhlnéhavins- een déstoyéd. Many W-ho emespeal belote bolag hllleai by the ,Msthqvié perisheal tramein u«sunalex- -'ner, Té eather w-s ve-ycoud. Net a lsg.building romeas stUins lAn thé towu. Bioée thé lTîth thé @bock$ have boet repeateal dally. On. éhoch, vhich ocenrea st 6o eloch. thé evening et Jan. 22, was eqal si uuverity te thé liret ena, W" h aaused thé destruction et théelty. Thé shock et Jan. 22 w-as toilowesi h titres othérs at intérvaisetffreis neaath tAis-e honte, No sheltér ot aay hînal An avalable. Ne médical assistance, w-blch la sd1>- needeinA.aI ps-éeat procutable, huItRussian suirgeons are proeédns- w-lth ail speed te thé desolatéil lofetAsb- Fre.. ilipe.ideut ResWted Bécan 01 Treubl ié w-ItisluWtt. Thé causes tisaI lad te thé résIgnation eto M. Csimi-Perier -as-a nov kaowa. Thé ex-Président is on thé point et mehAg te ebtala il divorce ftont Mme. Casimi- Peras-,and thé causes for thls ara ai- s-éady long standing. As a mal- tés et tact thé fis-tst sepsIAn thé proeead- A Inehait arenly been tahén hy M. Cas- AmAt-Pe-Aéa-s iaw-yers w-Aea hé hécame Pteeldeait et thé républie. At that tinta his mothe- ntérvéneil, and ber supplica- tions induceal hlm to accept th iséhA of- lice te w-bit-h hé w-as ealléd la the hope that théeofficiai and publie lite hé anal Mme. Césaimrns-Perie woutA hé fort-éd te léa eailil puplt an end te thai- usa-née- méats.> But théentlsundératsudas-é hé- came w-esse andi M. CasitA-d-Perier tana that tisé joe.fetpolitical powéa- rdli) not compÏnebsaI. bisa-for hie doméstie anaey- ancés. SHOT FOR DOURTING- SCRIPTURE. MISaSSIPPI Nègre Kiltoil for Suyinâ Christ Didu't Ride an Am». At Moorbeal, en thé Georgla Pacifie 1Rallw-aY. fos-ty miles enst et Greenvllé, William Bush. farmerly ot Enrpa, Miss., asked.,a nègre Af hé hélleveil thal Christ évéers-odaeon au as.. Wheu thé îpgre ré- Plied An the négative, Bush puilea ieAgs-n and %mil: , "I v.llmaké a contes-t etfau,,* anal shot the nègre dead. Hae toeh thé lis-t train for Greenville. J. M. Calée.j an officer, wasaet thé depetloleehls for hlm amiéraies-éd Bush te threwuap his bandea anal usrende-. Bush triai! te ilsav his PlsteL but befere hé coulai gatithiCales shet sud hAllel bim. Bush w-as queofettise sebbes-éW-ho bal* beéai ai w-rk As Mis- élémppi andl Louisiana. Wiid Was the Gale. ChAcage vent te sleep Ilriday night- nainy heure ésarliér tisau usual-naer a bisnheettof nev w-bit-b réuséilte renssin statonar, excépt la spots, tes-mes-e than tw-eut> minutés at a lIme. A abrieking forty-mile au bour gale blev "thé beau- tAful" froua eh>- te earth, hait w-ay bat-k agaln, andl An more direction» thon thé avérag-e ceniPse bas points, Ansdw-heu the nuew dii sétîlé aloiva At séttécifor kteépa-ettled Auto driftsaas seuil as If Pached by sts-ong-armed lasorers. Trans- lastatien companies w-as-éd the santé olai baItlée frs- uPnmacy. Dow-n-tow-a they nias-éed te ksep things inovins-, but la thé snbarbs Ait w-asanoîbés star>-. Ail schéduleé ansi limé tables w-ère lest as *effectiisiY as fthe ris-hlmetfway, aud cas anA>-09e ogAalong at irregula- ntarvais by grzcéetfthé snov-plovm and tAirons-h thé aeffsefetfroinfour te six horez. EleCts-e lAnes suifés-éd principally Ibreugir thés contint et thé trlley w-ires vît i te. Hard>- a paseengér train rea-hoalils dé- Pot on timnt dalthé dela>- rangei fs-ont ene te lire heure. Outgolag trains get aw-ay,,but ail s-su sIevI>. Communica- tion vith the West w-as hadiy ha-okan, but enougi w-ns leas-néi Salua-day moanste talA test thé West last experionceil thé veret blizzard knevu An yéga. Uéder Seatea Os-dés-s. An es-des-recélveal aI Vailejo, Cal., fs-rn the Department at Washingtlon bas put thé naval oflilers anal men, anal ail ethéts te w-hem thé névé bas beén made knavu, Iu pléasurable excltément, anal théir se- tlity ln aus-s-est as If s déclaration cf w-ar lsidcamé te thla- kuoivieslge. Thé os-dés-léates- thé immédiate préparation ut thé croisera URager anal Aléa-I for a ses voyage. Thé sm rosdes- éxtenls te tise es-nAes- Bomton. Thé w-es-hoetcaalug ami p»rovisionlas- thé varehipa Ilehélas- pushési as rapidly au possible, andi thé equipments Put Auto perfect caaI.tloganal 'siSthéh nlmost cas-e. It is thaas-bht that tisé des- tinaltion et thé vées ainHonoluîlu. Tisé tesson fer tisé hélet la thé report tisaI GreatBAia-sn As deles-mineil te mire au Antpoaing show et naval mîreagthAiAn Ha. waAian w-stere conséquent upon thé an- s-est et ces-tain Br-itish @objeceatansht réd-hauded ln tAie récent revoit as-ainst thé republie et Hawaii. Tise Unitedi States, Atla thons-ht, de net undér liii etrcnnslaaces, care te havé tisé war.hip Phailadeélpie, already on thé w-ay, tise ouI>-s-reesntatîvéet the Amea-ican nas-y présent w-heu Englatii'e fiéet et gun- honte adrops anche- la thé harbor ut Houo- More thu 200 Persona iil Theré At an épidémIeetfwlntéa- choies-a at Los-ain, Ohie, enusail by dilkias- Ans pitre w-aes-. Thé diséaae nia>- hécane ag- gravata outl lAt résulta tataily. Thé " js-lé a kén tram s ca-lb in Lake BEie w-htee lé nar thé shsore sud la enécisd b>- Intpuriles ta-oaaBlack Riverfia-bo-. ThésIo DonefIlte-Ans-appas-stuc ia cannée- lieu w-ti, thées-Ahl. Te Uuite w-th Canada. Coîîtédéatioss ailaCanada ins heon- mng more tai-nmaily receivéd isn New- toundîansi. Thé polititAas-aties régna-si il as inevitable. Encha Io tnyAnc te nntdo tisa other iu tAie malter ut soeuring favor- able terme of admission miet thé domin- Aun.- As-ilIeus the sabjet f russu - adiAn papes-s are béins- copiesl vitis favor- ablaecommentei. A campaiguoetedîscutioss as bêlas- enménced vAlu tise bject sot nstrusctius-the people ou tisé lunéft2 oh- tninbié tha-ongi confédération. Soft Jobs es-orMeoushulsers. A sensation bas béen creatéd att Hunt- nstais, W. Vua., by tisé nunecmeni tisaI prissîners sent t ail liseré te serve eut saentee for "rnoonshining" are s-v- en excellent atcmmodations n tise îay of jobs onleide thé prison anal thé Gui-cru- ment is oisiged le psy tleie mer ton kéep. Auts thésu. A United States officialje iii- vestigatins- théeniter. Deep Miné st FIs-e's Mercty. Theé Hazel mine aioîe, thé déepesst in tise Leisigis région, As an fis-e. Thé steasu piAsshave béén broken off isat w-ny dewn théesmine aundlise pompe ca ot et éw-rk- éd ta fit-bt tisedanses. Tisé ire hani cliab- éd to tise alope moisis ansitise tower sof the breaher is bîîrniug. Tîse collier>- is thec propert ofuthtiséLehigis Valley- CoaA Company-. Wheat Breaks Bankers. The tallai-eetfPollen, Caotkér & ('o.. bunkers ansi brohers aI Portlsand, Ile., As annotincéd. ansitise fia-m bas assAgsséd te George D. Noye, ils beokkeeper a-nad cashiar. Thé fia-mlias béen ulings i- nes about élevéas years. Thé causee ut thé trouble As said ta héelise conidition et tise sheat market. Arrestési for Eobbing the Malse.. Chasles Bode, a Milwaukee mail cas-- rier, teuh stot rémslt tésoptatlon ansi As ualin As li, chiarge(] w-is rabbins- thé malle. A couple ut det-uy léltére iîsred Bode te sdestrucetion. Wise fiast t-hart-éd wth the théft ho deniedi t, Lut fiuslly ai- nittéd bi@sguit. _____ - Fatal Siétsblug- Party. At Midlibur-, lPa., tiv eémbers et a sieigiins- pas-t>- weèse iAautntly kiAè sund 'Bye ethea-, baily aIns-éed by béAnIa-tut-k b>- a train ou thé Pénasylvania Rond. Thé part>-w-ère a-turniîng tram a ridé ta Saubus->, sud thé noise maIde hy thé alelgis belle psevénted théir béas-Ans- thé train. WiAA Net Iapéach. Thé attempite Impeach Joigé A. J. Rickt, et C leveland, talée a nthe Hongt. Jndiciary Committee b>- au adverse voté ç4 9 té 7. lia place ot tAi e soiti)or e imapachueut one viii hé préseteldé-. nonudasu thé; tee ayatein, w-loch mail. the proe"dngm pessible. Clict-;sg-Cntie. common té prime. R3.75,.~75; bot-s, ahippins- grades, $300 4,0-l50;: sîaeèp, faim te cliaice, $200(9'_4.25. uheicat, No. 2 a-éd, 50(CL51c; t-orn, No. 2, 43Wj43%e; aitte, No. 2, 28î?,29c; rye, No. 2, 51@6t2c; butter, cbice cacamier>-, 23«~ 24c; etgas, fa-ési. lS@2t-)O; potate, car losiere, ut-a- isueh i,0ct. liussîinaioiin- Caitie, shippiug, $3P3 5,5; O sg, t-boit-e lis-ht, $3<fl.Ci0; sbeep. (.u0111111011ila prie, $2C410; l iO: nAat. No. 2I rés]3g, .)3%e3; cors, No. 1 w-ite, 40@ 41c; No. 2 whité, 32YYi!3JVc. St. Louisi-Cattle, $3üy5.75; luess, $3t -&.50; viseat, Ne. 2 a-éd, 50@60%t-; cura, -NO. 'Z, M40@4ile; unIs, No. 2, 29@30c; nyé, Ns>. 2, 52«f53c. 4Cins-Innati---Cattie, $3.50«.50; bot-a, $tI.tafi.75; nhlie. $1.50fl: w-béat. No. 2. 53sl154-; t-arn. No. 2 mixéd, 42603û-; oate, No. 2 mlxéd, 31q.s32t-; ryt-, Nu. 2, 4.1);sheep. $2û3.2à. ivisat, No. i w-hAté, i,3C54t-; corn, No. 2 yeiAev, 42@-42%c; nuits, Nu. 2 w-ite, 33ff4c; rye, No. 2, 1 &K.~2v. Toede-Whést, No. 2 resi, 62@:13t-; corn, No. 2 snlxed, 41Q42e; enta, Ne. 2. w-ité, 32Ue; ryNe. 2, 5(2i3c. Buffale-Cattié. V2.50@ILB; haga. SMCJ -l.50; shéep, S@sl;-w-bat, Ne. 2 r ed. '7@57W. cas-n.Ne. 2 yelevw, 40@4OOW: u#nis. Ne. 2 w-ite. lial5@1r±.- Mlwauhéé,-WbéhatNo. 2 upring,. 510 52e; cas-n, No. 2, 43%tf$4t; oate, Ne. 2- a-bité, S2@2U4e; bas-lé>, Ne. 2, rkèi«We; aye, No. 1, 5lF2; pos-k mes&, 10-25(àj 10.75, Nfw- Yerk-Catitle, $ffl.50; bes-s. $350 04.75; shéep, Sf@4; wheat, No. 2 rasA, tl0@OOc; cota. No. 2, 15011e; onis, wite Wsern. 31ei: luistes-, ca-cames-y, 16@ 24c; esgme, fresi, 21«i23c. leu wfwt1 qumsaulu Ue .. 5u5 u4 sexnger bÊtat, once thé pffd.of Lake IdIchi- gau, hm. gene te thé bottem. This est- tien thé awful doubit that bua bési bang- luc ovér the fate of the vessai sduce eh# wysa Bret ratzerted logt Moftday aitérnoon. By thé sinking of thé Chicota twenty-slx ivés vere undeubtedly lest. It would hawe béén Impossible for tham te have k-ep a smaU boat adout n thé gale, and laad they aucceeded n doing th. the ax- p.osure te icy air and water weaîld have kAlédtbém n lae than twéaty-foar heure. The Chicota carriéd, including Captala Stlaéé, a créw of twenty-Bive sud thé,, la saA4 té; have béeaa.u pas- seager, lir. Peari, of -thé drug tIré of Howard & Pearl, St. Joseph. NEW DANGESR TO FRANC. ]Rapiat Iscréésé of Radical Power la »Metand Chaséber of Deputieié. Thé Parlé correspondent of thé London Times notes thée eltreme danger of thé rapld incréage of radical power n the Frenchi Pariaunént. Dnrlng snven monthe thé radicale havé galnéd a hua- dréd votes. and new néed only eightyr- lire te commntnd amajority là thé Sénats and tweaty-threé ta corauand a majority lit thé Chaniber of Députiés. Sncbl a nijorlty weuld meai a collection of revo- lusionary=inéaureo, uuch as thé abolition et thé Senate and thé Présldency, an in- quisitorial ncome tax. ani n confiatlng separation of church and tat. which would be fatal*to any country, especially i hea taken An connéctien wsth a leén- dioua préss and thé se-caliéd democrat- lzed, which aneans Insubordinaté, arnif. Train Robbery a Capital offense. Thé lowér honze.of thé Oklshoma Lég- islature paseéd a bilA making train robbery or any attempt thereat a crlime punlsh- able by déath. A bill w.ase olztroduced provlding thnt whénovér thé prohate Judge. ou application ot thé frlends or relativAsofuta i>éni<thi hould adjudge bhlm ant habitual drunkard ho should hé sent to an institution lta recéive thé Keeo curé at thé erpénse of the county. Guatenuala Givs . . Guatemala dispatch: Setior dé Leon, thé wpécial énvoy sent lte México te né- jiotiate an adJustmient of thé dlitcultAes ovéer thé boundary ine between the two countries, telegraphâ that Mexico Alemuk- ing activé preparatienis fur war. Upen the reeélpt ot this néws thie (Joatemalan Governmnent teie«raphed' to Sénor dé Leon authorisiug hlm to make concessions if né tnrtber délay cau be obtalned. Chtnae Ready te MntAz.y. A dlepatch truàm Che-Vouemaya that sailers fron aU thé tureigu warahipe lhave béen landéd te protet thé consulat«s of thé differeat countuiés théy répraaent. Advlce. te thé Pali Mail Gazette report that a panie exiated théa'e among thé la- habitants et Che-FQo on accouci of the proxlmlty et thée.Iapaues. séidiér.te that city. and the Chines. troopé ver.e aid te bu upos thé point of muiiny. Want Hawali Aunnxéd. ThéeéiAslature et Indiatnado4ptéd a resoluttaicondemaing '"oveyphase of thé foreigit péllcy et Président Cleveland An relation te the Republin ot Hawaii, dé- éaondlng that thé Unitéd Statée knép a man-ot-war nit thé fisands, and favorlng aunexation at the eariiest possible je. ment" Oilcloth Manafacturera Combiné. Dr.'A. Il. Cole. Arsident ot thé West- cru Linoléum Company ot Akron. 0Obi& contirniéd reportestif a combiné amnnog thé manufacturer» of oilcbuth. Ail the largor concernean the couantry îîill hé interestesi and the capital stock of the new trust will hé$,tO,00 Bliadcd by ai Match. A strange afflictIon befeil Anna Gratton nt Crab 'rre. Ga. $lie wasabSout to iight a lainp, and when éhe stmnck a match lier éyesight léfi lier, and l owsiée xstone blinsl. Physiciase ho have bt-en caliéd calnnai accouni for the cause. Coulpauie Muut show cause. iudge Gayuior grantcd au order on the Brooklyn Héights Trolley Comp~any, of Br.soklyn, to sihowv causé why a %vrit of mandamus should flot issue againstilh t, compel It te operate its line. Lord Churchill Dead. Lord itandolîsh Churchill died at lon- don a Ilittlé atter miduight Wednésday. Thé family désirc% todcny thé report that extra dattors hati been suimmaaed lu attend 1Lady7 iandolpîz Cîssîrchltl. Fatal FPulfront a Wiadow. Mrs. E. W. Jackson, iife ot thé gén- éral manager of the Intéroceauic Rail. way, was avcdntally killed at City ut Mexico by fnlling front a sécoîad-sîory %%visîlow. MARK= 9VOTATIOJÇS. ) t Mute emenger Arrive* front thé Lest Steamer Chîcora. WAien thé ChAcora vent eut et Bt. Joseph on Its lasitrip ibère yse a deg abestri. Sunday thé dog w-as takén into Bénton fias-bor alive. Tueday ulgisî thé dog w-a beard whlalng St thé deor et Selon Caties-, w-ho coaducts thé rond- bOUSe at Pottovatantié Park. h As laa aniff-colos-éd skye tes-s-las. Ih vias ceo.v- ee-d vitA ice. Cutien teck compassion on thé Attiq animal anal thawédthislte off hI andl subbéd t w-tb vaseline, tink- ng its hîdé had heen trozén by théeAte. Ms-. Cuiler connecteil the vigit ot thé s-ange dog w-it-h ad éviilénîly juat camé out et théet-aid w-tar w-th thé laits of thé ChAt-os-a and' took t te te ctAy. Thé dog w-as Ammedateiy s-écognaxéd by thé stévédores wha work on thé Grahams docks and by tise ca-ev et thé Pétosey as thé animai that vas aboarsi the Chi- coaaw-hen t létt. - Thé dog bis isén n taamp passénge oas tise Grahttju & Mar- lon Transpùonîaýion Companys boat for neyerimentfts. it bas Aen divldiugise tinete beieen thé Chicana and thea Pétos- hé>- thîs wInter. Bince.thea dot- became a pasons-es- on thèse boats t has stéver mlsséd a trip, taking thé tis-etbhast ta léavé. Thé retura et thé animai mii- cstes tisé Chicora was within s a Ita-mile et théeéfist shone Tuésdsy éveng, thé seteud nigist eut The dos-, Itlai believéd, coul.l net avAus more thon une-quartes- milAe. Tisé placé w-hère thé dos- came asîtare, Pottowataié Par-k, ta elght miles nortis et Bentan Harbor, a lakéslde suan- mer resent. Many are incliaod te think the vassal muet havéesuk net tai. ts-m that point. ____ ._REAP A RICH MARYES?. Boid Gang oergers Are si Work ta Chicago. Boier and more ilaiag lain a uy mvii- dies peapetrateil on tise banh eofbhcago Au rnsny yaars are the opénstions ot a gong et forger.avisose systéni was dlscov- ered In a promnAnnt fluant-tilhons* un La Salle stréét. Bégîsîias- wlth tise promis- t-nous looting oetmai boxes on thé busiési stnéets fanlthet-t>-, thé gang next conmtant a double torgéry au alil chesami h-aftt feuad lu tise stolen lettes-s, anal compltes the dtIns-w-esk by passiug tise altéred chechs on thé bis-get banks la 10w-n. Thé systens bas bécu se generally practit-es dit John J. P. Odeli, président of, the Mes-lt-aBunker,' Association, ast- dressesi a ltter to évér>- hank cashiér n thé t-t>-vanAns- im otthe gaug's opéra- tions and prosiounning thé systéns "tisé atout dangèrossthat hlia sueiiééin man>- éars. --a so seasnethé forgeriez stéré dlscovénéil thé tacts vere reposted le benilquarstesof thé postulAit-t- secr-et se-rvice, sud thé béait détectives n Captain Suart*s division ane now seanchins- thé city fur leaders ot thé gang. rsessein, t h ute?» usi Moineet 't SsUehaig Hsgee.ta*vm - gJuizst at e.urs intsugEtéWmlt* lsésd sMd Aetéd Vpos-01at et the Hal aMBottse et ~* The natiéonal ma. Loe"ferVtIU*N WideIy dlfférlng plans te méet thé cuar- Golden Téxt.-'Tbl ii rency complicat ion wére offeréd la thé lu wham I1arn véil plea"eai; liénate Wednendsy by Meurs. Jone. of -Malt. 17: 5l. Arkans. and Smih. of New Jersey. Thé Transfiguration lu théb Sénator Tarpié madeé a vigotous speech ivweto our lésson 10119Àdlà' agalnat thé Nicaragua Canal bil, whIch 36.prayer affala. How hé sald bail beésu cancéivp inlafraud.4, cannetien wltb ont SMYié bil te Incorpou'té thé National Central o ryri 'ltallway (Compsany, wieh prop>oss Utoe Sno ot iw ril<lae Io construct a rallway from thé Hudson t-eaout(4dbwé a River I.a New York.vait offéred iAn thé andl enduemeut! Coauthé flouse. lnefficiency ot thé Behring Sea thé talithend» et thé iluagalon i régulations ;a prevent pelagle Reaing was ter, or lndaed An any othar Wa.y ahewn by a grtetment te thé House LO "Paye agrA the kly ' Seairétary Carlisle. Fur thé beîîdéd uée lu thé Sénate Thursday débat. Dpsat Tu open thé moMlrBat beli- thé Nicaragua Canal bill cleod. Mr. Al-.Pth ie incené rAse len preseutédl a rentioltien favaring annex- To thé starry skies atian of Hawaii. The bill for thé trans- Like perflime frut thé Abvéitr., fer of a portiquoattise exhibit et thé De- 0s 0s 05 4 *C*é0C 0' partrueut or Biats at thé World's Ce- Také tie golden key litumblan Exposition te thé Colunfibian lit >our baud and see, Miuséum etf Chicago was passed. Thé ex- Ais tuéesîlgla tiale drifts aver, fait traueterréd cuver, thé La Itabidl aTua ilAieblesséd hlt Couvent and thé collection rélating te it. la a crown et gold, Anether new Ss-îaîor. Mfr. Pritchard. et Thcuurugh lte aeaty hontes i 4 Nerth Carolîna.wo-as w-arn é TsA ésostlTheveJjepr~ flousé pmacîk-nlly agrecd upoî théSn that of Péter's confession. Il W fAl dryeCii-il bAi ilpas Fidyltthe divine confession. PtsJ* Thésudr cvIlbiA auédkranyii rioîî art tise Christ, tAie Son et 11W tise shortéat time. se far anokowu n' .nIgGd"Nwi i o' w O record. At w-as undér conssislérat ion liutln Js.Nswitatod oavh three do>-s. As paseths.te bljl carnieladéclarés: *Thàins my héllorel Sas. 33,Z.2.Two propoesitiosaly Mr. Fehbai." DisA Péter asésny £uUhé Says-rs tind Mmi. Coombs. tihe torlner's ta deuce liat the yoice that b.d ciolisé thé Secrétamy tof thse Treaisury with lhrough him woni utof il? Oistu power eu Issue United Stats bonds et aise beén stakliug te his dieelié ..ucis denominaiiosas as héliesold sme lit beiug asbamed atfIsia, and hâd instead et as uuw te r,'-lasue thesu ot thé ta thé tact of his comn am eét ll.d î saine duouinatious. andi thé iaîter's te glory ethis l-ather anal f thbbeay retire ausi -nisel tIhe gold certifs.ates andi Héré tiey are given a gu et tiI make thêta non-receiyabit.-for costeué giory. How t-an they évé,héÎle ostr dates after Juiy 1 ns-t, turnieiséd thé pria- him new? AndA yét Péter, vie duaê4 cipal t1isiofu discussion. Mr. Sayrés' hlmn, woas ancet thé thrée. proposition was defeatesi, whiié that et Itvas In thé misi t fprarw ~t Mr. Cooniba vas carried. An apuprpria- tranusfiguration camé. It lé Au uestha tion et $40.000 'for a lightehip to hé Cia- 'thsé hsi voit-es and vsiens usoéis. Tw.ê, tioned off the Striaits ot Fut-a. Washlng- iigiss exaltations et souai, thasmea ton, w-as adopted. A bilA. piedgi4g jthe craments ef pawer havé baem ,sit1 faillh et thé Uuitéil States for thé con- thé atmoopisere et proyer. s ie struction et the Nicaragua Canal passed periaiteéinlalargely thé record t of tu-«r thé Senjaste. sons of dévotion. Hé w-ho wlshmte hae* , Lotters lut-luit-h Genmany diaavows - thé up-ift et thé tranatigrathsf taliastion liii cxciudtusg Anericn seat ist clmb thé alopes ef prayen bmi&ý lîroducis avere rend in théeflouse Satur- ne sncla transformer as proyet. lBuu Md day, dîiriisg debaie on thé bilA te re.peai Christ méAit An supplcationaMM' Ibo thé uisrluiuating duty on isounty-pald ungels BhIed thé air about hise. m hoeu*. Rogers. A résoiutioii indssrsing the ad- "us hé prayed, thé fashion et Nesumnhe azlniitrun*n'a alin policy vas adulat- anc. vas ltered and his A. aé t g**#- , éd An thé Sénat. by a voté of 24 te 22. white aud giistenîng." qlkleré tua. ho, l Thé Senate couismittée on public buildings se beautiful te tangelo as théesm etft !and grends failes te mnter a quorum oeeu oa e0n~Bes ê~ and the Ciicago Aotofllce bill was net pra>ettu" Gu ta ut ce bs«On"ui a considered.pmet anuéahite pt aui 01111s'uae Thé Sénat. Ilonday pauséed thé Ute bill mehnten orhe gt of ih . bmpp asid adoptés] résolutions caliing tor n- tl!on. formation an varions subiecis. Debate '-rwo men" appéatreIs. vur sa on tii.bil te repéal the differéntial duty fasion ns umen. They bhualanet thon uni suaur tram bouniy-paying couattries thé dintlnguiahling signe Umeat pmatêws ivas contintiéd lanthéefBousé. A cnrréncy nét0 h te. i ld ynl bilA lu accordant.. wth thé vievseéx- n rmteohr egam presseid ltithé President'm message vas ishailknow cnt-h other thé-e. 14wvas "1» întroduced lu thefloeusé hy 1Mr. Springer. glory," esnd yet they egiahé et, grusk, Président Cleveliand aiéni a méssange ta Canlvary w-as thé théieeft théa u Congréas orgiasg prompt action te restos-e They ..éltikte fthéesieééas, tIr" confident-e lu ur fluat-cilisindupes. nhoulid accompliah ai Jernsai6" Coumaioscr ?uiller bas prepared a ne- w-s- kuow thé thème et the éei lice, copies ssf w-bit-h yl é isostés inAuvesae. We know w-bat la thé evcmy cil7 and town. caiîing attenîtion te lighcst conveén rsmeng théea&omis thé prov-isions of the- incouit- tax lanw. atont5gt tke iuàtiim a ade p A compromui-secsirn-ncy pan w-as olTerésA Peter and lis conînàanions allasi mt se. las thé densité Tuesdny by 5u1r. Muander- giory luntiil 'theY aéré awakat-' Arna soit. of Nehraska, a Repasbilt-aui. enator ilt %';a% tidnluesa lisère long bétonr. ALIM, Chandler offî-red svserasi îuîsenduiesnîto unr o<svan c>és shOUil*fi hé no holdaeu the ratiroad pouliiig biii and s-cîrs-sî uuop- and ovspsîiris se heiaîy! *Tall visjol ée tion ofta reâulsution callisiz for infursmntion l>asst Sam s iip. régairdlig thé trunk lissés. Tihe hnnk- Illuts and Iltnmatratiosa rupltt-v bilAln-as déhalés], a sutbotiliue un NMke it a lesen o et Cnoiu, expér4_ the- ines tof tiséold Tssnrey bllI being ut- s usî.. (nlosut tisé tiutss otDivine fered. The St-unIe ('omniteé (yu Fi- frs-ssiug. Peter di ot et hrio)LAa ieg natice digecssse-uthie varions -arrenety bils-arr,.frtr rétcmrng te ibis biéawd pou>- Lefure il. A frd-e ails-en meassiré ufferesl sain li t. lBe nas f rtna. vanthé. it biy Cliiran Vosrhees 55'sis efts-nu-s]<sua myptmieoeüýi eebae tic vote. A cuuvnsss sf tht- Senaste ('oui- 1 put Moe sine oeel-saclup neemtraitas. iite on Psulic Bluilsdings sowed a nia- figuation ss tait. Wouid tisai ibis le«mé jî.nity favourable lu tue Chicago Isesttf- ités-At suiglat Lé a bill-top expéraienete -> it-e bill. Thé ill A o st-ps-altise dAler- s.1-3-v aa is(-sdi-sisusIai thiiu time: s-tailadsut> <susutar fruni bouty -îîas-isst 1s-;ise tise mosuit, l'ni lixési w- il, countries w-as pa.4sed l'y the bouse--239 Mount ut Gosrs îuClia.giag lve." tsi 31. Thé Houseé (oiuitee on Elet-- lions decides] lie SteNward-Clsilds coustet Pester nes-er fsrgoi that visioneon thé' las tavor ut thé latter. w-ho le thé sitiing cmourntéus. At gaie ai céicatial soles-mg ta rasenabcn. Thé lo.usc cssmmiieé ameded al laeis isonglis. lie isseaiways tsAmgu the- adml inistra tionu cirren uy b iii by strik- bout 1w-as-s- tas ie sr. t in h é nde sat Aug out thé sesctlon resisllnint- inulsurt duis liant lias gien us§ faiiih's bridge, améir. t.) hé paid ligolsi. nedssciug thé tax u "lté-eli-ig tis-encd et yoîur tailit, evant circulation anJ shorteiiing thé térnisfut cL- alvsuiosio ut aoss onia." 'flé mother bt-nde. w-as ctuuialuiaiing about hierlads oAug off teosesl. Tissy ad ne mariner aaceutry. HEs A SOCIALIST LEADER. And yet. une by une, ihéy meuglat thé e s. J Tisé Asor caune ta censtate. Hi@s éye w»a .Es pulsion froas the Reichstag. w-as tise ns'lresétsiion otfaàtl-fIgg*# Hcrr Paul Singer, tise sot-mui s adar, talis, gaiiatiysailiig off ta thé hieh. sus.. w-ho hlatisruatéusélvila expulsion for thé "Hosv long lis t tisaicture hbng ibère?" îsnounnnt pari lie took Aunlise récent scènle hé askcd. "W. hinug t thi-é w-heu va Au thé Germais Reichs- wère marries],"tise matiier anseréal. 1, stag. was tonîerlyunudersaatiA nov." Raid thé pestes-, "whr ta blict-eenfui main ut tht- boys taike te the- aeaun That pctisa. businesis. Hé is vcny hliteducatcd lteau te i." What As the shrewd, vcry t-barit-litturc on sncmory'swaali. vhatsééuenes are ablé. ver>' obtinate. uiosi cash>- net-niied? Tlsese are thie pWe and lias repmsentéd d tares anîd sctees tiat inpreas and movn,. une ut the lBerlin Tissmeectinîg on thé bil-tep vas a vérr électoril districts as smali osse; ansd yet At w-as ves-y large. Con.-» a socialist sa 1n e 0anegations sua>- homeasin-d qunaUtatlveW 1884. Until bis lem- as WilI as qssantitauively. Péter and î poarsy expulsion James andî Johsn andiloMses. anld Bu*&' trum lBerlin Au 1886, andl Christ and (led, and thé Holy obt, Ae was a partuer ta and au innstmerable company ef mlnlstws' angInte laregetsutstaiisezu iug spirits. Hère w-as a congregatim IfU Ing irm bu ofWe f inspirationiandi powser. Do Fye «i years buas devoted iiseif te politicai and thé uitile meeting w-hère but oe ortww- municipal affaire.Héra- Singer As a Hé- w-ère présent? Yes,.altier gaithé,-lnga. of bnéw. Hoe s véry wenthy and hAs purea langer sort havé passéd train memory-, as héid treel> nitisée disposai ut his party. tisat sw-éét service isolasisAt placé. Godl. T Msathème. Itw-as aI tIsefooto etd lt Té This and lThat. et tat tihé test scam~e. H-avé enoubée O>' - Teclebrated Sîshlx,.thé ligua-aofthémaont wvus your Lord? Prove le bi, the t-mont-Ang monetrosît>- néartise goîng about att thé hil' base dolugqd. A Gren-ry- mîi, a 17ted - -AudGiniée.ultgfota-t-ivn *1 I 9f t I i 4 i I i i 4 .1 51 I s 4