by ldiWard1 CHAPTEIL V.-Ceuinti There cas te suspicion or a @Ob la1 'MatAOO5e lce. Tie tact cas ibat the1 4Abai suddeuly dsevered titj m natertlislte 5<e As von mselish- tillre tbat hem bail dellburately 4"~d a test ort4tor acqoaitsioe5 anti utM ansd bail oven predicted toe ach à*'rte.e5uAtat tbelrexpobmet;bt - 1*1 bard for t'eneronis, impulsive girls - teo;euie face te face ciii te mrdi WWdodefeehumaiunature. Th fofl iilfitlito hleve ibai the fat- tw5yaSsiiadulatioawclci ai surraulit- 46 toainon ttoit'returnu ote ime- tropelUS bailboom pali te toeit'banik Sémenlts, not te beunselves. Ant, thon, lIer bail boom bitturdsappoiutiitas uegaid te Daltons. Tbey bai fondy belevedt ait ue min cere maie of botter stuff thant.h average mciety But they bai nt men te Datelis ince the ruiner of toit' financAal fail bal t'oie.fat. XinAutrue tait te youitt' aucerm bai nover openly tmade lovre-le item, sud bi,&n tact, held tbomuelveo someclat aloof frai the aIl-couquemlagt tin; but thero Asaa mblo ielegrapby of the ores chic las mos-oe effective than couds anti Marlon and Vers bai tot tait te Daitonm efarotimtue.for taem tban diiithe tuen cho taaiko0f love wciii.longlut' for "I tsar you are rigit, Marloni," -r.- market! Vera sadlr. "Out' beoi raeaet- met society bas maie us the greai- est ufferers. Porbapu, atter ail, Ah coul e botter te restoe.te our front doo e oti ld ligeni: The ulgu cf tht Mlgt Dollar. Itlas bard te be negi ect- ed after ail aur trlumplis." -"Wegil 'm illnuto-rle oan pon just ou@ more dam. If noue ut aur old frentis cone ta us bfore to-marraiw nigAt ce'Il specuiateo&ann d cii back aur tmillions." "Ât'r.od," sait 1'era. "Il As foolîsi te throa ay aur oly magnet. We bave leamnoi a ai leason. Hereafier ce wcul crueh out ont' girili impuseg snd becamo as bard. ceii anti calculat. lugAt'hlw. liiiaroununu." Tbeso cor. bittercaris ta cois trou 110 sceet a mot. Mie bai bardly fin- lamimitoem cben a servant brauglit Au te heu a cari. " Mr. Welion." ixalalmeil Vers. ox- cieily. "The lait man n ithe cAiy1 expectedte ta ae ai tAis tine. I'U go docn te bAn, Mny. I really blieve1 am glatihocbas calsid. 1 nover usai te Iliko bu, but penhaps 1 bave dune im su injustice." Aus mie enteed te drawing-roan, Welden cme rtrartu Ana quiet, digni t2 agra andt ook ber- banti. Luke mosi mm wcitebave gray bain uni s darl tuntacie ho pessoeed unquestionab!E bosuir. Hia complexion cas fresi, bi mes eold and searebint' and about hi pet'oality tien. hoversi the atmoa phono of power. Hi cas a tianget-ot Mau for an unophstcated girl t( capeiit. 'I arn very gladtte. you, M. Wel ion," sali Vomi, etnt' baé,elf neti hlm. "Yon cao tll me lie nes of l petite monde." Weldo mulai. 'Ildii dal coneb gouip MIss Vers, but te talk aloi myseif." "IneeÇ Wouldtialtha le gossipY "'Under certain cinanistances, yeî But I csh ta place my displayo egotut abova tie plane of fritoiAly. *'Go on; 1ai an neetadIn aun ez penimnV't. "Andt1aI n Anours," saiti Weliunt bimmeif. Thon alouti: *'Net lent' age I maie tu yau a pi( posai of marriage. Vou refusa itr suit. Noc, Misa Vomi. I bava seen grat deal of the wonld andi 1 nsk th prîvilegeof Iboînt' fmnnk db ymo.C course tien. cire rossons at tint tia cbJyen usbould suspet tie motives auyniebo 'maie love' te yeni. I cis te prove te yen noc tint f yenu ion ed te tiinerestedtes frniJ aff tAon yenu ii me a crout'. I lovai yc tien anti love you nac for rotnse aous. I ar neft s iel man, hut lave enotiglita support us In comfoi Aff A lunxury. I herebm renew ir Suit. Happinens uni cealili are a dem allies. An lonesi man's love lAs] boet fortune a girl eau bave." Tiee. as a magnetuan about ti man well nigi Irreststihie. His aoc soccess bai beon due te île tact th hoea b nature a perfect atar, ai n tAis Instance bis ronditian 0f i roI. of a frank, rnanly lover cnt ces-k o et uau. Titere cor. toars In Vera's oyes sbe gave bit behn td. 1*I accepi meut' proposaI, Mr. Woldc Frankly, i do ,aot love yeu as a g siioulti love a mon te marry hit,b circuintances bave piseeti meut'ci acterlua ne0W lghitaeme. I ence mVou an InJustice, as jou IntAniate. l eau repaîrt ti cont' by bocomi yeur cIte. I fiel t Au my muta tedotm Thero cas a coline» »bout tAs rangement tnat col bave repei maisy mon, but Wlian sirnply arni n triumpb as ho boni reverçntlya i for This Paper' S. Van Zile. my coud. 0, ciJ dii not Jack Dal- tan camne te me? lt'm terrible. 1 tion't bacc wdat I ougt ta de. Hou> me, isten. Tell ne, chat do you thlnk of mer, -A gentleman fa soc i»s Marien," oali a servant, enteriagth eIlibrary clii a cari. "Mr t. Ashtan!" excaituet Marion. "Can At ieb ibatieb, tee, lasnet the for- unue-buoter ce taok bAm fort" "Be caretnl,May. Don'i do sumlhint' rsh.bfee bac I suffer andti tke camu- Marlou amîloti calmly as mli. pre- parei te lente tbe rnom. "lHac de yo do, M. Ashton?7" @su asiieti et cou ceremoniomussas ahi met bim n the tinawing-room. 'Wc bave not seen ou for a long Urine." Ashtons pale face reidd eillg4tuJ. Ho seatot imtsaîf uckcardly anti seemeti ai a luts for caris. He cas encugli ef a gentleman tto illik bils pressai raie, anti Msion's hauteur on- nrveib ito. RAs agiation served bAnm coU, becwever, fan a coman As alcays fatteredt t fini that ban presence dis- turbo the poise cqf a thoraugi mondain. "Von are oU ?" hlipei, ration des- perately. "TYes." lic cas stilI cnuelY unsBmn pathetie. ' I rerte-I arn gla-thal A, I mefn 1 an dliglitedt t sscyuu." "Tbsnks.'» -He roue aud tooti beore a omaîL -fiuely executeti portrait near hier. 1 Wbai a perfect libenesOf m0U." hb sau. Tien, as f gaining conflitiena hum aitreaingth e pieturo, lie cotinuai .It lasthe face ofthie coman I love. Il las tieface 0f a comnan cigm sbelnM bas bocitcieti me, e-buse Image la en gravai on mm banni, and ta dhom 1 crj oui for marc>." nAshton bai reati n great rnany noveli n is Urne. "'That lAsVera'@ pîcture. Mn. Ashiton ei am nsorry to nforn n ou tint su 10 en ngagedt taM. Wohdon."' Ashton fluaied scarlet, rougis4 nervously, loeked foollui for a MI] ment, and tien calebingtheibo oes0 Maron, joineti ber lan a beet'tm laugA n Again fortnîte fatoned himt, fart'ht g ymptîr begotten b>' thailaugli ta-t hirn mare confidence anti rondero Marlon more approachable. --Tie srtist binisaît n tliis lgi miglit oagsl bave maie my mistAke. Ole hegan. irmI>. "Wbat I Jui malt refers te mou, Marion Mansieti. I lai tO ou anti caut rou ta .e nY elfe." M Marlon returned no anset for nlong Urne. Hon mini cas agitateti b i-maum cenflictin t tiugifs. ln the fi et place, tuismobai once prepoisei kVers.This tact, bacever,>mgît n le ndicate thatlle dii Dot irnlY l01 ls Marlon. Xitreati>' see as thOugb mon cia loveti oneo0f tomse girls mui 11s loti the otior. Thom cire 90su( s- allia n appearande. abaracter, ai s mental tendenclos tint a passion 1) la,,otten by virs mîghi reasonabiy1 transforredt i er mster. DismAssir artîls point, tlierefore, Marlon cent( l othe naît. It cas avAient tint As ton dii nai look for moitqY on lie cuti fl ot bava pressai bls suit a h is tAn utTint cas a airant' argumentin ]I utfavar. lIe anti Weldon cen. uppu entl>'the onl> men of theIn acquair o' nas cia careit more ton tien tîsu f ta- tair nmoue>'. Bot Yod Dalton? WI of siaulti Marion thlnk utflim at such V- rnie? Ho lad Dater spoken even ci ex tender word to ber anti bai deseri ber in ion bour of povartm. Nu, 8 »o coulti forgel bis existene anti lay 0 blieloas lber reasoun taieronheant i ro- vissi. My Ashtîon cas, n man respects, 1 aligIbie partA. Ho cas presentab the acomplisbed, ration plensint' n1 Of vaya- Ha cas flot, b>' an>'means mea poor man. antibils Postion n NI 1 f Yank auciet>' cas ceAI establisi, is Surel>' n girl migit do corsa than tn ib-ry iir. lec- But ail ihiese arguments migt 1h0 'ou been 0frfia avail liadit nat been aItf tiat peculian alUinit>' bal Petains 1 Iteins. Vers mi engageti hersait ti rt, man abe diltiDot lava. Marlon fait my> intense desire 10 do tie marne tii sel- At langili she suAi ir l> and abrupi tie "Mn. Ashton, 1I cliimaru>' ou." "Tianka-" Tien. cas a touai tie arcnsI n ia isvoico. Ho bai cai wboLly forgiven bier fan ber coli liai ceptian." VYon bave made nie the h ni plet man n lie citY." lie -I l ope mot> mu>'alwnys romain 9 But 1 must exact one promise fr i ais *lisingranti'd2' 'VYou inut leari ut once tais Io. o rtrallit quietl>'. Noc t girl , ivctory cas con le wus agan ,but ftt-possessetiman af the corîti. espt&but wgà.Seudmt t itgueo play would triumph. Tb* late b -HI 12o I4Itb lu bis ovu eotlîsY, butbad Uttle doubit tbat N". govel wol 011 the publishet' with dellght. Ti? bal boen on the anxious, seat for a 'ThTe week, and had begun to realite tbat Aw there are smre ccupations even worm. n than walting for the client that neyer W cornes. *'The fact A. Ned." aid-Jack, "we are very fooliuli to expect any iiewi5- Tb mon. I have beard tbat publiaiiors Swa -nonettines keep a, sovel for Mon Muni bofore they look at t, and tuaniagers abe have any number of play@ on thelr afte sbelves that they have neyer reâd." toni "Tbat'a an old-fasbioned Ides, Jack. id. Publabers and managers are lookig day for uow talent a&l the Unie. We'llChos hear soon enougli. It does Tb ~Ih me as thoughlirwe ouglit to lbe succeMI& - e fui n those ventures. We've liait no wei luck in love or law; Literature Owes us gelv reparation." we1 "Perbapu so. By the way, 1 somne- lut'i Urnes feel as If we sbould bave been and more aggresslve n tbose firai two and V'L,- We bave doue too mnch waling iti and too litIle bustllng, I fear." dw At thi moment a step n the ballway Ir attracted thelr attention. It was not @Ch the postrnan. Tbey knew. towell, appl bis shufnilng gtait. Even the dusty thou ebooksanad boxes seemed ta listen eag- pert - erly. CouldIt lbe that a client bail sc 1fallen at lengtb a victlmt t the glded Ofu 9legend. The door opened and Count an *Kovinsky entered tbe oflice. ia *Tbe Daltons liad a sliglt acquaini- Ore *ance witb ibis man witb a Polli <am name and a Frencb accent. Tbey bail mai *neyer heard anytbing good of blm, out and were nstonishei at bis entrasce. the Il What could lie want wlth tbcm duint' M business bours' tu "Bon jour, memaeurs! May 1 bave gun La moment of your valuable tine ?" the "Certainly. Count Kovinsky bie and fe seated. We are at your service." h.t *P hi ave corne ta you. gentlemen, to o bave'you do a leetle of zee law for fru It me."be ýg The glded legend on the door wan of1 - tiumpliant at lat. Tbe books and bee 'Y tin boxes looked chagrned and the the spider on the top sheifdiled of astonlali- *i l ment.sel; "Yeo?"' remarked Jack witb maies- 1t n. tic calmues& nid, U- "Voes I lntend to sue Monsieur W- el- don-you know hlm-for money lie bas ta >d otalned of me f rom wbat you Cali »j 0- faim. pretenses." hil f "I thougbt you and Weldou were 3 h. great fnends," broke In Neil. mal- or Oe adnoltly. the 'e "We were, but last nlgbt lie badl a of iL quanrel and 1 found bie wan a scoun-se irel."pl it "How mucli does lie owe youT" ask- o'i ', ed Jack, as ibougli useilta cross-el- 1 Id amînations. M vé "About ton ibousand dollars" h "Wbew! wby' did you get nnesoi a deep? 1 don't know bow you wll i 'Y ever get t back. Weldo las wortb st notblng." t0 "-Zat rnay he, bnt lbe As soon ta rnarry bt zee ricb Mees Marsio n sd ho wlU et ,e tben bave plenty of uioney. fiee' ci a Tbe Daltons started as though Kov- Pa ]t nsky bai drawn a revolver. Wbat fI 'h di lie mean? Tbey bi not beari of fl id the success of Weldon and Asbton by 'o- and, of course. dld not know tbat the P be Maradens were atil l cb. e ýng *'Before 1 go auy furmer 1 will tell!es oni you sumetint'," continueil Kovinsky, ai eh b oetroaclierous face bai acqulred t .Il for the urne a most disagreeahie ex-.1 n.pression. "Voit know Aton' He aAs engaged ta zoo ozzer sister. Zay won e a z ee girls on zee dAt%-. Zay zrew vare a near six bundred and sixty-siz-and tl for won tw millions, n'est-ce pas?" in by The Daltons eould fiat grasp bis iE a meanint'.W )ne l td "Von will bave to bo more explicît," Y sbe remarked Jack. Thereupon KovAnsky l out toldi n detail the stony of thie dico- ad- tbrowAng and As results. "Vu ee," bie concluded. "eef 1Ih an score Wlion by beginnIng a suit a] hle, against hlm lie wAll pày me as soon as a bis bie gets bis grasp on bis wife's mnoney."c 8,a "And what If lbe nover marries Miss1 .* Marsden?"akeil Jacka id» "Zen 1 wll seni Mim ta prison." v ar- There was silence for a moment.a Tlien Jack si, nather steruiy: b "ae «We find it Impossible to tako yourn for case, ('ount Kovinsky." to"Wliy," asked the Frencliman, pale ta witb anger.t tan "That question ive are not obliged to1 ng. answer. Good morning." I )l Jack and Ned gazei at ecd otberE n silence for a moment Thoh the1 tf former sald:3 Dot *"WeL muai go ta tbem at once. Ne& 1 We must open tbeir eyes to ibis vilet ap- plot." At that Instant tie postman knocke1 tie door. "Twu lettons, gentlemen." rom ",Good beaven, Jack, tbey bave ac-1 copina my naval," cr.ed Nod a moment1 later. tA-"Gai huma you, aId man; you'Illho1 si the American Balzac yet. And. look tat haro: The manager write. that holieA.1 t he produce my comoiy -If 1 will change goe à*O~rfood 7I A.ýb, UP au _______tiae we othoru Who. * iebliait. làe 1- IE PREACHER'8 ELOQUENT s»y»: Tond raremen aMd wous eoet- B"atsW*i in nthe. g of etthat wreck. Bo., mwrialty e UALL TO OUTSIDERS tonuneuthe boat." And now 1 settecar MY owrn biadisbend under the stront' puAl, but thint, and rit fau, bette-e thoy resce he ti. igging a woman ieubt 1 have eomc à re. Thonmand Persoas Tna-ned wsa frozon andi desd. Su casn washed riant, mnba ,way tromithe AcadamY of Music off, pon thînt'! But hie ssys, "Tbere le a sundemoi u aNew York-"*Other Sheep 1 Have man ta mave,"* and lie cries oni: I"Hold on preachiuto eun i lAdc Are Not of IAhs Fold," fivo minutes longer, und I will gave yon. An. Hocvoerna Steouly! Steadyl Gîte tue Jour band. aguAnst the Bibi., os - Loup Auto the lAteboat. Tbunk Goai.lhi may baves tecaiu*d More thaif One Foti. la savod!" Bo thons are ibose liera to-day fromtu uat rochînt' si( - liree thousund Persons ucre tîîrned ulia are sate oit thea shores of God's mer- fyon go home to-dat îaY frornthe New York Acndemy of cy. 1 uli fot upaîîd any timo cith thern Infidlitie, Jou cWUi Bo ,ie last gSudsy aiteruooti, beitit un- nt nil, but 1 aie Ibere- are nme v.o are YVo, do.aatwa-T meus to gin dmitanc. Afeu inut.4 f reezint' in the rigging of sin and sur- up witli mour skepilu er tha doons were opened the audi- rouîîdsd b>' pariions storms. Puliauay, tord ta die An iýti t4lh arnm and t'allanes were deusel>' crowd- my lads! Ltlno reacli thejo. MAsu, aoe can you? If mou do mopt . ter. Dr. Talmiage'i sermon for the la washed off and gono. There ls onta tint'cie, you believe in l.v4 usa"A outa utides, il -p tmreabo savai. lot us pusit ont for' love, a motlier's love, a wmoW osen ling J.1ulî x ,lii, "îu' h t~tnten. Clutd, the rope. Oit. <ynt' cbld's love. Thon lot urnet tve wvbic-lî re Duot oft tIis fait].* man, clutcli it as with a deuut grip! Gui loves you more Ahan lt more Asfa Do onopolY in religion. Tho Steaîd. flou, ou the siippery places! you must corne la! ce ot Gudin Doan littia propenty Ibl Steady! There! Saved! Savei! Just The great heurt 0f Cltriat- may fonce off and bave aiA ta oîtr- as 1 ibougît, for Christ bas declnred yon corne in, sud Jesunei ies. It is flot a king's park, nt whieh Ihat there are nme stil iAn thle breokers ment-wheiher you at «o- l look throîîgh barred giteway, wiftb- ulto shah cornahoro. 'Other sheep 1InAto your oye. anti ms., Oi that e-e miglit go lu an<i ueo the deer bave ubicli are not ut this foud." have whicli an. nat er titis M i the statuany and îîîtck the floWers Chrnist commande isl ministers ta ho Again I nrnmank thai theii. i fruits in tha royal cousenvatory- No. fishermen, and uhen I go halAint I do not loien jgtoingtoila in4 a grat D in the Father's orcliard, aud everY wunt to go amont' otîtar chanches, but amont' thoseebohohave bem f1 eors thora are bars iliat n-s maY let Auto the uhde wonld, not sittint' aloug habit. XI makes me nadi tesoW von and gatethaîlt we iaY usviuL' open, Hohokus creek, wbene eiglit or tan utijar peuple cive op a prodigas là. le tuy boyhood. nexitot the coutry pensons are aitAint' ith book and i lue; are those &hio tlkn thoui buot houge. there uns ait orcliani f ut b, lke the fishermen cf Newfouuid. of Gui con. a chala et 40 qi )pies aunai by a lame man., who, aI- sailint' off and droppint' net away ont- ani after tuiey tuaitr» «Ïut tiugh there wane apples An the place side 40 or 50 tiles trnom shore. Yes, nothingt' t touch thie depth .ti -petually decayiot' anti hy scores and thtre are nonchurdhgoons lbore uhu cul case. If tbey wor. huntUg*O os oftbheh».sneyer vould aliow au>'corne in. Non Sabbaili ihey cll i bore the track of iitse s-, hq g us ta toucI the fruit. One daY An Ahe at'aiu or Innme botter dhurci. They longer amongthbm la n"1 fuinesa ut nature inberitai frno ur are ibis moment belat' utept Into Chirs- the luit gainsibm they 14 i at parents, whu on me inei hy the tmp» associations. Thein volce wiii hoe for tint tant @oui. Pespe lii ne tamptation. saiofutns§ nvae tie hat hoeadiAn public pratyer. They will dis Au a man have delirium trou" -ciard, but soon ratreated, for tie man peuce, tbeir bei surrouuied hy Christin canuot b.iecîAtlusi;, tM ààtl uni aliternunat a spéei neckiase uf sympathies and ta i cannieti ont by de- lias sacrilicei ber ntegrlty q»i aklut' is lamanau corse and criei vont mon ta hae buriei and an Aheir grave resionci. The. Bible ha» AE ut, "Boys, drap those apples, or l'Il set i ciselei the words, "Preciôns An the matei ibat ibm Lord lih tdog ou you!" sigit outhte Lord As tie deatli of bis ta pardon 400 time.-tbMt s Weil, my frienda, ibere are Christian saints." And un nesunnection day you There are mon hilare the ii en ubu have the dhurci union savent' ciii gel up with the dean cidren you uho have callocet IAn overy anrd. There l11 fnuit in tIis onchard for bave alncady bîtried and wdb youn Chris- but, saved by the gpuce t' ie choIe corli. but tbey bave a rout'b tian -parents chu bave alreatiy won the casbedtInabis Iotts-b id unsympathotic ci>' Of accostAnt' Ont- palmn. Ani ailt tnt grand anidt'Aurionsiant Dow. Thon. are thos loers, as thougi ibey bai nocbuiness higtory hegins Ibis boum. "Other mheep loto the tory loweut et 44AA t en., Ahough the Lord cants tiiOi ail ta I bavea chiareot of tiIs fold." New Vork cholave for lte ome and tak.ire elanget sni ripent poihomioWo cepL benliftei np, andti Ony- rit on the promises. Have yen an AMes., rct AloeAcei f Gai thmy stand la bev ecause 70u wan. haptizod-t i13 months 1 roman uagain, fhe heavealy Shepherd rescuedthe bmpi.gre* lel fagi soi hicause you have ait youn lite lAgeingt'alu iud a great rnany of bis ubiep of u"ners. 1 cant teiton on goder hailaucdIinfluencou, ihat amont' those chu are positive rejecturis of loves ta take holti of. av ereon.mouhav anigt t an ubloChristianity. I do flot know huit you Wien the chuereitcasts yoi< Ie ufth iii Lrd's table, upreaing your- came fo-rojeci Chnislianhty. Itrnny bave Ahi club rom cash myou o«, am oif out sud takint'DUp the entire roorn' bien throuigh hoarlut' Theedone Parker ciety conte you off, sud ciii- tell you no. Von ciAl have to haut An preach, or Ilinougli reatiiot Ronan's "Lite associatiescent Jeu oet, aâmi , ,ur eliaus, for Isaoli place on elther ut Jeaus," or ilirougli the inlidol Ialk ot canss ou off, snd che oi04ei ie of mon thos chotm ou neyer ex* some young man Au Jour utore. Il msy sni whetu everybedy osat,' ctei couli ait tiee, for. as Christ said havi e btrouthehtricker>'of ai one tinsi cry for belp cii 0Him favoreti people long ugo, no Ho protesseti Christian man uba isgustii Gai chasr tiocoAto thelAM Lys to you soi ta me. "lOther shiep1 you cAti nreligion. I do net ssgit yu how suffering uni shaise:. ', kvo which arn aot Ibis foud" yuu hennie en, but mou frankly ftelltme Tbore an. la ibis ho"» MacDonald, tii Scotcliin, han four that yuu do roet IAT. oua do not believe biads go tremble tros or ite doen limai of slieep. Sorne ut thal Christ in a divine hAut'. althangli they cmn lardly beM s a heïn are browning' an Ahi healber, nmre mou aditli al ho un a veny gmai man. have tp te11 you tit t lIs. m boni eman. lylot' docnu nuer titi triesi, You do not beliove thatt he Bible was An- titi geli, snd eou i me of bto ema b isyard. They uam uvAned of Goi, aithoughli ont tAnk tire arennicoaserumi mL altret urunila lgi onIondiferet re nmre very ine tiAot'nla t Ton ba- everybody, becaus.e W ados.& Canieron, biAs nelgibar, cornesIlieve thal the li'riptural description et their couseeratIM bdb*trWug-.1 )ve an sas- Il eeyouhav 30abep.Edenuwmon ly an allegony. Thon. an.etcoingt1 ste m trye. Tesfr1 have jusi counteti thoni." "No," gay@ f50 tlings Ahal I bellots ibat you do not hie rebuilt. Tour pbp'sAu& [acDonald, 'Il have a great manJ or believe. Anti yet you an. an acconitua-ta bue ro.torud. ees o .1N îeip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr ba iI uea.les nidatAnt' man. Everybody tuat kous mou lias t bb rec ha ~ i- tome an. elsewhere. Tliey an. scatteretimy@a bat 0f you. If i shauli sii ou t to QeGd A int' ljl e rqlolut0' ail areuni about I have 4.000 or 5.000 do a kindoe.s for nie, or Af anyone els cplmehip, -'Otber mbe I1A nimy flocks. Ouhir aheep I have uhicli shoulti ssit of 700 a kintiness, you couhi met otfi"isfou, -1 n. not in Ibis faîti." do At Noc. I have s kinines aoss of H. lom O.eld you to-day. ILla-»Maias t'that cll Wh it bepc fpê. T'he Text ]Explainci. aopt yau notAnt', andi cOl cive me egel et Christ isytos. en. a ot fdlght. I caDi you by exteriment te1 lié ip.1am* f Cniilns ani ho. s sk~t I ry the power et Christ'@ r= 11.loiL . i lIait part offtlee lock. Hereols the Epimcopal If I dhbold comms ta YOaud ud 70 cr. tied esicaMi aIld, the Meiliodist foli, the Luthenan very sick, and the dociers bait given yen cliteisundbnt' . SO foid, the Contregational fold. the Pres- op anti said uer. cas no chance for you, ativamiag#1, bove yierian foli, the BapimI bold sud ibe sud I shoutit tahe out a batu anti may: heurt te Chisti 'idobaptist foli. the ouiy diffenence ho- .'Horn as teicine t twillcure Jon. dens&. 1 eoU i mgitl cweeu Ihese tanItuo being the mode of ~la uc 0peisdA AAcr furcd ie* i~ hep camhlng, mn o utliey are scaîtereti you," you coutl sgay, "I have no coDAi'la score. Gse s ait otan, andt we corne cAth our utatialici, dînas An Af." I couli may, '"Won't yen liasnenomoretofst ubs ani gay tIen. aaesuomany Ibousanis oft aboi luaoblige me?" "Weil," you could sAbanot'moon onihoe Afy.f& the Lord'ashseep, but Christ respandi: may, "Af it's n accommodation tu YOD, Christ gays, "ThepNsm Na. nu. Von have not seen more Alan IlI takei At" My fnieni, ull you ba ustui cii go laise ua one ont of a thonsan utfrny Adockt. They as accoîniatatint' An matIons of religion? toem." They have Peu are scattened ail aven the ennili, Other Tien.arnmornutyou cho ihavm founti portualty et div$m er«."p' oheep I have wiich are nul of tAm tfoli.'" ouitttdits corid canot satlufy Jour durin thèse 80 muais Christ AnIn y lent uns propliesmint bout. Xou ire luke tbm mancho toli me orful eauthquabeset of~ lie conversion of the genliles uith au une Ssiisth atter 1he service un oone: iby are farther awowfl nuai confidence as lliongh îîey cane ai- "Ilistve trid this curli anti fana iAt an ever. Aller adbUle 1Oi2 reniy converlai. and hla ADonw, Ait the insufficient portion. Tell me of sminAu'sick, sud nmeedow1V',B- wontis ut my taxi, propuasuying the coin- bitter." Von have corne te Ahat. Ton thel are deuiL No bopel .og of a groat multitude of ontsiders that an. mlck for Ile neeti of divine maille&- But I tara te eutil4ee yon neyer supposai wuuîîcamr nA, say- meut. Noc I1corne anti tell 700 0f a phy- Ahat turna throkg 'w- be ing ta younand BayAngt'abme, '"Othar sician wc icl cure yoD, cia bas cnred "Gibet' shm pi have ch*w sieep I have chiai are flot ofthtbAmfold." hnndneds anti huniredu cia cen. ick ibis taMd." Ton are %MSoi« In tle tinst place, I nenark tint the as yoa are. "Oh," you gay, 111 bave no Tou have noit huard osr M henvoniy abepiond i iiifini mant>outis confidence inim." Butwcll you Dot tuons din t he touitefw Yi sheep arnona lie noochurcigoers. Thora try luin? Acammedate me An ibis mai- came An ta-day evertisNièi are ongegaion whre heyareaitter. Oblige me An ibis nisiier. Jnst try ail the servicés are.'u ar coogrgantn her s ltabcmpIare a ihm. 1 arn veny certain holie ii cure yeu. early da7se. Hec mceei t' Ay hloibhut. sud liey nemnd aneaouthe Vou neply, *Il have no espcial confidence sounietila yeours aa& siieleion leuves ciib ceicl rp n bAm, bol At yon ssir me as a matten et As tibhourI Everytibt' araîlon batsebidail the gresoness mia ccomgotila, Atruduce hirn." S0 I heaton. Ton de mot ,1 verdure-tabou off them anti are îett coud du introduce him-Christ, tb. physician et'lau nat fart' Y"'u li anti chitoeuandallans.te, noîhînt' uautiug uho lins curai mure blini eyes, anti boal- natice t tt there As alw s but a glass case ta put over tiem. The t'd more gliastm counis, anti banni up cd butore th,, "1lu minîster of Christ bas noiluin taludu cAtI ore inoken heart»a han ail Ahe deniers thosbore coite , sncb ChristAns bli a0corne onice o caek, since tle lime ut Aosculaplus. Thottdi-îuîey couli fani relief Aa'*ess andti th ostricb onbon duit off thiaOc- vina piiaatinAshome. Ans mou not reaiy '*hmy castet lift!Ob, ti cutmulation of the lait six dams, leavingt'at try lhlm? Wl YOD not nu@ a Pure Mat- Oh, the gputesoveshir tliem liigit soi arystalino as bitura. tan ut oxperîmont iryl uad state your bledil Whitier fl 1A ".-l But Ahi abher kîni utfaalun a au noa- case heton. hlm tIia bour? Hou notAingt'ntreî Eve«ryMUhUt'1us mary, cii perpetuni meunaio ut mand bock tram hlm, .If yen dm0001 pray, If dan, Qedhelp muet- fite, gt'alunnt reenuits for the Lord of yuu do net kbouc becta pray any other Tha.k the Lord for uhoit à Hauts. We say ta overy applianî: "Do uay, may: *', Lord Je.ns Christ thAs Teu bave begun te psy. & yoa cunt ta i an Gad's aide, tbe mate Ain aslrant'm lint'for nie ta do. 1I mec begins to etioileslIi U aide and tbe happy aide? If me, corne An nuthînt' about tie formulas ot religion. malug tii. s WY, smd t the armory saidt'ai equippeti. Hors Au a Tiese Christian people have been talit- beavts back the ou~ bat la chah ta o llansei. Hon. nue lot' no long about ciutthou canot do for titeir kieunel, antidO~L monais tai put upion your foot. Hor. Au a me 1 arn reai>' ta do chatoyer thon coi- coundeti %oui pqls lIs bolmet ton your brou, Hon. lan breait nmandent me ta, do. I arn restiy te ttsOdenlt' mercy. aA4ih pluie fan mour beuf. lIen. saa scond clinfover thou commiandent me tt ire. taflitWhst casubAt fer your t'Agit un, uand yuuder Io lis bat- If tlien.lhe any pocer An religion, un teme the fna aoutiu tlefield. Quit yourselves lik men.", peuple gay', lot me have the stvantat'. ahepierd leu= ,ond.W There are nme here cia may, 'Il stop- of lt." mheep of theoumeS*tbo~ peoi geingtoi 0eburdl 10 or 20 years ago." A Clarieti C5al. Aeiimrbe os My brother, la At nutal rango tint yau WAIllyou f ry fiat experinient Doc? 1 nomiueoft oteLMur eekiý aboulti he lsfiret min I shouI4 bah ta du nul ut ibis point of niy discourue 1My domubut 1beonditW io-day? I know ail yourcase. 1 mou Il thtîntheAben.Anmthing in religion, but I -"Obon miuep, I have citAis1 tory ce1. Tonhave nul h-aaastn-simpl>' gay tm iI-try il. Do flot taire My fou" ________