CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1895, p. 7

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ÂNY DIE NAME. ~Y TWýENTY-SIX KILLED IN A LOS QERRILLOS, N. M.,'SMAFT. (4 to 7dosem)0o Fortj-two 3linera Entombed by a00MIB EIE FcarfaulGo»aExposion-caucht in a wtl Eaws n an Trpthe WCke r Bont tain the liantia, injure the tou. and.brau Tlce r Sufforkasv Are toe e. h isn ti tyPc>hl 111l Boceliant, Odlorem, andi Durable. Each ot ~Pkr e SPice r t RÔfocat y nee. contains six omcse nn moims iI w " " " "ghtfte pl o i on o f l;lis t I ma e e eral boxes of lPasto PoleI . nt PerietsfuAS AN tlNAi SALE ff a, in tue 55 rFIiVI~~~ hite A4h con i mine, t liree miles moiilh-HSANNNI.ALF300TU eneof Los ('irriliits. N. M., otrurreci ut adnrname an4 eddreis 0Io o"o' Weliiesdity m',rîiug. andttias5ila lat. T%% v:iîty-six iiiric are' known to 'VMTmUARE ALWAVS IN have been killed, aind eleên have bieu S k'n ont alive. But tht'.e are morte orA our object in i nag fht) l tashI . rhrt'.sdtt'd't l may ncrese.This ruine' ll te aoft COIlI ON RLL.------ podce ofth vil> Y anid is uperateti by tON At'iao, opkuand Santa Fe lBail- Tbey absolutely ture way Compîany. l'rom it ail markets south SICK BEMPACIIE , ,leht'plaee, inrluding the,' i'uthern l'a cîffi' anîd M' Cenî 'ttral Ituil wuy4. are I Juloeness, consttipation, auppiieti. The output averagem ixty tars CoatetiTontue, ?net Ap- pr day. petite, Dyspeplsaansd kiii- T1hei uine lias four ltvis. tvltli llranch'l dred derangeints f the off f rom tihe inclin'd sallat, and thet'%tî Stomscb,LiverafldBowels. tere iatrk aîatt'rt'd ii ail Of theml.'rite fatta hr s3,400 feet of Miorkiîîy " wl"b 1 hati not eaten that malaid.w D<o atwétsDozsubstituie said unndu ir ihaft acîî,ýunts for the aý-Iittii "So:Whit a.htit liacgteu tue sd z laing t th' ga, ard fo thre Itursgestion. It distremanr me feafnlli." h"' as good." ltn ftegs ndfrtr+huss t&, tat hmcusenar. mewll BdI- "' aftt'r the' explosioni tht' dt'diyv tiior pour- - haat rlgtnonsens.minuotes." 17w I subrfiude cos ite deaier ed. forth f,.o[. tht' single entry in sucb Y.11,11 it gtie' mnt& vimeas tu ixdicati' that te mine lhait "A eipastabl!, t ir'. %Vhen tbis wasa unouneed'AoRÈ saTb e1 Il tssyoi1 ABOUT the same. asaoa ti iyth' fitlcre tictu "td.Iler vrsit c p ro fit tth e . yon 1 1"' HIS toftis ilje tA jusas enDui w unîtarryh, had gubert'd aroun the eur! uî're he'itrrcn ing. Fuii o. Iemile i ketu aa1t ht'liti ra wives, uîany of thitutcarrying aitn lu intteu1kepoeu helti l W H RtSV U S h e i n r m , lutin g h ild rn- c lin g i îg t n l y v ý o k t Wi£f sYUS hi krs rt hi.modut the rit-W .L AdMie for PiRES.AMbPLE, tnjnt'e of the' mine for iqurls amid toausW aD W.I<s Dqeaury NWMedaAsseciiat@ t i raer. wtrlîing und tru'ing, Whitie!$ i ided no eu a visly strnggled îu gain sw ~du3 Mals Su, BUFFALO. NM Y. etr e renmbtte mine. , G O A - - lautll&y il') imin-ra are employed in the' iWuhts No 0«%»5 U l i bg h01>. Asb shaft. but the diay bcing Ash Weî- 3?lU VJF ] Phgblls pila barber, who hast be- aeisday there were onsly forty-two mern*Mgug à E@5e a ecouvert t te germ theory of inzide at te inte uf the' explosion Five diea., bas dlscharged tihe bootbtack of these ruade their wuy tu the' outsiîle be- e at Nrusher connected with bis fore the gus reut'hed them. Sýýome of the'S*,1p01 uho, andi refuges evea to keep a brue boietie nt wra sobudadlmngit IoatiLUgà e hnd for thse Indivîdual use of bis b nd thrtogion huy angbed ndr custoemers Who may wulnt to ahine thein du Iii l t I is tobtstht'expoin vw abous or dust thein coats. He hoitis cnst1b ht-inraheaig hoà Ibat thse doctors'usre righs.t, ndt hat thse jut10 monte tlt abandî,ned wtrking. thus ,OBMU WI Seri fc astîiption anti other dis- libihng tite'gus thtît had accnmttiat"I. Alorbi i eeypartîcle of te iruman rearing cline oft:"Il derpees. and temàl a N Iii tvethebe apparet, and lie Is fot going to taei ei tf-i--asrep-t vniain -b iu Mâat wUt d;istrt. diâease germs andi CIVES Up IS OFFICE. trms e~ ..s ia "ead thein buutitig for a Devi place poisaten GençzllBase t itra lUEII down bis ibrollt. w h'r ley eau Ù0 tu fia tLaw PracticeinlxBaffato. lm o r e d a m a g e t a is o n lo th i .g . - N e w T e l' î si t n t l a s a c p t t t t r ", -S mi S A it M u r ~ QeiL 'tsn Vîle tu nultue jid tt Iir The I lutm it' lt'rs i,]- t rest'utatîtet he rW i c~l .I I BU EU I X Ycrk Tribune.nuttiit'utatn îtra selail 00eer et the regular arxtty. Lie'nt. %Vilsonît.of West Vir- AND RIOCLgU O NSE CA*IUM M oeue . o r e re lir otIl e nlre t I llt se r atm- u ti is s i(-O P E.N S A P R IL 3d . 51» 4 . F ? 1 S " veh e tso r. T hi a thutgear i u a t re le b u M vice as tutit' boy 1la A 1t5i. 12,tiefore itite ,'abiiiet bas C s ~ '<N Van viiet -,vas bora. Ie le ~ti tt.iàttlîtidcl'dnp- ______ la a Brooklyajman. f, ui'lm.fnt Str ____________- mater 1+Pneral Big- Tît Biea,'h Straw Gootia. Droaght Proof Fild Comr. leaAlBgtNW Thout-oneaIm,'i l a nokeyaitl, a Wahington As tt'reuit of prolongt't expert- Hilotg la oinethiflg aew. Despite 110 Novemben 2-1, 1894, A. W. Ault, of bod!y Ls fouatdl luis pre'henqlte Lait. -tljtt say«, retires mot,onîrigswrarter and Ebeil, as te-tly ilottadp0fni.Sazr5 aîeon ldwrtete trln , trîtit ytffice on the .ew Yetow Dent Corn yietded on a Utemedy Ce.. of tChicago, extendlng bis ettntîsttt -,,terma %% 1,otret-ed taIi tred prutrrs. havfoI'lg ýlargo acreage over sixty-eigbt busheis thanka te thern for the cure effecteila tht' tonidence and batînro traw'. 'toti. ant :i <itiar Agriculture reporta thse average yield erly used i lie cents worth of chewiag vvý..fallthecabint. fls detisiosi ibres. Tu i100 litresstifmtf t. î'old water. on eor u tt a trille aver tweaty busheta; tobacco a day antd averaged five cigars, tu, give tilte tares uof fijte ura s led its> m)grainsa of pure erystuillizt'd oxalic. lieracre ini the' UnitediStates. Ntiw and was a coallrtnetl victit f fthe to- -li ees agi), tht' t-ief reasnn tuent'- at-Id are :i(tlel.and thon 1li(w) grains thluk of tihe possibililtie ofti h corn aID s ai teltkn aat w Lydia ft i rugM. îimslc'Is uurillitignems btif ors't'uttltlt- f ttiuuit art' slowly ,tirrt,(l a gond viora season! Il irill go double boxes of No-to-bac tht' desi'e for te- su-iite asî,re hit' and rîturey fir the iu; the l iiîtî. renIt tiis l1,tiotît,wilil ttsyedteon16biitlbacco iras lonpittly eradlcateil, aud E. hiuor O ol'lding a mstit iithe' t-alinrt- l t ii hul eie ad îireqiures uIotliemmtle If l'on Wttt Cnt This Out and Rernd Itlie noîv fiets like a tiew moan. ' Dtssetsm's bas betu iliinftetî-e'ltu a lange extent i, loiy tklneutssiiae tsea tV Itri 14t' postage to tise John A. Saizer P Ein5fl m"s thv iao'i-rbua a -uaierihcha e wxtli-'Ticato mdtorSe-edC<o, La ('rosse. W'ls.,yoit wili Cluaa'Louise Kellogg, whose sreet of the- loiribusintess uf the' braiin i aubeetJl eti~~ utf~ gel fret utpackuage of thîs Drotlh Proof voîceO tnte ciarmed lwn tcontinent Ilis tif wliu(Ils he i-t stili a cîesuer is iiriftiîig iUorn audtht'irrflit5lfotb catalogite.CNU living ln New r lu l eonîîanstive puro- int iti btlerlia itisandtiti r. Iiseli t tiiks igrt'a54Ž 5 î p ut it hi' itkuil i'i n ilhi _________________ Conipounid i iefr'iiit eunhm leýthe tixtutre. and iihua kelît untiil bleacl- Ili thetcmalt irouse cbjldhoodlitas ittrt o îu ur-tr on i ieerty Once sute ras worth naurly $1,- CURES ilitînuost' ot itîîkiîîg ftr bis tiwn inter- edilut :atetiperattire of fromt I<o 1IISI itisuir caresse's andi kindaesthere tga 000.000, but il liaîs î8ibeet'aswc'pt aira! estut, liet l ntt y any tnt-ansa valîthy degrees F., w lien il lis rînseti unitfreeti uiways a iber of rxenony that ceau e by îsnforttsnflte l.usjnessveuttres. Ttc Drings comfort and l kregularlty, oman, anîd hi,; expt-ttituitn uW allbing-fs-tins any tr:tt',s of 3ellin a a euttoucheil to gentte jsse.-Ceorge Ellot (once'.futmons routan lias bat bervolre'tends& toieuJJllS ftppf.Uad orPaisfu ostuattsWeak. r.ntlrely, ant ibas no w9y of rei'ouplag ightly Ti s mas! it Sornch Itigesioi Io ton tîuhure arnsutut,'t to ut least titret' limes at-Id Iaîlthtich, lm tstartarie. or byrsîtiti Ier Itatteret fotrîues. Vl MMofin40 Neromil Indieton Blestwa:bs utty uutalitet otiier, mitre ttus dmriug in heoltlI'u air. Sîttalbath iere ig more estanrhID in bis arcIlOBno te 5-ter t-umothers andi Snjo7 iouseral l)ebllity rostrai n iev. ,bi alir s àcutr ait titer dl,.eaaes put together. and leus expendituxeby mi eui )bltKiduey Cousm nt ls ailtîmi iîg u)u lalary and i i iatlii lma, Isle usitite tay bc iseilut-or antd Oitutlthete fr a emat rnany>e dctobs pr- NeiCerHa elcergz. nM ie ti C uoi ohr %raan .it]t aetnena ual.Fraest ensasyars pporspro l- Buli= b *ishr sa. Evr7 I <u-ouit- br. tî e aguitiattî lutiar titie mt ini toircelli t a lcal disesse. andi ptvsclbed tocal Wonkiitg peoplifli lo-er iead.osi titheneeds Beakche Fabnen, mlle troige. Ai uly alI>1 rmeiles.andby onital ii Incure iwttlt aeeit and gooti diFestou: for if sictuesa t-h valu r'-. __ttItt d sotg'r tttîtitiT ut:tvaititg ramenasvalesud ye laultucie. don'îesau"asd"wanIl(. efft'utti iuîl twrialnitatitist.nt.oojtet?2 ncrale. i$t'ee c am-tihist then It i lmtt.atien tu keti' laxtive p<tîubiaiOe __ b iv stbstîttlng "isrr 10 b a eostandtlIlil dus ivel. 'That 't5umer feeling" prircipl leb otalone ilfeeling, ezcltpbiluly. pro e afl to i a sîit ldi oM rn t iremedy, Siot Fi oxulit' ati1-Si UD.ris n'ulclire bIlty.avms,,tUealeeOefafless'IlltulenLy meni t. l at rltt7ýufeottlOareat- F.intli etoI rmtsos pthpu-T ta exce icnc l du t Îe file isd.latlnts etFautas Wakneu5 ataxe ilJ. Cltney a Ce.. Toledo. hlo la thse ostY cou- yuu graw alarnittd adnti ford anthet'eos-i. . is daau.gamaal et Ils. Uteemsa, eaun - stNîiitlôleijaura e uIte ÏarkiItal takttln- tir. No need o'f that. A box aofItipsasal -o rinilaopab8u 1.5 temally ls dosoftehe îtuspooitul.ol'abois tîil set )iii iglîl andi keelp Yoitant t-o the t-ast-e, t-he Te[ s lt.ultrt,55Itiitll"M Wlî!tuitia Itatta ,Uracel1vo ad amenita it r-rigit - o yon ,at. %jeep andi work. Aldkbeneficlal properties o Ws titttl« .' ti s . l o r t , a r , l e a > l r , f r , t f .l e Jët . TC H E N l e r i O oa l u d e t0 e l l s ' s o l v e f r t g aîtî î e r e c î î g a t ii n g e ff c o i a , e d c ê Evei w~.. a,-iedoessgl, sionti 'isentorr Mrphy sud (louerait jickles inas il. ort htene.oppressiotn or a tdollarst for any cam t aItllatu ure. teud for etttttttssrid rsiglabul 0li'mmt snt itpltf te Atontut.t-retlarsadi testittenlats. Atidretia. dTeie clsha anilutSttOtbook o 30 pags cou- otiter lîo moa lu Cougress mbt gesente an. a atflycti DtL,'Sotti seS tHintittteeytIers stttctCtI nieutt i-IIr _______met_____the________ vomaa is cultiknow abouthesi ca.leh. at teemlisssui ni i ntaiuiiat.i. iltttatea retnat, NitIoiyt sy h ngt liu l is tMne etOwth ie ppo tu lt amat i l s tu any maser ol thjs palier. caie'. ooks .î.e a lad of 16uor 17 asdsis ughuttît'ill sti! , iettultY sud Il mliright place. buil.fir mort' dlmcrîtt, taoaaa.mval or TtckLet O1ceOf ChiCaEoprofesson, belaet ilti e X .ane.ssataa Ad*.ii tiiusspeaks like a youti ttit â gi'. aelitete î)iierttttt reatits. louiveunsati tise wrohsg thiag ut tht' Mtlwaukca& St. Pault Ry. nela, Liver sud Bowela is u suis k. ~~~~~~ ~~a~~' - ~Tht' Marqtuis utfDrifferia la going lu templîng imoma.-Saa. (:n MardhIslt the Cilicseke fleo ntfte i ll efelff* I F.PUh-'U ut.2 ..Tm 1Iu@ nk@ ltce ofc 1eeyojcigu le u t Misb LyiaZ Pti.i.n5 ie i t asI. PreecinluDurer. 1ngiand, a litese ais sît'oS n> Sa .heIa ov Mitetkee& M aule ital <bu-I _________ b~ertile statue of thea King Leur f Shake i>s- îr'tkt bi a înî'sHAtVEo Ai Woha hicuti, iiiauk'CoronuIl orl eer Wipa E Uf 1l jeane. la New lYtrk tise isîber nigitI ati foutîtiay Luug on Throat tnoutie, ute at Once t'orner Atdams anti Dearbouli atreeta. T ea fgsin 5ea 1btetbâ tt 'WLTER BU IItII P.U Mss&le TcCtO f<fue itrtIitiutef lua utroom f ull ut serpent-iDr. 1). Jsîyae'a Expiectornlt, anti do't par- numb of tht' Office ivili be 95 iAdamsa strttt. ufaýt-ured by tktleJiOftIW Larea Mnnaelreac <.otus ly, Ohia. l saiti < o , Btt xleatpet u iesuru ieiott. ley wit.b wtat nay proe a dageou icou- C. N. Sot TI-Eu, Ticket Agett. 0. osiîywhfflnDamelap1su PUR , MON afADE fudb' dereloped wirman nuw living. <tsa treptilest got afler tht' hurglir. inu h itied .001 Ptso's Ct-lF curedtu entf a Thi'ot antI ahgssilWctiea n 0fL7, U~ ia 31 years olti and wieigîsa lbut 28 pouadt. l-tTngu.llajguit bis tluI leldAmerican abeep ast year greir %vont1lung troublentr linee i ours' tanditg.-E. sud being wemb nom&Y MOCAS AND) COCOLTES inbfflglt.ati gtu lte extet of W7,100,00 pound. CAir. lmîtintoi. întl., No. 112. 81I. accept £117 subatitti f as00. Parnell Fisher, of Bridgeport, Del.iijehittt.___________________________________ 6 fteet 7% Istaes tait, anti cas arry two--- IGIEOT AWAMG8 uarrels aff laun at ostea anti trot aiog lots a- ,ooBeu. Potaloe. Per Acre. nojrtilywitis 44X)pis ulais ahênider. Wotidtrftti yleil l in otatoes outs, <"~' ~ ~ a tsnii ci-.fur= tut! ve 1 ùe t<ds<' ff you>v' wurae take St. Jacobs 01- ru b it lldistiil and food cn huller claitilit andi untirnig iti lier dits eutan sent!i potage- m <»t o bar- ke prubbing il on - 0 bas got EXPO~ON getl îorks ba sit dus nu gotili 's.tfortheïr ireat seeti bout antI 1<,stop t& pain -tbat's wbat i#'s for. Il fume ow à8d iaîgtfor tne tlto vr. sasto!dO u illeofa iat tSpurry. CNUigfrtellr le uara.e,'i~.s.aAas Prof. l dsitl, of the HarvrduL aiv Traveicct g.000 Miles to Dîne. teas ams ihsi)ln 5~ S-bout.,irto oiginatedth le "at' irss- Tltya'telnutaat nNw ttteé aswàitP£a4 COC a ss-krtyent" in the alutly of law, wiih ctlttrtte 1york iWho. ou a riait lu l,outloflsuait

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