suppose thifencu hu4se á i mnaG.g e l" erat THOUGHTS WOiRTHY OF CALMFnnlaWry Ð . ~the name and address of this nye thon- REFi-ECTION. 5a w n Jao u ker's W edding Gift. W nitten sand-olrn e oe -u.&•SÙ "Ageatt uersit ndIarcof s;H . the banker's door bel the following even. laat neeti~,adIsrc.~ for This Paper., in, b.t Bettini himself. The marquis iv, Lemeo, and where It May Be Ch o oe r a ldeme was faultlessly attired, and, hat and cane Found-A Learned and Conclue Re- Cicago ouxg -D uo eroit rib.FrHmnt'eakfe sn lin hand, strode into the library of the Bon. i er hive stock maretM alesstane edelow, o-igt-ha l, f iehapes ker mantion with the air. of a genuine view of th eulae. une. Years oft Nerva-Creeplag "lAl ifpoitcsmaessragebefelo 8,t-nigh-thtii ehpest eIainnbeasc sh a.HsLeuson.fôr arch 17.Unless all signa fail, Iwe are presently to Re Telle How ne wu, toi90 4s"iessoperationsmakre quite ai, strange, slep!Come, we are losing valuable old partner did not keep him waiting long, Golden Text-"'TheSo 7o.mns soese a notable overturning and disinfect- mot trager At he los of he ebe- tie, unkr." nd henthe'oorhadbeencloed"ndatdsek ad t sav tht wich asiost"benaunthemuniipa poitie ofChoago. Calwel.nN.T.,Marhi1 atoionBodsret "ntoet am re ukr h tomnfcdec ohrteewsa'-Hartford Courant. eal)-Since one of or, arendthis trage cmpound "ne moment ypero te p ngifat. oment of deadl silen hudee adBut chi lPb ca" s hesuje 19:beee n10tea ri enl.) a Bettiüt." Bettini was what is known las -my l prnrtlook at Bunker one wouldhave said t 19:o I-I on. hi lesonfowu eluonlera niaoad maryngine l eearbeaio munlitalian marchese-about as big a man he was the criminal, so utterly unstrung teoeofls ek.Bt r cnen teGudfaiy-erak tteJu-hsbn r ie miebe sar as aGerman baron, but lhe hddfought and woebegone were his expression and teing m atre clc tek it was nal. tobakaSat o r u l o at nqistbnd pre orael i gtedwarain and ofbed fnorregn etinbten what they the rich young ruler; this week the riel h oo epe fCiag r oin- aTrac w t*ient"1u morsmthn of sais rue Youhavebenigqareyepblia.Ytho togthe contrant! censedl over the corruption of their aider- interviewed to-night he uh o" Re Wr $ thoriarin fte gene.knew all breaten; 'eu gmake no secret al It." With the young man ric!hes were allowed men that they forgot theumselves and heldi menced uing tobacco et 41pre the in asdthe raifthe foreign moneY a "This la strange language ln your to be a bar to his entrance for the king- their indignation meeting Suinday.-Wash- now ort@ nine; souf rthbird smarket, and fromn the day tnat he and .V moth, sir!" eclimed Bunker, assuming domt of heaven. In the case of Zaccheus, Ington P'omit. In the mornIng'1 chewed hefors 5dbunker had put out their ign they an air of virtuous Indignation. Jar rim staying the feet of the well-to- To judge froill its recent action in voting pante on, and for a Ion tn Md Ide mnoney; but neither Mra.- "My dear air," replied the marquis, ln a do tax gatherer, his riches were made away valuable franeltities (o unknownpr ounces of chewing an ilght ou Bunker nor1Miss Bunker, noer young Mr. tonle of withering sarcasm, "spare your- but the latrger pledge of hie devotion. tien, the Chicago City Council anpar-smoki nbotdey. netnda i1 Banerliedth "arqis"@sahetslfthese Indignant glances. For a whole There are rich men to-day, and men who determined taonot-Tammnany Tamny'- mothewiathne. e ndyea a mlied him. Hie was too patronizing, by week 1 have been -fooilith enough to im- are to becomie rich. Ilow will they use Bouton Journal, dri.- nkih tngchik. Iteyrieut far, and they hamumered awray nt the old agine that the consideration shown me their wealth? Shall they make friends Telins ttLgiatrhsdis- timndagahiny.butroud nt. gentleman tuntil they persuaded him' ,)was Inspired by the recollection of our out of the mamm.-on of unirighteousniess. coveedIlitha tte ity of Chiie no ilcor. nd fdt A*ke datg o lue ntec-former relations as co-partners.1Iwas friends and, fortuneunoeralif;rrptTeLgstreuhtogta skin turned a tobacco-brown. c0 martneship rticls and issole-thefirm.touched by I, but I understand now why eternal enmity and misery ? $hall wealth petermdlfrtisgetdsoey- rap onrua teles latter whichl the son was taken in and the you no dread to, have the authorities e- be employed for the flesh or for Christ; in . Siux Cr ielya]Jo hsge iernal. t ion o ecitm e. Mytnere ger arm style becamne Bunker & Son. vestigate your operations." "hie interest of this world or of t wo worlds? Siux ityyoumyl.liforexwasbeng lowy nAtte 8Strange to say, the very moment the "My operations?" repeated Bunker. This is the personal and pertinent ques. (.-t:hicago peopfle are furiously and jus u MY l mWllinsa I h a to i pte In nis cased to e a membr of thequailing before the two gicaming dark tion for uis all, for we all have e sortmuntovrthsapatcorrtno or die. On October 1 I and an& qotiw Srm Mrs. Bunker and her daughter be- ,, eyes fixed upon him. of wvealth. the unlspenikab)le aldermnen. but they appumthtree days I suffered the tortures the UT San to pay "curt to him. lHe was dined "'i'vE No DEsiRE TO PtosECUiTE.' "This morning, ?Mr. Bunker," continue] "And Jeassentered and passed through tIr ofte air yto uefrk a r- t amnd On the t y se I lotMdis and wined at the Bunkers', and it wvasIshlsip fobd imteou, the Italian, in a tonte of v.oica-no icy cold Jericho." Take the moments as they fi tte%-oy. dr die-Mtmyrurun. a,'N, uaeq..uit0 «Marquis" here and "MItarquis" there, ta'alnduSm, my de frie d that it sent a @hiver down the banker's A gracious opportunity, seize it. The In- tiser. 'For Glod's sakte, mari'ho ad gand to hear the two former business as--tasalndyuSmyer n, neck, I did something that 1 didn't think cident at the city's edge, just prior, le Chirngo has twen holding manrss meet- me his tobacco bo,' tï&e aeh ;e madtates toast each othler and enjoy their bear in mtud, you saw nothing at all, ou it was necessary to do, for 1 looked uipon suggestive. A blind man sitting there ings at which the "bouidle aildermeni" of go wild' and I was wild. 4okes together you never wudhaekow othinyg ot nernod-Iess you as an honeent man-1 examinied the and begging, heard the tramp of feet. the city wvere deniounc-ed. The people who forced mrte me and 1 wa tailes magied tat Bnkerhad o laely ou;goodby, ood-y. damons!" , ,Then arose gthat strident cry: "Jesu@, took part in thesme etinigsowe te. a Isa h o tenti squeezed Bettini out of the business after " eo eet x "Then you haven't pawned them?" thou son of David, have mercy on me." Selves somte denunciation for electing tonchew nd cokera, whach Itu he a'dmaterd te talan' nat aylaime ohnest Sam de Baun, as hieburst out Bunker, Joyfully- . luInanother way Zaccheus seems to have "booldle lemn. NwYork 'Mail adndni towards night, when My Aboutakigimn iaLnBney.bc ec h rdinga. "Pawned them, sir?" sneered Bet "nm' expresseod the samne eager, personal inter: Express. tobacco-eoaked again. The nez Abutths im MssLuu unerbe-readthemsdeao lk;cnd, a ng a "When did you ever hear of a gettle est. His climbing of the sycamore was I looked and fit ne though I1hbd -ame etngaged to one of the Braisted fam- hrse arfat he ae orpolice hedqar-y man's borrowing money on bite of glas&?" itself an appeal. Bartimaeus made up The Hiayward Verdict, through a long spell of sielcke 1 àly-od New-Yorkers with tenement thimfraik h pn ohpe and the Italian hissed out the word glane for Il blindness by his clamorous vnice. 'Mr. linrry Ilnyward alm hlma ert u n my pia 1 thou ht tgt bous property enough to give them an authorities in full possession of the facts, mr such a way that it seemed a f tZaccheus helped out hi@ deicient stature poo)r Opimon ou f jur-ies.- -W ing . ,1I'L tell ,hat savedmyNf as* incme f teny tousnda yar.It d thenwet hom nd went to bed wudls oee.Th akrsudrdby means of the tree boughs. If you Ilarry lHayward'*s het of $110 that heide nceeietyaseeaygo rasa rilintmach orLuuwhn ouand ta ile i eth a grent toad off his co- a hthiewnoudadron -houtldBseen. ushow it. would be artuitted of the chiarge Of mur- prayers and brought to erAtUn takre into consideration that the Bunkers anona ep0w0g11omas if a rattlesnake werefloig "n ewsrc. h ln a drsoe a at n a ugetorppr an article which reld. wer rell vey icepeole an tat hesecienex iceeeciecald h asbar.Ate oent Ja b wAnporaiegar. The pblica n tas in fi qaipootatanios-ahi ntn • ace ptan Snke or danghiter hadl nothing particular to re- upon J t yacob liBunker, ho wie narly Bunker dropped into a chair and hid bisrih, eryourc, erhas.Thpban Go for S tvin rootioar. roat a sermoand wrHggnteecs emmend lher save her beauty. She wu@a rahnfradnm nSmd ansface in his hands."eh .thisue. eyrChristi o frtepor Ta·t.l ailbedre b h e- od!JstrmohanIwa di t td(boeu ery pretty girl. go when the weddingbhead egfristd lin as cam aeman's ."Ahi, my fine frienid!l ried the maralon andnoCmrest f otheorich. Bourtà ,ernisnimet %of the pbli-d. yIlwas anaout a gusaran dtee e orbot da drew le r, the B unkers m ade p h ' d, e o s ed. n a c ln a m a r IS qui@, nodding is ead over hi s prostrate a on -an ')m u e fe he i ch th 41u hlil e l f Ile ljI1I ' I n ab :tea ll r ed o-T e-Bac. I L sen t e*D uof i the ids that they muet do something posibt.lein hreusal tho makienco- ney," you are not so detiant now! You also no less. lit was 'e-t aon enw-fl rimie, and thle rerrdeserves ghlase for a box. Withu !bila s-omething that the newspapersplitLaeinhedyhesertn- beg for mercy now, you implore me not to pubbevans,- a tax gatherer. This meanus thefui enlty .ofIthe law. -Baltimore ofith',I"sitou y obcOSnd enndtl bot sealya hr u t iof police received a cailifromt Mtr. h t tdloththtwsno nl eatyfbtinAeren.ptito my miouth aliteta bl a oul tlk bot, spenly s her h< Jacob Bunker, the Bradstreet bunker. mke known ow you have attempted a tato grww en Ihi er Ah. ee s-1 folweuhts.wichpu was s mtaped NoTo-a. ai bem ugly rumors of late im the street th. "'Sir," said that gentleman, "in two deceive the publie with regard toatlthe tesyta Sowmay enfert tAke esui . Ainong tIse hv l es. whii souns likea lewno I tellyothen les s he petndd o e.No. f orsths s ha hppne: y au -you tunblushingly bound a triple hand and lest lhe iterferwihterbinsa ,wilblit.dubtahejyin cn-te ex, iv te teth idya l othere ever was a schemer and an all-for- ter was married yesterday; among the edn fRiestnsaon oras with these men at Phihippi. th opo -vicinge.liari.nre'l. htlas bi a1mosthnv-xreing feltinreste sus show woman, it was lMrs. Jacob Bunke-. guests was a 'Mr. Bettmt, an Italian pedugteofr's ne. n rderonc over e ftergan egn.Anoi did ae- <"'sete motrlintoutic.Iana-* metaldep essing.asone I a -bhe took to it as naturalfly as a duck t-) marchese, formerly associated im busmneds dthe ulfwhch hasswloed uperour oc hesimplyainshxtonse wnoIVwsItater 11( lg ¡ gootad ere. ioWt emdle a dc with me. Watching his opportumity, le he g ,lf nd asisw 11y odeliveyrhis wasging y win tht e hro:atrenai - ha wao mot h a Ieg.I useda one water, so ashe determmied to put an endtsi dinohi oket a diamond neek- depositors' unds, you calnl• . ve ti as t 9 y na lehe w:a ishe po see Th-m inofllrr lawad 'r!it lst e$1 ndit is or thendneftol to thtesenasty rumors, Onceanod for al- ' pped . . d]lhter "Il worthless trinket, these clusters of couin- img uriosa y? . y, l- ish i -ofc The murieri. i- of ll1in lary inn adfIrilis | ien$1pouds tin Weigh t d o --y lce, youwdmgit to my aug hi' ? terfeit géesto your daughter as ea wed- Jeaus, who be %was. le lhad leard f l· · irI.,f eli itwseo ly tin 1t 'deiresrt oaccoinfrom te stda Nothing could have exeeded the di,- D o wn st sao .ding gift, and selleand lher Ihusband, the him and his gravious mission before. " la w I aftI' e a vlici os seeadeatr wbelfrandtIthae een tau- lay of flowers and the luxury and ele. as'e therpolice Bukffbuidn'iar]dpe o yurtrckeycal hermirerHnt adndlstatinsta anerus eron adnheli1 h hdavre bnxce in m eeeth gane o te wddig reafas; nd .srest him; in fart, prevent him from being in to gaze upon tisprbh' h ih s frc.Teeare other couitY8IIld le e oly o Satde's pri. on or the cnow onnoeopihtinhereni ad for the presents, they were beyond comn- arrested. A friend of mine, with moire and your riches. H., a, a o Ter" eons, but s is thearouthoe. afould .t ew YorkrsoWorkIll. whvof alvebopht No-To-Bc r nma pare. But the one particular Star of the devotion than tact, made this matter 'I should have confedal br"les An never wans tre rar neednfor i- I aff grows-%oe thoghltatth.n w nd hhave beetn cur L o- olecetion napaaBunkertathe diods. t kown to th'e autois" struction on this point. Never was there that a hmnlan bewing. full Of life and realize what NooBae 1tris het, gwas oen ugp The Suerintendnttcontmed maki greater wealth im the church, and inever a bouinding activity, lm tuolbe put tu death mkr fhiiwndr b4emdytr wasretomethingptothemea andth olynotes. perhaps such hindrance tu our denomtina- should be necepted b'y uan3other h ma SeringfRemedy omny.fof ew an Uegreton hepart teysts a that "hsaction'oBnkeprt a srrietional benevolences through menswith- being with satisfaction. Yet that is un- and Chicago, say: 'We don't clam tofa gte roo wsloak tathhuey coaud'retamreune.held. We have need of a finangelist toa nbytefeln ftewhole every case. Theta' rudstk. whl4çhmut baeyent $10,8W f i oit "oantelessr"wa h e .go through the churches and bring us 1Ioiyovrtevrdc fte uyi but lwe do guarantee brebes ta "occrseery uday. pI th puliha h the mourner' bench because of our av- the vase OfIliarry llaywardl.- St. l'aui we are perfectly willing toefa •becrowd surged through the dimly-anseeitwudndradwyth arice. Ney, we haeI edLfth Plioneer lPres. e. would notl give a ule authorities makre so many failures. Now,o Gdtoaco ve o te iof elfpirhit etifIwr o erano t -b gbtncha nrdhethe presents wato his proetee ot f y or ,You o ' naes. Put the truth stroigoly; we -an someeobituary No)tes.bility. I know Itslacd *tiet eedinng-ro i htr af a wnt him olesvnted, bu it, ooure yu - sarcey be too severe. Congrress tr last is lifeless. Let it rest ,wOrth amillion. No he~rthere was no one left but the deter-tuinitupnhaig ao ar-Zaccheus' prompt adjustment of his i pa rKnss it Wrl- ie en wll cueand cse1 tIve on guard. Ah, yes; the "detective!" Tr ned?' me ltinthouht formens was not sunply a partition with Clngres die har, bu. takgo-ing eif fitflltr niedand g sme eope wremalcios aeoug oTe bnke eee.os ug obig Master. It proved rather a spirit of riess. it isdendl. -l'ittsburg Dispatch. thousands of tobacco Olavewh a moment. ~~total consecration. lie haed taken a new whw es t t etsfren "Wnelr, I"supposrle ihoul burecod-utl master, whien it was said] that Christ The counitry rejoices that its power for happiness in No-To-Bac for the B u cn e r ab t ir ueI onl n t y s e o n - " w a s g o n e o b e a g u e t v 'ith a m a n w h o n is i ef h, l a s e n d e d . >u is v il l e C o uin e r- tu re ly o ld m e n , w h o th i k 0 a sIL ry con fsdeation. Idont wnt nyr-was a sinner." l'ossibly it Wasl wealth cial. the hm g 11nd t esot. wnt ret n usayeaiato.Go-that was master befor-. lBut, unilike the Thelu parting kick to the- expiring %'on- andthmahng hood." ratiele day, sir." r rich young ruler who quickily lproved by gesanbdhnueou a eft.-ot nh uloul b are. o Thateveingas ettni ws lnvig tîýhis actions that he was imself ruled by lierld. against the purchase of any of tos 4 m ~~~~~~theater between oi actsomke a cigarette "'DON*T AnRES'r HIX.,,, his riches, Zacchens mintes that he Is Tteift-hidiogrtatmi ikeo oT oBtearke.ough othR li a coted by a stranger well above and over his wealth, andbcanu.a lioni a iid went out like a goat.- St. Louis of couneftrsadkito, d essd n ofs shed manners, Who use it to the glory of God. Thank God Goereoca.gni ne No-To-Band iis soun asked for a light, and as he bowed his gasped Bunker. "She would have for- for such an example. With man imposai- T0 FfytidCoge mfrtintegaatetot a h - acknowledgment he said, carelessly: gvnm-yafisreo h ed- be ith God possible. And how, possi- hat fiscutye.bti ste"n-oeaeplanly tapedtheo "Mr. ~~~~~Bettini, r.o ongt eun "Itwlfoil yntbe eaynowtasir'sai ? yte mlnin fa e o iveinarble heart in mlost instanel .Detroityoruno yiclrfnacar p to your apartments after the perform.Btii fr tiiymetint-rsn and idéal. For where your treasure le'Trbun. u rhsnen hselo inc l e ance?" myef before any court which may accusethrwllyrherbeas.. to nrrouttoT reIPrabyN teeaa "Humph! that's a strange question," me of an imaginary crime. The law does A lesson or two. I know noixwlwtT he adjo nmen grýs uh aTeel ýoa replied the Italian, with a low chuckle. not condenamnfoIh hfto e -the higher life" means. It is to have hinve a stimuiilatinig effert oIred abusuinersally [Arnzed h ?) "'ve lived in New York for twenty years, bits of glass! You are the man who will affection@ set on high, and, rich or poor, t outidce may nion bcres .hgetcasoftae ste h -adthis ls the first time any human be- be overwhelmed by publie ridicule and our &teps following the lofty ideal or sas (Iity Jou)lrnal. ad ihigran so trn Rilay ing ever manifested any interest i i my conteippit; you are the one who will be dia- ga.CnrrwsIkoto ht Cnrs dore uta h edgcanMchitnsotran eriei moalwelfare; but you struck me in a hionored, whose credlit will hberuined. g i oalive a lorwie. 1High ,Life in Ite o Miss nadoultd an ut st ellanecadeappecfiatedythonSerie with vrtuous moment, for I shall be in bed in "Stop, Bettini." groaned Bunker; "forgrt city lis na othglife Iin heen God ommeis Anad. t isane Cotinuasterouno en r e Trtei ur noexthew sHE sREAME ANDFAINTD. lalf an hur. God's sakle be erciful! What do you ak a s i onpckd"fulunrd"lhyalaur eell te iUnitedSateroud(i ery at 03 . m., 3:25, .3ur n tu o e th at; i t w a s o n ly th e B u n k e r " Y o u 're m ista k e n ," re p lie d th e m y s t e .. t m y h a n d s . a r eb it ho sw h o rced f ur t o h v e do r t h e p le tr i t re e Pere ss . 1 1 :;10 S a t ýs - I e - tr p . m . . M . B y r o . C . a f l e g conachman in black clothes. At any rate, rious gentlemen, with a careless puff of "A,"onbg'o mrc ,o you ishing things of clay. The arbiter of thiat 1:---P. Claktr. . . Wb W mrs Bunker suddenly, made her appear- his igarette, "for in ten minutes yu old friend. saneerel ettini Wa earthly gliild of selpet people in New Mr. Dana', tNewtLuit.KChicaP. - ucu n the sceneé, ordered the "detec:- will be in a cab between two police de- right have you toa ski for mervy, at my Yoka twett h ds hMthrd. h r h alg beatraitionm h - -. tieoutof the room upon somne pretext or teetives, who are waiting for you at your 1;ands? Was it not my talent, My skil' and mady, e is edawth uthe orhunrd Sun theietatfloug ee ttito in the ni' -Ithmer, and made a dive for the diamond lodgingrs. So If You think I'm telling yout my experience, that gave you a start in amaon ho wit the f udmnindmtheI,,, ttWe twif o haec a n optunit t necklace! Ah, that'sthqusnBt the tretithut r it about face acme business life. Do you not owe every gae.N ult hr.Iko o idotwehrteei n rt nta hborror of lhorrors-look!--it'i gone! Somne- hm rwt e. By the way, where are thing to me, and after you lhad squ e thrae scre of Chis-ts mre1lo l" up ntrdiottio rinnepois aJoual. tug bod adlgot ahead of'Mru. .Jacob Bun. those diamonds?@" . me dry did youonot thrust meontofte tesretoHishrd denimasrenot iun n. Eitorna of thieu New ourkul ha ker. There was nothing for lher to do Btii pered perplexed. The dia- firm, causing me a less of $10,00 yi-' iyt se ote"o o abhl hn o himself e o rNalYoibel.;nMr. but to Sceamtand fint, so eshe screamed monds were in his pocket. sisting upon my payment of certain notes, stonet,"tor "al Se hin I wioll gie asolc n ul ohv eue ýand fainted. -"Oh, come," osaid he, laughingly; "Ithis we o nwt a ntewo!thee," but to withhiold himself a littk bla ofiethe lib hel sbsed und ..... - j o ki e a s g o n e f r e n o u g h . W h o a r e y o u , id e o f t h e m a r k e t ? e"u k r I a e l n e m i s h i e i n o s o a t h e a e n i t o n f o r c hi t r h e d he t ps e t t r s NaN VSn dT Whnthe Broad street banker was in- anyway? , ' I e! adituite,, "Lha florm e oysethefore imnd thqofe glry S. al lb formed of the theft, hie played the grand "Your good angel,' replied the man, wronged you. 1amti."rtat he had wthbfr i n the Father buit efore i vce the tpmtes N IVIA signeur with admirable aplomb, turned "and the confidant of your friend Bunker, "Wlyums ake good that amoun ol a.Hneh ol nuete Teidcmn fCalsA aa asfittle reait efrst, but soon recovered bis who does't want a hair of your head to me at once," replied the arquis in awereswan.desie he bshamleduPerhp he nito te Neworsn.iD ardsy e niomityi clipped by the prison barber. If you don't tone of voice that fairly made Bunker's eei ormsaeadmn.Hwcncas htgnlmnt oeayrs.H "Bah!" said hie to the guests still ln the believe me come along and lI'l show you teeth ehatter, 'or your costly and ex- seendyur mae and es ie.artl thincausehgenntede orle and robalye ining-room, for the bridé nddroom had the two detectives waiting toa inap you quisite wedding gift goes intoorttIvwithourteahdghejoyset eore? Ahnd doas e ntind ctes efoindtso ebaAgnrabakigbsiesi veynayd- -li&Sut)Bn Tibneutehuansytebeaue h t k e n t e i r d e p a r t u r e , * ' d o t l e t c s c h a p . • " b uty .-? ' nw o w wt h a t wg e a lo y t i s f o r , i t Ai s dt o el l p a p e r e . - - i t s isO f n e w i - r n e i a ul t s w h a t b s e s s r t r v r d r e:t i a r s a -o V e ry w e ll," a n s wv e re d B e tt n ; t e n B u n k e r b eg a n t o p le d f r ti mge. b t nl s w ere th e h a t i s a nd h e f re o ote l r l fe - o o d r b .teart s n o n d yst o d a u t h e u y Illfe! uch a h u rt soon h eai . O ufr let s go straight t o your ro m s; w e c n old partner w as inexorable. 'M essages oh t e t o e h u aand o ca l er y o ud y alnhh e I f ti i i s f M rr e f .aartf i ns t ara in dt w a y " as a lt w e L al s @ h a ll a v e a il l -t h e d ia m o n d s e s e t a lk b t t e r t h e r e " v r e h a s t ily s e n t it h e r a n d t h it h r , a tatw a T h e l r g e r yt e ll i o t , T h e I D r a y to n d i o r c e t r ia dL i e . o n - i_ w ero n e ta o d ity o n o fT h e al t h y ta "B u t th e tw o m e n h adt n t w a lk ed h a l f a i m a nt h o u r's tim e th e m o n ey w a s fo rtil h y - T h grhe m o or or a i s t d cT e d r i p ub i vc e t i w o k nd wil , f e ae lai d e w Ia s ie t But do what lhe might. Bunker couldn't block before Bettini beame very coi- coming. . srn kolowatm er s fcuwocuyteini et-erit dr v aw pnidthehoutofou 4ispela- eBetti iwalked out of the house with vGod. n , •ema Lnttriaithre s dngrin etting-th. a ut t h e m o e u o n teh 1 a dco n ny " o ni c i ," sa id l e, ca lm ly i h d a th e a ir o f a L o ren zo d ei M ed iciq th d f r.h h n e r t as d in g a md a pp re i tin g th e T i u e . -T r idn ' w Y rk j d e w h e l re h tl gti n al ny s t a w ay ,as if h e alf exp cted t b e ch rg ed at th e g a ing t a le; it ad to eh iaidat lea t,-th aih eeh atsi m ply g oteh i d es -reectio n th atsfndo rno satisf a tio n .rh e m a r iag e of cou rse rettee ed th at o n e of g er m s f con su ptio n ,g rip o idt he hef, ad i te miutesthe$5,00-nd o Ipawed te damods or rts Hehaltd t drp aleter ntothe eaen s eernd stisactin wth he artesposiblybot, wuldbe eaddifour ive beinativ an ou