CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 6

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7 autr lDI -ber rnkha bout', 811. wua quick e emo1@'fln*a > ~suu J the etted I is ,very instance, maita have, maroover, Ai shrewd suspicion as tu the cause of te variaus diltiermnces in tho receptian of ber intelligence. If it abanced. for instance. that the rocipient.woe the luokiess chapex on 0 lhllad tu ain and portionles danoisl. oouid s eorbear talok upon Geraline, beautiful, wealthy, fortu- S natd. wiibout a momentary envy? If, - again, ai troublesomte boy, son, nephew, ~, or thrlftlesiyngcui hud ta b. - - provideil for, oi ievïy be ai- chan~e for covetfiesa? AndLwa oniy if the stranger were aboya ail sueh consideratoaxs, and fneed rou al stich euuumbring remembrances, thât1 ~ ~ there would follow the impartial and M4 So mny ld rieds:dispaionate avowki, 1 îShe la a great iyrcglz>ed bersand uxeautv. Do let me congratulate o! lyte waid san ereat the old aywudra m<>a La loagke sand h4laywui v ea t louagiathet i e afwaitlng dit flot seeni ta Wu à1n4,poopng aRter longat ail; wbile aven Get-aldine BI.wan aig had 80 much ta aee and notice and mark A. an when ha led > fer ber own refliai-ion aftenwarda, that ùd had promiseil te look she was qtite taken by surprise at iast otlbor and cousin, and when thee aur bezan witbin the ante- wit.h theni dxring ibis chamber; and ere msny minutes bail time - but they sawpassed it bal thinnet so fast thai thoir thaugh Geraldie keL aown barrien was withdrawn, and site aa marnesé ut whicxxond hersailf beixxg reatly but irre- leuir riseti. istiby urget forward. Cee~ ~ ~ ~~. ini'teeeig aKep by me, love; keep b%' me," a.oln the ont whispened nen graudimoiher with su- 'bir return fnamn the perliuous caution, bar the twa could shouid abe came s&bout hadi> have pat ted company if the>' galu la the.intervai? would; and in tue excitement of tho knav that &she was ex-maoment Geraldine bat uooie te feel on ln the midai of!lber bishfbul or ferrons are she found ber-0 ach of that forlomtnuats self moving on in single file close bc- ma eau undersiant who, hxnd grnny. and aware tîxat soinie ono wought up in a coninet else was oquaiiy close behind bier. litre, where erery obect 1tenceath an arched doorwav in front, hldhood familiar, ana i seemedtetalber that witin every few ported into a vait, Fee tb- seconds a nuit was made, cauing a me of bunian bein±"a. seies of jerks te the fain procession, Uigiat had almost mate andi tbe iratidles that occurred ta ber «ine that sheha nt-ui-nexperienced mind was that at this SThe finît sbock bad poinlt the great oyant of the day toak %Î1. hie bain up ai placez but, trawing nearer, the notion et and Ilegent street, was d peled. Ni); tac gorgeous, pea- heraitat om insua cok-iketranswereo nly belng ipreat ii;bu thls nageant, betteaifithat toorway, tinta sea af os.ettrely unik~e any- heade ail ai once became visible lia- éver before beeu a wlt- Yond, white a monotanous voce rase 4r back aial. erer aud' asne and anaiber îaUMbora of fine foks pased uint eitbute0view. But *,naeverythingl! Such abat wa i h, then, that attractad ever~ eag>iLfui Young faces; eye, andt tiruet eveny head, as e.Rc . 1 ielan aneas;sucb fair creature salei %long over tue 1. uolshet loon tards that goal he- othet, As aba gazet, yand? Alack-atay! iL wai but a min- s4are, one sbe bad non; and the merny-bocrtedlittie Jerrýy umu pon bar 5stof Id ail ai once sprang ta lire agalu 6 alnostx started rict wihin the besoin of the elegant de- gitr6 wise ha Ibat the butante, andt ahe bat cnaugbada not Io of whigh tabsliedteblaugh outright ai thè carning lutile î~s amog thecr trLxat af buman nature. oiaI o! Bethenden. The laugh, bowever, hadl tae poiL- t h f Bllnde. oned tea amore caurenient season for 1 ut-m tfoollsb of naw granny wai making bier grand, e %M*mynoedwith lier- old-faabionad curies>', and takiug bierN iiu»W perborce oîlyb u lime oven ht, ena abo wa4 hurned à ,etAs l mai catiaon along by the unsympaihx'tiug official", oi*uwr ta str the Who would scarce permit bier ta make *~~rbut»hoecould a revoent exiL in wbai she can-Jideret ~ Maought he wouid ~seexal>'manner-aut next i a = hý1andma wouid have L,eraldine's own turm. --Mdm that was il IL I was said that tbe Qucen smled Q b wmwblied fer upon bier. Perbaps Hem Graciaus Maj- liehqîd ever'boeenest>' bat heard sonithinir o! Lb. younir WLý-8MY wasannogenrl's star>' and remxembered It. for it ît wold hvelCwelil kown baw conscientioaaly the1 badt ieir mn presentation ltsara sebinet aud in-1 Stu quIr*4 ia ,In tee hlgbeétquarter; but,1 "'iarriage beai any rate, iuany others looked, and1 sum noatlced, and wh[sfpered, ta one another2 ahutthet day. Jerry migbt ver>' well have 'or roin the aad lber Young head turned, bad ashe bierutsoubt g bhe det. illwas full of the fun6 be' 1 iAS ofhe thlng whDn she got home at liree ke, As Wa clack, ver yfulaofbow this ana bat geplaixued af- lokdan ow the cou id bave wihet1 *xlaiatou idfor anoiher view o b ler Sovereliza, aud la te man-had beau so confusedd anlaus Rt boey- pem moment that ineash ~~ * ~ cauld acarcel>' say shebaMlbatdis - lb. ,etvaant tinet view t ail; bni with tbasnih ,tte rot acntc Liter thare wms no word tha a o ôt de elri e and asant to hoaricen ta -natural, lovas- ldt* îau~tgod The Raymnd girls, Lb. Ethel aîîd Qarly mnough taose-Aitl a of ait, wven t he drawviig- r 'al . waiting, aIl impatience taeboni' chis taibow Geraldina bsd laret, ta s.. bhoy the looket. and naît, ta tellof their tU ,and thon gran- own a esxittion davs, to compare ex- Chrenote ti¶pelncs r note aliaratians. The>' t*iot~rt à atjnot a w ord FOrY agifat their q.xl~*ill@couinaftrwrds@ Site at beau Rd an eter neU~er elated nom self-important, nar 1)"W 4il ý ief-conscious --bb ailbeau juat ber ýit Olt 6448own self and aven lber Auni Charlotte ý 4 owned thaL Garattine wasa wauderfully 6 ÏOaid that fittie spoilt, ah thing8 cositeret. at'- t, Proant Wbat Ceeil bat thougbt lie kapita Xbe anid Geral- biniseif. 'araeeaitbaugh Be bat se bean in waiting full of ~predebered athexplanatlons and apolotgies, wb!eh, as .*Outld PresentiY ha we bave satd, faIl naw samewhat fiat. Who ppssewha d 1 It bad heen the new livrxles which o! at nri -'hadupset bis calculaiana. His giant- . osu !priani- moîher t a mittedtetatelilip eibe- '-sud that as thaso' about thenior bar amant new .amiiige. 1oli an amuarng lit- sut neyer baving seantune bu ri-a athom bet ripping liver>' or Lb. Cauxpbeuls belote, lie bad ing eacb Ciib- fanctten thatitiL ouit ho . uni- to hc lu -t ainlery -"And, uic an the present oecuaion. ,aisIbm>' wOld j'-But I heai'd Yeu bad been there ail proceedeci the nid igbi," lhe coud uded. i Jmat a Mn maî-ily. "-The> wbho bad sean Yon. Youn aid friexxd, i'ery groat poo-; Belieuteon, Genaldine. Udtiy enaugh,1 yo i clsanisd'I stumlied acromslim to-day, tixoughl kïof course, Ibene .we bat flot met foan agos.', hy. olk c1P9ý Indeedlîî sit liiigrandxoibet-, ous ad soinewhat coldI>'. 'Wc dit net see -tbey thlnk s great hlm, nar- any ana we kuew wteiiaOxt -' ~ ~ ~ M sbbt v.Mvilde,tid va, ternitiner"1 'r resauRni, bat "Ile saw >'uu, howeaer," repliiotCo- ,t reienber su vel cili.interc-epting bis ca îln'i repli'. a f eer datî bear-e ~waa on horseiac'k, and v<'adnto Courtdaysbeur aietnear enougb te catch yo r eye; cebofbravado, bu t lhe bat a iood look ai 'ou. ana saidi tenihb)oa t lie shouit have known Ger altiite an>'- SILJ bc heaid lady wbere." "She la a gootdoal chaugeil, neyer- Le a.kanobe plasue. beeas" sitGeraltines grand- -'loe ,sd ibi a i Ilevti.mito te la-auCbLmarollor Ohoi ;cUldadltbeip keawinig, at ber r aaant 11,7 uthualastie Citzen of lte IFs- st, a4 h bien comperloti te be- hoid oni>'frt mafr, uns le even to theriaed - Prledrlchamahe Bealieged dlaim ricagtltion, With Crowdu Auiîoas ta Do Hantage. Wbat booted Il-tea reson out the niRter? Sha voui net stop to bathiuk . Ail German>' in Gala Drme. bersalfibat ibis iaw 0f iL wasscarei> The founter af the Genîjian ettapiini, a plain and niatter-of--fact one,, Ith&t'rnice Bismaixrck, vas 80 ycxîîs oit M1on- thare batlu resit>' been n0 Possible ta>-, anti ni-er w-as binttny ve- ibrati't reusan wb>' Bellantan ibairît not have more ro>'ally. Ail Genutany unti-iîxted, mta bisway te ber sida bat ha taken and î'riedoi-niuae adîlceu s>' uxaxx> the pains La do so. No, nos, no-, lu badthioxsanta <ameinlupersan frnaxiiliants been the amen o! the future lu store a u xxln aofrtxi oimtii bon bath, ions ta the v,'îonnxstateaaxx. She iboult lie seatet atabt au ber Not ali-"lte haie of Si-dan bas ami>- tbrone af youih and beaut>', witb ail thitg oecurred thrt has bee~n 50 insîulrig the world t ber feet-and hbe-ha wbo batl deipised sud tesertet bier shouid Ion the iansetif Germit n iit> ia thei ho Lb. autcast wbaecaxld net aven ceeebnatioxx of Prnxce Biziinxînk's bitb- tnaw near taeliask lu tho sunlight o a! ty. trmuatxs ail ovrrthe ciî'ilizetl lien prasence. xnanld joieil ii liitg toion to te gni- lu w-as a preit>' ttile Vista, w-ai it nt? bxilnct cx-i-lixiilliun. Teiegrxxmsanx ot h- _____________ t-ni Ixditn ail lai the x l uait xxiifroxux thei CHArTEla X. boum uui.itxxtni'of Ithe globe. 1h la salîl huit 1,tKlt> laels anxxx.)M0,000 luithi-naundît a GERALDINE BE'GINS To PAY BACK. cuints xxmiv,-t for ulintx, to a sx>nmohitg of 'la Londoen hnv Ansy w v sît.anul nitet. xîîuitiitîîîî a u-i-rxxtx.'lu-si'lix n Gay piaises lte ume.teandveet sailles atem re an ie]xî il)ix a xxx itie iIlki tf îxixi ru' Our tnigs a round ef goot luîxnoel de- boa' iilîat or>'. adoux va xi .xxx',îiislinoi xi ligh nit.fesc a s ovIsro l And va ratt,., lu cexube, nl, teairaatterxttixlilfsx'x , iiVix'iix"iti nigut.' The présentatian ta>' b lieaa Tburstay. Caci Ravuxont teclunetetalunch lu Mount treet on the ollowing Sanda>' asle haïal oue on the twa preî'iaus Iailes, allegiug au enaguemeut; and iL preîeuily iranspireat thLieon gage- ment was ta breakfast witb Sir irad- enick ai bis club, a ber whicb tho pro- g asat biinging Belnden ta i-al on lgranilmuiber snd cousin. From te speakei-'s nianner iL vas evitent ibat a fev civil wonda fic a mian wit wbamlir as credtable toba on gotternis, batli in oeal ihe at aut)b twa>' lu vbich licei-ctaredtet Belianden aut quotet Bellenden dut-- iug ibo-nexit ive minutes rccalleu Lb. ait tme vba no oeanclbtsand an a itigitar pinnacle in bis goond gracea. [TI-' e vxy air wiul wbicbha mate bis butiter proposition showedthliehafeit accuofa!ils ling ai-ce pied. . Nov,,Iroao ad granu>' dit nat alto- PINCiiE xxtaMAECK. gaLber ilkotitis;tantdfao- Lwo remosOnsbut boa mortxl.4. Thuaîxmix o nunti-u woxtît bain thai noibing ai the kîndt axisma igittt ix yerMouixxii> as i-arnti bat bei-n stggetet. Site vlsbed to bis ionorsa us the c'reatomrf iuitet (h'm- haro noihinz !urihen uo to witb the many.i roix î'N3U îliîîuît cuntixxousi>' guesi w-ho ahcecouit but fuel bat been uxtxl bis (iian-tut aII, ith 'h>Yunxg urîgratefulatd nagîecîîuî, Rut site eni urr n 1I9 BisiixutnîI-k '.xii inthetti bat ott-basbioned viewa ou tiba 5h. ulesrieo - onr l ta ,ýect a! Suntay abiernoon i-alsa. pihi tender'du xf ts ,-ouiitwyli rte i-n Cocil vas iimsif of course velcan, ie' w-ho ofte lenixitimn Sw xii fuir le txîîl but allé oult bave prerret biste ua e liîaas te t untxtSix ile tit at hagtnning te bring riants vitith blm. ie vsiay' utx ixu ixf- As bon Geraldine, te word 1"bnino. lamge trîîxus lik liii. tii-ilt %vas wail&x mng" -ras enough for ber. A man hat 18112, on euteintg îuuî tti-ecxffice of taux- raqirat ta ho "brouighi." A man iter. fanet lapon ai uxtiing taustitu- vha, aven atter knaving tat bis Ofit'>'the pIroject o! ixuililtaîn>' niform uximx former triants aud botesos wena thee xpulisonm if!Austria,. axi w'asi witiuin a few streats of birn, eault tuai acliievot ut Sadowax x. Ili it wits vbo ai blîself stop aurosa tte va>', as lut ran'up thecon-îstitution for titi-uew Ge-r- eo, but xequiredt tahl "brought!" man Federation, xxdiihb.toua, xiithe axae te vreofaoscapag. viten @se, botv- b>' initixîg dthe nan xitli -'Fritr-. ever, recolleet b et-self: ant recel- Aci.ording to the dinî,atchcs, tue xvath- laited aa;Coi-i saie toit bier, oui>' 2ust ranu tbe moniîg of the ci'iibratiouwans in tume. glaons. B>' 8 W',loiik ive trains., auAx Yes, ber cousin vas ccntainly an Lb. hringixig about 1,1K> peronsi, batl arrived watcb-a*ctnally loaking ouitaw sae front Haniburg. lu additionx gréatnuni- wvixeibr an>' tracas of tiha aIt dame hors of peuple loiket lunus> the- various reu7,%ined. Fo.liib, abeurd boy. Dit rfflat frani the surrouiiting r-ounîn. The bho fot know ber-botter.,»Iutt ah 1raih'ixudst ationi iras hung wif b gtanli, Dit ha imaginte titat because hi cottld tlngs and Chines- lanli-m. The dis- ho won aven li>'the irai subi sentence pntch 0f econgratulation u'it-b Kitng Os- she vas ta ha equal>' poar-spiritet i-ean of 8w-oiSn and Noranan>'st ta l'rince She hurnat vith s aame ffintl. Bisarck xiiitid'totathe lxttern listhi- crc- Hnw eau>' ha bat pardonet ever>'- -ttr ,ofGennixînunît>'. Emî,enur Fraxtcis tbing: how pleasat ha nov looeid 1t Josephl af Austnin tras,.nuing those w-ha oit andt i-tler tbexa about bis iunt, lelegnaphoul i-angrattlatitont4tote lix-znxte. ant bis frient's club, and bis Sunis>' breakfast: Gran>' vas goul>'deor- Thouxanta Gatherianlte M.eaowe. ringliaete Sunday breakast,1 vel The gcnî'nal ipublieu ais nul adiitt-,lil, kuawing w-bati meant; and Caci, erar thu- cagtle gartdoxs wixix eni li r'i-éltitix rea*Iy to oonitiaîa, vas explainlng waibolit, but tlxtmu,îsof aplerions gaxi,-1 and excuaing, and, moreorn, asouring trt-tluinte meaotxs an the otbi'n site of the old ladttat iL vas not bis babit the stréani ovcniooking thei-gardons. At ta acept soi-b invitations, tbaL ho dit 12:.14) p. mi. the band o!fliihe iourtix regi- se, in tsi.t, vary soldera ludeoit, but aient of foot guants touuk a position in tbat ha bat no. likedt ta refusa ou the thé gardon opposite- the pîalate andt îiayedo q preseuiaîcasion, in casa iL migitt bave the "Hallelujah <'bonus" bnîîm tiii-"Mes-1 looked asif -abhovouit undeain 1u aisiah" and ather popuîxan airs '5Son tbe If souie -oseninien venu stili barboret airains of "Dii- Wavttit lein" wecnt wblcb shouit ho alike bnu-suhs a>a- hiart un the distance. annauncing lbe mont and a Camipbell. aîîprncb of tbo tudeuts' liro,-esiion. Thte x.We nusi ake thex worlt ai w-e indtrr-are %vas tloeuieul b>'Prnice Bis- i," lte >uag mon vis tihilosoîxhxcaliyinar-k, bis fauxl>' andt tbir n ninenoas angutng -vu ah oui simply make our- guosta. As the studtenta w-uni manshalet selves iticuona if wc appearet ta iti rout of thetert'naveeait(] ou the nisiumg have thaught samucho ail-he. Bei- groundt h îe loft tue bandxul îayetd "itoul landau is a careless ffi lowx, and sitar Die i- iigesknaixz.", bue bad t uslieha ld su inuchi La do Pi,- izxn' piae nxx'h- ana ta itink ut LIai w-a passat out 0f rat-e. Theowuads abouit the- caille hlli bis maman>-, u ito e meant nu harm, b>' thaI tintu' lu i-e l "leul ti (fuie 111) and hi- vas ai iniendi>' as passible ta pros ttemnettepiv' 1 ie ta-dav. Yeti wauît mat haro me salumortta %tviti- eonu-ut lix, theiîu-' I ea unibaxitaible as volas untio-sxîe>fîr asruîmizli>'t-su 'lu (r lents andetbie îîxtIi-ni- xxx ii'xxuigxt>' p isicatd"' bu ound Op. t'hi'ir.ix'iî'hxechoed fatnd %xl vide-. axii [To BE i-NTINUED.1 îtîî' siî'dents u'î,aiîeuititim sxx'rds ii- - ~ge-hIer i iinxthair. 1'inrv 'Biaîaarî'k aur- Amax-ican storici, ia cuirassier auifanru uutuul xxvas witbout x Btob3rt Barr, the '-Luko Sharp"Ilfof iîak. île nuiset itis lx,'uxuît anid attiti TIi' Detroit Free 1Press, andthLta igni- bouiiUg amtil theix - t-n lait siibali't. liai associate etitan af a Lotit 1.Titi-slitkPi-nio f lte siîii"deuta- oun aga- tîo. n, 1uxhila tixli-tili'l atuuleit tof tix, zîne, ayastat Amen-axas Innixaalute lUniversity ao' Bounthoenixsa'ixiu-îlthi- ideas, but Englishmen have ail ite tribunieexildt'ouxvi->'t-illa1'imx'- Bisuni'k finish. Ha enys taiLite Anierican wbo gaeta Landau must guard bis atonies, if lhe aven expacts La use temt, Ias Lbey will be takan ont af bis mnout andu mata inba cap>' befne lhe k.nows it. IOvan han. s liteay an'n ieLtts ail aof bis idea. upon bis friands belon. haie ihinks af prlntin¶> tIi-uaon papar. Titay are polisbat by hoing kuai-ket about. Hopkinson Smith mate up -,Col. Canten of Crea le'out ofs hasli hat been teling for tan years. An Amen-can woult as soan hava thought af stealiutg bis spoons as bis storias te make mouey oui of. But lu Enguant tâst la the. repiara nand sale i athorse Inet. The ave la the'suggestion mode hY United Statea Co~nulE. W. Tiagle, at Brunawick, German>', In a report ta the 8tate Department. He saya that in large Glerman citiez thé conslimption of horpienment la almoat as great as thnt of tiee'f'nd iittitton andt ili groi'ing in the uoxnller tawnd. 0f course the etistomters arc oxclusivoly oif the pour- or -litiaoa, but they c.omîpose uinie-t'-ntha of the c.onxstixtuera of the country andilthe men ix .' olt for 7 cenîs a poxxit ai agalati-ef ut froiuî15 tae'25 cents. The -inuiseats out rmilonîs to prove thîît horwi'nment la ululte xasgoot as lîeef. Hie sayxitht. doîntxtii hamitxnieseourail- idIlY lx(xail, y gt it ~Io ladiieult ta nîcett il, xxxii w'h'r-ii a tutciî'nxfîîinî'rly paid froni t$5 tiu "10)foi- naivurnout borne for saiiglter. tbey, lin l' 5a- nitui] "i), and lincei-atare î'ising. 'The cniiîîs iecs bore a gn-et îîjx'txxt'for Axx'nxupackers. le F:a sthe holurai-e lipI>' iiit Ateri-a la îu'a'tîa lle iiNxxuiibli';the>' i-n ho liise- ainxi ilie Wst'u thh'îîrtxi ru cttio td ari in ixlrt' ,x ll i ua-ippo. 'hinpuet iîî lot Il( a'i x ci.but it ivani le funxislieil axikIt4 teir ii' ,ixxilil xiwi'll xas fn-sx, xttlis it îa iin i rnxaix. Thx, eliiîi't touiliera xxlion lii- iasonxish- itigly x'iiîid diixxax' cf iirses iii Anîvriva i'lls-ii iitixxîixthex,-ixxtroducxt ionitof the troxlle'y('a r.,' iilbias madei-ora,- rxîaiîxng iliiiheVi'atiiîîritaxlilî'i xirges that thei naiti'liixx' iîxaxy fl'î el ieif lii' nxisiiîg l'irses',fur Ixinul; tiie- incui.-axgxxixu.xlithe ixuî-x tiii Atixiriux b'-iiig giziilnson whlxî' lii- îili tnot I)riti t lîy tii iffiît militi-eoft tix i n a loiitlxu.r -'.1iitlry. TO SETTLE WESTERN LANDS, t>rgaraizcd Cainpaxigit tt, Reticai- Over- crowded t' nitcrn Cille.. t lxxin: 'a 'ullixii l. ii>Na,-~ i,-i lioiîl Irnîxuai înxiiîxiiiti . x.'I>r..S.I-i'lixg the, irrigat xiiio -igi's ,-iîf ta% î'ixy ~"x Sttes'i. iii4iiigiiiniit-i xxi E.iaii-rîîii aiiîxt fîîr lai-i'i-a-iin M t-is I'iîxj lxl. Bwîi-ix. thlx-- t hi-ntigli t. Eu a iîrd u-r ett liale lîneait4 ndît iiiîl,' a '.igi xî mliîehI'll xfav ix' of ai, orgaiii ai-Mfi t t-,i il iveri airibiil taîsulttu surluslixali li tnd itllex'îlopî induîsties,'andxîlsocxiaiiNîtitul tioua thai itou liilin,,',' t, tronig att n.xtion tii th'- îuaiiuaet. îtlx itiogbt tiatxiiive- inueit une- îf t he- louât minportn t utîder- talion liti iiaîîiv laré-. Mr. Sui"itl,'t-lxurt-tlthîît t he i' iiiof t he- We,'t lais it, tia i' i if thiti, tx iun,"xi r- utixictixat tii,-ni is il di r'-i't re-latioîntii- t ai-ci t hi' aurpluîîs li liin thei-niw'wSae of theî'feir V'ît axiîiltlheîii'axr. Iî"x--o îituic î'îîîîi lioin lxth,'eu astI. l-i el ii- itjaimn'i'i-axry ii) înoiît'xl- iii i iitt t ut .ly foîr the uzieiiiîuiîîy,-,butiins natxlaons if îeîttorixg the ,-oî'îiiiîxiia f thiiiaidîlle î'Ilâsst-s. ile claii4ldi lxitt a In rger pi-r- ei'iitnge of tetixliita l îiîi i li th 'nitefi St ates thn n iii iy ut lier viil iztuilcoun- INCREASE IN WHEAT STOCKS. Neari>' 35,000,000 Ismihets in Store ln the Nî>rtbwcxt. The, Minnxeapolis Maxrke't le-rlrel..rts f1i.iO buathels of thi-at Illx large- î'o,întry- ,li'vatora in the Ni irtbhw'îst, mon'e eleatoitis nx î'iîuiiii lrivate bouse.s, 714,9XX) bhilels. an ixicru-awe af 36~.000 lxsîxels. agaumîlst l15,lot lit ear ii thlei m-uleboues. The totnal stiieks wiiî. in xthe o rthiwest. inlîjludixxgMini- îîiiaolls ipubllic and rtli-ant,'stocks. Dui- luth stocîksandxxii i"uuixt ry el îtîîr stîa-ka. la 34,Ilul2.l buhlsi. aitaxitisat nutle xiî,re than U0.iKI,lLW%l lihtIiîle onxiiAlil 1 isxt icir. The total rî',',iîixa ut àMîniei- lia. D>uluxth sud xiii Siriiîr fîîr t he lust Iwî','k aire 1,M6)1.110 hiîiisll. agiist 11A5 îumhxels tiie'sanie au-ik hast vxr, aitx siiîîuxeîîti&anatxîîlntiug 10 121;M) 5 lxîshli. W 11h re-i1xts xf 7MîsHi liiisliels tii,' list ai-ik inM x ii-spillolia. Ihi-re w axatuixnii- i'î-î n xx andhl xxxijeri'atî' bîîîiet;of 54-I. 9)(M) iîushî'i six. aing a ixxxiii iîg î'nxîautxîî- thon of aiioiiiti'lis timl,'x dxxii'. Th.i' ('iniixnjiit îitis a î'îk la 'x- liert-l ttiieablitîîthtoltalsx e. gi i thi tiugesa n h uit pjinîxta. -aiuiiWTi 'x'xu. a Ct iiauxax, i la x îudi- inute fxn Mn>'oîf Le-xinigtonx, N,'b. Suî; îi'ix:C'ouixrt îof 21ii'higxiihas do- ctideitliihxe Shxawia' xitii xxiixai-t is Mixt avxizers or Ct iciiigx xxind xiaxis Ctj it>x t îuîîxxtni tii killILa bil1l ii Mit- xxi ata. 2aIi!ixxî-alx a i'xuxusiilr-nig axi ll ivhi'l. if uiioptu-u. -x'il un-eveuit nuits xa .-xii in l A t i- et ing ixn Nt'x'v York rpprîunu-eia- t-i e's etfxix pi i t gavîe nuaii', ifor t lt- poxliî'ual fuitli. ArxizonaîxrLugilîiixxxr,- utljoîiiî-uxeîl lit a fixlii. thex..gî'xxru lîrx a itpr itinbil lxfi- iiig xf pasage'u. O-u'in I it> men-x lrauxijntuîî intiierefin ui,ýv'nuxxt itlit st. 1,iilaxxxŽn- re appiniut jîulgi-.ofxii' tihou. 'l'ie Hliix'-> nciuxg bli.thxe mexas- tin- auxpîortet b>' tle gxxtxl-rs, Ixassau xtie Illinais Scoute. Fricots of Scîxator Davis. of Minixe- sistx, are xxngixxg huîn as a lteîlUl)ill au -an ,Iitate foir Iremiext. The Delawa-reu'Hutise dcbeatet tthebbll peri-nittlng the Cityof Newenastle toa xdopt the single tax s-sleni. Revisora of elet-tiune In St. Louisacnm- pli-led ibeir wonk b>' eluinaig 11,548 tîiea freni the poil books. Bath Houaea af the Nebraska Logis lature Ipassed the bill provlding that a houai>' »halîl hi paltonsaugar. The Utaht Constittitionai convention laid on titi table thei section reterrng te the taxation et aburcli paop.rty. lWUnoi lm osbas,-amaed a bll cajou. I*tadte0 sbpilsb içrek tm ". %A lg 4ouo The Modern ?r.M*Megt cm" tu, ResmoVins the imiie Mar&. V. Curlcy who han renalà l'aoLi,. once, Iowa, for theo paît twmnttw>s telle an lntereatîng story of w t ah*,4a. aiera rescue front premature death. I narrative la as follows. "For teu yetrm prior to 1894, 1 was a constant snfferer troimseuet aitéha trouble. I had ail the manifold aymptenis of acute dymppoin, and al tinien other troubleasire pretxent ln coipicatio-I did flot kxnw what itaate enjoy' a ixesi. No malter bow ctreful I might ho as tu the qxality, quaitity and preparation ot îuy food, distresa aiways followed eating. 1 waa doapondent and bine. Aimait to the point of lnsaîiity at tinies. iand waaild have hein glad ta, die. Otten and otten 1 coulidnetflotsep. Syxnpathetic hîeurt trou- bie met lu and tiie enti tgain 1 wxxi obligeai ta ciii a doctor in the txîght ta re- lieve udden attackis of suiffocation wbiela wouid corne on without a mxoxxxnts warn- ing. *'Mfy troubles Increaseit as tinie wore on and 1 apent large sumo in dloctor billa, ho- lng Lompnleed ta hai e médical attenîdanxts aimnait constantly. Dxring 189l2 andt 1893 It waa Impossible for me ta rcttan foodi, and water briahew pliagued me. 1 waa reduced ta a akeleton. A consulta- tien of physiciens vas uînble ta deor- mine mast what did ail me. The doctora gavéetas as thelr opinion that the. probable trouble was ulceration of the conte uf the istomach anîd held ont ina hojie af recov- er>'. Une doeitor @nid, 'Ail 1 cati do ta reliere your auffering ina h., ie uae af opium., "'About this time a frix'nd of mine, Mm. Symantha Smnith. of Gllddlen. Iowa, told me about the case of 'ti. Thurston,.3of Oxford Jonction. Iowa. Tlîi% lady maid she lad lbeenrafflicted mmach lte Ramea 1 land. She bat conaulted local phyoi- ('tans without relief, and lad gone te Davenport for trcatment. Civing Up :nil hope of recovery. sue waa liersanded b>' a frieudtot take Dr. Wiliinms' Pink Pilla. 'rhe reault wualminost magicai. "I wag led ta try them froa hem cixpe- rieur,,asd before inan>' monta I feit latter thon I lad for a dozen years. I arn now aimont free froin trouble. and if throuirh aome error of dii-t 1I el badl>'. this i;plendid remet>' sets me riglit again. 1i have regained my tîtrength and am on,*e more in my unanal fltiçh. 1 sieep well andt caan eat wlthont distrena. 1 havin doubt that 1 ouve ni>'recor r'tu Dr. Willias' Pink 1il .I oly iat1iebatheard of thern yeara ago. thereby snving my- self teix years of auffering andt mnî-h mone',.- Dr. Wiliama' Pink Pille contain al thp elemebta nle"reaar ta give new life and ichuoxîs to the blod and estore shattêm-'d nervi',. The>' are for saie b>' ail druîc- giata. or ma>' hé had b>' mail froni Dr. Willianms' Medicine Company'. tt-h.nee-- tady. N. Y., for 50c. per box, or ix hoîx', for $2.5i1. TIhe Boanuan Manual 'Training Scbool at New liaven tia. recolived a glft of apparatua fromn General Edwin S. (.reeley, of New York. It consista, af galvanometers, rbeostatx, and ather ar- ticles used In olectrical experluwnta- lIon tandt nseatrment. 1'lxoy are va'.. ued atiseveral tbousand dollars. To Teacheruad Others. For the meeting af the National Edn- cational Amiocialion et Denver. Colo., ia July. ni-il, the W,'aýteru truuk fines have jnaméd a rate af oui stanxdamd fare. pîtt twa dollars for the roind1 tri .Variable routea wiil h e roi uîted. S pe<ial aide trips at reduced rates wll hoarrangeai for fromn Denver toa il the principal points of intereat throuzhout Colorado. and those deairing ta exteut the trip ta California. Oregon. and Washington. will be arconxmodsted at aatisfâ,etory rat"*. Teachers and others that désire, or inletîd attending thia meeting or of making a Western trip thia antnmer, will find ii their opportunix>'. The Cicnga. llwau- kee & V. Paul Rallway <firt-a inl i-ver>' e ecwill rmn through eRra 'hi- (-ago toa>nvr For lill partirui krs, writê ta or cail on F. A. %filler, Asàlàt- ant (i-tiiraI Paiâenger Agent, Chicago, Ili. liev. Sa bine- Ba rlng-Uou la, the authar af the populxtr hymn. "Onward, Chris- tian Soldiers." ls ai once a rount,' par- son, a country squIre, a lard af the nianar. a sermon wrlter. a student or c'omparative tbcoiogy, a poîtular novel. lot and a pool. For Weli People. MoaInt medirinea aore for the sick. Soai cati be uset with good effects by persona appamenti>' ueil. Uxîcnalotixl résort ta Ripons Tabu,,les preveuxts attarkstbal resaIt from dimorders of tbe tomacli aud îî ' îr. Ta preserve la botter and chexiper than ta repair. 1UIOWEDGE Drings co1f and improemetan rightl'y Us'. it an 0 who Be, beL te, than ohers and enj-,,yyitefow,.. t Jaaepnditure, b>' mare p!lbompt>' adpiçthe varld's beat producta te t o' f 'Cbysical being, will attesL the value ta altb of the purseliquid laxative principias ambrai-et ln the uanied, Syruof aFigs. Isecellence la dus ta ils premxnting Iu tbe farm most, acceptable and pleis ant ta the litat, tise ref aud truly beneficial propartias af a perfect laï- ative ; slectal>' cleausling thse systerc, dispelling colds, iseadaisa and leis anat pennianeutiy cuning' canstipatima It lima iven satisfaction ta mmumsai met v itisths approval of tise médical profession, because iltauonuthe; kld asyç aLiver sud Bowels vltbout wesk e n gthemand it ia pèrffsody iesfhm every objectionable surbotato isymupf i Im w ale dM sge a 5; 4; 81 ufactur t be 1I17* y%ý*

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