Surgeoo., ovr Drug Store. r. haresGalloway, ln Loveli's Drug Store. 8 " to 10 o'clock, A. M. I to2 &ô tosP. M. D.J. L. TAYLOR, ~.Il.over Triges & Taylor'* Store :~ 8OE5 Stî 10a. M. 2Wo4 P. M. ôto 8P. l. HOME: At J. E. 1Titli<ult'. LIBEAqTYVILLE. -ILLINOIS. V DR. E. H. SMITH, C11000 over Lovelis Drug Store. Llbertyville. - Illinois. A W. ZIEGLER, 0. O. s. la bWuMIl. Saturday only. tub week. Onice vlth Dr. Taylfor. *- OmS Trim & ATa lonéa'Store. Teethm Extracted wthout Pain. 4%.ALL WOSK WARRAUTEOD.'qb J. H.,BRUBAKER, PROTOGRAPHREIRe 90 feneeue St. ,Waukegen. % b igosl d6aset voi dm. Setiafction assured to everyone.j AUCTIONEER. Libertyville, - Illinois.' Ii tend imimii'lî xp..rîeoictu iiAuctioti- estitu A(ie pa-t 'o't,'Ittf e ar.Im pwepas'd tai tà.itiuda ifi alby hn &"ae and djolîîlîîE <'ouuiti* t'.utar>j.ý om U...Satisfaction Gueranteed THellie ND EN DENT. .NWS OTES. PERSONAL. .; H. C. PADDOCK, EDti~tOAND PROPF Particle. Of Information <athered L1;IlMorse atd wifp x i',itv i'l t,îir ~ - bY Our Rtistitna Newe athernrs. 8011, Watlliti'i, ut (ll ii,îrst mof tit,' * * *T _ Churh an Socety Drectory. kare fî-ieiîmLePt .iig ru, r yoim arc M rîuiI'..Il. Miiaititu. Paaior. Si-r 1goil, loitpre at])ulirùi. ,miiieic<îli- or recep-Iriu.i'\'i-iignt The printers boy gtteea at liz 1::9)I i,i'rl.;t. M Oii i. 12 îî, h hOu tn i ir mimyer or slit l:99i tott î i. 2ii Samrhlaior * ir mtrl mmfey , folis i' îmd Iimi'k mm.Ii ke perseverance, it ij5....... luit. scil.' abie in ior at7 :ium reaide ce or 3 ' ilins hies liit mii, of m i s ~nr mc.l'vîhi4g liwa. lu. ai,, -:i).iies.m. . mm mi ien îor miiiit/m ia iir- -G **,î*O W N%* ,m:...12 tm.;: t'. S. tC. E. :15h1'. M Tr«?, il- ,m.'. 'WmJfims 4t C iq er Mommm A ,mi>ir orl /telPue ;I.".guio e. li ,:~,tii ttf-lt'tlt,'fmi.mio l bu 'y <n ii i 1401 ioftj , iîi iv'Miss lînii' rtr in the long rune, and nobody knoWe Ot).aiFi'r. Fî~ ir s.'it tSt' i ii /rm i < <i l / idtc Iihieit Agfa MtGiiftPetl ir, truth of the statement better than Colby notl. 13. ,12 m., (-ctoud i iuîa). loti i ii r i l it, .44 m t //< IN, Y -P N ___________ __________________________ Mu vPe'itPr, l'y v Wfb mîtandClîîire IIEiTIVILttYLiINo 92 A M.EI,i./ /mqpaiilim/m il. ý imbaîî tire reoveriiîg from the me»-_____________ L c(ua (ouittîuuî-atiuum mmii and l411h.hut- l ltl otrgt icssaeio urdayé. of ecfà mtunth. VisiOng Lretbnrt-aivýOrvtyl otr gotLr HitI ~t- ls e Araim dlalIY Wtlomfi'd. J. 9. Lac. W. M. l.ifore t hev goitîlii a lole. 4ii 'l's i . N w css r ra ig oi E. MUow.. uc. F>rl . - - Mrs. P(talîni returîied Tliîrsdiay from I F YO U WANT .&dvertise your business M. C. W. Mltilî 11farisaleas s ýla visit to Beriton and Newpourt, wthere SurDacnlbe for tie LNDEiEiDENT followilig statemetit of tie !îîttîj PIi leiirîîed of!rite death of Mrs. Wm. O E R R rselIy -liA son Jo o t>Oalluway, Of Sheboyagan, Wis.. for- O E R RE B R A N B1oomns to rcutinthtAe Higgi's bo0uste Crsmisjr"lîafrthe ' wurtt yilerly Et'aline Super of Diamondj LB- . ,at' T Fox MALJE at a bargaiti-Do you want an organ clieap? luquire of W. C. Sanborti at Smitb'& store. Fox Raimir-The bouse receutlY Où- etîpied by Charles Smith. Good weil, cistera and barnî4Aîpiy to F. Protine. C. H. Keiri wilI buoId bis big aucti on sale, Tlîursday, Fei). 28. WatWb for Ijilp.stud noti'e ilu tht. Italern Ieit There wil ho a costumer from th" I ity, prset text Frday ight, whoî will relit fune cotumes for Uhc Wood- men's Masquerade, reasonable terms. Colleotar E. H. Woli éasest.alii- ed bis4 office at M. 14. Colby& Co' ë., store where be wili ho Ple'ased to rece'e (talls fnom ail wIo are read% to pay thier taiem. Aeme Camp, No., 176, M. W. A. wili gAve their lUfth aniual Mawlqueradel Bail at Commercial Hotel, Liberty- ville, Frlîlsy night, FeU. 15, '95. Musice by Prop. O'Contnor and orches- tra. Dance tickets 75 cents per couiple. <yster Suppler sera'ed by Ico. Masoi, for 75 etsrituîe MIL. Ermî-llYOUukludlly. allow me ta ask thrumgh your paper one question to the wrjter of the are.'Ie cive me a oeil. ilà the lastitissue of the Gazette sigîîed _____ - "(>îe wtî<î sas there*?' If so, t la - RAID DARBYtS BARBER SOOP tths-wAi i t'-gelitlemitn îdeaae sUite' tAtetiter bythe au he meails Jowno -lu ntU s.'mrd lt li, &et tAet twn hall fearlessly doing bis - - o~..e~is. * ote , tdîîty, or whetlier ie mearis t littlie tas there yîtu miaiin a>. ici- iurt-h-e-r-e aîijd tht' frotli sud foarn ut Shaving. NiSar Cutting. & Dresing, tAie .54; 'schoonîers su siitAhskeys hi- -.-.-1li ii'lat-I i h i'ft it mcred ite Ab i>'citit toî Un e Sa m'a 'I'o .sora.1 .~..'ti0.. lolefill? If at thie latte-r llave te (lr ieva itril,. 1*«Mi p.iu ctieexcuse liAs exageratel t'mn *eIliu Derby, - Libertyvlle. 111 ofti ,heday' uiîetdixigs. - j ~~P. S. Nil iilidates liîc'a itti a.~~~ -t -ASiiELEiI. quoil 111ia % .* 1 P1 %C î - -le tht. Pun tta SU- FOR THE VEAR 1895 TH4E &"i« end Childrena MITTENS, CIIA m un fia Bd TmEMJEY T FancY Work Materials, STAMPED LINENS. Ladies Nokwear. Ruchlng. etc. SMITH & SWFT. Lake Colllty BankR S Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIB3ERTYVILLE. ILL. issues lnterest-Bearing Cer-ý tifiat.. Payable on Demand. Chas. Kaiser. .... A D UALKU IX.... Mers* *VurnlsMing e Coode, »@» . ULAKnETS. wmiPS. ?FUINR& AND VALISES. kami &U goods uuually kept ln a fint- camenes. Bhop. m m*l U~I<gNuyand quiokly Don*. I.,For the NOxt Ton Day. w. Wii SeI thse .. rýW-orId'S FairFlollr At $3.00 Per BbI. -Or 8oc Per Sack. re have but a Limit- ed4 Amoun-t at this Ptlce. Calil at once i you Want it. Wi& on % %Tt 1 tii IINU JOURNALI MAltES THIS ITS ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT. m -il i,. lî.-1 1 i i , îîmmeulid atîm i ,1 , , m , : u 1 W 'l a it . fiiti.. îîmmmiia l,* mî4,Li,, ,1 The. J-emmimml -im,,fr a tii'lirlm m,- ,Ier . mi, ii mi aiiailliI fm 1ie t, .pji- lbi a il fie niia.îuti' lewlî,ve- il.ey aippeul fierjpulilc liiilirsriîiiit. liail liea tt.'fi''. 'l'h,tiiJuriml tIii' fi, Il. adtiiuatt.. tilxt*ri inhîmmttIiig andii;ea.aiu- i'iti'a. praiticauîla'. As Thei' Journaul We.i-',-ma i] the. niideie factilita. fuobt *iiiniîg thelie.taws. lis taaila't' will nes-er B m san "vent of vomi mouît uap- pening anywhem u n or visçible tuin the. earth's aurfaoe. It lae editoti sOa a w avethet readair the. nea'ehîaiiyof huntlîîg througiî buahola of chat tfier(lue kernsla of grain. AIetand enterprising ln guthering the. newm.ýbold and icomgt)on An dacusslng affairu, Journal nattîally appelatUR a consantly wideulug cii'e ot the good people of Chticago and of. the Noritet eho appreaitate a thou'ougbly 9"od ewopaper. In It* market. finucîni sud au>nmmtaatre- porta., The.Jouriial hit nrna.d thet itie of 'The Old telinble." a soubrt.utIt seIl mi- wys .tie ta) deerve. Tliesean d mauy other m'uuiiidtratoitt, makie Tht. Journal the. favorite es'oîultg ewésapaier t0f tht. busiiessoffice, (tie iomeandaîîlthi'farmi In th iit- at, Noritwtut. 14U55'SilTON IuRICE. l)Ituili>edltltuîi, par jala.......... .. t.tea Wat'kly edition. per year ...... .........line Addrt'as Iîujtilly IOFIN R. WILSON, Ilîulisl.iir Chlc'ago Evt.mlmg juuremit. It m& id 181 Iomri-mt.. t'hi agm, Ilii. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. Correated by the >ertohanmtaevery Thuiray. Buttes-'-r«em ry------------...S- .2388 .24 ltuttez-Chotce Dmry . 5 ) .22 gS, per dozon .... .... .......... iii @ .2 Potatat... per bushel ............. . ; @ û A Wood-dî'r', par tord.ý........... 2.500< 3.W Cm-ru.per tan-------------.S6.(iC 0 &26 Coul-Sou .per tm.-3150 C4 4.M0 Cor, per hîmhel. sh eieul--------... m.50 Oat. perbushel .........-..--- ----d101 t iiroundF'-ed--------------------..1.00O 110 Bite, ier ton.. .... ...... ... .. ..141)(o 1541 Mdis.parton...........15.W5) 0 16.00 Grnn eliten Feed. pair tan-...1700 --...- c'O ~-18'00CO50.0 .... 475f o lb. u -In Guids for Winter Wear- -GO TO COLBY'9S iHe gives more and Better Goods for littie Money than any man in town. Everybody wiII understandthis. The h ad th ree tri esto set upth is -ad -but, h. d Ê' at Iast, and it now stands as a BoId Convincing Truth. *..Come early and... With some of the Wonderful 'Barglns 10. B. C olby o, LmiBERTYVmiL , - - ILW. â.tuuiunî ioli-irt,îl t'y Jî,lî.... U)Il,)» Rev. J. F. Maleolm rettirued lest Doitawd l' hy .Joit' i"40. Thursday from Paris, Ontario, whither Total *'uipa . . 1 it le vent ta see hîs Blok father. He At et iectd fur îm-s'aîtt, it -0 1 left the old gentleman. aged B&lauai'ebharlty fonîd la tlsak .. 5 11m1siiîety years, out of danger, but tin a Mr. NitItî, a m ti (lit'liarity i.'uuiiiitii'i'helîîless condition. boiught weuh thiltfonid. lmi sel.'icd ltaks a rngiîiit *, ~~'oatrai Dropt Items An our.private mail box, to fi oe'itaf,4'am'ii. ton the door et foot of INDEPESDENT 1201th-t ' t rv foi i iln-elianm14forl, (u $aie m air ofmi sPuri. o paîr tairm. Viinai !î~ia Te plotmgrapb gallerY tili remain halva t .ktteia 'ipK .211ood.m. open ai] next week. Extra values lit 2do0,eillttker-hef,. ldCmi. ail kinai of photographe. Timyafoir'illdti'. 2tiuglit'iau!apito.. iour publie achools adjourileil for '161i lutidaof tia.I>iit kiinitraigra. Tbursday, on acaiount of the tunera) A.nd mnîy utlii'rsimil P"e.ut.. The baance o! Ï5.40 la ln thie Lake ofiPrincIpal Davlmother. Couutv Banik subject to the cilo LUS'r, Strayed or Stole- -ldd any worthy liarlty. Mn. Mlnnlch peann handled knlfe. Fluder tili be wio started titis Idea here oni has sultably rewarded on returnof Bae contrlbuted largely the past two ta 'the owner, H. 0. Paddock. Years, suggets that Socleties and Tbe Gage. Lake Lague lnvited the Individuels add their faites ta thIs LIIbertyvllle League ta an entertain. f und durlng the year, and then elect ment ta be held et the Gages Lake a eommltt-ee toseethatît AsIotîdielous chtîrcb, Saturdey evenlng. Sîciglis ly expended et ftle proper trne. tîli leave the M. E. churcli et 6 ______ o"clock. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND) WATER WORKS. Just ta get the question betore the 31u. EwuTii-Iu yotîr lest issue people we move the re-election of the you spoke abotut a l"ire Protectioni preseut eflicient townsisbp end village sud Electnie Liglhts. Whicbh.1I show, officers. Who seconds the motion? if ever3 une will amimt is an absolute there are any objections, let thern not ueactssty, eslieu'ialy lu titis eîiligbten. lue made knowu. or beueefortb, bold ed lige. Almo8t every city similar to ou peace. Libertyville bavegot ail the advanced It la qilte geuerally egreed that bleus and îmjîrovernts neoeseany Libertyville neede andi ought ta> bave for iublic comfort suid protetion. a blgh sctiocl. NUw la a goo tigUne to Therefore a,§tie lINDYPENDKYT s tatesd aitate the qîîeslion. Let nehorthe lit its last issu81e. By ail means opinions0f otiiers. Wby not requeot siibmit it taa vote of the people at the trustees to submlt the qulestion of tht. coming spriîîg electlon. And by a twnail)higît schOOl, ta a8'ote or si) doiîig te till gain a knowledge *the poîle uf what tie people thîîîk sud see Gîa.i. WANTD-for general bouse. wletlîer Uiey deuiie 1o remain Ilu the work. Apply tu Mrs. H. Cu. PoldocK, u-k toodit or get ou the higb roaei Libertyv.ilIe. to advaaît-imeîîî î.y gettîng more Liberttville la naturally a heaith> ligliut t)îr strea-ts as 1 lisve traveled Place toilive, owiîig largely to its pure, ijuite' ixtenitsl'y, aire exî'elled hI-n o s ft tater aud sslubrlotîs climate. OdmI&'î mity siuilîîr tu Liheri> tilla' and Tnere are lots of torse plaî'es, [tutt ijititu uîîv Auutilvard. fet more desîrall. W'lat our totît Tlite quiestionuor lire î,î,m)>ll w lacks must l.4 enteritrise ansubiîllic l'il knmw li a ta' imiiol tutt matterar suint; but the(l aic Dnt s gîul tmî loomk itito. 'liert,'line sa'venal kiîtds al aiî î h uuiaîa ofîtlire' îritetiîtg systeml,. 1 1tm. La-,t ttqirdî>- eveuinig, tlie iitîtra'- fmrmî'mithe llolly y istem i.<on»t, t 0 f afroe skating îiîîk Irovoul to ad441 e bj a'd li 111i'i l~s siD j ir t1<l)milr-S. '~Il fr thie mitjaritY of tte memblera Il la thle iDm,.i el 'îloifl t ,iflmnintain îof the Litcrmîry Society. 'Vit. îîext t Mi cuaiStabmoit tiie saie t. t1u' i t lit mee t ing tili Lie leld S utu n la> ccli- T'itis "..tinlf mlisist "f thelictra-atLs îîîg.Fel,. 23. Questtion ft da-ate: t(ig lîp11 i'd, aitilliire liii1ig«.i' t îked - lleslVî'd Utittlte Sigîts of tftl' Times set a q--t tuanîd istanceO' 11411r t tIn lam' A id ieae thie Eînd of the World. A I- Iu-ts' or:lie rmm'io jl tii! irmal ive, W. E. Davis unîd Adlit Mitîc rm'aVcli li> plimi Iltthe mi t> u of '(imflîîlati e, H. W. Fîl le tt miil pîug. l'lie auîter îprssure si'a'mîreuli Ainiee Hartice. finit aStanid pipe, u)r tank ona itoerl he tideltakers of liliiai met 1re1 elevated a mil ficiAit Aeight ilu create ' celti>' at GUlcburg aîîd di8cijaseal re- the- deSired presuîre, tie sainie to Ime forma let fuîîcrals. 'l'Aey favored ta 001î1leUted ajtilîtheie il,tthe' street, .lima- t'eatfing a liecuse for uitda'rtakeri. tu Lie Illed wit a gaaiolitmte elîgitie ou thIIey approvî'd maklîîg ftîîerals leaS tlic retjiira-d hors(' lina-orlut tfie ame expeicusiye lu the matter Of Abs-crs finie hiavete etgiîîe sitfllcieiti>' uatd carrlage lire, abolisblîtg iec us- large ciiougl to rîîîî til Eleetric tom of showig tAie rernaille atter tie Dyntamo and et fie time tif m tire the services, of removing bats et file clîgiue puîmp attached direct to ftlei grave., or Of bavlng loag-wlîîded re- mains lîi the streets thiis givîig a marks that slimply bsrrow up tbe fuel double pressure et every, plug. Thus lngs. Tbey advocatied more prlt'aey doing away tit> the old system o! et t unerala and ilesseunloslty seekiug. tire figbting wltb a lever engilie whlch One undertaker advleed e faster gaît takes ail the spare men lu towu tono the procestelon. operate getting their supply o! teter Mré. Sarah Devis aged 69 pearsý tnom welle and cisterus or cistero e dled et 12 ru. Monday at ber home built for that purpose, whicb give lies? Leltbton of beert disease. She ont when needed the moat. beld beau e allng for yeea, but ber BY baving9 a Holley tire ightlng last sloknese waaoniyone week. Tbe sYstenr, the insunance would be con- tunerai tes oonduoted bit Rev. J. B. alderable le8s, almoat enougli differ- MecOtiu f rom the. Dlamond Lake eccalu a few yeers to construct a tire cburob Thuradey snd Internient et protection. tbe Dlemond Lake oemetery. Sbe Allow us ta see lte thotîgbts o!fi as the mother offnlaeiidren; others on thî al îImportanit qulestion William E. Davis, principal of tbe ut Fine Protection anîd Electrlc Llbertyvllle public scbool- Hannab, Ligbts, Inibhe colUmus of the I'anI' tîwfe of ThomaDerbîy Dlamond Lake; i'E5IENT. A vITIZEN. Thomas D. Davis a music teacher, of "Jijat et jîreselît," says Mrs. Stanley -Jloomington; Rov. Johnî P. Davis lu the Journal of Ediacation, au1 PestaI' of the M. E. t'bureh at Aiden, ePidOecOf 'Pnogr'm isl passlug over McHenry Couîity; Auna, wite of thie country. We say telcgrarn.aand elles. M- WilcOx, Diamond Lake; mouograma and diagram-Welbiter Mattie tîte of Dr. H. E. Jamieson, sud Worcester uîlite on programme- Chicago; Benjamin 0. Davis, a buît some one-nohody 'kuows wIo.- stîîîeut at NortlîweëtîriUuiversity started the repuort that program tas Evatistoîî; Mns. Lydia Lawrence 'lot enittleid to an 'a' aud lmmediately deeeased, also a daugliter wlîo died westward tie star o! program took its whîeî 0111Y six Yenis o! tige. Thte seven light." The saine class o! peole tire sutvivitig chillien wero aillîpreselit saYilig "dapot" for ilepot, becatîse atffie f tîteral, ftict' our Sous îacting some on1elit ficleead 'O! "stteiete" as puîli bearers bore thîe remîtile of becamne tired of prolioîivirgig hti teir luteciotîs mmther tetîîlerly to thie correct way. graîve. SUbSCrlbte for tAe INDEPENDENT and Roller Skating Rink. receive, weekly, ail the nets trora Thrt ik will hereatter tué openî ou your surrotîndlng country. Advertlse Wedîiesday îand Saturdoy eveîlîîlgs Iu the INtuePENI)ENT, and let People only, trom 7 to 10:30 o'clock, p. m. know yosî are ilîve and what you are Skates 15 cents those uslng their otu dplng. It la tho, boat local paper au<q skates 101. cents, per evenlng. adwertlsing imcdWlaInLake Coun 8.21) G (ao.B. Maisn. prou. 'I.1. u p"- N-ý ,.ll-M 1 Arit]Ipy! I Bought A Waiverley Wheel, Of The Je-weler. They Are Al iRight. $3J0 for T1he Weekly Ipter Oceap,' Prime:$1.00, per Year;, The, Fariners' Mo'pthly, of Rockford, Ill. Price: ç50 cents;, And Lake Coupty ipdep.pde Price: $1.50; publisheld at Libwry - Publishes ail the County News,8'upeJ Proceedings, Real Estate Transfer News, etc., etc. You Can getIthese 3 irst-CIOs For oply, $2,ï s Ç~ 1 ean Save You Money ona11'-y o matter.. Resp't, H. C. PAD..i Orwe wiII sênd, Uhi nçleppn= ! 1'., $85