CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 9

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*UM aperons Who are wSk, tirei, aud ail rua do"n, owlng tu lm.- UaImaPovelshed biood. Bood's Sar- pai s dvitajîzes t-eblood a"' *U5 Wàtde off d4eaae. MOS Pilla ours nafses. Blok headscla. ¶lés*s il b. uoid et one tar, round t7 p oin t uhIn T en n e e., K entu cky . osthe line of the Loulevili. & and Nashville, Cbattanooe & Railrd1ýoâ u aauaiT3<b. As .urtietae about k. and If h. PElltuioreAleneut, lor G.,oW 0. PrincesandPrnes. Èhe bqllsh Dire to rend about princes sa" prtneses, to gosalp about their dohio>. and to uU.tbetem for cere- *Ïâalo% but their positive Uiklng for * hM bas narrowAlimits. They wilU b fot 8110w them any political influence; they ne desperately Jealous of their 91ai1M la affpolutmenta, even ln the .&My. tiough princes MI1 these falrly Won; MdI;f they wiiI not, when tlley can. beP lp1,, wote them any money t10 Uv. on. It Will by and by be slmply Impossible evea 1081k parliamenta for grants. The »MIl English feeling, w. sbonld bave Mid. la llilited 10 the soverelgu and ta taose Who must suceffd ber, the tume rather than lte royal famlly being *e truc object of the nation'@ re- pr.4espectator. ]People Over Stzty. Frimbas more persona over 60 ycsraet age tban any other country. relaaaêmes next. Wafth Your-Daughms.- idNkture bas pi-ovided a time for purifiation, and if the channels are baructed, the entire system is pagnaed, and rnisemy cornes. lmgularities frorn any cause, at any age, are sure indications of organic trouble. With irregularities corne disturb- - ances of the * stomach and kidneys, violent headaches, sbooting pains, etrme Lassitude, waxy comn- plexion. u Remove the trouble at once, or a who,'e life will bie saciificed. Il4,dia E. Pinkhams Vegetabe Cm - md il accomplish the *work sMedily. "It is the most effective rmn- edy fer irregular or suspended action known te the svorld"- àMm. Gîte liimes, Boa 212, Duacannon, i. Mm CGreatest Med icl Dlscuvery of the. Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, 8810 OKNNEY, OF ROXIJURY, MASS,, Hm ias scovered ln one ot our consmon 1~trweeds a remedy tIsat cures cvery ItNdtH umor, rom 3e moist Scroula dowuioacommon Pimple. Hie bas tried it in over eleven husdu-ed cases, and neyer faileti excepti n two caises (bhthunder humai-). i-e has now in Ns possession over 1w-o huadred certificates of its value, al mithin twezty miles et Boston, Send postal card for book. A benefit s aiways expe nced from the iist baIlle, and a petfectcure is mar- ranted when the riglt quantily is taken. When the Iungs are affected il causes dbooùlng pains like needies Bmin throngh 13cm; tle samne with the Liver or =osea. This Is causeti by tise ducts being stopped, and aiways disappeats in a wek after taking il. Read the label. If the stomach s foui or billons it will « use squeamish feelings ut first 'Ne change of diet aver necessary. Eat thue best you can gel, and enough of it. Cose, a"s tablespoonful -i n water ah bed- tim Sold by ail Druggists. 1 iujoe-ci fmonsCoarr1î of the turet On a ereu-r,îre a boy, a" 1inarr ,-Itprt) fer cia-o. 50< BIs Ci-ait"fm Da j *euste do eeit hal. Many ooffli<tauic. hure .-Omr Catrum.. 4i il r- ;C ,.. Aesale, <eucau, M1 MCATARR'H mlZ AgBALS!0 lotuu uaa, b a.Al"PMainf u5mmalinaHat the. sûres. Proais abthe abriue rum toi a. as- -s t.hb e ef*ut ansd ami. ll. iB-1i. A Voutice le ta igaied Ira asen ustllisud t. mres- 531.. primne, .5oas a i alorbli, mail. is. satraasleWrrenu stet, New TorSt daIm - 1,a4m»In he tis rou, and buru $asn asStove-PoUaoh la Brt- aht u ntusd Durable. ehispackage -Siodsx cao;Whoumolsh.aed VII uni gaer) bxe.etPmse Polai, 14 MWA~AL SALE Of 3,000TOMS 'Mr 6W U&fbWIPE OU ai.l Mnâ ii end=iMisoa b ere GUATEMALA. 13- good, tbougb mafny western couatie. _______rsport.oinjury by drouth. Nebraska le- potsecudition fait, but plant nsele tain Belleft ta fille WIII B<ttte tise Bound- lnu rnuy coîuttes. lIwa conditions vary ary ispue byTakng Pssesiongreatly, ail kinds of conditions belns ary Ispue byTakng Pseesionfoîînd. It wili averalge about fair. Wis- of Guatemasla and *Iaklns Ita.Mez- cousin reports fair condition generally. lesta State-Nieugua Bill Pa...e*. lu mont places the crop lani-cii protected. War Clonde FIylng. FAVOR TH-E CANAL. Mexico City advices su>' that if Mexico Ts Iaau IIPse i cae lu pushied into the ight ov,-r thse iternia- Th 1 ic0rgua-ill Proses thons. e thouai boundur>' lier poiley willibe. les out- 3 o2-t rvso» Iined front the tiret hy' rieneral Diaz andTi he bill plcdging the faith of the United bis cabinet, tu the effi-et lia tdii dispute State-s tu di) thse crstruetion of the Nica- and other l1111e maltera willlieb.- aetled .tuaî canal pasaed the. Senate b>' the de- once and forev-ir, andî the neceiar>' cjive vole of 31 yeaa tii 21 uuys. Il iras m@61na ueed te thât end. It ia prophealed th, terininatlon of a debate wlsicb bas li somne quartera that Mexico wiil setule lîated saice. the preseat session of Con- the boundary lhue by ilquieti>' appropriat--i B9beKan. Itliras, lloreover. the firat lng lhe whoie Gliatemalau repîiblic as a rînlixation inb etlier brandi of Congrets Part of the United Slates of Mexieo. with of tlieitant projecî wu long and vigorousi>' the City' of Mexico as il. capital. nnd urgoti for a canal joiîiiîg the Atlantic and witb the chief exemuliî-u of tise Mexc l'acifie, mii he United States goversi- Din standing as sponîsor for the execu- lion oft he îork. Tise finÏf vote wtas not eeunred tintil 6:30 o'clock lit nigIsI, but, niîtwitbatanding the lalenesa efthle hour, tl:ere iras an exceptionally <i Senale, owiîg thelb.interest feit iit thse culmina- lion of tb. long discussion. The Nicar- îiuuau miaiter and inan>' olier diploinals interested l nthe projecl isud seuls ln thse dilmtegalierica Ibroughout lhe vol- lionteman>' aindmenîs aud the iw:Allen, Blackburni, Blanchard, Caf- fv-ry, Cal], Cockrejll Daniel, Davis, George, <ira'. H[lli, hI-b>, Joncs (Ark), Kyle. Mills, Palmer, ' effer, Pettigrew. Turpie, Vilas, Wolcott; total, 21. Bedides < t iiese Smitb. Coke. Harris, Lindua>, Nlur- lin, Mitchell of Wisconsin, Raonch, Veut, ve iciry, Hanabroiigb, Pasco, McPberson, Teiler, Bale, McLaîîrin aud Voorbees %, ere pired ogainat the- bill and Stewart of Nev-ada wsa preseul îand not voling. In uineuding thse bill itiras provided thlat oni>' Ainricag goodq and muteriala 1'i1L.IDENT 1-0'1711110i DIAZ. bliouIdliebusued outhie canal; tbat ever>' - dollar of stock sbouJd represent a dollar reîîubiic us ils i-tlt-r. lu an intei-view ecxlèpded; tint the aggrezate cotracta s»iîb the SlVzidoriai niuiaîe-r,. -4u .1a-- shah eecedTtUlO:tbnt so-c-rpo- cilub Caalellan,,s, bie aaid tisatihe conaid- ration in wicIs sockislders are ihteresl- eied tbe final duslration of iur ugainst ecdshouid do an>' 0f 1ework. An aniend- Gluatemala aq a calainît>- whîcb ought lu nient requiring the work tu be douc by lSe avoided if çms.ib)le.,and irbicislhe United luttes cilizens tsorking ight thui-a, iili lie avertedl by tise final recoc- bouts a day iras defenîed. nlition of tise juisti-e of Mexjco's dlaimts. The bill hi brief dlirects tie issue of $70,- It wiU bu reîîu-rnbured Ihal Sialvador la QOff.000 i Nicaragua canal bonds. LacIs Ir. the position oîf a frieudi>' neigihor l to fthintu heur tise following uuarlin- Gjuatemajla, and 6oo tîjU use ail ite iioda- tee. "The United States of America -untto hreat -t lb,-the re. guawate.a tuthie lIs Nfti l older of tibis The hupe of <,n.sîmala for fornsing a bond the. psy nîf nby the %Iaritillie C'anal MAI SIOWIG 11F.BOUNDARI LUNE BETWEEN SMEXICO ANDS GUATE- MALA. x WVIIEIZE MEXICAN TlbOOl-SAIRE BEING MAS-SElD. C--',tai Ai-triean uttitu against 3Moxico Companyi, et Nicit-agua. ofthlie prinîcipal iri tise tresen i-î lt setîeuàa to bue growiîag of saisi bondulndtdhie iater,-st accruing lt-saind lt-s tviy (dsy. Tie miîalslci- ofthIereon. anîd as il accrt't-'Ai, addîition- Salvador bas ku;tt!lis hlimitte gtîîrni-ent ai of b()î5 uthonids is oliebu issue,] va -il irîttrineti uof lit,- iigha spttritlouthelIa. l itontthe Unili-d States gtîirataleu. liae siItae ,-it-an iiuleo' i-r lise junte- ttLal $10,5Si I is tead is lu lit i. ttlaîI ipia nditt'dathI e actit iy oft-htuaI u-d in curaslrtitilig tlle ici ter-tics-n nic i.:aai rnueal ini ~t.hing forwatrtl pi-c[ara- &canal. Titi' .ci-chary ofuthé3<' r-asui-v n ton, fur alo tir toiths finish. Thtis wiiItif t,, have geiteral supttrvisaon of hlîlrîject. liitag i-iu ilr, t t iet-itastclttf Saîl t-d,.- A. board of fi flte i i iocloi-s is tu bavi tu or lt-e tîlii- '-utitii A uit-rit-an reîtutit- nediatu- charg, uto ite a urk. if lIi, l'iesidenîlait.t of Gutaa, is tuai- b-ard Ithe 'rîstdeuîis lu di-siguantu1teut et] bv saouteî-af th ise tr repubi ici ontar-tie ti-uibua . unore r liai liio triaîa tIsly tn t-trat t flhi a ul t intemtiubîon tuls: l'e rî--S'ttte. Thie U-nite'd SI tt cs is lu i-ccetit ut uîil Ce-ntrail . mat-a-i s] u i de- %ý70,qffl,4Ji' f tttlal tiîii rstock ii-e-c niant]',carryi as.ta cîveglatt iilth t-aeu bsi .etil'îid ai Lisv. aîker neiglilîr-s. ~ - Rumhinti Troop.. lu tisa Fi-ut. The M giaau ît trnent ia jtislsed s... ~- <ruas forci-titathe Gi at -ialaîii fi-rnivsrb r:) i iliiost daîýlv, va-c-Itaimpîî 'qlai-Icis toi-a j - large body otf raa.ii hlit- be(it ai--nge,] for. A tu-<jîil-ttt.iailit is iathie Sicin ity ' -e1 ut Conumiti liait,' tjtîitly1fl fuor their t" - native ,ttniati-vund tt-es i-t î lus-e dis- - ', - q g utted a ilh i lIt,ozîi r"t-oftl'i-euideîi t BIai-- ' riota aIndthe t lt aat,îalisn admroiittratioun- lt-] tu 3la taler tIble piei- J. -41 inrt o anit in vili i:itt servit-e. iRepiorts frouatu-ttllaî-r idi'cf tht- taîrder i-e lit /t (iuattat aa a-a t'a;iigi-si-iy teffort ltt moi-k 'c Sîtg uuî feeinugsi tfîlýi-i4,tisuuia amoriethie liet-O« î'l"- mi Ithe-Ithopt-tof ul)ttiiniîîg latrge i-tut- aortî-uieiîts lt-aîitiliuî-is ls stifi- againslita, Metxiu. IV t ii ptersuiasions tuils il i s gisei onut tliait w ht-ntli t-e gtîî trà aieýu-ti t i iîta %i i pressa thli-rainm serice<--.( Nt-ail -it--i hiorse- in ' î14x) uailt--a(tf a - Ii,- tbi-tii-rlias , b-ti ,,pecui-u u i v eart ntt-Ais ta-att-inta hr lt- ad tîy. naît a st1-i-i îteçi-ffort ia li-irade îîî,,-luse-criimore-. Tht-e na-arinîiîi-atî--plit-ytif thse t trl~uîItigît î-îaiienl lissaiiugsndis- riltirius t--tl illi thebu'bîllic unIt-r. utr-id.-- , nuly ut-Marnts tar iitiuutly fit bUvtlie- rt'sidentslatif I l,-fri- raîiîf-,tariiag a I n vis- lIlu i'. P110Pat - ai v UnWîA suorioftuthet-n ,î 'Mex i31cicalnurniaiea.1s a . sowa i îg lt'e roîute oftif e i- &-r- il; gencmasl 13- tlt tisst siioti-l -ar erile, sit a aauIlt tcuhjcil vritei Ihfliî-". go liie fi-tutti-ut i-lîl ,t-tatioverruai b>- Inoopa ltie" euit nanase fruin N-w -k l tIse îînd iiisiginig ri-negaidus hat lite sivillieb.-Pacifie, iui'I lie otoui-st-aroaun apSje a burtlen. 1tMorts. WINTER-WHEAT CROP. Itti-îi for guni-inteeirîglIse ibonit iînd Reports frontî Tea Statua Show Il lu' Be ln Fairl, Good Condition. Tlîe Farinera' Iuiew lias receiveti a replort fi-orsi ilsi corresîsuadents lu ten States on the conuitioji of inIer w-lent. In Illinois thie ci-up lias gerîcrali>' gone into %inter quartera in fir conditioni, tlloîîgb lssving obtaiiescanal grorh in l aniie counities. Wliereî-er il la covereti a-t tIi aov tiie prqBsîsv'îaraie goond. Son- eouisties report Lrouid frozets hard, witb ino miser cover. In suds cases lujur>' ho the plant is feured. In Indiana the- plant la doing ml, and l a genera ly cvered 1 wilhsanow. Ohio reporta gerally good, conditions. In ma>' aunties nu large,i gros-tii bas Isceni made, but Ibies anl grosi- lmlaenough te tart il mclliin tbe apring, ptovidad ne disaster overtakes il.i The auow-toyering la good. lu Michigan1 the crop i. la-futir amap., but tee, llghtly, covered mili snow ila mre localities.1 Kentucky reports crep la geod condition, haviug been general>' tairl>' protected. The tart ln some iuties mas poor but1 Lat lolil a moitgage lien ou ail1lise pi-p- t et.> of te CaalîcouilpSau,-. LOST NN THE, STORM. FUse lIaigen mils Cremoanadst Iasmaa- ur Founider ut SuaL. Tise tug Sca King reportsta t tise>'lest fit-e bai-gos off Point Judith, Conn. Ten roîieuindtii-oc mni0.eedrownet). TIselbai-gosst-or.- al uitnet)b>' John Seul- ly, Pterth Ambo', âanal lier cargaea aggre- gatet) 3,500 tons et coul consigne,] le Providence aud New r ik. Caîttulu Umateat). irli is in charge ut the. tug, sys: "At nidnight n gaie sprang rît, aeccompaisiet) b> blint)ing suow. AI 3 lu tIse moraiîlite hum began lîuiing lu a aa>'tIsati boienîed trouble. AIlbandes galbai-ad aftt lnorder lu avcrt ltheha- oued catastr-ophie. WVien tire. ltera bargçs hrire awny arîd)foundere, , m alI-uggied Iard la save lihetîvo remainlng bai-ges. AIt(I u'eck lie>' went dowa. A mian whu satisfaction la hîmacîf, seeka for Il lu V-ain claembe-e; =kenthilQueen's shillIng. The abrupt, berbearlng manner of the dochor to ïFiglsteaed one nemi-ousareemnît b. vas unable to answem tbe limaI question as Io hisane ansdplace of birts. "Why don't you answer?" roared the 1doctor. i*WIat'a yopr name,luany 7" 8111 tIse panlc-atrlcken lad only stared auth1e pîestloner. *WIy, 1 belleve the, fellow la atone deaf!" exclaimed the' doctor, aind, tak- lng ont his watccb elliNdIt 10 the lef t car of the recruit, snyiug, "OCau you bear tisat ticklng?" Thse yenlh shook bie bead. TIse watch vas applled tu the 013cr esi- witb the saine effect, and tben the doctor began 10 ahower bis Indignation on the head of the future soldier. "Whatdoyou mean by enliahlng when you're atone deaf? Why, you can't even heur the tlcklng of a watch whea It la heid within an Inchiof your ear!" Then the worm txsrned. 'Yah! yab! $lie no goln'!" roared the badgered boy. Wben the doctor belld the wstch 10 his own oui- and found tisaI lt hldltu. decd atopped, bie feelings were to0 powerful lu b. expressed. Make au Ad. Do you wunI Borne roal csaaI Or a box of paper collars? Do you lack a cllekou-coj, Or a pocketful of dollars? Make an ad-make an ad. Do you need a billygont Would yon oeil a bouse and lot? Wanl tu rent a lumber yard, Or a tea or coffue pot? Makle an ad-make an ad. Bave yoîî got a hsorse ho trade, Or a aloi-c-pipe, or a bell ? Or a gold mine or a store, Or a bio-ck uf stock b mcel-- - Midi.-an- ndl-makQ an adt.- Poor Indeed.l The prospect of relief from dratie ena,- ticn for persons troubied wtb constipation la psour lndead. True he>' act upon the boirais, but Ibis he>' do wlth violenean d their operatlon tends 1taireaken lt.eIta- tines, and la preludl,-iIlu tbte stomuca. Hoa- tellera Stolnch IBitters la un effectuai lai- AIls. bat it nelîher gripea nor enteebies. Furtherniore. it promnutea digestion sud a regniar action of thia user and thie kîdnys. Il la an efficient barrie, agninst and rsmedy for malaria[ complaintsansd risumatai, and la of greul beneflt 10 the wcak, nerveus anda&Cod. As a inedieinai stinmuuntIl eau- mot bc aurpassed. Physlcians cordially rec- emind Il, und Ia professional ludorsemeul le i-nlly borne otut b>' popnisr experlence. Appartan sud Ioep are both lmpro%-ed by Uis agreelabi. Invigorant sud alteratlie. Indias Corn lu Europe. In ulmost cvery country ut Europe maize la gît-on a distinctive ansd errone- ons fimlan., lu German>' and Anatîa Il la cailed Turbilish eat; lu Lorraine Il la designaîud Roman curn; lu Tusany Il la Sîdillan coru; in Pi-ovgeeil l4; Barba-y corn, th1e Turks caîl Il Egyp- liais cornandi lu Rgypt Il lo known as Syrian dourra. Hbm Il Made $1,200 Ily not sowing Sa-lzer'assells! That la w.ilîat a joli>' former- said as 3ie euîtcred Our saliclui. fuir Is thal? Wby, Boys ho, Salzer*s seeds nul only grow lent llîey produce euoruîously. Had I lhtfted a tom acres more ut bis oats, whent, coru. poItles. grass and çIot-Or st-uda, I moulti bave hlînl lu double the calîaeitv of îiii-baîrnsthlat ouid bave cost use $1.200. Il hS a fact tIsaI If you wang big, rortsing tarins, grass and vege- table croî, yonnîîîistsowSalzer's souda. If You Will (Sît This.out and Send Il ssith 7c postage to the John A:* Saizer Sced Comany, La Cros"e, NIs., you sill gelt free a saînple ut Grass and ('lo-cm Mixture and their seeti enta- log Ute. ______ CNT Plus tise Ninhîll ias flot wlîbout a cer- tain seuse of lîunor. Onu day, mile slttlug fer lus portrait 10 Healy,' b.e laninter. speakiiîg of & Monk W-ho huAd lefI tise cliorîliand mTarried. bc - To the, voit" the bcginners in t] cake making, ti great, no assistant Royal Bald It is the perfect and makes perfe< inake a mistake1 j with any other. The sufferlng caused among women by unhealtbful dresa cannet be estlmat- ed. Many bave become Iliflong In- valide tbrough tbeir complianee wlth the demanda of fashion. Héalth and life have been sacrificed to the Insatia- ble. Many seem to, thlnk tbey bave a right. to treat their bodies as tbey please; but tbey forget that thelr bodies are not tbeir own. The Creator, wbo formed them. bans daims upon tbem that tbey cannot lgbtly tbrow off. Every needless triloagresalon of our belng la vlrtually a transgression of the law of God, and la a sin ln the slght of Ieaven. The Creator knew 30w 10 form 1the buman body. He did flot need lu conault the mantua makiernIn re- gard to their ideas of beautjL, God, Who ûl-eated everytblng thâelI Iovely and glorlous In nature, underatood 30w to inake the human formi beautîtul and healthy. The modern improvementa upon fila plan are an lnsult tb the Cre- ator. T3ey deformn thal whicb He, bus made perfect. 8100 R.ward, $100. Tii. reader of Ibis aper wMu .le ued 10 lcarîî that weLéîî ea t ton. drW diudsea that scemnce bui beau able b puenal l btsauand t la Os9lCaarb. Hall'.CatazrliCure Is he nl tie crekm o U»le moei fragarlly t4drrb boing a éeeutllu MW dis- uns, reut.aconalituilnal trEBiient. al' Catarrh OC statbou lttiW11, Ietiflgoiy on the blood and laucous tsaiSie.. g l."9a»4 Lieroby dwto_-a b.fue Mle 0 _.l- -pl. cantl d a t -,"ie-ago 11Pts o t euàmiaor-lbe ucb iatbdl i t a c eu r a tl v e p w e r s d i t t e y o ff e r O et w r r g r ennl i e u d r e d1 olasfor y hot b9lIl alls go cure. Send for lit of teatlonlal. Ad res. F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo. 0. ISod by Drugàlaa, 75ce. Justice Doeou*t Mlscarx-y. Wbenever a murder la commltted ln Argentîna l la cuatomary to put every possible wllnesln prison and keep hlm ther.- untlthe reuI culprîr, la convlcted. "A God-Send t10 fianiuty" la what Win. Snyder. District Court Clerk and U. S. Comssboner, of Car- ter. Colo.. aaya No-to-bac le, ln wrltlng 10 the Sterling ltemedY Co., of Chicago, after taklng one and a haîf boxes of No-to-bac whlcb bie purchased of bis drugglst. and belng absolutely cured of the tobacco habit Mr. Snyder says lie now bas no desîre for the filtby weed. Fine Distinction. Tihe customsa uthorîties of Boston hiav-e decided that worka of Zola are Immoral, but flot Obacene. 1,000 Bu. Potatoca Per Acre. Wonderful yields ln potatoes, otita, corn, farm and vegelubie aceds. Cnt tbis out and send 5ic postage to the John A. Saizer Beed Co, La Crosse,. NNIs., for Ibeir great aeed book and saniple of Giant Spurry.. CNU We cannot get'rld of a fault by 'r.- fusing te look atiil. iOOLDEN-*> suri-ci, lmot witlhoutt nulice: --He ias MEDICAL taken lis pîiuistimest loto bis @wn bauds.- Tihpioed fNisar auanannal bas D IS C I The o Nrofth icarag a CanaliaL%.J been aloate,] in the U2. S. Sonate vec-r vigorousiy. Onueliiix, shionidl, ie uîe bei-et about liant chiante. itla sdeat i o ai- Mais>' Yeare uqro Dr. P. V. Pierce, cief mont -ver>' toreiguaer itho goes tiae, antd coasultiog ph"scian u lin valide. Rotai iiîboi-es t-îîieially sît-cuib. htias si- snd SurgicalI lssiite, IBufflo, N. T., coin- Ilau thue Patnaa ili-od cuit n lifte for pomsded thiismediciîe of velletible ingtedi- evory le. Whaî au idea ut psins anti ente ici had:an e9pecial affert ripon lie aches as in thitai enteo. Il la mostl> due stomacIs andtiiEvei- rou%îng tisa organe ho 10 cai-tlessniiss. Exer>' lnbou-er pftauidetl iealtlsfül acti-îf.y as st-aIlan purifyint and si-hisIh. .Iar-bs Oil woildlbe ai-mol etchiag thea blooti. 13>'sncb menus tIse auttaiiut liai-a,-trouialt-. Nleii'sm uscles stmnaci andth Ce uer-es are supplieti mitis lucre ai-e î-ianitid iliriuuniati- painî#>eeblood,- IIvyvwillnot do cty wi1Iout il andtlIls-- aa(ýt' al st-ut. Tliiî's j"t th1e au>' more lhis a locomotiv-e can roui mils- v-trîliitii a ýli- i-tlis soverv-igii i-untie it ars oal.ont. icao nul get a lasting cura of do ils bt-at w-taik. Tite ftittinlaady lin 7'~cpaa or Inadigestion, b5r laklng unil. veryr>wuvrti lili'tii.- breîîk -boue fsver lu Suàa lydigesteti foods or pes in-the atoin- certnia parla ut Aruîeria-a. as& inmuai do e sowowork lasoitu a>. Ds noi pttyarir iierves t le ecp ith se.- ttrapplug Big Mou. =cct celery-musîxtjsres, il is better telo te Tlae @-etrge tif th&, nids l Isthe Iniioîi thesc iatIout he4duffculty and feed thea nerve tht-n>'lui1SU3si-is i <et 7laihes TI e cleon tho-ed the>' ecquire. Dyspepsia annylaiISLI ias fet 7inces.The Indigestion, Hlosocas uand Nerouns A?- nuali-t-aof tlîls eunIr>' ilerilgeti a factions, suri as sleeplcssitess andtisveuk, greaher lsiiglit thiau ithal t oi>' yoller. ýnarvous feelings are complctly ciered b; thse -"Discovery"It phute on iaeallhv leali, Dox'T ALLOîv YOURaSghF to trigle mith bulags reftcshiaag leap ant i ivigoi-atea lthe a Colt), anti se encourage tise dcvelepmuessi irble systiam... uf Boule latent Pnlnîuaili-'and Bi-oxaclilal S&s. iK. HuaE. u f No. 896 NWh la ltuf S., diseuse, mlucli ors uends hafa& l>. oe Iati Clîimo,. li rrtes - btcîer coi-e your- Cougb air Colt b>' proanptly imient us Sim p4 - rgr > upo resorthng IuLü r. 1). jaî,weîs Expectorant oun iroaderful. Su.. elti-tjite teniely tor i-Il Couglis, Lunaind a." D.d ec D Threutai abouos.coeveu7 ia ronneehle. - hi its 111PeMuqÉ Dit>' Little Dirais. Pella * 1Iilaveais. Egyptian dlîdren ar-uoî-er washed edi ery ' unîi l bey> are 1 year olti. aud inraugri. Ny - lis-et r as reatiflhly Neot fileS Enugh itht the Dochor, anlaned and I 1J li-dgtefi-nia but a ittle eut ot soita. Ihipanu Tabules ppia oph>'- would mrve in >our case. It la weIi hote 0Id4 iva bat-c hem on hant)for jmat sncb occas- i-lief. Z1 iouà. Noir, aller Isso mentie t ais antine. HNuiris mai11>, psaalon alely le love-tron 1el 1 f > b>'li mteles eai>'0<ba cmpox iSe la excellat; 11 ion. Gleann@ bulpbur Soaplied lmiarte d ei al de.d; osela regiahar sud dem te ebarn. iî pgoe" 5T.JACB~ou. . tii. PerfectCu" ~f« 'NE UR A,:AÂA %«MiOUT MU..4m.«CLLEP.bW*gA-Mru1 the art of bread a»Ï' ecre is no aid sô it so helpful, as the ng Powde -t eavening agent zt food. ,Do flot by experimenting A great many erroé 1 Inanuscrîpts mere perp<siIau of the monastic orders tbat A< be exactly tollowed wbea b. percelved aa1tk net correct IL. People overlooiked the i. iwu permaaently beneiclilefetctà satisfl iedmtis ti-nsient aetsoupaI tliat It la geaerally Ikuown tbw of Fig. yl permaoently eu»' constipation, weIl-pýforr54 p net busy other lammiives, WZp4 a Uime, but llnally Injure tbe «$ A Cleveland contracter h» Ms en 10, move a atone houge, i 5.5W0 tons, basement and ali, a 4 of 60feet. 1- eGma> bat gs Cure for Cons»Unuip t Iali Mil. E. C. MouiLo, el Oct. 22,1l8& FAE lévàcu.. The pleasre of a goufdeuwh doubleul b>'thse street brothilh wvhs a weII-oedem ewisst., * la alsim lsrsulb>' Ripans - Tabi Bveet brcatis, bright e, Circomplexion, UsA ZuMUPA .'17-t

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