CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 5

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~%t1 thugoopl Uthe battle cont$Ibutions t. asyl and ehi mod and rlghteousnes would end wlth and sehools than any one. exempt o this nneteenth century. and the twen- knol .He bas kept many a hulsi tieth century. al five or oix'ye&rm off, man front falling by lending i name on -.Y~ATE, ALL MEN -outld begin the millenum. and Christ tié back of a note tiit the criais Ial peut. MEu LIARS."1 would reigu elther in person on soNne A Il heaven kqows about hlm, for the poor tibrone net up between the Alleghanies woman wbosc rent lic paid in hier las~ and the Itackbes, or in the insitutions of (laye, and the mnan with consumptnii Dr. 78111lag Picaches to a 0 reut more>'uni]grandeursmetup by litsransomed tehospital 1toi ho e tit towcr n on the Dangers Of pe@alm- el Dmorae okwl meet I h cordiale just before ascensionad ?h.GOSelof heefsuc.-A defeat. Exptectant and buloyant work thie people lie encouragea in mny> wayâ, di Gelf' 'herftues-A vill gain the vitor>'. $hirt out with the after tlîey entered beaven kept talking idea that al men ure lars and scoun;drels, about Il. for the imuiortals are neither and that everybody in as hat as ho can dent nor dumb. ' ~ Pe.mlml.m a, and that society, and the church, and Weil, it ls about lime for the oid mler. *er. Dr. Taîiioge cagne uon taO the world are on the way ta demolition, chant bimseif tb quit earthly residencr'. IRi the, Acadeiny of Miusie ut New and thie oli>' use you wilI ev'er lie to the As it is toward vcning, lie sîjuts the sal anday afteriloon, lie fouuîd bef.;re wvrld wil bc ta icrcuse the value of lots puis the roll of iîewspapers ln bis pocket, 46 audience sueh lisîje bld<>m Il in a ceiouer' W e eod a more cheerful tlîinkiuîg that the fainily mil like 10 re,id _A grpblie buldilig in Ameri'-a.Tihe front in ail Our religions work. Peupîle lhem ~ifter lie gets boute. Ho iltoliîp a -"#& eMâSWns crowded front aiudi*torlitl have enoiîgh trouble already a nd do not $5 bill and gives ilto the boy tW carry te 'Ç âOhs galler>', audthie ainles and cor- vvanbto ship aiother cargo of trouble In onie of the carmin who got lits log brok'nu " olltersu>. lokdI w hile many thou-theUi shape of religiosit>'. a nd mal' e in noed of a littie moue>'; puis *«J$ bo liad coNne to boear lini peîe<u 1 The Gospel of Cheerf,lness. n stainp on a letter to bis graudsoîî at col- croýOd l4th street and Irv ing place. un- If religion lins beeji to you a ponce, a loge, a letter with-good a<lvice and aninl. P4 Ogain admissionî. H-e ook for bis defense, an inspiration sud a jo>', gay 80~. closure ta mako the holidays happy. bhîc 1 -T1e Danigers Of Icsuim"iSy it b>' word of moîiih, b>' pen in your looks around te store or office aud sayq iext selected beiîg l'salin cvi.. 11, riglît baud, b>' face illumined wlth a di- to the clerks, "Good eveuing," anîd sbirt4 llidin y ianeail[nn ae iar." vîie satisfaction. If this world in ever ta for homsopn on the w5>' at a doot 10 11Wded. bel ray cd, persecuited, Duvd, hoe taken for Cod, it will not hb>' gratnn@, toa sk how bis old friend, a deacon iu tItt ~ApaoIsn u ietluccsu r;e, bl'balUjbL f saine clurcb, is gtting on sincc bis lat 9l...l11-1 hie hitînîu race. Daviud the Christian religion as it really ia in ils bad attack of vertigo. He enters bis own Iifaflil wluien hie aid, "Ail m'-n truc atbractiveness, ail the people wpuld home, sud that is bis lait eveniug on li1rs.11lHe apologizes aînd says lie Peeept it sud accept it right away. The mrth. He does not gay .bucb. No hast UflUsUahi>' provoiled, aud bliat lie was ies the nations would cry out: "Gîve word. are ueeenry. His whole life bas whcn lie hurled ,,uclî uiversel cjt ulea! ii os, alitbl rabena testimon>' for God sud rightoois- -atioiî. "f sait]lin mv lintî," and sW)ietist u d gravionîs pol-rPut that luss.'Mr epewudlk eatn IlWII t, iiii lt ,;iIlv nanionentary tri- slon oitur iounds! Throw back bbchi@ îseiui<es tiuu any bugue or churcli 0f cs'îuiîîî Tii-r iseve &i<lelmttes fr tîa moiîig lght îould hiOld. The oiciating clergymanu sud uli ur- Therii ucu-, a dis'î ffIieforiin îi tat ilver sCKnock hegins bis r-iîîarks by ijuotiug fro ltée nsurd vrl li.rutan nory, a did (jvýoff ,eseChris ht i at u is erhammer. psalmist, "Hî'lp, Lord, for the godi>' man Il b5a1e niik euiployes detraud PIoconîfort. bis heaven! Give us Chr, ist catheth.frthoffîminh"ul fail from in t ai baiitk eiloyes. sud because gong. Christ lu sermon. CChristristboluheuidrenr ailte ielin." f vers ou tr- dnePOicev tii bn ave tiken bribes ta Christ liiiliving exemplie!" lu ook, han orl trh mîllîucuter of tsr b10mvetitîl1 lxili-en ink, bribes, an-J As a s>51cm of didactien religion ha, it'tatodmrbntiiiscai eut b*.etue div.,î " :s..u lre in tbe court ta pevta'"nied une inch utf rgress. As fbs stîlaoefcne u wdlt elieve that uit tfiot ail, marriag otre- tecbnica lity lbfg or îahliral-îlile on the stri-et wbcre bie did business, - itions are lt tbeosmrt-ta i a a nsd lu the orplînn nsylum in wbich lhé Ther ar îueîitvit, sem apiîv um-ates. As adogntism it is au fui (ail- ~~t~dnnî i h brbo bc Tmghe"a li 'visn-el: Ail m rpil ae liaAtrc. But as n tact, as a re-enforcement, hounan ottier, ndbontevohrclusfgcnili ýY ttOdoittjis-rt(.(: llmnarl ns a transfiguration, it hil te mightiest and beel<-ene and gooduess arc reerrad ftoundrolt. iîv,-, lilgrtitjes. M'ben a tbing tlîat es-or desccnded from tbhe ps-- oha but- direv-ior wii say ho bank direc- ni" câlé(f î 'rhilv î'ît,' i ui othesurface, eus or tour-beil the earth. Exemîîlity lb lu *O bmpel iaimt t-i l:ns ugc. ltelieo ngolmalo ngu omn. r, sud uterclinuit to mnrchant, and ShI tliu, il , iijrekan st gee if thlie et no < mn ora gbt i wlb. A neiglibor ho neiglibor, sud Christianuto sioez urs v ltwi reka fnew and m nooneea bli at Ik I.Ae"Y Chrbistian: "That is religion. Xes, tbnt Imming ds se e x isoayvisited a nnue lu Lundon trndisrlgo. 1100ur ora r.-nurrst.The grw ft funda mckandl dyiug boy. There was i eiin"ACagaMn « verinin. 'lic'joi li te devilà lu bell an oranîge lyiug oni hie boet, aud the mis- Te a Cmangcatd orMan igvr 12 Jsbiltiu n vvîr l-u-renîîy sud polilu- sionar>' sailli. "W'here did you get that Teelamî etu rsadn e> 00111. Inu.oînrse ispîroved Inn,>- orange?" Ile su: "A man brought il J'car you. Do not look at 1cm, for il fet.Il i- i, t,,luiuat t <isppintmeut. to me. lHo contes bore otten sud re-îs igbt be unuecessar>' embanrrassaient. ThÈ7 vwoaiî! reilhiî-r ,-;ýi:- vil iiihan gond. the Bilule b me andl prays witb me and lOuly a fe%- minutes ago hoi came dowu ch? j. Th"y are' îuAtutrlî-, prvnîferring carrion. brints u nie r' lbiugs-In-Put." "M'tint je the steps of as -happy a hume ns there la TheY Vouli il ieIl e Oîon îa eimilpee) i'ils nune?" id the ity missitunar>'. "~ Ii Iobs eor noflis ciel. Ftten yara Oad omu'îhing.- vruuag. riiey'wish thaI, forgel lislae"siiite sick lboy, but b>' roenvvs loot luis ifeatd hbil Sa *yegasses lhavei' ,,-eîî lîtented t10 :1- ho umakes greuilspeeches over l îa ishmin lorr1 îf n hT *rv ~ th Ie sihl ttud'vir trîuipels bave grent b)uilding." poiuîiig tlu the Parllit- dren. Wlist that %voman went tiirouch I'uponiug1111 rlui-ui îiigh I e liveuîe j ske, "'aslui ut meM r G u ll -.; sd itTei brert r ebsndsedrre h ecabl.îy b0e llrenlned t.f-p li)te bearing. a cor- ment Boeseof London. 'l'le nissioluairN-wt uoîe u rsrersetiii> 1 for the 'oste t brirg tîarer a rualodor. "Oh, yenq," sait] the boy, "tbat in bis naine, eti>'is-icli it would r-quire a Sbakspeare A ';îowîng Vicw. NMr. Glsdioeiue." Do you utlme n malor Victor IHugo ta writeontl lu lis- ev- Pmsslisni elysou the litircb "'Te eau see religion like thal aud net like t? mend3us avts. Shail I tellil? lie struck MAJol of te mumbers are hypocrites, An Illustration. tbe! esthe owsno wdestaho Lma-i r~ idthough il isnuineniporni udrantage te, There la an old-faglîioncl nother inaIae wi-visss.1lnntîe al be eue tii'rlîr-i.tulIee r amote 'chii h sstebr uthe orangce blssauîs tremble! 'lie stn.iu-k boaMeeu r t ruuî , ad l îîri. lii oses Priaps abcte oi. It ris teier' lie -made thebeautîltul holldaya*"a tlerinneil liatlb.' unllueuie <theai>'evenîug houer.has7ru76.spoulelté einrofuutterrur." Itîsteul of bis support- Pentmigmvay tha theinflliece O Il evenng hur.Throgliiug lier. sbc supported tâtim. The ciildr, a *Mipers is only ltend, andl lit thUiey re No. 8S@she ie rentling nauwspnitor until tlu- iîd often heunîl bim speak the nne of eeo ping the îvorld. ishenthue tact ls warldInc.ivlin site take lon i .I (.od butiever in prayor. oulinluprut.îuî- ftb« t.ylare the tiglitiî-st aiel>'f nr ornbook, calîculthie Bible. 1 know fru,,oii y hIv as the sadulest tbug on eart.h t~Ib ,aret of crime, sontthe spresd cf si.- the illutmination iu lier face ahe ini rendit gth, a hn u-t etoe oe It1 mn., une]the îiriuiâuipresls, soml rouîe ut the thauksgising plialms, or nî,î t 1 an in aoîîthe streethun e!a imrllgituis. lueiiitig thie ntionus fre. e. velatioi the »tory' ofthie bu-cite peari>'1 impersointion of ail ivretelbedness. hoe whole tenieur'>' of thbuuîgstu, owiird gales. Atter nubile shbe closes tbe b..,,k saw a sigu ut the door ot s Young-Me's iumn and the gospl of Smasbiip. WVe sud folds ber bands and thinki oser Ilie Chistiaun Association, "M.%eeting for Men Dayhd of te toit for îa haroxyist.t paîtanud sellmrs wisperiug the nainies ut 1;Onis."le u-eut in. hardi>' knowiug îvhy bemuse lhe apolzsforlit 'o lber c4ildren, some of thein on enrth sud lhe dit]B.adesiinb teI n théoetutriem, but itle la sdelilortl-le &orne of thîem iu hesten. Noîv a smiîol u sd aidl,;>'th oo,1u - taI nsu' br-einkrlii- sîiî,ui onherfae aîd oss s esr nutYoungn>' mani mun nasin broken i-oiee aud thât mu a vesgutasu thebmil o-nliertface dcowa te ba r. n 2bot- î,oor grammar telling boîv the Lord bsd ýq«el iauâtan anthul imsee e 'n u li tecme bhack 0 r.saveul bim from a dissipaled lite, sud the f«1W theIor ofthIe îessmisb were se- One minutee@lie socs ail the cbiidreimniatuut-nunan back by the door seld to bimself, s ocll>' uld long ngo liave goule liaou ewtbterby n ports "MWhy einnot 1 buave bbc Lord do thie sames d cit-ilizatitun îsould bai- sd st range questionings. Thoui she ,r- tregble?" ebsd hoaptdbiscaud saIl ~bu uunegedu-ib brbaist. sd bv meunb,-rs ses-oral of thent îlown sick wiîli a-_,ibe so i botu aesdsd *,bo ofthecenuri-s wuldhav tuned infaîtihe disorders. 'lhon she soes a short O God sii.bYtnaI! Iinuithave itht!" ~Wbe~ o lie cntuies souul ist bunedgrav-e, but over il cuit t martile, "Suf-r sdCi sl Voiuhnl aeil"tt bs* te te ibrk ages. A is-nuuug nîpres- thiem tb)oine lu nie" Then titere il"'-uuiihae il uow!' And themnaeutc i.Is ntade thiat beviluu-twou>îîî,n fnil-if>' V tW bauk uucouins thiosi- t vo, wronugn- isedding boum.anud the neighibrrs lu,' aud andTs-eut lhme a changed man. andl oeaar ba ,îuu'h tuuie tli iuuTl i îiî ihk îtpromiseof ut w'l i,"and thie deimaru :e 'lcht te chui lireni ut firist I baek entagttrue iumura jre t ' h toi.tuled front t heo lii botesteaul. T1honet îs"te andîtî tt0tI tuthbie motter ant i luega î lu 4' a*it lobmk iesa ivbuu iltîvf't u inttre uf harul lunes and scant iread sud sîrutr- cm>'wvit friglut lic-y s,,un sais-thuat the -deli ea ii atui yn ruul irti i tujrglu-. Thiei se i hinuks utfn ii- envvers ivt hifatliter wats tii<latu ut, man.'l'ltb hotu,- ý4I err n-i-floitoti ho lir --eti- gusb îof sunslîiîîu andl 1tbt of , d.rk hatît triiettrnti "l'aradise LosI" to "Par- ..s.t,. uîu.u tulsînc hîlisnditisand vitissittudes. Then ilie adi tgnuu. -Worth of lt u-hiviil lttiz lttheiios for kueîis(Ioua shiowly, tfr man-y y-ars luave 'The- oife siuigs tal] un>'long ntblber isork, theUMII t'ri. igli u i liitkiilfl t troke I tifeut- i te jolil. .and the iliesses <ut n for I she iuir n)y. and the chiîhren ui sh et P en the>' iigl iîuîi.have iulu'tht-n-lifîîtmne liave nmade lber hu-s suhil . 1-r ouitb i thli all nithe f6mst al iceofthlie -i-vms simd hailt tbîir cou-rîniy senItitinprayer tisaal otr f thii'uufr uruustatri- tnthitr's ke>' iiithe ticor lat-hlu welr-utue *ebauks of thte- lîtdauuor lte Ithine. It itlg grave ditrinut ail titose s-cnrs. ta it uniivitit -trt-s-es andi qutestiontf-i t h'at a men thiug inri lîti na utuure thaut titankg fuir t-hitiireti gooîh unul Cirist ni lihave you brotîgitt nie«f' The>- have famuils- and sI-nit- e nn it lra il tfr antug ud kiti. uin aîay-r fur thie wnidî-rintg pInners. Tii,»-anr- n ttîg-t lier oii thi- ruait .*-eUbut touily x-iii uhn li-ut t liy do ii,'. îîluouu aie luipes tri set' cotue b-t une ito lie vu-t. nd nt he -u -ji utrti->- ,of lil e is Mocg. R>'divitne ;tumntuig-iî-tli tu te it hieore bt-r depaure. Andl diteu er iover tle>' nl live turet ir in e2cs--hothir's 41 ts fantilies oft he enrthi tre nt pacti<t, trerubing lips speak utfte ]anîd utf-e- -onipnttiistpi. 'io ut tht-jr îarling -sud thim not of thitse îuleitvdiun nage unionu,n-heegteex(IecîobuUitet ler ehlrî-u tre titere alrendy.svitiuîg for Y-bgvm for euc t-l hîiîr iiuiit ' v atnfectin. - itvtd unes irl>' ranslated, anud utl--r ftîbr attdl nother tri tiîc u.uîu.. liat 1Themy ave lnscotctasinu:l <ifetrt-t-ts adtulliehiîg lte Lord ia ter>' simple h,igiige eltatgeti thal maui? Vbat ri-i-nrtruutted isce snd Ihore naiuelstuofît liut, ibatthueboîv mut-h she ls-es hlm sutud trusts lbi:u Ihalluone? M'toiat lok Itîat uî te w îo vaut majonit>' of ticure iti te conjugal e- snd boites le sec hlm salon 1 hear lber pro- ivuri a sinie cf ftuar ait(]h hudigi-ry andt lation. choeu-hbbcmoit i îuroîuniitoîeeilu- notuce thue quiet *"Amen." antîshe is"s mndeîli er aqutuen ouin throtue ot affetiont? bgclouîbip andt lre itappy>' inbtt relationî. tihta lutIle muore diltlettît effort tht-n i henurnaishisiter ail thnough thisa arrur- TOU boear- nolilng Of the quui(etuu' anulu hi- knéeuing thow-r. And then site puIs h-r hlMage'. 1 k-uovwhnlaI 3tu are setu>iiug: ir6ess of sut-thotmts, tbîugh thinutt but benul ou the pllihow for the night anud the 1 -bnt's religioni! les. îhut's eltu! Zeath wilh thora part. Buttune iouid utfnuigeis of safet>' and pence stantd sentii My Lord auud nu> Coud. gis-e us muore ot il! raaintalildisesîril uîîkîs the ctars of a Iln about that couchinluthie farinhouse. u..t tucat, antd perhapei ut a lhemisier-. ulenî. lber far'e esen and l inshowts signe of Seeklng Capital. Tlhe one lIer thîit oîgbb nuver ho bave dreauns about the bons-eu she rend of i?- The drutttier Ivas going over a Jerk- beeu wrihterî. priuted in a ucu-spaper, fore retiring. n-lter rutmond lu thie Southi ho a ittie makes more talk than the. millioîns ot lob- lu the monning the dny's svork bas hl o- nweeh a utne.I a ters thalt ron-ulflite hostoffices tand wu-igb gun doistairs. sud su-tcd nI the table biushr h aha0soiir hiu dotenathe omtli carriers usitut expressions Itue remnrk linmade, 'Moilther mst bavet-1rough rhîllug undl ut ote extra jar ndt of honoît loic. osersleptliterself." And bbe gmuuel-scraîie hoturuîcd to a man lubbe c sat itark, froar the Tombe. dren aise notice blat graudmother lsaeh- belttld hit. Teintai, lte grent lituusla author. la bout froin ber usaht place at the tble. "lis Il alu-nys lîke thîs?" ho luqulmed. - gwhen lio prints a b'ook for the de- One Of lime grancbildren goos ho tte foot "Mighy rieur l," n-as the repi>'. ilieofut brnage. If you Observa- ut the stairs and cries, "Graudmother!" "'Dou il es-or go off the rack?" bau put you in an attitude of deplora- But Ibere ls no assîser. Feariug saine- '1h used lo, and I'un boplug Il n-hI for theé marriage state. one ut two bbiuug us the mîtbr, tho>' go up ho se and agaîn" la trete lu regrd ho yuu->'ou have ai seemsIIIh-te peclaeks u d Bible -neaiomn"exlie h lis'ben îfortuuale lu your acqusînt- ounte stand, sud the eus-crs of the mb "itrudter, wabl do , man!"ecanedt - ,,or you yourself are moraîl>' rot- unre smoolh, andl the face ia caltm.lber dumr wa oyuba? Th sorid, ot as rapid as we wrouhd white bair ou the white pihou-csse like "No haraiho yen, 1 hope." ut fflwit long strides. ls on the gnou- ongnou- alread>' faien. But ber "'Welh, yoen don'h talk lîke ILlb.In sure - .théees tfbeantitude and Ille-suul la gone up ho look upon te thingi I don't waut an>' wrecks." lic ty wbieh 1the Bible dlpct.Thte ma that te igbî betore she bad heen readiug "1 coutld stanid a fair-suzed une." -«hbo caunot sel thhis n roug, elhbr la of lu the Seriptures. What a transport- The drummer couidn't uuderstand ils heurt or liset or spleen. lut look ou hon dear ohd wrinkled face! bis felow traveler and asked for ex- , -Looki at théegreat Bible piclure gshhery, She bas @eeu the *"King lu lts hoant>." pau ILLINOIS INCIDENTS. ýonLnaaatd6tll dad vhli Co.J. R. Thomas' n-lu il-esprobated ah SOBER OR STARTLING, FAITH. Mtiteoitah. He eave. $400,000for .0v- FULIV RECORDED. enieeu beirs. Thomas t'icnihn. a fermeur near Jac-k- sousicl, wus killeu b>' a falling bree white Lacon Flrm in Trouble-Fatal sport tÀuu>)piiug stttod. OfS&*Itooltioy Reu-. NViiorhmelseaveo> Jerri- Ilamiîtou. a rtuoious crook, Jacknouî-iîte Siddenly-Sraugc Re- i-ho tiruke jtujî-ifT 'erre Haute, n-as capî- covey o Stlen atth. urcult(!l i> truti. coter> of Soien Cibie.Delastuilelin. u(If uitu-y, aged i19. BaerBrthri FitteSell. 'oitîil led ;i gît t itsui ila udaultttm bét-ause TeBker irter Fumanabugersti. i jittiI Tsy iîluov-r. 'huoçe I lt'url --tirtiiriiuttuti- s-rt tuttri E. TuiLer vs-. u-riIiî-tî-d nI Dr-c T tr (Tîs)i-us îtfmiti-e nt lit-rut la iiis i erfli '-rdrtiI - tilsn.Hn -l i.1 the lu- ttisti iitordrltu-if Marshlli pîit-tuîl u-frheîls--. ly. ver- i(,!fiàtilý;roffre hei th viil Ioseidî A. - iotr. [cruiri>' cf Caiinl- iv-t ut!tvt rig,-tltuir iSSu -t' iti ,Ifr cf the- Itttiratil jtuitant ila îu>.ly- s t~ttîutsihott, eyits-oui-e <vru-t-n 5 itgeierautr il it-,t aINi-is-rk. N. J. $M.tuOItO inus agi-s utrtuiîturs. $2.u>0 ttuttai- Tiriuglt flic fuiirc- ot the Vauîdulia u,-ss iuttu -f lb ti lut utî.- ntul i ttristu u4isf (il> ctuii-il tuagre-e iiuthIle priteo tf dollatrs t : i l r utLu. it t-<tusiter ot the t- rt-et I tigebi ieuy is initeibtldamkness naillie. 'if-ut t-ira tutft-cllut Irai-k uiglu s. It-se tttui-hu-i 'lit utuehsiutr-stmen. A 11. t'. WJisontibuts u-igni-tilnssecrebt'>' bruther *if Gie a- iliur.tiharu ilut ru0is-ii, r(tftfhicYounuug Miî t'IristiinnAssocia- 51 tai-hes-i uuutr ue I tt-teirhyItl>- Ttcthuagoiutn ut Bltucttiîîgtii lego to Elît $a~gi- Mio iiàu-ttuTsr. iPautl Itrilriu"iu. trhe tîu. Ms u lilahlhi-s s rru-.25ta. Ni, viuse im E<l s-s il 'urcr-rrrt rusrus-s qelrntaQutit- assigut-d fuir tbui r ruileti deitamirtu-e. trutna t-l.rgu. itf1,teI inug fi fliei buits cf Dodged Itis Credilors. bttIer ftnutfichlr- Titagri. Buriiutou uand A grü-tt -omitussuionuluta i',istirri ittu (l2uuiau-y Itailrcurd deist. inu Jau-ksortsille rmiligirtrseir-l,-s lylu>- le Sturtîli tx huartaguujttbnku-n uout ut EnsI stîdueut ilt-iturttî i, theti ti-i-.t utTht -.'.t ltto Zt,'randthet lt, oii-tio < utlthi lins i'. Vutrihs. ushurt -rîe rutu i h.-t Ntîial, rdelired-hetipiublic- sult-,rtl lomeul. Il in twssu, iti go.tart the iii- titrttt-of ti- salittlit <vu- i, () peoptle wn-ri- txpoedî. Fursb Iîiiiptr t hui--lu. e1<-utruai-ir.- hpoli- 'i ui- i- s i tiar,-. aeti -"t<'ltit aiser uiar fuir afini(an luootîuk utatniritiettant 1lit-s -r;- sanutedri nt Efli -rgtieii farrsu té- iii pubhlir- afuirrr. .Abouît Ihi' t-ndlof tuhhe u-iitg, ascca thIuts-l uîî. arrivtai of the firsst yen r of his -toutr satt- Ili- bu-utiitut sherif. us-ho hîtid huewus t îot the man bimnîu is- tut, - -It tii ig his fatht-r %usa vted. sii-k tiniuuliiuli- uion tii ii. A fier 5a lut a da inn gusutit t i ix un forirjutries hin itethe ititi gil biuindi-ti.huitt flie-bor- iiiîtil si-e-k. Il arr>- S%%isu r us-us n uunid owi-ng ust-tt rtu nt]ndlue rrutit,--ed iun gel- $9,7 n gui i tthte Ilitnttis Cenralîhtiui i biumg si-ii-al biuiut-atidotltlarst u~t in t su t- seintrul ialil(tiîî ts t aarded ttS,hMtt; a rtîgi ng fr-ttuî$ZI i dlin. TIlis tutu rht-hi ti-cttrial bits uet-tigrauit. nienuhens ,ok hile te task. uand he deciared Tt irusu< iu-suîur>. ult hue n-as Jta>iig duitir is rînuîtî-îita get- w losn nhiremoy nte bin mod> lu- iti tuir i t >-.iltt c <1' 1r--tinles- If S1tlair t' tut >'arc tin rad fu te iiiiitr. ut ietod hi- meeniii g luigo vii aî t itu'fuir utalhher so niny roilli-tingstoris flnt li vi- st-taIle out suageri. as thsel.i mdg ase feil r r-sigiut. ushijulie d'i d. île -nu'- imot itiIftit ubîrid inutCet-utrainl tiiiaiid inthelt-ity fttm a ilfitie, eî-î-iihuth> Norîlen lilltris. sua tciitg forr t itiau-e f)tut teohis uneil-- ilius, Ilit- it î trîîîifl hiit ot,- îhursulss- At Rifo urut l.cruî Fntuirue teVon- ntu gî.but tfotu uîl-ur o ttei o i utfrointthe du-tîr F'ranruk I 'rlo,of tufhe Northusest- train. 1h,- prîtnî-ud lisinniuuoc--e et buy crut hond, for lT.11for kno-kiuîg bus-o ut lutlet bi,-i l rftîrîati nutal>' lires ailt4l iu;s bueth lu ut. "liîejury lrougbt lui a ver- oni the-ii ti, ltbilîtuo-tf. lie - iaitil uttil dito- urtht- ituiff ut $21 uloi t rif tier itruitg suluiiii- the it-liuuuted ilîthe Ili i tg ottI t-t ours. Thue case ilihilho Aluont. vtîtetu-f-unir. îtrtt. uiiuuv l'urdir uot Nltyon Mtillfet îîll utfte Soid itiolen Illinouis Cattic. gý«irittg hbontrs,us trt- tloi-cul ut D>eur. N<t I-rnz gitiîftlut-er of ien infic Tejlh- v lure tu pnutin i-let-ilndtile police ne.mterri parst if 'tIorgani t "uttb- it iisu-i nvsbututi te tnl-,* thlîir tl ut> n iii itcdis- uîumuît lier (f -a'~uiltle ftnuut lutnii ttrc-s, a tt s-luitrgus. h e 'ft,-gttîulers trelu o esbarved la t-l> ii utie aniais ittNi ctutt-î it) itinutit. tutt and it is i kils- li ttieluarltbrnahia vcm>' unî-xîa-tttd usut>. A maîn cill i uir %usili bucurrnhu su-abtî nd ur uuii. ltigueit Jamutues Retu u-msonut ook a tlotluf E. Baker, (iftinlnts-uu. Nid., ingliltuled teoders tii Sb. Louisl. but bflic eautlers tri tic hi-uteecil itgs sgairist Eniuîumuel iVitter. a saie gent ttîthe - u,>- ulmnttte tht- btuk oftn,1Il-kiiownu citizen tof Fmu-îîîrrl. eiaiîning Iltuekeuhuli & elliott i Jacksonîville, $5.001. Vitbu-n. usho is 75 yeurs ohd, a nd ga vu-e t-rnit urtitrsu ttty the li yi n tu-'ta iiitlet-ntuthtnofethtit-pluitili t Lini- tîn il if Roeu-rtstonuu-as alt iglîl. 1le(u-,]a t eu Years ttc-t. andl atters-trdldesemî- u-uihed. but tuilculluios-r e biraseit, or hocr huier. lie trieîi bu, set-ure natus-once,1but ldet-ilhed, thituguulhe liuaitîrofessed ti.failed. lMrs. Witten lis-es isithiebur soit ah hrleug teuonuti' ile iuî-sbttuinilies oft hint iico antIlte suit Is brouglît lu ne- vicintyi. A iautfrruuî W'us-oly,biseut>' eusrrbler bordn. nmiles souuihulent, tattgîlIt e uctîe in St. 11ev. W. C. sîhîtus. of Jucksoun. 31ich., Lousandl sr,lul henui ofumiers in bis tn-eutbDespîanes to filut vacane>' us iieighborhood aîîîd tiuoylire beiîîg calicd pailler naheuiC oîtgregatiuinsl Churcut. for by Ibeir futs-ut-m. Who flemami etîl- Afler preucbiag Siua>' night hi oino- ing ituseif Itcliemteou is nu une kuto s hlainoîl of nlot feeling u-eli. Ho greu- KilIlcd by liuChuni. notrme andla uhuctor protuiuîccd bhieaih- "Dot"' Luke nîd Des- Day. twe 14-cear- meutnt aial-luox. Tbe citizeus are vcry oid boys uluoso pareats are noiglibuns uîuch excited ouver thie case. especilly sud stio hit lbteu bruîugh up bogeter, those of bis congregation whIo attendcd nwbile nut liir îvay huome from scitiiol netîr itutreit and whio sucre no dotîbt exposcul (ligden bct-.tîme ctnged ut rougit b>, lu bb th dsease. Atcurting fiu the. stuir>' îuuîuby humichbîys' Rot. Willianm C. Spencer. ut Freeport, e-uîuaîiîuî,s, Dieu-sunster ltefiiub>' has cvoked a grent du-ai of enfment b>' a îuîtslîlug Du> iltu f uil ihi nt tht- side utfjsermIn hutiicit lie suiuh: "The flime then ihe ruond. - lii>'etutrîuu-l the roîîuuplimueul, 1lIme <hance is inutuiged inru listen aigond anuTtiti-Pt>iui tc-ltu tuta iiiil IDulie, iiio jpieuple outîg)luie i nlitedl.An>' huesure liattlrigitîu l> hugunutil. bet-tai- gra tlubitnt keîus ibs noîries uupt)until temai nu r-nt-îl. tutu I îuiii igt sui aitpotukk te huturs o e itersra iîug hlm augurous hoebite t ta-t T -l i i t ,uI)ra'i-u ab. T'ieitu ir.body. > -Lut nittell i , otu. utcantît toîu'h u\ s nru-pti.liattelv ukrlîttalonh lu y i liili:tily funu vltliruibTusiîii urneiu. Il is uot tossl- ur-u t1 tu.jtt tt-tt-t. ti tt't uttTttluo fle fus- ald- tus gu inttua tiaiirtuiînîn Th orr -Tt it-frttt--rf blîttulsttlx- - s\4 ua tuuutibîr rft tutu-t but tteir crins s-- t-->îrtrurîr- turu itit Lîttirrîtirf troutiti lis-. tr<huug ii-r. tnuiltumt tu toe 4lta-rrit-tig t <ui- s-,îîte ot lut-r %visonaiihy uutls Ad Gruno Ds2islir ioii. Ifl s rb ft-tuflit a ihtolj)is realizeul La s t t-i-k Protf. Lu-t, a ut> iinttb. gave t-o ,- itballuki, us-i hutt is-eis. >-e soun-tt hig su-t-s ik- tti4 fotuune--lia,,s-îhetî linthe I)i<uurruthe uitggeiiwi-t trtNjr.Atdrt aItu I ir-t-i-rf I<- -luhi l)îmîuiti-r. su-bu ied îîîtrt l-,atr- -,ulnittt-ilsu tht tttitie Lt-s-s a 'tu ittu Nue-. 29,. 181ut.B>-a ibecisicuti 1lu prets(,)j.(t(1 tid f theu-Ilinouti s Sut hrt-mu-Courtl t hese l iu s bu lt lu it ru t>- I rnaithtterpesrformnce t-s. fii t îu,îusî s-slit egahi-c-ni u-uum (iuf r. lit- 'L'o ir dcltrd di wliilse lerloer jru etfflc tit f i- ItesehliiiCi-me- titi- slit-tuflitctt'ijttuut> luft tir <'i-truiat-i -nlay l oprto vtha utud site su utiti folrte. ShtI- wt fi)b, ~ u-- ttttil5 uitu n(KOIuu nd rt sim asI traitn f-rrtirhurt ofrrer ut l-uts atutI liers- ituti a t-I ittui cf 14u ch utîli s $9_)0),000 îîîrulu-s tî,uk - lritu-. "lThegirl usat-huerl i ittl, siglr- yu-r. Titi.t-ti-e-huis beeihum iier- thance - aloit us-ucut dfs-uilihome atdîîth igri tutmotrets- it t sut li -urs. tîuuk Ititi'tratiuîttin -iiitglitiii -Ci-tun utii ia. A S iila'Tinttugi-suit tutus hogumuan t _____________ Iletut ty 'T. Ni. NIoouict-l1îtlgninea Record ut the %Weck. nituis-Wiliaîttm uuruttiiiii. bis încle. 'Te ('asis-)u 12ltutrig utuillluta bîs-'idi- "hsuti -n itt u%- o t n î-iautugî malle Tu Jîirtt.fti b i-p; ul cf20,0t1X)i. s-u ulujtiu-uiitituilis t iti - Su-tond uturi s-titIbu iss Aîu ut u i tl.ut Bloottuuu Itltist Cîtr-i. majui Niooiiybam is iligtonu. tui-,tutflte tuî tuhri i ti-a uten ao utiîernî ili- Seveal ar oidsof rovsion, ec.,nuis tutuT.l'U . 'iu(oieyiaiu is es-eutbettes- iciru îbi11i-i frtrt otitcho luîoî;1 I tiSu.lie %sias i n lte egisatimme ulîcn clu - - pedfu-t <u . - - etoLi liDaviid Datvi l i sel"u'h'uiSenator froim le.,it u t h datuuIlino bis sbu-toutCir-urit Cierk simd Stuîe'g IIjrtti'Agrir-ultîtrai Buturd acepu-tbtd Auturnuey anti sias lis îîîut's canidahte plan ts fin n-usStatbe fuir bilhdinigs, 5ihîii ti 'uînt> .1 u<geal the ast cieubion. are estimateil to cust $24S."1). But are tîronîluent clturcbuueit. %Maytur Himbeblus, of Itocktnrilluas beoit Janos A. l-ostem, vodsper fm investeul ulit powser he mîtke reovaîsl tu-udsaacrdta ecsn. Lut-unioser fouir ycars ago. bsn hbeen nI siilli hi> sutAhîrellabteurt dcso. foturnil. Fît'uer, usho is i32 yearui ohl. loft Wîiliam Grmeil, it taruter near Fielitru, bis ss-ui-iunîrurseul fitninouteigit> acres, isas tbroinutfront bis waîgonîantihitulhurt-e tnn r 'Varnaî, Mtîshaih Count>', humOchu- ris-ubrokeut nîtîl is in a t'itit'cuitcodition,. her. ISIX) o. g t o eiu.uia. fore ho Uit- A freiglitt traitn collisioni ouific W'nbash tiidet l utrtiesuupmic onles-ainmetit, pshd ru-ad luotr D1)uuuluscansîîT sdatutlaue 'tf bIlthîtel hliatttddisappenreui as if thie $5,(M0 asd utdem> tut seserît ihon.tus-ate -afhob nul(Iswalhosued i huli. Ilis fauil>', bsaie. us-bulirc îseîthî>nd proumitrent.searcheul (Chatrles G nfron, a îunuuuîîiuîunî vîîuîîg unvuenusiuigly ftîr hlm, speimdiimg thîusautus druggist ouf BIooi-ititgtuti, îxpireih surîl- uf dollarns. lie ivus gis-emu up for iîend. WHAT JLLINOq- EG AÂcomphshed hy Thoee Wisý Our IAaw-How thse Tisaiu p Occ1îjed Durliitths e m"W Doînge of etate nu"s Tuesula> the Sonate 'sud Housa bled jolithi>'o halloI for Unbtad ésuuistur. But tu-o nominations uiade--Siteiby M. CuIIom by lihe clins and Fank-ilu Maeeéngt l Demricrahs. Air. Cuhbom waîs elet4 strict parc>' vote. Mauylbilau-mr- duceu li bethi branches. Oneio ian inîcrest ho the physîclans. t fmom lleps-esenhntis-o Kilcounsé t gto sud prosides for the erection o pibal for the insane of Western lui1 lb ln thé samne bill introdaceil br enlative lPayne at t helc urt session. passeillte I-bouse. but was kil in Sonate. 1h le ho ho a bornopaltie - pibsi. A sensation in tite Seute Wéd tuas an allai-k b>' Scuatun Homer Mt Genennîl Grant for Isis attitude CiencraI Joli n A. %MeChernanul. Thé ouemib sion ma% te considerahion o!ftce u>~. lions todopîcîi b>' the House asklug*be Senbons tîand iepneencatives ilaCous- greis- l oie for lte pouding bill for' pesioni ut Generah 'il-Clern&nd. An,~ te hiis introîiuced !l the House was OïW., b>'.%Mn. Moritîsouu pravidiug forthcies purablout of polibieul parties aud ide ai tho niethoul b>'whicb te> shasl bold p amy cloctions. Senlor Leper litl'd~ a bibi ho proihitit fortunéehohlung h o catit of future évents sud thc discié' t< lost ImoperI>'. lb fixes penalties for vie - lation of the provisions of the set. Thte Senste Thiursula>' cu'ated t1tren, new ecmumittees-on farm drainage,. Lia 2,1 cuhu'gumonument and iait sud gaie; tic', lis t fîsarnuing committees beretofor-é r.- portedi u-s adopted. The Housç ' re& mcolutions as fobioe: rovldia tihbc submtissiou ho thé people of a "iWns$4te. ioutai am cumul eut prosidiug Ihat ibe State shail raie ils revenm u byiat- Ilit- proportion ite value of thé pr-owel'~ ther- vaiull e Io e ernilnéd bv' tise g... assembi>'; asking htht he cominittein Qat pituah sud retonmuator>' intttdob. iustruched tho iuvesigate fu11>'yh. i-.W ju-ch of cous-ici haitr. ltay bills Wcie1, introduceul. hoiug reaul b>'title onIy'. -o13" branches adjourned util -Tasida>'. Romance or Punklik 13011010 r Thte old ul okg bad gone 10 ijéd. aU Sue sud 'Muandy> were lu the dm hItt parior, whtere burned a elow u<s - slzziiug hickory logs la the old-tgWOW eti is-opiace, The wintry b4goW lu te oid farma-house tad thè l4w-~ rattican sd a puif of amoke now ~t' thon came downlte cbutnacy on a -i hun trip and circleultmIasytd4 the rooni, but Sime sud 'Maawfr 4RU- numînu il. The>' vers sittioitg tbqj ,j togéther. Site, with throbl*at nad faltering longue, hîti self, andi 'Mandy b ai l éoe& aud wlth dovuat sye. silmneent s-toie buIn àSsuai MdA4>i parénti>' accidental way alofl1 e back uoflies'chair. "AffI xou'hl ba-vo me, umadr Ïyres, aime,' 1h t as spo#en isofly>, but Sluom ea* it, andl ibere vas s sound i ke tIwt - a quart of colti mush oli lUMS; loisU-' 1>' wltb lite aide of a brick b9#Me -t Thon tbecetlwiart yougmurecejý ered hIinseif andi nose-tobg tefon. "'M1anul>'," e stidu, wvîhti téeuikg $ bearlng of a man accustouued ta ebwUt,r *ltit buslness-ilke promptneas la *11 the grent eniongeucies o!Ilite, "I'. et 10 go ho Chicago neit Wédaday wltls fouir cus--iads. o! noge, andêti S S1 iqm* mtarritiIte mornla"and maire i trip bogether." A Tusein Ghir's fower, . A girl in aiways allowed sacrtig limie per- week ho %work for ber- dowgl'-- and genenail>' brings ber busatnta boul, -ithtu-o or more paIrs f etul~ ieteeanad a wadded cuver-jet, a cbmt «'assone), and froin £10 to £25 lau Mogmy. Sitoelias usual>' a good stock of body~ lîten, bu-o wlnter worklng dresses, sey- - es-ah cobton omie@ for suommcer, sud at east une holiday dresa. beaides nev-r black sik weddlag gown. Evérjy peu,- utît gis-hlbas eusrings sud a nueckla'ui. (vezzo f scvgral os o f Irgu1arly- shapeul pearn sor- of red corai. Th*- riches- ones uns-e a golul chain aud watch. Beose the marniage a valuer- (#hms. - tuo) I ale nIeun, who makes ont a 114 of lier possessions on stamped papes' wblch ha givon 10 the headman of ber future bushaud's famliy. SbouId em lue left a cbilltless 'wldow, ho reurn»-- the dower, anti abe leaves tI» lbouse.-Maemlhlau'a Magazine. ftrestr.tng fllectrlicaI Expém"an.5 The munt aslouishlag effecla may is - uroduccu b>' the simpiest meaus. Take- a sheet o! coanse browu palper Aaai a!ter holding It betor-é lte amlietitl- il Is perfectly dry, fohl il lut. a 9bat strip of about tu-o luches whds. Tbe iiugnet la flou- compiete. To embiui Ils -attractive power,. eul nome dupe8 uf writlnir paper about three hlu<** icuutxiuutý 4.

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