twffi? IIIB NT. eo ruINSPI'CT NICARAGUA. RIOT AT BOONE, IOWA. KLE Y BP ~.ZL lA nm Congrememan Molwy Appoint* EHineelf _______Ninçteen llundred Dead Chinamn qmra canai comminsion of One Membér. Left on the Field of Battie. [au . PADDOCKr, Piiblisher. Congressnan Mue>', ef Misissippi, POLICE SHOOT TROUBLE-SOMIE A dispateh received fron Gen. Naîtra WE prpoesvlitngthe republic of Nicara- et Hal Chlng gays thrat two divicions of TYVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. gua the lutter partof thifs mourih to uc- tefrtJpns rn uale quaint ionseif witij the propoued Nlcaui Chwsng proper an.d entered the cit>' nt guan canal. Mr. .4loney le ont satistied LvlTitinaCcgoIstuonooterr. A portion of the -nemny'g forces etHo Â~'R É 1. s NDIC ED.with the il whicit recently passed theLîe!ineiaChaz Inttto once lied to Yien Kow, the New Chwang TZAýê__KJ RS 1N D1 CT D.Senteautborizitg flic construction of the -wenter Would De Mayor-Hn- settiement. The reîusining Chinese troops Cit canal. If appropriates $70000.000fer dreds of Millwaukee Marriages -Net made a atnbhorn remistance, occupylflg Su] thatpurpose. but pIakes no provision tltit Recorded. the bouse* ofthîe clly., Borne desperatir F eOREAS E R N a sangle mile ofthîe caltal shah b. cern- - treet fighting followed. and the Chiaeso T R EVNTOUBLEN ARE IN i mny l i oiio, Dnn oic o odWokere completelv routed 'ut i1 o'eieck et might ho spent upon tbe harbor of Grey- bu o0,engPolice Do1,9W Good Wortekfeld town, wihch in net a satisfacter>' barber, The rail mii[ ut Boone, la.,bslo The .Iapuneme ceipturod 5M0 priëenere and No V«yir l Conht-osebry ili uitand Which, hae gays, if dredged, ivoultl been a resort for tranmps, Who wouid eîxtrcit guns. together with a quantity ofeL!In ?syorI.CauhtROObCY il Q iehfille<i np agaîn b>' the irst norther. He gongrogate thera and spend tire inlght.trail iott of war and colore. The Japau- Den -Omaha Priet Repela Invaders-. favors the cana project. bat would pro- aturday night tifteen or twenty gaîher- sc11 s W 0 killed and wounded. A Arne Nine Iteltanesthot ad bY Amcrîcan fer thratit hoe huilt b>' a prvate corpora- et]; the>' got a couple of gallons of alco- ler losp was o ' î rot afilt t Aider lf. ion, provided the profits would justif>' hol and held a drunken caroUse. Charles le in îLe rn tern a ee 0,0 Mtnri-Pttbug lrkcfar dividende. if netil sbonld be bult Ellilot. the night forernan of the rnU4 CObîne, under tien. Lung, advanced ripon that -rufder Goevrnrnent controI. Ha ln cer- was struck over theotbend when hae trled Tappjg Bhang, but were repulsed b>' the Frai Bmbezzlemneft Charged. tain, however, tirait thorae hould hae a le prolecî the cornpuny's properi>' and lire îUe Japlknesae artiller>'. The Chin- recei Tihe Federal grand jury ut Chiiitgo canal if the route chai! prove te ho a knocked seuseleits. The tramps drovo off er reîreated hoforo natta. The Jîpanemoe udi Tuaida>' îudicted. on charges of enibez- feasible oue. Il in Mr. Money"i Intention the ruilroad mon and the police were ctatind ne lois. DUl iemeat, Henry' Wells, E. Hill, Joli" to romain six weeks or two menthe lu called ripou for ,isistance. The three po- $;, Aust1n and B. T. Pauni, theairst three ofli- Nicaragua and travel over the btter part licemen on uight dut>' atternpted ta ar- SPAIN ON UER DIGNITY. Fa "M ansd the leitonue <irecor et flit e-<l of the ronta on ltorsebrick. rest the fellows. The tramps attackel mati thrie oua nenthe. i.. at-ttlBak.rau! VA RBL GVNGU. the officore. Officor Camipbellgihet Japt. Demande the Becail of Ramon O. W111 $,-3, ~ & ony oa u te vciit> utth lies- CUAN EBES I~'NG P. Froornan îerougtglhe heart, kilibg hlm lae, Consul General at Havant, goÈ Mt tjuéý H livs et ihmete, ainestantly ; lin Lallan tltrougb. the brick, Madrid advices su':, Captain GonoraI Gert gm itH iest buiness.te, îîJs TrcPo Tn edr AeS n Bw la the real Io tatvbsns.W sTrcPôîent Lreaderse SaîdWoudîng fbuntso serionls!>'that il isehb- Caileja bas demun<ied filerecul! of the wen ili a dte b. ini Pennsylvanîieial inluMis- l al uredre,îevei-ehowill die' witbin îwenty-four tuiericun Conseul GhoeraI ut Havana. chie f"~ri and Auathî in Califrnia. No wir- A spocial dispatch front Havana gays: houre, and attird through the hand. The Cabinet Coutî-il supîports the de- Iarg ftm efot the arreit of the mon hav-e been "Newvs bas beu received fron the Gev- Atter thc shooling the oficers captulrcd mand. The lSpanish Gtoverntiemtt was an- sho1 îme4 a; yet. The aggregato atîtoulnt ai- cruor of aniago thul Liet-Col. Bal, lu twelve oftflitc gang and took tet, te the sured that te United States would il0 ità (.l, b dtaharo been embezzled is $44.500(. eekitt& for insurgeuts rieur Guantanerno, .yji.uietI rvn h itn u fflbs r This baik. was capltalized t $0,01,t aeMinaag part>'rieu ar . The îc tring expeditionneto the IF-land of Cuba. <an ui when It faled in May,. 18M,3.h lis- Insurgents wero soon jolned b>' two ôther FIGIIT LIKE WILDCATS. "tir. Taylor, itlea dded. lna îLe luanteeoftirai %Mkliee wers $120000, and the aguets nere parties. Imnder command et Porequito Pc- -teUie tts sue eo eat n euppMed ta quel fthit ameuint; butlrl e u eu> ros h ocrmn uae f Irs oeEgg uot friendship for Spain uttd ot the inteni- cd1 ai4d it wae fenaid the asse were far treeps, cotuxauded by Luge Bax, attack- W'iid Revoit, lion of the American Governmept le keep ia &* Ib,"tis. Tbe receiver declarcd ed tLe insurgents and. nfter a tierce fight. Thirty-three girls confined lu the Stateastitw 4iodet&n to te oauut cf only $00o.000 - uceded i part!>' surrouitdittg the rehels, Homte for Jîtrenile Offenders ut Nu. 3111.thtal litmerntne@d, uho gave way afler a eburji reistance Inîdiana avenue, Clife. rvlo n re 0lrevent the orgaititntutfcx- of1 FIGHT IN A CHURCH. and wero soootironled. The' Govrument day ighl, overawei he attenidants, ljroke rpdoitionii lu Cuba tnda athtpain et <n - look a.prisoner, Who n-as wouttd- rliaitt'oner>Wipropsgidn tireiestablishmenun e raco haIt thewindowslu lIteintaCuba.ctit Wkb~tS enede Bile Charge aise captured soin ame cot- ntshed ail the creer>' the>' conld lu> oerin>inCli Woued Tere Ma.tuha e umfidion Thoe instirgUs ande ou, demolished furuilure galore. SUICIDE OF A BANK CASHIER.Pr 01% .&SUgh over the possessiion of Sr. carried offndthea ficld amPone ofwpeicarerntntir *,Nwrg iýoh, Qmaha, wvich has been lu rte have heien wounded. The Goverument Muosarett os tpliefotlt ~erai:menhetoo a eciedl trop snlaied e les.ThainsrgotaStanlon aventue station hald te tuko lice- Henry A. Wlng Friand Deul, Shotlils turw 'ueeday mornilitanme- Iacked unîmnuition. Aitredo and Arungo, ssinc h'ieiîtoibtr re h oced ,~ mas.Thelto. Sevoî unurgalsfrei lavau, arrederd ~coId bc rcstored. Vive oethîe girls were Henr>' A. ing, ut Gtn u gea., pneula carg hudmaiRodas, nnd suotier insurgent leader lu arrestcd. The' girls elaim the ingurroc- conmttltd suticide b>' ehooting himoeit. the preti hre aljs l. ien wae lte direct retfuIt of lireter-t-%Ir. Wiîîg cee for thinl>' igil years cash- D the bsrvlce and the engregation Palma Soriano bas suirrendered." meut to which the>' have beeu subJectld 1r of the GtoirotNational Bank, for â bM_ ýtw «ededfic fo teirhomn. To DURN AT TUE STAKE. for a week, aliegiug the>' have heen lied thirl>'y yars treasurer offilte turingq banik, t#lry-ve men npprouchled the -otn hrona nd wter, beaten, and cltaunod and for a iî1urer of a etîur>' badl hen sud, sii& atar a bnifparle>', ton of Snch 1t e e aFlorida NegroesFate If le the Ioor for infraction% of ies. Mrs. townt reasut-r.le Ladlfor >eaebeen l Akn«ber entes'ed the chnrch and de- CaugLi. Dayton, the su1erinteîtdent, and one' of udministrator of varionse large estaîe,ni t"he priet dlîver lia ke>'5 Near Hawtberu, Alachua Confit>', Fia., the other matronts su>' the girls were fin- andI laId>' scuersi suite liav e licoubrongbt w H retumed and ordered thrent Mefidu> evaning, Annie Jonkins, a 10- rml> and filet discipline wne ne-cessar>'. againel ui, lu one suit properi>' wae Pln ,I"thél place. The>' ttackedthilm. yeur-old white girl, wrus aaeaulicd b>' a Il urus alsoallat abt the trouble je a att:tcled for $150,M)1 lit i ai-hueitn of-con- Vut .the fait that the priant le lîttaccuLq- fnegro and thon roasted. The girl wae re- "esuit of disagrepunent in the Board ot tractl brîtughtl by William T'. Forbes. judg r.'t - oie'i the e saoft rearma lnteriored tuniug home ftonm a uelgiboe and uus Directore over tlie seeccion ut matronu t ofItrîthate. pli ~eZsiir' hvig woîsae u-wuîking along tLe railroud truîcks. Blie The riot iaused aî hi;, sensation lu tie vi- No Longer "Prince of I'ainpert;." i 'Au Its,1. arazeurski ban discovered semae lies ou lire and sttemptod cii>, and a îrou-d of over 1,000 peop>tle William Kinne>', 70 yeans ut tige, aud mi- pauunl'disubled b>' a hîtlet te cxtittgnish emt. WLiio thug engaged biocked the sîreets for honre. for tlie past thirty y3cirs fin iiLate uftbe~ an, b> iepIat n oh eik a negro seizeil bo. The brute subsequent- Mngmr ony ho ifray i 1wounded b>' anothor. Joeph lin, 1> belli tLe girl over the otaingtg ies TEACE îîNîSTERS A LESSON, Muonigumter>' uit-ideh t)(lfinîiu mliarman>',fil * 4ended the prient, le so badl>' bet- uftil ber cltbing waes in a blaze. Herbtho -ntuîe ucd .'înlîga re i - iatittehuttae ilde hl 1rwbrinoamdypaererteif îfiîl(.tt wrisl. Kriitt.y Ladl beeu iu the Ki ~sbut he aadtht h un] dewbio trewbe mi a îîdy lac flur haMlwauke Regleler Refuses te Record institutioun longer tin iii.> oliier iiiiîîaîe. o rite. lat of Ibose Who stîffer taillor lit- truek and eseaped. The girl hocaume un- Dein>'ed Marringe Certitlcaten. anditl. t~kîtîwn as the -Priiire of 'au- r Bail..rends like lie musten roll ut Kos- congelone and urus tonnd severul honre lier Father l-airhîuîk, o f Mlw peî Iurs.- lis repuilation %i s Sutite %vide. r cimko'o arm>'. laier b>' ler father. Posees are searcbing wîîo recently îtnesenîted a batîctt r. WANTED TO BOOM HIS LAND. Sene o8t ieBto. W suear tîte>' uill bhum bia ut the elake. <code for fiitîg. îuhici uuas retuseil -ied At Cincinntaîti. Ohio. dîiriitgil heur>' tcg Il jsjhis B. Gordioun Acuned of Trylug te CZAR BARS TUE KNOUT. ut tLe office Fridu>'. Falier Fuairb:iiîîs. Frda iirng itire us liinil liî- tîfepi- A Dfriaud the Government. offered te bituseilia'îiottf t1l).g.andu, iewlougigellti PluiiaiMintso lilte SeBnator John B. Gordoni, of(Cii- n. pr dc uedo ,0 etabut Deput>' Itegimern erges urus o(lî il i rue a be rese nth hre fIpr u dctBsîon300tetéiad refused to filethie cerîifi-attî-s %lotitl ier uu-n vt', Newiv rlî-aiF. @li. îra-îed la bas eaunrretelou te cargeut 'îi iîist uait-r ofth, hie l.ipîeult.anîd tir) «goWri«u tae dfraud the Unitedtad ltes A d l T ahfon S.leuersbur gysla erfredCt onl uihititî, Ohio ltiailvay bidige alni î.uii. S _; pie-Lc 104vwmnet and iold ln $1.000 bail for tiat sac ri t 'trbngs>eIa enrfrcreiidlered a ilev-iii. r It l uisniadb>' hosepritecul sait ipcial odici hue been îssued Tic violation (ut ilie lau o>' th.,taiîîstersnu scuiarekn o îî îlaveî -1î-îhd. C.t B. rtdim tosrîourus hoiai hifgîe use ofthîe knout in the lu- iseqgite genertiî, or hue heen in th~tjs ~ 1epefot h retEoi. l Pueloleteek on tht' chargeo Iliction ohauve bmaul. Hiertealthe' B eclergymen itatio tibts i' it TlT Ellifi Svidi-. wi#, cf tleurge Swide, a t-î a. - -1 crkeaatr aa eucopoti'uttaouru î-onvefiettce Aller delayiLtg the re-riL rutîtterliltf jtîh.lîid ] finr aUniedStates iie marc>' et the local judges. The lâimeiauce cArbnnichtofnaaeuilI ~u>r,.-.e. iwon. lliof tliiiediet in duaeltichetact thal orltgMali-etiiateSX tuitati iti Shudri Altluiid, imiiilier dusky sou %nwfirnt o Pebl tasecre vidncetistice wuere snhmnilled rte the Czar wbich eveit a yeam and one and a ftic. Orienti. Tht- pair uuas îrres'c-dunt .vamttI'ueheloecuraev flintlule liaitththeuiteurd b> luW.tilt'Sioux City', lma -Iiqr-ed %uiril gran.1 pwtle #aîst ha rosnt oilraIs0Wersoa uîiuti ofasI yton >'ea . seti ide clergymn iled ovor 40 ci-r- hureîny, Ei-:îîBhei-Ig ac.-used if tatiui' a AWioitiaà on ethr e a aenu odnai- I ri' -nvcede pi>'tetatificates ut Que finie, Most cf wîviuîVuer, b.i alhi o n îe Maesatendocn liahve died fronitiheeffecte ufthîe knut, long ovrdue. Tire regielen if lu-etlqu viil lot cf inuttiit-frontieItr iiustinud. wâd the Iaternational Trust Company Willl Debe ha Trled? iniet tinerthticlaw bce sîictly touiplicî ept' hriffilc I aiir te salé-te hava mont ai hie land ied ut. la Wasbington, il le subidb>' peuple iherat.Dpuyhri ildalS pr b 1ipreairumptlople nthat if tic Goveru- arouud tte witi boreatteJu.ticet___ Thonmase hoN ard, depiuîty sierilî of Bell dj~~~~~ îLMDprtnetetJutcel NO GAINS IN PuICES. Cîinoty. Kentlucky, ohile cati lg is Bnp- ýkuIiu rs oaod ieie aun open questien whetbor or net Eugonc lier, uas shot tîtnittgi the uiîînîv and ini. *iIv e thse prie etfIand a boom rantd V. Dobs and bis assoiates ofthle A. R. Stijl a Beter Feeling Existe iu Trade stunîl>' killed lu>'inunnikiowin assassin. î ~ y thUealoreutet lsdilicut>' 13 uril e ut u tialagan l Ma'.Circles. IHoward nus dreaded by tLe desluo-rudoee u MRTTHOUSAND - SaiRwa gSoaMiEi.hiao a R . tG. Dun & (C0.'s Wèetkly ievieî cf outiai section and iis eIohîtthe îLe ai *tUTREUM. yens engugad lu the case urus qneted uis Trade gays: "('ottgressiouîîl uujounu mssin urus one'outtiren. - esbntto the Pittshutrg Dstrict ,ayig liai uithout question the deud- meut and proo t iît toutgh tIti rate ifl anis îvoald bc put on trial on -he datoe cigersstadeen hr-lte EJu c DoadDa. *Ihà, at of Thelr Contention. ecag i"t n v bhefi xjdeMDnl ed V4W 1 t houdand river cou miners in lie set b>' Jndge Grossecup and the praiecu- eiipping point gold dces itot go eut have E-X Jîuîîge .;mneiICD)UIiad. ut ChicagoL f~ttaberg dltriciniave resumed uu-rk, tien vigorenel>' Oshed, but il tot be prodîuceîl a mîteh heter teîliîig. î'ic-uu <ied sutîtîcul> ut New York Weiéda îb* oemterin havlng gratited the 69 icents learuod uatlihae poko uiti aun>'autheniti. do net improre. uud tent' is on the uvimuli nigit lie lias just boiui arested un a jrirtnd emanded b>'tire men. The Tha reporta in the Chicago papors ofthle ne gaint but sutunt los iti uages.uvhile charige eofiausing a distiîrbuue ai a Ci *aC - ton tatth a.fraicrnizatiln ofthîe jurons with lhe de- trikos ot 15.11110 coul mniers neuir Pits- iatetitilder the Iinoaîluy ThonIer. la let pm anoueert, atha~t tif fi;endants uhen lhe et-ont trial came 10 50 burg und sevenal thoîuattd builing uvri- pthvebe rane, u frh abrupt a conclusion uras an e>e-openen ftonr r, besidos strikes lit eu or tuielve te%~- Coul Trunspertalion Rates@ Rciisc4. ethe avablecgaondibtitonoftht'Ateorne>' touerai Cine> aud bils asoci- ilt' ant I on estaîblishmet. ftîtîler liTht' Ohic Citai TrathieAssociation ail- forth itrncale odiilaon et itaes. The newspnper reporta of liaeut'- sen urclainig powernfer litlc ini(,IB Et jcuneol it Ne oir ln. Ifl iaîs been de- for Mpjlagcou. Te nilnud oultiens and langutage ai the jurons lu ques- there leaunicipatiuotofuIpruvi-il îlînidelîd lu nise tfliclîice cf lnattcsuctation limmasesoclatiieu sdcde epytonhv endeidt h dprueto pliton thle greul liukee front 25 te 40 Â*oeMcetaulgas theldedwt Y ter isebaudkedt Ledprt fuon gods in g-nenal, anîd inaiyare. aîiloli- eî at. *vr~ausu oug s L NirYokb>' Govenrnent atterneys enguged l inte tctîrd tgdthr iabyîîton.iîdlie Çievsand tas Coul Compny p> îay's case, but an independént inqîtin> bas do-. cueadIbri uigbeodpe-e eresta pric. The méioîof tite veoeped tLe tact tiattie neauap senut i-u i-cdc on th- treuigîh cf il.' Hayuard Mayiang.Hufi 4ooeb' ite grauted the 60I cents de- gave a trutitul and unbiused accourit ot larury- layuvnd lbas bLev fîunî gîtill>' -~Socl*itoa wie Gve Up lu espaîr.of tlin urdîr of Catlti-niiiiigutMn *È*x bytheminore expluined tiat îLe>' tLe proceodings. Tîtere 500105 10te au aeU.i esar tMn lit a e i. coutildfunisi couil f)t hem impression fthar tLe departu entIotint lu- Mm. .l-ttiit'Wvtst. a 20->enr-titi uiîlouv.neautols. Mitin.. uud %%.lhl rubabiy sufer rattai! Iradeanud ILat no coul urus clned ta revive unpîeenî memfonies Iî>' uviose honte is in Soîutthî Ii)zl..uns deutt ton flite crutc.0 dug for oulside sipîcute. rakiug over lie ushes ot lit aunirere wtoirail ui-oni-ioui nie Reading Rlîi NINK ITALIANS SLAIN. conflici. oud Inueke tiian Cleier, Pu. Wiieui hu- Foreign Minister" M mut Leuve. ________reccvered ésie suid lial mire buil gotue lPnsident îCri-duo, it Cariau e eezîte- WO l n nth alebus Fumons Edtore Qurrel. tlulber home in Cuîmbernlandl.Ohio. wh-mt- la. lias cmdemod lte Frenceh and Belgian War e OnIn he Wlaennrg Charles A. Dansanad William M. Lut- lier parents livî-d, but. beiîtgunukiuidi> unilisters )ltîttif tLe coîtlnry. t hr iICt olorado i lueae fan, editor and publishor, espectivel>', ot treatoîl there, sie clanicî ou foot for Noirw - ~utiar Oeerîdeis ilafimeor thîe Newr York Sua, ure Thureda>' lu- York, uviene she lias nelalireut. Wheui MARIKET QCOTATIONS. liat cama frai uppanapîl>' the djclad ut Wasinlgten fer criminel lbe! sic rneîcl Chester sue gareuapit <lid- ef autheriti' liai a urieleale uar et upon Frank B. Noyes, businless manager chair and threuv hersu-If oui thet l-utks to Cticag-Cattioc.oununtn tei prime, fleiasîle a bhegulu the MalIqSon. he a Wshington Eve-ang Star. The' die. SLt' hallcalcu nothiuîg for ftur Ila>-. s;îioî;Les ipîn rades, $3,00 1*btdistrict, uhara lie Italien miîtens ludicrnent urus tound b>' tie grand jury fri1.50; Peep, tainr tîîchie. $21)(XiO.75; lu tse tajonty aie need of ee t-et i District Ceurt, a Federni tribunal, IaI>' Offera te Mediate. iniet, No. 2 retl, 52(@5c: cern, No. 2 it ase repored ut lieuse Juin-lion and lq Lased un tun editorial urilcî etet- The Ihalitîn 0-ovt'rnit-uil lias oltered lu 43l@44c; ours, Nio. 2. 2@2cn', No. t tse eu>' ! lueIluias. rici Lad 1>' appeared in îhe Sun chargiug Mr. Neyes meiiale in the'dipte Lbei'îi France 2., 2«î-4c; btter, citoiee crî-atîtr>', 18ro td rous Rouge lu charge of lhree uiti bcbng a "dishonest dineclor of irettt'and Beigiumn onte ido uand Veniezutelua 1Sfi,c; eggs, f re-cl, 14(alc joueota o irff e, at be ercanutuicîlitîlAssoiated Pros." Au effort nl ho on lte tuer. Tht' Fretît-l tntdi liigian lots, liern Liiel o 0h8c.t off bto an s'Ainithenfluireofmde te bring the ncutsed te Washingtonî muliters it Curat-is uere rect-utly giret Inldiuiuuoii-Ciittle, siippiug. V$3.00 r uer.ben ou veniug Le euiLetfor trialadite undn-rsluuditg in legal hicn hasluorhc. oîviîg fi) tutu allitude oun5-j..KLegs. choice liger, $.0t$. beeîu,1 'uv Hxon, the suloonkeepon. <ines leai Et1-dilor Dana and I'ublishor tht' quîestiont et tht' clains tf l-nt-i- titîn einîtn to primne, $2.0(K(0~.50; wlicuîtNo. -Taè1èr Rua Down in Mexico. Laffanu wil naire ailliabeas corpîus undl geigiau suhject-îfuor dantiugecsîîeîat.iuîî-îl.' mcd. tc crn, No. 1 uiO4« ~Aisiracaived t Jacksonville, Fln,, otier iroveedinge tif <clu>' nd meet tle duig theaur inlu 882. 42c-; aure, No. 2 whiteo.35(CI,133½.' 'pa, unnonuce the eet W. W. - isue. The> mu>' seek lu bave tLe caseS. Loiis-Catie, $3,tJJt*5.75; loge r, he x-lut mnsueretf jtitiauetered te flte Noir York courte. TIis. îu tryVyg.$I~,0 baN,2rt 2a~- ILANCE FAVORS US." HAVE A CINCH ON GERMANV ANtD FRANCE. tsler Solon» la a Riot-Bult Lake ity Hupu>' Over lBer Naturel OGat ppiy-Bitckeye Saloonas Win on a In Eu-eut of Retlainu. ;oi- tîtuilt'lie qîuestionî ot retualltoi us i-anq et forcinîg Gtina>, France au,'1 miark ti iftltIhein emburgo agatist' irit-tit lit-dutîs le lueîg senioil>'eot-in ncd. stîa-islit-iain turedoimîgsome i-lotie1 aiung tîn thte cost. Tic recordasienw tuite tIi'ase-f ut ul iriani' andi ue ths cotuntry' shilis moreéltuan it; eireslthe figuires for lthe fiscal y-1 iuxg .11uiit'.30. 1894l, hoiug ne tolloîrs: diable goouils fiuorhi-d frornt ermtut>. Ol.Mt:diii iubiî- goode imported tram i ut-e, *46j)(,iilO00; exported to tien- t>-. $lIXttOO.000: î-,porhî-d le Frutice. 3,t)0,011<), In uaddition totehe ahove, Dils toe valne ot $24,000,(M f rain nimai>' undl$7,00(i) tnîîm l-'iranue t-e uiuiîtt-ue fît. iii -oxpurla are illy fooîd lroluttl andîl ur impltu tel>' tuitts, gîmîvesanud iltle. If it iilt1 tîmuo t lî chu t-tiî'he tl'nit- SItute i- l -mtrgit aIt îig util hout Itlic luio iii .-îîîîîien-utuîi înutionsîîtc tlIt-r litn lii-> il utilhut t'tis, i, tiiit it ît'L e ucssuuitoi t éetrj)- i,ssuihîlTefot to uamivtlelt a lit-abitira ti-a rituieil -il l e xhaicl hieforet-hie aotin ualration adtîmîîrand- .il utteut urî-s ou t-haliu.uî n wbit-lt imuli I rîtY -Il 1MImu~cc -i9Y -iiîtplt-aui-an 't11gi- lîuqiw u iitutiuila t uic lut iveoti $12., ),155 uîu. and ttt4i )il uus.ueidlierui- tuuilimuigît, as tu-unî-tcu ii lth- ritîtiii> ciigross 11xi iii t Itiut icuu 'ofu t ti îtuiilt-uandtoîl -4t-. nrit-t tCre4huum andî otut-iifrmut il.ututu ntil a î-uic-htiitiof M'INDS ItWTIAFGT igracefunl Fceneu ah Aditunromentl tuf Iniaîna Leiliature. i'r lutuil ia i a-gimultt i- vatîjîttine uit-i dutiglil NIoidàhi, t I lii Iuihtttttli4 in uîth(' ici tif ut nutî l itll îîuîhlo hiî- lî iIenlîas i-elit 3 -tivt-lit-u t tokliant,* nî-lîiîîg, ii-kiuig, su-rutltlting antI ehuîg- agI it h iutuiîl îîsîîtr aîltio. PrivaIt- Sec- Ian>' %%hi)tubu htti linwo bille iît Lis -kîfrontit d o ;îîrîutr. îanîd tuih iîl î-îî lîtld lili Ili-lut iiitmment,ahitione tâtne wa, i uîtheuit- tîuîr %th tiiailt-et iirty wtuilui-ni lin iiiut lit n o iti ei, t-la uîiug .1i ighuiuig like mimgi i-iutluvit. h'uottslitiut tutu b>' t Grlitini of the.-Stuile Ihîusi hatll e lifu-iit-iui-lv î-rtsh-ul ntalof Ilut lit iuIga cioi. iiuh ti uun uf luctilei-m -iimeIiiîulrit-ku-ifl ill îî- lcikli-i us f îm il. tuu01lt-frtui ilijirie- ibzit. luIt- .-i.uulii lu.- Ld:l. .frmîPuark Ct titiY, i-a tuuu'lli îîulî iit it- i.. aîîumoiili lx- Il-n. uf N%'ushlmiuuri.mitXuiu ihtairuiîiu Latil il li\% tit-t tl it-i lit-th r lue vî -îmu l - ;, ni.i-- qlu l .-st il c-t-ti- tf utilîl intîlîr mii-.t-. tr %iiiwslut---t-in tiîh iuliuuti ,gi-lum ,- lt-tit J'.iet- ruble- amuis- .it mutf t ua î-l-,lauuu l ,u lut-tiii 1,u411k itit-iîui ilillutt t ii iuil îî-tu-nuîîined Sat Lake' Cilty licjiicinàg huer the plinrg tof tle Fuel. Salit l,,ii Viilii., rntjiiiuui-vri-rth final uini i ofitia laingls. t lui-h lis et-it îuiîit-tfruuî iii-ti-Ile f îurtIco utiles imluit. 'lTe ttilhifliitufhe tn- <echou utai-iuilt-htrutIb)- Ille-illuinau- uin of ItLe mauîin scirt-t-,% u t iilaiatlî-tx munriitl it uit hiigh luntisctre fmu,îîthe matine lit lcth reinuo. uu .Tht' anll" v ts Lrcuglîti t o t-l>' tut1) .ait un-mgligcoine-îî nuit- - undtuil -i l',e iuii-dutiiithItie uiîiiiofuti.- lttui glie -tuuual3,utli<- huic tutlnt-itI u tooipply a iiuiîtîr tut lrge tom-ali :îîîîîfuî-lîîre uu nd ci-ty o-ti minuiers uitlt i rv o nii. u. îîîgh tl ii iltie -ouui ns n1I tic-.I. 'luu- ut i-li uilnt- iiiîprîî'- -il haven- 11:li gu-uti uttuilt f 1A1 100 f pet tr lau SIDE ISIiIRS l>tN'T CItNT. )ccibieu tltat 'MuayKnock Ot ltheI Sundus tLtu. A mu:t-vai- u.iltiin iuluht- (hi ulu -1110ii Courtt ruîuî Pike t oiiiltY ilat niiu-;a t'uil uttu thu.ilig cSaloonsut uitStuluu) u t -L ini Pouit.lit lthetrial tuf uai-t-1,1we Jtulit. ît-littv h tîîuldtilti- jtury thlaItii tîtnit - it rnuucl lie t uui ttiat Ithie cii n titas openC on Stmiat- - jueni îs on îa mu ii ler duny. 'Viii rau-t Itujýtituuilsut iutlle s- hn y l t cli- mur Lau-k uhîîîunortn iiattntY-lui wCii) [luou-~t .trst Iielut -If thc Snlmrt-tlt ( 'oîirlt alinîmus bis, thei' Sinula>' lurutiii lue in ti-lit,-t-il tiiadlel ton. Ex-Prestilent Harritkon 18 111. Ex-I lîlî.uî tliiiHarrioi a tonfiîued lui i c rottu lit hic nei- ie_'in Io ndiaiaolit' uvithil)îu aîtut-vktif thti grip. Ile bad Iueett Ili siuuu-t Stiiuiully uîtmulfuor u a -or ce ther- uni-e ft-uit-t Ililuis illuetsst uiglît lake a serinsmttittu, L ut aInt pesint he la tutu- uuut-iet,. Ilt-is ltîtutIreseuut cimuhiuet; te lus ht-I. Dn. Henry' .Jiiitiou lte aI îenîuuug îiysiîiaui liukc llîut miti favr- aille eondiliolîs Mr. Ilariîmîir ill heclaIi.. tu lieoeut iii a tew days. Llitir Bleot ait New Orlean. At 10:30 o'clock M.Nouttila>'ioruiiug il Iurgî Ldoti>'wut tr e uncu tgppeared oi tlIe NeOirleans loe unttheLe cof et . An- drewrs sr-ct suîd b>' ibreute antI violenu- trot-t'off tiec î-ouîetlmeut. Tihe pulice tht-n cliue o ovtrd uand trove tnu> the whiite mciii fîini a numîtîn tf choIs, Lt- nobody wtruiehuitt New Desîgn of Met> Ordere. Posîtatiston (]otiil Bisticll luts Ijutler udviseuteut a it-uvdccigii of tujoeite trder. urhli I Illgivo gretiLt-r fucilit>' lu Lanîl- hiuig andîliluSPItunuttiuug ttiitittiti frGoL' tIti moiti'>'onder. h t îtear>' tht' cizo r,! agi uidiuuutr>'batik check, ani Ibis tact. ht le tlought, eheould iticreace ite use, Five MdInëe Were Dead. TLe fine in tLe OId Abe mine near White Oaks, N. M.. s brangit undor control S9untu>' uligit, urien the elgit imprisoned iucer ere bnuuit tte esurface. l'ire ure dead. Toike TaIse More Lit-es. Accordlas -te a tiusuatcit tram Conitan- MOjIET QUESTION LgÀW&UF Statement of New Pasty3uii0 the A menicusBmetslliclle~ ê The iolîeurlng Lus been issuem l Asmerican Bimetullit' League- - A stuiemuent ufthe issuce&on whlit tbou new part>' uuill erganiza. - Trhe moule>'question lenaît- lndiauitgi.lV' tic domnant Iesue in the United Mh$t* and wil! rernain seutil mailled, andtI i- led rîgit>'. Other questiens. bowrgo'-,. importat, pauet urait fon Ibis, wiehlaa'- greutpr or les@ exteut involvea ailt ee Tic hsa.,e la between the gaî t andard, goId hondesud bauk carrent'>'on the oibis side, and lie bîrnallt-standard, ne o* and goverumeut curreucy an lte otier. Pirst-.On ibis issue we dot-lare Ousi.. selves le ho unaiterab>' eppeseil tolte. slngle geld standard, aud demandthim u- medîste returfita le aconatitutiotî slsu ard of <oIt sud ailver, b>' the restenutlèb- b>' titis Uovermnt, lnîlepandently 0of »Jr forelgu peower, of lieunrastuicted coluqe ef bath uIt-erar sold Imie etaudti- moue>', ai the ratio of 161 te 1. sud 0110 teri*i et exact aqualiy; lie cliver cÔix to ho a fuI! legal tenter, equsl urus geîd., fon ail deLtsanuud duespublic anti prie-ste. Second-Wte Lolîl ual the power te <0*- trol and regîulate a paper current" hl W soptunabletroun lic power teucoin mae>, aîtd tiat ail iturrene>' Intended tau drels late as mnîttlo> slonld ho isaucîl andth*it volîtumet-cnlrolled b>' tie general (ltrera- ment unI>' and sionît ho legal tender., Tid-Wî' are utnalterably epitesaulte the issue b>' the' liied States et letenast- bettriug lbonds ilu lue ef pouce, andi de- mniitl îL, payuuent of ail coin obhigalohe» urth li 'niii-d States us providet lu> elOat- iîîg Ians iniithuer <aid er sar coi st thei optiloti ftifhe Goverunent andt tt at lIn- eptiontoftifeliecreditor. On thie hafUa ire tilteal rimmn tLe diclation etftti,» unne> lainer tu the- intlligence and pntrîotIsU tif the -Anieien-u people. Tîteufoilîtuvîta long uttres a 0tie Peo- pie of theVunited Blutes. FAVOR BIMETALLISM. Namturetf te Democrats Who tilgad the Recent Addre. ,rte, toiloning Limocruls, repr~ieutlug -i xhei-nStates undtwohu reeroisu. 1hgoed 1îte nîlîlmese recentl>' <lt-n te t. pUblio uging alilDerniicmaste lmake the mos.> question the pararneunt isue andte 10en- dcuver te lace tli eocratlt parI>' Ou record lu favior of immaîiate t'astonutim efthfe free and iuhlimited celuage of 901d and lilver iiithie Imageailegai retie et p; tee1, niihiî,uhwatiiîg for the aiderr ouà- setof su>' oronnationun uil existed prier lu 11473, su-h <iii le lie a full lPgftl lea- der fur ail d4-hile. îtibit' upt.i hivate: il. l. i uîl. an lisioi %V . J. Bm->an. Nebraka; Il. A. Citheen. W>tMiueg;. Ueo. l-itlîi-.n, lhiii-..1. V.h kch.Texag; johi 1. N(-iqitrun. Soth Curuhmnui: las. C .N-nn-. tifitiia - ticn F. Ikert, t lu:.îsîîIl. NVhihilig, Nlciigan ; H. C. Suitlgutî. T-uitutt-s-.- <rgt- 1F. lt-b- andemu l i.liiNiuî:5. A. silniîbx, Arizn; A. V i'l.i Luiliciuia; -J.- tXuîîehsrt. Ntst r Httl. I.L. Nluont, Kan-cas-, H. 1). i-'-I Mississipiî; i-IL.W. ItyntiMWs stîtmi-I..l i -t nady, Niurthi auhn:Chas. il'luiiis.Nlu.n, i G. V.-beillSoutlh iuuuiuii;l-.uuinL ltîtt- ilitcis: L). I>. ltîuiuuiii tili . . t,. itueur, Sentit i im îîî Iga slîîîhl A nitu;lt. l. isoui; W I.t-iu.Ailaama; W. 3. Mîtubat, S outh t uilIirtii - hiîS. willis, MWi h'Vtaini-etui, iaifornîia: W. J.- Bewer. Nutîli Cîtnthtnî: A o .qept,. New val-xut: ui hP. oiî -l ethîe Allanta t tui.m iuîuiuit -.1 I'iuyt ThIndanI(ssutuiioîeu refui-t8ed tle puitsli- Tue Ml luortuhi i nu lut, ay hst-i t I1 euii:' S-iiu pnsued lie bll tun lhe meglition of itufii-SuaI-- utiitin. Sittuur;iwutford's ilevat-j rndulhi iras tiefeittin il u iiu it Seuale. ul4-tc.v T. o. i-nitnists Lo,nuutie fo- Wuutin ui ffrage tu-as kilît-ul in tic Nuen- tNî'vn aceimAmibi>'. ilP&m t, ThItllinois enu-tt'passed bille le az- srmilutute teituisian thhstlc and uI i-gu- laieetlt'vatil» The .hîuîî- libel bilîl ias reeahiitt trou,, cotniniltt- in ithe Illinois Houus aud -*as a-lt-antî-etu ut Iird roaîhiug. luthie StttDakotu Legielatune tis- divrnte blli, a inoet impotantu measure, tu-ic îhfîetl ti>'oeevote. .Nultimial i tcil o ot Vtreuîinoimt tLe tîtîte'istuvpoer iin polluies eand pli5t fc-nî-î as a hasiB tif guvrniultnt. lht-rst-nîtlivi'Democruite frnti fIfco Si.taeliaivc -igtted a nuanifeattu calliiig forý a i igîmotis t-auuîigu for silven. latîurî- îiueed a btill proridlng fer regia- Iraticut lu tLe iil>' etDetroit. A. 'i. Toîld. tof I:nhimazîo, iras noai nttd tonri'tngresc. to sucréed Si-ualo 13tirre. sb>'the' Pnuîhilionists. Tun-y-oue iuidiluiet utefr fnttîuids at It-e fi llî'u-vtiîtîî tuont' nttuint d b>'theb cîttuti nd itljury ut Kuuisuý5ity. Wlsiisni legishuntune \hiuaragmeecd toI nphpiiunt avoi-înittee te itivestigal ail of - te initittii csîntier Sltte rl. u t'lîiul's nî-cîlîtion asking C-tuffntiss .- Imuî-s t fret-i-uiui'latv ur n uitIilnthe, tublhl )-lte Mic-higan, Legieuiturte. Thie IndîiantaIleuse pussodthtu Nieiol- soit te.lpi-anciîlIatten îlutoatlugaI- tenupts a iîmîenîd utot rettmmit Il. K ent ucky P roiiiitfiîî î ts, lu Stal g ' veîulicu ut Louliville, neminatadTi* Demarmec, et Louîerhlle, fer governor. Afttr a spiritet debate on tllqe MeKinley coîtesit e ot mole Sonate ordeet a