CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 3

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British jury, too. bas uo luking forà mas Who turne bis auperfluous cat ii -, togood accouut by lndmnilu ta o "o,1Imuet le ptiat Scboeuestuui buess onto! tii. iav court, ai an oosct. Mlanie mui ha poualoneil, ami m ent bsck to hem- native valtoy, or har liative lun-for- I uldtbluk suël aan iful Vouug persan muai have ha.r barni-elesema efestering City sitej rauber thon amng vineyardâ or or Mi-. Wyatvent ta bis vritlng-tabiu and anaverai M lle. Dupant s lette, ~Ithout deay-brielly snd cautiisly. If Lord Clanvardo bail beau vuthin easly ieach, (dilbert Sinclair vould have gone sluagtvay ta upbraid hhz viii his inoachai-y in bringlng Sir Cypieln ta Davestani ilagulseil and In xxmcqmtn - s rais.s ma;but Lard C.snyaz'ilu pscr bisu-oo ls~be indlug bumseal!ai F0 yeara or age enr ou* ep in ihougbt. tlrely unfoitarail by domesu;cicm a, ooedban 1to the brancas, vas lndulgîug bis natunsl ma" ho e alansd hovas tril.iltyamang mono agreeuble pe>ple Wmasnot as petly aliliht of han hbisemrlous sud buslneas-lika tel- inot a suU Insolence. lav-couutrymou. Loi-i Cianysi-de vas hoé Ça si not palé bmlîsein slg Ices and playing dominosuiler ~Iby 1-zight'a vork; but butbecolonnadeaot'Ivauice,vutb tougbts î avelage the nilioualm'a o!01mov ug to Tyz-olean ni untains vhen h saéMdsmaiî insoleuces,,not the vaïtbei- gi-avtoo van lun the tair ubevondeil ouest o! bis own ses-glu-i itv. vIper-lîke. that hehadaiS10Gilbert, foi hoiug. able ta zet at emy. His bai-ail of Gil- iLard Glanyardo, nursai bis orath t' sssbaladeepez- root ibau keep it wgr ,andl veut Saisgbi bome Fpr u r Orbei-sa 3ineé e lcglierevcata ad natanlir, 0,v been woei y b1oa alu ardly anytblaýg of w at the whpsregad le vainiL .ClarsaI vr i s "Oiety," Ltot sniounded gieus eoaiacy ta ber aid by the peuple be bail k nova aince hor 0, l i e n s e h a i m a d e <Q jt c 'id o o d - h e g a c i l d o i c t o r , w h o la so 10 u ondanx friand, bailchiitene liber. the dovoted ile Yhisownjealusydoctai-, vbo bail atcheil h2rn une~~~ 1t grali binoe jalusy î1î beridl -ye4ad * bahi rousdeiuh demon of kandhy reognuzeil h14 faiihar face: Irf . ihafavro!tethe achool-mistre s, theolad pupiis, th i li bas causeil me," thoughi gi-ay aid gardenor@, sud sueburued; -IV i* .oOaie seul eau sufer as Zame-keeperà: the taffer> sud go-dies ý muf'su-ad foz s -vomana sake. vbo bail beau aid vbeu $ho vas a aor bis. vile luguîlty or inocent, bbadseemei bai-div any olilonffa II; ôthug ome fh pan wl, he wenv yar8thai biai pa3geil ver 9 bd verseman anougli toblov their heas ince theu. Cheeks a lib- l»,ue Dov, thora 'migit blia sjtha more abrivelea, rbaps, broua 1 Os âmeo viti Cý'aa. Se long m. more deeply wvnkleilr aboulions a li e wvll ding 10 the hope oetriifoe mare bent, but oxactty thoaine Sbil ock. Wbera e leSéeappi-ocintionu a!teansué iotsscco, baif IVonder. ané vbat la bar crovus aud Dew ueckenchiefs, the aIle w iue 1 se vearîug My Ps ins ad the rectorssermon,. h at not seen Mrs. Wsî- bOautiful as h 'seemeil Ibis vesr, wbor lia Inervew u vichshe led ber littie girl ibnrougb the d swe tot kecp faluh vith e ooda and shoveil ber the nevly Aak- .0419 bh e'promise 10 the vinés. eeillowersandsué lotiber thenaines #4p» tahoHaIf-Moýn sireet < birds thai ptuunoilout sucb gnsb- Rhwlsg falurdsy avenbug, de- iug Bongo of glainesa lu the vana 4te main peace vbîb bon a. brîght fLou. The ebidslips began hi 01.,O bis ovu iigu ty, vih shape iselateil vurils-mani. maie. and 1si inaci- f a man Who bit-aie, foyers fou- flawers-cllvîu lien- sl Ivoi. He bail érîvan up> guago ta the niothar- s ecir. Nover vas ~mosexpoctlug te sec thea ch iihiappiar ai- more fouily lovoil, 'wte as hiulng oui ou th, Mariba Briggs. notbing iloubtiig. àgre@o% to hear IIazn llavier. nuggad ibis uitile walftt tere- bnasi or tris io~ Eu-ai-i, sué the bheau-t; sud ae'u Moanie, vba bail s d htsof msny voceos, as ho curious iuwanil ravuls.on tramt the 10 t"i rasti-ev owr-fconeé chilil, bail t3 pretoni a muai enibusi- MI* b-as t3hisesurprise theseWin- astiledevotionsandileepe-î gratitude hi 'eAUl di-k, sué s sleepy litulo Providence for' the itie oua a resta- Iruat Me ta the door viii a tibn. Once. Inspireil by soie lamillar lgtalov cmanille. aud iloaimaid sp ni oo ie bocoud nat iesist drap- t Us. Walsingbam bail gains Piug a lîtibepoision into ba- mIStre, theb msil-&eu-vaet kuew flou 'clip o! Joy. é. 1 "Do you feel qubta sut-a thora bas ,éore au direction ett for for- 1beon ne mitake, ni*am," @h asked. s-si'rs" aikeil Mr. Wyatt. 1 80seatimea Iancy oui- dsring couid no&- motas Iknovs of. The nGt bave beon s ail. 1 Savber caried ýPyrap., vot bas the lettin of I away by the Oui-ieut, caril past me ilgbt keov." liko a ,ti-v, and ih basnover beemi fyt eut te the solicitor, wbo qulto expisunei boy sha vas nescued.' refuoil ta giva bis client$ ad- Constance lookoialiber %vitb eyes on tire viii indiznation. ySt Jiunteil out the bouse- "An I bure that thi s lamy chil"ý la Monily ei-uing. but that she ctîleil. caspng tie baby t,) ber tomber of Societv bail recasiveil biea.."Aie I sure of niy ovu namne, esahles about «Mre,. Walslug- of my li'e? if ail the rict of île vere Iéellnaiau, vbeiher she meani a dreani or a shail-)>, I ahoulil knov i ou' la b. staubouany. Ha vas bat Christabol vasrmal sud truc. o' bouse te oeod touant, sud Wbu eau docoive a mothei-?" moleste with lhan ibrouglu ber «You vere Se ilIt wheu thelitlîte girl r. vas brougbt borne," suggested Me- à"s aie bas gone into a con- le. vih an air a! consientious %sought Jamues Wyatt, ai bis daabt. a litle te the bitte rües of tahol. We knew eaeh other, dii va PCGtevard ibat praitableo ual. dat-lung? Oui- lips cluug togoiber fb GletSteclai. as If wevadilnavet- neefpai-ted. Not , * * - . know mv own chilil, ladeed! Nover embe btiez-'cae in wlth thaeilare ta mniske sucb a suggestion again. the aoibd oak -butter., Mlanie." U1a tables, and brous-bt bis Aflter ibis Mlle. Dupant vas diiareet- to upetf cofee, aIl insun ordai--* v iy snt an the êubjeci of tbl4 prioent raetbla eariner tisi vas ihistab2l's ldentity vith the Chnis- i i x ils alir unis ajean. tabul e!fithe paââi, but thae. vas wmtm 00, vas a eau vho nai ot ma % heu cOnstance Sinclair's lsitb bail . servant a weck, sud vas to e oiva a ruiler shocli. = wvîth s gocil oue.,Gilbert vaut hame that evoning at ter néasknek toundeil on the the Tva Thousané avage, vbih h 0. loar vile Mr. Wyatt vas miné f ull o! Scorpions. Gobiin'aseuc- ils@ coffee. and Staples came cesvas naihins- ta hlm. He aridiv svrlettei-u on a silvenrameberail tiatoneofo! is homses bai von a i ana tor thea ii-at ueo sinco ho ý Wyatt apread thora oui ha- 1bail kepi hoaes. He bail ceunteil on t lioughifulY, as If tboy vere James Wyait's fideliby jui as lho bai 4ha vere 'calcutatins- thelu, .couuied ou his bcrse ordog O- estime Eiaaisoe, i-amy ouvolopes, bou ght viih bis moueý, foui snd iausod Md aristocratie, vitb armorial by hlm. Wyatt bail pi-otei b,' hi., us the. scalu; othei-a b ua andj Wyatt was b undl ta stand by bm; aoul ,hlke, sud unpratendingiy bu- as ta ibosa vanlous slghtiu hich bh, a.10 Oua nsncow litile envol- bail put upon bis contdetiai ailvisai- 1, gree, anctisiny-ubis was atb divans tumes, aliosi uncoutsciousiv, ýh oPened. it bail novoioccuire to him that thera îîss-Iî containeil vas viitton couli a ngatlius-ouni loif tby suhl 0, acratéblus baud. unnilstali- 9s119-1sting, ibe renom wboneof was to SÉ igma, 111. urly tall toa al ibhereact upon hbu olf. filsera, csglness lu ube y's, ai Ifle hadi beaped lavons upon the, if Le bail hoon the niait unseitiali penot let me ueo you, ci- aué devoledoilo!friand i, ho coulé not 100hIsit not tat It is cruenl.,have toIt James Wyatt's ireacbei-y1 It.waag sitar mldnight when Mr. Smù- Constance wua puini3tress lu disslm- ouille: hi& tailue harùly touched hlm. )Iof itii clair arrived at Dienant. and he had ujation? He dld net know what tOa tapooig fcuubu e-Uud0 5 i~* te ring -up on of the servante to let îhink, and was miserablo accordingly. tiny and Mr. Sinclair bail long been at blowJy Ilto nile*eoý a him ln, hiE return being altogethor i h oteIidw unlookea for. He did net sec Con-, CHAPTER XXV. odus; ih was only another item added etecarwld, stance uflili the next day. n y hsRZADt FOR TUE VORST, jto an old accourt. a woman's blondi and timie had regâiued the mà9teryofhlm- June roses were openinz in the fiower- He drovo to the station directly Gob- hoead. ie i l self. The position of affai s beUeen garden et Davenant, and Gilbert Sin-, lin's race was over, and as there was tiiii h aKIt huaband aud wife silice Mri. Sinclar's clair bad beau leading a Ille of the anothar race tacl me, hiegot aplace in glinimer of tasng. recovery bad bacu a kind of arm'd purest dumasîlcity- for the last threo the t alu eaily. h started immedi-ngr and *ghtaeh. neutrality. Gibort hall noyer alluded weeks. It 6ung rather liea. iîî up ateiy, and lhe was in London haera A signal, avl4ently? ta that awful day où wbicb hoha badhlm. that domestle Ilfe, for, though ho i o'clock, and on bis wav te Devenant istgr ans *,figure appe aral hii hand agaînst bis wlfe, nor loved bis wle altor bis owu fasblon, ai 8. He liadflot stopved to dine. A angle of the badge, wm"q AIl ad CJnstance. Doubtful whethor she hoe was not fond of home joyi or exclu' biscuit and a glass of brandy and soda hiden ln shadoir. A; L_ remembored that unha py occurrenc,3, ively feminine siciety. But what was altliho cared to take ln hbiepi-osent strongiy built-yàs, juu ai ad deeply ashamed o thbe brutality will net a jealous nia. endure when frame of mind. lbtpaie t tcee. e i'y inta which passion bail betrayed i, once bis suspicions are arousod? P'a- I h was striklug nino, as hoe left the lihty acrou thegarde idMr. Sinclair wiscly kepi his owu coin- ient as the spider watching bis prey. quiet little Rentish sîtton, onot qulta keeping te the narii>« L. oaooiemrib omk ho watts for the unlruaided moment c eear as ta what hi, next stop ought ta leavlng no tell-tekaleOp snreveistion. His remorso showed lîsqif which shahll eii'y the hon-id secret b. He hied bacu told t0 watch bis bail or box-border. H *nby lncreased clvility to bis wlfe, and he fears yet longs'ta discover. wife's rooni between 10 and Il. To do iron stair, mountod it 'Ya new deferenco ta bier feelings, toi- hxcepitoa oeef4oblin wiu the Derby ti îha- efch utgaito too-ohbioy h r- wbich bha wa, duly graieful. Gentilo a test which that estimable ani,LalIfthe bouge uuobserved or flnd a sala clair firoti, with the uansý submissive slways, elle gave ber hue- pOi-tormed wtth honor to hiniseif and post of observation in the gardon.T practlced sportmagageme ï ~'baud no cause of offense, sa that one satisfaction to ever-y one E-ave the book- announce bis rotai-n home would be, of Of a nuwbo basu lad. r rakigsiowihh bgn1 atmon -Gilbert had not been away troni course, te destroy bie chance of mak. fer the worst. Y.him directly the tiuniphant sonse of Devenant since the Two Tbousand. He lng any discovary. and by ibis time ha The figure rooled, s*ayl pooseaion bad lesot its power toa stis fy hall beau tolil to look for treachcry atiehd mode up bis mmdd that thora wal iment on the topasot et.l -the cousclousuesa that ha ball nover home, and lho wasj there readyt oe1dmsi racry ta seizovrd.bcwaddonte ih won ber heart. The smolderlng lire the tr-aiter. No mouchard lu the secret As ta the moans, ha cared lutile or shaking mItwlth the force Sneadod but asgpark ot jealousy ta0graisse 'service cf the Parisian poli-o vas aver nothiug. To meet treaehery witb aud suk ilus bap on the Id a fatal iame. a dlosai- spy than the hushanil who treachary could boe no dishonor. babyw. n Constance expresseil hersait much doubt; vol dotes, suspecta yet tondly It was dusk, theo avait summrer dusk, Gilbert waited, axpeei r pleaseil at oblins succoas, whan GiI- lOves- wtenlenb{ nEftred thebvayton a tr ldby a c o apl lu hart aunouLced the tact, with very ,t- That lhals sean nothiug iluail this gaeselo sdbayonuthe heesaigcyofau i, l. lation, ou the day alter thae1race. urne tâ. contrm bhis doubta vas IIoc gaieeepris or servant-.Th ni ghi- no mach cry came. Ail W SThey woeodlniug togeihar toto a-tete enouIgh te couvincae Mr. Sine-air that igales were breaklng eout nto sucido n luheb.bsliny room. Re lu the staclous paneleil rocul, which tlic"s doubts voie baselens. Ho vas izushos of molodv, calling and answar- saw a figure apps-oacbthe al fecmod sa much. toc big lor tbem. willlug ta imagina profoundesi bypoc- ing oueallioîer f rom distant clumps ot look out, but whatever tl eThoe cormons late dinnera wi-O risy lu the vile of hi, bosom, a brazen chestinut or hasch, but Mr. Sinclair ht vanishad baiora e ho«M G ne: ance a aversion, Ileb u bands front under the seuiblauce of a pure took no heail of the nightlngaias. In doubts- ab once elle dineil early wlth Christa- anId innocent brow. Even the devotlon bis happieat trame of mmnd that malo- Ho went ovar ta the et ibel, and speut the ÏLinz afteruoouq ta ber chiid mîgbt lha a covar for a diaus juig-juggllng wonlil have madse no andi put away bis gua am tgwa'aking or driving, andl came h me et guiltier love. Han happinoas. lfier panticllar tipi-es Ionl upon bis unsensi- ibu purpose for wblch ha en twllgbt ta a s clal toa-party with -%ai-- tnanquility, gave hlm new grouud for tive ear; ta-ulizht aIl seunes ware in it ware the Muat ordiq*É rtha Briggs snd the baby. ibutrceÈuspiciou. Wai thene not some secret mo e or les abayance. Ho founil bis dailyIlita, but ibismo1 r I didn't tblnk , o aeil vau rc- eltipriug cf contentaient, soine bLi- I avaontonr o otpat moellon- uiUýtliedbilveels hué'. horses," said <irbet. as if doubting dn ource of damg b, maskd hhi nd llyon nethe n tathe igb ?non as rath r the atolldltg ýthe sincerity of bis vife's congratula- this tain show of maternai affUctIon-' ta e lait. and only rouseil bus. 'f vaîker tbani tbp calmasog. ltions.,- Tbo,o vere the douibts which Gilbert whon lhe came vitbin sight of the tbat realieà the. veighî "Net lu the abstract; tboy are such Sincair vas perpaîually novoîviug lu bouse. of is sot. He veut béeU lai-off creaturea. Lone never gots un hi, mind during ibis period o!. domes- How ta gatinlunuobsenyed aud î-ea<-b dow. Thora lay the f~rA SIntimate ternme with theni. Thaae tic blils, adtil wal the aapect of al- bs oM wihouî meeting any of the a forIeiiss heep as htgi Slîko the &trange animais vhic the faire up te June là. Ascot races were servante vas the question. eougiy feresbortened irîl rEmpaer Gommodus brought ta Rome taobeglhý on ibe ltith, sud Goblin u s ta AMoments refiection showeo ihm Pelat Of 51<ht !Tii.Il 0 -articles of luxurv. But i aie vory f bil is third gi-est engagement. ibat ibis ought ta hae easy enough. cluteb e l ogs pmv* Sglati your bai-se bhsw&on, Gilbari, on This vas an occasion baera stbîch aven Hait-pasi nine o'clock wa% the serv-f0elpbht Jet lu the easctm o your acon.l a husbani's joalous teari must givo ante' supper heur ai Devenant, snd "u does nut knov *la 1 «oe. it's a graest triumph for nie.îI way, and. Gitlbettbid made up bis muId Meeéls fin the servante' hall are au lu- pied, dsalil ia cau vin the Der-by I shail ha satis- toau-o the borse rue. Ho bail not car- ittovbcaenoesccuv tr 5dtiterl did. Rai n9la confoundeilty expen- riled oui bis Ides of sellung Goblin afier asienbave unhaken. A funeral moas Be unloed is dooam ~ ie sdVe alqut nog f ite eb.Jackson, the traîner, ball nodiffaroucein ihedivino rigbioser- in the corridor. Mi -1g lI thîuk 1 shaît soit Goblin sud teprot.estea vhmetvagainst such aut& ta dine sud sup ai s certain bour; oVeleil oui o! the batcoe J awblà le stui lteria Epsomi. and the jew bneacb of taith wîtbhlm, wbo had s vodding may cause noea ulorenoga- chiil siepi lna a igllr r nstables inta the bai-gain, and thilu 1 maile tho berge- tory letaastl, but ean hardty ovar- that Ha vent luto iho N i n aoli Inprove that great barrack of a -That there 'os l leta win the Ler"throthl. reicular order ot the dally andl foul Ih emt, hies place in the North and seule down. said the nlirinant Jackson. 'fieha meais. Mr. Sinclair bail no tear, thora- lhadi-OOMidcor M fie sick off ibis part of the wunld its dont l'il est hlm, pig-skiu sud ait." fora, o! any alteration leatth. routine thbreshold.l, onklng l too d-d civiIiz.d, - sddeil Mr.. Sin- Gilberntoiet that ta part vlth such a o! the householil, snd ho kneovby ax- Impoeble te Bagl*.# aclair, torcibly. borne for ave,- se higb a prIce vould lbe Panieuce ibai bis servants lilkedta tak fui icture than 1h51 t if t-o yoii mean ihat you woulil 15v e toai-ut up the gonse that laid the golden tihei- time ai the social avaning ineaL. bu na s oes. A 1hr aDevenant?" asked <Constance, vith as- ergs. It vas tventy minutas teto tn vben etali ght cil ie ,* tonisbment. i - A horse can't go on vinanggratliopoe fra minute di- sgo býd, au open book ab "s. 1 oght ta have talil you, by rcstoaetnougb. Thora muet. tbe siubay ecoad isphascandi. on a lititl blg nthe way-DIavena t ceses ta ha mine icoime a turu lu the tlda,» suggested Botveen ton sud aloyau, sail teshnw. liai louseanesie asteri-mid-sumer-day. I'vasoliliL" Gilbert, sagely. "We shouid gui a pot anonymous latter. Hebild no fimue ta o»Ift t.>5lO. The. doerld - 'Sold Davenaut!" ioftmouoy for hlm nov. '» hase. 4-oin aodbalspa "Yea. 1 bave nover really carail for I' etea olnisl oa Ha skirled the lavu lu iront o! the coul tilil theublitVe vwtIi -the place, sud Ibid a good affor fori it a îtust van hlm the bluq ribboe drawieg rocta windows, keoplng lu the sleeping chîil. Tltail vblleyou vere Hil. Thîugs wei- nt foi !the tort,"- repleil Jackson, vith a shadov o! bthirae. .The vindows vere hardll7 leseplogilnite %le 0tooking ver vol lu the North juat bhot o! chivatrous feeling. h v ouldi g oeanil ho could tac thie viohe of the chil's thon, sud I vas lu vaut of mouoy. ' oIl man -th. une Lm pi e eburulng iou the OSC0IU dare Bay )-ou Il hae pleaseil vhen yii, <Gilbert gave vay ta the linon feel- table, coundles ou the piano, but his hear who le the purchaser," sail Gai- auigs of bis traîner, sud taok no stop vite vas net thora. He vent in St n. Cw.elleeIn hart, wih au unconitortable $aile. twidcutnohoth;cr -outheo!i. ldv.Tacllstyve Tehe!* o Constance seemeil bardly ta hear the turf. Tbîngs vore luoklug liveller lualyinir ou the ficor by Conétanceheactieror latter part of bis speech. the coai-pi district, hae tohlhisoîf,lechial an open vrork basilu a sut'Oais "To ihink that yong shouhl have soul sud a tew huoanil a jear moi aor utile pile of books on s g ypy table,auil aDavnant-the dear olil place"' lois coulil net butt b1mLHe voulil shoveil ubat theroo bhail bMn intely coun a 1- "i tbougbt you dililnot carasfo ton »" arry oui bis originsl ides taire a Occupiail.T m 0 "Net insu ai fi-st, penhaps. tacemeil place soniavhera riear Novmarket, "She e basgona 1te ebalcony-room ta the era;le .to b g for me. 1 likeil &habby ol sud establiâh bis wife andl-the chili1 keap ber appolaumant. hathbougbt , Mallei rMarchbrook botonr. But I hava beau ibero. savagoly. for by ibis tiraie ha bail ac p Ui O" th se gohappy bora lately, and hit sse80nîe Union ordinany cincunistaucas hae copteil the anonymous vsrnlng unas w rh pan 1"" ta live among people one bias kuovuaI voul hava talion a boeuse at Ascot dur- t rutb. -ha aiy utW ausocatioLiaie."wetes," theborace week for the accommoda- .The bal vas ai empty ans uh dirav-0 mIl m "Ye, od 3soiaion ar seetst" ten 1 iû»lfanda sletio o xig-oom, the lampe burue« imly, Wb" hyU4P sucered ilGibert, the demon joslousiy cholce spiritevibh sporiîug taste@, bha zg the lait Invention là lampe that te 00 uMnte gattiug the upper baud. vbera ibo ni glbts migbt hava beaun an- do not ilumlnate. Gilbhartvent sifh te10a vas-y p q IV "But, att-r ail, the place isait mat-lilveneil by Il ini hookey, o oe nup tbe shallov oid staî-casea theoM m50,li Our toi-a very littie," sail Constance, anx-sagne equally enligbiened recréa5tion. corridor whicb i-an the length ofii. the uo bu 1 voi ayhir ht ibt~ But ou t bis cccasion Mr. Sinclair bouse, aud endeil ai the dinar of bis q»,tyoftuî ý o j fouste aold nythnirthatmigh see 1 onauuggory. Ha reachail ibis door tinath litre upbraiing-no vite go conacicu- ,mnade no such comfortable arriauge- meinauenvtquîymsaa ct-ohgle tieus lu the discbarge of bar duty as a meut. andl datermulueilta sleep ai bis l notometng sud ioced wtho door crea"mn1 bu basb hel gond vonian whauoe3 ntfoi ae lber htlunt.>wn on thenight aller .the In'to eroum-id o ibishrooiier isheci byt buib Illo * uabani. "1 aoutd iehojusi as happy race. TeOilwno fti omc .nne yte r lu auy cottaZ.s in the ueighborbnod. IHe vas smokinig bis alter dinnet- mandeil the balcouy groomi, whicb vas Ogi05couImola 0utl r Epcoî if yoii bai olil au friendf cigar on the eveuinz of the làth. ,-ecessed in the seuthern front, ha- cuituea ttio ue"l5 ai setuedbei-e, saintiIbert. -Yeubhaven't vac ng Btovly "p sud dovu the. teni-aco, ee to projacllng vinga Th,,, produee lhe th oeo y ucso-1in front a! the open dnawing-roomi coulil hano batter poat o! observaiioun Ie url1 uini buteil e hp ou nam aw n>5.- 0iwindows, wben a servant brougbt hlm ifor the man vho bildbeau talé taO ries te unie oasstarteivNe "Boy shoulil 1 knowvý bis louiez-s. vatcb the gardon approacb ta bis 109- r "Yeu nelgbt bave mecanesof obtaiuing The fircit openoil vas frai bis traie- vle's ranise. ptomLqmmu<h forli information.", or, 'eho vas in bigh apirits about Gob- Thora vene matches sud centiles on t fo a 5 bas~ ~ "Wo a hepeso, lîer?" jlin. The next ivo or thre era busi- the maniai-place, but to sti-ike a Uigh a*eht hie "Sir Cyprian Devenaut." nase lettons of no Importance. The ould ha ta mako bis prosencekuovnunue of a pure cultua"e 01a Ho vatcheil lier cloSely. 'ai the hast IVas lusa ti-aLge baud, a ngJllng, ta a oiny ualuhe lba cony roum omseUut5 upo2li. sufuncmeu a urpIse ordiéahascraicby lutile baud, vblcb, ifthele rGibon altail quiet y lu the hait darli-buttai-of a Connoc«"t~ kuov ahi about 1ht, sud va ibat look of lha any expression lu panmanablp, vas nesaso! a sommer uîghî, sud fourni 2eltPr ceuLt, slccorélag t grava astouishmont a touch of social suggestive a! a menu anil ci-aty nat- w o anteil eaeilyeeougb by tbe M*teL Muet 1el5 comedi' ure lu the niteir. --seof toucb. Thora t'as no menbittr an re mbably ai She Ïaokedetaim eanestiy for a Gilbart tare open tho envelope, ex.- but s 1ev stars vare shlniug fihtln,. Hoes a minute, sud gnew somovhat paler, ho fectiug ta flunlsanuie ndinuaiu It1 .ntly iof the calcongr sy. Te aithebane u thougbt, ai it the vei-y seuni of bis nm entleman of the genus "tont-" 1noao h acn om eap-prcnita. rivala nama were a shock ta lier. but the latter vas flot aveu no boui dsrk,s ana D stood open-the ona u80swvIl o b mléos "lndeedl! ho bas bougt the olil place as a uip: it vas that suaka lu the grass, neareai the Iran stair. Gilbert eh.Ob-f the trouble in oioa again:." tbesail, qui-ty. "Thaisoois aan sonviona warulng: serveil ibis. vîlIl laU55fr essai on y ibt. But I houghi ho ailgono "If Mn. Sinclaîre la svsy to-mono "Sho in sitting thora lu the dsrk, *iho provemoit tÏ *1 bulo'- bacli ta Atnica. . an telieho vi mis au opottunîtie te bai-n tbougbt, "valting ton bum. That dsik l-=P-5._________ "DId you raally?" vltb a somewhat sulntbmuw ho ouhi ta kno. If ha wsut'a rooni, ubat open vludov, look 11ke ironical elevatian of bis evehrovs. ta kno a secret let lui vsttcb tha bal- guili. Why bassene net ber lamp A lmotel dloao-as "Wal, thugh go t . Bt-i semscoule of is virinai teowjn tenu sud iigbied, and i er munie on ber books? FIumg Wot, thugta, to.Bu itsemileven to-moi-o nita. A PRiExD." 1\o:;eabe bas sumtblng <aille Otatek moa i u he mruebr l ho i2 atil lu Engiseil. Oh, by the by, or~eta ln rscoverlng rum do you roenar filet CGerment dentne, Such s latter falliug it the band@aO-' ~ ~ i riîegs u aclU vq vhî aa ose> afwe ~a agenerous-mindeil man voulil have Bis guna ee rage natls hoc an sît ba becs u* ii-laroumonhhl gonph ut oIgt s~oi-~iaaotebme- There vas n purpose ln the abrupt- aanucdonbly canen iptbt olu tsa 1.oîa, viii ail the latentI morov3'- sulph'urie scid, vhich - n ib tis question. He vanted t pî'cy to suspicion andil sousy, who! monts in sportîng guns. Bis *han.@ al], but i-ser of take lber off b'-n guard: if possible bail long been ou the vatch lfor do- 1 auioed hboansd thoreasmong theo mautU«,to reeIn11W tartle hoe' i > Iberut.> ng eiself. If mestie reac bry, even thiu, venomous1 stok s tili tey came t fa vorite o !e nM tt rla flos, hisqustin mst e strtlngo! Fate-an oracle t'g bhoobeyei st auy mie o! the su-est. De bad illebt ian y ta so ulpluriue , tios. bi quston usthoa sariin sIa noyai slag wtvim hbayoni the Tweed. othei- bandi, il écoggg n l oneO. t.He iook down this gun wento adi-av:byse au cn et~ii Hon coîn loDk tel i umoing. She She bia taken nivautago ofniy l in- C.v here ho kopi ammuniion, sud se- i'ubber, elaposl gané ti vai effiler Innocent of ail guile ou'ftle tended absenc lodadhsmd vrâ4 ni s colaunnioe hpocrte.I ue aleod, on ba malectoditluasd loaîled lise gun uin oera jo. .Tii. acQo«a.! ni e cosummte ypocite-1a thon îninhir ot-o wru-steady, businessahiko manne,-. Thor cié uponwblting eo l Yes, 1 can laiuthy romembai-. 1 cail 1tbougbt Gilvasrotfainclagior.h" aud ebi om on autroen I jai ecîl atnigt ikea rea. ng comasfrie31 ! yservants, I droppoil the carrige mia ts plî. shoes la ta tmm Il la eanlI Papa and you comlng luta myron, ae sanoe scullery-maid. vho has jtbaugb ihat baud ieearut mai-dat. 0r Opum,.eaun lu ta an ilscuriouu-Ioakbug aid man wiih al fauni oui my vile's butainiv. sud pities1 "Ha refuseil teflght me," Gilhai-t ý1 placsbsrabberooq' kinil vic-a "aice atieut ta my 1itoedehudai bu4band. liather baril to I Sinclair ..;,ll f-huma-if. "ix-li.d - saline solution, bowel ,hâ 1 l pileW* la me. Oce v vus la mm tem @atm*ine et At- b . ho. oisz m , w nu. If t, ne.,, . en he (a alqa A 1. ba -ix Ith epsi> )lbe ote-W t the ses mle. 14 poe Il, o. oswhy at indosul biees r ue the t au ay vsar pWc. Cou- mifèr ger.? 'î- or, et z' osve rWy ,h . o - t1hë ý. sJrssi -r" -1

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