gr wtecn rs m-M*i My> bt"5h Veccnt tor.. d ~aeù a on pension 1k>cuugated b>' As- - lterler Risyttode. W. Kernes', of boldo that - où account o! iy 14 primearli'duii and ouI>' remotel>', tMu1 iii obligation te hoatiatactell>' siiow vas dL-ectly oeca.ioed ~ disiult>'and net due ~oe.dess aOf!thie cdaimi- ID IOr.PATRIOT. hy a. cllago m ~C.'Uncon'.birthia>' M-pegil adupualetfpatin- pstiIojlc munie gave Imrato the people ite 4 'for the idol- -""A bsue oussbroetpro- gave tholr employe. M otuknmiIa, set s RJt WItIi i.eeption etftthe *departaet., practlcalî> ~ r-tai a oll4y. ae* evoted tie day ta Mtesl9eusd 'WImpiecs.upon y#.4-oglg4gted the exalted levsothie martyred Tbe moatetteusive exercîsea. tguby»heie di.theeveinn byteCook Count>' Unio anui ueu d t thte '.ab banquet aithéi Grand Seini>'Wattersen, the ý 'orter aud jeurnlist, 1 edltoduaddreve, and the, WiUUii te.ts tMtos cpacit>. M"p>'noBateaWreckei b>' Wi Ny wotr lahuxe âfao Xam, v*ho ded sud- hrement@ agi, Bnp- diss.., vnt wao th. owy, two yensagi *he vas YbdcI0m uammlunSoutient . ý ieb atoila cmpletely à wo4,ovk ever $M0.000 X à&.* beéc sed, but gis tJiatýâeStha ve Chii- Wh*tevae bio sureties as epWiien .Beurv WIIIO hp d miaa h. o uai very- *W tié cash wagverlfied ett ttranoires diat the dea4 ga-treaurerhad ri h~ tg qtPSS,08LO Thus ras -uos y>'advanco t'a.e tste fends te Heur> qgéi Loba-non banter. Tii. itl.e a s notes sigued by U0.To qeoure tdiiicol- lWb"ekIf fotem iou the M iîs ortsabout $185. e te agu» bat dil p94m à 8000 Tii.lstte hai iàýbut*Os&rwo creitoari a re Yl7?i ' -: -OV" &t mv hPittéburg ~~ etReulVir. asBaiÇmpvauy, a large con- gou. eelato tdi. isd seTeapplication va. made Whosvie lîned diat ovinc maièll erl w t>'hie cospan> te muet It. oblIgtIons a. hiey Mud ft la teargi lie valuabie vIS be o arlOoed. Henr>' Wam *PPOhIted sa reelvet-. The. lie. e $485., iditimated as. POO,000- Tii. cmpan>' vas lu gtesn tvayenrs &go. CATY'LE IN A 140*TMR te uie etot. Fs iterc at the ment untiver- b«,Wii ho detructive ho cattie ,0 B"14 Mu*la 'T«@&.The ale . 14 ebubtadly causai ma& lh,#sépe, sd ei lou bUii -4 tvauhie oa dii t beGort-ment "dimolstsln 15 ho tWaghiegroshur "parte i 1 0 l Touis>'mornlng it W vrea .m» lmmi. e&mo wéad 0rstgt Oiltte fotofa BL 106uisMsd anuk landth -is wt a Maile v 'Iic a ; Mz dte cotala valuables Mg te $96,000 Mond">'Captai: h abî.qibe divarsund tMtii. w*ue and fouai die v uem to e otain a large 69 *s dq t b ai mMelcib>'thi di cri,aMl aise a gold vatel as.. IeMM -Patmersgraved on iouLC.Osî ria" iDe"& 'barf a tentuxq tding ududtor asti mu- g.,. *t«4wluot n la u .tiut tbqr total nom- t. oe;ament, .1<1and neW. audI -dzprtet bas autiiorit>' ta audit setie. andm i wh'are Inou pqoeul la prabtî under jour tiioussnd, ag5gatlng about $40.00000 ln a-ent. ,n» Comattte. laneoamdeing a r.medY ertitI co.dtion of *fra,% suggests a M.titod for t eth m enote C.haims whicii, "after mncii tudy sud discussioni.c la tiiouit te ho adequate andi compre-1 hanste." This providea for the appoint- ment b>' the Preadnt of a non-partIsan commIssion of thue. good sud experlancedj laVr iiewtb full Jnriedictian, te= d beraifnE'determine, on both thei1 law aud the. farts, ail edaimB.Uaalpt the. Gavrtment now ponding whiehi, under exoting lava, né department in autiior- lied te audit an»Mi ete. wlitiith right of *PPwJ n lam cse viere the. aMount in- volvd la ovet $5.000.The. attomrue>'gin- orai la te, maire the. defens. la eacii ca. Ait dedllos are ho ho crtified te Congres. for appropriation, and ail cdaimes Oft vh the. eomiaaon la glven Jutimdlctiomtar tu ho barred unie Sied in two >eas. BBAT OROVURR'SPLAN. Democrats Refus. t. o iov Springei' on currenCy Refer-. B> the. narrow majorteof twenty-deveu tiie Hou.. of Repr.s.ntat'res Tiarsda>' defegted the. admInIstatIon mandIf measure, and the. hpsof relef for the. tremaur>' from Congre.. ttmbled te grouni. Ti. rosait la chargeable a. Mueii as anythlng teutthe tact that Mr. Springer va. unable te commnd ibis ovu part>' or concllate hie poitlcai opponent. Niaety-two Democrata,4 fifty-seven Re- pubican.sud elevin Populiste Outvoted nlnety Demomrts, torty-four Republl- canen.tal>' .shoot.siiowlng the. bill ta b. besten b>' the comparativel>' close vote of 161 te 134. The. action of the lie- pubiCati embrsitned latrl'Woitii reception given ta the. Reed subttute. whiiciiwaa beaten b>' narly a "stc part>' vote, receeving ouI>' seven vote tram the.Dentocratle aide eoftthe chanthor. 9 NINZ LOB? ON TUB LAKE. cé i Ci ald la i go l di l tc A 2j ai tI il b Tic>. Were Atut la Opn Bouas0OffI Nîne nmen wvi eneut hrelief oethle men ou the. Milwaukee crb Tiiunada-y arc tout. Aten am iunauceestul saauei lagtîng ire heurs, th. fiuieboat FoIe>' re- 'I turned ta ber dock at 2 o'eioek Frida>' moriug. The nîne men in the sinal boaseare vltiout doubt tou. asthe>' T coutid net bave llved la di. icy tempera- fi ture prevasllîu aveu the. lake. k CeestieasTaken la Raud, 0 A dlspatch ta dhe Loution Timnea frointPl Pari.s mye that sont. of the Rnaman en- 1 voya have ieelred instructions as tathein attitude vhlch Rusais. Englani aud c France, anidirougb Russia'. Iuterven- P tion, thc United States, lalteni te take on a lhe questions raei b>' the, var betvit Chinassud Japun. Aceonding totei l Times' correspondent itiba been iecided n liaI the evetuai interventien of di... r povers aithte propen mentent siali b ca i olutel>' disslterested. Chinaus vîlieh asked lu heu owu internats, na. velas inlu tieaef e dicvlllaei vorli, ta openli er Pl porte. seeltis tint di. prenntsystelu basi ledt te China@«eesneand ulin. e Tii. powes yl vait until China admit. i bursef vanqulsiied and alucerel>' nego- e tiatea fer pence. . Il vill tien lho pointai eut te Japon tint Europe cannaI alîow hier te aunex au luch of thte Chînea. main- land. But the. saine Impossubîlît> de..r net exit lu regard to otier annexatlausy vic iyl ho open ta discussion. Tier. b vili lie ne Intervention cenrniag v..- t ses, arieandi other boat>' nor te the van Indemnit>'. Thii. question mut ho aettled n betva.n the. couibatauts. Na abjectiona wilie holei te Japan retaiulng certain ' positions a. pledg.m of payaient. But nob commercial litlpulations te dhe diaivant-a age of tic powers vilI hoe peîinttted. TiiL vitale voli in ta profit b>' su>'openlng of porta ou liberty' ta penetrate inta lie Interlor of China. Finsîl> the. poveus i ili mais1 tinttheiiChimeecuureaey lu 1future li.o te hoou the. uropeati systent,1 i aIder la faciltat the, uev forelgn lbap ta vitici Chinan yl hoobliged ta resart. LiPs Ver>' Latent. Honolulu silice. b>' iteantet-Australia tel ef Queeu Liuokalai's abiicatiag in t arer et di. republie. Tiis la b>'fan the mont Important autcente of the late ne- baililan. Tiie document vas dravu, up b>' " A. S. Hartvell et the. requeit ofthle ex- i quoe, and vas presenîci ounte 201h Iultime ta Prealdent Dole. The qneen yma-de a pics tor tic Havailansansd oh- rs whvi took part in the rebellan. Site hope. executive lemene>' viii ho .xer- elcîsc lu dhiu cases. She exprcsates a -deaie te liv. lu absalte priva>' hence- -forth. Tii. document ludude. a cap>' of a ii oatb of alleglauce taken b>' ber, sud cloue. :"I ihave eaused th. fo'cgoiug statement ta hoe prepared anud maynansd 4havi siguci nty nante vithant haring re- ceieildthe, îgteat ugotiair fronithei -Preaident et Hawaii couemtintg tic sainie or an>' part dieneaf, or couoerang su>' r- actleu or course ef my ovu iu lie puent- ae ltus." The queen's abdicatian vas not et unexpeelci. lu man>' quarters it i. look- cie upon as a ru. to secure clemcucy * viien aie appears bhore the. atilitar>' fi court nov ittlug. Tt la net general>' kt eousidered tdatah. Ie slnep luaiaklng - ber protestation. ffînce ast advices cvi- Sdence ot ver>' damaging ciaracter ha. ben pli areunn ber. Tiie dipatches aime ay> that wien arralgnei on tie churga of open rebellion the tire. leaders niceai guiltyr. The othe,. refu.ed ta plead. t Teanieea"te isPort. 0 Tii. White Star steamer T1eutonlc, ýt diree day. ovrdue tramn Quienctawn, an- e rived at Seudir Hook at 2-30O eclock Bat- is ut-day ntoning Tii. vessel show.slgne d of a tormy Pasaue. The. Tentonie did " net sesu>' sgna of TA Gascogne aud t-e- "portaievere veohiietait>' aven. 0Thieaue!fthe dels>' vas iead vinda band heur>' seus. Capt. Camoron reporte ndtis as eue of the. tormiest voyages lic bas éver experlenced. B. reportsa al veli on hoar&1 ,imese lint Banik. 41WUV1spatdii frointWef-Bal-Wei deti4 Pcb. 5 sari that dhe Chines.tiet ui bus pisetklcal>'cea.ed ta mais. « Tb*tiran 7 dad Chen Yomenud ber ahter ship, the rO Tias loin, have bi.n aunk, snd the otier Sviesiol01thdi.Chiase.Miet are vîthilatii. upaapbr.tiie Japanes. Tii. hlest bide evcr knevu in Ua E4 ger, M... Soodmi vWareiousessienthc eu Offe - Bbaiiug l. se arted a lie -iilml ç~ ~~h lUts iitauinssscIwon t leen LII te Be Triei foir Treases- Protectorate Ma>' ne DoclaredilLom don Bak u M i: eli-moranad Eealy Pound G(ut>'. Tremendouls Force ef Go.. 'The. "BliMoses" gas Weil on the. Open- or fana, on ludian (Jr.ek, near Parkers- Srg, W. Va.. ownèd b>' the.Victor Où1 lntpany, viilch compati>'ha. apent thiou- mid. of dollars la a few Mdhths la en- ravorm to miut lt off, burat anl bouda tiie eer nigit, tesriug np fift.en acres of ag, carrylng everyting before itL It la Sonouneed the. greatemt gamer ever etruCk nthe world. Tiie roar of the. e.caping ,au, wich eau ho heard for miles, lm r.- urt.d to, ho terrible. auid cattie, borns id sheep. pasturiug lu the. vîcinît>' ane Daa thelr mena. of hearing, eventual> tlyng from, an unkuown caume. Au tiié )aune canht t h regulated, It will bave ab. ailowed ta exianat itseif. DECARUBLEN TO ACT. mLnericau Admirai Sai tu Bave Been Inatruc-tei toTake Pearl H&rhorý A dlspatai front Honolulu, dated Feb. and reeived via Victoria Sunda>', mn'm: [.la learned frontm eni-officiaI reporte îat Acting Heur Admirai Birsrdmieeu astruetomis autitorize hum. ta take ça- tension of Pearl Harbor for a naval ta- tiun ud tu declare an American protec- trate aveu the Hawaiien, Islande as nSon u the political conspirne>' ban been dis- posed of b>' the militar>' conmnission. Caler j glven tip the runtor by goverumeut cor- amspeudence reeelved front Washingtan by the. lant mail and the, tact of a detail fi officers iaviug been sent dowu to Pearl Harbor under the admira'. instructions to prepare ta carry ont is arders. Tiere je -IttIl lu afaira bere,- anà-qnIet---WIjfl probabi>' reigu until the militarir court now sittiug, sbail] bte inlmhed its wouk. Great Iuterest le attached to the. forth- eomlng trial of the ex-queen. The Gov- rament dlaims ta bave more than muffi- 'lent evideuce ta convict ber of treason. Ti.r. are sMx specificatioun uthe. charge. T'he militar>' commission han brongiit ln fndiige in twculy-taur cames. MORE GOLD WANTED. The Latest Bond Ôale Mar' linprove Coaditions soraewhat. R. G. Dun & Ca.'. Weekl>' ieview of ['rade saym: For a whoi. w.ek the. con- ideut expectation of lie sale of bonds bas kept back exporta of gold. Wltiidrwale Irom the treasur>' amounted ta about $2. 000,000, but ver. maini>' fur donteatii purpases. In the two months endiug Feit 1tic treasur>' actualîr iost $67,000,000 n gahd, of whicii $40.400,000 went tunu circulation nnd $26,8W000, besdes tite praduct of the. mines, weut aiiuaad. T. arrest titis outga ln cihher direction la a prablent wiicb the. new issue of bond@ nay posmibi>' moire. It is hoped lhtat the negotiatlonc wlti foreigu bunkers mn>' se- cure nmnt.Impraventent. though it in clear that sale. of sectirities itere wii bave the saine elfect a. if the bonds were placed l intii. cauntry' and tii.>'mn>' ne i. stopped b>' the. n.i transactions. Tii condition of industries if not definitely better, St Mnt presents smne points of incouruguiit. ____ Fred Lorraine 15 Cowhided. Fred Lorraine, an actor, wha la best rementbered b>'iei support af Margaret Mdather, vas cowiiided at Indianapolis bY M1rs. Johann Noti, who acuatsd bhlm o trýiug ta ntarr>' ber daughter. ttough lie was already n maut fantil>'. Lor- raine was qeverel>' stung about the hut. and face befare he diasarmed lte enraged woman. Last enuamer aud fait Lorrain( headed a combinntiom whucit playad lu th( minor towns, and iss Norh was animera ber of lte coiupany. Goli Coee This Way. Tii. announceint of lthe Americ-m loan conlirueth ie statentent that 90o would leave Loudan for New York. Thi Bank of England will prohabl>' tome abon £2,000,000, and lte remlainder will comn fron thti open market and other source@ The rise in Paris amtd Berin excitang indicates tint tîtome couittries are buyini remnittauces on London witit a view t purticipating ln the. ioau. The stock mur kets were dcpress.d hy the bann aunounc- moti, partI>' because of the probable lon of goid and dearer moue>'. Bee Their Bister Burn Up. James Marti nand wite, living near th Davidean coke works, Conuellasvilîe, Pa. left their four cblîdren at home for short time lu charge ufthtie oldeet dnugh ter, aged 10. During their absence Mar) 4 years of age, tel inta the. apen gint and vas burned ta deatit. The ohher chi dren ver. mel terrificd tint titey did no attemplta oreacue ber nor gir. uitn larm. Both Are Ouilt>. Guili>' of manlnugiiter as chnrge was the verdict ut thiin uthe.Heal) Maran mnrder came ut Cicago. Th mante document flxed the. puuieiimentc tic tva defeadauts ut fourteen yenr enci in the peniteatlary. TIhe two wer policemen, and, vie drumîk, they>'@ti and kllled Swvan Nelson. lu Decembel 1893. ____ Big Charges b>' the Sherif,. Testiman> bas, been gîveit betore th Sonate lnvestlgatlng Comnittee at Dei ver, sitowlngtinht b>' menus ofilîlegal au exorbitant bille., Siierif Burcineil's ofli ban recelved about $25,000 annuatl>' mo tian the maun to viticit It was entilei Tea Men Loue Tiîr Llvcs, Tea men, ail tht. cran- ofthte Briti Pott t 11 n ticz er ian his frteln hre yeara. lan180 diC =ed States hilpped te GerSan SAM02130 tous ef vient. The. naît ler ttIsie rgpWedte 8,149,2n2 tans, a-dinl 1894 the. 8'gui.a er. but 8,054,M00tons. Iu th. meanvlrle Argentin. e temte have galned about wiat ive 105, for the importaetf hat froin that cotiant?> lute German>' ajnonntlng lu 1892 te but 0661,- 61)7ton.,s; .wiw inlum196te1,513,961 tous, sud lu 1894 tea8.196.190toua& lu 189 Rusais and et-matir eugaged la a tarif .var. .lu coneffenca tiie Importe et Rtumiasa*bea-t ilut em-y. vilè ver. 2572,991 ton, la 1M98.droffil 0d*mi denyin lu1898 ta 2162 tans. E in l 1804,. pea. bavlag beeu r..tored. -ti* Rusalan vheat Importe inte Gertuan>' reaç,ied 2M509 tons. NOST OF TUE C ROP SAVIL Bsse of 1h lu;ared b>' Alternati Freezlnan sd Thavlng, The Cncinnati Price Carrent entmmar- ie. the crap conditions fur tic put .ek as followe: l"A portion ot the whist erop aiea han recentl>'been subjected ta treexing sud thawing, sud tmne InJur>' ha. been don., but the. erop la mostl>' prç- teeted sud uulujnned. interlor vieat ef- terfngo are exceptiotiall>' mmlland saies are belng made ouI>'eta spuemium over parit>' wit arket centers. Mille,.' up- pilies are low aud repieulisiment la dUSl- Scuit. Corn la lu fair snppiy lu man>' die- Ptricts,. but nt marketed treeh>'. The. week's packiug et itags amunuted ta 315,- 000. against 265,000 for the. correspond- iug veek a 7enr aga." G IVIl A COSTLY DIICISION. t las Couat>', Nebraska. of 030000 B>' a decisian of the. Nebraska Suprent, Court, Douglas County bas. lont $M00000. Inl 18M6 lie Count>' Contntlsiouers subi- - nitted tean vote tie question of selliig tity> acres ot the surplus land atta-cimi ta the. pour farta. Il was titougit tha-t the ik question carried. anud the.landi vas eut up juta Iots and aald. Th~e specuation va. anu npraitable ane, and te nov ovneis beganuta agitalo lthe question oethde le- galit>' of the vote. The District Court eded-ded against lthe ceunI>'amidie Sn- prame Court afflrpied that decliiu, and ,f th quandant owuers Set their moue>' L- bsck, with interest. aTwo Statoanida Amphyxiatdd. - W. Newtou Porter and Archibald B. Hunter. members 0f tiie 1'enalvania AssSmbl>' tram West Morel sud Caunul>, werc aephyxisted in ticir roama at the Hershey Haonse in Harrisburg. Il ia.lbe- elieved tint the. gus wus uat entirel>' bru- 0ed. off viien te>' relred. Porter'. con- adition la exeeedingl>' critical. Hunter. S tIll recover. Ie Fatal Kanans Affru>'. )_ amea ýNuIt, fauions as lte slayer et sn W. W. Dukes a UggiatavulPa., leu I yeurs ugo, Tu.sdn>' aight tata-Il>' vounn- -e ed Mra. Jesse Peyton near Atchison, bt Kan.. sud put three ballets into-Leonard eColentan. injuring hlm serionsi>' but prob- abl a n>eult atallYk Nutt vas humns.if me ,f badl>' iicked with an axe ltat ieh. ill die, Destructive TdaI Wave., A great tidal wave hanswsept tic eat- st cru Atlantiecaitist, carrylng ivitit il deali Lt aînd destruction. Tite greul vave is the ,y result of Tuesday'ms torut. It ha, exlend- tf ed logg the wiole coudt,anud in ils bh migit>' force sivepit np thromtgb Penobseal ,r- river and wus teit severel>' at Bangor [la d Great Deiot Burned. ne Tii. Union station at St. Joseph, Mo., e complîeted ii May, 1882, and which was Sused hy ail the railuvnys emtering the cit>', was laid in ruine bY ire aturda>' ight. The. lons vihi rench $400,t)0. Il uas oui ofthlie mnt severe tires ever suffered by l te City'. ___ 01(l Watei a HusUas.d. h e MIrs. Minssie B- N icliols, ot Conter MO- rt riches,. L. I., who ls said lu have oblained me $3,8M f roni gullible baehelors andli id- .~ overs byimeanus ot matrimonial carre- ý;ý spondonve, lium heen arrested b>'te Fed- 119 ers] authorilies for improper mse ofthtit mLails. r- Fire la Due ta the Cold. Le Au atlempt ta thaw out eleratan pipes y" iu the basement afiAaron Braga' furai. tome store iii Baltintore caus.d n lonsaea over $75,000. The. fiamie darted tmp the elvatom miafttand quiekl>' preni lie througlîonl lie ire-star>' building. -y' ite li- lot Md y- h. rs [lot e, the eit- nd Ice ed. Ib. lie med the .ted Ra: ma B f a I President Cleveland hus negotialci te private sale ut $62,400,000 ini 4 per cent. thirl>'-yean bonds ou a hais of 3% peu cent. ________ M-ASE v'.'zza Chcago-Cutle. caution ta prime. $.5L.T OOi; bhoue.miiîpiug groiles, $3.110 04.75; sheep, fuir luacitoice, $2.00@4.75; whient, Na. 2 r.d, 50051e- corn, No. 2. 42@43c: anIs, No. 2, 27lW28c; rye, N.. ", 51@52e; huiter, ece cnu.ameaiery, 23@t 23%~e; eggs, treah, 30w,3le; polatoe.. car lots, peu buibel, 05@80ec. Indlumapolis-Cnlîle, miipping,$3 5.50: houa, chice ligitI, $3è; slîeep, cosuman ta primte, $2@4; viteut. No. 2 red, 512e; ce.crn,.No. 1 whtite, 40«1 40%e; enta, No. 2 whtite. 32@.32Wc. St. 1Loui-CaIlle, $3r-b.75; houe, $3i 4.75; vheat, No. 2 rei, 51052e; corn, No. 2, 41@42c; anIs, No. 2, 31@31%c; uye, No. 2, 54@58e. Cinciiiît-Catlec.$350W5.50; hogu, $.0.5;sleep, $2(â4.50; wvitm, No. 2, 5%@5%e; corn, No. 2 ntlxed, 44@45c; as, No. 2 mlxed, 31%W12. rye, No. 2, Detroil-Caîle, $2 500.50; iogs, $40 4.50; sheep, $20d.50; viest,,No. 1 vile, 55ubli%e; cern, No. 2 yellow, 41@42e; anIs. No. 2 wile, 3t3lh4%e; ue, No. 2, 'oledo-Wbent, No. 2 r.i, 53054e; corn, Na. 2 ntlxed, 41@42e; eas. No. 2 wite.334e; ryi, No. 2. 58054e. Buffsîe,-Cattie. 25006;bot@. $M0 4.50; shcep, $ffl4J0; vimet. Ne. 2 ici. 57058e; cous, No. 2 >'llov, 47@47W.- eas, Ne. 2 vhite, 85W%6c. ý Milvauke-Wheat. No. 2 sprint. 50 Me; corn, No. 2 434j44c; est.No. 2 wite, 32082Wc; hsrley, Ne. 2,54050e;. mre. No. 1, 02054e; poik. ment, $9.75 10.25. New Yrk-Catti, *805.75. bore, $&50 05. e sh &%»$205 viiat. No. 2 rads 59 OSCu; eorn, No. 2. 4100e;, est. vhlteý 'Western. SiOte, botter.. «uSUel>, 111 ItYfW c~#4~&WOXK AT ýWA IONOt. No-~flaWasedpsu«tonoe ment to the Coltntry at L*age. Tmg Leulative Gulnd. The. Chicago peu utoilebill PAaSeilthe Sonate Wednesday wltbout objection. owi g tover>' dorver uork b>'ilIO members. The. Democratie maJorit>' ln the kienate bas bemn elimlnated b>' the «trancs of Clarence D. Clark. of Wy- oming. The. attention of the. Boim wat empie4witiithebill te ai;tbqrise ani' l- ue obohiq.(>0000 goid bonda. No vote The. administration currene>' bill wa. IefaatedThuradal in the. Bouse. the. voe belng 134 ta 161. Reeids and Cole$ ubstituteu were beaton b>' lagrma- jorities. The. joint re.olutioa for a Si ver' for a uiiip canal te conneet the. head- raters of the Wabashi wltb lue UMIdi- anwill b. favortb>' r.evoted tote four. Sonate,.debated the. Item la the. diplomatie and consuiar appropriation bill providlng for the, larlng ef a eau.e te, Hawaii. A report glving the correspond- ençe witii Ruropean countries regardint the tarif 1maw was sent ta the Senate b>' the >re.ldent B>' a vote of 341 ta 25 the Sente Satur- la>' decided ta la>' a cable te Hawaii and approprlated $500.000 to begin the wonk. The Sertqte, paaaird the diplomatie and ,enoaiatpproprieton bill. and iisteded to eulogies on the. late Smnator Stock- bridge. The Han,, Ways anudoIns Committe. debated the. Presidentsa bond message. Mucb opposition te thte stIPU- lotion for payment in gold was manîlest- id. lu eommittee of the wbole the Boume roted ta place individual clenks of mem- bers on lte annnal salary roil. * 1eolufti>ni deflilng thte polhtydf Ibo Government ln regard ta golti and milver and one arraigaing the management of the Pncifie ronde and directing the Attor. ne>' Gencrai to beglu foreciosure praeeed- luge were preseted ln the. Sonate Mon- laer. Correspoudence and reports regard- lug the Behring &ea fiaierles were ment to the Senate b>' Prealdent Clevelnd. The Senate Commîttee on the. Judîciar>' wll report adeversel> the. nomination et W. M. Campbell, ta be marshai of M inne. sota. The. Houa. agreed teatthe Senate amendmnste t the Cicago post office bill, and lt went to the President. Tbe Hanse completed cansideratian of the. leg- imîntive appropriation bill with the excep- tion of the paragrapii relatlnt to pension offices. A bill ta incorporate a coiapany whicii proposes to la>' a cable to Hawaii. Anstralia and Japon wam presented lu the. Hanse. Thte leglative appropriation bill was pamsed b>' the lionse Tueuda> after the, item piacing cheiks on the snnai pa>' roll hmd been atricken out. The Haone Ways and Mens Commnittee dimcuemed the, gold bond plan and made derided pro- gress toward an agreenment. The. Hans. Committee on Pacifie Rtonds decided tu agnin report tite Reilly bill, together tritit the proposition of thte companies ta par' the. principal of the. debt. 11eairs. Mor- gan and Pugb protented iu the Senate againat the speech, of Mr. Allen on the. nlleged election fraudo in Alabama. A bhl providing for thte unllmited coinage of murver wam favarab>' reporteil ta the Sonate front the Finance Committee. The. Eagle. Neeertheleae. Sûmte oue telîs the Ilttle anecdote rm- gardlng the alinlgbty sil("er dollar: Wheu aur first silver dollars were to be coiued. lt was propoqed to place an engle on the reverse sIde of the coin. The adoption of the angle ns a nation- ni emblein was strenuoxtsly opposed !)y Congrei.smnn Lyon on the ground thal the king of bîrds ouglit îlot ta be made the emblem of a nation tltat itad re- pudinted kings. Jîîdge Thatcher, Cou- gresomtin tram %Matsacliui;etts. th.'t propased the goose as belng a verp humble republîcan bird, and suggext- ed furtlier fithat Itwoultl hc advaiit tageeous inasmucit as tte gosilings might eonvenlently bc placed ou tite dîmes and other sinail coins. The mer- riment fltnt tollowed nt the expense of Mr. Lyon was greater tiîan bis cholI orle temper could beur, and lie utonce sent hie page to Judge Thtatcher wltl a challenge ta a duel. Thte Judge de- ellned. *"What!" sbouted Mnr. Lyon, "wlll you ho branded as a coward'" "Yen," replied the .Tîdge, "i nalway:- wab a coward. and you knew It or vo'i wonld never have sent me the chaiý lengo." Wotthy or s Position. in lte office ort lIt Chicago police1 commisiouers a fte- days a go a nult- lien ot gentlemen vere d , lcusslng lte ansvers ot polceumentfoUu tuluBoulte uf lte papers secured under the nov clvii mervic rutiles. The discussion brougitt ta lte mnmd of oo f the conmmssion- ers a ster>' he bad hen n ucanunection vîit eue of lie civil service examina- lions tor' positions as letter carriers lu Cicago. One of lte applilante vas a negro. vito, on account of art lnjur.i baud, vas belug givenana oral exantînatlon. He stunthîed along lu a va>', fandIng smne klnd oft suerle ailRlte ques- tion.smaI1it o vas suidieul>'asked: "IWhat lealime capital of Texs?" Tii. dauky vas lu a quandar>'. He didm't knaw. But lie di vunt the po- sition. H. satuied f or an atiaver fer fuly a minute. Miten bis face brigit- ened. 'G'lanug." Ite exclaimeel. "You'oe f'ollrt' me. i doan van' to delîver lot- ters in Texas. 1 vaumîs la delivet- let- te@ lu Chicago." Iis ani That. Erer>' vunkmau ltt Japon venus on bit. cap aud on is bck an Inscription giviug is bUaiuesa and iehlmpleyer's nme. Dulng the tinte 0f Christ tva span- ravi voie seld fer s farthIng, or, nec- carding te amother ev4ugellmt. ire ver. sold for 2 fathlag& . ' 8-uatue pald for grause 30c; dore, 24e; f«r a parhildge. 48c; feu a iuck. Ie; for a fat'godmhe. $3; for a-har.. $2»2; for a piihesMt, $1.-M - Usupa Ipd~ ROVING MASS 0OF-1 Yel -Proceedï Utïdef fl6f1~ Bteam. iler Mmehbmry Dîsablede but AilU Boardi Are. bst-P4tm 111, .04 t*t ' Tvioe eouthe.Wax Oves', uimie ' tar.. Minier Repar-Lylu Mous-aPerfactl>' .MiIUeelplom r' tasGOaen-Aaxlety for Ver sera Gi ien W&Y .WdROoUs La Gascogne, dihe.lght.dar-oveduc . Frenchi teamsilp, limpid Imte p«t nus-, der heu owne suantat Nev Toit MeuD&'. vitd - tht-e. red llita hanglng frin b«t mlamemi mai as a signaIdthst obvasWou abled. Tie ve*el va.s amovlag utcgu- tain oftle.. Ber paimengers veau a&X es deck, nso t e int nglngsud mogof e tient cb.cilng as pereon. are vont te: de viien their minis are suddenly relied ef a iesvy %train. For liirteeu dmys of a voyage Iastibg sîxteen days the. shlp iiud heiu diaaiued. c'n. et ber main piston rodp iiavtng bfek- en on her thîrd day ent front Havre. Fur sixeen heurs on tiat tatefui, diii di>' the. veaiel was hav, ta ville tiie bréak va. belng repaired. lb vas comparative- 1>' void veather ti-en the brea.k ccureéd. but tic steamer wa. ioomed ta rua luie*-- saine e ie aiII tbia royal..-,- When tthe break hbhoe repairai tiie steameor praceeded on ber vu>', but suder gimati>' redlcei ipeed. WVA"near lte banks of Nevfoundland, La Gascogne -2 ran ile a gale taia metoed te barri- cane force. Machiner>'Bre"aks Aan.. White off Sable Islandl die machiner> broke iown *gain, sud ttiesteamer va. have ta agnin, thiI. ime for for-eue baurs. During ail thiI perlod the. angines id not maire a single ieveiutlon. Wbun the second repaire ia-d becs mi. hie steamuer ma-ted aiiead once more undas still furtier uedueed power, a* k«ed tevard lie Long Island ruanat it i. s remafkable tact tdat during the eutire voyage sera..di. Atla-ntic La Oaa- cogne dimit sigit a steamer omUblehs* ,smscd one honditfor PhiladaipiMaWU Sunda>'. La-te Monda>' atternoon the iFienchiisteamer signslid Fire Island and i eu proeeeed toward Sand>' Hoek light- ahip. No Panie Amiastiie Passeugmrs, Wiitichepamengersver, coualderabi> vorriced on account of the delay, the;i va. neyer a panle smoug tient. The>' knew thein siiip vas mla-ucb, and they hi" ever>' confidence in their captan. And, beaides, tii.>'kuew tiat the sip va. mt tatal>' isa-bled. But di,>' ver. netroui. and nppreiienslve at limes.,sud tue>' Liii- el lthe coneclusion eftbteir voyage vlit Jo>'. Tite> cheeredelti captaia and tii.> ebered die crew sud di.>' ciieriitheiîc tngi that came out ta meet dhem. *Tite tact that La Gascogne va. sate vas ealablisieel b>'the. tact tint abeut 5 n'dock IMotidu>'aflernoon il va. ob- s.mîved tr'ît Inte Fire Island light-iioo sud ut titi tinte vas aitreat of tice8h15- 3' recock lightî, ealvard tram Pire Island. 1The stamnr vus proceeding lavi>'. but bild no signiulsfor assistance dieployei. -e AiL tîsat waun kuvn as htat it shoved ptit- tir.-.' r,.l ho lsw. deîmting tint lIs ma- tchLnery vas disabled, but il could pro- .c-d with'mit outiide nid. The, tact lmat twIo stesniers n cm..neair theicnoming - hrencimu gave rime 10 lthe report ualâ LuatGascogne n-us being loved L imb port. sud us titis story imus.ed tram usouti tu uimtitlte condîition of the. deizyci emmi- -er be-unie grenîl>' exuggeraled umtil l -wus genernll>beliered Lla Gascogne va. iaImait a toalaInd itelplesa wreck. Later e udvic4-s, itoveven, dispelîrd ail diese sup- - positions. Eren as lt. as Manda>' attennoo thei Frenc-hlIn. agentl. Mu..!org.i, tluitin - timate friends bai given up thte Isist ves- tige ut hope he b.d colweeting La Ona- cogne. Bit ltre. heueter bas ieuecame a rift inl te black chaud ot deapau, anud the brief message tint La Gascognse wu& sigiee off Pine Islandi sent a thrtill et je>' tlrougi every heut in New York. The. bulletins tld lte itou>' vili examperatîing t-rietuieseand luck of detai. Buz it vaa the. tact oft intl>'alerte ltaIlthe peaple cravei, uni titis maid. ail rejaice. Agent l-orget for a momtent iras reuderci appeehes, viticiteviinced bow &axious ht- itumlbeau for lte safet>' ut La tGas- cogne. Thtnnlhe regained iuneit sud bx-cante wlldly lgarlous.le asitneel rai: here ndlter., grnping the bud oi f tibs une auuîithal one, îîud tair>' jutuiped np end doun a-or lte fluor in thte excite- ment of lte moment. Thon eu. put on hlm coat and mItai auforte Frentc-hlin. pier at tic foot of Martou s treet, viier. n tug bai been lu readines. tan dey>s tei take bintel meet La Gascogue abould It sighled.>' ofthtei. aptaîns ofthtii.Iv steamers taliaedai vouhaulei La <ls-- cogne off lhe Long laland coaml ada nothingtetoe lieuni of kuovledge of the awfuî voyage of dhe Frenciimnu Tii. Washintgton la a tank steamer of th, Rttîerdams Tank Line. Tite Freueliman, ltae ('aplanganys, vas maviug ut ab;ut, elgitt kîot. un ihour. The, Waaitington, llaelf a slow steamer, came opposite La4 Guscogne, but as no signalaet-ee dia- pîa>'ei, uni mmmi gno knovîcige that Il vas avendu, b. stuiatn bis course. lika su>' good akippier vouli bottni tfurNew York lu ésucli iveatien uni atter tsuci gales.. Cas Q.t ta Aloue. A couple et heure inter up came the . re- livîs of tie Anciior fine front GibMslhag Jan. 23, Itself vith'a long uni telloub" passage te Ita creelit. sud I i a gave 4, crilical eyc ta the, slaw-going e'Xrffl4 stemer. Tien la Gascognme vswax .~ euough te Pire Tlad ta nînke Ih knavu, and bai up Its mg ntntier i aej 4 thuee nemi ballaea veIL.Tiihe lmla eaptain env at a glane.hi. merîvlC", 4-0 anot iei. Tii. signal vus to tîil~~ observeraVr e ani thed. v a=>'te slablumi, bttii/t thsecmmw