CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1895, p. 7

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Run Down a Srsparlim. mw wMd rau doua hmo 17 se "Mkbord sud coà Myusai Y4101, Wb&* 1oud so" de provies- i.shUV 104 astus1"m. 50v ,~ i~usd'NasOured Me, Wweghl te lufpowu .i ltt* Mof. aw Il plc ea h lsderis. soere whicli @bo bas made ali "0 s.ah.a ered iu "The (GrandI aetai aca Opera Bouse niglit. Onie et the mont mag- oSsover iseea ln the Cblcaqe au beltu, elcerne thse . s. . . . e. o cornac opera and the kWmuimation witb which thoiée suapagers, Mesta. Aibey, Schout- 4Im.h e urouuc!sd bler. The. -eedo The Graud Duc- -asbeidodubt the mnt sutua- gionone ofthtIe lighter worlss bV ao.fTe dressesworuî ty wer. dresas of lovelini s, wu h%%I the other members .-f appeIsred feu l lttie short in el theosturn etthse star. otf resemthe sunsi>- Lla wvaaseai tber very beMt, y p an sd artintlcallyr. 8h. iu- romh wol vth an attractiveprun ik.and! the ings the music as.she1en; -A11%& Thse scenie end ineidentai ap- ~4~swaté are perfect. There are tour oj» tage nettings aud ail the proper- Md A89I"ntments were en a scale t Çoàsà-memeimtsurte with the. sccnery ostnmes. Tise comymanjr numuberu There la an excellent chorus Oéhestva ot tweuty-four solo iustru- Y ~lsts dcc the baton et PauliStein- t0buders thcorchestral music as it le ,Aioffiveu otzide of grand epera. Thse ,y o t Of Miss itussell at the Chii- A1..Osb Bouse ia a lanited eue, and 11» vace sale et seat.sud boxes fur 9100se11d n-o.k. whjclî begn lusiiîmday ~It eb.11,le already enorinous. Duar- ~'ghthird and lant week of the engaXge- XIOM votiss Russeln-il d,,oltiess muke a = 9 u5mr*vivsl et "IA Perlalisole." - 6'aY matinees given duraug tiese ii- ragement will oeccr on Ssturdayq, dPO Duudar performance will ho giveri. omW.rkmug Girls, Ame you troubled wth Back- *djtcb, Famntnes, Dizziness, Irreg- 2 e your cheeks pale? 1 -1youres duILi and step beavy? àà ~Does your back and side ache sornetimes ter- ç . ribly? "Are vou at Ues -v faint and dizzy, -~ with pain în the lower part of yur stom- ach? «If so, lis- :Md week out, you have slowly "ufed into woman's great enemy, la duplacement of the womnb. Ithat or sôme other derange- nient of th rgan, causing irregu- lart.radofer trouble&. è ~kwarning in timne Lydia r ik4ms Vegetable Conpoind fi.the unt and saf est remedy in tWu world for you." - Miss Salie eulmzer, Juniata St., Nicetown, Pa. l111 i rostet Medical DLsoevery of the. Age. UCEflEDY'S quSIAL DISCOVERY8I 1-4a diSvered lu one of omit comnion poigine eeds a remedy that cures cvery ff fHumo«, front the werst bcmofua dowf a coj IIDQPmple. W $r~dif lu over eieven huadred *~ ,~pwerfailed exceptlutn cases L (WUW4oe inr). Hebasnowl nhis êvertwo htmdremf certficates wpV nal wlthima twenty miles of BeuSend postal card for book. A. heIt la aways experlence4 from et, la botansdsaperect cure le war- Wantoright quantity le taken. *. iuWgsame affectod it causes le Is aused bythe ductabe 'idi4ji. Readîbelabel. M *ntch le foui or bllous It wiii malsh feelings ie #first. O f dit ever nécessary.Ea CUget,ftand cnough fI *e'Pebeq)nul.ts.aera b r,$O by il 1 Ns. '1-48 n.bOuerrS WOnIW YOF iALM RÉFLECTION. Ium. Mmd Wbere -l mur ne round- A ~6 *bwud dConcise IH.vWt the u @&as. - Leuson for Pcb. 17. Golden Text-.Thou sahl love îisy neiglibor as tbyself."-Lev. 19: 18. 'Ne have for a sibioci ihis n-o.k "Tise Gond Sarnaritan." and tise lesson inu tondm lu Lukée 10: 25-37. Practîcal Cbristianity. Tliank God for thse leson et the Goomi Samaritan. It bus doue mors te relievo sufforingusud #Ive aid tu the oppressed tisuaiIl tise treatiseseou crime or churity over nrit. te> Hospitals sud aleshouses, sud strangers' luse have uprung up lu its yake.. burchM that catch tLae spirit of fiis Incident'are led into pathn nnt sini- ply et humauity but of genuine diviuiiy et noul saving. Individualu n-be bave meditated upon tîis example have corne forth inte a uen- lite, and bave been led te go about, lik their di- vine Master, dolng goond. And thse para- bIc hasnt yet imisheil its gond evamîgel. May t accomîmlali muc inlutise preseni werld-wide stndy. lit la a tins. nheu tise roadîvuy still bas its helffless cases ot wnst. sud the.needor etSararitun lbelli aud yepathy la couspicauns. "Andi hohold a certain lawyer stoomi up.*' Au ebjeci lesson lu th isn-sdom oet tisi n-orld. Jesus bai mat prayed, "I thanli the@, 0 Fatlier. Lord etfiseaven sud caris, tisai thon hast bld tise thingu tromu tise nise sud prudent, and hast re- vealed tisora unie bah.,." Non- cornes oeeoettises."n-la. sud prudent" te tes- tity ta tise trutisofethiis by bis on-n word aud exemple. If san elgisi naturel- ly ho uupposcd taunuderalana.i, h nonld seent tri ho a lawyet. 'Was net lie a pro- tessienal iterpreter et the Ian-, set for ts-undéestudug? St it wan ta is dis%- ciples tisai Christ humi just tunnel aud saim, "Bleusemiare thc cyci n-ich sec the tiugu thul ye se.; for I1 tel yen tisai mauy propisets andi kings bave desiremi tu ues. îiesecthingun-hidi ye sec, and have net scon Uier; nd mteiear tihesethings whicis ye hcst, sud have not heard tisen." V'erily, "if auy mue vilii mi bis ailI bu shall kuon-tise doctrinie." Tise motive n-su rarkedly nrang. Be "tempted i hm." The word menuns te test or soud. as of someinlg tissu requîtes scrutiuy. It lelilios doubt. Christ isam already saiti 4: 12, "Tison shah mmt teaupi the Lard îlîy (led," sud tise dis- approval et su,-b testiug n-su Biownnea Itephidins or Massais, where iecause Uic people put tied te tise ocuiar test, dis- tcasing i ordieary providence, (led n-au diapleui.ed (Dent. 6: 16; Ex. 17: 2). And tisat thia n-as emSsetially the samne tiing i.hîntemi at 1 Cor. 10: 9 "Nelthor let us lempIt Christ, as some et thera also temptomi and were dosiroyetI by serpents INumu. 21: 5). Tise lun-yer's test question n-us. -Master di. e., 'reacier). 1W'iat sail 1 do iiei e ternal lite«!" and isy is tell-tale qîer>- be testoiluscît utiser thantlie Christ. And 5ewnasfeumn-uani- Ing. Doiug n-as hi. empasis. hing n-asl Cbnist'as. ln the Grock tise question sçtand.. Donan-at sisal1ientt?" n-erk rgisieoutitkes agalu. And tise Lord takeon bina on bis o- owneme. "Ina hdo- ing." hbcsys le effeci "tisat yen are tiink- ing about'? As tor deimîg.n-but more do yos anst tisan the Scriî,iure enjoins! 'wbul is nritten lu tise luîv"" Imi olier word',. ,,tedienve te God's oxptesscd con- muîîd l cîis e t mlho laaig. Wlay go uieid fut sommmtisg more t. doa? Tise laîwyer qactea wvell (Whiat lui-yen -c-ann.t)?"Thoumsait love tise Lord tiîy (imi * 0 amd tsy iigistir m&teisyseif;" andIy isy i citation lie provos tlat lie i. sufhiicintly imsiaiteilentise letier et tise Ian-. And non- suasomît Lord. mince you are sieking eft dcimg somiethiig. suppose yorm do ihat. -This do, ad tlîoum aat lia-c" T'rirîi418agrënt dîference ho- ta a-ca thelacm,~fa-esiî'mil kmoiledgc- asud tise tracicul oxemîîliicamion et a priaii mii. Thie lvigandmiidîiig-this la the grent tlieg. liat dle-s or Lord iere siguif>- tIsatte (Io the luand imili-e u> ta lus requ ir'niî-nts mene a ruccttauca' nitls (lad? Logicmlly UI141 lnifly, >es; but, tna(ticuily. no man lamm, asmdi humantmia- ture lieing saîcli ai i l, me mamn emiiiliv uîî te tiat perfect rule. Hieace tise une- visions of grae-î. Ouan [ordi simeply urges tise.keeping et the n-Iole Inn- bore ho- arse apprnuclied by ame avio ielievemi tisati ie n-as lieom'eticamlly perfect andi ammted soînemisiîse cI(o l. "Gi bacli fira," .ays nainSaviommn. "andi secn-ieiiset yomî havealune alil yîu asutme." Hîntu and Illustrations. For lîracticaîîurtiesspuai tiseilu q'al-y. -Who la i. îy neigihor?" Tise am- an-en is plain. The one n-be needs me. Andîmi ai-ieais mont ueighborly? Tise lnayrnileacf telle us-ould that lic miglit luit lia-e ip te iis knon-lemige eftfle, trullis. "lIe ihat shoaved uaency ?" Nen- %vi-lmi la h to sow nercy? (et esponsea. Ma1amifesly hi. istu rlieve tise pressing wni.tise umesemmi distreas. But this la but a parable. a lint ofthtie langer ilsas- ing tisat mny hbc stoaaed. Spiritual re- nommi. Tisa (d ahue dan impart, but Rurely ci'came ieip. Andibis luCisrisitaim maigiioîliaeste lift uand comfrnf nsd gt as far ns tise inn. Tison it is tise goomi Samarilan and tise goom Siepherd lenciao malaa pays tise prîce andi gives guide and gîrarîl for al etermity. Tise Ianyer, get. ting pustanmd isyomad tise laav, as if ho hiai pectenmeal h ail, and needemi oly te be sisomausomeiîg cisc tisai Se migisi n easily do. la like tise silly pussemger tu tise bout, n-ho left a little aihile te tend tise aviael and guide by a certain star an-akem tise mariner prosently ta aay lisut ATLANTIC COAST SWEPT DY A TIDAL. WAVE. GIreat Rulu Wronght at Bllfaz-Eooq ton 9hlpptng sud Full River Wsro- houso. Severely Danagd-CIeve- iaud'a Cabont Wrecked. Destruction Wldospread. Tise ses rose at Halifax, N. B., Friday ilgher thon for years. The stage of wuter reached tise trengtli ef & tidi wave, and reports are ponrueg in frein ail directions long the coasi telliug ef the destruction ot property. A diepatcli Item Northa Sydney tele an an-fnl @tory ot de- struction ou the fisiaumi et Cape Breton. Thsen-ave was tise resut t fTnesday's etorm. At Halifax twenty-two houesl snd alserce wassed àa-y. Nethlng n-as savemi. At Middle Head i al tise Sal stores n-cc. swept away. At New- Halait ail the fish stores sud reaideuces are gene, makiug a total et more than 100 build- Ings non- kuowu tu have boe sn-ept an-ay durlng the sen. Bo tac au kuovu no livre n-or lest. The &terni carne te a sud- dea terminatien ut 4 o'clock F4riday utter. nomn Boston reports a tidal n-ave sang the Non- England conut, doiug vaut damage te miliiaud wnhart propertiesaund shipplng. Gloucester, Nen- Bedterd,, FllURiver Portsmouth,. andiPortland barbon sut- ted tise meut, and tise full exteut of thc damage fariher nons n-i net bc knevn for sevenal days, as the. blizzard lias burled wires and cnt off communication vitis many places. Wbcn the n-ave bruite upon Gloucester barber, Dog bar n-au a feartul sigist, thse breakers making a cdean breacb acreus tise n-iole mentiso et i barber. It bruike completoîr over the ligitiouse on Thsatcher'» Island, and fer tise firsi unie in tonty ycans Mint's ligisi- bouse n-as ca-ertoppemi by tise nater. The n-ave ut Portusoutishcherr did $10,000 damage te railcusd wharf property and dreve tihe tlae-mastcd scloonuer NXathau lsawreuce front New-port New-s te Pont- land biigi suad dry on Jerry's lPoint. Along Buzzard's Bay vaut damiage vas doue, and the wave dasbed President Clevland's caibeat Itutis againut the railread bridge tn-e miles away frou Ilis anchorage, hreaking it ite toothpicks. Bridges were carirdI awamy along tise cape and trains are stalled. At Fait IRiver tisen-baryes of tise Fal River Uine, Fou River and Providence Steamboat Company. ('ook-Borden Luin- ber Company, and ailier large whlarves were flooded. lu a storehose owned by Boden & Rtemington. about 1(0)hales ef ratton, 1,WO 0burrels et cernent. 4,000 barrels of lime. 100 Sarreis of îlsier mnd some oil were stored there. Tise wetting et tise lime caused a big blaze. andi $6.000 damage was donc. At New- Bedford tbe baseusents ot severai miii were fluoded. BONDS ALREADY SOLO. Ncgotiatlens Commpletemi for Disposîng of02,400,000. Nobody guessed thse facta about tise bond sale--as te the amotint of bonds, tise terret sale or tic metbed that n-ould bc talion te jeton ithe public as te tise particulars ofthtie transaction. Tise se- cret n-mm, n-cl guarded. aud tise resuit shows tisat even tbose wvio theugisi 15cm- selves tiet inforrned avre decelved. Speç- ulatian had creditemi the administration vili a détermination u telso anyn-here frouam 0t0,0 te $2,000,*000 lu bonds. bearing umywhisre fromn 4 te 5i per cent.. rumuiug froua tee te thirty years, nt an upsot basis et froua 3 per cent. te 3%~ per enut. Tise last semi-oliclal raisin- formation tisat n-msaleowed te leak ont tiarougis Treasaany Dplmrtuacut sources ixed tiseamount nt $ltK),001,000 sud the hai, unt 31A< per vent. The trutis. as final- ]y disclosed by the Presideet li bis spe- cilmessîage mtu('ongres. thai a pivate sale of $62.400.00 lu 4 per cent. thirty- year bonds laud becnu umgotiatcd ou a hasis ot 3% per cent.. n-as in ise nature of a scîsatiemal surprise. Tise Prcsidcnt says: "S8ince uaMy recomt communic-ation te Ceugress calling attention, te ounr San- cial -,omditioma nud suggcstiug k'gislatioar aaiicis1 deerîed -semtial t)o our national wnlare and credit, the anxiety and op- prehomsion tîsen exitiug lu business eir- cdos have continuem. As a îrrecautiomî tiseretore. against the tâijîre et timely legisitive aid thruugla comgresienul a(- tien. catiutios preparmtions bave boom poudumîr te emaaîuiy te the bout possible ad- tage. ln defanît et bettormeamis, sucb ex- ocutive anthority ais nay. witlaeut uddi- tiouaI legisiatiomi. bc exerriseed fer tbe purpese of re-tnr-iug sud maiutainîng lu our iroaaurn auioquate audâauto golmi reaerve. lu tise jndgnieut ot those espeeially chargemi aitl, ibis cesîîonasil- ity. the busineoss sitîuationi i.seocritical and tise legislatia-e sithation i».no unuren- ising, with tue oamissionm thama fmr ait the part et the <Vomgrss te boaeticially en- large tise Ioer. ofthie Sevretary of th - Tneasury ln the iproiisca., as te enjoua immédiate eeuive ùvi ina aitîshiehé ai iiez unon- ut limnî. hrefroea. ia parsar- suce of seî-tiumm 37tX0 ot the lievisemi Stat- mnts, tise dtails of ami rrrimgement have this day iscen oalueiwitlr parties mbudunly able te fralili Ihliir mmrdertakr- ing n-bereby bonds ofthlie Umnited States autlierized <eder tise net cf .11513 14, 1875, payable imn ("i thirty yeans mfter their date, nith imterest t tIhe rate of 4 per cent. per sînumn. te thse anaitut mialitile louta isu$62,400,000O are te bce isaned for tise Iurcissocf gold coira anoratlîang te a Oum liglîtly lu exes. tof lA),tut ho delivoremiltise treasrrry cf tise Unitedl States, n-heu somi, udded te tise golmi non- belm i unr reserve. aili se test lu such rosera-e as te mairke it anacaîmt tu somthing mioreto san $100,000,(. 0.sucis Am*~ 1 4, B3nuihce. Tise nose. et"Boniface," as appliemi te hotel-keepers, la derlved !rou aa goomi, deveut sud bosptabl. man n-hem St. Augustine createmi a ,iaint. Subseuently h. became the patron saint ef Oermany, sud If n-as ln tisai cogiry, sccordlng te nome wrlters, that hetel or taveru keepers, au wel as tiss.private citizen. n-be nt Urnes "kept open bouse,' as tise suylug le, n-etc dubbetI Beultaces. Dente refera ta Boniface; se liken-ise do Shak- aposte, Bacon sud Lamub. Luth.,'. lire m alicellRina. Eileben, thse birtiaae et Martin Lutiser, la sluklng Intote cmeor upon n-Sica if la uHt. Meagures bave been taken lu reeunt years te drain Uic bog, wlitout avaU, aud Uic Iniabltants are serlonsly Uhiiking ot ahaudeuing the tewn. M» <et erfonctionuort ha kidnsys lu te separaie tcoe thse bloom, ln ls Paae tbro' thon. certainma apurities sud wn-i ecg Vi. -tiles uicIsmuke heir ,finai exi thcougb the bladder. Thse retenties ot these. lu eousequeue cf Iuaelvlty etfithe kidueys. la productive et Brightsadiseuse, dropsy. diabetes, albuminurie aud other maladies ultis à fatal ieudeacy. ltcetetter'a Stensaci Bitters, s higlsly osurtioued dluretmc sud blood -dopmrent. Impela lhe. kîdueg n-heu lnacUtve te renen- thoîr aittlng tîsaction. sud straiu frema the vital curcnt. Impriltes n-hlch tlfent Ih sud ibresten ihelr ove ei- istenms as organu et thc body. Catarcis et thse Usad5,', pavei sud -eationue t Uic urine une aIse maladies acrested or sverted by this beulgu promnoier aud restocative of organle action. Malaria. cbenuiisum. cou- stlpatien. blllenacma nd dyspepSU aIs leid te Uic Bitters, n-imeb u ise8(ospcedily bensfilte thée veal sud nervu. = - Te Save thse Pl&auL Edelweiss Il a pldly dlsappeanlng lu rny parts et Tyrol. To save Itih laudtag bas iately lrnposed a fine for sellleg*tise plant niUtiste reotu. Baok nith Rlch Trophies. Lant pnug we made notice lu these comumusa tuMr. Houa-y Saîxer, of Uic John A. Salizr Seemi Carnpany, La Crosse, Wià.., Arnrica's lcadlug Seed Growers and I erclsants, n-as ln Europe le seumni-is of rate needesud novelties ton the Amerîcan farmer and citizen. Judglng trom thIir new catalogue, is tripn-as an ernlnently succeestul anc. Ttlue15brie fusIl of rate tilpge. 0f especili menit n-e arne lie Bismarck Apîple, bearlng tise second ycur; tise (lIant Flon-onlng Star PloxIe; tise Ger- meu Cffee Berry; and for- tise (armer tise Victoria hispe; (icemalea Velcis; the. Latiyrne ilvestrîs; tbe ie lnt Opurry amni Giant Incarnate eloyen; Sacallu.; sud doen of et e ler rare thlngu. Tisis vide-an-sIe f8m 19lnluhUicvan. &04 th~l catalogue, wilh luaseut fer 5 enth pcage, w6uaId b. cbcap ut $1 pet cepy. Ouie Emisamie.. AIl Frenchs ambassadors draw S$8000 a yeur. tsews,,or oltmîuaîfor Catmb It Coutalu hieroury. as mercury nlu smrely destrey thesans. uf amdl sund completely deraug ts iola 6sle n-heuemnterlg il ibreghatise encens surfcs Sncb articles siioni neyer be used exeept on pc.serlptlenu froua eptable hî the daimmue th.s n-u d late.,oZ te i pedYen mua peambly decîve t rn thon. Hall'$ CatarTIl Crmau."tured by F. J. Clieuey ipCo., Toe- do. 0.,.entalus neomeeury and Lus taion Iter- ually, acting îlirectiy apen tise blood s&d mu- eau uraoéé ofthe yscn. In uying HIIs Ctaon ~SOL Mur or' tu collegt cisuret Dy 1 allows vor.hli disease ofe ki nith 1 rememi tiens. Lay( bleodil WouIg "I'b te use iri t gay n nemin et a le edy C( cf Lai bac, p lag et 1,4 Wone cosa, tis 0 John %' La. sampîli la lb. mmi. n-ayw d but lt moulu groe<- ENVPUR Net Yet Awbite. If the United States had as great at relative population as Japan It would bave a population otf9W0,000,000 people. The Modern Invtild Ha* tastes medlclnally,.ln keeplng wlth oither luxur1os. A rernedy muet b. pleasantly acceptable la férnD, purely wbolesome la composition, truil boue- ficial lu effect and eltirely free train every objectlonable quallty. If really W ho conagîtu a physican; if conhti- patcd ho nues the geutie tamlly laxative Dyrup of Fige. Tea-drinklng prevails to a very large exteut among peraonu of Iterary habits. It la flot only a pleasant brain bracer, but la harmiess as well. 2«2 Bu. Danhers Yellow Orions Were grown by John U Bath.,East Saginaw, trom one pound of .eod. Thiis tremendous yleld, ut the rate of 1,048 buahelu per acre, Mfr. Rath maye was only possible because beoued Salsr'a seeds. W. nnderstand that Mr. .Bal- ver's moeed are the earilest lu the worlcl, especlally hie boots. currots, cabbage, cucumnbersu nions, peau, corn, radishes, tornatoos, etc., and tbat lie sella te, mar- ket gardeners and farmers ut lowest wboeeule prices. If Yon WIII Cut Tlie Ont and Bond It w1th $1 rnoney order te fthe John A. Salzer Beed Company, La Crosse, Wl.., you will get tree thirty-five packages earlent vegetabie aeedsanad their won- rdftlllca talogue, or -for- 13 - corts tu stamps a package aboya Prize Danvers Onlens aud their catalogue free. CNU A Pertinent Paar&Épb. **Our country, If riglit. shouid-be kept right; If wroug, shouid be put rght,' ln a politicai Maxim which, parap>rased, ap- plies te other conditions ot lite, thns: our liclt,-4-rgli,.-shui-e kept righ;'if vrong, huihoptrgt. eupecially ln bodlLy liments, e s c upins aud aches, which St. Jaco il 1prornptly cures. Many ont eofwork should hee to give it a chance tu cure and It vlU givo tlmma chance te go te work eured. Another adage la: "He doeth bot vbo doeth weol." Weil, et course, yen want te ho voll front ail sorts et aches, and the best thing te do la te use the great rernedy. He who doos no in doing well Indeed. 1 CANNOT speak tee higbiy et Plue' Cure for C'onsuiPtn.-Mus. FRANK MOBSs, 215 W. 22d St., New York, Oct. 29, 189. AMM ore sowy wbîtenest; uock pure as aiaba.tar; complexilon like the bluab ot a rosa ebe pairoulted glen'as Suipur 5"&p. Dr. PIE3>RCI'S PELLETS COfISTIPA1TiON, INDIGEffON, 's DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPEUIT, oce and ail demirgeneuù cof i Slomacl, Liver and Bowt Of ail draggists. ONCE USED- ALWAVS IN PAV0R. u ta. ad maleluTo edoa0islo. by YOUNO 5P1RffTý ýhene)- & Co. Testlnmonlalafree. ld by Drugglsts. 7ic. per boile..s viganous body aud robusi streuguIl foi- ut spout lts boybecd lin isa fatS- Ion- ood isalth. n, andmi 51youih ln a tiseological But ai I fan vie Uice e. Hena oinm e e vital poe eae He ws dsiged or he -eakened. Netroui -, but preferred flic army. dehillty andi losu etf TaiFLnqo wiiT A mi', any a one mauly pow-er reenît froua bami iabists,cau- s hsseif o drifti lite condition ta- tractemi hy tise Young le te tIhe deaelopuaet ons.elatent tho~i gueuc e,whicb tieeatertakeu tfull possesaon et thrinoncu sse.l cter cure your Colmi ai eoeseq ne n cea. Loy Ur. il. Jayiaes E]xpectorant, agood apnit, elacolia, [y for Tisioat-ailsud Lmng sitec- = epairml emor morose on irritabLe ,rs et fleur on a eut aili atolm tempen, test 0f ipipendin tusty sud a iug.thousand asudeedenangerentu of body ug._____________andmi mmmiresuit frnm such peruiclous prae. Id Have to Leuru Over Agaun. tises. hs are penanentîr curemi by mmroedntiods aitreteent n-tiaout ts olleve Ih voulmi h arder te beau patient îeaaing lhome. e tise weed agalu than lu n-as tise A medical iresuise vritieu in plain bat tme. 1 sllait always be ready te, chaste langueale, tresticg oethtie nature, goomi word tor Ne-te-bac; I bave symiptonma an mîdnaitiy of sncb disonues, ire esîr to toboco. IsUic oitsent securely sealem inlua plain envelope, ou oredeirefo tbaS,"18thetetnecip t tisnotice,n-itis leciatt u tamps, etter wrttee te Uic Sterling Rtem- fer postage. Admrosa, Wo&Ln'5 Dupas- ý., of Chicago, by D. J. MeMulcn, SAka- MEICtAL SSOCIATION-. ilUfMiO.Y trin. Kansas, atter taking Ne-to-D iurchused et bis dmnggiat, anmi e- DIRECTIONS fur using irei ofe totbacce habit. CREAM BALM.-- lpplil a epartice.oaftVulam arUl ,000 Bn, Potatoos Peu' Acre. mp inta Pie mnterit A. f lte ndertul ylelds lu potutoes, cuis.,mmosiW dnu' sieesW farta sud vegetable seemis. Cnt breath Piroweuuh ie ase - ut sud sent! 5c postage te Uic Use Pires imes e day, a/. A. Saluer SeemiCc., La Crosse, te tîis yrefed emand for tiein greaf aeed bock andi b! lO rimio. le f Giaut Spnrny. CNU A Mgt yeCATrARRï;H aigu cf gond iseaiti uan ai ent DMd t~ he Strange tisai lt ulnmiaImant aI- 5h. se'or.tcti thaeaSsmbrmtne â X depeumi on tise tate etftise digestion, = 1" =ua ellae sureli t o ein mious. A Ripans Tabule taken atten gives the litho artificlal lielp meut 5jste s spled loto c&eh nus¶tTI~~U* w15e people neemiU t. etdniTesur . CURES~ IMAX4 BEAST It Was Before--the Day of They Used to Say "Woman's Work IsNeyer Donfeu" outhe h«4ud, lajur. lo# ted. Tb@ Risni Bob Stma lian, Oorlus,àudDusabl& . NW0 ecid, u-,m c.e;whe rmake u-oa os fPiol MNAu MUAAL SALE V *O ............I lBas Justly acquirem tiie reputaflmied The salvatot fo, w 1-., Ir, Ë» Ai tThe-Aged. AulsCow»WR .sAux= 41o Gosovud iPsorecu»ou f 1 à aupronuntritive lacot*< And as roiabloeud la ailHgstrlc sMd otru o tes t painsnhose dgetveOrgm dutndtesnch bIon-sdsnstv that the IMPERIAL AM thei ofly moDshsu hq Uoý veau foorafe 'whoaUM depeuilugoucas i UUhhos Ani as a FOO0 ii voulut be coucelve c ul0i1 a ae ut »se by DRUCUISTS. ommir »M NÇ&MLE"M. I*S, D22 V Mg dIurnelut atgh&l If Waus, ladeemi. Plsaly to drink, toe? Well, I soildsmi go. Esdedaou iqusucel Oh, ni). 110w do you meae iii Ripaus 0 Tabule. Vil liat do lUt

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