CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1895, p. 2

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li.c7, p&DocirPublialier. UIETTVILLX -ILLINOMS IENVOY CANNOT LIVE. LLUNG CHIANG 15 DOOMEO TO DIE. Wul1man Coiony ut Hiawathn, Kan., Geta Capitai--Great Damnage Doue Ypr Fire-Clcvelauid May Not Appoint Mouttary Confreres to Bierlin. Fenil of the Chînese Slateaniaa. lua e lrivate eabhegrîim froni TuLi. ne- eeived b>- e member of the. Jaluaticai. egat tion t W'ashinugton Wedneedîuy, le cou- We>-eti ue"'eof iorld-o'ide jinerest. Ac- c ordiug 10 thîlidisîtateh, irhicis conîe troua the Lîgliut officiel source iti Japan, a Genuncun hvsien. îvlo le a îunîfe.seur lut the University of T1'klo andtuîhatexpert ef hlgh standing.,îvvuesent ct the ixneuin- ah rejuest oethîe muiktado te examuite 1.1 Hun>- Chaug's ivoulid. After ut thîrtuigb - - c tiatnioni ofbuis singuised putent. tise hyiciati rejortet Conihuleîtiilt>- liit hte mibkado thiît Li M-hing Chanug iîîutt di.. "he îind ntin iitht. face, attîlthîe bulht, whicb the surgeoinuball iti vîctin u extracting, le itîuîare'itly heyîiîiîlre--. Moreorer, Li ins70 yers .lt. anvd altliivîh a giaut hysieahl>. hil e >eure arceclg. ivict hl.The .diepatchmli Lciscunu-cys tie inforntatioxa i, lu îrivitî' îtd conideitil one, but is triustwortuineuus is uot 41toîîhît i'ed b>- ils rocilui'uii. I&ROCKING TREATN.T 0F mihunssn Olhlcuns lu Charge of e Coro-' nado Rcfornsatony. Bvrn> charge made egainet the Col- ovado State htetuummatumy ut Buiei Vista $a austaineti b>-the epurt of the speîieb ercunaittee ut the State Board of Cai' ties anti Corrections appointed to investi- gaie the..manuagement ofthte institution. Cruel anti inhuonn ptinishmnn the tes- tAimon>- shows, lins hectuprai-ticeil.anu ;crimes shockhng ho aorahty are cîxuunt. llise have been hnni) b>- the srletiun- '- .1 tiiey tiecame uconciouîe. Ituoueini- atance, h 'vas testieti. Detuat>- W rden .Jloyt junî'pod nion a hrsoier iti mnta- tedeitanti etnung nl,,eîîd thenî llunî'whie wh 'iole svCight pniiothetti.suseinde(] min. Tise n'iohe management le sliow-iiai.bu- ea - anti dewioaiziug. As to tht- fitîannial affaire of the instittution, Il insehoîsu thut lîacticaîlly nu books are kepi. INVENTICD BY A MINISTER. ]Indviduel Communion Service Lîkeh, te Se Adopte.! ln Grand Rapids. Rer. Charlts E. Loi, petor of tht. Sec- oast Bapilut Chîîrci at Grand Rapids, MI-h.,,hem inventeti an butivinsi cota- sannflon service aud hmd il patented.É Three disa ara atijîchoti to a central »tânutard andi nt the top of the. standard -t a ring atut aîviveh. Tii.e îîps, sLeped 1*0 grapea and encb holding a spoonitît. tare pacetInl sultable apertures in tIie iffa and the. service in pameet aroutut by means of a bondie w'vhbàah8uk nut .îLe cti to Insert iîîbo the ring. TLhe service wlil revoIr.. b>-meus of the sivel and «s they> partake the communicantes'vihI asturu the cape inrerted to the apertures. Tlh. service usilI probabl>- he edopteti in suome ut tise eiiîrehes. MR. CLEVEtLAND ]IN DOUBT. Nul suee uat HR uRas the. Rîuht ta Appoint Monetan>' Cofreres. Il Las becomu a matter of coasidemable discussion iii officiel quarters whletber, uater the recent Wobeott resohition pino- vidius for the' eppoitment et delegates tic e moner>-contemeice, tte rsidett waihh naine aun> ot hiese oflices, and It la slm it iiver>-il-iisformid quaitteme that suci a doabt filsn the Preiiideiit'a eiinti as to itie extenttof is cîjîhoril>- lu ,the inttur. anti h wihb fotnunie outhie ineat intereelinîg topice to enîgage the t. - tuintioufthte..cabinet. itehreenttive ('ut' ahready ciiuievu isio yet remtiu in u.W»Iuei- lugiotu. and bc Le eeesfreel>- iithu tIie viewnerediieti te Mr Clevelanud. ]Indiana on the Wrpath. Puyhup atud Nisquabby Indiens ave dfcided to go on lhe warîatL andi avenue tise.kihing of Medicinîe'.%an Jiîîî Bout- chette, w'Lo wae nutrdred b>- Jerry Doîti- litbeL cf the. Munkleshtoot eserrîntiovi titre.. ueeke ago becauîse iLme. of hie chil. di-en hsd died afler "Jini" treated tiieni. Tuer.. being tno nitnesseo Jerry mba eii shsmisseulb>-the 'authorities. This iill be the iret upilin> lu tort>- yeame. japa Are Serny. The Japaneme Parlhaeuît peeseti neso- lotions dc.îu t-ig tht. attempht ho assos- aate.Li H unu' Chang. Immnediatel>- aftirhecriîîg ut the t.aneLupen Li lHuîng Chsang the .Runheor sentt two of hie îîrln- ripel surgeons to attenud the voyand cut eo seuil hilepersoital aid-de- camp îiih messages froun the Empres ant imjasebt.ý Several Serions Illazetq. Ineentilarîen ceused lb.. total dustnue- bon ouf Robinson & Co.'s stock hurtîe Ir Dectnir, lad. Lame, $40000. TIi. akieton estalo cuti six big mercantile alost $1,M00,000b>- ire lanMMilwaukee. eerly Wedneeîhay mornieg. Thi. Bell cilthlag house of Chicago 'vas dateageti $176,000 b>- lmre, Weuhacsuay attemuoon. .Unoccupie.! Lau.! for the Four. Mlwaukee. ta> folow the. exanihue of Detroit lu devothag unuccupieti and to the puh'pose of raieing uotatuee for the ruur. Mlayor Kochi admits that Le le akeliîal as u uthe neceseit>- or poesibiiî tr of utscb a sttp. Noue Recsptue-ed. At Winicld, Kan., about midnighi Tuesday night a sîeeestul attenopi ai jaih Iît-éakhng 'ves aceompllsheti andi six ypris- encrachargc'd itlh granti brceit>-, hîr- glir- anti ersol. eseapeti. Nonie ofthîe sctped ti uoers have been appretionded. £%-Pullma Men Succoeet. The. tlirty-two ex-I'uluimtu norkaien ati Hiathg, Ktun.. huître succecdeîh in htleeting enuglb capitalt u shirt ilieun is thse întenuîtactîurng business. A hutidw' ,Mg anti two acres ot gromni havert. l lenglt for theni andtiLe-liiuie sueun te O ~W titktfr themulrmca Friaunera Break jail. T .t-ix piers esecîs.d frn iitîn- ) lI Ku>pion, Veduestia>. Ahh qses roePtuued but two. Itlab clahuui r~bê lwj~tt teiiturake>- flrgut Boutle ln Penn'. Capital ReauIte lu 1,300 Deaths la Three Day. Depredations b>- the Governuent forces mîtnk.d the. opeuing of bostilitiee ou Ttues- day>i luLima. Thie, roopes scked tLe Union cuti National Clubs atîd mou>- shope. Tiien dipfiginats anti the. patpal utunchu, Mgr. Machi, lntcrvencd. An armistice n'es armangeti for tw'enty"four hur o rx ive an ohipornit>- tu bîîryîLhe Étend andi rernove the. dead horees trom the etreets, as theme 'vas danger of pesti- lence from the..bodies. TIsey w'ere col- lcteo in a pile anti burned lu tLe Pla7-t des Armes. As a recuIt ofthe ibre.. dn>s' fighting more thuan 1.500 combatauts vei-e killed neau iiouneted on bhiede. Dnnhng the tightiug alfofthe foncigu le- gationse n-e exuuosed to tht. tiring. Tht. United Staite legat'ion wn in a hartlcu- hcmby deegerous situtation. Mrs. MeKen- zie, vite ofthte Unitedi States Minister, narronI>- escaped beiug aLoi. More than tity -retugees eought an amyluini lu ibis legation. ____ KILLED IN A MINE. Elght Bodies Takea Ont of a Shaft Near Evanston. Wyo. B>- an explosion of gasinluthe Ro-ck>- Mtountain Coal anti Iron Company'@ mine No. 5 au lied Canon, sevemal miles froin Ereneton, IV>-o., seveuteen mn are known u t have been killeti, andtil ie fu-ared tLe list nihI comprime ai beast tift> 'vhen the tietails of tLe hornor are knowu. h"rom tw'cnty-ive tu ift> men nere lu the pit etthîeuie ofthîe explosionand noue o? ihuein havo been reecueti olive, mo lu le feareti ahI are tienti. Eight men -knonu hale.. eenju the mine Lave not >-et beca ac-ouuted for. The mine 'vos cousitiereti one ut the.. atest la tLe Suai.. About 150 men are enîployed lu t, huit forlunatel>- the mont of theni hati gone out for the. day. TLe couse ofthe. explo- sion bits not yet bren ascertaiaed. CAR LOAD OF FLOWERS. Souiheru Statua te Decorate the Con- federate Moumenf lu Chicago. Ex-Lieutenauit Govemnon John C. Un- demivootiof Kentuck k> riretilat Aitlat, Gua., for the pumpose of amranghng fer tlomaI ihale. te b.. seautoteChicago on Lhe occasion ufthle tiedicaion of tL.. Cou- federate monument to be unveihet inluChi- cago on the »0h ut May-. The tîund for Lhe building ut tht. monument 'vas raimei chiefi>- tbrough tLe instrumetaht>- of Colonel Undemivooti, e promineni ex-Con- federate soidier of KCentucky-. A car- oad of tieuvers 'vili lie sent trointSaran- nah, anti Atlanta, Newr Orleans, andt other Southemu cilles 'viii maL.. contri- biutions. LION WANTS No WAR. Bay-ard Beuda Feaceful News Abouit Nicaragua aund Venezuela. Dispatce. froua Amnbas5sadur Bayard thie govrnmett equimiug hlm to ascer- cala tLe attitude of Great hiitain la case Nicaragua ebhotilti-fî'use tu puy inîtemnlty indicateti clearl>- ibat, oliateven t.lse me>- hetupen, Engaîuuh nilI flot seek 10eac'iîtii American ternitor>'. No legs Uîgreeabie to tIie govrnnînctît je the'latesi phase of the Venezuelan question. lu n'Lich ibere ant. ititaions fronm tLe British Goveru- meuhtuit a disposition tu sablait tLe case ho &rbltratlon. Unche Sans18IirmIn. W'lile the Spanieh nsudtiHawaro iu ncI- dents ottrect mure attention front the pubhlie. the' Venexocleri case lit deenîcî b>- long otithLe tmost serions elle ii ushieb Ibis Govemument hos to deal. 'Thuis quiesîtinchlei>- oecttpied the Attetlion uif Preebîlpat Clerelauind and Secnutery GresLitai i a confert-uice Wedne8dov. il liý tinteretotti anotiier eblegratu of lit- struuimuus hbrben sent te Amnseuidun Bayaord et Lonidon. This Gavernmnu desimes ho Impreils uuîon Grenu Brîhain lis desime binit the efforts of Englanh luecol- het the. itdemnit>- temanded of Nîca- tilgua b>- tL. reccut British îîltiietînt sLunîlnttlie carniedte10extrentes. Ihit bubiereti Ambesmador Bayard'bas been in- struciedtieto earn irutithe. îurposeut Grneat Britain %'ibb be litcase Nicamegte refuses lu pa>- orer the $75,000 demaned oui eponction for tut. mistmeetmeuui andi expulsion ut Britisbi ConîsUl }loch. If Great Britaltu ticidel tufîtLe hpossession of Nicaruiguant lernitor>' or to seize the. cuistomi houses ftoeb..puirpoue of coleci' lig tL.. muni tiemantiedthîe Untied States îuili riew ur in aiun uts ut violation of uLhe Mionroe, doctrine. During tLe met-eut trui- biles la Bluelleliea, eubjects ofthe Uniteti States atîd Great Bribain alLe muiffemeti lLreuugh the utinecemear>- xeab of Nicama- guen officers, For thesle injuries the U'nited States bast alnîady mecomoti reparti- tien andîti aology. Great Brîtain nits net been mu fortuinat..inbu teling. The. quiestion t int ne1 te bnhcther or ntiotrep- onuitinth lutlehuer.,Lb ut oel>- as ho the usetbed ho lie adopteil in secoring compl- once 'vlth ber demande. CàungLI a "Fat" Tekl. Jouie Boben. a Boston prioter, Il l oua te marry Mis Theresa Gertrudie Buler, oui>- taughten of Ceptalu Howard Batler, tie Philîeephie înibioîîeire. Tii..engage- menu has beeti keiui e secret, lu les aiti, ai tIie desire of thte young ivomatîs parente. ,vite duoietisaon the .match. Suai. ta Lue. h. Mhuhtha. f'be State ot Misouri 1cm ittdanger of being h.'t vithouit citizen soliersiv ithin the. hext thrcs' niotl. Thie National Guierd of Mimxui mla m eions inanciel stmaits. andth îe soldicre are îireparlng tiîcir reebguîationîs. Woman tienge.! b>'a ?uob. Harrietu Table>-. cohored. 'vas Lange.! br a mob Petersburg, Tenn. Mie wa anp*td f ut mmm; tic- dwejUIg et Esylor bManbtall>a t.v sosîtso qta. WALKIACITAI BguGAR MEN U CAIRE» Clorilile OAier Admittlug Cuban ougars Fre-e DropB Ont. During the carly stages of thýe row betwcen Spain and the United States leSt j auner>- Scott Wikie, acting Secretflry 'Mthe Treasury,.rmade a rling under mwhich etîstoms officere tvere reqnircd lu epollec the one-tenth of 1 per cent. dif- lerential dut>- ou sognrs iuîported fromi Cuba, holding that that country- camne unîder the classification of a bOuu'ty-Pfl3- ing coutînry. Later. thongh flot because of an amicable and satisfactorY fadjtlst- ocî-nt of the Cohen firifi e4cheduleI, il je maid. bot b>- re ~on of fremb evideuce bcaring on the subject. Secîre.tary Carlisle li-sued a supplemental order nîîllifYing the Wike ruling, be hi ving learned that Cuban prodiiets niight be exemPted from the one-teutît cent added dut>-. The Inter order le worth to Colban u gfLr raisers about $2,2Z0,000) a year on tLe 2.250,000.- (M0 pounds of sugar annxîjl>- ehiPtied iu- to the U'nited States. Now. b>- a, Bingo- 1er ovcrsigbt, the Wike order eppears iu a reenut Treasur>- Deporrint publica- tion and the Carlisle nullifying order fale 10 eppenr. wherent Ihere is great Mara sniong the sîlgar importers who do not kpow what to mîîke Of it. HUNDREDS ARE SLAIN. HOW BOSTON COPPERS WILL DISTI'NGiUISU4DRUNKS. Aticuspito Ae*i aminate LI Hung Chatng Sunde' Fire Record-Radical De- panture front Ancient Cu toms la the NonSce OfCaiMnikn. bien to Wak a CheIk Lii,.. ComtiiiîtîCouncilman lJAne. of Boston. lis iîtrodtîccî a blll reqtieting thte Cîm- înlttee on l'olive Departînetit to conider te exîîedincy of establishing nt station- liotms @ orne ofliciel test or standatrd of Iibriet>- wvîieh sdm11 epul>- Ioever>- per- soit srreseî.du brouglit to a station on the charge of intoxication hefore Le le locked titiand beld for trial. Mr. Lane muid titat lie offered the order in good fiiitb. ound added: "i thiuk the test sîîotîld bceiLer to nake the prisoner Nvalk the chulk Ue or go throngh morne forai of spelling. lfhle îîtnahle to wulk tlle rcqîtiirethiiîe or speil the word. Iben tîtet slîotld h lîcsîflieit reason, to bloc hum op oun1theicharge of drttnikenness.' TO PAY THfEMMES British House of Contis Tertre 1,p Ait Tradition. Tire flouse of Comnmuns et Loindon b>- a vote of 17t; to 15ý-8 adopted the rcsolîî- lion offered b>- Mr. Allen providing for thie liyment of inîctbers. No more rad- k-el nîcasître trobatîl>-ho@ ever pasmed tlhe English lHoîse of Parliainent. For centuries a seat iu the 1louse lias beeîî open oui>- to Ihose iwho Iihdthe social position to isure a sîucssful canvnes and the nioney to eniublc them to lire iti a x ep1.4v . at of Londonthîe greeter :rt - ueiovear This Les been the. îrav- tirai situation outil tive years ago. ýN'e8tb iwu$ Ithe une 1t.i, Lc!è,-i;sa ry; nbility or poptîlarity %iînforatig for, it tuok a Lendsome income lu bc a ueninher of tht. Hoiise of Commions. The change came when John Burns Nvas plcci- cd as une of the members for South Lon- don. Burnes'vas precticaîl>-itie iret workingman-and a poor Ôîîe et that- to take iesmeut lu the flouse and thc pîti> ,hich leted hlm found tself cou- frouted titb the problemt of how is4 ex- pi-ries were ho be met. This 'vie fill- doue b>- publie si, hscrîptîon aud the need of it directed public attention tu tLe feet thut onl>- wealtiî uvs representcd lunlPar- laîntent. it touk long for Eughend bo do fmore tlin tibju about it, but ut lest el bill wuas prepared providiug for the pli>- ment of the expenses of those members îvho were uneble to meet their oivn. This bllII nas defeated, but h 'wast tLe point of the n%-edge and the fatlier of the pres- ent bill. TRADE' LOOKING UP. Indications o! Improvement Are-Ap* dUiced $1.(M0. 'hich n-ce the plin.',for pearnig Much Mione Distinctî>-. $1t0.MJOO orth of thue stuif. At. W'ood- R. G. Duo & Co.'s@'veekly> rerjeir ot bridge Cluristioîusouu lie bis buinthe ot trade en> s: "Itndications of improre-Lmnoe>-,as Le uedeti souîue toméeut hiiex- nient le busnenss gruuî more distincit. Tht. penises. lie n'vs suurlei.uel hte itîti oul> tire uiot ubtruieve oft Ieni, the aeotuihtire $1 bille, the. met beiug ordinar>- gmeenu îu- tuulvee on cotuifacutInhstockes. le e per. lenst rebable; nomr ean elther ut ibeme Le Botit Lendtords Lieble. saidtu t relteut actual inîprovement lu M rs. Belle B. J7rouuî. ife utf FrankIl businiess coundiions. tailron atiuaninIge Trut, a I-iuilay, Ohilo, inerchaut. arc scarcel>- botter andt tie'spectuhatioia in .utd Chiffomul & Gaââmitu, iinuuriturs oft largel>- bnsed ou exportation utfutore 4-f-the Cati. loyal, anu William Merlan, tecire monopol>- lu coal anti sume oltr ouner of tIie lremie. ftor $7,000 lest et tinodîtts. London n'es Luying langel>-, pouker iiicteCote hRoyalh. Thîe juiry'e- buti likel>-te sel] on eut>-rimi.. Cotton does turniet a verdict aloivitug her Th30. e hut ise beceuise there is more uematît case is cousidenet iminportantu. herinîe o for goutis, but ILat there le nuore deunv theut..joint iîîbilih>- of lerîihhrds. for goodH eraeanco utouî le deerer. More ralueble indichulloits are tbîut tLe volume To Cralsh the CabLan Revoit. of doinestic Iraie gains al hutie tnmney je Thi..Nev Yom rklerall'a corresne ntil lu mueh botter legitinuit. tîctn.Lli. t, iaud ntlaatîttelegrahisthat it i le eîîoed tLe force of hanoh itisatîîork graîduall>- lu- thut nt eus 8,tXX> trohue fniiSpialtinTil i-neutes hiîsouticintiustrie uî îîuhlu in tlums reuîulî Cîctua ,w-lite,,Iculuîîiis. >îlu ic t- jl; mestricîed uitl>-b>- tiir's, îvhich are lalioun wiliLeshnuiutued i l viîyiia. 'Thîe preaumabi>- tetpornaily." ' goNuui'imeuut le confidentitihuct the. troubles i Santia go uiliLbcum i letil>- eupnressed WAR ON SU.NDAY-SCUoOUL BOaKS vitî hinu o îvu'k îcfh-r the a:uniual o? tLe Freshytevicu Huard o! Pubictions Accoue Wishy-Wuasy Fiction. Calted Ont andi 1ýurdretl. The. l'esb>-benictuBoard ofet lbica- Irinug Justice, aIt huninuiii uîrclant tîuuns o-îs opucil>' criticiseul b>- tlbe Son- ouf Bellhi, Cherîukee Naijoli, îîui cauuuliedu n ilo> schluîulniselotulieuefutiit tuututnoîu- his dion '1'îisdor îiiglu ttir tsviiii hktiuuuîsn ihultioh libtce1Detroit se'ssionuofuet louis- I uou'u. îîho sel iculiîsix lies. I.illiu huum sionaîtriu's' luaunil h <onfernt-ue t.. va,. . iiiai vîy.-No clet. uthet'sss'.insluuhlun utaleulIhat thueLyit boo,us cacInd tracts (ct uu'tIufIîuîiut. setto tu he-mis shcuuinries fuir uiilis-i their Fie Nations to Go lto, 'r. piouncr Subbn v luchoucdc îîru'nii cleltuAuu' )ui sut' lti-r titi uuinîîSuî i 1-n îuli inlusotii-ll ses aîtiqîua te-ul- lr. M'orn- denndvsedtheinsginarem(i-ici foce tnouuu b'uJtcrs.Iî.u.. cc iiaut suer is poulei nul uil he 0îuteeîîu'es llu, enui hren-.te-uliu'i-'î'l hle atiîi huu-Argen- ~îcoî hit.îuvun oi lîehuuc Ile . 1h'nt'tilueu- nuvîli. huhci. i t th'iilts iIh tti a kedt îluuutihue a 've Sututi l> c-lîo l Irw naî jBoinia. l'ruîunvd --u~iun I ihua r>' s e usiil ît fi l s i ith -lîulur- us 11811Y fict-ion îLot cxerviei,'il îu uh- un Sirniogctiby o Pleket}'eni'e. îliziuug itfluenuce uthon thet iulcellecu-Iiul P'olk Ci'uluîus. u.I ii' l %va'gi, ns liber oetIhe -Lihd 's mid. fmiuic îuul uLeur u'u r -sille s. lKy. . hîcigitg uieun(itla 1i'utfeîu--'. 11e uis -lk huîu igtch Lfani Treasure Losu. betIunu'utwo niclkets anuiie Icluud ctron- 'hl"iuauk ic hbotîses ut It'llirittcui l tu, v 1'.dr.ul. Arînoîînihalt., 1Kan.. us-ri' uuuuuîucud $ 15t. 0)(X. fvll>'cort'reuh b>-iiituînucu. Su;uu eeBurroughs Siesfor Divrie.. pinsons nu-ee ecuteth fmronua hîvînuil îîc ec NMarit- tu ru-u uglîs au-Iruse. lis hIilda ieit-ii-e in Baltimuore. i. utebof thui, tLsultit for ui rircsc frontîu uis j'. 3.1accu-f. wnin cuîuwuihi hroluebl> lie of injuries. cia 'ciiug hlm us ilh i ujgl-'t and Iiidelit>-. Tlhre neptvrsorus îî re i njitînt-illteiftutIheni- fîtaly. ltair inlitheu'rci.ideuîueuitfI-red- 31ARKET QL'OTATIONS. uctic-k IKlosmnofi. uit ilnhitlhii. hFour fIlei u'uîîutî te lir lires in the Denvî er fulno(ahlcuinînon to prni î. hobel ire. _______s: 7ui01U; Lcgs. shipptitug cnulcs. $3.(X) Mrcs. Stowe'aî Mind IeGone. (1.0;sheep. fuiti1eiLi,,$2.54> «jî73,00; Mnui. Ilarriet B"eher Stosue. %iho le 'vheat. Nu. 2 reul 7t,54-cuorn, No. 2. iituîroechhig lcer 82d irtîlide>, huil e iuu 440î45c; utA. Nu. C 5'l2l: ryc, Nu. guuîiutg iveeker meuitail>- evu'ry (it>. uuutiî 2. SStîSTc: boter. u-L.ive creavuen>-, lorel, nous' iereile nerel>- a ihekr of rceuLsn nlui 11îcc; eggs. fni-ehu, 1iiilI1%c: icî lier ohlu'i brighi unut. She ile clîhicît blots, ter bashîcl, 70OtittS. anîd haib'antîtistir uer etîdiover uguiîu hnuineîîoie-ahbie.. slîippiîug. $Zt.00« hyînîc arbîeid in ber cc-boul diyc. scv- 575; huuge. bojce.light. 3(t50 eiii>- >'cre ogo. sieep. commtun hoPri-mte. $.004ýL4.5O; 1 wiîtt.No. 2 eu, 74(ue.-4]hc: urlu. No. 1 Kîbleti b> Their Stepfattier. Whie, 4.,45lXi,; octs, No. 2 whlite, 33 A neek agu tw'o young rohuru'du'hilulm- tuij:i4c. itimed FinIe>- tisnpiuecmet trot JIlUt-1 St.' oîl-ath,$3.00o«Al.25: bîogm, igitn, l'a., anti nu trace coulti i. fuutî )-Wl0@.()O; n'bît. No. 2 mtd, 733tfiij,4c; ot theini. TLe ipolce bécaen 'uuucî urNo. 2. 42(f -"e; oets, No. 2, 301U lIn.>hled eeuu murtîcret b>- Ibein itl- 3 4 ne.No.2.;OCur' fether. Charles htîngo. Theo Loies if Cinicnti-Cattle, $3:w1î35.75; hiogg, tLe cbiltimn eutioe tlîonouv lto tIie river. ~~ti.);eet.$.<o.5 yet 1 tIU5.038uashepp.t-uiMt, Ntï.. 2 îuujxe.4 Ftill-Blooded Cheroke.. Hangeti. At 'fablequtih, 1. T., W'îlker Burk, a tutll-bbuoolu'uJCheroke. .tht. - ltyer cf Joulîuueuuu I tees.usas liaugeul lu>'I hi-lff htitouchiniiithe pbumnilyuard. A fier luiîg leut het guhioss lue tulketi for a liait- hour nrotetiiig hile innocenice ufthbIe uitr- Acceseti of n Blg Theft. Freiuiott and lSlon MCoL>,bnothu- crs, n-Lu have been lui lb..enîhuhu> cf the 'U7noni M iuig Cumpany', uere înreseu ut Ciluple CreeL, Colo., on tht. charge et lîaning stoletu truintheîLeouuîmîuy îurng tLe laci year $50,090 to $100,000 wounî of ore. Traiipa Tea n@tare Robbers. Tih. stage unîtbug be-tuveen Ciecrible ant ilIIICreeL, Pa., n'as bel.! ui about mitiway betureen thet wo places, b>- Ibm... mten, suppose.! ta bu tremps. Pire pas- seagersi, uuvu vnuen acut dre. men, 'vere reliereti ut tJuL-r uamey,emouontng lu 0<4t;tkc:c oats. No, 2 mixeti. 3l@j32c-; iye, N,. 2, 73Se Derot-Catîhe, $270355 ogs, $400 (,iA.7Z-; sbe.p. $2.004..-,4: 1%i hent. Nu). 1 urhlle. 5 S c':onu. No. 2 vtbtuiuv.44i4 cul5t,2c; 0015, No. 2 whilte, 33Q14u-; ryp.. N.. 2. 74545;c. 'I'uleo-Wheat. No. 2 eu, 56ry5tflý2u': corn, No. 2 >elon'. 45491et; ontt. No. '2 n it.«*iiyç;-tc; r>-e.No. 2. 4lft' l-tiffnlo--Cattle, $2.5'0h34Lt0; hugs, $3.00 Cà5.00: slîeep, w3Otf52;uleai. No. 2 miii. tMittoi/2; corn, Ne. 2 >ellouv, 5SOï 501&A.; outte. No. 2 whte, 35-1't33t1c Milwailkee-W'heat. No. 2 spring. Mea,~ rt6ur; c'urni, No. 3, 40-5;ont@. No, 2 'hte. 31(32c; harle>-, No. 2, 52tW.-ic; mye. No. 1, riu(tielie; îork. mess.$11-.75@1 12.125. _ Ner York-Cnitle, $3.00(4rla.l0; hoge, ob.0~32;seep, $3.00ü.5.5'0; urbeat, No. 2 red., 010_42c; coma, No. 2, ro2@5ac; unis, wite Western, 17ff1c; butter, creamery,. 15U21, ~egp, Wsautr. 1 WRO RAS THE B04 ASTOUN DING SIUORTAGE FOUND I UN WHISKY TRUST. Victoria Potice Si pîrees a Sensation- M Filibusters liimy >oit Florida'e Cont-1 Hitela Iii Pence 1'roceedinirm lit the9 Orient-Secret Force llchind Chinia. 1 'Western WheatCrop »iaeuuwaalucgaad lu Other section@ Not superlative. The Cincinnati Price .Carrent &suMnIar- izes the crop etuation-itr the past week es folowe: "Wiîeat regions twent ofthtei Misissippi River are repotitng cropa muore digieouraglngl>-, but other aetions about the samc as previousiy. The weather is preventing scasoittble growth. Tîhe average condition bait hardly been inaintailied. Iow supplies are aiment tîiformily reportedl. A fair suppl>- ut cent la rcportcd lunman>- sections. Oatà sêcdrnng bals been delnyed. but n large a'eage lae coitenaiated. The week's packilig of lioge îves .105,00. aginît 237.(.M for the corresponding week last yer." Figures obtaned front the bulle- tint of the Statisticien of the Agricul- turai Depertiment show a stendy inerease in the. wheat supply of the world for the past four yeers. The annual yî.ld has beetînit folowm: For 1801. 2.370,M0,- 000\Nu;hels;. 1892. 2.414,000.000; 189M. 2.427,000.000; 1894. 2,590,000,000 bush- el*. Notwithstanding the inerease be- tween the. y ars 1893 îrnd 1894, the Uli- ted States inds itself writh a shorter sali- jîl> ou lîand Mareh 1, 1895. thon ever beforc. ST..LOUIS DYADFALL FXPOSED. Falcc Nininir Exchangre Operalcîl Se Bettors coutild Nt Win. loi St. Louis, 'Mo., lîaîwr lire preparedl for a ci,,il suit b>- A. toyer igititist Thomans altîh nad Louis A. Cella, pro.- prietore of a *"fike" mniing stock ex- chauge. Itoyer saysiLe discoveré b>' ttacculent tha thie qtuotetions wcre manilîn- latil tîs twonconceneld <oiftedrotee., nmaking it impossible for bettîîriçt,, wtîi. lui suppîort of tuis statetucut, WVilliamn H. Mitchell. a (arpenter. eeye ithn .ýw.a employed b>- Walsh nad Cella tb biil.! a raieildplatfornî ti.ln suîîtheuf tlîelr 'exciienge" at 20.13NorthL (4h âtreet. epon this. plattortu. bMitlheijsasts. direct- 1>- underthie dtiunit t ýtiLèr in thie rouf.ishrt.. e mt a mmnwlhlî à type. writer. (rom urbuse nmîtuiijue i. îp..ex- tetîdedIhlruîugb helIteloor and ticker. W heu dî.sireîl. eletre signale scer- iriven fine, the *"lîrokero" ,iove and tht. fig- tires 'ver.. prinied tlu&suit. The p l.ce ls nos' î United Atter Many Yenrs. Tuesday uiigbt Sains Main anid Sarah J. Simpson vvere uîurried at l'hilippi. %N". Va. In 1863 Main, n-hile a metuber of the cotîfederate ermn>. met Mise Situpson ihl Phillipi and, after a hast>- cotrtship, thie> becanie engaged. Molit i we called away. 111 1864 Le agnin caille to Plillippi vvillia (onfederate detaclumpnt, and-as egain Lurried awny.MesSitupeon. who nieyer married. heard iotling froui lier lover and tnourîîed l m as dead. maiîîl she ri eeived a lelter froi nt ita feu- tîeek-s Ne Bu>-. Green Goode. At ltallwey. N. J.. Jene Christlenson. of Cleveland, Ohilo, 'vas relieved of $1,000) PececNecotuiationti Retanled hi3 the Aitenit o n Li HtuntrCanî.g's Lifc-. Therlît' s luulvu.' i .1Ihuvîg t'114111g su .1 tuIu to 'ltîîî i I L u îu'e tu'ciiul u i-c Nlim cr dlu t L ti ilutiz licu--unuîî-'1 fomcî lu.i-iee i> iiiyeriunry t lu lui. lotit svul uuuluffî-n utgru'utlh>- ini-n-:isu'ulsiuîu ut tliutui'asuicit-iiiity iîctu'liu. Il jse li iee us'.Ihuit hiu'-pene iit'iiutiuui isul lit bce sut c'ulu. tItinu'eviilitly bu'ivg sMoine. su ntitu' tuufoce -elifîul tlulîîu. I tîuî'r lîlu ('lt-ullcllluicsîuucîtiutiuuliu uilile14- o1t îuuuu'ul tiielyî'>. '1uiulue Juupu riîue usutuculusuuc lu. o u-uite t,'lutiu-k saultr- lcis utîsculitheu'forIets îIlî u f Muuu l'Tîuuucu he u- i'iîg luu'gllatit t1- ii luik 1u.1 lusticuul iîttil :" in tti'> tntuiiî Thince Chiltirca Creninteti. At ('hîîtleuu.4>uu., tLe boîtge .Ouutuueiuu by 1'. Duhhan rd as buinutIb>- liii mesuting ut r a hsuu.n the t'tnirîra>. Their ir.' childrnm ire l inte ulppr at of tit. busîe a nil nr. Dulla d ruadi î ushu îhunouglu the flanies. lie seizeul the balu>. 1 >ce r ubt, ktckëd ouut a îsuuuîoîî andu sI.outtito tie ottier fouir chuildinuin tu jitu nuî ont. Thireec 'liltren uuu-îre buînîîcu- (.ertit. Dolarth. aget 13; Michacel, ageul 7; Alexandler.,îîged 3î. Johutn>-. egeti 11. jîunîueul ount itie itiuou, buît 1le80su hui b>- bunith It reuovery le doutbil. phoebe Eniraged to Fuir. l'LhochîeCouizituseNaYstht Bile was lut- tnutheti to tiruehotu Seutitor Pair ii Clii- caou. in 18113. A new clutinianît to tire du-o.uId 4eintor;escttte isnîlegeu tueliant. luicj i-t iti-ere'ulnt On kbîttîî. Cuu i. 'tht' ou'ccuîuf --î'ur-oht htht'l Juituhs, . ho, it le claintet. le bis dauuglien. To Cane for Olti Muids. A bilîl ias introduiceti in thre Illinois licousn' axiîug Lecbehors $25 tunnîuillh>, ibu--uuîuuuy to be used ln builtding and uis- uaiuriug an oIt tnuuhtisbornîe. six Fnlsoucis ait Lhbent'., wAt Font Seuil, Kan., six ]'nited States li.imttcn eteapeul fromt jalI Sunnay nighi. Amoug theni le BibI West, tLe notorlous outlan'. who dtihberately iiot ant i Llted United !states Maribal inne> un, the àlrt uinMfautbt Indien Territor>-, o Chiarge* AgunitOmeers. Jîigglinig i i vei-c'ii. 'ii,'ul'l h"Ile bouksLoesu cto itlke tî u ii.î-e tI'h îes- tioilemt liîî l iluistosingti r tn-h cuir>- stock to inee e.t huli ti vi tig ildis- onptti>tf $1 .924,1 20 . lire Ici lie ihîci rgcsA aigaliiel ie titj-- ers t îan ildr'ir futI lle Distillii>- uîîîh (att!. -ieltgi'îvîuv mode lu>-the. extierte îvbîifor llîirtY (d1ty liant havir e en ilgi i igal luthe lu'i ticirm ur tîte convierti lint 'hiicigiî. Afttr :uilii h siiet Iii uvcrluiuîliiîg tli'he books oftIlte whisky trust. Lifte'r i'xlî tiuig ters' êetrv Ment is iL ht soultitentoi h tlî n i liglît on the<' iiuihdli'ih îuflii rs ofif l' iih pu.ay tithe etxpuert. ili. uiiîteh y hi e l -i uth tout le reviîi ol i i Iliii t vil % to-Ilî"i e i(lle the sbiîikhlluers e i-nr $2.K intt t he <- mutlt>' iiirltiuu I loi I ire scilil ty it,'lr,,i,,.ii uunthe îj-ietii thlit sel ces. or I.L'î u lot Soit o jl lue in- stihtîu il, l i'-ii ir ili' lairge Pontîuuuîi uf %duiich liv hiî i -iiîîtrc1leg.41tohe ti li- Mt-li ilu ll l.îuil uîpîîliih- n sit oftil cî'il- feu uîî'iulv('l Rei'-ver MîNl ,A t- torney -'rri-k. niîi monte' ru.îrcsî'îuci vis Iliigu's uîîîcîîi 1 i-klilu lioisluit and tIie reeîîlt ci- 1. in- Ih,, fini-siel, huit t lii'ri' lit lîtIle iii lîh hiit a lhot iglit betwuetià the oi llt interî reel ut thle Itrush jei ito iii iiieut. E er>- incinlier iuth e me- orgauizai ohici iriuul lue îî itîthe rem Un théii'olI rei-gîvuli't, Il" tit'ieh uici gorge.- 'j'Ili lilil > fîîr hhe '$1112-4.120 tua t lm vîlus,ýviiiissuî g res stâgle1 cir ui Ihthiose to 11,110M the :-,' xh lnri'. of stu'ov î're slohld ah4.î .u'îteuth I iilinr. 'l'lie î,îeî %%,ho luuîîîgiîht thi ici cu-k vare, ilili alleired, the oflicu'rs viiil -ihue t hle COutpa111> svho w0ere uirî'u-ly >reiîisible fuir h lie ail' nîiiigt ru t iîfiî ts haefiire ai thLe tinite "the trick %o-islutii îîe.' CUBANS G.ET ARMSlt IN F LîRIDA. Revolutlun.uh yacht Seen Loanding Ri- fles Neen Weet lPeigu Beach- A luir>-of uit~ittrs hiritige tîcive Iii WemV 'I!ti uvîB- Iî., lua.. duiît a filihlmer- ilg crnf t %ilitsi:icIhesh it h eruis heutwo-en lui-r' auîl S:uîilllt. '[IIVY llcii>-l"t hlu'>' u-ltii' uqîîîa ltîilun ofI>- u it îutling îoff in a boui îu ut toil o l i.1îi 'v ite îtillinî tllmuLtILatiii itîîi -uus. 'lut.iiitiîi ncru' greal * v i Itul t.lî-ilîslN leitheoftIle hîîîîlers :andulroivu'ilroilii-tl> it h' iue] 'hi'iuh ilutglass 114illîîuuîl'rs s 1"11lîtî boxes hlt-il uîî tIlit.eî.e'scii. VII. lu ali tt l . iu'i liil tiî trerist'rr-ih Ilie Mniu-ul iibu'r-4i-uj -p lii' t-» i b t' i .1 it'iti.l msîu-aî.I iti'iut>- e.uîiîh. 'litiliîvtî'r, jcgztu vîiat tin l isu.reu t i'.-ci îtiyî. I'îu (Ilîg 111lit. il't. nidid u.iiirtie-l a lîlu>- iiririow huix -li-11% iN fitîîîhlu -PIc tuili uf i Us it îîî tlut ,i..e. 'f*t l iae îs Iur"thle discos-ir- u-s tîii' - - l. .lul-Y dml-Ptili'Ih pont u',iaeh. ssliiru'. loit tt'for uuîti a ci-.rgo if itîîrnis îîtigut Il-lîiieilh sitliît il'htrfi'r-iiî-i. lb jes iiii theL nrîîîs i tru' sli li4l ,tIio i'r'lu iiil atloi sei"'y Ira ifrti'nuli t, thli. llui. o un' I lthei i'.(4i n uic Seuil-'h. itlvtturs lire liuuitidetît ti!nt té. 3ll i. %vilii tt'e eiiiîl]. 0tCii- hi cyiliit iulil'ul . Fe,siae ic clie Ca"eussaSeosît iii. et l'ictoniai sud la Matrnvl lîY lP0utice- 'l1'li(' Viecurili.iB. t'.. 1011--bu*'d-l'u c ilI tî1cît Ilýinliuu-re w' liPt ilnhulu fuir lîi"stni'ut O\i-ar, i, o lI i ii .iiisl g iîl l' i l 'îliiiiulionî"i uvii li-cl> îvilgrîui-vL. .st n -i ulîitd.e l ru'jîulitioiu J liv r tîu.î i t'i iti i'il- sciuli i uîiitil vt lisi c-ilg ,-uit . li. t ( loS i -iiîu' tî t ,. lu ( .'r i iitdI tir tv i - i tc vil lii h .' Iivliii %cinrvriiulusli1 111 i .îl ilis . -11 ,'l rii icI .,.uî t ,,i -'îu shîîifu,rîu .ji- l lr uîiir lc clti- o Iiîh'l. lujici i i liA -i î-îcrt loîu i iivi -11ii tht lip -aigi' if i nî-uticig i4a tiirbui li--'-11il l lire dl,cirilic. CHINA NWILL CU.DE NO> SOIL. FLAMES CAUSEOVElq Mlilwaukee,@ West gloellé trict Scourged-Half a cantile Firme and the ýp Rnati.Lasers-Lues lu Ch"'~~ The Creans City - Louer Greniidavenue, the. lO.i& eet saidle, oft Mlilivukec, waq Par>- Wedneday torninbofut Ohî" îîîîsî %ériîois conflagrations lintdia, f theruity. Tie tireilethematout sice the 'Thini l Vard enid )i't. 28, 181)2, sud thee EIla1ty niticeut spectaele for the .thiuu illed the avenne sud watched it rouufling buildings. Tbera 'vere, bol ui-kily. nu fatalities. Loistth îe Piankiatuan .t* Tilt- I,îîildin6m ouunued b>- the 'etate ucrpe latrge brick st eriîîg'hsaffa block, 0 aaupied b>- & (Vio. wlîolétitaledry gouda dl lie Teann er i 'îmnîl.atîy. ftmnhttivt ing Lonulatir é ' ao. ho the east. thon ng it theu-nof utLandîttr & Co., Iuy tit'he îla îeStortige Coiupauy* te librar- building net1he. nortlîw4 fier tif4tli stre iit drand Inveaufl. estiîtc 'vilI suiffer au lues of about on file hiii ingse ocupied b>- La &-. &('o., andthe Itelian J fige (Vo., whiel ,weri ypraicti4iif rhey ivere îîuî.lly ilestriyeul. T an<e fa itiet is ehiuitateil ut SI>pe wihwioulal tuîîl.î'the. Il," the lu riulîianiu.s lire'10 bear apifi»hu lait. t ilialnt striitetuire alone Mîîlx Iatîjihîur4f Litudear & Co1- tlt- stioL -îîrrriejî ettlireleut b>- hUa 'vals îîlil uft $14X>.tMNX), and b. -orriil îaiant >sLi)er cent. "'a uni lil wolild maile the actuel losof ThTi lannier i Ioleens swa lit lus- abxout tto.)UO thonich nu oft the ji*oui.pîsiy -ould hi.foîîud to liii> ai-euite i tinliete. Il W55 tl tIi. fîîrîitîîr- stocukiwas iusured f6r 75 lier i-eut, ut Ille value. BIàg Clothîer. lirera !Out. Th'le lluîvi(liîe ite 'ves the ow »Or the- buîildingait :313 and 315 Grand il fille. oiteihte.ti'&î'ipart oftheii.i» tont iîailditîg tliant %vila oacpied DY théj mrinîrer cuiîpany anîd the lMathellebu4.u. itîg. Ini thihe i'retait bouse of MoaiS- & '). inîj lî Thîe onl>- oecupaeu*of,, tLe etore-ruuotnm lu hie builîding lvet* ling & Wani[sîld. retaîl clothiem' , lu their.- 'vin'e atî.îfiaithin uthe uppft isât- ofithe lui sthiîri'u. Thlicstruettîre va. 0 if fratine. 'vîi. îuilî-eeen of! iir'. 80lb. jre iiiîi'rnt-rit.-rs iay. finit vas ivorth=B.- mme lit thetiie. T'Injeuirance & saiî' to f-i,îl 1111iion..uh$15,000. Bari;rîîg& WatîilitaddIbldjufft recel a lairge i-oîfuî:u ii'itu prlug gonds. A"i tlt-' etiir- sfi-k .as nî.lase b..bilding w-es liiet. Villltiil.'-tii'uguilde the. uoek Waale woviil î$Iio.tti) or anie.,no o»s ede. iîci'tej withlîte fi la i aremîaileblýeli- pfa-il>-*sial. T'rîiî- Itirance '-as aboSt $7i.tN'.lli'-Iel& hteilnhart. art goe evîîl ,i-Ir'fr.-iî partiali>- burI111 ulit aîîî l wiek îh ll>- rained b>- bou iuud et ilîr: jngtirnn-e. t,0 YU -' ith s.ire.-t % N tiirtelo,$70.Tb :art'-îe i iii itlîr lujsses, iuc'lig Ktiir,-e andl tintai. - THE BELL UN FLAMES. ui&a Clothies' Houuie lu Chicago OSau - itsSecond Fîre. lre i liitti-rile'.I mal, lires 5 4" c-tiiil ciloi,.,oft$17t;.15)0 brokeofut* ' li.i--oi-î f t ieltî. .l clothjng s tore, 9litt é i iýl Qu ii -ý 51 rî'î-ts. t 'ii'îgo. at 30 - 'i-ui- ~î'îvi'sîeyaflernUooii.l'ho Eu1w - lu lt îu~i -ci ii l nmi eaîrîr alhI* , cI r iviil. t itirnne t.ion10OW 'ill. tir. .îîuarlîtîu-îfr the ftomme "d riýti,, eleirive>'. with gvlt r.'î iî I~ cIi..îîI ngb eni-Ii tfthse f111M Nlîiîî~ .. :tl.iv i ithe vîpiter fçm rîî, fi,.- l n ilttî u iîîîus aold acre*tuDXd - lîîî luî-p. Cljcvr!i-.. IL Stu.îh, a malesiupl il,(' .î.iîc ittIccir. i-lutîil o no t îf a Vrie- o tj.v - Il,'~viî,. slr'u-t effe. and lt17- iluu: le)i-i iti Im ligi oft c' îriiiea-i'tos ti st- prt lîjîtîil iiout lis blanetce atîd fefftil Ijl, sil'î I.ladly cîruilitg bh fiee. Rhtu-lcril Burnis. n 17-yeair-tld elevator 1-Y. difllîyî'îlgri'at lrsîîeof min&u wuulien itli'lt-iadorai îî e given Le mati seUe v-ulor tt h.. fî,urîb fluîattîd led ie mer- hai l. iii,' i l,. . i.,Leep)eriq, 10 ithe. aivil Icroîglit lier menfil>-li he igrouo&d o liir.' xlîia- (neil. Miss .ieuule I.av>-, lit(- on liir îîthet.irait Ihuor, tati bel' (!ýkoi a nsort ifitlzltfiîrm front wblcb a stiair j l ,.îltii icscciîîiifluer. Shtel'a fl tIil- Ouiir :LitI]I hnuigîi ManagerCurits oti'.iryii g *"ihiî'stoîre- inon tire," s.le riî-he-luiI th l 'i'îtir lit tinte to catch l*it (?ii itls it tripu uliît. 'fhcn the trais la t jî. liit, î,îîerîte-il by electricit>-, teil. aiv til oli <lvît tîr ('(u il le runno longer. A~ ci tihîtiulaîl lii>-t. etofthe JBlell t 'l,,I 1îg îtili uuînpay eaid lthe value of the sîioik ili t.ebuilding iras $200,01. sOB& tt-iiî%% liait li'. cuîla]leartit the'dama&g- %vas iii tbc uîeighb)orîiood ut $15«O,0t, lie couligive rit) eccurate figures cun- î-ertîiîîg jit tice. utiiti îd Lie tlioulbt' ,]w. i'uîuîî--rti .-erried $7.O(l to $VOOw tabc li-stchuk. lice itvid, 'viteflot *Ut thlut hait i'urered. .Iai'ob I. Coliin.theîlenct! of the firela,c lift hfîr New York Monda>- atterbtocau te' finieli buîyiiig the iejiring stock,.lMe u'AAc i,îfîrnîed h>- teegrapb of the fire ad #e-, ttiriehto ChIie(ngo aioncep. A serlou1lb "- uii-cured in tIie sarne buildjing Aa«. ý ' lesat. The loufe on the stock et t't, vîe$113.000. The lus on the lidtu oas $5.000..

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