CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1895, p. 1

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Of~E~. B»n'oa. OC/R AIM: TO Fk2AR GOD. TELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE MON1~ >'. ?RICE, 6 ~.No. 18. eLibertyville, Lake County. Illinois, F'riday, February 15, 1895. $1.50, ini OU8,ty + In4eeon6ent, "OR* X. uruoh Indnd.flt. q4vs LAKK INDSptuSEgUT:l I.tRSfTVILLE. ILLINOIS. çouwt I*f lao iuut** for Sheir ve N~ysifU.a gie1al bm Iouaiy News ~e4ulau8resU 10mabeuah anal il im uMsy papoma uA.VslRqQ IrBfTa. imm have lit absolutely FaRyx. 'The- Effelruwer isto e b îrc-moN cd thîir lîappitess seens Lu bave brolitt __ _ -- - -- 1froirs Parts ta Baltimore itta v (Ot of baste ta>%teir fltnesa lu îutîualiy faltilli Nov is the imne to suhacribe for $>iiOOani set fai ovur the- latter LIieii. Clark@ Horse Res'lew. Thse Indepen- city as an oriuîmentanduiulstu'ulative dont ta local agent for Lake county. etiî-ntel)set- oia<etpd witti tle fair to We cau tiroduco a groat deal better We vil eend bols papers one yean bu hleld Lucre lu 1597. I lqtil vc-ry palier, if our Jelinquents ahi prompt- to any address for only $3, Cash lainveiltiL Ltte Paris ExîessiLi. 'y pay tiseir subsoiptions. Advance. -- 'The pabrtnr >of i»the rust) u-î-Îal (eraidiuie te the tittle of a ttuw, G EO. . IVIASc 1> , c-ure h t Me-îdot ias l lt pt ai.w short, CitertJtiiingsecrial story whichli i~Ri~ilEFti iplan to rivet the auten~îtihounof t'e I begtin lis our pttler this week.' IL tl Lv v'ouutg taeopîu>leo its seiroti.-.. RHeI iiilue complet.-d lai about t e CoMmerpial Hote -îàL eiy «eu-e a îrize for tfi tl tetracto! xeeks. D'.x,'miss teIrsteat ulîrs Board hy thes Day lor Week thern î>îepi»>r.->I aoilits u>l d t. lui 1is tcweek. 1 next day by Ili, yoing iearers.- Speclal Acconsauîaîeat iouîs for Traveling __________Th. Largeet Farmin the Worid. Men. LII3ERTYVILLE, ILI.INOI*S - Let a ne.wslap.-r cty >11lii goodj The targest farrn ini this eolitîîvand ______________________________________titigs imilgliaulule about soinmen1, îrobttbhli tluewortd le tis tut- sotthi- - ~ ~~ anti the - .diror wil carevly ever re- western p'art of Loaiuiiaa. ILs areaisi- 9 ~iv a-it tiatik vo , bat as soistias r>»> miles ottiliand co til aunt twt-uty - W Iy Go, J.in1y a uf item al>t>.-st iiat (Lies not exa.-ly fi-jv mites enst cati West. It s jsuit thie samu st or mon>, lt) lo.-1k1 - pare-hased tlii 1883 by a syuldiate- of We sell the BestFPouîr on earth, ts -sll >-ii o lîuwl. DiJ yuio'lut 'jtlcsb lo ta L (The Daisyi for $3.65 per. bbl uv-r ntice -iL ge-utleiet alcr? rhli, ojie-rate-d. At thie ime of its loir'- Will seli you loo lb Granulated wr> 5fîlo u aîad m ii-uiieis1»>»> i-tsws a vitt 1 jstiess lblatqlrc- for te -ttle belotigiiug to a Sugar for $4. .iusuce.- w tîdeatuinlîat ,'ounîtry.- Now it Have on hand a full Uine of 1 A C'Oii5tiiIiitt~lt h-i>it a u'rUi'r etldtd itito lasttire st ati totîs or 'Gents Fnrnishinrr Goods, Boots, te sa goo h platc ta lý'v-r tn ut 1Ltl1t0 îaomt-ese x PIsig cv, s~ix miles. ShosRube, ood , o - is.futtire. 'filie ftvîg drigs ili'the lcy Thelit- tenu i ug tesai>l 10 lavo ce-ot ab)out Shoe, RuberGood, Grccri-,.and the grîtes grows iî the streets $J 50.t<Ud. The tîlate bt-st atatedb' for E lour, Feed, Coal, Tile,Ftc. thie birls btiit ie-isntheuti. gables. riv-e, stigar, colt> and Cottonî. Steaim Wli bégla toquoe y'I'lîe Te local pîîtrLat c' .tiRs to tay lpower te ttsed tlmost uxclasively. on Iii be g wad havquot ou prîcef anJ thaï te flot osleid t-y i clique or Thte e nfot a single dtaft horse on on aythîg w hav - o sd iffactiou, là a blessirug. ILs existauîce the entire plance, if we uxculst tiiose y6u wiltcail and give us a chance depends oui ads-ertlsiîîg, anJ thse mer- useJ by te herdere of cattle, of whleh t* do sQ. And wili gnarantee chant who refuses to îsatroîsize lb np- there are 16,000 head ou tise place. you wiil be satisfied with the On th," pieu that -everybody kauve Thse SouLisera Pacitie rallway runs for iceandals wih wat ou uy.hlm' sirstuk a Juty he owes ho tise thhrty-six miles hhrough tise fanm. ~prce nd ls wih wahyonbuy ,public, and tnoldently gîves ie buet- Tise cooupany has three teamboats Yours. noms a black oye. Advertisements are operating on tise waters of tise s"tt, - 0 a m s a vidence of life, public spirit, hope, of visici s 3 mites are navigable. It J, ~m SVIWUU~U ~ a disposition :to do business, andi a aiso isu n eShoue», bank, eiipyard '> -U~Y LA~- illingnems te give as voiltkas take. and rtc.l mil. 1GRAYS ISAKE. WAUCONDA. Gîve us ail the imUport)ant new.s. Thie Germai> Classes have adjoumîed "iue yotiing lpeule enj>yed the fine indetiitely. oleihiii Suday.' f J. W. Acker lias becia on l;he ick Wh'o forý,ot tîîRenud hie hest girl a litbtsnooathgi. valcntiie tis jeur? Mrs. WuodhouBe made a short visit Rey îlbir ~îît ~ 01~î>to the City iret of the week. fiieîîds at Bîrli,îgtoîî.Runinoîs Bay thîat weddiîag belle wili -. IÀ« ijad Buraelias beu outerinîg inii8 isvicinity in the near future. sick vitis a cevere cold. OUR OILT EDGED LIST. MIL.LBURN. isaris si, ise as hve iE liu .banp~am Visiie Jarnison ile honte;agaili. eue rose. la admette, oretaiSent i# Jan. VOL4 We set Lise date one year ahead ln Mrs. Word>'iî alo lias tison qiiteili. consideration of $1.50 paid by each of fiî r0ported better. Lise following, ince tise tant pubiaa- Pastorlarris liobh)led iîîto Chicago ion of sainie ln tise ICDBPNDENT: Tuesday on baailess. IIALI DAT. TIiere have beeîî >1>1cases of Bt]- 3. T. Ayers, Enos S. Gleason, stroke litre tiis week. Paul Sltz, Wm. D. Balley. .oîîIoîmrpo*lhewyt Austin Tnijaji, Henry Scisroder. WJohegauu tlîr plhîUic lé w yto PRAIRIEIEEW. I 1a houhte8lw David Spears, 41.W. Bttzentisaler Frtday, Feb. 2L), the Readinîg Circle Johns tanclifi, Anna Lookisead, wili mieet wtthm Miéti Aice jamiison. Auguat Holât, Chas. Tost r. Bobt. Stratig viile munch botter, in LONG OBOILE. aill boued; precaution ljeing aecoSary. Geo. Schiubele, Carrne Goosaviller. -DÔc" Strang mlsssd a trip titis 0. W. Meteaif. Ourne., Di. week, not rniosed before for seventeen John Ranyard, Leltiston. jeans. Dan Bttzenthisaen, Diarnond Lake. Miss Nellie Trotter wenL Lo Lake C. P. Thsomas, Fremont Conter. Villa Tuesday pursuant to lier minal FSmuel Traut, Globe City, Arizona, duties. ___________Bert Trotter bas beau borne trading Trean or, Tise Mormon'@ Daugisten, nd lias corne it potsession of a huse la the itho of a serial story tise firt litemarie. chapters of visicis vi appear lnntLisabislan t Thiorn lias left us to papen neit week. This la a tuse mintater at the suek bcd of a relative story which should be rend by every of Mnrs. Thorn'ms. lady. Tise cultured wiii profit fromn The pastor tiers lias liee» but a italf Its perusai Doî't miss a single moan a veek bock owing ho laiernas, chapter, or you i regret it. due toaacidnt. l'apant. - Mrst. D. Taylor Io110w entjoying a MrJoisn ltanyard, of Leitistn, a neturu vieiL from Mie. K. Dndgea solid gentleman from e eold sod, as sseri-lw<mJakon il>. usîjat, pnornptly renewed bie mub- Mns. Samuel BSmlihlae adiniier acription thse third ime for tise IhuE- font Wedneaday to a buncb of apprecla- PENDEN.T and took advantage of oun Lîve friende. A good time vas had. club rate@ te ecure tise old retiable . isnCarnie Baber sang ln bbe choir Chicago Weekly Journal, wiehislke Sunday eventng for the tiret lime ince hîiself is always republican, but no leist Auglust. We greatly eîijoyed hon partisan. We believe he made a rahurn Lu wonted service. Wise cholce. Itint titoo late to record tlhe vide interest haken in Dave Whihe's Our Great Clubbing Offers. wddlng. lit wa unannomiced ta but For Cash ini Advance Subacribers. a fev. Wisen knowuî, happy surprise TIree papere 'Flac Woeklinter ocemn. vas eouijoyed. Farina-r>. ilunttly anad lDEPEwDEiçT ail for John Rose, despite tlue late stoîma, ony 8201). made his stage and mail trips,u- Or tl, 1w Chiago 'A,.k1y Tiiiie. Amerle*an dauated. ile te a vetenan at it. O"r >,u,ntity) l'aruw.r arnd I SOeptNDreNT ail for ai,> y r.>?- publ ic con lardIV <ver value bis 71w0râjrý Jdd arner(Wt-ky) ndservice as a huitk vitl> the >uteside INlCPENDEtNT. bth One YeUaar.for 0111Y 12.25. wrd T'he Weekty Pruirie t'uriner. W-kiy Inter 'aVe should like to witness thse meet- (_Xeian und INi>.Ii'!,DENT ait> thpoe e 3r ing of James Buier aud James Kerr. for 5O Bath> these geutleîieii have recently i.V an ,ave. '.u u 10-y on, Roy Daity. teeRtble8sed i tle birtl of a tirai aev W.-kht. ,or r Eeadt igisliao;r httl>t daugliter. [ltitfatliers are £.raa,.An.rluflor Forf->gii. Il.wil vay' hap>py. *ou l food, . ail your paàpers (na,. zomaiu,. 'Thle iret (if tlhe oitlly sings conte thrOligil li. INIW>ENDÇILIT. off Tuesday at the churcis. ConsidSl- ----- _ -rrnn,= . iîag the weather. a good turt% ont vas Preîîare for thse »<xt canpaigt>. tiiert. Titis te aan exîerimel>t te sec The iN]dti'ECi)ENT for ententlrise. Who really belteve8s iiiigilàgby tbe .Temrynt ep ow nd it ilpoophe. ,. -1 viii pay 5on to help 4oitain It. Are you giîag? Ouît to Mr. flum- The 1lNoEi-FxNDENTi titis the bill for a ilareys? The club ailg.> out Lucre Connity anid (peniertal Newspaper. to n:'glit (Frîd;ay) for unee ut its unique Titis s tetlt-o* ly îaer tîlat stands eocial gai liertuagb. Lake Villa frielade op for the ! intere-<,t: Libertyville, ti joui> and soute special gucek fronti Central aundIRural Lake Courty. Mîtîburji. _______________ aV ile your correeponident vas 1t t iard to teli wlat woîiid N-orne derelict ini reports for Ltse tw(> pre- of us ail if overy bill introduced in tthe ceeditig tesu"u, u.Any notable tlîinge legiiatue souldbeeoae la oc cured. Messre Joeiaua auJ Charles iegsianresliul beomea iw. Wedge's birtlîdays wilthî a fanîly Aft.-r four weeks of zerfo veather, gatheriag, vas One Of the clief omie. dotiing wii >the seore was f ully bal- Ounr conigrat>ulationas if late, aie ltarty. uneed the elirnate begtns to moderate. Iobeit lunter, otfltictimouîd, li., We now look for ant early sping. anJ Mrs. Elizabeth J- McCieland, mie Oliver, vere married b)y Pastor Harris Don'L imagine tlîat oîîrcomldî>atiun at Rosecraîîs Iset Monday at bigla noou, lîrice of $2 for the IN11tF.11-.qOENT and Thle wedded couple staited fur tit theWeely nte (eeiit s gingtoiiew homne wsojaafter the wedding tueWuely uilr l~el> e gtngtodinuler. Mr. fluiiter le a welI to do tast forevî-r. Better take advatitage farmer an> a place ijear town; te a of it befort- the- iret of Marc-h. It geniaîî, ierry tuai of middle years. mcav be tuo late utter LIat. Tie bride is weil knioîvn liglly esteemn caDis pr li1eoi m pe t n or ut tAm mcd Bor k~t4~s tact e ntslparmDve frtlai lain- -MM Iuwo aer une gofor ch "d mi- Tu aminouPrntlngag I.M for -là ...1att'rmtch snouth. Jmbo rues nlaC . >.de advertglae&U paJ vajaNoUextra haeforgmm ode payle lbit or5 cns mach. 5lrU M 1. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. Our Clubbiug List. 1«9» acaumodation or Buch or Dur PUB- lanm mbm meaa deire tu tare mcy otber1 p*Wmtàm fort"t enaulu.g yr wth the, lu- -in, i a z&DUcD M.AI. The tolaiw- *Wa t ea 0( the Muepapular neisepemrs *" aaainm. Wbeu mone tuan one la de qM barnount 1tu i païd for the extra «M mu b. aertiied by ffleucting $lm4 fsmm Ibm pinsunaued i ouF club raes: PubLlahers' Our Club Priffs. Priees.. eh%"..Journfal. wes.hy... 8 100 a 2M dally.S0days., 6 0 Il 7 Ine ceaun.weekly . 1 W 2 (JO a).Adiq. Ou ag40 Reord. daily.. ý.... ... 3 00 4 m Nws. aoekly ..... .....lq%) 2 a0 Herad dali 0 6.ays ...li600 640> mgou. rely.... 0 ) 20 a etuuac ._2Ms a 25 ni aukbe.2 (à) 3 >ou rubne, Wash.. 1). C?.. 1 09 2 M to eariner......... 1 OU2 e2 nir....... ...... 19)0 2:M Sele ....1) 24% . W mo, D!m0nknon. ei sulîn 1 -.6 t2195 l 1 75 3 25 ,,.~~~~~~ M aNom Min . >6 4 anSuphin't 40) 17 20 .WU,.aWaskiy......4 >6> 415 Baa.............. 4(10 4 73 100 là le, t~~~~~ (JOaMaaiîe44 4 Mi 'If 7ou> deore any perodicai nt ninntioned fl abOve lia>) cali on or addres >us. ,. a'> a» &ive >0>1 speclal raes un any pub.lication fiva giveMachubaiber choies Of Farmecrs Noie*y, toHSford. MI.. Aincricau Famneror Wobmaalndof Sprlnsflcld.»a prciimi 4g«at to10everysau bcr ber-wbho pays for the l 1ED.PEDiexT one full yeur. els-ctly Vash ln ?remium No. 1I .-Farners Monthiy. To every subscriber who pays $1.,54 mbelty Cash in Advance, for th~e > I»zpENDE54 one ycear, we will send a -year's uberijtion f or the Farmier Monthly. a 16 page farr journal pub- lished at Bockford, Ill., Price 50cents; but oufl.ah-n-Advance subscrilhrs, Jlosephî Sylvester ailI uitave froa> thie Elaru b'hilliîae trait to the uAtusoni Siiephard farna. tthe ilaee Wiuî ('utel- mnuotevacates. Rot). Tl aurt> huas uisoved t tu Lua>»îîs ovaer tuas Jay Smtl store baildiuug et Gîia-iee. île extects to re opent thue Lore in a few day4. Djc'Iarles WeheaLi te (iuruee îpost niasier te stili s-ery il i ttbuliolttie Iltpes of luis recovery. île vas Lakeut A littie boy came Lo the home of A. C. Stoxeiî and wife une day aset week. Cali on thue Waucouîda piotograpler vhen yon valut a iret claies pictuiro takea. Wtlbur Cook la making lits rounds with tble ai books. Wib BayIy "mouey la vory searce."1 Mimn Emmna Morrison vai smurpise4 lat Pt iday ovening bly a number of lier yîauîg friends wiso dropped in to speimd tise oveniîîg vîtishii. A nuinier troistthis place expeet to attend tise joint debaite ath Ilf Day Saturday ovenhîag, providtîîg the veathor is flot to trosty. Mrm. C. R. Wells, Mies Il. C. Wells and Mn. and Ur&. C. L. Pratt attend- ail the weddiîîg of Mises Dora lleseley, of Melleîiry on tise 611tracnt. Scott Su elt mo Ved ounto the Tlioiists Clynch fan» iret ofthe *»week. le lias been ruîuning a tactory at Gurnee: but vu understand lie hat to qutilt thîe businiess on account of li huraîli. 1A. D. Loomis v113 lias been ruonin thie Glyncis factory for a terni of yeare. lias taken charge of a factory tiear Woodâtock. le te a good butter maker aîad we wish litai greut eîaceesa.1 J. E. Otynch anad Chas. Davis are rtuniig the Glyncli tuctory. Doiî'h forget tise plaiy which te to be givena iy Lise Watiuîoda Literary taejit in Oakland Hlall Friday anad Satîrday evening Mardi 1 and 2. No tine wyul be spured liti naking tise draina. "Týrii Yankee Detectiva,' and tIhe fartc ,My Jercia,' a granad suceue. The follawiiig is a partial price iet of phaotos wlateli sac> can have ruade ut tuie Waueoiida Studio uutil furthier no»tice. Miuetts pur do?. 7,5 c entis, Miniette test per duz. Siot Stamp pliohoa 100t)Peir $1 00 111 ad ras per d>az. $1.00 CJarres Climnax *.1 SAiepaiie t"" $1.7à C'abîinets $" 2.00 a Oowe i AZto T BasIc. 1000 bcshe àdtaio.... COn)eu. f o Sal. Applyto Fn rim, freot Coter. hall S ettleenW toppé of 82.00ape y dler emalItt. Bitlary 0) arm ee olnd 8PSUg9 st2 tge adM'r..Riuli, 1 Hur fr Sle. us> you Swlà Thes e Hinet DConivter. ii yo Fatam fmer Isave. e Hilyfn-13a a ba 000 Corda *nho oad (fay akin leuamheSie On aceâtont Ne aokwu" sit ufy plae, 7 aiars vt o> lgne. erm oe libeéveit o! I~I ville. Adply te oue os ni Hurryup u Vw Lum, 1000 C ord he ao ood.8e Forsed luip alentfit>. O BQI Saturdu . P.y.M MsaiaramutFora els.u oil. n plael'acrpslits Lb d Pho, toneahMAls Wes ofos vilyeusîtil fitiiowner otco.. 1e7ge20 H.rUGO Voir Bn LrAKnt Eto buisBguîua Do ik' oaue hi et e wlLb lnt' Uns. M>rnill bas beeii very- sick,! buttan improving islowly. Mrm. D. S. llook aied son Cliarliel vtited Grays Lake 4t%.-àday. Nrs. Encelid Vhendes, of Haiisosvilio, lu'r tayiag vitli Uns. MorIll a fow days. LaGrippe te agalin niakiiig tli appemce I ho lis neigiborliood. Mus. Fraizer le improving. Jobanie Hlook ai d W. M.. IiigleY wtt thir vives atteîuded thie fuiîeral of Mr. »Imagions ut Antiocis Saturday. Ail the pro milaeit business men Of Lhisa place ttellded the Annîuil Meeting ofthe Lake Co. Agrieultural Socety at Libertyville. Theres will ho a sPeciat vilage elec tien Saturday, Feis. 23, -95, at Thon- son Brom' store, te. leet a president, clenkanit six tzusteu for thse v il lui"of Grays Lake, te)laoid office a littie over a auoltti, 'titiithe regiar atanai elec- to the seconid Ttueeday *i Apnil, or 'titi Uioir spocessrs are i ly q ualitled. (Juk laeporter idid n"t tate wbo Lb.ecan- diatatesare, buthWitt dotibtiesB do me lileoek. We are pieaeed Lu iear Mimss <lard Io rating Witt) Uniasnual succesa blis wtnta.r sa a fino singer. Mise Cher>] W» bavoroa Witt) threrouming curbain celle Tbtirday svuîiîg Jan. 31, u thLle No e ope iigtitute, Chicagou, vhire sige appeared aWittesons) of the lbeet tauet in igle City acnaga«which we notice Mis Margaret E. McDowei and DMiss Ethel Gambie], violiniet. Of tise Ameenii Coumervatory of Music. Mu-s. Jauae Chistiaun vas boni on thse Isle of Mai, Euîrope, Diec. 2 1, 181 a. [a .arty life sie uinitard Watts the Wesleyan ehaurchiansd wgv&as a>active veSertnrei» for maauîvears Site Wils untted in u unrriage to Claarle.e Chriotiasu, Jtihy 19, 1850O and inoved t> 4)1141 duriaug Ltse f.,llawauag aliad ftotisere Lt >La>ke CtiaitY. Ill., il, 1 6, visere a<lue has since resided. Diigg ler resiaheuice here sie lias . -:_,-momben of Wm!tYtgb Methînist otid EtepisecPal iusW--e ambwa-ol> 1>e Congregational clîtireh Of Grays Lakte. Site lieis beouu a greiat suffercu- for maray yesrge, but ier eufferings îitd îot ehake lier trîuet ti Christ tfor flhitivatioiî anud a ghîriaos iirno)rtaiitY. Sht. depuintud Liais life osi Febrular 8, t<-. aged 81 years. 1i momtîs and 18 (ave Rev. I»aisy côniated themaservices Sunday afteriioouu furi-the ("elîîîg;g- ticusal chureli. Foîr rietiuatieru 1 have- faund i>liiig eq.ial Lu CItaaaberlaiiîVs Pain Baîru. IL relieves Lise pain as Wolsi as appiied. .1. W. Younug. West, Liberty, W. Va. Thae prompt relief iL affunde te alane vtîrtti maîîy turnestlute cost,1 50 ceîîte. ltm coutiiiued use vili effeet a permanent cure. Foi' sae by Frank B. Loveli, Libertyville aïnd 6. C. Roberts, 'Naîîcouuda, DrîuggietR. ROLLN S. WVimn. remeuu aîd .1. Ilart wenit 10 te city Taîesday. Mrs. Cribl), uee llerr, te very ick witlm typhoid fever. M re. Chrislti au anged lady livinsg sotuth of Roslins, (led Friday, vas buried la Avoua ceueterv. Mu-g. .IaïulbRuuelan èk a> Chicago caing for a siiik lîrother who ia l lvuî viva-ry lita' wtthu tyî>huld feven. '1 uesday Feb. 5, vas tue cluttet gtioruiiiing cof 1895 tu bIis date.-. ituet- ' MdCailt a quitt a serius ruila- tiunweter registered fr,îm 17 t» 24 i>wtY Mo>îdauy breaking a fieluuetter in bel>w 'zeru att di Itereuit poutitets i k inadling aood; lita >ue inj ured - Warren. 1- -I leîmry 1Slteîard ad a uuiuler osf FOX LAK E. îittier farîsuers haîve ueeau illiuag tlueir lîrîî Saturclay pet). 12,1<> Mr. anda tee hJUtses svitituuthue Pa4t turLtluL .Mm .W'm. Geldeua a ltab y ,. thte3 report thle tee clear andat about IN iches tllck otfdue o îuaulty - M r. E. 0).lHawkinus saaî-d aasl for Shacîlarti s>ys lie lots lubet-eut 50 atai e geCtritteni Nl oll(lay amiaTl'tues- 60i loadii lai his iteebuse. e>111Y. A 5'ery pit-asai t %%acjl S 5as "lite F"ux Lake t'reanucer5- ttkes lt hirtluday phtIy lii set> ta Joi î 1u >)»it litut tlaoits;iuitlinuheof u[nt FEiciituger's sotai>-tw» wi-ct agt>. M. >1113i Etel htiger ;atu]lis sis1preIrsMm. (eri Wil Birutel Ie i;u( ilrie vi-re thte of WVaukeg n lîtthu cet Ih>.td iltelu- -grtests of lits luothîci Elater Iast tirthîdlays tuMethelic-a' . tt- Tîeir 8>1uday. fathter wlua .1iedti tvt 5ars atgo %%as1 btoun tIse satane dlay osf thie inothitî A A. 'Twived of thisj plaice uttenduieci ile etraiuge Ce,îiitehe t e ue of it>- fa1uîilv ft r(ua îf . iiuuiiotiskit Atutiteli whutse bitlîs acre tte sanie ulsy if the j~tudy niiiîtli. Elnie ac rtabtle and A.ltu-irKer- Tus W'ltjtter Dhiiratic iclub stili present thîe popluluir draumut "Abttse tse Cloud, ut te Granuge Hlal, Sut- urday eveuutng Fsb. 16, '96. 'lie club la compoeed of thî ypmî eul of thîe negiborisood ivh =J. e iagivtng cosîiderable im ai~tLt e Lstudy. and pructice s pay. A good entertanme j .okied for. Lt'. tura ont an thuiLie Young folk&aa nWoyaI recept -i dmhson 26. W in muatde atcil.tug v isit t L At ioclu Oune dtuy last weeki. A uaîînler f romien euad alsio froni Lakte Villuta tteiided tise funerai of Mms ChriBtian a& Grave Lake Suusday. i e Wieyou vanbt t sali «ontuta fanm, buy a lot, Uied. borme, or Myj- ting étae, Itvih1pay ÎOU teo.p a il uotie la 1th swmw W b"é ais ahaleaost bni j7« a *hr B vieiL Lu li aîuy trie-nds aI bI- linaL of tise wuok. JolistiKoffeuu hîeld Lise husky inom Utltwoin Lhe cutter tisaI Mr. IsLa had rafiled Babîrlay. - Carda are out aauîounetmg veddiîg ouatLise 2th tuaI of UZ' Stioiz anud éShermnîiît. Tie band lcoys gave a msaq hall ast Saturdity uveuliçilfo at Ftcke's hall sesvas adveiilÏo> Tise INsuzxgsuxxT Ofce tu te tu p>ntnt saie BUileonuchoit batisfactory vork guamatsa4 notice ha tise paper vits eYy Tite Lake Zanih etisioot vil an euatertainusent. Proceada fi purchase of ltbuary books. Do 4uienuits Coiers beat yîu' peoiple of Zuarica. The Boy Rep9@ver*d.ý Auy iytue 5wis<lista lilîdreaV jouce aith 1. B. 14,ltord, of Pti4 N. J. LitS littie boy, Oive yemiI vas eick viLla croup. For t1W andl iights lie trimai varioup5l curnnmendted t.y frienîts and be île says: >"I, thloiht sure I wçil laina.I îlmdi jamelS' ttenedystîdverttsed and wot>ld Iry iL as a hiîît h<4t wi happîy Lu Say that atter ivo &> iSlet irlîitil lnorniuag. I gave Il next dîy cand a curie vas .*e keep thais rarniediy lit thie h«susý as a8ou asiny otfaMy cb1 sigias; af crouli, I give lb t- u tluat te tile last ofthLiecm w Sale by Fruak B. lioveSn 1t, adG. C. Boberte WacoouuleM If you vaut haadbpk#4 If you want envelopwm4 If you want Cl).~ If you vent buiuWIi4"ý If you vaut oMet I If Yeu vait temy,%c Ileo Vn SX 10 faauily group very ttest $5.o0 A littie maidua bas euî" peu dIci. thead quartera ut Winî. pretuS> l4vesial îîriec on ai t iails otfvgie Win. lltn iexpect e, v% ork. CeLthm Wauc cala pisoto,ràahe satore cattle tu siuip tu tise prictes bettîre jîtu have your pictnauei markets. takelu. Ailtuprices redueed te make Tune last week Zurich. beelb waîy for uew stock. Gallery open ilînstu-atiou. tee vii it 01BOt Wedneeday, T'rhureday, Frtday aund te ple&%e. Sal umnaay. Satisfaction guaraiiteed. W. M. liv<uiIEe, lhtograplier. Tiheue it4 a îlucty t ot 1c 111 -* Where in thiat mtld, ffen A Cure for Rheumatlam. coaaîug tront? uuU_.-m 'd laî11-0.0, WARREN. Itona%& Hcoeived 'Fou Late fur LaieWc-uk. A large baux ut ehotlîtuag vas recelialy sent from Gunuie Lu Nebr-,wka. WlliaiCaslimOre Jr , te îrepariîîg tu meve tu Mn». ttronisdoiuas faim siona. Mrn. Henry Sliep;tald and dauihter Loua, oft Waaakegaii. vere at their taribomne lhast sîuday. Mus. George Thmoruu lias retteil lier tarin Lts thie Niehuolmoiu tlrothaersa-hi uiow live oun thie Clarke Gillett ari». 1 OVR AIM: TO PEAR GOD. rELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE MO.Np- nits ueeii quite,

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