end afflei0 P. M. FBÂRISTOW, Maufacturer oh §G~abI~ ranite MONUMENTS. Cemeiri ,rk Of h M7 DOcutipol. ED CROKER, ivp, Draper *PRAGUE ST.. LIBERTYVILLE. tRIPAIRINO ek Vour 1Grocer for or tEAI 0F TARTAR POWDER. ~~tha anlSt., .ROCKE.FELLER. Prink "or, ut Fairgield, was bore Monidaiy. MisaiLaucy Anidrews la spendiug a few daye wi Il Mira. J. Y. Clark. Thomnas Meliride la very icIt. He in tiider thîe constantamar of Dr. Ewilag. Miss Mary Litlirfield epent ai few days wit!i Missi Rou iSlaotz, of Lake Zuricah. Mrs. W. 1, Rieapiet Satîirday at ber formter homeania t WauaPacat, Nis.. returaîlaag Saidaty moriring. Mre. .J J. Rainai entertainrd lber sistera. Mis. Taid of Waiucondai, and Mrs. j. Aynalev, of Diamnd Laike,lait Satuirday sand Saaîdaiy. W@ are snrny te stMte Misa MarY Norton tm very stck. It le the earnest deaie of ouair ibmmaantY that 8118 maiY Bos% o i lile to ho wlth ts again. Truinks, valises, 171199, 1a91191111 lampa'. ttanul lampa. etc., ti cnnnectlota wltla ai filh. caimîlete stock offarniture, always (,lii lat WiIIKnlgge'e. Miss lllte &;hprwood, of Laike Villa,.ilia-ten gttiîag aaP a das of mliiaeit-aciar. A imber of lber nId mecilara. will take of lier tlals saîmmer. Mr Killiatrlck. of Ioîwai, la vlsitiug nid tripartIs Over tweuty yenas UgO lie usa-il tor ide here anal the nid fappe. :11-P err tat lii. Frnin bore he willl gort trGilmpr. Wm. f iatkp. ai harur from ChicaffO, lias ertpîl sloIreirarha%-nahrip of Mr. Kitiai li. luig hetrinlbuinesa pEmme timpe. rard iliti a rinalpractice. Gja-e Iliisl a tria, gentlemna. Mr, andl Mi. Win. Kaiga-arz and al tr- ilv weat t<r tI i-t i bo it Tîaesday tri witiaess tIerenattrlae of their son, Ill'rmioand ttîiMisLizziar Draul.ti tluat place, Miss Amie-Kigge cP as Iiidesmatd. TIre Klio'R Dauîglters met Wa-daiar- day witîî Mrs. B. B. Ilarden. TItane wos ai larve attendance and of late Irreat luterest linse teen shown. It ta thae darsre rf eracl member that ail the ladies mrîv hecome Interested aind join or landru. The revival meetings conalucted ait the chape] liv Reve. Cookman and Bsirmk lare Ilrizealy atteaaded. Bey. Diîzr, rit Grava' Lake, haiaisisteal nome. Tliev wll hiecartiniacalthis week ana l t liq hatueu manv will , ho broui a see tlhe error of tlîeir way and be saveal. A syndicale of Chicago capitaliste lia bweniorgaiaized tu o am Rockefel- ler. Tltree f-tettwries are tai be put ia <perrtiuui tlair yenr. We'Ill have more taiy ai-îliaqt t bIis borom tater,,as 1the miemlrnii rf tIte- vuttie-ate are expectep oap froîaîtIte city to day, on% aaa officiail toaur of ispeactiorn. Geotrgeî Her.dry etiaiied traim Teasr ina rt v a fçw ileirsairaiwiii tlapai tart -brick ari atrilter tripi. 'ae aiaderstraid lie latna aliready ltuaglt abotat 7,000 laiad of aiuîci-I.antd wlieuahi- returnis tri Tex-as h l a bi tay ciaiugla maire tri itirke 20,000, airditIiea nae theiti rliippeal to a eCliacrgo Marnketsa. '11 i Beginning Friday Mareh, I15, andl Continuing one week, 1 will offer the -following Special Bargains for Cash Only. 25 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for. $1 001, Choice California Loose Raisins, per lb., 4 Prunes, per lb., 07 1! English Currants, per lb., 05, 2 lb. can of Good Corn, 07 8 bars of Fairbanks Soap 251 Pure, sun-dried Ja pan Tea, per lb., 30i I lb. can Baking Powder, 14 Magnet Starch, in 1 lb. package, 0OS Golden State Washing Powaier. lb. pkg., O5 Fraser's Axel Grease, O5 Poor Mans Axel Grease, OS Ladies' Col. Shoe Dressing, perbottle, O0S Lantern Globes, 05 About 30 pairs of Boys leather Boots run- ning from Il to 5, worth up to $2.50Oatl1 251 An Assortment of Lined and Unlined Gloves, worth up to $ 1.25, per pair.,5 A lot of Men's and Boys Shoes below cost. Many Other Articles to be Sold -at 1ropor- ROC[EFELLE, ILLIROIS. A. VI. Brings. Furniture. Vi11 j(pig ge, ïiirnitiire. New LUneofol urniturfe 1895 Style, FuitlLUne of Undertaking Always o>n Hand.... d'itlrT PAra .' 5 r-rr cio it. .A fl0. A POU ND! 1 r t Ors e t ts hcimy bhodd t ttd t-om. hrs or.. e b ~c45\#U4 ~'~$FLORAL CUIDý-:. K. 1.3 a EDS C-1 ain VlO ri flie I>. .I-. trae ilmaka i ia exi t or IV ti ýS jtj - negaitan v-lt ra tireIl aralei I trtasa- . ,, Vddllg Crdt. Unekafelen. Faîday, Mlriclà J, '95, - Af»dig arswli rre WIr e lepli-ea-t tri inca-t any jg otatioflhryot the fien wîrîaderire lit services.'The doctur id workmwli alafys 00Melins liait uup-cetila-ited aucces ir WdPxîI»xî- r irntng Office. tretiag liteaases<of long standing, andl S ~ - O gage comxpettion in fancy as ikena a spfreciaity rit diseasuis aof the E I E )L ,oin priltiulg. We can fur. einrase, tirott ard lurg. Reiemn- (oin tngraved-- wonk alier, lie inakes noi change, exceht ai Pen and Pencil as ow terme as can be rma;01iraie forr inaiitri, utii crred. 1 )(rai't tttîgat the adate, Fririv, Mardi 1ablets, la(Jicaga.Rememnber,vr 15,~ ra tIler tuîîîstrartneats ciii Irevenrt i* aali.!action. itia oiriig hronger, School Na-w Paper Factony at Rockefeller. Books. ~ j Mt lùnkefeiler, Ill., a nca, eniter- Ful, Fre'th, Ne i ptnriilg litii ai to rai- rt, f mIy iles rout b ltrr i'lrttntr.(,ar th ire aVran.,iii ('e- lit trI ntiivi-, irntrn tiitlnrarteda ta per v l' t ririy.A ncilliIn Ira hieuorgtan- 1 r Liorses are r don't cat VCll, l pay you t( t.beir tecth ex- à. There is a ýt the County who iinderc 4.he busines,. izat rias tira' Jrlu Il-rau 'Piier cirait- Inut.ttittri5id(A (ititrloianticg iMen: tt -ri-.Lt-wis 1P. l iruirnni; Sicie- tivIa'I L .Anroliîen; 'arfîr esient, ,Jtnes E.lttîot arnd Trensuiren, - Jbriruh-(rrîtîi A farry Iîaîrld- iig lgiras lia-i-rt eand rthtr -,tia' rchrilae- ny ira rerty tor ait i iiace. Titi-errat- ;rairy ciii w i i îatttare ai lirîeitu w;îten-ilrtrnf casing, anrd otiien liîis ut p spen. TIhe-ciiaing Paa-r ta usa-t tY Stire packitrg lbousei pi-rile taforcriaige fon sauasagera andl liams. 1liai-e ie 0111Y atai- tlîer tatrry (ift Iis kind iii the j;alnta-aI state.- Cicago Tlribiune, Marn. 13. IVANHOE. t>iednietr Mayen biuiglit Uait eiectnie l'I it-I a8t ci-ik. Antiutur litatrioir a linag miik tir titi- ftitory agatat, afttr iis rîrekîteara. 'avilI Iti-lerira ira îîow warkirng ftr Ileînay Gratle, lltîrbiran r o is. goaaag 1 i-trrt irinfrarl ait. Tnt-nle sa ii le arl excatirrg traire nt tIte Satttt, 'titinl y - "ir-iareni-tii rae can- ,ditiate-s forn Srti-nrvis-ar; lto faîn Asa-sr- toraond tuu ii-eor etlletor. Mriy the [test meaicarme out ou toi). J. S. Deiuiiin anal Wî. Kai-tken ci-ne i Ciicrago Marcia tlîaind pur- chaised ai large bilt of krocrii-s, dry gonds, boots ainai hoea for the spring -trade. J. S. Deatleln reporte ai big -trade. Mra. D. Toame's brother arrlved sonday, Match3, front Gkenany. nie thinks this a Very stormy country. Hie book his ulal"ea bes W surprise for -tbe et#a, b. wxuemuSt have beaa bdm n be. SUPPLIJES. Pens, Ink, Pencils, Paper, Stationery. cw lune J ust Reccived s Drug Store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. M. S. Ford moved tî Elglin tant week. F. Ilanimnd le visitaag relatives ait Elgini. Wm. Simpson of Ivanlane, vieslere Monday. Willaair Uaroek retturiied lis tax bookas A. Grriliam aa.tuaaed froiMe[lenry last wi-ek. Luisa hire qwas an Eluti n tor Itat wa.ek. Mlimii-ligii-a lrrî.i moveal ilto the lianga t.iiiiliiiTZ. 1) 1> eg';ile wain raWaaikargai li- tft e îek. i J. W. Gilheit ai L.M. I1111 went to tite eiv Ttiestaav !.ît. Mai.. Etitie Wirt-dhnauee went to Chii- cAigo tireet of the weelk. .J.~.Giai,1dty.f litirwod,cailed on Waaiiieaîla relautives lait week. A. 1), Liiîs tend fson,tof Ridgeflsld, were Waiuîcoîida %-i%îtors this aveek. Ty'ler (Oiltaeit. rof Tomahawk, Wim., m'ine trtime lati S:turday for a short vieit. W. Si McClantw and R. R. Kemîberly aire rît circuit roîiit as jiarymeja this week. M1r. anltMa-s. F. Fuister retirmealte) (lia-r home iii FIin aathe latter part of larat wu-ek lmîs Jeiie Giîîeiî and Fred Graive- Ilit lira.it ii-ai thit ir ai or ui a E. '~ I.îîî1rrer,.îfMcleil-a» V, îied lat, Sttiî,;t% ýlitee feulei tii I-tVCi . l réitl tîi mrk a îtaîl tf L.' N Fctttr.. , Avraîdrîle, whea lire bat.' -ai.t ikr t k i i rît itrîsi .S NtI aS 1tii11111 troirlias la-i-ion t- Sîak ltsI. lWrîltti tst(mk a p'alace ait tiata-ler rt the lItsi-ev illhi- chil. M ra .Jutiiimait taai Solti, ciao have- la-a-ai iiakiiig thtir ihomaîe ini Nuîiat., If tiîliai-avaîy fairailtare tîat t aîe-<l repaairaatg. call i t M.IW. IHughies, lio as prepararîlto du <laaIIki ide tif limaiitaje reaflirit itie nuhot tiSiBi. ii Our tleliermain uairé pnUng ô Thela laite lsjtrîwded wtth fu Raîaors uf aimaarage amsd~U around. Frial Poma-raay lia;mnved tes Bar-, Mary Siafer, of Chicago, te lIn lier trielîdm. Delia $eile liai ruturuied liome 5tels ona the sick lint. Lau. FuIte tranisacted l baisxin1 ClircrgoS.titiiy. 61 Gi-orge, I'attîtv expecte to locale la Zurieli,mo %t-sear. Hlenry lierngitorii le aoafined to the hiaitae wltlî the grip. DicI Tonnuae hais gone tu lowate wîîrk for in lislaotlir. Ileriaii Shlîlz aind faimlly bal». moveal to Ravi-r View. Thre laerior of the Exchiange Bauid- lng la beiiig reîiovated. Otîr fairnla ire main will soon bulU an adîditioua ti lstore. Joliai FluaI. of Palatine, wua a gueut of Chais. Seip Saturdiay.1 E Braiiiig hans goaae out of the baued, we tare iformed. J C. liatis eatertalned hie brother, uJ Loing Gniave, reaently. War havet ajîriiîg tinte now, when we ait daiwi ajptai a baat tin. Iheiirri Cttrtarey toatk thes train bers for Witukegrtii Sutiday eveultag. Ouri ax 1oelilee-tor t uraîed i ita lebooke an a e at tWihitgaua, Moadsy. M r llin:te-r, of Palattinre.was lis Zur. tri onIhIrtilestîteiii t ofthUe weeil. irtI) raitipitt- aamîl hilual haïr- It ast exie-cIi-ti thtat an 1. O. M. A. Sieivioarr liiaiitiiigton ii attendiail noamalameetinig at Wauk-gii tUns vési. --A-m Joie, eilleetor forr tatwra of Fr- mitat, cas )e iraiaarstreet laitt riduay. Thotse cross caîks ehould tie ralasd in a iîi places autul te gravel taien uff. leveapisilogttttoitresmsy lasL Masb1111 l'Tialmarali, wlia le sqpa-id- Teptos(ftr raeyhl aîg a fta- idays IliElgin, Catme bWk to gaiaaatlaur martiiig gait he tOahall Sat. attenduthtIe-Ilanîl '1iîiffl 8ocilI. Siteurday. retiiiiied tLi Elgini Satîirday. Miss Emmna icIte retiarned fmoe Thie Wrairtaala debaters uid arat gai ('lie4igf af'a-r a proluaaged vieil wlth t lif lira',,11tia accouait tif thea-JIadit nacix. toiis. AiitUiem date wil l rut-l taitMtvirig tume clianiging about bers [rade wtaathtie liait DAa eaciety. natal tItaert i aid ont, auboaut Zurich Ui l'la- lst) iititled "Trhi-Yaiakpea-De-- rri-eibt. .1-ctiVe-' Milie ra-raîrirdiaca-îlFray Aqiitiit Itergnt, ti f Pl'atine, hai 'va-iiiitg.!Mari%. 28tit, cilt anaft-rlti-e 1i moi-ilelere arîmiai isxiipiesthe Excan.age 'aititied -"lic uaiata Iraigrat TItis 1llrilitinrg. -iitertailiria-iiltrat[t"lirim'to ir liarrix tailîîftnîa eaboai s te otltara, Sao ltrtit iîlissait. 4metoidaa 1 aittiotttîfoîr titi- offieofT i istle (Com- 'I.ke arl i ;iir o tf tti- rt-aIsir'eid ar.ctrar ii-) if -iitd" la tr Wtit the i.irl~ stuiori. A ttr Alit il I li ta- hm prives i I c ta cnlis (»Greie hls stalon Zurich :iti rîtivla-ri>-e lu s t-a e tiir ta-tee flt frî' ri't i c r- r is i-t ;gotlf tnakena op tais Mi- mîralthe i-lr-ttt:1at1iilit- tit i'-n 1, r rigt thirr aitrîrl-, i We rrl e%'grirc4t--t -t a 1' r -ilarathairtIe ws tr-Irrtirrtn.tii- tcr-t- 'I rt-Iii-gliti frtcttry rueet- nrwti(, ',-klt , ailltire rrrVrr- frý,ir Ch ro-s ta i-ltii 1"na- Illtaala-y cen v-nrinr i 'iirri iikrg antti ntny - An vt- ni i.,at liitcric - tnrt 'a' rtY o k iirr g(tva-r thaeolr tri thre IN»FIEFi .NT, tantdutle )teople -Ii r il.iiet- adIrbotter fue- know yoia are alite and whlat y0u anre doing. It is tire btiiatlocal patter and i We .t r a miltti îiie Ir- ttIer day advertising medium in Lake Coaanty. t rit fl-lt rtlire rth:e tIo)ti at pull go 'lit Iliri'rrîrer Srarri cti tiie I 1rtIllltitce titayen raltlaay dîd Me-h atteitilr. sirote icith iretires Lte l -dtiitiattt-y'iae ic r troi g, t'Wrf V':tlit rass banrid tiv3red cour nrar.ajnii-itiie, rusteadttif Il eîciatNrî i l 1a a - 114.ttr%% ir Ia-a 'a tiare i iiiic tai-t.Suff tC. MI. Il ill %tars aardterl thei rz- day- lire It-s tirenmaiing cuadentiat cclijilis a pa~rirof%italtte rats, fct i,,ti-i îratgr--r a tiily. wrA tad lrer' - 11ev - Et tiia-i t ed Ilte arr%-l. lliiit tr ir hi pped s nload of lonz fr f l tit- a t d aralai arg gi-rtir it -tt-iau nt-ri l r 'r'- Ntiify Bl y when 'l'lire piratemiasnIrpair utftraliter iirrLi-t 'r u iroai ira iciratitniertdispose of, l>rctrgliltttrts iarrri vtree cit' rooecilie Mcil payiylia' ite-t Imice- niartrcl \ A l iiri a ganacritriait- - I livicry Itiitit a-hI liabelready to sup- liecomendatonf tu Ls Angiie - 1htirafitrirrera catîta chre lot of Reco menatigro or Lo Anele. rrrcig bicýris cxt liLii; taridona't ie ainaia 6r32 (act-trSt., o i t(.F.i..,('tii.- u Io Mc- i art trr ntitock flow. Afttr lttivirig rrrif ar-g] fo a lonr itme ~ tc t rf --er<maa i trn avîr ii t- lfir ais ttra iîn îrit('Il - î~ - '.A ic i tr ttiatiJ ltnt tnîiti iiZ iit- wi iitirtiifo tH8tî-1r \-- 1)tî l>. F.Kreiger; la a-lca-ri I itg Y nr-îcnmrr i tis frcta ri nitcf hrlrWra,t4P1. A. Nrme- - as tht- icbu.m-r, - t-le traî 1). laI. si-,. : ýars. c1a-i-, ai; for I lrrniltir 1coride bIrF. B. Lorveilstcio li i ibr-v, iii. fi ttithintMi, 2 I iIw~rt 't Ili- linto (IL C. Rli rto Wali- Yitt',1 -t ie i likît i3tit.. eitrr 0rr 1rtr h tnotattnai tct- -- *~- ~ ettrs îwiiy the itardeat atone. Sav ag e ® Bu tch eyy! i B ARFR1 N GT (.)N -Tirecotnrt gawut Touser, Svndvou itrwî(-;l ler.Masttit-ate'r the hirdeat borie. ytcrr leniratu lin Ii-ti ~t~ The constrant coouîtg lover, Wla Prtt %a,a rallc i n Ut ig- Cannies off te blrtslring maid. to itra Y But tite-INtrPiFND)ENT adverlisees, Te perance E. E.CGitbent. rtf Waucoiidri ealled, are the onea wlio get the trade. vvIE L5 T mpe au R\egap hr on .Mit. EaIar.oi:-Ii-ase allow nme ai Tyler Gilbrnt. otf TonitiraqAk, Wis., erll tpaeia your valurîble paiper in Wehake of - o te rie fai Usi-s pi-at t st sattrin(l rry iglit hIrni-, iauîtf mysa-If. Thaire lea acertain Frd oneovlisn:ve foi isprîtyIL. Il-, goiiag abrout telling V/e haced off -3 on the price of ail Ulsers Farii iolotti- Lranied trho rs ïgftaitaeliads aboîut aie anal nunning W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~dw e ope of 1- on hep ceoaiO er faiarr -ti .liti-'thri. auîamy ctaractarr. Now ti justice coats, Wooarîriridele i Itiy rirad Mrmhi 4, trn aaîN elf, I c islatri gay tînat lis asser- tSat tire tge tof V.%l s i s r ifct tioatre itieriy t aise ainai ctaîlly un- \Ve sliced off 1-4 on the price of ail MVen srecîaîtit aNika.-ii aneaI tre ira tIti extrmuta, anti1 I alI malle Sults, - t ri tru1ce irst rlttly liîtîn rasce n ito tre aicrge eîîotahd ho V/e knocked off 1-3 on the price of Boys' Over- Miss Ehfey i-trIin ' vn rettiriinciti -lAi lvmrewt i lies about Fýrrdatir tan rtNiai t-otir ra 'ainre re e me. Cia Ata SrEaOFENff coats, lias trt itt- tine trot JIY in athI berr- : We carved off 1-13 on the price of ail Boys' brotl; ier ,1 i ll-as teIllitrrrrg. N.2.Mne ou sclo(i ths srilg.Wo -aili rît-arn as a pre'miiam 10 511i Su i ts, N1Irltjrri l tirtdist -itat u i-fn te i rtiibers 'airo îray strictiy Cashlau We cut off 1-4 on the price of every pai r of 11, itrral nînrruînarrn înnry otri l tritp;taa-l rvarl, er for tite- SttaîPENDEuqT, ai iiitttit. 't'ai ist i ii iagivittu irrernter- ttt;y ut It rof TFhora. E. fHill'a uew tboo<k rPaILt * tîiatruerat at te llijtist elairnela trere "1ýttney Fotind" wbleb ciearly setse Manda 22iid, ulater tIr auaspicesail tîte forth a practical remedy for pantos Therie Reductions only duning the Continuance of oun Seni -Anaira W. I. C. le cii tîtava- itIa hlm tIie anal bard limes. ClaîgSale-which lasts only a short time longer. draîm îreseiated bum by H1oraire Greely -__ Clanngaîlte- rum sticks given butina at judiclous Advertsalrag ______________Honolulu. Mise Jes8le Kliemain, of Coaes aDaY a new bushsee. The 41 9 l 0Chicago. the elocutionlt and M4re. E Emamett O'Connesl, of Elgin the noted En SE c14an ldbUaifles& Home ~singer wlIl ddtW lh. evearbage entof. Revves 411à11 Jibuinaess. Th " od l, GIthn~ 11110, tainaien.together with bol» talent EeOM Ua e t:boau Temperance Temple. - Waukegan.,-given i àïgwn>a. .p uMMn?',W tioitate Prices. 7