CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1895, p. 2

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JAV COMPANION TO I~RAINNAKERS' SOHEME. u svmennbGe. - Pot-Mtel VI for Uzecle O ie S- lf g UsetiTraie Wil Fur-, - lhSsci Wbmct-.Baviug minera. »*_#»tçd Withoaut Recoanmeadation. Oenator Brice.. roa the. Committ4 on 4tS~~e Commerce, bias reported i illi «M eemedation the bili ntliorizing '-'q8.resry0ft t4 Treasury te pay ~, 0te any uylaentor tram any part et h~1.rd who #hall, prier te 1100, cen- = .»deiltint wiiIdcmonstrate thé' ý.4tcslilj01 of tly usrigating the. air *7use of tlalrty miles anuiiourand ofaW e eanl7ting recight andi passen- u.Tiihe bjctof the. report in apiier- 1'te pre intli.information availahle on ofrn4st texperlmenti et neiai tai- inon fietii. deys ot Montgolfier. SAVANN4A.H IN TURMOIL. I.ertiwe ,by Ex-Pnlest latterir Pro- V*s* a Formidable Demoaistratioui. h #istory of Savannahi, Ga. For live Y, sthe. city tretnuied on tiie verge et r'gon ota hocatase ofthle lecture of ýnP1 «.t iavter on Catiioliiaim. Tiie -« utmw *te miltary force efthte city ex- 4jqEpt the *sstWieny iras oundîîty. Tiere iýff* lieu Infantry cônîpanies anal the flumtsBîsars, the. ltter beng dia- mmta .« , A mobestiliiated to,-be frein 4»tle 5M.00,tiie reater belais Catho- bM elualicged ttieir tenbeai-ance te the. - re»&but for tle ooluesof Mayor andthe . oScers commauding the bloAOd mgt have been the result. eher es e. made seven-al tîmes 10, .. th ii, t%, but the. moii midi O8ln bout Maonie Temple, oue ~ *~ aroi$ntbuildigs ofthtei city and e t b. eart of 1Savannali. fte eoOUlyxAaSte .Mont tuuliorn remsut- etor' ad maay of the. audience SLI Sbted toelthe hotel umder stroug tEES8 MUST HAVE AID. ltt.iluthe Hochlug Valley. qMWiitte aeeeaity appointed 17 hg « mrci"eshorusetClerc- kdiu. lodo anti Cincinai a çWedUofet te (lovema !'bllog reg of e tteet «1"fseooltîon exlating ,e~ bs# Madeil» report te ýreI IdIA *"- m I ims creat- *'oltel lss'àtlscdhat Il il Ît'egae7t havle ad to ee Wae tnratlgai'an4t laI tue bM f thte peopi. of the «M#ae thrtYditra long- *bi.itilet*0 commit- Lhe.boutine. viiib. fiaaWort 0l en tGWpihleiver*- 2U01l.2 te lfst. uet B4n an,4irg imigo hedy etfjpri- '1lppl~uhllithid ovemntea t MM f*lu wreidiot>alast Car- bldi lé apertei, lias bout seizeul #çitipi,. erts frorn Santanderj i fê,erbi* to tue Goveramnent. A.1 ny ime len.1 a-mille*trfien Calil tat Edudol 4 ii4d-of lheiei-beh forces lu Cau- kAwbe heni apur.d andtri ilob>' asi-ti. MXe basabeeia senteuceaitate eertu jprison. i~RA2<YO DETITUTE. "l Ferm er.7mor the Propo- pu et Chicago RBoard et Traie. t**uamsiNOI., s meeting ares ccii- the toma helu toýe nbiler a preposi- srvetiuste come frona theii Scago ý lIý te foannuubthe. destitute ea of tue ceunty mti secalgrain. iarasre fo gir. their noes .for pain au W eeded.tue valdil, and litt the. ame being cendtiîonal up- a protuctipu oetaC cr09 lie cemlng t.,Tb*-entesilnt of the.meeting id lb. lalea, la i. ndenstoodth te ge, Z;osi-i etTrtie mîll dupicate nuislinlut inumier cof counties. aue. îlutuet la Beunu. e.eesWblnacst poù theibodiet. 0bW ivtIlM brougit ashore b>' rmbate mared t ILowetoft 4_ %mqe*Uln.mssAnna Boei-ckeroj e-Wé»easri-iver oelbe, anti orhn4 e o-et i.cnav of the gi rotbit w~ ere pre.nt. Cbain ër «N a attmeuaue ou behahf et WIMU Uffliséent, sd anaicrs IU~5S*i~1IlrstIaiEwte owains <of ~audth.'m-ale. Captalu (ion- Ckàtit ai. &a laopresent. 13,0»0te 14,000byiih th piinglait(Mass,)es,- 1«Iuior quallly o etstei for lthe ibk ave beau mate fi-en ~mIuitests andi about 1,500, *a ientof c onstructon. u. ,*atwenly-three fine .te desthiin-Rock USJedged lu Jail ct 'L*AgIat a piellmlnary ub' et «urtier, At bléfîtatlly bot Joserph lisa hrdrophe. toute ls- Lord Rom.bewy!n adminintration han psnsd sucoenstaaiiy tiirongh £ *tOrmi wblch it» Oppouents iaoped wouid over- wiieim il, and wiich mauy of Uns friendi belleveil wouti require the. mont aikilitul statenmanship f0 weatiter. JDeniitu the. prediltions et the conservatlve papers ad the more or lois badly disguise eaitrs Ot the. libers! organe, the (Joveraiment came out of the contegt with flying colon asud a maJority that surpriseil eveu tho.. who would nt no time admit that thero wl. il chance of defeat. The question that pro- cipitsted the dangerous situation w- a motion made by Sir Henry james to ad- Jonce lln order to call attentiowl'o the. InD port dutien on eotton reen»tiy dedideai upon by the. Goveriament of India. Tii. cottola Intèrest ià lstrongiy revreciated lI the. Honae, and wiien the. notice Otftth. motion was given it w»s conjectured by flot oniy maur conservative pPPel but by some of the. stanc li lberai orgmne that the Govcrnment, wieih wa. bound teol09 pose the deaired change, -oId b. over. tiirown by the Lancashire perty lni corn- binstion wlth conservativen and Ilberals Interested in the. cotton trade. The. Par. neilites, too. were expected to cent their votes against the. Government. But the resiit did flot beur out the. hopes or tears of the. poiticai parties, for, by a mjority- of 195, the. Rosebery ministry trinnapant iy repeiied the. attachs of its assailaints. DEATH TO HOUSANDS. Terriblue Explosion of a Magazine lai in Formosa Fort. Tic Information liaI has com, ho Bong Kong f nom lie lalanti et Fermosa since tic sutideai tepartaine on tie 18th Imat, et lie British cruIser Mercer>', uPen lie n.- eelpt et information that tiie neteniotas robbers, knowu as Black Flage, mer. committiug eoutrages andithie Britishi resi- dents wici n ucca of urgent iehp, has beema meager. but miat bas heen receiveai shows tii e b.situntion le ns seieus ns the. 'tint dispalciies Indîcateti. Reporta have arrivedt tat thic aisturiances on tue Isanad 'are lncresang andi havéi hecome e bâd liât lie mendiant. are aharmecu anti-are leavlng. t is aise reportei tuere tuaI an explosion whici receolt>'ocîrred la tue magain.eofthie tortsetfTakao, n treaty port on tue soutatiesteru0toas t the. Isand, and aras a nî tet deratiodt t b. et iý comparativehy trivial ciaraclen, ian terribleIlulils restits. It le noir sali tiat the. explosion killeut 2,000 CiiIncs soidiers attacicdt t the fots andi injuneai many elicni. A aquadron of Japanes, maasilpu is patrolilng tie hland. DESTITUTION IN NEWFOUND]LAND Geveraiment Withalawo It. Wcekly ContrîbUt ion. Tii. destitution arling ina Neirfounai- land from the. finamcial moibal in creas- lut. lu Sh. Joins betweeu 6,000 andt 7,000 pensons are regalny receîvhug ne-e lsf. Tii. fonds for thiI.puhpoe are ha.. contnu loy, aidt ler. la jet anotier menti 0f rosi hardship for the. poor. Tie He-sid, i a bread-naaklng coulent. se- cared 1,000 bcaves, wmiici il dîetributeti th1rougi tiie relief cemmtte.. The Gov- ennuient han liereofooro been coatrluting $1,000 meekiy for the bunetit of lie peor, liut th15 ha$ nev boen withdrawai. Thii. Lanoy>' as glveu te tue clerteal relief fuud. Thé. Goeemt htlluetes it. la- 164#00 et -tartig relief vrkn. Tii. eppaOUWlters. accuses the Geveraimene dt c4tttfgetils@otIimlzm-oti-. (und l til't 1oe i.*,00mni 10 a corruption foînd to b. used lhu the. b>- eloctloas, mhiiioccur vithhn s tortmilglt. Anbucke's Pleut Burn.. Fine broke out llutheAnluckie Bro-c- ers' big cote., mille, at John anti Jaq streets sud tue Eiast River, li Brooklyn. Thnrsdmy attemoion, aiud it mas not nutil 7;-30 lu th~e eveuung that il avas under con- trOL. A atamier ot men anti girls eau- pioye< li the mille hai larreir escapes. HaIt n doszn sstaaled burnusandl in- juries from Jumping. het tiiere mas ne lois of lite. The higit oethle buildings madc il liard aaerk for tie firmimen te pnt ont lie fine. andi tihlire' aipper fdeons of tie eiglt-stery building ave, umneai out letoeothe. fine mas undter contrel. Durntgthie progresi efthIe fin. sereral ofth lbig cyluders useul ton noasting coffre expioedu. Tic otier buildinug@ oc- cupied: by ticeIlium are air anti lur-star>- structares, useti maini>' ton stenage. Their conentehi er. ceusidersbhy damageti by waaer. Suîîeinhcndeaît Keii staîc atn tie Ions. u inahieopinion, ioulai be about 8»10000. Cruel Fate for Fine. Fi-en Beaufort mountiuins, elght miles Southtioe Irondale, Mo., coines lie report of a adIincident vhîckh lappeneti la tint Sectiou durlng lite rocent bizziard. A aooticiopper namet John .C. Werner. hi. vite andt tres chludren mere founi frea- ea te deaibithe pince mien. Ithe bodies ver. toundi la an slateti vooticopplng camp 'tino. mlles trona lie nearest tai-mon ant iv v.mils tro a nu>' oin. Tii. tint- Iug 91 tie bodies wusipuaiel>' accidentai. James Rollis, a >-ung fariner, ira. track- les à dosi-. endi mille passlng througi lie cicsrlng noticeti a umali coin, sud, b.- Ing attracted 10 it. pusieti open lie door sud Wau lietrifled b o s, on rude bouts,thie forme of rive pensons, ail .1111lu deuli. The ay> have boen decil tiore ntire. weeks. Ne Investigation Ordereai. Il a poitlvèiy dtied ti thc Nnvy Do- pertinentat anya report han boen r.- celved t ullthe eartment fi-enaAdmirai Besnduiee. cemmsntiaig lie Paclfic sta- lion,.ait nom ai Honolulu, coademuhng the chssttcr et the. wrk ah Mare Ilandit uavy yard, on hhat Secr.tany Herbert lia ordred an Investigation of affaira et the nr>' yard. Vent Swift for Mayor. Te Cicage Reptaliucacul>' conven. tien fleminateti George B. Swift for Ray-. or. Tic. choice. iranmate uanaloaisly and S laeaclamation., Mr. Swift wasa.put in nomination b>" Jiidgé Koilial tlu an ehoqaeat speech and hils naina. ss recelv- et b>' a vhlwmnd cf appicuse. Niort Ib>'su Omenibus Overturing. lu nlurang sfrou a adance naI-Walt. Park ealy Fida>' mornlng a St. Cloud, Mina., Omnibus coutadinng letity-fird -*leut ant woiUO ias oeritum-ed on, mlle- fi-oiliee l>' anda a alve Iguitedthélieeur- tains anti tri. Seeriai people wer.. hadi>' injured. Men, Peope Are Fiosen. Thore lu jet no abalementt et thi. oil wealier thhuiuglieu toshi-la. Silice SuZe. 46%7 tweaty-lwo pensonsaibaveien $tene te a uGuaffaand neveral dansaet istrmexpomuire te lthecS amrer-: portai from t ter teglon TH-RIFTY FRENCHMAN DRIVES A SHARP DARCAIt4. Anna 00014 Gives Mer IRoyat Lover 8,00,OO-~Busn.eCoifleupeFut Botarninu - Saisie Wretch Poison* Gothames Prlzel)egi-Traveiu Cet Castellane, Gats 03,000,000. A Loudon letter saya, among otiier thingi: Society about the. American anad Ferenchi embassies la specuinting t ai unusuai citest on a stpry anient the Cas- telInne-l3ould weddlng tiit bei been told amaang a onutidentisl tow sunce.the ar- rivai of a Frenchi dipiomat wiio in, a dis- tant relilivo te the. Marquis de Castel- ian. andi rery lutiminte wli tithemiY. Be *as aithtei Castellane castie miela the young eni;t sent bils ablegrainate bis mother aunouucing the. engagement te Miss Anna Goulai. Tii. Marquise de Cas- teliane ntened i mli a repiy that rend: "Wiist settiementr 'Tii. yoaing ctntsh cabied ansmer rnad: "Wiil ses Immaedi- ately." A day or two pnssed witimout furtiier neirs. Tii. famtly in Franco read the young cotat positive statepieut te tie newiopaper reporters, as aveuilas thet statement et «oeO0c Gulai, that the.rui- mor tuat $2,000,000 liai been settical tapon tic' Couat de Castellanle by the Goalda was entirciy taise. Tii. ceunt' motiier again cubied: "Wiimt ettlement' Tiie next day lie responded: "Settiement ixed; fifteen millions." Tii. comnt hal toid tii. trutli to the.reportera mien lie hmd decinreai tiat the. setiement et $2.- 000,000 hail not been made tapon hilm. Tien lie hbai gene deliierateiy anad seema te it liaI a Kettiemecaitof $3,(000t (15,000,00&francs> ivan. made. NEW LOAN A SUCCESS. R. 0. Damai & Ce.'. Review Thinks Confi- dencela.Restored. -.. R. G. Dei & C.s -cekly revieir ot trnde inys. "The- surprisimîs succesot the neav a nanal lie great conflience it liais given lu livestors on botli sides ofthte water and tlethie busines men hler. cei- courage many te hoe.tiiet it msy beclthe ieginning et n real reevery. In twentY- tare minutes at Newr York sabscription.a are suppoamea to have lieai nt leat ivP times the auaouuat utbondoffered, and lu lie heurs; nt LAnodn bey werc twenty times the. amonnt tiiere offereai. Cousiti- .ning the. powver mi control ot these bonds gives lu reguinte toreigié exciamages and te prevent experts et goidthle trns- actionlins indied greatiy changeai thc financiai situation lu spîte et the tact tint government revenues arce eîil deSi- dient and tiiat domeslic traie shows scarcely any gain as yet. Tii. industries are net eaing production, non have pices of tanna lroducti improveai. But a veny important soure et appreheusion andi hindranep ams, for lhe lime at lenît. beemi renieveai. DfflS POISONE») AT TU£ SàOW. Vealile Animals Belongieg la Mna. Benn Kilîcti. Elgit tiogs, prepent>' of Mr%. F. Seun, vee on.tnitpoisoned lu tieli- box et the. New York Madison Square Garden dog show. Six et tiena uer. doatiandtihle otuer lave aili adle. The to"aîW valued at Ç,500. Meut e <eof ajmI =iod -t oý S5igweli-Iqove dwîfaici-e~sub&nl- eo a pune of $200 for tie arment cnt conviction of tie peisener. Man>' et le omners have askeai Superinteudent Mer- timer ton permission to remeve thein iex- bibits. Tie Ameican Societ y fer the Provent ion et Crueit>' te Animais lias cf- fercal an nddltioaihrewiard et $500tonr the deteuhion oet hueindividiaf iho te- ibroyeul Bra. Scaîn's degi. May Solî-e tic Irish Proilena Tic London Timesti uys tiant a memcl ing et tic nuti-laara>,iiite memiaers et lie Heus. cf Commnaisin liMcCnrtliy sai t ilaas thinthetinetfthe Govenn- ment te inlatude lu il land ialls lirovis- ion for tih e --nefm-lit cf clause 13 ut thie ne t f181, wahih prvideil for vol- tantar>', mach iunifuehory, arrangemaents et controveiuieua betmve.milaitdiornduma tenant. Thîe maeeing. t he Times says, acceptedt li.ais proniisimig a soliution ut lte cvicled tenanats question. Mli Ion in Conuterfeit Sf mer. In an uîd slauty lin a-atihesten Cotan- t>', N. Y., lias beema fotithtle henuiquar- ter@ ot a gang et Seveli couatemftets avie, daaing lte las ire. moulis, are saidte have turnedt erany $1,000,000 li vanos aetoninatiuns, îsitig sivrnof th. sune amounh andaifineness the Gevernnnent cins. At tle lanasent vinea et silven lhii menus profits of about $"0.- 000. Tic present mhcrcabouts cof tie gang ane unknomn. Ittectrle Roeds Ordered Sold. Ilthe Commen Pleas Court at Tiffin. Oiio, Juge Sebauteiberger onaeredtheti sale oethle Tifflu anti Inter-Urban Con- solidatet Reai-wa>, andt that thie Tiffin Electnie anad the Tulin Street Raliiaayliorne.powernhie., the. la- cempletedTi Thfin anti Fostenia moadin, b - soiti separateiy. Arrangements have licou mdeforth. prcians.of the TitaIn anti Fontornanlin.anal lier. is aielonger any dotait about ils cempietion. Monument f'or Generet Sheraman. A movement bas been @et on foot ly ditizeais ot Lancaster,Ohie, te secure meaus le erect a monuament te (leaieal W. T. Sherman. Tii. Plan adoptea inis mie lu kneavn as lie ink claie systcm. Au. guantScliieckmaut, presialeut oethle City Councul-and commandant oetIhe loal Grand Ana>' post, huis lien appoiteti secrotar>' and tre'a sanen te tmkui charge of lie cornesponalence aid contribution#. Torpedo Destroyer la Teulcai. Englaud's uci tonjiedo testroyer Ban- nie. vas giron unaofficiel trial on lie Clyde, asting liéneours. The bout ah- baineti mn average speeaofetwîuny-eîgîî kuots an ioum. Tlie Banshee hi eue et tie ferty-twao veaiels Ot tuhais cellieutbr- izeai te b. buit iy the Government. Pope Leo lies Recovereti. Tii. Pope han enlunehy rocovereti from tie chili viilcli eceatiy attneket him anti le holding coneieoces ailiCardnal Voi, Scboenliorn. lihe rcublniep ait Piagae, en the'question efthle Christian social- 1,laInAutai. lai. ld to b lie inten- tion etftth. Pope 10 intenter.. IFtVeCbhlldrel Supposedi lase.. D. J. McClurne, a Brempton, Omt., ftsi- eri-n s u ltwoe rotiiers mr elell Jan., clargeti mfthnkn midru atlak ou them mother. 'Tm bave mn atlngstragebyfer:so tâfme. Tiie statue of peunloalers etof im4aa rs ln discualid ln a report made by Roe.- seqtative Tewuey, of Minnesota, uPoi the bill imtoduced by Representative Ber- mania, of Oregon, maid tavorabiy reporteai trona the Coanmittee on Pensions. lis purpose in to enamrge. the scope of thie sl granmting service pensions te aurvivors of the. wars of 1832 to 1842 no tint It ivili Include the. reterns of ail recogniucd lI- diau wars up te18l«. In many regiments serving ln lies. wars the rails centaiu repetitions cauised ly re-nlistne inim aitferont companies. eud tuis, Ilbin esti- mated, wiil reduce the number of lieueS- edarn.sat leait Ï00, niakiug the total aurn-J ber of the. survivons of theee wirs about 4,000. Moin t fthez survivons are la neody elrcumstaucv s'wiu ail are in oid age, and, as estmated ly lthe commis- sioner of pensions, tiie average pension- able penicai cannot extenai beylind about seven years. Many of thon» aged mea were omitted from lhe act pensioning sur- vivons of Indien wurs iietween 1832 and 184'), and for this tenson this proseat bli in more just. siaice it Incliades ail the sur, vivurs of the recognized indinu wars prier te 18546. FREl) DOUGLA88 DEAD. Passes Awey Seddcniy et Hie Home i Anacotis, rieur Waihinstoai. Frtderick Douglas,thceiaoted freod- man, orator said dipiomat, ailedal aew minutes betore ï oelocli Wednenday migt ut lis residence lau Aaacostia. a subuarl of %Vushiuuaton, D. C., ut heurt failure. Hie deabli wns eatireiy unexpeet- ed, ase lie d been enjoying the beit ot henith. Duriîag tii. afterrioon lie attend- ed the convention of the Woaaaenas Cou- cil and chatteil witli Susan B. Anthony and others ivitia ihoanlie lias beeuin l- timaate ternis for umay years. WVlin lie retuarneai home lie sat dow andu chatteai with hie witc :about the women ut the. con- vention. Saddeaily lie gaspedan sd feil boc-k untcoml-oaaia. Within twcuty Min- nites atter tie attiack the faint miot ion ut tlae heurt ceaseal eatireiy aind the great ex-slnve staaîesîaaan ias dend. Plot Agniaxit China'@ ltaperou-. A dispatch te the London Timîes f romn Hong Kong inys thnt aditional restric- tions have beeaa imîaosedim ipoi nanvgation cf thie Çonton river. Theî dismatclàiens< étaies that a lplot, tun-rn-nhing ini is pur. pose, t e vertirow lth. dynasaty lias been discovered linlKwaaag Tang, lawangsi anîd other provinces ot sonthérn Chias. According te the disitcli H. Ma. S. Mer- cîary lasrcturncd f rein Formosa. Durinq the retent black iag flots the. Britishi con- sul ut Takau we-s assauitedia y the na- tives. The Chine e uthorities. licaever. secceedeai in quciling thie nets betone th. steamer M1iercury arriveal. Twenty-fire cf tie ingleaders were ijeheadeal sud ail Is noir quiet. Thc gunboat Itattler lins gene te Formosa to take tlie place ot the Mercury. Forced toeliaI Thein lionnes. B. W. Hiatt, of Montgomery County, Kansas, us lu St. Joseph. lie..soilciting nid for nufferers ln liait section. and telle a pitiabi. taie of lie tsufferingu et tie peo- pie of Western Kansas. Mr. Hiatt suys the. people ot Montgomery anîd neighhor. iug cotnties are eating hors. bash. net being able to gel otiien food. Their cows are lieiag traineai te drair plown, etc.. sud by thîs ienns the farmers hope te lie able toput Id a crop this npti4g. Fleur Combinae Dowaaed. Tiie Union Flour Milii of Shuekiton. Cal, purchased lait ycar by the. Sperry combine for $294.000. have cieseal down. 0f thc thirteen miii. owaîcaI by ths syn. dcat. in variniaspars oait heState unly tiree are îaow in operutiola. Iterthquake Kilim Thousandis. A dispatcelh e Londoin Sîaidnrd froin Odessa snys that the town of Kîîut. chat, near Astrabad. Peraiii, lins lacen uestroyed lyay ia eartiîquakc. Many thaon- saads ut ives wene lost. Cotiegc Building Beune Down. At Columrabia, S. C'., ahe main buiidinq et the Alleu n îiversity, n coiî,red sehool îvith naiaiw depanrtaueîît. buinid wilh icon- henats. Tue ions wiii iîot exceed$.00 îîartly inaaircd. The ire wus accidentai. -Mardered Lu, Hia.Store. Daniel F. Shi, a murant cf Ellijot (City,.Nid., mas fouaîd munuicreu in iiii store. ltohbery waanevideatiy flic prin- cipal motive that led te the crime. Munt Reniove liata. Tii. Calitornia Asseauiy îassed th. bill Imposiug a fine of $50 for the aearing cf hais or bonînets lu theatens anal ether pinces ot amusement. Big Bat Bill Beaten. The h' ., bt bill in lie ewciYork As- sembiy %L-, defoted Tuesday by the close voe3 .u 56 to 53. MARKET ÇQCOTA*IONS. Cblcago-Cattle. commun ta prime, P.75et.tfO: hle. shipping grades. $3.00 @4.50; sieep, tain 10 choie, $2.00Q4.75; wbesît. Nio. 2 real. ~Îf4rle: cern. No. 2. 42943c. cala. No. 2. 28@29c; r>'., N0. 2. 530«tC>t; butter, coe.. ucmen>', 23à 24c; egge,, t eli. 25a124c; potules, car iots, per bmaaieh. 1157. lhilluaumeis-aloaa taimphurt. Sm 5.50; bugs, eiioie igiil, 8304.50; sieep, commen le prime, $204.50; ulieaî, Ne. 2 et. 6253lc; con. No. 1 whit,, 410 4114c,, oas, No. 2 mite, 33034e. St. loiu-Cattle, $3.5; bugs, $30 4.50; mieat, No. 2 re<i, SOOSie, cern, Ne. 2, 40@41e; oeuh, No. 2, 29@30c; >cern, No. 2, 5(1058e. cimicin nsi-Caîtte. b.m@5f oxe.. i304.75: sieep. $2.50CM.75: aheat. No. 2Z 5*j54W; corn, Ne. 2 muzet, 4200c.; ott. No. 2 mixedal 102e; rye, No. 2, 57@59e. DI.ttrolî-cattie. O0JI5.50.. bo. $40 4.50:;sliecp. $2@04: mhet. Ne. 1 mille, 53VAg54%e; corn, Ne. 2 jeihoar. 42@43c; eatar, No. 2 whille, 330j.i4c; nye, Nu. 2, Toeai-Wi.aii Nu 2 net, 5&@54W:; coi-n, No. 2 mixsa, 4203e; oata, Ne. 2 whiite. 336iJ33wc; rye. No. 2. 58055. Buffatie-Cattle, $2.5ffl6a00; lg, $M0 4.50. sheeja, $364.75, iieat, Ne. 2 rot, UM@5*l1co crn, No. 2 yoliow, 46040%em ont». No.2 avilte, 35031. Miitiîkee Wieat, Ne. 2 apng, MO0 54e; ern, NO. 2, 42@43e; oata, No. 2 mhite, 8163e, bai-loy, No. 2, 53f55e; i-je. No, 1. 53054e-; pork, mens, $9*.50 10.25. NewrYork--Cattl' )00 ib , WORK 0F OUR NATtONAL. LAW..I MAKUBS. A Week's Proceediagi ltihealle of Congres-Important Meneur«n Dis- eue" ned uActeai Upom-An Impar- tial Rentame of the Businiess. The, National Bedonsi. Freesiliver advocates aven. routeiWed- nesda, lit tie Sonate. the. Jones biliib.- las diapleceda mndi Noicott'aa renoluliou golng tu lie calendan. Durng debaIe on lhe Indin appropriationa bill lu the Son- ste Mn. Cimandler sali h liuai Cougneles would investlgaito de&L lInlthe naval appropriation blliias sdopted by lie Bouse wons a provision tor transfer efthle canarls t101h. Columubian Magueunta The nival appropriation bllI mes passed by the Heuse. Attemplts 10 ami. omt the. provision fer tirce new blattie slipa faileai. The Bouse Timîrsduy retaiseai te cou- car ln the. Senale appropriabien ton con- sttruction of a enlie te Hawaii. Cousid- erntiaan ofthbc eucral deficiency'bih iras begun, and oulogiez n outhelaIe Senator StockÈr'idge wPe delivereul. Congre». mmn Duanlonoir ecimnetiadoption et an amendaent le lie general deficieucy blli douabing to tic Coimamblan Museum ithe. State Depîanimeit exhilit sntich fuir. An scnimnons discussion efthle sectanfien Refluoai question occiarred inluthe Seiaute during consideration of lie Indiun aelulre. pniatien bill. Appropinlions for lhe mainteniance of Indiain selis iras redureal Frlday by the Senate 20 per uent. The bil l ia .111 under discuassiomn. Sunator Mis lins given notic ent ai amendimemnt te tie suudry clviila1#111tua praibit the turtica- sale e oiof naah imil. Sennier Blackiburn bias iiitroîaaiae.d a bill iaoviding fon tic paynfeaitoaithflicfulllegar licitei: ty fer fie (rop it T he fu.liouse con- sideredti h.e proppsition lu'uaîropriaîte aioney to pay in arsiînlm for services dar- iug the Chicago raironal strike. Au attcnapt te lake elpethe nailroai liiig bill aas deteafet inlutle Sealette Sat uiny anidtflicmeumore n, i ele]aifor lhiis sffsion. Ait umenîlmcntwas. offereut lu. lia. su dna- civifl1bil1luntiie Sellette ai- tlioniziiig lie Presuulent le aapoint om- lnissioners te attend lai internationalimn.n etarv roafcrene, uhould ocne lie caiuiet. I lt. Huause tii. g-aenai da.ficicnu-y bail %vulstuather ciausidèreul. maidculogici aven. delivereul on flic latê Senator Valiîe. A resoluiîjn avus iutroueued in thflohuse luaaking te reversai et ilssapnaîvai etfflac 1'reRidenit'icouinseduing filic stnike. Cliairanan tllyh-reportedcthe fll 11agrecui omn laythe flousie ,'oammîittec tan settie- menît oethle uebl ufthelia.cifie ronds. Tii. deiieicau-pllropiutiuai bill aai paiusea by th lHousie '%ouday. An amemaut uent le pay (irest Brilaia $42ta,4il) li set- tlememat oethie Benug %ePaia aviwts de- tenteil. A niamber ot amemdutents te) flie tariff liai'demigneal tu remove nmbigtWiy have heem ausggented l y Secrelary ('ir lisie. President (Clevelnd ai anned ieb- cause CQngresno bas not authorizet ienu le) i.ek a my onut lite Samoaen entangie- meut. Ambassador Eumtis lias been ln- struaited te nalke a vigerous lrotesf aaiiit lthe exclusien 1,1 France of Amen,- Cali cuttie. Amenaiments roviding ton payaient ot flae suagar honiles Prematurciy euh off by tiie baif law mer. addedtuluthie îaadry civil bli lai flicSenaf e Taîestay. Alftie ucrenu.aaie reinative Ie Samoa silice tie raitiitionîofethlie Berlin încnty vas sent ho the Senllte. McCnnn'g raironu arbtiratiou billtvas puisseal by filcflouas. ailîcut division. Emlogici aaere duliv. ena-i ona tie lut. (»Paierul hPost. 'tir. Filla- iaîî mode a speech eîioîrizlaig (sovernor Aihuel aind covdemning Preaaigleat Cleavc- landialfonrtendiîig t1 00m>9teai Ccago. A inuiaîuiîy IHouaimecanamaif fa-.subuait ti'alIl ru-îsrt dia iaîg hici u-tionstonfurîîpouaiaîg tha. ltaiia- fteîafroauibill. hoase , ia Su-na le iitec a enai n r-port thitiir iîîi ity fa igri-a- oui ehî-hilamaiiiama coUicami-ua iacltIote h. inr dncivil bill. " Tic 'Levcîi-l-'i-teen.-' Triie (olhucilng Incident i.saidto luami liaiiîeneuloùian asdhttiiarn almeai, 'anda la4 relioated lu Hlanien's Maugazine. 1Tii.' condamtor îîuat liaa eiPeua hau ioa-st. A mi-duer hal c-unitte l stfai'tlionIota boardl the.11:17, truli, uaman] i-l h o tis surprisehmnuuiPtit 11:15 liie traina strted. "WVeil." lie saidtul ltlie condudton. -is tlnIat wanhi> hiaised thlrouagi thec iar. 'lie>' Ihiel 3-oaa îp Nontli irlien fia.>'sa>- yoîmr ftraisnet-en sîît oua lime." 111 gta-as nut," sai thtie conutuîr. "Tii.>'tell1tte irloleIrtîti. W.'r got n train off on tui. yet." 'Wliby. bits train gel off centtu,. lt',; fiae 11:15. lsn*t l?!" .aYosIt'ai lic11:15. ftrient, hait it*s laish 1'.Tue ays il1:15. W&nc tIare. days' haie. 'ro-daiy's 11:15 wveîat gel off iilil befoLi Mondauy. i neekon" 1>oes île Be s Goud. Onueiii-tesiug nesuil cf Itiemilitai-y listruct ion nI seromiby-five or eiglil> colleges hnu tus country lias been thc niotîccable Iiproremenb ln the cumniaige of hais tint enter ceiiege mtieut une- violas miitnry training. Itlnh mîticea- tle, tee, tint tie ycuthi uit Iloameagi- cuiteral elleges liait haro but reeeuti>' bai encugi stutets te entille tie ln- stitutions to haire an unmy officer dti- tlleti us nillitary n>-structor show ail- 1)- btter dIscpline unden sacl Iinstraac- bleu lhaan mien bicetiepurîment et mîhi- tan>' tachies mas in change of clillinus. Ladies Makc saBit. Nom Orlcans lias a firmt-chanssoncie- tra composeti enllnely <of wmen. and thacîn services are lai grent tomant toi- enhenltamneuts anad parties. Tus éanti Thal. The. Speaisii sguhpler, 41varey, drift- eti aatunaîy freonstone ciittlng anti pelumhing Into execctlug worka et unI. Cuntaius wmeno omployeti for bed. steiads lu thi.eerovnth century; tbey aven. aflermard transfonnedti l in- doms. Dishea etf golal anti ailver asea ln table service ln M0 B. C. mer. founti aI. Ttoy b>'Dr. -Schiemanu. Onpe o tiese ma. about thie ia.- now *m- atedylug t he ir&tw Lesortfor, WanAb Golden Tet-'l Cmi tii.vv snd lie ilfe."-Jolia 11- 26. Tii. loeait this weuk la toutq4 t& 1lý 3"45, anti lis forlite su Ralsiug of Laai-up.It iW a love lunaelay, wvo mugait gay, niai. Tii. opeaiing te.1 of, the. thouglat gripil7 bgfesi, Jens irasnot jet Caie tnta Sonebody sickis, sertain mc=;" us% &IL.Hoav quletiy tbey -g'a iotas.! Preseutly an atidbu it,. by aube. Deathhas entened tto Ai, uhal a typicaierti sena 4-t* Andi uven tien. ha Perea la Jean*i th* ot flt..liHoinbusy ait his moik, e arndaipertorming miracles, If ho a-au speak fle lito (tiispoor a frqmlia. WIit i. do il? 'Ler. %vas mieli gratunai for "LIord,' îliey sali, "beliolti, i. pew lovenst is sick." Yen. btIthenre bpfft erg whoinalie love: ti:aiirs Whio, ueeda-uifbina mon.. Tii haut closes: "Andl îany believeal in fiamthIl TutaI mas sufficieut renoua fer lbis tàfit#. ling. He. aas dôiigag ngi-cnt aork Ii4 coulaid o ume duavu. But tien. vas U_ dcapi-n renuhafotai ime deiay. luitii i tessoni the dlsu-iliua akeai about lt.te boem blinia. Jesuas aldai il iraâ 1sf %à mork u of ishoulai lie mail. manie«i n fa. Now lie licîtoears ay sayiag. hie. aise ut Lazairus: -Thisalukuesi lastntf utto deata. fbut ftaieli.glory ut 0 ed tast lime Son cf <led night be gioriliidtiiefte. slek lu liae glury et (i»od? Yen. il mas Lazerais. "Andi leqta.oe .Martia anadlber aiter. andt LazarneAs.&'An i. loven you. iait ilunee. lio love% gx« stili. tiong li i e eeia i ousgdely hs cumins. Will your love fun lim * slgm lie test otfaaiting or of dcia.y? W. do-, mach leur lais love; that saiteti fsIthM ln iakuem* or in -déahi. ton il i.n Z ist iuig. Huit ycaar failli andl your hotte asnd youar love. 'lier. is ticeîplace u of aet lAizanmas in deadl, and Jesas lias-not yet come imiote ie ià." Il la a picînrae 0 thc miitiiantmat lyet tritanaphant chai-eh on eannî. We look towandthfli heures* toounr Lord. W. are sick. dyiug: oaebi on. wP pas away. Wiy deo" tan Lord deluy lils coming? l'haisthlas have pa- tience. As ot eld, il ilove hhat dolage - falm. "Theretone," t is, soas(ti. e &-p-. taire averse l), becase Jeamua love îbs, "ie abode ho ders &titi an fthc sinlt =&£* - aviene i. mas." Look nia. Hc viii ce" " 1 come qulckty." b. inyaa. ."mni,- evem asu cmme lord Joes. Tiere le- day, and hhere in lo-morroav: and fthe"e si the. day aller to-morroir." NVatrl. Anal aicilieies standing ly lthe te.ib.-- Joais ah tie grave, flte conftng aeath& wiat aili lie thi.enîucome? Cau liera bs* abar deuil? louht-thenc aras lb.e bic, tie hindanace. hIt as ait grief anald dobt. Tic Lord binsîf- saippi>- ail lthe tait i. as ail lthe Pow- titis ec-anou% B"4er< i n e. W - *"»nî inla iiuring. MU fioving is ceing. Noeismerd "Sajal 1 net le at iIf thoni w beieve. lthon asoaiaual se. lhe gcr Goal?' Lord, inüease oun taiti. Aaidiuauv aiey close mii eacat her, the piiers tif ltiaven aad tie gahen utfieli.' Juîsfailmomuenah. "Conic forth," commnsdo them Lonil uflite. **And lie- hait avus dosa î':anae fortii." Brieify. aaoiagiy total, iVords avoumi tlake awany ft theia mieajea-' ly and Ii huar cf il. It 4g Cuoad. He bi i.aanai îf .aillie ruaesi..iailhe iave»4 naovue aid l inte carîit-aacýatia. Lite la ni naear ltai datila A'iuie... '110011 lîaa n:-ad lu-t lilujago." Tia-ne i. -onething fuir thehumialli tau do. 'rtà,'rf-tasnoin.- t linti lietuar- thfe uir:ih- 'ake e 3 away ltae ,.aaa ." ith'ii. aa lt aai a-il f or ilia, diiviii. ,u-nairtalioai. Auaui low .ater f lie zit ulolf ai idivin aIK Nen, -I,saïna sud ii nu i l-t h iaaa goa' .-1;t liina--le suiei fr. fa, di fur iiiauîelt iiid fuir t iii. 'Ilisna tiaice ui ofith lâtI au tu thefa' birci.ý i,isisu. athéina-boa-n saiul. LDu nal Iave ltaiaon liai- i-dg- oftalis alîl inafneut. Imii, ' it wear,-. ln gravae laliera. ULaie Ii lii iii hhanl li gai.NSi liii 1 GoJ begloni. fiii] animanan>' chah halieue. HiaIs snd Illustatuions. Tua -isiiiieiof lita anal aiati are pr.-s.uteal in tits lesuion. fil simuli b. iuuaterf y aunai aliiaemely, but nui giooranly. Calast liais liftled umi eve thie septlaehM aad 1he(liristian (-itm cnlîmpîate uiati itai-if withl eqtaanîmily. Pariai. ae are fou slow ho siank et tic great change. 'rhis Su-iptaira cpi-»us iathe acijoct oe' i-aaaa raie. Le~t il b. free anal trank. lt maay cviii, la>'tfe grace of Goal. in jeans Chraist, b. jeyoîms. -Soutedm17 ae wu tr ina liJeasuar aili nil cuime, 11ke tic ant -Lit <lai«-aagmae." aî utIle avhilhuehaiyeai. ta maîel aitia glal avaleome liluitait uthe shore. Jeans lhnial, la>'fais carth vinir. rohical (lo-aitfhut Ilterrer. amni brotuglit fhle daa iaiuaîrtaîity tu ligit. lit lia. freedom tliaI l'niul hoket foravarai te aller doubla, lie aposie tuaiki iepetnily exchaiu: -Fur me, bu lire int 'hrist. amni te die la gain.' Thoer telo sli t alioîp et Engianal iii, walking- fonda une day, suw iv t111e bina i niai.fron thiegroumal apomalils hluy pinionas, andt lem saaddemîiy draep toeaorti agalu, as by soaine tinseen anastraint. Again lb rose, amad aguiai fell. Ou looklug nmorc cloaaeiy he discoveredti lat a boy hiia t flira5. bnchi.' le lie haait fthe.bird, anti titI se oft" nas lhe ittie tiig Inli bufliy immay int the heavens lie lad %vocuiai drawlt lie-k. Se aiti lthe seul lu mortauitt. Deati alivens us fronena ct'.vcande anal tetters. Tlîink joyfîmly, onruit lhotumaI im- iy, et deahi. lI l ut tranmslationm lu the,

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