CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 3

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ml ai$t fîlè bo rtb 'fint.. Tho plses fait. Tho bert w.i It swings out toward ail our wores. @toile. The soui flie&. Deed, and outalde It swings ln toward the raptures of héiiv- the rk! en lit swings lira ltas ns . It swaings 1 have no doubt that deriglo» kevt many out to tet our mtnisertng unes cone ont. Peple ont of the ark. The jid iaughed Ail are one lit Christ--Chrisitns oun earth lti en a nmr go ir and said:, "Hiare tn a et ot Trouble--end saint.sitn leain mari i tarttng for rte ark. Why, there wili 404.regiins;Liféhbe iîo dettige If tîcre ts one, thant mis- Ole arrny of (he livingG fd, erabte siîip witl iit weather itI. ,ha, go- At hi@ commandl uni'hou. iaag toto the ark! iVetientht in ton gondai l'art ot the itost haveI crosKseu iIlie flod, to kee1î. liere, feitows, have yoîî limerai Ga ellgi>And liart are crossiiig uoW."tire îil'vl This ome ngotig too Ilc ora~to . l at ail times wn n Rse oeotl11 ie ,kf ilrti rilr fsoi h etoq'isnt. lihellr oe e Stg r.tise Swouing il g ,t tue ar oa ?" e'nl' uttion artier3dt.eul ~'ilh, twhenvr ho îmalles ('n th sIIîgit go ia rnît i te. Stî u îi 105go eoîtogicahd ork of big sermni Dr. litt11tt the hoavugis coule forth bo ucilibraite Four of tieri8iont. tAip 0comtamîiictuîîta) iî' victon-. Alidso i hri' lireliiniiireuis kettont by1 eilthasiatni ho hioisectt But, fîîrthart ii a luor wi(h fastita- tîe fear of iii rsiî,ii. 'lttcyotiiignioiig asias mele tie gospel invita- mles.Tir(. BiIilte 5a3 il ot Noaîh, "'lThe' Lard hiliîîîcf: "Wlttit wo'îîd they say at thei Bunday afternooui. hi, but himn, i." A viési withoiît l,ilwaîrkis store lurnînio' nîirgiig if I shaltil le- ebect "Tite Gotspiel Ship" ndai o uw'ildl ouI ho a sale îes'tIl, goî 'îîo.* et('hristan? î? When 1 go down lie - ce that crowded tlt-i New ii. W'hei Noaîh and it s fagiitly iîîaîrî thet !ien t hi,<tiiiiase, t bey w-ii sott 'Ibmr "asin fulsyiapatiiy. TheI'i>etatniîgig tffie ituar ut tige raia, t103 virei' 'uis thent noie'Christiani. Suppouse 300 ywg# euets o i.18, "Thou ve'rîiy gltaîî. ii'sst tîose do,îrs w'ri'fis- 'ailit îot bave aiiyuhtng tlu do wllh unsfow. .Àn e (arak. troir unîlti -terre(],'il, ie firnut itî'îî y sun-a' ait fie sea Suppose oiaî )1are jîrayiig non'. tt dowxî wif aid îy ~ 'a"t~î'y w iiii dhave iv teli id tji nt, îîîi tlî ouîî r kiii'îs. sat lo]t uneheur yootira,'. y tuiitls v'i ie î'iî' ei irist I cl Osi t' d lan't 'iia,î,'an, g Ci'sian lunch, e."'tln t o7 f the tenmstps huit n." titi, îî'fe't satetY O fleii' l tat the fiar ut beiig iaugbed fut (but (and thesortirspecs1i'wtsci rk! 'Tho, surfuoft ie sen'andailat l iglit- ki'i'îs youo nat ot the lingdum tai(ofled? td itcitintresi iîli el Iiili tifthteii'sks'iii avy le tii t(,111aia a oftiutthlî,'s îrglenss'it! heipyole ut And i 1h'"daler iafîittig 1. gaîrtaîaOfi ait vil lin' 'ad iii"i. ,t ast ? W'tn yoaa île du,'an ui a dy ing thl ndetoie îr i aillirati'l>- ta stiariiia, itairtia , dti l rkiîî'--,a il!!îi'a of merniat3' 'aili 1110'bai youo uut? et scf£>iit s iiiik lis tiîtg, ' 'i î ira l e ai a t.1a11iis 'iat 'u dshtaît My tri'uîn iaitfie oigliitors, (-net ri l ~efirrîttînli îj' nrt liir'itaaint." ii 3. ('lie in troglt ihîtthe 'auie a atdozeti lu'tatges, ahid t 'l i',ir' crilles Illtwlîîai taiMat11I lî' lirtti ' ,laîaii(JOr ttt siiig~ l t luaavii wittinig tu tiese fil t htc î'gî'al'f lIiuaîii Iî i 'bte. Iiliai,:11 tis'atliitî t. ('îu ' inai li'îa'l. 'a ue nl deiîge. -i s:îiata ii tî'ial.Niai' la' i'tanit tirraa il happy. T ha"Ie Spirit andîile!uî'Bride iîîy' s~y theincatsrathe calai'e'a" l,11tair. Hi' aaao"ae i et îa' tore vlinluNuisw ' 'iîîai. ' )m îiraiîîthe ark. itoot in the t.'wbpctiîor by fle sîrriku -,fi ' 'ti l yi ttrian aau bouilsii n Bostona, an.. -y bflashes vot ightitiug. '"lianutia dlp,'liIe wid Bt ontatir loe Tetx n Mr latu 'altet. unrtan a vi ut filueraiî'tîîuialand eN ii' oe te e I. o ukaead Iaî ontcou tbelrt tx n o! God, tltte ftueestruku tf iti(' aux tia.' dialf'lai',n« i aact,'haaiilî. aZi'irrii . "i'iaaiyentut ting sitisaii 'su."Il ati hor honni fti(hoox, ftl,-esart iednaiti'ti'il'l' N'i,%t%- al iantbas sianvia 10 'aîîîaîit drivegri-aii. If Noah lad triî'î To nielttige i'atiasît rophît ,l t ra'îi v ,eîs tira Itaoa ai aa'k. 'lhai'gri'at iidaieleîia"naaala îv'sto a grent 1111 io ltî. Il 1%;a4Is l a'it- l 1 f,,,î'driveuaf"let.:ndisfilre'a' ais lraîkaî itsow. for il 'avais,£osaalt tiiIti ii ii!fn iata Iaidairaslia hetali îarrk, hoas-oul iiait'baiese cubtered a.ft~~~ 1B i owt i uttv' iti Ii> raiii'atii idatadar h ier- tb lin.Soie prtas aitsre îuît 'alseabout boni d xhîîia t.]guîideil. h ti s a et li "'5u rc tii. rlr'stii lugiï. 'iTiu'Y ake irot u rt es ahbout t4«ue Iýitalltyas ta rge'a ~asn-) ITaiel ooird lh ut Ili In."" sailiiiiu, raid titi'3'faneire laicatechieni uo. tatr.Ilva ie Bu a,:ssvaifil l>iiaîti rî'd f r'otei a iul i w îult'&tî ruaI ia they 'sa ui hotu tbe terra ofrui ' llîî finiet.-silt in iii " A llîaad iialseisi u, a in,' iii ti ii aîsOe tfrhai Illaena ut le or s of dIetai'tî'trîaaatas t,!! aluin. Sia k- halrhnul] al 'iiaa'. Vi iint dl rine 5'uor U"Xdo cle ,iitli. 'ITtei' e iiiri'ira'. l.mao ane Vi ancideiitffl(:rk Yaadawyu 01 btl)tig.'fT'irteu' i'ratt, lu. lul. Teîraîts la'a 'Th ei'.a'rutuhilatrftatuil ý btla'ra yîoucanto ras or toita' on u'î forfit la Noaht, '"("lliue ain' alai 11e. Att tfta-'ga rilcia(ifait utiiy île- tîtîeu. 't'iicriss un s ifted notitoudnri, *dait tby 'hiiise huai tit.a ni." lu glit arr.' ssaslii'iiawuay. "lite nioni t is luitt iI, "If 1 ic ifted ui), I wit' houmain faiit 3embark on rite ut jiy are bîîrii'iI]15cu btsti ueetp. But il rwa iv u! muiti tii nie" *1 ut itonin s'aeeps atig tie da saulalfitilrsiry, aloîdi i fie doietut hall, anai]ii fei'r'altYtolat. Ibis'w-oilNoaih -M rage, ami1a r tire d io : stn a uaifg hy'lf'i,&iitlity crib.,rend in the Dlse ieni at y îobriig yor iisnd 1 indslethe ceiline untltait tite one a -,ring 'a'itlî iterny suices, tionisi iicit haîve tetî if 'ahen ho hennitthe nain plt- Sthe wtri lîke nota) fhu' mono te Lr iutîtkî si osadli h lis 'ite 'as outsade lu the sioruli? No; F worid. Titi' îarkiu'iss ut file namo utritetLiard. "Th£ e Lird ebot stu" w'iît 'ailt blaî. Antd yî't sîîîe o uia émli la ohttenisi lîy teflirenofuthbheihnain." 1-iran, 1.ii1thti'shît, *'ooti'aral bud" for obigs (hait ltok îonfa lto tfi aters Ahit e trît n'lti m oe toeat tas in has'î, buat iii ur eouljioaniii n s tiusahet- «Mlra ghasttilis 01oithebbc«-i t sau"tri "ofta îake u, eds toiî'îY oleu rviaaa'uter the dat heIlnî'gthe Otuitains. flou' straiige il iaiius! honu>reil Satliliaths, thi' ootragu-uuii pro- inarriaugi'rangags'ai etr. Notluiig Ihas yet in& abn bcnu:scnfuTe îg taille's, tfieniaiienioatursofitw uent>' beei'u atticblre'akt. Sir'kn'ss cetnui',and or vain bi îta)> iash int itti'-tutu' î'aîrs, rea"Iited uati.teir banmtifil te door b'fitîgen sîtrai tak, bat file rinig st iîlou. id l'amof thos whoa re watciug 0!fti'îîrk tipoit! tuen otil. Tlhe baitini]los is -tansilq1aln bv hl Won .Crash ga irbe toikt irailue- n ' îftissnsurudelli ke lgrav e. anidit hoeilai niîmourîtiruoft thi'touuh l Boone go titi'bnistin iug t'ii! ibow'ling lik etsltiiu, raiiiz lsaiIl"'aaiaalop ai thliousatiiîbit's, int tie josbitant» oftlige i'etie ,inîî'aîgînti'iîi'oa'tidin. Bliit., kigot oait lhoe'asn- n ut ar' itutîii t i i v'n etgra vo. W 4 bousielai)andîl oiîtîîtsiîî tipas(i. , ie, a sîa'-lWits gun4sitli k i ku 'nd au Dai> s of îuu'a'nI>'caille, sud fille banald îî ibâle (tri %l don ir du h tIlaoiiito iletaosîui. 'Thc drive ut hav- kitrrti-ifrwelG d tita. i rugtni lva rnv oif), ir. ai 'a a arndld nys s'a'rk, bult fle riilitiug ~V0 fainoil uit tîî'ao Ut n tinitigh ati alis elîraîialf utlitegirkro! aîcasu ns thetnrtth g rng outymaniee i 09 0 to pi-ce'îs înd lets thlu O'reill'e n bilotiîiiliti'r. Stîtthaît ringt ovv'r h lm caltthëne isionupluie ftiian'tîtonaurd hévvi-"Thue Il,un ieurtbiinl." ltist? Wî tî'to 'tîgrtbc eîcr FatO. See tilaea nka bru-h sie tuble Il't etrésae dib taistetut rgi tfliant kepttecai, tfrvIpay aten W«f suri. 'me froîn ils ivri'nwi iu le tkîeptii'iniuais%%ho havaa] at' 'rts ltaienver iepail' (uil litait MWers louok nutupsia fi hi u Iîuaa'-î,k 'ki in t %lie'a uit ari nreaches helitven Ws o 'a'aihaibi e tien ianielOh. bh quiat tace and tie caircassuiets tii-ad atiu-II'liaaeugnh an 'ntihm îîa'î siyu aerhl heîuen. bhc ti tic bunliatin! ,-Itîre lite mai' ave ta]it han] 1 get i,ui un atîyhno y(obh' Wetth ouliis! W bu bu t n a li s'acri ai', hi atti lie(,vins ut that day w-hon bouger an>' nin' Icre lut.'may have Y" stalrtî'u] iti'together, I heg 300tliasec 'a(i,.ti ittenty. '1heeilet ae tientîu il, to itttihat s'on haigel intu file art.. n lrtuitI. 'l'Ieen. un tire '-*"l intafilacgriîst Authtît Irone viieaid biffan Briog Your LovedOes hssem, towng thonta"ithe bs r tr iina ifotaimts ut mater, and G(luinl Coîne in are nbiig yoon 'aife or your ~myubin bios'îgfrua ho Ilnt - iiti' as a>'ail h-ar frai lais eves."Ilen' uiisiiiuidwi-th vounout b> filugabount 1fupohs> hs h esnîiniaihe a ihave hart nunk togel n house. niagi on ordintudoiging thet naigtro- LIaoà . o iepyttlafie buir Fte' iieaemnm ien igu iti t lin a i'onistemi t i' ainat b5'a he .disputt-d, Neither am 1 ait I,,inii, aanî'ut iuns' nuvîn cumi. liene <-iiapu-!ing ipra3tîr Itiet shîui brtntg the p4st..he aYtietuaIa »oabnni mu i'in- lIa-ne acdeatbes Ranti.oiini au]d blîniauie if 4Coddo'a'an ittuyonrrnuit. (Gu ardwiîh h i'hNoihedettuge 'graveos. Then,- no iia'k'a-is, noi 'nîy bhoule,. anui]taîkorailtheRBile, and rna]it pr~'ail s ah 'r. and Ibet il tlis uî'îiunuoihikiug coogbh, icaconîstant- jtigi'thér nd u]tîtn kuiet utaasnnnuit caît- ~~*5'51 r u mii în' ti ttt tri.tu-i er, 1igu <'liat te<ring chillI,no tt liiag 1ni' iîyouir sautis to Iiiniu'ah,îa) isiatilge] "'bumdor trn ,Tige init ia- 1bu -!.n ugrasve."lt' saarnîîsî t(ii- shah a îîua!! tries(, >y-ans, atndl îctiresvonr ntsc yent noth t uguoh scainiîs "a-re udnîîktiiek a i o W. huit nu ad-ii- earp w'au t!! tii' u ttl î'ng utfu'aiiissen ",Conte thon miatnd bvhi aaalttatr."ii utnit' t u t v'sii l'abartailleii'ili'>tua r uae, le ~. rk. cOri.'aniîît îair.tfuile 'doir. but uno ad bill]aaî, lat1icIr: -IMiane Thpeflxigoflesalyurea aisglcvn ona ,"e Imm dit] Nîgah nui] liii talilll1' nittaii,-e. sutf.,fr,"a r! Ait fis' u gîauy Itîth':s tîiîîs îîîat iialo'udt! aur falt- the ail ?Did tîi'vchti î, iialit ofut ubi n îo' nt; 'a î' tadaishi ug agai a st tige i l'. lira iIti vii it-itilî ,o. (todii hii' ~4W. or uvne dow'nfileu rit? No. Ofu'aa fk i tile sha i-utf ei'ti li 1g i.îtri'tai r'aW luntwsaout(irl noniî's twnîIronugl (he odiri. A nil just u.îtilnat tbre'a k i heundous n.t loivasi a. ste i"as julia aait tîî-îaa? We' îinsliy aveis ipa inn filtooett'aria ut Goi's iterrn, iusaîl irauge, yesesii!'The Lord iiuch fi ,'tîîi. 'T'luy hâiaune muu'uore ton -'e through('brst, the doit:. Tige ""leia,'iiiasieuttbiengin."lils. W luit ia salvt'e 'fora a svtuahieaurnt teo the nnk out ut]traslitav nu' 'eutatenîngs Sectare. Iinlosti u ift ptit rita v'ltat('s haînda! lamge nntrao,'e. 1 4 kuniu-tit il ()I. wihat a grandîi(] îtd'on! Si'%vide, Dad turletri un teltver"a o tve suîî'b ruusa' th i h attb'r.nretuIt ,ilt susung bori uuns san] %t itlîevh lnstIluenu is in a ciild'*s "igaiid Ii 9 alsl eenii., alauilisr,'f'tiiiig.No Iîurgiar'q kî'y eaun t"ronigt un coaris'. routgh u lîa the uguts 'ut 'teX get (he in mb the aria tivoatoit 1iiîî't ient k'.No> snnlivarhyaria of beil!Goal aine ofterti driseut hac.But 'aiebai uhUhg ta the Bileii'statemetu,'il -je slîîae l'ait t it tlt. I nejutu.e t bat 1 ('mîtes tntatiifige nuricisery ithiouilfeeling (ho doranitutI ha'e nr' 'li' vraift,'as'itlu aa kang it uli anadt]broken blcii aiho dieir a initansi'>go struiglît tharo giaity, a large dito:, iW'uga , tua, îrîIsu nit titiftusti'uu'aî iu, lîtlan ark 50 cullîtîsbubtvain arene ecîtiîg 'utnch idnitfil p. but b>' hundreuts. and a"uv thoan %vile , artdl34t) cobits tonug. n a do:suo gruw ul)iatitis îuîrid. li it tlot a allie's- sud b>' milions. Yu'a. rtai ie netaîLrgu tirait the nauinat ani uithoît ganaie- tub. bbî'nu ftlai trings through tut!lte coan- thenanh e>'goin tattu,~toiug tire îpost uuaghtliehi'iiîulalin. ridons tadiusiniigî tndlbetghts arend Christ(ha 'Noin. if tile ark ut Christ is sui granit a dejiths cf yotn soîu], w-bat is to beî'oîîe uit ChitteDoor. placîe irav ivu oue natat dii' a nti-yonr siretîsan]daîughtenuiforti icagi] for *,deor etfte agion t vii nie aaas lu tie uuitt.cinuiaeatitt he n rk. Klo%%u'a- N'îtti' tu'rilt% ? *'t fi.' - sasy, "-111menu tai sel' Mo8 nw t Is h roungilthe' ide oftfl(tiflae îlaînthut aillait Noah ilu iolorhlefiitî tlî" taia'e giodmannors!'1 ' ers- 1 r -'fhe picrcd taidle, btire 'aiide aille,,u i- iitt,and t uîiigh, u'a'bngfile pitilou N 'auet t -"I ioa i)tidualîssthremr, 'ascIiif t fii eart sld-"(hat 'as encoli. Atua, litorne(-aille petiog in ihoin heats, thon tuasve' nyselfto a>goi buliby." Veri'y gondt. Rmnnsotlde:, thriuinlis sîlarlien hat îapî fn-'dutrsasuvi ng, "ot ute irm!"t sîgail ietgl- h,'it nue cd uatiou. I1ebtu I ,he Ramio'i sigte, i'xîec'tediiOnlita Let bu re r1! finltte uiiuir itanrat oti. lFor lbai 'ai' a îuu fortl .' Ver5' use!!. nl ithlood ont, bhtu(iho ulluagîirehi'wn>'120 3'u'rs thluy' nverreitaili<t. lTii's'ex- iv t tuat ai!!? Dontay'i e monera u butai'e t!îeu Iatt the ww-un] ta. Oh, î'aît natir, ail pi î'îatu a)înuai'i nuttt fileite lîi t ai atalus utolie theai na YDîn't s .un t nsu't hait the K4t o preaeh! IfIta niaitte naaut f)îtraids, i: "Iai ontt cun!ti 'ato taso fil'ds. stointais <'alali lia,'andtaitlit ofutChtgb qte eanrtuinntrui'iib'lsses au'25) uo: '.' ulumotflie 'aî'ît h mure fdocks Ofuit ltel'p taei'nsi u ,afets' ino10pardnî, alt) s'p, i,, invtations carettîlly pluit ')naauitI- uvit ienils(it cuIt lu. WNVc u it a tilti] ite,ais'-1, 14 to thetI)nrtiv'tiii: uaîrs.îns 'auhoiueglie ve au,'gu'îa iti c ot]u'n. W' vil'ant) c li s' nia n t t, us' b ir eurisrta?!(Guin yotirsu'tf. esta eterla!u. Bruelit. Ou:rt'ait ienr. ttinualite oîe.'Bol mî' aunlei'If tNxaî t bud stalatotut, i yoeuft u i al i ta banquet, rnd u giie outt(o tile ivtlaestaînlusi steýini ut. Th'e f tiai a tbientlits soiîîs fîî,inirtnd aîu].1autuic doro f icai'u', amiuit sre(ls ont o uîve'nî s'ai-e illtiutg fili. The tins- a s _'a'a'udau veîl î as'suîi oint? Y ouronauts atuIl Moids ove:rl a ]ndsont, nrids'ailh a t'ot ug ilni'eit thbe tuuuutiiouus if the' greut dauugiens 'vil iehoau ti> i do julst ais yoa la. kthat perietrn(es tige 1Hindlou junugle, ui'a'î. Thîe hastvir altcoune, tirc e at 1tejeel ('hrist youirsu'tf, îadlt'eîrîatit- âe Groenilanv!tee caslle, anul Bruzit- oouugh, tirlt aI uue.the t.aituty, the iîy tealiaiyonr cbitdnen 'ailîjea't hinut. aet and Eoglish tachons'. an] Aine:- ltant bourat, titst mntientt. lai ui îwui"tn Go buuîînei eneut a tanîl>' tila:e. Yole cries out, "Couae, for aitt huige aîistiruoci'uîuîdnipu'i]frtruuflite sias'.nut]ml rai asu nyn iae Bu rend>!'lit i. a uule douor. Thre anouthor rn.ittai it,', .iigbeni'iih, sntu it ngsnon utreak, (owin s'it ur 'tîrtyeir. Batîî bas bns'il akien, apant, tenud ts nuuitu'uthe' unntig uni] si>' totuone %save oit mluetiier s îîî i'prisil ilcitigibi>'or unnat. =11 U gre..aouîd tri) for the dhourpots utiversuul deustrucu'ionu. Dring ail! saur bouusehluteta r i t.xi ~part.tha rail the woritercoutermi (utolde the Aria. Calne.', tîher! Coulme, iaulign! (Coule. Etgs seniter treesnes on duiys out So nîeîîn uîs îlot Off gaing it il-a ruak. sonl! Coiue'. tuugtten!(C'onne, broîlger! ilrjWivi ng. Su Christ, ourn: Cg, Ttîey uniy tiacy us lIt 'vait tNi'a5ety vurs Cou)it, ister! Oui aire îuosbsp, tend une are W ad scatters the jeuuel utf heuveit. fiiat.They uit! taîve eît ittie longe'r tiensa'in.('hrist. lthe doom, sw'inugs ut o rual- fiai Hillti st Ibtit ho hpedit ugt mitiu hbeir svaanîlty assiai',Tue> 'aililîit tas, aîîuitiis ltt fitlii mnneness ut a blitiven thrlIightirte cre'iue utfteniwait rîntil the>' gîtt],':e. Tbî'v ual>: îuiîruiy blst thiot sou heuir. but (hovoiv'u ho w s lnto lg a]tes t .y uls ita l > t ni'las tîit t r'alr n u . tg ' uii' îît î t it ti ~~~~~~~~~~e È~aegann u~ uatr î'îîc . ch e 'i!gi a l'el a t 1h. I kîîai l ' tient uta ai it s n OCCURRENCES DURING THE PAST WEEK. Limblitien und Menonrecu ut (tacstate Batiks A Newark Mon Tries to Kili Hisaeif-4Ncarly Slauiug h>'a tîrother- Rtanay'.edîl(îrui, Chicaizo Stalle tanka Reiports. 'Thu'reuoraîuoif i 'ti-ugau lautta'llinîs. t10ggttîîir l-i iîitiaaaa onîî uta, iaiortiiug ait.'linr-I'lt24). lia " aus'lo iat,"atlb-u,! lu> tthe sAtiitir 'ai IOtii,~uaa'as iiu ait! tî-'i n"" -! a a! taimiitI a )'i ils unh'ave 'r'a-" ~.' tti. il taî'u'i)ua' 1N11 , v~i'tas lienutil't. aavt ,aat a% isaaatu.Iis 1,1tli.îts. i "ii";tsi- ait i t1laIt. t' aitls, $5«stsN; iîa'î'as,'liasai iigsi auiia (aima. 'ustu ait vagit î'\a't'aîî iliiti lit ni' $23,3:71,0 :.IL:éh o îat !a;isti 7it.tit . u'a î'ush .'.'ni-, I'au fa':aa'aaaaa1-sallutait a :1 ta airati. (lIter to Cîgutu urîlug v. ' tai.,a'tiilaaipaa ; uai a'i.tiv o ],' 'luit ;a i,st ii' "i.. ýtP miiiau liaas ti, Ila I 'il auatii"it'.ilialoi as laha, aaa t,, Iv'-sîo tii'lliahi.> 'i tIc r:stuht lata lti'ai a'.ila iil'i al'a- iiti'oto propiattion ui 1 i .Yu tilu-,ilt",'x hîîi -r oufaia liaiqm.Tao. I, obtaîta t-us 'f i-t un's iaiiiitr11taluaa t, .î,_1ý'.us s, and!1liaisofui fi-ra4i! totaia,' S t2'ii tu far lti,'-unotes 55 (Mita 'aishi I,-t:aaîî'.to la' eul bat.a% :ai iri'trri1i l i ai tî,'Siiter asau.Il:au tIt ai tnaof ith, it'aiastii it:t n'ili'iî it! lu uuli -a i lit aoail. aadloluat I'it lisn s'a a.t ii i- Ili , ai ii the'dlltar. Tries la t,'%urtcr lier, t'î'iiiak Wi- ' istl fa rii.-r ltus ituî u'r l'aiS. sa li'- l a I- aî"a'îat-foit11'iIallpl)ti ta-r. liu 1i-1. l.'iîits a'1 i0 tI i ts a '"il tatio r Intit ta11 t 1a t 11,t, i l t ,a-' iv ,auttIl rt,-sa a tt1.a l . îa'1a,ri . - e 'a', 1t ii t.!il ug Lis . itii 'ai fu-is 'b s- aigui ii.1iet iaî' v li i &ît i pet'-ariaaaav "'iiqi tiai ;l , ' tle'rî-stîuI t taux i'uaiaai'ff iliAi .ai i, auxtîts ssaîantî ml; -l ns,, lis t.îît'uu'at. sîan'r,'nualu' liuuu t,, tit' uiuttli.iiîa'î 'l'î Ia,,us ait.îus lau,' 'a lai-a 'ii..ttih, ui t.Ia "îutt t>'. otai l itait.'. l ai ita," lit&liai ua , aunai. as tit trt .î v i harz-ng i)..tî'fallai tus 'airtrîî'îaf tliî' aiît. ttî aîssnauutt b "v si'i' rugunutei as ira attet1,,ii gi-t t1ti ia iI r"oaaimauua ii lu' miat o i-t(.u'\%uaIs'. Fortune LostintoSpecittutton. I.1'. tCas. ut N-n rt., ma iu at iloilv,- '-esstut atti'niitîitiii-ittti situ'ialu'S!itaus ah it e iuilsirin t n i '" îtIou.te'Ciag-a,. île and Itl'i. M. i ofau'-, utthbu'su iaii- taus'a'nalull i-t onuaauatîg taig,'tli--r slîîî'î Jana. 1. Siuuuialaig uîîuvs s:il homeîîu. Tîto have bi'i tau.-riitiut,' mai the' Board ofui Traîde. ai] t us'ha.t th,t ltî'tt uit of$'-',- aleatwu'i iilu tue uuuair:u'itstuî'î'natiouu. tlu' ha] luu'î'îî ut n i tig hla-ts i> lfor a n'eek. MIr. Srat tîtrs nais s t 'laslaiss tînuuaîr!>' lis clirie fîuniaîu, auind iaiiith trelat oni'd tul jtuniî liiii'tae- a'L an r ieifrina ptthisxia haut. MIr. Sut tiuuulrs lia.]blau lilii atten'îtionu tualiai- lt'uîits, t.îuuaalîîg tîtu' s'airu' nalle' siIle('os' si-is utuîti lt-'irii School Hietor>' W'asObjcttomaubte. The Northt Dixuu t sî' luuu sainu. by' totli- iintous 'aote i'.matt!aatu'ua'runa talt'litaiftaIu'lîus ai aiseî' la II, v'iu't tariîs' "lintýfiftîtnry 'f'thoniai'ttu'utStaitu's" am tii' gr.tind olitpi iuuîtî'oi,li'ai iititaî' tiueeutitiiitithu-rula it naîttllirs liu-ntaiaiiii, lu theOcvi'li sa ar. Tlue>' i t'ao îtu-i'lît't-, iulî',aluce utitutay iritili antdî tai' tuas jitu, li','îurrivailiiiii.lardgait hîi. se a'uu i-a ,u t. A.~ t. I)îa"aît 'ut ti,- 'îiuu',i Staits irait> ti tliintiit ati-gu' Lit. haim s Record uftIhe Wcck. 'flieîuvus lai ilit,,ts,t'u-r.sai-uIiu'sait La- r,",,' aoi sî"îurvît $w, i,'aal Joaii lieu'% Sii. iii ,a) mualit at 'itaunr fui iir.uraitag tainiias huAis k aaiii Jo!5, tii-tirs' Milku r. îau,'uîtar ou t va-rt D- 'a i ar sa -i saa-tua-s. %vs ilucaava'tliuilt t1i tii'W<iltjs -,l'ti aîrs Tuit-eraliiuuis- iMet, fori'M0.t9i). suit aîtu'aiaag ru'aaafliro întu- su'. taitloi I., juîu a aat'idbit'$3. Ot' .tttouîC1,11îî,17.out Naril i lou, liais ai u-ti'itai a ito tala't-aultatit fth' Ge- iii i i ttia"1w ai lat'tloir, tIl ttf ii't.frit. 'l'tî' Sîrîîîgîîiat ,aîaî%'li liiits totuax Iio-'IwI'in ti lait is t, i tuai il i uatuu %Il,, l'l"in lt 1\mag thIi-tixliria'of ai fetî. lttstîîîî t oflaig P'u Ii'aanu.utuctaie i'ust, Itaus ]l ll ita,,if ,ilY rtl,nitiaial tai ]lt nuuvaljuîîuaî ..'ilvat- itll','lîiiîiif Ba,. 'T'hai' Nitiia,"a a gaut iiit'auauans' lu steiu'iîiir t hargu.- NI. N'a;Iaat-r'a s aistitilii'i at Lys'ci',aiaiaaia'a i i luiitiaitlntrpta Ni ti le. 'T'heu'tate 'Baarat of htu'aî!tî liai',hieu iuî t u'-i,'tti,îai of-i itsutaaaittat bItaa- trin St. Loin.,is ta ledai',tcl litn. Mairshall, a it iliais lau-na ,iîi'nutiiig itîtîen n lilu-rauttti> fiai' Isu 5 airs. s ia'ti) ui tut ail uf iij n.i .'tadt ou'u' uttizInq. 'asti,%Ni ttiaiauurale ivri'us 'un ts cl lilil. t'gstoun.1J. A. Eitruimai uit'/iiin l luthcraut ("lîri-l. lhiui'ifauni. r'!uui-]Suunlîîy IlutI lits saîluns' elie uI lit taer ana-ils itu' utt uit tinkil ftlair tu, îra-aa'luLaî'i-tiuiiîs si-r- mnls forn'gîîî-t tiaausplias'. 'aWiiauii E' aîaaas faîtatal ini-iuly r'i't :' uutun]inafant îtu'idr ai 'î'u'î.î tilli) u ca"tiittu'ithi ltait1 ev ylu--1 iz:t-i îu-uas -'.] , il 11î1gtut. ", liu ' isiuir uui.. 1 Senater 3. 0. Bnrrows, of Kaiamazoo, wili speak lnu Ek i t Menxwal Doy. City Counei of 1 :îshorn passed n or- dinnnce prohibiting oircens in saloons. Mm rsof the Firat Preshytorian 'iiur,'h of Itockford have voted to boild il îà-c"hurch. Art niîvestigatics tn fl Btoonitngtcan shoxv- (-il thei A deriin ailadno1 t î'rfî'red 'vit h thî' Mayor in the eiîforccroent ot the A lwt Foul".îin. wha'a stiot and danger- ously "Coii t(h ris '.%yer I i 't fat t. 'as -n'i c, 'vî lit 1reeîiort t o t ivel vc y3lair.4 in 11ev. Il. 1). (ýiiyvîtt, pastaîr if thp ('am- lit ilanjlId" !tîruî('hora'h ilu \'irgtini, IIJ14 rî'siglied nd sl teniter the to' Datur pi'csh.ttry Aîîrii 1. '1'loîîa s Jefferson, otf (?ailit aY. vl'ho sea'vet i 8eveIi ours i 1h.' t'I tefltiairy fr 'obcerv, hais hpen eirstored to citize'n- vhiii lbat he4o o'rnoar. Drî. Cl'ark B1. Provins, of Ottawa. has fil :1 c îrîîss-bitlin iliti. "a'foi-i' voairi' t "îogtit b li h iii've. le asks tor a di- ila' t giiig croî'tty. À ta rge tbridge ,ou lthoChicango anad Ci rt Wectî'rli thrî'î'utiles 'iî(tif' stu Fit p ort %vus îll'rtly itesti-iS d l'y ire, i ologhit ti hiave lccîîiuveid lairy'. !Tio- I ilts!s,rii tCity ('ouilil tins îîiasî'u a 'i ii-e 1rotiibitiiig saitîîîîilscî-îîrs frî, i taîiug ally Alrub.j, pa il! airti- lion il-a, hier atil litii itt a5îln wit slal t ,lia limta ul t the'aj,'îV ot the in- týiio airfi til:t- 'aîifrin p teî'aaîaaini frontt 10maTu'adtaiîk tli,;'îiîrcîlsuit in the Mairioni' Courtv tli aliist t>Od (ian mii! 3iîiiaiîg f ;oltaîlsftr Lutti t h ler NN foigarîi' r I(i.ifltO.iaatai Ctrisly aai ra Itaîi tfi].$*-iM(m îaî'l1 nul So'!Smiijth fi- ýIlejHmIl, fo,'i ijurieii C.E.t'icrso,îa. i'îiî l dais i teilitîr ni a', l-'itircýr lit t'a ai. fît! b i slaits iu the Miîttaîî iIttan di! a:inbartiîtîy la tîl'iiijiîri'îi. hIl % l'a ifl I r a . l'ii'rsoîn l'it ti î's-di'l ia' gî'î',îîr tarfiîîo of the iltriioi iii sei-' tai taxati%v re"aîrl. Ilt W as iîarty ai,!,' , oaa îd thie'slaîirs withot nîî ssîsltni v. aatoi s'a !i'uiii, ruu'hed liii top, f.i! ,airk s'a a!. Joniathiaîn tPierc. if Fttle, wnas ar- n(te sicilîîa chtarge if sNai iiatltig C'tarles NN'a tî'rs. n i riiî &'îiiîi(vfatineir. ()it 0f $:2.Pierre, if iii clîîlîiîei, uad a tlîird ild li sei W'îtlîrs $.MOiin green gîîois fait $52(1. W'aittirs lafulilovîr thîe $520 t,' théc thîrîl iaii,, %%tî, stî'îîîî'il jtoai li-%et n i te (kdoor, anîd iia-'aot Lti'îîalien rît utsilice'. Gov. Attgeiti ssue(u] the tottoiving proc- tauî)atitîîi deitgîîatigg irbiar day "'The ltaituît"s "t unrStîît" tr"avid" thla? 'onei dayin leiach yelîr s!iîît be se't asitu us îîrtor iaîy. Noix. thî'reforc, tîy virtue of thti';iî'a' îr tiius ~îin i' s'esteîd, I tîorî'hy diî'tgiîte Friîhiiy. Atîrit 11, as 'arbor îlay,' toi ho osî'rveîi tlîniîîghonît tige S8mb ws nyaî'for îatitig trios. stîrîglusaîîd vi îîs abot tthhome tus anîd a ng liie' igh- '%as a nît aboit public groundîîs wilhin thi ~tîti, htuc111t riîîtiîig lii the e auth. cilifaîrts ainul attractions oif otir Stute." T'h' batik uf Mount Morris n'as riîbhed 'fiîisday. Thte job usas the wvirk of ex- ti'h.After gcttiîîg itot the vauîgt, tiîey ltiti'd imb (he steet sate anod i'xîtdéd datiite. The charge must have been lii'vy, gis the sate and vaujit uere in- 1it'îtely wri'î'kcî(I. 're stuc! chegut tgside t' safe, i which %asoibitweeii $7000 undt $100M0.'vosil t o pelleil b hi' esc- jitîsion. The' riiiiers set-îired $150 ing sitii'r, vliiciî wn8 in a ifferî'nt di'part- gîlgî t ofthe safe. Tiie'damaîge lu the 'aîîîîttanîd sate will ho $1,500J. At Springfildi airglari vsited tigltiouse of M.Mary lBerge'r, aged ('Sqyears. Ný'cýltiiesday oiorîiiaig an d dpniagiie'i $2,- lmiI ai'li 11gtev îlechtîîî'îtsul îîii ,uî'irti'd ilia tie hoîîsc. '1iîîy giîggedtlher, hi'!,! re- iolvens liîîlier fa,,andit il n1h laici i er oiti t hefoori,aîr iîu"iri'it iir vith st r au, la it the tî'set ilf onifi re. Am slsu,tiltt tsi sted siî,- iînd lii put i 1c3 111îot the lire lii' hr,' site wals seiî'iitvly triacil. 'rhen t ii eti cIrîîfiri'i liii ad mde a seatrch fith (hoîiumi.. 'rle3' se.-ui nd îîiiy $11. 'Mrs. Be'rge'r. tlioigi greutty shuckeîl, es- capitiu serionis iojîîry. AIt(lai'î, ast uinall. a verdict for $ '- .0)tt %vis ntsctierv',gainast Il. E. tlî'itos: a t rîsauitt ut ILsunit hauuuigîlin )vbis soî'e us tlluuî'a'u t%('ao ilotes madîue tn 18791. "Il, soua utied il ttil t 'uuua Lgi)aîu thii lmoes mm-vi-r' iiung lis effeil s. althtlaitgluN'.%r (lut uey ciaimu'îtolauvua ' al it thi'in t 1555j. soit mtegu'ui Ilat lit4sosn r"inescnt- eu t lb imnhtittte i-s tut tuu'ui uustuaiii om luiet. Aftet,' hie jtautgin.'ut lin. (iedîuv'r iuiadl ii'an uîsstgauuuu'îufor the' u'îcle it o lais u'ni'iiturs. Atter- nînanmig suttî ldl ilaitpuns lie dismea e,,s' cicu uuuiîîl tiaî'î fronit lais sain. ii in iifuit! mftatît note'sbulit auglinstilunau uqubi ti atitutih. amudiiatva- to tua numtihe' juatguuî'nît 'aui t t i'îîst.ea tai. " tigli thea efforts oaf J. B. 'flulso tut( otî,'î' [liiiuiii-n ititzî-iis. a blltt 'aili lai' iîîtrodîluî'îul ini lleiii tgi-slinuunîiaiug Ilit, appropiauîîtioaîn raimnumenîîî-uttuuiii tSa tat( hîrai ni- air a-e at- s fiutglit itil " m ileas s'-st uitIu'ieu'iuirl, i tii' 25. 18;12. '1The'stiî te fthle huIt h' nus -l'uiigg's t Iroini, 'acre"C(ui. IDor'aientt. îa tIi 2t5> suwhite' scttlens uitIllinois, de- fata't Blacuk ituiv ia,'vt 551)sas lges, uîai alfi liiedIa inlItot uBaut Ax, NW'l. , 'aslîre bts bandîîluaîs t'lit lu, îutîv'us. Stei'îiuusoim ( 'uuii'i'uu'lutmintumenltî'on uttiie'la tte- ficlu sanuso uîuas lugomotuit ttuintu'eî si- tieus. 'a'lo uu'ru'tb iu"a a'thtre, lin Iiaii'itluîîîîattuil. NMcI a u- îîîlttu îturesti s beinug nîsîtuifest- i-ut iii tE3tiighiuîn ina tige Ittinauts ColIî'gu' ui I 'ttmgraphlu>.'ITisi is huti' u'uittct'i' ut the, k-intî litti-e'asmid. 'rhs' au'ti't i ,1- e of vs'u itîigih îiriiftssiins, 'avlu, ui gui' tlîi r .'xcvtlusi'atlteunt lition t itus-ini, ainmid It thebatrut utfuti î'îtars v-unaatra su of i uthtte' hest andîuiforîn.ostciii tzoas otf t." i-tt>'. N uui iiiî-'ate'ta ofittii nai gui-ut effotiit lui laa'uuî theilu,' iî'îtiugvit>' thiitost imptorîtaînît tuilat un theu' luuiultia I titul lu,'('.'i','i S. Louiis tnuit lt,!am- ititlis. 'T'he' ît'uitoseil utosi' 'sti-'nuIllit- uviteIHositalut fuir the I îisii' 'autîtlie lau unît tut îleî'rî'if 'atn a muvr ai-unu gv'îil. C rarp, thc 11 -yptir-orlql (ltuînghtî'nofuit N't- Iluem Stamnle'y, bin st ixo, s'îue ýidpasilig uni-ar a firn u tue e sîrdtandu ti'e trnug mind bte'arthe llaml's ugausî liuer ires. anit betore thes' ioulitho exbloguished ohé n'as talt>' ume]. Thomas MeKeai, a Jnrseyviite police- mnu. ias poundeat >b ooiaus miii]bis lite t. iaiuosî despire] ut. MllCanna 'asean a Jury (bal sentence] John Kin- cia. a munuaben ut a gang, b Itbe peniten- tisa'>'for & terni o!ftour years for 11gb- 'ava mu~Itar' afew ais acwhisah vau ths cassa of the trouble. Several agreste have boen mmdl.. WHAT ILLINOIS* LEQIBIA 1 US DOINO. An Imparttal Record eft(heo Wou*r Accumpliaei by Those Who 19M" Our Lairs-How the Tîtue Ham Bem Occupled During the Paet Wfteh. Dotags of Stute Dada. liitic Ilotuse Tucuda>' Mn. Bailey'. 6MI "'tori ienat u'xtiart!iu uand compet the psy- mn' t fdelits coun'tctd for talion la hiaiikatate rinta'w. uas thoetabjectet, us utna utelate, ils î'osîituîîiouali t>' beins nttacka'u. lb Is ainue] et Itucka store%. nod iiasoed w 1h but thnoo îtisenetlng' votues. MnI. Pu'ry's bitltcoica'rning (navet ut! uuu pulic tîigliîuas'MrlI. leKeazie bilt priitcniig thut the cansurvatur uofaau Idita. luîatie or drnkarai. nîun the îteath of thie 'aaur, nmas' pnuce]d to sotte up the e.tabc unathurt taktignagut htters uf ad'- niiiitnaattou, an] Nin. Bryau's kindengar- tenu MuU u-ni' hunseut. In the Senaeteh tuîttausinug bills 'avurc passe]: Spriater Iltita's ,iiig lte rate ut intorest on ligti uchaîaa fuindul t not' tous than 5 aur mntie uluauu 7 lier i-l't. Sonatuan Craig's- t'nu'a'iling tainStatuaschularships ia the t n' nirit - caf Illinois. 'T'o.e appro'prition i'oiiittel-' ilt aatproptunating $422.(t) t pthe t a'orali ini*ycx ponses amui]for ti- tiris'etnvti-as,'t the' blute i'niversity, of Ctu i utai i tt. utut Chbgpiai's-Ap- tutiatitinz $17Gi..00to lai an't heorininary' mta uîai e 'ttnexticaasîofthtte Chester peut- A rescalttican Ifiig Man> 2 au the date for fina! aatjiuîruni'nt 'aas adotteii Ie]- nisut.lis ' tue Senati. 'TlacInunrnnee ('ooîuiîîee of the o Husr' agreed lui a bill to giuuriishthe btate itu-taittiuiu-t. an] de- cdcaltua tuveutiguite Suitît. Duînte. 'lhe blt ttiita aihlitîn tcusin eis (if at$20,- (XXt t si ait mai uîeu t i irutreating ln btie Soîîuît,-. TIte bil!lat ii'rc'se thei's'- n' ait E1i'3luîî('trrk Hertz, utf(Chicago, lai $5,000 a acr w au dr-fi-tc]in the lio(usa'. 'TlicTornotus bilh faîltte o ,pas-m the' Sît-- Settu' 'Ihiasaay. Tit i'l bat fuir lit pîurpose the e'tamlitstiumentt in this Shate ufthbb Austrutian s'steîu uftrtansterrnig tan]dttes, 'T'e nluvemeul lu bring about a returinu iathe. systemn mus oginit about six ycuîrs agi. Tito Chicago real osats hoar] w-as liai'leader, A onwbill, tut bth Hause unI] Su'oauô, intnaîduce] ui t hue e- qtlistuof lige ltusi'iitth Keniot ('lub, lpre- vides Ihat a lci'use ut $2 shtîml be put] on ever>' dog un cntftri:bbcfiret s'ear an] $1 foar e:>' s'oun thereatter. It dope away w'ith the itzzliog ut doge. Wtinven ai dog or cul iii touatidalicrimg a licenqe tag the iiwnen is ut once' nattfeit. Inutead of plmctnug stras' dogm in the charge ot a poufnnîter thes' are turne] un.': tu the Hlumani Suucty. Theiotllowiuîg bills were passait: Souîaton Nels'. fixtng ttue cota- pelusmîhon ut the (loueraI Assemibi>'mcm- be-rs nt $SM54for (hoesession:, Sînahor Nie'- tumis', lu amten] ltee t crenting (ueasure drives; he e'vplaineil that it inmeoy enreul objections lu the oxisttng tlaw ns- gulubiuug pariai in Peorin; thé Honse bill timitlng thet ime fon couuesting w-lite and beqineste lu tuvo yi-ars. 'f o roottions o! genenai interenai wcri' presetîteut hn the Sonate Frida>' unrning. DOn b>'Senaton Anthony, Ot 4t'uek, cailts for the neorgmnizuution uft h. judicimi districts of the Stale and pro- videstn iocrnuaeiti calan>' ut Sutnre Court ludtgve. The other retiolution w»a prenurculb>' finala ('ampbtofo!Hamil- ton. Il charges the Iliis an] St. Louis bridge comuaiaes with tormiitg a trust an] beiuîg exlortiunate inta hî'r changea an]d<als for investigation. Bs' unaul- inouns consent Sonator Canuphot'a resu' ltnion w-as cousideredut a once and adopt- i.]. A comunitu'e consisting ut Senatora C'ampblt, Greent, Enmns. Mussell sud Kingmhttns' nas appointe] to a uiathe iunvestigation. Puy-day in the Hanse stiiutuud mil buiness. *'Wlcked."1 The Scotch ut the preient day are puhnlotle, butî nul Inclime] te asitanlsrn. The feeruliing sergesint gocs anneng etarviug crofters amdI dle workmen5 but hc fins e f'a "ilug to (mue th. royal shilling aid serve (hein country as sutitiers. A irrite: hn the Scotch Re- vlew usatuat (bis netuctiance ho enliai, shourn b>' Scotchouen, la duo lu a craza for personal Indepeadeuce, and tea roule] d4lktetostrict disciptline. "Wel no paint 'avtb ou: tuberty!" le Suwaey'm nî'sîonsc ho the appeal te fojtow bi% conntr>'s fltg. B>' wuy ut contrast te titis neinctaute. the wrlten telle an ln- vident llinstrate outhlie martial spiri whilît'tuaiiate thue >ouîug Scotch ru' cruit ot tormer daiys. The tîutc] edrecrtit n'as hrought up tu fligc nurtey rouînt> orinspection by the ctinandlng oticer ut bbc neginment tOn bcbng nieautretl. hc'aas toua] te lic ai brille under tlic regimenial stand- lie ws ai trong-bulht an] îtkety look.- Iag yeuuug feitua'a, an] Ibenefore the tcolonel'r<'lucanbiy dea'hted (hait b. couit] nult ,.ucecpletl. Expressing bis regre't, lue tl tIhe recrtuit (bat be w»a tige short to ho eulihted, "oh, c'olone't," exelauuueut the excited necruil, "ye'tl suret>-honons us ne bachi l'îî ni î'.but l'utni ' ed"("WlckeS- 'usas Scotchitfor eptunkgia>. uttlet.) 'rIta' coloneal setchia a ptmnansd passe] lîlu. Hoîmaes anal Wautte and (blîdren. "I're sevcrat thimtgs butlurnrtg me,' ho cottfassi'd oedii>'. 'tn'Ist, 1tamnaux- tous tu finit a enitaibte Inscrititon for a cltd's tsorrlugei', I iever 'anote a itucuitebua ctîitd. 1 betiere. 1 laovn clii- dromu deiuly; 1 na-uays 'aant te stop~ Iluemnu uitige treet; brut I1liane navet a,

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