CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 2

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- a ' Q pAD OC PubIlsher. i- USEITYVILLI. - ILLINOMS »&L TROUBLE IS PAST. %«ExiCO ANDO GUATEMALA ARE AT PEACE. Camard Coaccmning Greshams - Elec- loas lIn Chicago and laeiswhre- A Pennuylî'anla Juage Declares Againat the Bible lu Sciaools. Boandar>- Question Settleal.' The Gualemilan bIaaiidr>-question la settled.* Presideal Diaz etfMaxico bas fermail>- signicl wtilathe Guaîeaanu mninister 11e ofiiaial alcumeut avlicla pre- vent h ie tbeaîtceled pen ruptlure be- tweeîa Ile bavw a-îaaalries. andalcongmratula- liens are lacaîral ao ail siaaeau for tuie stand 'tgkeîa th1e liresuicl, l"oreign Minisee Mdaiic-a anal Mexiaans generaîl>- at a limie fulîl o aitnaagerRaiîl mnace lai the na- tion's saîfety'andau aignit>'. Thc officiai ini- farinait iona onm t1e aai4-nalain queastiona vas given un t'eîaeiiaeaa's Miesage liai- fore Ilie sa'aui-mî iiili Iui-ang outhle ses'- eeleallth 's of at hie anational coligrvss Il la uaaalrsla ul thait uuteînaîia il silIce tenider to il(cx iol diu ahog> fuir theinr- ouIts effemea litait mçuiitlic anal ailI Ps>. full iniiiitly for l issisii litteil ilîca Aanericaan aîd :alcia'an iu hauaa atmpanliwri- ers aI Agitai Azul. GRESHIAM '%%ILL STAY. Report tha e Uc indo to eiailaI whulay Cunrme. WVashinsgton adiaiiitala: Waishingtanais a ia th1e mialat aitfaa ra ouit itas. "llî'lat- est is abai ISaelmu r r> nsuinu i4 abotîa z4eaia-frontaithie aitiuic etunagesu' ila ii prattice oa i huand luuî is isaua I thene i j us enogb ItIa hin il to arrm>'a i nlîaîiîug . ail supamuloîaable lie. Thi e ala'ie-inien ftrtinmu te Ibat 31air. (Gri-clnuais nîaau unalueven hba been ini lova' rill aWishingtoin. anud bus neyer heemanI t thiglest pains ta <onceal thue tact trontalhem tnienula. This fact las beia seizeai uaaîaaas au hasis ton the untriniadly misignatioli clar-. lthere in absolutely îotliîag tbthc staory. and it in. iamuel>- la-as ailsurd t lainau ualal lieaa report thal lîneciaicat ('levneîud was goiîîg 'te resîgu. 111e relatioîns bteee 11e Presiaicat aina hit; prenmier aune nist aor- dala, aadner linebeen. CîGa'ae Ci resua- am lascdoser i11e contideue etflis clief than an>- chier cabinet otli'mr, andiai woula i 1e difficaut te imagine ai tondition et affaira arising betarcen lai thait weubd cause aniaofficiai selaanaticum Ictere the expiration ofth11e Prciilen's terni. RAIDED BY WHITE CAPS. Tennesse Negro and Hia Wife Forceal to Whip Bach Ot her Unuiercifal>. News han Ison received a waiahite cap raai nean Martin. Tenu. A negronaumeil Wil Metlock, ta-b lires on 11e faima et James O1ve, asas ai'eusci nt ai hate bour at aight. Wben liee pîeal 111he abcr tas-cia psasked men filsa liwote cruent. anal. aitb- out ceremen>-, proeciîed te give 3leck a terrible whipping. Tlacy Ihen maade tie megro whlp bis wi-ue tmerciftilh>-, anal. la turu, forre liber te wbip bier hnsbaid. cter as-icla 11e>- bald the negro 11e wouhd bea ivea tea.da>-s lunsablah 10 eace 1the xielghborhood, as-lUi tbnecîs cf takiuag is lite If 1e faileai to iearc. UKEBLB XLLEGA.LY IN SCHOOLS. Peup&s>'vaic Court Relis Il, Prea- ence Forbidaien St> the Constitution, geranton, Pa., 4lpatcb: B>- a aecision oif Judge Guaster. lau1the Waverîv borcugh sclmeol case, tlie ncadiag cf the Bible lu the public achools et Peansylvuaillailamai-- ticaîl>- declanca l ilegal. ta bis epinion Jualge Ganster ssid ibat denomiaatieaal rligions exerçiser. anal instruction la sec- tarin doctrines have ne place in cur sys- tem ofe commen scelil educatien. Tse>- amreinet oun!>- ituthorizeal li>-an>-lat commun or s4tatuten>-, but arc exl>messi>- pa'ohibited and fombiddena la>-unr enetitu- lio, 1the funalsmnlal aw oait he coin- Denocrats Loue lu Chicage. George B. Swsift daetealealFraink We'n- ter n lathe 'hicaigo ma>oralty eaileait b>-a inalit>- cf 41,(M08ini a totail of ami-I r7, 090votes. 1The entire Itepaitlican Itiket. vlth 11e excepîtion of a fera gang aider- amen, waa s sccesefaul. Wisconsiclihose Moore, itepmblia-an, for suhîmeme jîdge; andl the Miehigai State Itepaîblicaîs ticket, vita bhe Third ceaigretisioîaal district, la safo. Iu Wisconsin anal Michigan muni- euIPRih cections, ne ver>- sîarthing resoita are neteal. Howgatc Agfaîn Indîcteal. A Washinagton aispatci a eys liant Cap. taln Hewgtc e bs n indicteai fer ah' legeal frauda en 1the Govemaneat dariap the lime lie waa disbaring officer cf the signal service. T11e auca indictiments are liane ln namber. One alleges forger>- et A $4,000accouaI aitb 1the American l'a- tSm Talegraîib Cemany>'luti 18T9, amuoter charges embezxlcmeîaî anal 11e third talai- &catiou of accouaIs. Takes Ria Rnuaaay"Wbfe Hoei- A Penileut avfe,lus finda asierîm s0d outrageai buîbanal ceaili'a nt'an t0c Metreplitan Hoîclin lu E>-ia, Ohli, Thuesa.>-eveim-. 1The man avais Tlaai -PareeLofitPitt1abtirgr, lu sean-lu itfbis s'uuawvite, who el home Iftrmuh S. Land wbe vas kuown aI 113>-mi a ashea vitfe Of CYrue Marks, a bridge baîllaen. Je efd three ebiltlrsu aheîî she deserleal Terme oaf Peste. 1 . A dispateh freon Tokia. Japan, Friday, ancuîîed that the Emperor cf Japan hadl declared an uncoaditionai armistice. At thesainme lime, advices f ront Hong Kong, China, annotinccd thail the Chi- îaee wcre bombaraing rai.Vfi the cap- ial towu of Formosa. Advices reccivcd ft St. Petersbuarg frein Tokio san> that the decision of th1e Emiacror of Japan ta declare an unconditiouai armnistice was greati>- due ta1the extreine indignation aroulsed ta> the attack upon Vicero>- Li Hong Chanag. The nevs that ann încondi- tionni srmistiee al ba ben deciared b>- the Eniperor of Jaanî was eouflraed ft the .lapaîîese lagaioulnt Wahington. iilfcre it ias stteal ihat a cabiegrain to this effeethld ben received. frein the home Goveriameat. China mnade the offer of armistice, and the pleice pieîîipoten.ý lines of Jaipan aere eînîîowered b>- the Emiacror te accejat it wlthoaal condition. This was doneliti view of 1the unexpect- cd cvetit" that lîappened, viz.: Titefit- témpted fasfssinatjon of Li Hung Chang. The armistice, Minister Kurino, of the Japanese legation said, wililho effective ,ii the pence negoinlions arc conclud- cal. As the inilitairy pjower offJallaut duriug th1e wnr onlstniîiad the civil: and as th1e aran>- ins llshed îith victor>-. doutt la freply cxpresaaed of the <io)vernments abilit>- lu enfonce thc armistice. To lacet tbis eînergency a olaag f aran> coin- wafnders was retenti>- made. BEEF WILL BE COSTLY. Price Soon Will Probably Be Hlgher in Chicago thon for Ten Ycars PaI. I'riees of ail kinda of loctleaili tbc higier lu Chicago tis sumier than thcy have becai ferria'u ears lifst. says a dis- patici. Eveil th1e bigli lances wiic were imalle b>- sorme dealers dning the Worid's Fair perîad aili tac cxceedcd by the figures asked for rînets, steaks. and chopa from noir on. Prîtes hiave alrcaîdy advlaced labeat 25 per cent.. anan adîlioîaal fa- vantce cf about the saîme proportion la ni- iost certatiu. Thccaise of thiý ai th1e short aupîply cf catlefoliowed -b>-the nccessiar> ilcrense i value whieh forced dealers te maise prices la consumnera. Whiie the prime cause of the advnace la the scarciîy cf choice beef catlle, fl! kands of meule havre gene up parti>- tbroaîgh the senlimenîs. cf the apeculatia'e market and parti>-onan ccount of the ln- crsased demand. Al Linide cf beef, frein porterhouse te hashamin't, are bcbng sold îîow for froni 2 te 5 cents a pound higber lan a nmoulu figo, andîapork producti; cf ail qualaities. from pige' feet to bond cheese. are aorth eonsideç'ably more than the>- coîîld be bougît for on the inat of the ionth. ASSETS HAVE DISAPPEARED. Union Mercantile Com pany- of Des Moines Under Suspicion. The Union Mercaîntile Company cf Des Moinles miade lian assigument Feb. 1, i% hen the liabililies aere gîvea at $W0.000 and assels $40,000. il bas developed that part of the assets have disnppeared. On mnotion cf Attorney Collin, rcprcsentiag Cudahy & Co., at Chicago, President D. 1'. Green was italien lie court to answcr as te the ahreabonla of the company's bocks He sarore 1e coaaid tell nothing au tu thae irm's affaira. Other officers pro- fessecd a like ignorance. The books eau, net bc lraced. One Dondly Volley Enough. Six men who tried te rob a fast Uroîagh qpsetiger train on the Cincinnati Soauth- cru Rond, nieur Grcenwood, Ky-. aI 2 'eiock Wcdncsday morning, mnade a mis- takle which three cf Ilîci did net have tiais to repent. Thoir Intentions laad be- coule knac arath1e raiiway officia, .se avbcn the attack aras made the threc arincd mnasîowed awin thla11e express car opened fire wilh lftes and withont unneeessar>-deloy,.nand uathIe tirai volley lbree of the robbers fell. The tbree otb- ers took fligbl. thoaîgb bbc>- are supîaosedl to e 11 'aunded. The atlempt to rob tbc train wns arçade etah 1e sentb end cf wbat la known ns tunnel No. 1), wbich la a mile nortb of Greenwood. The signai to stop %avas given and the englacer, acteag ainder Instructions, obeycd it. As soon ne the six robbers werc liu sigbt the fusilade began frein the express car, whcre T. R. Griffil, superinlendeul of plice of tlîc noaid, was cauiicaled with tir e b is mcii. The officcrs diii not wait for au>- expiaattoas. Tue>- turiaed loose witIl thvir rifles anad aine mna feli aieaaa. aiaother waa s o baialy voundcd thaît he dieadli in rt'eaaîoaad aanitou r la'r. aand n third lies iltG reeaaaocad tvithoaat aapa's cf recoeary. Th1e Ibrea' aaher men shot hack utth1e mnaoin tbe train, bhtait noa- body-. andi thon batook lbenaselves tethie woouis. The îvork was dole nc eqiicki- liant liard!>- a pasacager kncw wiait laid taiken place util the expeution wfl5 over. T1hie train vai ite înlycai ouy ton minautes, and rcdched Chîattanîooga on lime. 1England end France. The ministerini statement mnade la the aHousof Comionsa at London Thursda>- nlgbt tbat the Britisb Parliament regaird- oit the dispatch cf the Frencb cxpedi- tiens te the Niger ais an unfriendi>- art createdl a profouîîd sensationi. Special significative attaches lia the avorais cf Sir Edwaird Grey-, as lac rend thora froîn a a aasript in te bandwriting cf Lord eKimberle>-, who hladsabmittcd thema ta f a11uddenl>- summoneai Cabinet helli par- "lier la tbe cvcnhin bHarcour'. nmonfit r the Hanse. Labcurchere corrcctly ien- -pretaled th1e îrevailia feeling cf 1the meffbhra ln describiîîg the minigiterial stalemeat as a menace te France and a quasi-deeclaration cf war, and il la feit t iant saîcl a tone would net 1e adopteai la>- the Governanent ainlons mildier repre- sentatiens laid falled cf the desireai effect. ToStop Illegal Liquer Beijing. Illegal ilquor sclbbng lifie long lieen infl important industry In sî.veral of the mina iigtowns aieng the Mesaba ranîge. 'J'ho STORMY SCENES IN THE CHI1- CAGO COUNCIL Doingu of that Body -Hucten thie Enf of Anton C, Heuiug-TradeConditions Iniproving-Fightinst Over Couni>' Record@-Wtelcouîe Bain. An Ordinance for Sale. Th1e unocricus gang lan1the Cia'ag'î Commîîit, sa>-s 11e Times-Heî'aid. Frialua> iiighit pasacai 1he Couîmera'aa.i Heuta uai i'aavr ordiaance. Arrangementls liaid aei lande te pass this crdiîiauce ian lue ai*I thuaI11e Ogdcn gaie nnd 1the Calaiai tan* eleti ordnanaces aelt thnaiugb, l'at they misanniesl eîaing tethie bailat- iliîigÇ;f Aid. ?lutilauh- aaho bad chi.arcait the lpasare. Itlmlegeaierall>believea l lei parties taho ire iaeblud tic Ogaicagaisaima 1the Coamopolitau are aise b o ethae belle- ficiarlea cf the Commercaal. T1he 'se'ssioan asa one of 111e mai81 aisairda'nly ha'ld b>- the Couacil for man>- >eitrs. DEATH OF A. C. HESING. Indignation Ov'er Itoodie Ordînances ,Hautena Hie End. Aîîtoîî C. Hesiîîg, ursidu'at cf the liii- lais Sliaias-Zeituîag Comapaaiy-unda fuir laiea'thain thint>- >-ars-a u liimall filial4 aeihae figure in 1the apuic nuld]îilitical affain cf ('hivago uaîait1e1e Wi'et.ducal ia liîralysi'i Sunala> morniîg at lis hlîaaa' lit i lasee'îty-tbird yeair. T'r i s no ra-man taoil aliulît li e aai i is liartl>'alle 10 exciteaniat aninuli ligiiaît iunaiiaaseal ta> tie passaige cf the Commiierciaa Iileail aiid Powa-er rdiiaî îîabia'thea' ti>-Cou ucil. NIlr. Ilasiîag iiai ga'eal>- a' aaagit ail, e"r thla adopationi af ibis s u aua, ainad exîara'eal lis aisuarovii of it inai sroaag lilaigaiige to nuiii>-of lus frienias.Thie aut nit tif lis lite as a'ditor cf a aîa'aapraais li arile a.migiacaatricle iiileiiaed for piabli- ation oaathé,1e aitorjîl lpaige oflihuiliaer Monay amnoraing dpaîaaaaiîailig the auier- mniwtaacvol-ai for thea' aananae as bain- ditti anit apîîeniing totehie îia.<île te pre- serve their righaîs ta> force if iîeeal tac. Thea'article wase vrincabeîafarc 11ee ent tai bieudSaitanda> nlgbt. hut Uie effort, it seenis. îbausteai hie vitalit>-. The manu- script aas folinal on n table in bis roomn. SHOWS HKALTHY GAIN. Trade Improvemnt Net Basefi on speculative Craze. R. G. Dan & Cao.'a treeki>- rcvi'w cf traite ea: "Signa cf iimrevemeîil ire ail tle more satisfactor>- bei'aaisc iemîler :liaomlbiiieai nain appanrentl>- proueliî'î.ai la> îsiiecula- tire craize. Deatilgs in stocks. a-ation flaid eat are liot dir'riaag ali tie in- terexl aînd capiîtail frein prodiuctivia'nduas- un>- and egitiuîate traite. ihoaaglathaî-e iîrodaucts are ail ai shadi' streaigen. But railroad sarninga, bank cienriîîgs analilu aistriali idicains are more eimearaginr. It is n remarkabue 'nture Iuat 1the lift' ing hhis >eair begins aht1theIliottonils) ta, sueak; rais malenials are naiscai befaire thiere is an>- langer demnufr their iai- ieied prodacîs, a thing îîct eflen alune taith saîccess. Ries rose. tlaci leather, laid then sboca; cotten rose, andal aler- waardssme cammea goeds: coke was id- vanceal. andal fterwarde Ressemer pig. Iu ailtlaheee cases itla~ reaisoneai tbat 1Iia' larger demanai for counaamîticn, lbiaîgti yet wanting, must couic wheo it is Sea'îi tIat prices are goiag ui)." A COUNTY MEAT WAR. OfficiaIs ef a Missouri CeunI>- Getlolto Trouble. Il is reliortoul that thie officiais et 1lhiuut- gelier>- Conal-, 'Missouiciar a l lae saîca fer ulanaiages otienet taitllfiall> lerfwaraitig tieir daties. 'fberehb tena Lut t ci'auuY seat tr for somtelinte tietareen oa- guIn-- Cit>- anal Duaville. But 'alcia six aveeke tig)ithe1e mc-amas s'ene niniis'a frouat3Montgoimery City-. Siti'i'ahe'ru-- inoauîîl mais>- peopîletiare geliii to lau- aouat-louneut Oani uIt t bivta- aql' em- cusded. but Iheme a'erene)aaaî auia las hoadi th1e avurk. Thcy teok sinssc aiti: diina an asl itis tinaicriluou ltit thela' ,t::aiaI i- l i te sti on tîtir bond,. St. Augimutine'. Bigltiemt Fime, At St. Augaustinie, 1-la.. ftaia- siu resu- du na-a-,s.reand ,theiu lir buai ldinlugsi aaa. tîuîîaa-a b> iî'a'as iuc'ha -as s fuatia-al la- i trma'eioiie s Nimaul.iîutafour latiuns 101h fullltL asiia a to'nde5l' a ala-asa and lînul- eri> auîthla$21 h.itS uia nir-a -Ail ftlhi t'alaalia totrot-i i a iiig ltesi- au tll ftm'uu thla F"ort tua Banaiadauti-a' uestnuivi-il nus sacre te tlic li'aifi at oiselaili-ffait s llaiceal tlare ton saîfet>-. Eggs Tbrown ut BIrowne. l'lue elacarmuteai ra'ormer, Cauml BroaNîue, %vaie reuitedai aia heaer cf aggs ual Maissilon. Ohsio,tahule dchiva'miag au addresa on bbe acckeduucss outhl eaaing citizemsienlugericral aali tle goaiauese utf Cari Bmr'ne lu paiticaîhar. 1The meet- inug came b nu airut lendl. Bhlne's tnicîsislireaten relalialur in seiree tnai tbe munaiaipal camp~aign is, theretaire, likel>- lu bewtrm. Suspectefi cffItobber>-. Sey-moaur Jacsoen. cashier et Goubes' Baink, ail St. Enisenadai, huxco as tîen îîrreeteai and a inlujaiuh on ui hiie et layî- iuag robhed the batik cf $12.500 ona Msfrh '10, tlue samne migbl of 1the buliic robhom> at Itivemoils' sbippiug l office ait that b )JIuce. No bail IR Paiccept(eainlia Meikco wh 11 e c-haargce cf so grave a chamstter. CConsumera Pis>-thecInacrease. Fchloioaîg the adrance c'iliaîalmiila' msade ly thse H. C. Fnicke Coke Coanyauu> iii tlue sages cf ils clu ple>es ia tie 'aon- îaelvilbe region th1e lana-e cf funnaiceCoke lias bren aaivant'ed 35 cents îacm toit îe tike effeet ashea the icst- tuii ca rueie oeffect. Btate OfficiaIs Arrealeal. Reinhule lSalierttLeut.eiant tqovrmor of Nevîadaa aras armestedi)'ci a c'arge cf embezzlemeut. The' cbarges urere lpre- ferre, b>- a stage driv-er bunSaabia"s em- lie>, taho sBays that 1e behl baick mone>- lha bsidraarn fruinticeGoeemmeut. Sad- lier ls under bonds. Rain Falls at Luit. Illinois taas lau111erai)stormnSuada>- anal gel drenc1ed aIl over. Th1e sialer Slatos, Missonri anal Iowa. avere cnt iu Il aise. Other efth11e Central anal Nortbern Staes get partI>- teb>- the raîn, wvlach vas se long anda sxiontil>- ataiteal. Thiîr BoditesBacal lun One Gr&ve. Thfe riaiusa of George Klmîg -anal vif. avens bariha oeegrave nt Bird'a Bye, miar Boston, lad, lias>- bd pasceal Iheir Mld year and their golden jblîe et matin- &Do">- Passeager train No. 54, 1r6n Moquatain Rond., wlaic l1f t Pepiar Bluffs a: 10:35 e'cbek Wedndaiey night, waa held up at Wlliansville. a station about twenly Miles, naitla cf that place, at 11:30 e'ciock. As th1e train îicared a loue>- spot a short disatance îîontb cf Wiiliamsriilc snoiense pulled the bell rope andth1e train came te a bail. Two mcln, one cf wbom adaia neai haudkerchief over bis face, and th1e ether a mask cf black malerial, forcelà thc porter ut 1the point cf revolvers le ua- couple tlie englue, mail, anîd express cars frein the train, andi comappieal Englacer Mlatths te rnî a short distance np 1the trfick iilli 1c. The robtacrs Iben pro- cecedi tle îeexpîress car andi onderàa thie messeager le open th§? saife. The Mes- sa agen informed th1e desiieradues tbat 11e eculai net open th1e îhrough ouf&~ as 11e did net have the comnihati>n. He opeued th1e local safe, bail Ihere tans no monO>- in it. Meantime th1e niaria ail beeli giv- ou and the citizena avere armis 111cm- selves. 1The robacr, i, bcaing: fright- eneai. Jnmîaei from th1e train andiailm tbrougb 1the aaooda. Before 111e>-left, hcwerer 111e>-secureai Coiîdactor Webb'@ golai waah. Il la beiieved Ilial1the belai- up waasthe i.rk eofifarmers living lin1the vicinit>-. Siierlif Itaagg aainiîincil a Uisse andaistarted nlu arsaail ofthe roll- bers. SIX FISIIEIlMEN DIlOWN. Many Newfonndland Vlsbinir Bouta Cnusghtlunthe Liste Gale. Cajt. Aîagrove,caf tic Briiish steanter st. Paierre, fraîna Nearouulil, ra'lsarlt»sev- erai lasses ini the recelai gale. 17le schoon- er Cairoline aaisraftl d ar. 1The crew bare>- cscaîaaal aitla liair lives 10 1the ice. 'lie scliociier I.ouic D. wîîs ruishedi anal a.a.nk: thc cr'w avas sareai. The aa.liaaaaier Ray lest lavai mci. Fra'îl Iix andul ou Itose. ,Jantes S5miI a ii bis saon Williamn liait off traîna (ouro>- lua aemali laitaaat lai lake scials. wira i aaaaîil ha'sea.afrein thei shoire.he ailid clatg-al andi arove tia'i off asliore anaat li- lie niain-aen eaa.or heivdfroiatsiîaa'. WIXAT M'INEY 1>>SAY. -Net that He Wou . d Quit th1e Party, bu, that Frec éSilver Watt Aburd. la refcr'cî, i auicthestata'ieiaîabat Gor. McKinley said that 11e avaiaîd aecline to accePt 111e lîcîîîtiica naomainatianu fr Ille presideu-3- in a fri.a.-Siiva-r piaittorîn. anad aroila ititihe larty if such a plat- tom avet iadaîteal the faallaiviîîg le given ta'a-u b>- aaîe of t 1 taîernor's liarty:-: Gia. >lu(Kiahe>- id ga>- hat it-1ewoalaldc-ie the nominationunoua t ree stilver pinîtfonan but made no tbrcnt atbout qîiittiug tic .îaarta' 1The Gova.ruor nregardsle t alk et th1e lepaîblic-n uairty daeclaartîag forrt.. ailver ns absurd." Will CrumsbMebels. TIhe Spainisbi' remiier, ilemir Caniarna dcl Casîjill, in na iiterview' at Madrid, said: -*'itisela'sa ledeî>- aat thae situa- tion cf affatirsli(Cuba imlagravre. But itae Govemuîiienl is ileriiiiead lu aicatie imal ters decisivel- ibis lune. %Vit11iîîtiie nî'xt six moutls 20,000) aeta ail tac salit lai C'uba. andi. if necessar-, I(bi,O(> i ruaila wsiii ho dispatcî iit riler lu eccui>- th# elitire, disturbeal îitîary." Von Der Abe tu Be Trlsd. At St. l.oiis Chnis Vonî der Abs. Iht lassebaillmagnate, siîas beld to le 1Grand Jury for .liooting George Stephangen. colored, oun1the nigbt cf Marrb 12. Von dem Abe auspectei i'tephaxison of haviug hî'ca oue cf acrowd cf liegroca abo huai licou saealiiug tnent1the basebali îaark. Poisioned Her Fatber, Cora Smillh, toraneni>-a re-aijilcaloaiti Moines, boltsaliailias is hn'a i Oîinaluî sîin'e ifat Septenaler. avais arreiaiid t hî.re aud d liken tl esa. Moi ia's Frilaii îîîrîî- iaîg. Sitc confas.aal tlali ing aagis ah-ini ni aiieri îg lia'r fiiae,'r. i kr. si alla, aul Des Moines laiel Ma. Arreat cf a Iîiiu Sasinfler. laitrryL. Dais i. ila'ela'tiled caiîlr %vas arresa ttiaI Ile l-asti allia a'ntait uilia Fin ony iii 'îîilaiuiit of aa via'liaiii Na Yoark. Daa as lias bii i 'a"i'l'tIira, scheniŽ'a iiiana'bv lia' lis ai la. ei'a i 'a'i iii thivagai. St. Laiai Ciiaaastian id other Talices. Feara for a Stliecuer. A ta'elinag aaf iîiasiaisu.a eleg-iaiiaîaaa 10 a'iaiii oi'ar men'iiiii 'iilrîig ainalas ait A a.oria. Oren,'a ,,'a(riiigtli'Fiiau lia: rk Caipian ua i 1 9 ays aa.îI fnaîmi Ii v eell ti a airgi of ltiti tan Asthana. Faumil>- laionial iiy hCuilnx Ciecse. At 1355 aod. I ual.. DI uai a'aa ai itnu . %ai i ' ravid lita le laiughiaa i - îa"aiu - la-- a lui-ase n'as nîa ure îaanî' t h tua hiuî. i: s juoisoîia'a. 'h lir ie a'rili'alt i -'laly i li thuaugltal I i uIlImai aill i la. Relesig fromlime M'nt. Stp. Tu-av useîual. aitthue mn iaatI'hai aeiculla la4 tiimsaindeai lis masignaîlen '*o lte Presiaicit. MARIKET QL'OTATIONS. ('bicage CatIe. uomiiton te prime. $-75 te $6.75; hogs, shiipîing grua-c.m 1$3 le $525; sheeh, a. ir te clice, $2.50h tua $5;irhaalNo. 2 reil. 5"4e' t0a55v-: corna. No. 2, 45e te 41;(-; culs. Ni. 2. 29vu te 30c; r>-e, Nu. 2, 55c tle;Ca-:butta-n. ahoiýe ceme>.20e lu '20%.c; cgg. tma, 11%t4~ o 1î2ca; totauosm. tain botai. pem buabel, 75c' tua85c. Iiiiaaapois-Caîthe. sluiîaiiut. $3 tua cuamon le hprimle. $2 te $4.75; wi'eal. No. 2 md, 5Ut ta 55c; coma, No. 1 whtite 415c le 4(Wc; cals, S'a. 2 wshite, Mic te *34a'. St. l'oui$--Catis, $3 hu $6.,50; big-.. $4 te $5; wa'eat, No. 2 mca!. 54c te 5..'- cora, No. 2, 42le ta ev, u'tcis. Ne. 2, 31)c te le; s'y., No. 2, 57ecte 58v. Ciacinnaai-Catlc.$3-50 ho $6l.25: image, $:, le $5.125; slaeep, $250 te $4.75; as-et, No. 2. 59e te 60e: cern. No. 2 atîxeul, 48c le 49c; cals, No. 2 musaI, 31W lu Z52W; r>-c, Ne. 2, 5ee ae1. Detroit-Cattie, $2J50 t e .$6.25; hogi., $4 le $5; aheep, $2 te $4,75;, wbeal. No. 1 whbite, 5&c le 59c; cern, No. ý2 yel' bous, 48e te 40c; cata, No. 2 wh-ile, 32c tua 82c. Toledo-Whent, No,.2 mcd. 57e 10 58c;: cura, No. 2 yellows, 4.5e te 46c'; aie t. No. 2 wh'lite, 1Me tae 1W; r>-e, No. 2, 52e te 54c. Ruffalo-Cattle, $2..-) te $6.'0; hotus. $à te $5.25; sheep. $3 te &5.50; avbear. No. 2 reai, 60e te 160%;e: ornNe. 2 rel- loav, 40e te 70c; onte, No. 2 twhite, Z'uSe to 36Ce. Milwaaket--Wlit'at, No. 2 sprng, 56ec le 57c; coi-m, Ne. 3, 461e te 46%e; oatas, No. 2 white, 32e le 33c; bai-le>-. Nio. 2, 52e te r4e; rye, No. 1, 5U e le57c; park. mess, $12 te $12.501. New York--Cattls. $3 le $6.75; hogs, 84 le $5.10- aheep, $3 te $5.50;, wbeitt. No. 2 red, 4)M e e ; 1r> No. 2. 50e- te 57c; cita, vhite Western, 37c le 41e; butter, eroiamer>-. 14e te 22e; eud, Westemn.12%q to18%lc. AWFUL EFFEOTS 0F A BOILER EXPLOSION. Michian Goes Republilca-Fantou. New York Hotel Goes.te the Wall- Fatal Forest Fîrems la tie Soith-A Mother Regains Uer Chilfi. Badaien Cal cf DeuIls. Just lefona'-6 o'clock Meîl(aa>-niaraing, oeeorfthee loiia'rs ilit heons),TaîanerY, la Wobain. iMass.. exiloaied arilb territie force, kiiling ive andaliîjariîag six otherst. Ilieme liaiîubi'a'itroubîle wttai h1e bolî'm for seule tinie, anad enrly tibal îuemiug John Parka'1, tcremuaî of1the tlant,wis cnlia'd te th1e boiler'r moaili l ase if il co;uld net lie ixed. il avais faînal liant the avaler suîpiy couila i tat lae amtisfiiatenily adJual- cal, bat Ibis aas reiiec. B-theIintlie th1e tahinen' ojaimeaifuir 1theda>'it'aais thougbt tuai thei ouler avis aili riglal. Wheni the talystie avais ilaiitae tart thse avenke, instaîl l>-vae %avis ai fearful ex- plosiona.The big irimuta sinimank o im e boiier uaaîîîae avis lîhîaî'îî lighia iîtle nir andltai aursi lia' naîtoaithe ii llî. andîa th l ia'luibricu-atIî ai->' eyfi-l linil la iaiaiî îii'c's. unaîla i aag lia, ilagilla i'macu lalauth il. W lîa'îthima' suiiii ai lioa-i-t aara ila 1'a uiaa ilacele i' wrua lai ul rain ia me &- t'ail. ilta;f'::taîîîil liai (aia'of the lto ti lh-e iaaa l"aa tl o a lia laiea's. -'n-i iîleia-.a ainaa-k heîa lilaaaii u'riais. a leau iiaaliilinaig sive'iaI las114'-811>- Y. The liîî'aîioftahi' tuila-r ta'11 2iMtyairis frntitale taitaa'rv m:i(a]atimabilIana aibt-aýe,eacr tl- ta-reu iii vuv'aI-yiiemai i. hallE FOtINIli-I1R CHILi>. Mr. ". îiec- Laantr Scurcla ltwariled- Baiy- NVssKidnlumi'l i> b is.Faîber. Aftar i ltuia - ars'-a aiara'la. t-iiiiling fnaaiaaaiiii i a',a:a.i , M rua. Uijii- ti o'af sailia. lsaia*l iai l iai'aat i er la-m ali-i.!, Ual iiaiwjad l~nl ia tuai-1 ýiitti!b ilii S. Saiuiaflarv ai. a .' ii a aîliaaailiag tIi. %%ulh'iais graiilate lii,- raiaa i>- i h thae aîa1l> ilalil, a 3larila ila oisiaia ciaslil-yhaI lii-ia gsivm-l b.liiiî'iuirt lai cal ina llreaiil . andaalit i riîig thi'last Iss t'aarisliais arasa a-la-ai alnaîs it'e tiaîgab aîîîîl lara'aialliofatlia i' 'titu ir i 'iial>- ara'iig thei boiyii lm, ais. 'i'.Wlianre (iiic haI ni' a iîiîl etra-ana l aii 1111,ki- t i llîîî. h1ie iais lia mn'aial a ia-iat liait -ar>-- hin i-aialu ta ierîniIijia! brs. I Itit'lias nuiiiwd liar lwal tiian i ul u-i l.t> >lirai' ti'ally 111mailw îî'lissMi.m IaIPIILICA S INN. Wolaerine Stule Chonses Moore for th1e lanareme ltencb. A il is.-lfarlatriaI lai riit. 3 a'1,saYs: Tua he 'îitilaliaiiialiais,-i'iiraii liai' Sjlua'. bîat lamairavlaiîil iiijiii'il3' yfraaaîalaîst talîs li ilaile,' iîa' n'a irais an naima'iii W il vokiag clit aaass traîna ii ei- ata'ar i ti-. iry m iat luit i lait iit molare'ti ai INssi- tiins ait the îlai altiýti' liais l"i-1'ii Illisit il îîl t Lat t flii'auaitia liase ff-ii-i ouaî lt'aallaaisIali >'iiiar's t-lînmî ii ai'i at liat .1yalge 3ii, ' faim j,- iai si ail.' aii -ii u'art sa'iiilaas.' na.tleia' titann :14,wM) nanja ii y. 'hefluamal Tiiira is.ic tira, su laonig m-araf-siainh', lu t alri'ss t.> J il iiie 4 '. Bautirvm.e. a-'is ,iit- as 3aia-.ltî'îaîalîlîa'îîîa. iay iii-aimyl.s' 1.' oitnia jairi t>- ais-r A. MN. 'luilîl. fia i.ii. ANOTII 1R ISiC, FTi lAILS. Victoria cf New ïok CIOsc'a Ils ihorsî andal ViuNaît lie Ibepeneai, Thae iasi of atheiii'ia-lairiaihal-. lau Nas la rk,. as lîli aluiedilsai[i,x>rc ait li laI iiglit Sciailta>-, im lai îata- a)fit ialenesi. 'rîaire li nuia îailitia blat il aili a'i'ir lai-ails hauts tîgain is a îlalla' re-rinl.Il liai luiIîî-a-îmii:a'athela'lititkaia îliaiotlis iii lIm- w Ila i.. htri-as uDlari uiiiiaiig ils lai raia ii' inîiiahhr-sîan aot lii ' iita-al Stita"a, iihiiîia' ti lliiail" lia iiiilai' f a itaima - aiîîiiii'aarîs, a-isi-ll la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n of'aiani iugisili-iaia ilin i iiil ai: iîiia iliiiii. lim'iiaiîl tiigain lu luse jiai I rutagc, abhai iai >eair aigu. IIURNEIS IN FtaIIEST FIllE. flaraŽe Fiitliics Rciaorlc'alinuSuuuthcrîa K enucky>. 'fat-- hi i-aara' nî'larta'a ii 1ai,- i.-'î has't h>ahe i,-hma--t tira-a iia-arIm lt-a iig G l'u-a'i. K )'... :111duoi'a inia ari iuiliuil' ~Na-an iaila'.iIio- a a'i urat fiti- a'uaaaty. abuual'at auwrasofitliiti'mliais t l>ia u'a liaariala-in. 'lhaioîtî-a ait q la-ir>' M'1-r ias Smiatha al alliesui'c iltcn asv-a ua-i ria>'a'ed 'h1w itaiilias a o'nîauiua 1 'as, htoi la-ar>' Lier ta as ti i1>lutirai- i-i, aiii ul a a-ego ta mi l ia ui i-islm-dU thlii-ltr tua isa. Mn. Greahame MNay Relire. Aaîuh har va a'yai'nluhea' a'iiua-t. il la rai iiora'a. aa>'c-ur vta'i ithlei lex ht es- aa'la.Sa'a'ma-hua re nshii nuis thefi'cuiiialh salue is ailaîl i-a!, ii ij, ftainoaitay> ma-Iira'iuua't. 'Thea eusart mi-cula-c tnuauase- crus h oftlais alosce' ria-nuls. lai iahuaui itini suaiid lau-,liasîmorea' lIit i ouua'a a.aîaniica. lie de-ire ttai atotuahe lauhamiica- itof nif uset lu ailu,' h.a-î'I. Tai Law Conatitaitional. ThetOhilo Slauup e t'a aurn a u îl'isiaîî lri tlîe casa'oaithlei-Chiilia i "l-u Bret-ig ('aiahun lao' ait im-iîiiii. vii. Joha Haiggert>- hehl the laHniti' la,*inx law aconstihasticîaal. Il nasulti mes tua. t ai uaa- aInera hto liait furi- niin liolhathue av inaaterihal diiish-aI îîrealua-biii lama uaillia tbie liais 11e nassaael ii aie. Poiaoued b>- Toadaibeols. 31.anal Mrs. Mairoom, iv iing naar Ce' manche, Cal., anal Iheir gritadc-biidmca aile toaaaitoels. asbieh llacy aisteoktonrmmsi- reeme. Ali lîec'aiîîcvu'ry aick. Thie ahild aiaidMm.r. lnnooua dida, aid Mre. '3laroua cannot lire. Polîticul Prisouers Freed. Herbent Aaiaîuîitha. honte secretan-. tau- nouaced lanlIme HIlse et Cemmous ait L.ondon that ths Irish polilical priseners, O'Calhagbau anal MaCamia, bad becîs re- beaiseul. Etîch liai servei taelre >eara cf lis terui. O'Ciillglanase>eigbî ha gciag fais1. DiebI'. ieirs FlidGela. At Shamokin, Pa., th1e hein 0f f oe rnaa DiehI. an aigeai bachelor et miserhy habits, searcheai lis laie resideuce unid fiauad over $4.000 bun gohl. aluver ndacoa. pýr ceins. Valua ble Records Burneal. Winnipeg avîceas a>- Ihat Regina, 1thé capital et the northwest tomitorica, bad a mont dhatrous firs, 1the court boune building, *Iuth ail the valuable territorial papers anal libraarica, bebag cetapleteîy de- stroycai. Tise boas oa bocks andb recorda eaua.-drbç atimaiteal. S<uRoue il -Thougata e .t" M tion-1Haitsun Scriptnres-Ti ' Wéu aolaicu Text-.'IJo.T that cometln lathea îaum Tbis lesason la founud lb and an sfor l. subject, There bas boon 1con tr3'," lhiers ababl bc'aolb» i lbe cm>- avoup, aiiwavint "ilogaunal H aab Bleueoallai 1e that ceutielila i Blesed bc ho e klugdom o et 1 Tîmat coeîelu l the naieeftbt Housannîa in tbce11ghest!'" Andin lt1he nel;t, wheu h. -Iaudm. 'Ever>- arealaîre wihl la in hcf Anda on1 the eîîmîb, aimdi nder the Aual iucliasaie in lth1e soi. Aîad ail thiat anc lau111cm f lsiand finallizom, sud 51017 andg~ lBe îîîîîa lii a itIta-lb apon the. An iii] uîiuh1e laiaab, forevera4Me . Anal Uic sure pieomisecf)'11&il: I'Lift Up >-aiar beaids, Oye gates, Even lIfitahin up >'e overlnsbng dor Anîd ibIs King et glor>- shall ee #ý Wh'1o ile 1K inîg cf glor>-? 'The Iard cf liuta-be lanliae glur>'." Awn. Ev caais, came, torilJesaîs! - Have >'oii gnîaîts tu a'5c1beotW0' Chirit ? hleaiiaîaer that balni mo S111 chapli-n just îanacédiîag sLao iraI eà awa>-lis garment rose sud l Jerus." Hav' you donc it? Drop thing anal corne. "'.1be>camae T Jernsahî'îuan(]ai le 1ecros. v~f Ihat last week! Apuroxinaitely, frein or lla-l margina, given 1>- lnsîiralion 10 thîls lait iftb cf 3lntltiw, a tourth ofet mC tiurd oif Marka, aîd 1the haIt of ,7aômi Motut cf Olive%, saisiofith11e UeJO troua tali-b 'CitIuoked upost" ÏN uana'lapt. At 111e fout thon, lbeùÀW Gethsenanuewha're Christ *wop t o' Cit>- but faim a uscmbd. Wiue-prest.'aW oil itell efincai aas lîcre expressc. jesua knew il ail. Ba-yundalws OshuO iiad un il even îaew leo r SavW$ #$ th1e cuiles of a cross. B'>-eud bl bu ing multitude lie anar it ail. saw it a"In pa'naitteal himnmacît Ius to e 1ld. lit 1 more than knoainedge; il was love. Uq M delails bai kaicu, aual iitia propbo eys. "Xc »hall findal iCuit lied. whUuW aecer min cat." Gaad uabo bail p qMw the manger fer 11t heavnbr'l has ready lIais méek beanî et burale.iL arbole araallen shood auaaitingr, asuIl w Ibis spectacle. Il waiteth aud ri sîil la expoutaihion et ariother greagcv "*Sa>- >e Iluat the Lord bath'mc. h1m.', Sa>- il again, Whuaî arelm u moans et coaveyance as eue b>- u5 emerge andl slanai, lied as It Woau waitiîig. but alcil andl vebkle be traiitem cf 111e divine blug a brnaging lu cf 1the Kingbomn. oftAz4 sîîread their garmeu n te 111e i0h51 hare been a beautitulad .* iag sighI as 1the jubilatbng pa'asE grosviug as it Caaie, waiund ils way 1the shape anal acrens. the rail.. a a ,laai-îation oaith11e tnae Wb» cm>' eyes»aall se i'ehm. eter>- kmich anal evr> lonîgue canfesa. Be rca#'ý il. "Anal ai>w'-th1e a-renlmds urp. %%n n 0h1 tlaî1 i>- s-lth11e rwhv iis4 pîmferene with met of10w C5utto, s, evenîlde stilîl. aad be in avilabbthe Anal a'lliar eccalage avili conte, 4" Mauik. t1aak aigbt. Afler lmait a 8lcali 'Ahlide xvtrilanie. 'ast talle thet' entihe-; 'i lie aiarkaiî- sdeepi-mis, i , rai tritia uneaial.' thinte and Ilustataion@. Ana aii-al traînahliai-la'art : "Let ta ra- iaîm iit." l'an (anae the people got I vouai tua' caiîit aifth11e chaud and i'rtd tuai Phlaiisece. 'rhi'>- tamie loes, avare. aad fim oeabriet bruir spoko tb.'ý saitia'a' h-iiiiage o ettaia' sanla. IN glaîl iaela'iiiu temicei8 aith11e cil>- s i svans liai-rua' andb 1ropen tnilînte ef ite tonaîîa-s asi.Il iastlîe wa>'alne sboaîlalhîa e-ceina-al the Savier, th*wd t wouîl haire r-ci-ived tim but foà,e liard sin aidmai ifisihaes. But lest f5f monment, a glorious meament, the. dc, sentimntm, ofthIle humain beart spoke" For aouhîles il waqaisnlapart Ibis s multitude arbicb an-J "H*Iosann,» tb day' or tvo Jute'r avers bowling, , à lia-heal bauds, "Crucit>- hlm, «W4~ 1iial'" ickhe, changeful multitude. "Thoau manybeauded 1>-aia thina, ( h waould choü oe t .11> ku, Wbat wsas the trouable? Maîthe< h Il lii the ausarer thuil aaa given of 4 pieople touIthe cager quer>-.*'Who in. Aad 1the multitude sali. "Thîs>i thc prouahel cf Nazaretha of Galilie". and notbing moe. Net Lord &rmi. çimpl>- heachor, prophel. And a@tt!- 11e>- ta-smoalraiys alaybîg 1the - Pcta'r's confession 1.-a the real ;tri laIt'>-, 11e beantgat-'s tlarown vide- anc th1e Christ, th1e Son efth11e livng Maire il. yoi-rseif. 9 It lan111e office of 1the RoI>-Spiriît t ns Ibis apîamchcaaslen cf Jeaus and t th1e lart'.abceste reeolve hm. ais il avere or face fronu bina, bua* splnit-moveai he la 111e i-bief tbcnsande andl the eue aloge-hê Il cal>- the Sunda>- schools of tvaoil once igo cnt lte atuaLe ' tîje Klag! Wiy net te-day? te

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