CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1895, p. 4

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*PADock, EnîITOlA! P t PIDAY. MARCI1I1, 189. S~v - Tpriv.te citizen should have BOIDO sud nddress prinied on the adenvelopes wlich he uses, »p Ijti avea many mistakeai; and if ho ~ psa reasonabie number printed, ho g el paper, priuting snd ail at the C ~u~ OUs' INDEPENDENT office, I b2tVlle, as cheap as ho eau bu, »»- B blauk paper. FOX LAKE. lits. ]Uo>ert T1ook, wuo lias basci on] theseclist is lowly itulprovilig. Mima Eva Fox and Lewi.s Lusk, et Fortill11, ,sere lueflîsinitown $iiduy. ire. [Hamiltonî, of Rollinîs. viqited Smturd.y iith lier hiece, Mrs. A Charie« Waît, of Soutli Datkota, vi s- Ited $ulday anîd Morîday Lat A. *rét. Ellen Wiedoff Iont lier. Friday *M'l ber cepbew, Alfred Meaide, wltlî _14moqibe itends tuniaise ber home. 341oa Julia White, of Long Loake, ',*bu la atteîîding sebool liere, willl b« its Mis. H. L. Johunsonth. W"under ofthie hermi. gasday, Match , tOlOwill.'nCenet- Aeq atiUse, Fort Hilli (JbrltanChurch 1 ..0161k a. m. ýTlis wili perlaps tbe1*41 lime Owen 1yl bei e hleaves for Kanrna tey . wil mais. tleir ftunr WADSWORTH. i' Whew, tbie rend. Get a scoop ,~-WII Murray stiirted for S~pringfield -luAat Swnday. il feu hlrouglu? M. Furlonîg paid us a lyiig visit iOUiday. NMuai§bes(iiiieattrmietiou) - ' MôMorsa ibu relurîued f roui Ne- oad wu awelcomed lhomeylOy igr datuce M nda nglit was ouly attesîded. Everyoile replortisa t«ý ki~.nevertbelees, ly etaises a great deuil of pride ýblebig c"ma.Wililthinks thlere in *g ie hi.. Simâlifayots 5444 large û01(664throwîi off. '5 DEERFIEL.D. '4o00ge Miller, or. lealïwitls the gril). Riti arerpent T.îesday Ilii lpua Jonîs spetît Mondla> sdMrS. Parmes spont Studay .** uWloooein. ýmad Mia. I)gavid Fritschu vîajted 1 t Wheeitîg Monday. ' O o ur youug toliteatateuîdea *tCbarley Btederatet t'a ltbat li id Mmra George Page, f rotas1 NIetthlleld, vielted t IL Y. F % TllOmday.1 iooe Wooman gave a prisate: e moewe'sf ber trimnlde iust Fr1-j Mi»*g-.- Mise- vent .lu I>igla"', musay, wbero se wili romain, bipe weeks. ý*lIl8(anaIlt bis mictlinbuils f and ads'aîtlshuîg doie aitthe "DialNT onkW'e, CesqtOnUlY Wum a gmiel rowd aisd tinga, tfaim prices, ut (is sals Tui- choir ofî St Paul churelu huis d agmt coînul cert for Tuesduy g Mdard 12. Tlhe services o! kft' Heller and Miller, o! Elgini, non mecsrod for the occasion. III ho ably aisted by out local 'The choir yul alotendier. outie aelections. The adsuance ,"*ta lnaumucesfully going 011 ~1"Icat1oiîs are tlîat a fui] Sgreel lthe participants. Wl earItriavted ta corns tielenticut iel. Ticket% MAFDAY. 'n li gong to Columbus, tboduy .esg, MarSln wiii tpe furniabed. )CILKRU, Manager. NDLAKE. tovu Wednesday. ýownmmen are sik,j a couing back on ie dealer, wviii won1 Po mîst vacated by YMbis bicycle aý ln- 6« W.27, by BNMQ7 euwel TREAN; THE MORMON'S DAUGIFIER. A. Romaxstic Story of Lufe Atnouig tbe Latter-Day Saints. By ÂLVÂ MILTON KERR. Wtirien \Nhibue Livinil iii Ut t.,j Copyglilod, 1. ii7, teYPi' A.4. MK&oig -'u- CIIAPTER 1. IN EVERN manflslie there cernes an mour wbich, net urlike a - ~ black or golden nuns- oral in a lonug train of * ieavy wltb liteelunvis- - ible future. Leoking ba'k Mt at we ses <'~"'~<~ '~ tishehur distinct mas as sislp'sopar tisusi up lute Ithe dawn, aud how it shot a sbadow or a beoum o! ligisi ibrougis ail tise hubble- beurs tisaionue by eue rose ai er uil1 . To Foui Elchard, tisougis be did not know il, sncb au bour iod corne. Rlidiug aoeng s nieunialu read where tise world, just bock of thse peako thot lace Great Sat Lake. oU.e easiward told ou told teward thie Webeor river, ho was overlakren hy tise lu a greot flush i l y over tise ridge-tqansd vasi siselvez ot land, while amougthie Wasaotch pooks 10 lise wesi wbere t seemed lallig thse royal colora were splaised hait way up * tise zenith. Be toucbed hie horse wih thie spur ho quloken hlm, but tise su.- mer ligisi lingera a long time lu tise lmi- noua Utahs air atter tis eaou siusks, aud in a moment tise impulse oftbste laed irom bit ceuseioumes.sud ho weut /orvox-d loOki4 soborly and isali dreamni y about On ail sidos sud ue.r and taurtise land- scupe seerned ta ise sud pléeasy t rldgo, sud spur, sud mountaîn-bespe. oue iy, desolate, sud stlll. On thse loftitise land dippod dowuwamd, sud, letting his borse 10110w tise ugged roua, lu a moument ho uvas ridlng ioward s valley svth bore sud tisere a uittle tarin on eitiser iaîud. Poor patelues et tour or - Ove acres ofsnd and grav e! tisey wsre, where thiecage bruuc bail been leared awcy, viis su but ini tie midst. andl apurngly ted sitbvier frunt-nellusble rivuleto. Dlrty, haIt-i-lad children cn'armed about tise duors. ivitb one and two atuil come- tijiex tire wives ai evers' thresiold. ,r digging un the sierile garden pat-hies: ailu u.ld cart, s pig-peu, a mule draggiîig c pluîw among the tenes or broscuig iii the brusli. and over aIl tise spirit of waut, of peuiury, and isolatijoui. 'I1 vaunot coucelve," nuused the youug horsoînan, wiih a look that ivas hait ceni sure aud hali pity on hisc ouely face, ' why tisese ];Pelboula try te wring a liveli- Lond f rom sncb a wreicbed regton. Surer-yl' ibey muet tarve in seul and body tmom tise yeara begiuuing tuoit. ond 5" The query wao natural eue. and the im- Pression touchiug ibis people'&s te borne oui a theusand ield by bitter tact, But ho -oIdt ikuow, uar eau any otisor single seul save tisai Fountafint ou se wbe ie tise Soui o! al. hie maierial poverty of these Mormon homes, tise shriveled hearts, tise numhed, sud dwartotl, sud svaut-pinched ,ives among ihese mountain *aais., buti îhey were net thero froup choie; -tise Chi, a structure4 of tyrauusy net otten equalodInutue world'. long lita, bad gent tie. ihither; had allotted thons ihese crabbed tripe o!fZMou whereon to toil, psy lithos, and die lu overy seese, îthtise voleys migisi ho filtod witis votera, thse lando kepi eut ot unbeliever's banda, sud tissi mou ie the torefront and aitishe conter$ Oethiis Loge iuismy uigis bold position sud live lu affluence. Prsmeuly, es ihe passed down tise alope. tiese atilement tblckened a litile with asosrt ot demending gradation lu tise scule of ob- vlou. POVorty, unti autishe heurt 0ethie little volley, where waior seemed more abundant, tisere were annail sweeps e! vlvid green, boresud tiser. a stuuted orchard witis a log bouse ansong tise trees, sud by lies aimnot& suggestion O! ibrifti.But over il ail atilil bi'eoded tise atiuosphere et Isolation, aud ail tie hmcm figures and surrouud- ing& bspoke a cowed cnd bligited race of WoMen, ig»neit,e'hldren senda coerse-udý lumuPIsis communiiy et mon. Liftir. g hi> eyes thie yung manBa-w s hat-mile tcruheu down tise vulley a sort of village about a MLormonu meeting-house, the Bishop's rathet pretenlioue resudeuce. and a tew long îosc stores huilît of un-dried brick. Tise eirag. glung dwellings were maiuily of hewn loge, wlti an oi'easlonal oeeconstructed iof adobe and plostered ounlise outside or panied ret and striped with white in imittion of brick, but aliueauî ni size. and aluvaya becide or surronnded iy a soit ef gardon or miuxic fam.. Tisece the wito or wiveas wonted. w.iihbhabea about them. whle the ilder chiu. dren ierded iheep opouî lie moustsue aides Or wutcbed1tIse cattle browsiuug in the bol- Iowm. The mon in lar'ge pari were simply hunsan drones; some uere indusirious, elsuy were weil-meaning, Lut moci oi tbem iséd drained the eumblng upae -up <ut po- Iygsmy sud were morully and pbysivally de- b.cuchedasud nudone. JuilsttteUs krit ftise village a cool- uaouiissd canyon opened grsdually inte tLe Valley. ThroughIs t a creek et water, clear Mid cold trons chamm-priugs sud nelting Snow upen tise peaks, came lesping and iuueblngt omward tmom tise Mountains. Croctiag lihe bridge tisai spauned ilt1he1 rosi becme two, oue tIluInS acrome tise VAllettise Othe m eaklag downwamd tismougis tho lowa. Pansng ihere witls indecision Our rider at1t sIdlsmounied, sprang ever *0ben9 een sd crusmed s liuuy seodow ho a bon»e 1h11 ateod among tise irees..Be wu& a tall fellow, blonil-beaded, wltis a mobile, y#a.sat face and cleur deiiu'e stop. Thse place wau sucis s pretty one Le rould Det eîooe but look about nlm. On tise nlgt lay airaden and ou tise lti s ittie o'cbord. wbüin ufront were roses of connu-. wood sud locusi trees. Close lu iront ot the bous, tWuicis oa, e ovu loge aud raiber largo, ivere walkuu sud tedè et flcwera, sud blcomisg vins clambereil round and over tise doorsansd made a groem net et tise nm- row 'porcis liai rau slong the structure. A plt o! grouud ot perhaps n dozen ocres, belouglug te tise valley 'out .eetnungly driven part way hute lie canyon, comprised tise tarns hat,. aurronnded il. A hundred acres more of satudln aen lilside, ho be sure, belonged te il, nas with mosi eftihose por places among the mountalus, but ouly tise grouud tise creek hua mode throuigi osuturies of sileut toil couîl hoar the plow. ing bis way toward tisat bour, wbich, look- apon thsemn'$ face. "He'. ftltfd 1" ahe lng baikh be ould sS standing out train se and ât.raighteuing Up stood stilil in the lits sitera lIke a opens agains5t ihe duwu; gatherlng twilght. Filmy spirits .eemed but ho fait no prescieut thrill; only the dsceedîug out of the at and grouping beauty of the flowe-rs and tlw vine-wound undor the trees, the silvorod tops of the cet- bouse spattered with sunset gold attracted tonwoods begun te syrow leaden, and the bîm. great lalie of light thaât lMincitihe valley Approàching the open door, but looking lit weut slowlv froîn pale rose t, cloudy amber. the blossoms. the ceiiîd of a foteoîlUtouclied while the vast flakes of gold thaât lisv Upon hi., car and lho lookeid up).A youîîgwoluîeri w.sathe xiouitaiiibî'îglits lickered, and seernied pai4sing ou the threshld l if '1wlîelad -olne turniniî lte, aslies. Suddenly the inan to muet huin. luvaluntiiily she lii uvt out stsrted Up witli a souiid of ngîny. nuit tide ber halide0on iitlcr i de ( thi1w~ti.du girl, witlî a startled. half suoýthitig uxclaîîa.. trame and il stari led look vas lll,lwross lion, put omi lir bauds aud cauglit Ihumi. ber face. while on1 lie r hair aidaîlail deýii li-b'r .Arne sou tbette o 1w- 8t chua4ked. He fii, strong ldgure lremlîled the 5slmt f i i- ut edaiher in a dazeidway. -l aut'roan ise, ligbi. ilii(iùt l>eulr e'ic-i.uusf iltHartn:au," site cRaid,..ould yi1u ride to tite the Young mari cuepped awli heîv 4W> i,ýs bouse il 1 lped you to alianUit f ibers. when lifted wjth the liglit ii4iiiii thuiUi Holookued round hila r aiaid u lookiiig eut unlhkc twî ou i its. niwu i eves grewrileur. .Ves. I thiiu ..le a averted seeingdreliuy a-id alrost lijuk: bureu out. Thon ilehu houghît, ie horse hic a grayv bine, large, wl, but ,fii ikabri ujulukly anid led il dowii a deptessii îimust and clive withb parkles. Foi- ani stalît uiider the bank. something helli theinwories. iiîih ias if 1' Niiw.- he Raid, lit you clin step loto outil were a surprise Io thil hii er. or trosu the caddIe trom the edgo 1 wil hold yonr a kind of chock tuat eci cbokld find the homre si eady. " othor there nbîiugh thî.y hall nover met lie- Sowyand with his teetb set to koopbak foriro lil the worlul, thon hesa-id] eîil, the grouin that me up frou hic hear, h but hardly wîth bis usuel oacv fas;hi>in of Y oung main lo>iered bimeselfi itoi caie speech: ilLeanî forward with youurbnao i "I wsbho t1 iquire ifthie road leaig 10 neck. se," suîd the girl; thon grasplng the thse lefttbaud would take one le the Eagie rein, just baek of!the bits %lie leditthe horse minec, and if it would he lesa long than the carotully up tho baili mid aloug the rondtIn- rosi! runnng dovns shruîugh thie village?" ward the bouse. She said notluug, and the '*Theoùoe te the lot i81 the shortest,' >.aid bruissid rider, roelinig a littie f rom aide to tho girl. "anid it will takre yen te the uîouth aide, malde no Sound. Thus ihoy wet up- Of Bogie canyon. You go up thut toi the ward througb the sbodows; thuxsche brougi mine,.- Ilor voie was low andîl nid- slowly bomne -wa it. bier king f low. and though ber fori was Strong and Wbeu she came te the rosid whlcb ran Grec" Linfl luliem, abOe eeined slow snd down la tise village she paused sadit istened hall aluggish witb melrucholy. Ber dre.. but uotbîng ouid hbe ard save the Sound of approaebiug î'ow-bella heatinig a dreamy marci semaus thse valley, sud the luw roar ot the mounitaîn Stream rushing i broughisl rugged chaniiela te tise vale. ',if tibr would îînly oine!- ihe . urinurod; then led tho horse onwsrd, epened the gaie, led htainsuruas the littlej 'Iplot of graes, on between the uttenwoods, sud up throsîgb tie fllwer bedi% te the door. - ~ l Then aie euiored tise bouse aud came out vi wth a chair sud piaced it by the omea. "Now, If yen con got dotwn!" ,hle ssîd. with / - ,, . trong concern lu ber nîollow voive. 'You-are-very kind." and somoubing I . hue a inmile flittered acrs is pale face and vanisbed in a look of pain. Thon slowly,1 and ail but urying eut with tie pange of his îîjury, hoe gel dowîi with bier ielp upon the k. uair. but wheu bis feet rested upenthie 5~j grouuid hlai ndu fe dark' oand 1 wavered as ifhtLe wu'lfali Suevîaught hiu iutantily. sud liib lieue] l (rîcî1s-d helplessly ___ ~upou ii'r breisst. wîtlî u.% qîjiîîk tresth tcomn I wiL aw aii tîrîîr îiîla crîîshîîîg conce "TH ONE.i' T' rlli 'LFT I MEOuIcIKTXr.«' 1 wac nothiuig tv lien;. iîîtlliiig Àei we not very vi.î ia iii l hurlgii tbe-r surpeni alalilOtleW tcille lkr' A lwsîîtu bu frded it lere golng liai1 Fora ew mom# aent-s et,eemod o liitfel tersi 1 h aigbt lcî sud haiii ier surnisngt or ai ber. oft'a-dark-ed-rser h lui;o "-)niIt lýwi her ul laieei eah t ainurmurend;th"I nder iefr wit i. e mnsaîdI wonbdiigwi go ibi eytea t Isge 1it-ut à-loek-tsere tebeni lringobergod e yusud bk e iftod is b-te-themn. e"tic i oe iarsdb jay Thnsdif il wuo comeut due bis gi. îaoond aiborcnr iusi. the bu " th=u Oh hink 1 sal elee ovr agtsairlyn e>' i (oct '1rye limber-nowt..d vn e lie a choit a gther wad I are iterningted s raier. 0f touble. -and--wry.' suda to.m"Il will a ged dteal e10 neancho bhe Io< emufo-lsing e o e ti mteinesat wshai orn te ii ibest ro. lly "e. yu areadhurt . 0-t lu afrd. ae 1samnied ul Euad ieu.ife hiserut.a-id, seri." ton hsye wl s iw iea ausdeulycas ifi ee soth itere thass lack o ned t' ,uiuey O, e,' es rea.oi for1syiavg bsee oued ta ltbe0e.t*le, ,' and horenw. bi lggng fent Pirl. simpl. Msud h beand aguar ne, mm abge sdl otoue be -dnorene"d a ing. widthmr th nie olorin i cteoc uan A greai omemod rcsealaod atoeide. liemeaDu lirhoacrod e si tîyeas'roie heandt& bsas e hn db okdw stile i8Palt f reeli T ena. alted re iup oiby a groy.Ten wl a shopse hidenerc. a i ce t h fa tertowaî l a o ft nicl bc ?1be ktbeud l reusouîîcu. o o fonîonitis lefls e iîte moment randulue dru i a gt.ed amp gil êmoerntilaTesuiî )tise p,îreiaîd thepfll r & oye. w tere tuU t hoe liroes im lt,hu me oeaaki nd tao-usbng liund lboinabout he o-drom sd rti i ,ng ieiiî ce f ocewale aitusion, kthen .moky ea home-adhe cuh ood t oneuainus biercamedwih urieul amI enteetie bcoste, an dtaoiouselad Bo-plandce, sa basfor Bti lmot gn tthe du l aine ouionuponwth t irl oacrTe iloigare sud horeinsudoet hrîîug tue rc h d, s ud dkly bclutinUse kloomlng in dea epped upntas Fuî a et aton e tsthrnboîe pîcluetre (tuned mengnga.. noted liap (t.rlndtood rom teinder ithe prhanb etBiwayo drge. e coed e flloe.,ain(tas il ber han tesvar ho fori t.sed te m about thelm, ndvytest t lun aeinoasifent iRis galeutng vbsomn thn ame trsciugainge por iln n ied areuet tr-fcs. Itinlad reapre sud O1Ievy aTdmadtabe adchis lird sagb toihe tuan iiug ee bouNe. l-a nvned l AmL4andaba. liu tbe ate th trak u re.ea.pseratured Ho t hu rtSt isero tord," Pau lcare Butn îLe t nsea 10 n ewvaineduastepint, hand o voince alo wib somebowmaeouua sudtlu ie iing ligbî hodidthet bserveed, u oraa u obi ume is. Wîth o e aIaioftlee hrse was steesst suned U selapeto! nlke a wi.aruud ud bei ic eethon rchwugbtf waerM. Tomc .oew iigie tubrohn portintht tuo Ld enteloa grd oosdsba aouytdei, thne tstay l su o mentstre. s o, t ho ca gbia gain- c gmeitramig cytaitn. p erlql u bte d lestip.ofd wred ihonrend by tebol-luad omntbrAsPbouE1h4 oprss thegwtfloed.ruck fd ovewîî ie rier udnerdingo utoîLe luththisot,toPaultElhrer rbîm. lui aSteam Lt o! limeand we r ont ere oi e ait daruo ot les Lneatis abinted ingloo i ot t ldrid ngtbre e1,usliosuand oer sesand i& loto wbichu rtiesu clhth ru longe w h iehorse, but estar- neto spirfsthl sudae ofeembigy Vihe rond dîîst t h volsngittu caLu nd quenc honaimchesde 1dm, aisud dnsly 8"oundîngg ff wîtb tlîe oek: htsuyiwere l the ak ta ofighet, s iudlingdunlu a bothls .ad.rouîu<llelîghtîîng andhe hllug in aymouenb akspiurne face oppw resnv in lod. su etwar fluehinanider ugHarmeiumntothedlg sudby b te so s mo agincilua pieuof legai àt he o luse osd otflargeadrgge ta e b hollow sdseooo uil r if whrl h o augit s u cbe ad udnasoapugautilandintseh our cbuenwhlethuginde .sventhewhomeng butnsud tiesp lasfullad .re dsger is the rn t bthego han foot laiasd qubr desa t . Basd e t etan iboi sermbdin upff ihthe sbank;suth o he wleisnatheowy c airulihound quilg dbut In- breli ceg roide. l seomod t littland lu-g uukludonbesxpresln f1atce irl thoen a udc . ban uts asr, t coan stiieu nd Ue B rsd an.g n yle ieamn Vwgistile ofrelde red t uriigdou bis iof lgadmIer," o hm Oui, "oleihin temsople d acres.i wbiie ne ck, st andcuug msi hdld b" aid ho boSsu ettureig out bang ibeleshe e iy etro. rinstiont d bel awhteborde.mly. oerhi ttocr rtabtso hie betaer wreuchand 4You .tA yehl. aterd '.ou inf er looame The thee evodaoutsudhegan hdoycvrewiha nuigbtn driunîgbde tie sard utttley,-but kn xrsin Lta h ilto tho mabt st ast ed bei tconsolins andth judM" alit o e trhrazof. Sddouicly Use onuhe "elgatr1 e us u,"oeh rwtmand wh. eh ie whe tro. ta orchar medleddVIsdh bgntra bu cotherles, trom esineis mor e r oeuingnt. lpemy Wthhcerraiawe e er yelng tie IYuea ybc aterl'gogfr endgdet uio , aote o rro cae puc ihmghe ot " Mdtegr."Fthhba h0s U., sud she houned acre.thnleuigsa aoin clauitih theead bsud huftted fluts lue ber ight he sod swt auetlosug laomi eyou'for bror rathder the yuner Wal ing power othbisa w ha-wfkace edu a uions-ote grf bow aed hrough ber bei nad se blifed c the legps ancs. tise lsmuhasnd bfe bd lge. In sberr, t he turued Swiftace, ail pa (id sd bed wiî pn, oardter, ud- ReI Latate Transferu. 4CopljcI Daily Prom Wsukeuxil' lteflicur.l C'A Nu'c'oiumb te Mariî.ucIîculior, 17 àiti u 4 IS i. 'M4 Soth Waukit . .i.....q42:, A E Strilîsti, W M llillu,-k luot m Ilîk 'i ripems .ii idprs l'Il, :;4 Si Kýýy siu 11,(1 o. IIil4ein rt......2.10 Saniii' 44 j HR Iilîk liti!èîMI, 2Si u 0u . . . l . .. .. . .. . . O N I i.i Ia i, s , io,'. 1 k 1I ll,îî. i la t ibsls< ...... . 41M) FIl luit,' , F It4iil. 1.o, uiii 1.11,1 C 4 G4Us Ii .,luMaîA til-,ar ut Ii 21 44. L , . .. .. ..1 11 i'îîlî i , - , i 1i ,t 114 1 -4li :M, n a ld t 1,;.k. J E Iliulviiiltik.Io N (.iiI li loîi144 tilt, I uwîî if lîIuîîu. .21)(l 10, 1 iKirk & lîuei s410 iiiuik.-gmi W C tIiuuu Io14>Soise LouIcir 8uterlleid W A G.arilili'r tui Hiîîry Wî'lls rî7it.L lit 13 hil,. 7tnys I=ui . .. u... . 7 C . Partrldgu iii .% E i4irIP.loi 44 >k ril Niî14is c udd ri Littile Fort .. (2554 .IýX 1) (4 olttu .5 extander 14i)Isrtwir ilis i1) Il (12 2lil>t't. eub.iîi .3344 I w .1 . . 12r, <.5v (lubbard te C J Ectkt-rmxoîpit L7113 Lsdd a (".orge'% add Io W w d- - 44 Houry W Bludgelit U)C W Il'pto ILt lm 16 12 l .. ............... ..... Chsrles Neyer tu Charles Payne lanîd ti add it 4)ri w add 1) W w 41 . .. 2G Jamues Isow te (i B Hughes Pt IL 2M a.eSeccir8 pImt ,iptincw4 '11 45, 12 Wd I Willilaui NilUlAi Adrea Stmiiug. 4ac lu 3L,48 10...... ....... .. .-... Suri sauuluit 3NI Iik 144 I ut-yero ,uIud tSi Huomer ('sFke 4,, D4,lle (i Iturîî,ug lot Ml- iii. 1 Ilo.-.r licke.cuid îof lit t044 neit 2946 412 ....... .... ..... H41) Màtuarmid te SManagers o! iîanouio (cul p Nu,-113 i M' 4 iav- lu ,sîlliaurii ( va n ue. >... Johin bhu,.t4i F li Pr-att par ut loi Is bii ty Pi uriliu ltuîNiartilua A fup.e leis 44 4:,464 lk icil4aiofiitt ii, si,25 41411i 1riÉK lot 4y ,tiîk 1 stslof Pt c ta- .:i 1 .i,îîltaydfiit iý, (Imhiil- parii'u si i s,>-) atiii luit4r..L, 4.11 WVe can pllroiiîe a grelit deil liciter iua ur, if ouîi.' iiî i-u11w~ i il Pomp.t- chanceryNotice.l1.1, liî.rs jiist the thing for pimo. ()Ih.s11NOIry Ntice. ng onthie jiausry ahelves, laYîng iiNT If lk.. 1 - j untr carpets or for doing up plîck. uIt-ou îîî ,i,î -t.tI,-SIiul,: ges, for sale clieap ut thse olUce or 13. Mar Prk 4.4-14d-1 he LAKE CuuUýNTY INt>EPE.'iD1t, IVO by ndNdy lol, i, If..Flr l) - centspe dozen, 1.5 cnt5fr0o, xI mn l rt l ý. * tfiHi. lier ilins- 1foI 2 c t.>e e t o Imi4 1 l'. à" iiy. Ay iiî. Ih4, Ib( Ay e r i,.il iu I yo a te vb p , Nitz hr uh ti.lit olyIî.rliir- If you wvebnes 'am , 1, i If yon vaut cuîe Ul rad, of .i.y .1 thuy .-,. y~vu .at etrhaa H f 4lio A tOlbusinessiAwda CI%" aI>os-, uuuniu-rtiinipii(uiiunt hie-If .You vaut nice, viltlng cards, furt, Oiled hluI 1,1il ofit! ieplalit lu 1au ont-t, on th' 4 (licuicery suIe tliereof. suuul îîîu If >ou vaut weddlng lnvlltlonta aà suruf)fbthir,'upon Icueud lout of suilil If you vant any klnd of job waek, (ointt succinc-tt 11eluie iauied defiaidauts. L41 fltumnable oîlie. iut day oaf the ternIii ite e ve you.r orders at the ImNua,. ('lt-uIt l'u n-tîf lAtke 4ltuany. tai (o' lild u X MaiLbryMe dhv lhe Court H<>nco lu W-tuki'. l Ci l.d LAik. U fie ietyll md C4 uty. oui th.-' 2id HotuOa, tof Mat-ci. A . Dj theln e<tuted ln the ahort4es MM le5. as ic halaw requi-od. oud whIiui isuil 1@is iblEeaî l11nil.WILLIAM M. ILSOAN. (1er.-tkj____ Daia'd at Wuukegan. Januara, ?A. IMM. CHIICAGO E VENTý JOUI MAKES TM!8 BTS ANNUAL ANNOUNCEME 14 î.. Itîi ibl. e,ui tlx-, Ii. 1.75580 . i u i i tin . lu a i u > i i i s a n do f I b ol t i T , I Il f>eiii llicîis u litiuuuhor.swl*lt ( t a l t i u te le s t e)î t i i d l t 'a e mi ~ , Thei'Ja,-.luî stanedsfoîr a fres, bat),--l~ fuît- lacW. atend I h-iii rit sYstr"i galatop 4le ii icf Plirtisan wui.4ý lart4saobwp SALi 1711 teuqî1j1stî. ai ousud taise ea~ Lntii uuitucs. Tinx. I«uu>nOfl bu' fsull. adeijuatte dL.crimnatitg anîd a.4 %»M rata. as lurmutcutui,'. A. Tic .lJournial locucesees ail thse inodqm fa-'illiei fur .*uiiilg the aies.. (te re66df wîbî neêo-r enulss t ayosne r o ialaoewmbei ha9 p,-ulilu a luty wiu,'reon uior ilie tI'Oie ) -ru (h.snIrftvi. Itilaed(ts'dt, aâ f,' (1wii, e-LcsIty o iii huuing tbrt'eog eInIsii-ls uîf 'lia.' f ier tue harnela uor guale Ait-natend teiiu.'rprhIîug lu gatihn lm h tendii. l iireulduiiitc li8ual 'cpe«&ts1%9h J-uii mil ,,i (n fui t yuupfalâ tei a wfr çy slil.oIu~ .k-I f4Ibue, goffil peelle ut ('bheago sudulIfi theNortiIwtýt wiuapprclate a u ii.iigKl guaitWgl)apper. les 4> na rkuî . iiauurlal aunl î.,irnejnqrh r. Il-t. le- Jounuuila, u'aned the titie Of 11. i, ltRellahule.- a coUt,rliiut4 I9lerw(l fl- w iiy s tire la ,a~- TIl. . utî1t afa iutI ,r ii- .e> l>g nswgjnpur iii~ ~ ~ ~~t. t , iiiisili-..i,.L ani' ud thu' a ael li. il., te. lit Nuir; ,i' i-t ICu -j ja ON PRIVE~. Kou5 Il. t15,f, 4 Ihgui, sil. O. . t. P. RY TM me Table.. (i401N0 NIIio7TH: arn .nIM. Pi.P.m. p.m Ch,=";.L"aî* '- 30 y 30 1(45 5 20 es80 ShermevIllo 4S 2e 10 18 2 :16 4609* 7 2 Deerfieid Il M141022 2 411 114, '7Il Everett 8 42 101> 24416 821 7 38 Itondotît "4844103r, L ;W 6.36 4u4 LIBURTYVILI.Y. . il)411 ... fi10 bc; W&arrent4in 4i'l 4 3>no Gurnee! 9 lm) .445 Wad@worth 9 M 4 :1 1 Rusauli(arrive> 94 lm :î29 (i)I(i44iTH. suilday enly al.ul.a. lu ar. .r n. p.rn.p.iu. Wadswortil, 9 (JO 50op Gurnee 411 '34 651 Warrenton 417 5 38 ô18 LiamaTrvii.E (4610 730 .... 12 ;X) ... !i10 Rondoot 6 20748 ...12 40 545626 Ereret t5 267 54 ...12 4 55r531 Deeerfield 463 a S ... 1262 863- Shermerville 6354808 . _ 12 56 60Oô 541 Chicago arrive.7 35 900 1036 1 45 700 ô 30 SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv. L(bertyvllle,S:10p.mi. Ar. Ioudout5.30 p.rn Lv.Libertyvlle 9:10 arn. Ar. ChîcIOg1.25 arn Lv. Chicago 8:80 ar. . Llsrle 9:igair Lv.lbertyvIlll.1:40 pa. Ar.Bm out 2:82p.m Lv. Chicago 1:45 p. mn. Ar.Lliertyville 8:10 p.m Wlsc.Cent.R.R.TIme Table GOING Noera. Chx«oý....a... .tn.â 4 26, ý.in l'l. Apuaklalc . .....785 ON10.... 5le praIrleVlew. .81a.ne9Il Leitbton ...848 1111 5 d u :n Giý_n Ak ..... 9W 940 @58àa 1 Lake Villa.... 9 9 51 8.*0d 110 (2,45 à.m IL. .m. 1.i LakeVilla .. . 426745 ;j-NM12-âm 688U MolIes...........4 81 7 52...... ....709 Gras l&e .....64878$00 1206.... s7% Rokfle .... 447 816 125Si.1254d.7 19 Lltbton......46fil8 28 'l 08. ..7 24 Prairie Viewe .... 4568 831 1Il.... @780 A»tktâc ...... M01 86118 .... 87 83 Chiag ......... 630 0 5 r't 2 15 8 4j Golng South Trainleave. (irays Lalieg 47 p. mn Rtockefeller 6 57 p. m. arrives Chicago 8 30 p. mn *Dally oxoept Snuday. BsStop ouly on signai. Elgin, Joliet &. Eastern Ry. TIMIC TABLU. OuNo M'JOTH. WZAION& . 001140 goum~ 4:30 p. arrive. ..W.auktrn ... depart 7:00 arn 4:00 pro de ar ot7: 30 arn 8:15 p m ar ..Ron- ut de, 480. P:55 pm .......Leithion ......... 8:50 am 2:45 plue.. Damoud Lke.....8:57 a&m 21.85P.Wm........ . Gul er ..... 0:12 am~ 8M.1 pm . If pour lforses are Poor or don44t eat well, have their teeth ex- amined. l'here ils a man at the CôUnty Farm who under. sitands the busiinlee'.g 1 týLý,

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