ie armer, WIleekly Inter Ocean and In dependent, ail th aesoeyer o uy850, Cash -in At Ida') 5pS u rg e0l), ~Offlçe Over Drug Store. LiSer# VUie, 1il. Ir. Charles Galloway, n SO«I1ce ln Lovel's Drug Store.p Ife. o ver Tris & Taylor's Store -i. 250) o1 0 ila. m.n. In 4op. M.'ô te 8P.. t -' BND Atj. E. ThtItOÉV. - LISENYVILE. .ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, Offose ver Lovels Drug Store. LbertyvillO, - Illinois. Dr. H4. P. EW1NG. DISEASIES 0F THE YE. lspIttaiattention g- In tesecorrect ittlng of li15 vol -10,. M.'-1 to2 p. M. &* fier a P. M. J. H. BRUBAKER. ]PIOTOORAPHIER, le Bene«si. t. ukegan. II 'ehsîltns of se-k doue. Satisfaction assureci to averyone.I «qpmL 1=1 AUCTIONEER, Libertyville, - Illinois. ilatu hgliad iîmith t'xîn-rtiW ttnce ttin -t9i .,Iutg im tti- î.r*tt ? - lt tei- i -, 1 AJ uti i. prepar-tl fin attend 4 alp.i-- ii paiti -.1 < L.ake anti adjitinà iutitie t l - l 'y t -i.i NiSa Stisfactionl Cu&ranteed. r- cve me a Cell. -la !DowxARt'I BARBteRR Wlwe j'yon can a saju Nel ysînr Shevifg. Noir Cultitn. à remain«. Ualph Derby, - Libertyville, 118. SMITH & %WIF-T',% r -je the. Plaee to Buy- LadieS and ChildrOn6 MITTEN8. Fancy Work MaterlalS. STAMPED LINENS. Ladi.. N.ckweSr. Ruchiflg. etc. SMITH &SIT Lake- Jowty -Baiil Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. ISSUeS IntereSt-Bearing Cor- tificates Payable on Demand. Chas. Kaiser. ..AN»D ALCU IN....- Hoors.. Furnlshlflg * Coode, lionne. ULAtETS. WIPS. TrRUNKO AND VALIOES. And ail goode ususlly kapt ln a firat- cam Harnes@ Sbop. lireit:st%àIdk £mA a u -__p oNsoirila M.atly and Qulokly Gene. ~. Fle ruFr Csrn For the Next Ton Days We Will Oeil the. At $3,00 Per BbI. Or 8oc Fer Sack. We have but a Limit- ed Amount at .this Price. Calli at onice THE INDEPENDENT Sunflower Philosoýphy. NEWSY NOTES. l. C. PADDOCK, Effvoi< A1) ROfPu. Nuiii hî .,îla sfsijii.latce of Information Gathered .-'.i-ru EN'erLnsîgs-w-t iltitalv mztki..s vOit b> Our Rustling New$ Gatherers. F1(IDAY. Rl.iiiSi --.iiiit 1, it iiqfu'îiloa- S Church and Society DirectorY. Husv l.t:g I'tr nop-I m tilt," WE HAVE A FEW ire. 160. n . . .S., 2 t ; , Non, h LIiit .ii d OVE$COIXTS . plitt.BY-rEItIAN -. F rhîi. I'lùtî,r 'aig-t a i'î,îtracît ' / ' > "" lîk ko Ir: .S. 2 i.;V 1 E :15> 11 . lu W ' wîîît 'ilîn' t,) iv iitl et*i flrîg î ,'. i r"ît î't? î/t i lt- uNIVEILSALIS'i' III t.. S, t 'îîttwell I". ta ileg. . 1 .i.1 .. ~ U go p. s.o sti z. :e- : l ttt unéla itt'isno dIt'i Çîý '0-t tpublicl jOn hand yet and vvili selI you orie iUIYILUA<.~. N. 41,F bailM. rgm'î gs tît>,,qî't îo>té s jlIs î 1 ii ~ ,,>' ii , 'liItN-' at a price that willImicke it the best U~Ir mîtta~ie ni i ~ljroa il >1ta li i i Lr Overcoat Bargai n you ever made. iaIwIttrct.J. E.W. 001» lrtt~. OnIy a few left. First corne gets. LaeCutyFi loto. .' otmni ~~hu i.îj~t îîî "~~ îî î ' 1ir' fi rst choice.. .......... Lae out FirEocio. ktîîîsva lot o f. oltt'mlitible go-.-ilîtl'S!jWltere-is iitii.- i-ringp>' Taikut uodiîîu i. ii'tîî. i o li wiaNirs. F. lB. Maison ls viry s. ýk. F'or elle aiderojaiu îP, wit (et tiîolkr-ady for sjtring work. Th.îi onpanî l vil tLkt.ettuti:,. T aesm înîrcalfrîîa About time te maki, mal)le,3ugar. Bie-te your lieri. Il dîn'i t ei( bas te sto)p kuoekiiig at th'dir doors Wbeî ~ tîbti .. ....i~-î> atd rea ~.Mr. R.. Sott, the enginer. wil mjvéà Matymn e ti'ro rrtuodtt 1ohn wl o trixmte o Henry Blatherwlck and sein are vis-e hv lto el' itr ' Who would votimet.firn sl ofaman as ait amateur show. Or a lidng hi, Wdauaehterotofrs.Croker.e (f uourâeee , e i d. tl, woman elther. Ben Butterfid's famll i 110W CUIPY Pants to Close Out at Very Low ~ Ir eert.d. wonuId lelitt; WVe have heard ierce discussion <On Juo. MclCo)rmiçk's tenant hou"e. F'orthe met thy wr" ct ierti everyoether subtjact exeept as tohbois Mrs. V. A. Biton visited her son Prices. -Ail sizes. Corne at once for - Kîew liamuet ur.e tbailthe--t heaven ls beated. Eugeue at Racine college Thursdav. first selection. Andia dtiav wouidgO with il; Titcn a membi'r jon WouId îie. A woman la like an ohl painting; a Mrs. Maicolm bas been quite sick Andît have ailtih priVIig. work of art shoiuld flot be a1îproaelied for sevevral days, but is convalescent Ofteget1i10dntyufe, o lsl.Dw, .>4 ltough the day wt"t.veV7,tiortY. Ve sometimps thitk thâttpeopîle h rvln uleeunw W r lsn u l atrGosa o tq.014 ttndw owruthe ai r: don't know ans' more after having hat] appretiate tilt ibneftt of gravei vé,ry litti..romm o Sepam.experienee thain before. rO si)-s Tirton over f roim Forft hridan AftAr a woman gets marriail her XhlMC(ormlck and family havePics Caruitthe etilditrt4. iweqtfy-ii%t. hîîsband d1scovers when he toilkis that mvdiioterbnsm e And ibciraumea aicl wut ttitttit'tbouse. lust a>sure telleyo,ur téréli.' she is no longer a giîod listener. Mis sL l Cre ,of Rollins, ie§ Agéd ofesîtirw.itt'donnertire ~t.tttioî. Considerlng (lie opportlinitiés thé , snbl sbt'erMs H*.-ulut e o(xls ri ngE eyD y Trbtt lUtio eveieforgotl: Lord lias for fihdng isople - out.welii-îtrMr.H .urbtj Fior wnamt' t t '.no1-. for Wt-dtno.î'1. tli't sewhere liegets airx augah.-,iti ek Eseyot , r il-r lt A t (Kai n <s. t Globse. 3MisAda Ochinge lias ba.'n t'(Chi- Týl -oj aalfr bat l1 -i531; st;. .ý 'ard eau, i' tago l wirîîgar ses owa.- 1 , dt Car of VIASH BU IRN'S SUPERLATIVE 1' ýý h,1ptguî~ ilit hr- li~Ie'tetrs iaft ontii iii-li îbs maiS v f thî'm Fglasses.eied 1ciya," ta -ex "ou I iiid i 'luelial lwoinp. iet 1 ig ,itow banks bas"' dis- F O s eevd iq ii ttii't5i'l ,iî cr l-s p- 1ti rt ttr, ai j eut-ri - i î .brie! wai-k andti h le Vol w r - a n é e fiutitti.ifi t-t -igoilgunî lt fast. ______ 5utiî i , rà1 t t -11 un. Il r lits aloonoi .'pr tf lîgir i r, >tl tt tl asr r-- n ii Il ii H i". .i' niitti itulfn î.îîiihClie.'t ti, .l)it rit i îîîîrtWE WANT YOUR TRADE. - 't'.finî tt uit h. ti sn 5.ll il'i t'îîj t.l, of t hif <i i-' l il ln-su--.. to i e1mini li,,,ii tr t ii - k gts- il 'le litti tti ilt" fi rît îiiî.î.t 1'tt w pi~' rivesa t! tihi' litîlriif isn't- Si~~~~ 1iliifiée ttti-itILs.' ua(amp of MoulruWîîlm"î it c B ) ilfig, . if I ilitiî, Miliu, wlii ...M B olby & C on M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l kSSii "\.orduitd gttl b a ,seîl théa ou- atEluin lia j, %i î-itîîîg li, 0uin . p. lii st ~ ~ le,0 --fil îl in m.eprsiiip antid n'ii- <n >it oi Itttmorigage. reatl t sté iirf.tnstr i Arica i tiSaliregard. t vit-lt frouisîl Fo Joan lagemater baalgoue ti Lake LIBERTYVILLE, - 1ILLINOIS,. H. C. P '11itI." k, Mfilk shippeIr.,over the Northwestëri i i Vgmae a on eL Real ]E.'tat4.sntl Lottî Agent, Libe'r- have made the discos'ery that train- Forî'.,t to work for Boy. Father tyville, . ýmnont mlktan heean stpal- 'lllv. No fear, but comic John Boolms to renlt ii the Hig nt i iR g ilk at filling thé- t..n-i wth l!j wl have friends whereever Lbe goes. watea Now ks the time when the commis- Drop tems in Our private et.i oie Jîtis'Mrisn i tc ioir u t i~batr bud- onte door at foot o!fSDIEtis ford ri'etvsent eii-e a man ire jai keep watcb of tilt roads. A littie l .lýà stairs. for drfrnkeness, and another for wift' attenrtion iitutw wil -ave lots of Gia. ~'tsiEDforgeuralboue bating and then suîsperitel th(teaxpense later. wor. Aplyto Mrs. H. C. Paddock.,sents'nce so long as they attend The Literanv Soclî-ty bas been wobr Aiîl.chtrch regîîlarly. poned utit) March 9. Question for.t Ltst, Straryed ln-a3-blaeorTh gitsoll hae-achnc-bltadbae ",e TMrregegirlse Hp- ilI D ahavou Sall chanteLcePin,îeextze a ae- pearl handled knife. Finder will be year. It will 1w the last leali vean for hines?" Affirmative. S. M. Galioway frotn $2.50 tO $$.00apc. suitably rewarded on returu of same eight years. The leap year'- which falNegative' Pari) Muuuffin. -igtDyMnl ocsSehAoSliGldL ePnsfi to the owner, H. C. Paddock. in tbe iast year of a century are flot Ragtîlar meeting of Village Board Toight Day Mantie ok7.00 th Al-s.0 o $6.G00 LceP.s r FosRaRim-The ho A"cfîl otinted,, so there will be Only tweîîîv- iaxt Mozîday triglit. If you bave any Toas1rkfom7000$1. 150( #.o eupied by Charles Smr Good weli, eighl davs in February of 19141. matter of pubtle iitereit for tîteir N i klaOn Alarin Cloci.s, Cide' oi odRns fo cistern and barn.tApbiLfi»F. Protine. Tbe-InDEPENIIENT job tieîartmenti, action, present it. Dou't let good 90 cents. 2 5 cents to $1.25. «He wbo bioweth not bis owfl bort crowded witb work. Four atîctiol bis ideas langîîisb privately. aceEgn WltmCl'Asalkido GdBnd n the saine ebali ot be hiown." Moral-. last week, anti note heads, envelopes, MsaBlanche Kimbal bas beeti Watbes, Seth T lh a, CoI AliaraIlingsa fGd Baoder. get out ofthe ruts and abvertise or cards, etc, 'tili you eai't res't. Tha very siek the past week witii ub-,SthToafo 5.00 GadRnsmd oodr you wfllgetleftlnthesbuffleaodltwli hbest of stock, good work and) retteot- liieumonia, but under the skilltui, to $75-00. iring your oid gold and hav. slerve you rigbt too. able prices draw t'tîstom anti llt treîîtment of Drs. Knigbt & Galloway i par-.-leea oohtbetrTusa Anythin g you nec) in the svatch made into a Ring or anythilj Roler Skating Rinki. tho' not ytln.yn ih The ink will hereafter be o e on A bil bas ten ilitroduce d e inti' ndr w e o.j fd anger. hne have, Wednesday an) Saturday eveniîîgs Inidianat legsiattire te cômpel itîîî'r- 1Atveidore Bedm n an fam ae__________________________________ only, from 7 te 10:.39 o'clock, 1). M. agit merchatîts, or- those whi set ni, et, miles west of Libertyvîlle, wbich tbey R P I I G A S E I L Y Skates 15 cents those using their ow temporary mercantile estatuislîmtnit skates li cents. per evening. lie the towns of the state, to take oit have raiited for a term o! years Mr . . - ,-'~ f V ~ 118-21) Oeo. B. Masoti, Prof>, a lvetîse li stch towns as neiuiri- a H* j d s aL I. i.,nandindu- 0 .Âq £3.. M A licens té)s sali goods. The-"a 4otenir trions farmer of Wau-onida for many e- Yean',. >uuileoi'iea tra welcomed to ___ Pnemtum No. 2.-Money Found. patv no taxeatnd are at fraudîlon it tosu' Lîerts villa. We suil sen) a a remmm baB ho haîve to îay taxe-. Iilt Itcl T-iSuîcl~ '.~l . ~ I~ We il setias pemum o 11 IleSC 110OL SU PjPLI subseribers who pay strictiy Cash tel William Garett, of Joulet, iîaviîîg iiiear ai rt randiafu Opera House, Advance, $1.5o for the INDEPENDrNT, a asserted in a n'ceîît lecture tilat 'ire %N'îîkegîiui .lday evelinig, March Pe an Pncles, nk copy o! Prof. Thos. E. Bil's new book nanus are so cheap tîjat if a carpeitter Pen abndi- tiirouîhly irstclas an "Money Found" which clearly sets droits One it la abeapen for hlm to use tertîîtmne, attd alAays pîass té) Tablets,. Pencils, forth a practical remedy for parties another tban to stop and pick itl u), crowutliokises. Special scenierv au) Shoo Paper, and bard trnes. the Iron Age tests fis assertion by wonderlîîl mechankael effects tire in- S h o Chabelan ouh emd filgures. The carpenter's lime being troducel, togetiier with a itumbar of Books. Stationery.' Chamerlin ouahRemdy. worth 30 cents an botîr, tise drop;teî sougs an)d ances. The companty car- Frank B. Loveli, Libertys-hlle and nail would cost bim 0083 f acent, if ry their owtl band an) orchestra, have Fîifl, Fresh, New line just Received G. C. Bobertas Wauconda, Drugglst, be took ten soeondipcking 'tt tP' thirty people and) travel in their owti deaire us to publi e followlnc Six penny nails cost 1.54 cents per pnîvate car. A .t o lC T Iin C ta t onaleg~ # Cas. M. pound of 2»0, therefore each nail polAt cnra udwstrL Gutfeld o eedey, re4o Co,,coasis 0.0077. At (bis rate the carpeuiten an as t1key le the remed r ed to could better afford to let tihe nail lie Lakecouuy wil besorr tILear and - t elr cuto' o know than (o. spend e.ven one second ne- that their famlly physiclan, Dr. F. C. i rr, folloKnight; bas decided to leave Liberty- t~ la p s tell you tuat Mrs. Thomas Etilson la cxtremely years, our people liat hope) that he . O M P i IE LU if by one use- of Chaniberin's domeatlc In ber tastes and very bai) abandoned (he idea. After go- Cougb edy 1 was relleved of a devoted to ber busband. Mr. Edison ing tei New York te be abosent week vey ere coid. My beas waa colin bas bis laboratery In a separate bull)- on business, be wiii move, about pril li pie topped up and I couid not lng trom bis residence, connectlng by jet, te Waukegan where be bas 1 sleep at lgbt. I en recommend t(bis a wlng. Rare he soinetimas labors already bîîlt up a Clty an) Office remady." A cold nearlyslwiiys starts for heurs ln the evaning, and Mrs. practice. Long country drives and the (broat and iungs. By using (bis be naar hlm wban those axperîments bai) tods are not congenial even îto a Lime, Drain Tile, Farm WIagons- -. remedy fraely as soon as tha cooldbas1 areabelng madle, often goes to sîes younger mant an) we ca't blame lm- à been contracta), Lt wlll cure tha.co0 oni coucb whiob site bas place) tn for ciautglng te a more profitable A rc ns t. at once and-prevan( Lt fromn extending tihe room for jus( such Occasions. fiel). Lihîertyville will stlih aveAg cu url mpe ntE . i to the luingo. iWban the copper wîres and other more libysîclana titan lier tcrrntory 'ehv e oko h myst erles which go te mitke ph ono- warrants a good lving.