f~êbe mmavet, Yu vii neyer loita u~w0Ciln n dIbo mliv visat. h 1E11l ie Tudayflttepute L. GrgW niCýg at iar DocuM Artvendemoi non l isit as e ibLe ine aalaRihr' à'7 lma u ibo vas tor ulîti Mi, ûmlsetpesFor!t lie liarge ýIteI b lannoir e t euîgedec Geor Wfg Wit uteGsreve tvmisliSean Spen Gînter Ai. llb Simnd af aiuliste haWvUt. liaiofathe lay. st kval te ay evefnlongeece im, pon laite bdte ontagut X Ml, lk op er n wner D. u j5Ulsan rmlyvs.e ~0~BOl'i cos rday. hh 4«« a 1 ih. M Co m IW. Aam i lome &Iy esuhol aturday veimi '»MtiOe5iIg5Ifl on aotaî ainl Bot f«o ieasuoilm Duiof on ~IU.o Ibis veuk, w hoâteM fM. ua im "l * vIèay ba i oomuiterow f pqmi& énextJ. Kmk*Ilu sligllo W. bument tueg las vela nain OnvueuS.f i -. WARREN. Yi Sa'i in oWukerigani, viBon ýJL tento Ii locadeI lit veektri T1e Uion eetl edy soeîy m "4 glifte thrstatcionaoc I »ýq tare Ci rp a i l teiid v'*lxy bâ~ti, to!muet#csgowfo _Z' > rb(Ives er.la gtly it W'eue gldli eomert uawem, j.-,Ixo-, ofi.> ue u, ithea Ntsn1sInbhis-h oatter. wek 1%0 llunione &e Bais hae uh-et 4,W *t. »lcksn Pttrai . 3 gasThon reltive sttaîatfd tre !110 pain e w dwattia. tnae Ide bee'p l bcaof luicagok.T *Msw a fielt venmigo eiltl1L W%-»eoujde hnotui i ou te si, Mu-Wtbai04.& spoie1bte dovî tt. rlona meofiîay suBla N.uumdy eveng, Mae pl ati repldasivel admui piým r.ner meeig viii be vl F W. npo icglm t. Brogden 1lmýe udImuanl d ta the le ait aftanad ~lda s.pembup aoU' jg.,Iui1 0.o spa es h owbu >T.Worchsre cmet ary sGoy ty i 0 ,ppChdas Weilo astmusic L Tm a v n - v o r y m o e - e7M Apdbleal ant mtorea liceio aie erbsi Chantweli. oilr simWdn Cornye aoar baile.i On fl.pleurent socal ure ofn ' as * ealeao rly in Oby batboe ehpreat. Prge 1 i4ç& w vai piayed Bt tUtad M OF91'a : u m wen lieyInien.7 meetaing li e siz vMnens1 'iilionrpn.e m. H. Wilbur. A TRAMP'SIROMANCE. AÀ?IJJSUING EIN "lWas on ever dlsappolfted lni laver, A horrible offair, vbiehbeven nov moka Inquired the cbronle lufer jocularly of th.niDy blood run cold t'a thlink of il,wvs. de-ho traveler, et wliicb sally the. resi of the. par- scrlbed ta me recently by as medicai ma rems ty laughed beartily. of my scqtritflfce. TIW-*oasn Who was P. The. tramnp brought thie butt of bis hcavp the. vIctimvuo o French extraction. 8h. t'el hickory étick down upon the floor with jwun a-flue, handsome woman of betwsmn b such vigor as ta maise auli cloud et dust 85 and 40 peurs of aise. Her naonevas dise troum the cracks und reilied: "Wulll Have Vuirie Lestrange. sud asewon one oft ta Ti l? Jobts; uy! Et pause gentlemen.koepo wretched clubs of beings who live bp the e quiet an don't estl 50many questions," levying of blackmail and other evil prao. flo sald the tramp, 'I tel per all 'bout et. lices. t1 '1er e. et cone like ibis. 'Bout tires Slie made Dr. X.'s acquaintance as an TI years ugo 1 vus workin tbrougb this val- ordinsry patient and bild occasion tae allu a ley towurd Suyder county, sn one fine duy upon hlm eaIbis consultlng raooingaveraiti --et wus one o' them dsys viien yer feel times, a that ho came te knav bier pretty fhi like settin down an jeft doin iotbn-1 well. Ho baad ne idea of vbat or wbo bis M come througb this fiers tawn an vent up bundsome patient vas, and no suspicion FI 4hr ai on but tva mile tell 1 coms cf ber evil cbaracter ever sugges t it eit s ter t' Rcd bill. I never knowed jealvhy ta him. Tiierofore hoe wan quite unpre- 1 dons et. Et muât a be'ni fate, but I pared for the terrible danger with wbicb amitched off çuiter t' bye rond, 'ntand uv lbe auddeuly foundl imal! confronted tipU stickin tor l' pike. 1 vont 'baut, a mie vben abse threw off the. mask, o! tf an iidn 't ineel no one DoTr as no bouses, The charge slle broughl againit hlm vas Btell at ]ast' 1 corne ter a farun what bas an tual ho b.d imadeas serions mistake la ber M orcbard on th' son' aide th' barn. medicine by putting ln a poison ln ncb fort "lThey vs a gluce graas plpace an th' proportion as te bave endangered heu lits trac other aide l' od undar un apple trse, au if a.lied Saison IL. h. afleged St ailae a as metaoD oeaofthein vam, .lasy- aumniadr baidindeed Sakson one dosa and lbed onlp t a deysa1made up me min ter rent An lap- escpedteftotal affectaby the assistnce G dovn n th l' gras. Yer kin laugli et foike o! a chemist, wbo bats! dminiatered tu ber wor wbo âalus taiks vetor, but 1 tell je et an antidote. tw ýr dos a apowerful aIgu vît' a nman. 1 knoW It vas lie at aigu behn @h.lbed cslsed,to aet, tetbled a bea a raaday Id novuen sd Dr. XLbad mosier la bis amnanltg The b.huitbtet iairy oise-a th',IFrench celse et room. rc it-thet bit nue thn n mpsyo th' diokenc "Do 1 undaraisdh.11 c ked. rislg te Mie d vt' me fortunes,.bis lem m bhoreslisad the nain,.of beuchai I vas àlapin tbe» vateuntu h clouda sme5 "u*tal pOuDepeci te cexiort mcn"yam> nveed an listent.n ter lh' plover vhia- fhenme» under thrff;of belusging ageinai thia ouit lb.theel. an tar lb' trou travg me lb). charge and am Inuring me la my bliarin Up tlahl' tnn, vhmn aid Uv a vpn§tio audden 1I esen a bine &la auanapple *'Doctur," abs eqMsd. -I dosm wat titrol b'h, oebard 'avocat tb' va. 1mueth. Itl a mass oflbla te pou. vbii Watebed e4, an psslly seon I made out b45te me I'àa Imm CI o!UNs4"udm"lat. 1 et wva avoulait. hSsi aunta ibou muatbave £II by leoaovovmorag, or 1 Squat an till, Uke ah. vas readix.a anaboli buh. urne u % ebo um aeami hbern Mi dr»ev I I IBait hbup Uv a chtkl g tIsa ueIbime W' yu t*0 mlt', ev7 ecu e b th cls, e n eluokin. I couldnt tlita." i.taho h 9» mu" for t' leeser andidn't i 'DolmtaiStb»i.ttý,bre a gightnv lbu tue, but I made oui ah' cul- aagtly- 1uauld soom rim. 1hn mene p bas tauSies bine saliker Ar- nau lest t.anlime. aoier taho poltroa ee.oh t a StadeS drank I'suta. pap à% te plm as Jeu have a"l itl" -U wutva th' dey dca. et &ILi. 'Ps 1I "The o"iote5pourselft Dr. X., te bus hnovud et I beouester imagine $b' fceMm ru.fer vliai 1Ir am eudo. I1viii of tiet ma"uetbe t 4h.;taorai. I pieismxed epoap-usd, vhat it ame% 1h.elaunIat be .ietSrte ides h'mowlka u- crrboai vat I1uay."vs ehroaioa, peller éhair an &IL. I vanted te! po lu Ibisagaissme?" as try anusmeber tam, but I did' damrSei, -'You viniam 1.tellu po Ibave lbh' ho lmahe'd 'a' »asame, sad bot 'nd 'a' baitls litpoironona medîcine s e videne,No spils i ychansi. But 1IMysthora jes and theo bemi v W itu er me outintaaiu 1ber drenaila lie, an 'fors I knoved et I could a. " o Silt itsnv othia but the Im girl inth i' Dr. IX vas despeate. Nevet Smo e trese, wvo1 iBgured mreot bey boeena heap moment did lie entetain tb. idea of bny- t leaigbi botter lookinthan a circns lady. iag ber off, feo .Med, and hold rigbtly, 4h& -~Et coame sundovn, un et I lied ter hbus- liat theman vbo aunite te au tImposi- 19, ideter gît aupper 1 dragged amailter- ton oftisakindia aAitrta soclty ad 1 101 geber an aioved on. I vent op th' vailey e public eneniy scarcellpleu asortbp con- Cil k- thres deys an Sus 'bou; 30 miles tavard domination lion th. blacimaler hersait. sto ld Snyden connIty, but th' vbale stuei.1I ais And pet someting muatIlh. don., for thetri thinkin 'bout nothin but th' girl ln th' danger vas Imminent. bIne cauSer drea. 1Isnever feit se queu At Ibis moment tliere vas a sonad ai hefore an dîdut knov jest what ter do. the vindov, and looking up Vaierie Le- Last, 1 declled li'à bev ter go bock an bey uange saa looking ln oai ber a face Uke cl ieanother look et ber, se I turned round an liaI of a demion. Il diaappeared almost < k iveed nme taka. iminedateli, but ah. sair il dlutinctly. GO 'I uecbed th' orchard 'bonI one day The. creture vas of dvarfish buiid, b.d the îp laster, Inth' afternoon, an banged et eh. reddlsh broynfaibau aboul iDe face snd Iis vas'l there, but a-settin ln s troc cioneri spowbicb ahane in the darknmeas. Ai the aIh ter th' rouil. 1 didn't dutl go near ber, sigbî abse abranli bock in Serrer sid de- dfer I knows boy 'froid tl*'yeomen ia uv manded cf lie doctor: us moen. But 1i sud enter aie cie placeanu "Wbatile i? Wbo la 12and vhaîdons jest lny thora vatchin ber blue dretoslho vnt?"1. w avin in l' broute, snd' lien, wbon 1I "Nover pou mind vba 14l . It migbl 31. @een as boy s'ed chanigoilIreea, 1 begin b.e Jack tbe Itipper, or the Old ManD of the Pet For terthink mupo be h'dsor me an moveil Ses, or an tmp of batan corne tui fetoh pou ont np aine tueo lerer th' roud,'kiudtr so as before o ourne. "0 ve'd lie luer." "Jack Ihe Ripper!-"T >.The lruhîîp's votes broke. Ho place41 At te word the wreofflheomun turnedA b a ne band upon bis ragged broet and guzed paie to the lips and lejîneil agninet the ta- W aven the val leythroughle tur lilleil epes. bic for support. $lie bad rend tbe gbestlp ,NGw quit yen lubberiu, trumnPY," details uftuat strufige suries of murders YO crtedl tbe loufer, "an gît ten th' en uv t ti 11tbep bail becurne a kind of nlghtinsre 'ors par. " telber. In The. travoler wlped bis eyes opon bis Selîtng lbe terror bita vords b.d aroussd.1 id coul leevo an:d coutinueil: Dr. X. conoetvod an iden for bis deltver- Wi 'W1u1l, us I la>' tbera vatchin ber se anca. 1 etetill an quiet I begili ter lhiik. 1 won- Steppiiig forward, bie selzed Vulerie by BI [Idereil viat ber hUie muât boy been an tbe wriât, and bringlng bis lips close lea 'luwed et rter been aI prtty one. Tien 1 ber ear hoe bissed betwsen bis teetb: Ai iel kinder Ibouglt, hein er i didut knov ber ' Womun, I bave tbld pou the tuth, i Dae ni nîlit gîve ber une,. tb' prettiost but dont drive me to do il. Tint uncleanli I could gît op. 1 ackuId me br..in un final' creaturs vboin pou suw la relly vint I vh 11 ot on Emily Rate; tiot uunded bigb called him un j@&sýI. tla tndeed Jack 2h. N haiI toued. Theii i begin ler vonder vbo'd bc ipper, and if pou do vbat pou have 4 auefotcnit as ter gît Eitly un cueftd me- tbreatened bo shall go like a bloodhound B self fer hin ie boniu. 1i klndeýrthougii on pour, truandhaunt 'ou dowu, tlougb ser 1 niglit refurui, but final' 'lowed et sie'd pou ebelten ticlime darkeat corner o! the 5ick take ie withoot me bovin tor refomiea eert." 'ud lbe s igit uleanater ailround. i1te For a monienI, Jie bld oyats uf theioon boy ie' nioeilup aIrc ankînder, an qualloil bei<re the tierce, timeatenlng 1 8(l woudereil t! le'd accu me. .Tb' more 1 glanceofo Dr. X. Thon, witb a lsugb, abe ave toogi on t h' worse 1 go t6gi o turned toi the' door, saylng: tbink neiboeftI1clouned up 1 vouldut lieu 'Bab? You ointt rigbtemme vith a sbai-lu fact, s houp botter then lots UV bogy. UnIons pou psy me ln the morning folks 1 knows.Bp t' 1lime et cOM oresn. pour epulation is gene foever." Mis olt1 concided ter resk et anu bgin tem Bo saping cie banigeil tbe door behînil think uv crawlin l' fence aun interducin ber undl vent out lto the nigbt. mesoif, bol tien, me heurt foi11041 me. 1 Thot vus Ilie lust lime Dr. X. ever batv ba, put et off teulb n' iez' uap ai> sud over thb' ber aliva. T lie3 fiel ter a barn ail opeuitih' nigbt. f Wbnt tenu>' bappened tealber after ase1 bu. *I ddn't eut no breakt ai'. 1 couidn't. left bis bouse vas Ibta: But wien et comae sunup 1 vent doyn 1er ln spite o! bereioîtahe could net ait.- 001 th' sprints au wushed, up. Thon I cut fer getber aolke off the ensatton ot tear vhlcb AnIy th' orclarîl, 'sounlla ter vaît toi abs corne. the uncanny appuiarsnce and the dactamas chl. 1 ixpected laiae vould'lhie here se aIrly, vords bidrouased vithin ber. Ever and tenue sb'd iikeilpdo upthl' breakfast again âbe gianced backvard ove! bier diaes. abouldor s1m0as;aliteh.wasnoetfolloved 3kua 111 ainnoil l' fonce inter th' oud, an and assume eilhrsetln an undertone liaI salit thon wuta a agbt I seen 1 I neur plleil. l vas sins bogy wt bih t heb.doter ical.- Tbey was s groat bg folle bhie armi bail endeavored te alarns lhe. loyd round ber vals'. lbe vus a lapin ail 8h. bad roachsd lie cornera!f the . limpike, vil' bier bend pitcheil torvard nse tiset in vhlch ame ilveilad l"b.d moe I couldu'; se. il, an ber foot vue draggin gus lthe btter et ber nerous tee!., vhen, liithrough th' tinolby, fer the. feller vas suddesnlp lookinq bacSkiong the rond abcht ilepullin bier aong down t' orchard. Et lied just traverssed, @heoa»w lisé hiob li O first I vasfer unuin tu lier n.ekp, but 1Itiaceolber hloôd villi auddon tsar.c non8 Ibougil rebh. Il'ilbtter vait tel I se S8h. vas bolng tolowed by the dwarflsbr vbal camne uv et. maetue ah. bail seo on lb. vtndow nul11 'Th' big fellir, ho pulled heï aIl liaup, o! the doola oonoulting rouo. mtdovn ter th' oth.r aide an lien leaned ber Witb a cry of Serrer lhe vretcbed woms*i ne, p &gin a Irelan hbtî herna punch vits' bIs an senSdovn lienai lhe abadow of à s ere Met. 1 mm thl' bines clilker lunhonnet projecling doorvay and for à moment bu. i the droop. Thon lie jumped lb' fenos an asuri- ai.eunconneoos. îîlee ail iovn ovar lb' aiedl. 7,WhonusMm opeced lber ojes, ber porsuer the 'Me lietnt a a.lumpln avfil. I vas tanding over ber, and villi a abiek las ateil tell hoevasnaenIer sight, an thon c! frensied terroer abecflnng hersait Bat, rc lumb th' foellsan lippod down Ibrougli davn upon the peving atones. Along amni orna ReCellI Too Laie fon I.asiWeeS.) Ayoung dangbter amnlved ut the me of Mr. and Mr». C. C, Gerbert *ntly. aevivai mneetixîgu ver. held lier. pat, tree weeks, but have beola :utiîtinueud. Tlie Uniiona Sabbatbi scbool bere ia peýietcisig iîîtenetan md proaiîbexity tkîaown for veams. Tlie etoriny Mcnday two weelts ago &sone of the wor8t. days krîown to es nart of the ountry. Mrs. M. S. Gleason wucal gin t.he Onal o!flie week t rons illaiese of bier mother. E, Hertel did not m#ke bie 1 te eCity lait veek an a( the severity of the weather. Mru. Win. Whigam biailt t aune tu slip and fail an t acturlnglien Brun, quit@ aeverel present je doing nicely. Great Intemeat lis manifeoted nSk ofthe literarp aoclety bers. ,u hall la fllled et eveny mi he progmo ila varild by good itions, etc. Thîe oflicemu xs. Francis TrUpp, Sec; Peney 0 itaian; David Speans, Serge ns. The lateat vas a rnock t APTAKISIC. Wene you stan gazlng Sundav Mile Mary Zimmer, oi CI lied on ionda ber@ Ibis veek. Mi.-B. MacFamiané, ot Ci asin m emîjoy country sleîge Frank Sexsuer snd bis beutg tip over, butturtunutely neith Ut. Nick Voiz, ai Arlington Il isited bis fois andl old fiia mudap-. Mr. aid Uriq.Ilenny Snyc lorth Nortiaiield. called oni ne Souday. Robh. Weiuad caileil on old ,River Fore8t Mondmsy. Ile bat the veatber lu botter dowii Churlie Gs, of River Vie, liarlie Hemaclberger, o!fIW ,atiom, spent Suay villa AI rends. Jacob Sclley'u chidren are ail liav- ng the wiaoopixag couigîl. The grand 'lebratiîîn vas postponod tliithie nUlden. A pleasant e jeniiig vas spaiil lre by the neighbors. Vi.e A pta- sic baud piayed s tev sieiectitiis, howilag mankeil imprcivenieiî. LUNES. DIÊD Ah Lonîg (rove. )W ., onMîîuday. De. 1894, Sammie. con o! Sièr. and Mrs. Henry -iiman. ageel 2 ye'ars, . mn,ths. 2' day'.. me littieellItetasendeel. one falot vîioelaluiîd; cuo littIe bauds are folid.d Above is 10w miol] bre-a.t. 'i. sall miss lie darllîîg Suinnîl,. We scali sonee hiomore: fou have gon, toblali a ugd. Wttii the lov'd nes gene is'tr,'. inod's book lis oinewas vritwn. But two ehort veelcu betoro: wrihlcu la briglit. golden le-Iters. Waîlcaîwtireiongi.l voul l anal overmîîn.- But (lad tlougirllt liost tblaktehlm. Eu-e aie re-chel tie vorel utf-trife. And the' siners hotu is.îray lm, garra s hîirlon lits y>uug lift-. Re, knev notllingut sorro, Noî sudieoscoutid uiderînn,. No griotfcmuid maako ahic morr,,w, Ofthiis li ie cousin ut mine. lut tatiior. weep nul for your darling. Motion, griove ual for your clîil. He i* geue ta li artan el-I lie bsgone lo boOod' -.illd. He vill vuat for pou au Ileaven. Tall tia, tjourney pou wll taku': Whou ln deati, pouli ioyuu've glvîîi, He wIli me-et pou ah the gate. FRiNA iCOuSUs. Chancery Notice. C(mary ar LAKE. Ç s C'ircuit Court of Lake C<iunty. toLlihe Mare-I l'eurn, A, D. lise. blason IB. Culiy ta. Mary I'arklîurcl and Ed- win v. Parkliunah. lier i usiîand.IByronimCol. b>' andl Nanc~y B. Coliy. bas vite, iilorsDp- bandl. lvar 0. Colley sud be-ta CoIb' lits wafe, Alvene Coilby, Nettie M. Colby. tarrie M. 4liip RiînW Colip, May Colby. Aisea Colbyp.Maoi è!. MeLz'and William Mets, hon buîband. Mollie A. Ooiiy, Byron Coihp, Adminiatratar. de bonis non.,'wlti lb, vii) annezed, and ait unkowovoers o! any on ail of the ptopetty herein de- icriheil. In Chan' rp Notice Us heteby gir o th e sale! 1<021e M. 1lby. Oarrie M. 4olby, Edwin W. Coli hr.May Coaby. AImia Coup UsauilC, Metz vîlliam Mots and Nelie A. Coiby, tlia the abuve uamed cornplainaut hereta- fore led bis bill of coumplaint lu sale Court, on the Chsncerp elde thereof, anil Ili a nmmons hhersuncu usuel out oa idl outa iutthe above ummeil defeudante, thuual dile Btinday o!lbe ternio!etithe Circuit Court o! Laie ouulpta h. bhebd ai tie Court House lu vaukegan, lu satiLake Oountp-. on lie Sil Nondap o!fJamh, A. 1D 150 elta by la rsqulrsd, and vbicb suit li stil pudig. ILIAMM. RAGAN, CletS. Dated e aI vauegau, January 24, 1M0. CLAasczuN. DoaieN, Oorpl't'aSol'r. 115,I Real Estate ITransfers. f oopied Frornvautegan Dally Register.) Francia 1. .lacobo ta D D Batirick lot lié South Hlighland ail ta Highlandl Park v .. .......... ...... ...... ...... . 1100 Emma C Muadi laD 1DBathiclot10hM1 itaîutb lilgjaiani adul Highland Park vil......... ............ 100 J JLougabuugh ta Minnit Sbirmaîn, l,, lu hleS narasLake .................. t JB Htobis toA A Quiliu lot l lk 20 add to Lake Bluff wdi..... ........ S EdîihJ Hall teu George ltoekenbach oh ai ptn.e 1t 3, 48,r2vwui...... ............71 C L Quifinîmu buOto0C naitzs% 4nwU sav;4 , , 18Jw d .... ................ .... Il H resn ta T A Wurufoid sc40 foot lot 7, 1>1k-I J F l'oweli's s.dd to Waukegau .. 208 Honz Scaroer tu M R Harris 85 acres in a d2 .4 I ... ..... . .. 40 John Woodbrilge et ai to John Lanson lots 39 andl 401>1k 27, vushajuru l'ark _w d......... -...... ....... 4 C A lutz toi Lanra mhtz Judil lots 10 and il bik M, ChIfago Bpring Bluff- adi yud T JMoMBu1O J " Parker si 48 it lot i iffLpOn à utcbaiO s.nb dühvWd . [Efâtaia*o ioeblolalaakilot il,- cHICAGO EVEN ING JOURNALI MAKES THtIS UTS ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Independen-t' Job PàüngIl Offlice in veiliequipped villi tbe Latest Styles of Type led 10 able eeignwiae r h et by tIme I ait epubtllaau npoliltlc. es. stii central princîples ai the Riepubican parly W. pap- good seles to tisuiti are purihy, protection sud progresé lu ail heuîIingu. social, Industrial andl politîcal. -r 1... C0uttil upholdis the rigbihtIsiiaor, abUitY aud Coînpetent ivoriuuen capital tu .ust compensation fuir Iheir rapoc. tive contributions ta the countrp's weallh. And abalmni 1 S Ie- advocates an hanest and elamticcnrrency. lie tee The Journal stands for a ire.l ballot-boX, »TAULISH AND MAINTrAIN ily, bul for av, anil the neit sygiom e. against %poil& ln the It vill b. partisan viion partisaniil a -The froeatu appose bail men and talesesestefin ngotle eetiIIg. whersver ihey ajpseal for public Indorueniant.fo uinotth 1muuic, Ia aIl Il. nova etures. lhe Journal yl ho s a re flldeqaey, d isrrimiuahng andislcu- ~Best Qualty 01 WorL MaI-at- As The Journal poussses.&Il lthe modern Gîve uns a triai. trial. facilites for obtainlng the nova, its reaotais wif neer im ny ventof resUinmoment hap- - penlng anywiersi on or vsible frorn thae -IR RIAL. WOILK earlb'a surface. Itleh oditeil se as ta gave the I reailer the noessiltp of hunlaur through-AD fniglîl? beabeis of chaef for th. kernels o! grain. hî1 , Mert andl enterprisiag lu gatherinrg the oK 8001Pflttlo ,iaonevsboid andl corageous in dL»auusns aairs ad i -n- É L. rellabUo sud readabie la aIl reapedla. 'lhe bîcag», .Jturnai uatnrally appeçIls ta a coust.amtip - "5- ,rides.'vileiilng circle oi iii. good'people o! ChIlcago r and of . eNorbvest wvbapmprecabe l girl hw.,? 'lhOrouglelguOd fevaUmuf..W a Ue ih ga aer got In tanmarket. flunclal andl commercial r-»- ate sh gi y ports, The Journal bas sainaidlittie f - *'h.e0141 Bolgbis," a soobriqul It vili aI- thing from a v egis apas rive to demerve. louhia, lies andrnanp allier conlierallorns.ko T @btThe Journal.lie favorite eveulua newapaper' +CAR TE DEL>I'VISITÉ,<+ oof ý us new o ce, . , an TO Aa 4er, of In thie re't Noribweit. T frienls SVBM'I4<'"rloN PRICE 'PU'LL SHEET POSTER Daily edition. pear.r111,500 friands Weyoc> edition. per yeur 1.0 PLAIN OR IN COORS report» JOHN K. WILSON. Puhlasher vIl)aidl il 10hem aivantap e taOb- i 11>010. Chiceago Evenîna Journ*l. ~, 8i>d Mt and el c îiarîorn-et, Chcago, .I tan etiaistesfor anilbutng ban iil __hem Job Frinting 10 the plakisic1 -- ndeendntPrintlng Rous. JE lu <Over Scancks Ihardware Store) C.M.& St. P. Ry Trime Table. Our Motta: "Live and let ivc.S 4MI4iNG NORTHi: Lin. A .l. P ,i. P M P.in Chco Ime. âD7* 931a i46 120 ôa tihenmersillo 8 m>' i.' la 2 36 a<09 723 leorfielil a 4 10'22 2 4) 814 72. Everoîl a 4.2i% l 24 - 4,1 O21 7 33 i Itondouih '4M ' 4 , M 2 52 tf,35M 40 warmoiu>n Im1M 3 (0 Waurti Il q1» 3 W: Buueli r, 9 lm 3 29 Itouscîl ; 31 5 M.51>QI Wadsworth 9 0 7s*1.r. " Gurnec il, i 534 5m1' Warreiion y917 53> r, lm Lisx3arrsaLI. f:..9 012 30 . b10l îtandout 6'01 4-1 1240 r4 43 à t, IRveretl ào287 U .12 415 6'» . 31 Deeefieil 30 02 ...12 2 0 5:7 =hresI. .1016 l50>(Um, ...IL 6 ô06 5it41 Chcago. arrive,7 35 900 10235 1 45 7 f0 16 30 >UNDAY TRAINS. Lv. Liberyvlll.5.ltp.in.Ar.Iti.rdoiica Opmn L.v.Llhertyvlile11>, ui. Ar. Cble-u«o i>:25 a.m ,Lv. Chie-go 6,5> a.m. Ar. Lliwrt>ville 9:4le.ff ILv .ibu-rtyvlle-2:40)p ni. Ar. ttolidout 2.12 .' .MI l,.Chie-go i:46 p.ni. A r.Litmorm.î ville 3: 14>p.m WIsc.Cent.R.R.TUme Table Goîî<N oira. an L pmin.pmn pui Chîago. .'t J4 941 z'IDiîI46 l Aptakiic . ...... 9 16 . 5 1>6a. m prairie N'ev .... m31 go 19 .... 6 2U @12 18 -1448sIfi s25 lB>.122 !lokb'er..... m55 $$ M 32 43 5 3M 2 .1 (3ra sakoXI 'A &0.40 82 NI5 2 31% Itolns.........55*946 2:58 Ste5 12 441 Lake Villa .. .9 51 9 i1 3,u4 a le lx 45 & m la. M.. 'pi. Pi 'n» Lake Villa . ..4287 4.5 I1i30 12 a 05 Itlis .31 712 . . 78 (IrsyLake m M M (KI 12 06 ... g7 if Rockfeleler. .A4* 8 15 12 54 1264 m. lu h Lethliln..... 4 MI M 28 I1(0 ..P7 24 Praile-Vlvs . 4 ce 8 831 1i1il.. A7 3-W 1Aptakible ...6gi01 8 35 1 198.. .P732 1-Chicago ........fi.30 10 46 trI 52 16 a 45 8ttNtAT Ozier. & Gong South Train loavee (Grays Laken 47 p. mi olRockefeller à 67 p. in. arrives Chicago 8 30 p. in , DaiIp excopt Sundap. n mSBtoponly on lgnai. Oxn papers Juil the Ihing for pino- Mng on lie pantmy abelves, laping under carpeas or ton doing np pack- '2 go,, for sale cheap aI lthe offie of >- te Là=u Oom L»uzmmn, fBye kt oenta per dozen, 16 cents for 50. or 100 Id for 35 cents. If your Ilorses are Poor or don't eat well, it will pay you WÔ have their teeth ex- amined. There is a man at the County Farm who under- stands the businesg. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry. TVILE TARLU. - Emma ýwUTU. STATIONS. 001*0 50UU C30 pin arrive- .VukJý... depari 7.0 aM CW pin de .Ronout ..A.r 7:80 au 3:15 pin"a de 8:30M ?:[A5 pm.. ..... letbton .5.... :50 mr 2:45 pn.. Diamod Lake.......UTam 2:3 Pin . . G(Limer ..... .....0:11am 2 :50 pin ad]...Lake Zurich....la 1:0 a 1:40 Pmin ... . Barrngten ... ..... lem Ba 12:46 Pmn. ... Spauidinu ........U:16 pus 11:50 amrn. .... Turner ..... .1:M p* 7:50 am .. PIa¶nfeld.. .....SMpus 0.:40 am . ......Joliet ............ 415 PMs Wide awake merchanta any I Advertiaing pays. lTHEINTEROCEAN ta TH! Most Popular Repubican, 4ewspaper of the West And Bas the Largest Circulation. (DMLY (wltiîot Sunday) ........ $6.oo per year ON TERMS DAtY witUiSuanday) ............... oope r Bw y MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean $10 1 PEU /YZAR ............. ... ... mA S A NEWâPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keepa abresst of 4t.intrnes Ilamil resput. Ut spares meither vains nor iexpeuso lnsae lg ALL THE 500 A NPEWS ÀND THEB13T0F CIJRENT LITERATIJF. 110 The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY AI4Y. 0l0 t bas sornothiag f et restto oach miember et thse bfla.Il ~I Ts YOîIWS DEPA RTMEt'T as the eybest of tsed.1 lU TS LIERARY FRATURES are UUequakd . POLITUCALLY UT US REPIJBLICAN, eud gives Rte readIe athe. besafft of tise ahUrit discussionsaonouuailve political toplox. Ut aiso, SiveatiZ. TIRE NEWS Os- 400 1li 1 WORLO. 1 lEINE IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. c