CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1895, p. 3

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1ifpoýrtaut that ah. .theuM; am b. if" VOIT muit bln sarnest ana tuok a izreat I desopains ln the nmatter.- IHe wu very little les if a young don than hoe hao] been in year. paut, but hi@ wontod oolemnity and profundil.v. Dow took a G d i. . qdillrent turti. and, a a rliug young ,man, and an euibryo politi-ian, and a iHe was broader. totr, redder than bachelorwbo had hi. own roorna and lbie hail been. She thougbt lho WB8 bad lfra naine down for evraltgood Fi b, j bau diy s handsome, uer s elegant in clubs, 'and who coîld bave hi%î cati at shape. It iidea#-d lber te note that hc a fair numbet <of good bouses, ho wa haci a dash of gray on cither temple. now ready to treat an acquiromont of a But bis tolea- bis laugh? bile ai- certain anoutint of fahonable knowl- mot wished tbey, t00, bal cbaugzed: edize with ait the gravity hoe had for- one knew tbem sen well, remernbered rnerly bestowed upon hi. Qitonian lite. tbem ae weIl. Accordingli ho did nlt aibow the Ho wstalingadiaubinas easily prosent exce lent opportunitv for lui- ~ as of nid, it seemred. Hec grandinother, provine bis cousn's mind tonaasa with- in étili intent on acting up te cecil's ini- out e>ertlng bimseîf te take advantage g fit i uctions. w.. i-enig n aud iracions as of lb, and presentlv bie expressed bis ksi , e ver: and neither in hie tiret reception satisfaction thua. "You bave made at uer in aught that followed bad hoe any- veî'y good egiuning, Geraldine. Yeu tbing te cornu ain orf. bave been lucky in your day. It la not And yet Bellenden knew, withln the eV ery day tbat*br'luge out so many of Y' limits of that briof balf.hour, whab hoe the rigbht sort of people. 1 dont kuow Pl bail aud bat not tue xpect. It was when 1 bave seen the place fuller," t* CUAPga LX.Centiau.d. obviofis thet ho w.. not to takre up bis looking mouni cornplacenbly. eould net have donc botter. "uUn- fo-mer footinz lu the nouser.old: ltwas I Yes. 1 tbink It is delightful," ex- ci labe" won bie graudmother - oquali> plain that thero werte bc hO n claimed sbe, wth animation. lt leil, ltelted," i. cousin. reriniscýences.nor revertinoe te thingta delîgbtful altozether. Tbe sunlight f( M&) Camnpbell would net, in- past. antd it wuis markedly lear that and lthe tshude, and the people and theo o bave hlm appear, nor bave hlm ;Pleu Cam nbohi bad lieuie wth -Jert'y. " horses. 1 amn afrald 1 shahi want to hartable, nelto say ux-Chrls- or even witb * Geraldine" for lever, as coule bore every day, though, oi 1id ertaiuly, toeharber auy sort rogardeti hirn. CeAUil." e go ainstafrieud, oventhouirh "..uite the swagger young lady," -Weil, <of course: that ts wbat people it frionf hail brouglit It upon hini- quotbho t himtuelf, hal f-bail y, half- do. n is titi correct thing te do that. il saorcd. sho couti net but owu, <of amused; 'trerndeîîaly fine and fasb- Tu o en<lv now aud thon is nonensue.i »m-Christian tempot': wiiorefore. if ionabel. I migbt ha-. lakuown it wo.ud You don't& gel knewun,nr tl Cliben n tbaI aceount fila ol o ioe rn pet dr n aything. N'ou wililsono begin to b met Sir Frederlck iioliqndien hait- nevet' last. One beath of the wor;d notice the most part Of the ridera who abch coîtld but commend ber nipé tht-m in the blossoming. Why are boere now- yoîî wil gel to c now me n ad eneavr te foilnw lus should I have expected bier te bu dit- tbem ailibvsigbt --tbeycomo rcs'uluaîly.v an(B. lelleuden should hoc e.- feront trorn otbeî'a?'tIl la quite the tbing tol do."h in Mount treet. And the doar i or le bad expecbod lt, had been "Hew glati I arn 1 have got my 1 eau- oetureý actually fet asbarned ot struck wilh a suddeu and strauge tiful 'Sir I ance'ýot -" patting bis nerk - oiwn feelings, sud tbld heroif tbat scnse <of thie heauty and innocence of *'Ay,hle quite the right horse te 'liae right otuetimes ake a les- that girlisb face as hoe hal gazed ulo have. I dare sav ho bas hoon very înuch from voîîng orues. l, bimseif unsoon, on the prosentationuaatirîeil. ) our horse i.s sarcoly bs Ai lh Graliti (c l wsdotn hal day, and had tit theoafler a restleas looked et than yoîîraolf in tbe How." i bld. Tii liebure. she would lniu-o"bterld ero IW. " houhd hope a greal deal more," h te scen ' uno;histicated" He hall looked tip Ceeil Havrnend with said feraldiue, laugbing. "if 'Su Lau- Me hthe world. To ho îu-e, she bail that purl>oa-he badn otdearedtocomo ceit' la enly te ho less looired at m-t1aen bier cousin and mis udged alene. auji thon aho stopped auddeuhy, sud H à~ e wes net wat'biug, ho was Y'et he hadthotbeiht te carry it with bout ovor lber sadle. and was tee bus- wareng br, ie mitu 10 ouvy &a hhend it altue saule. It would ily arrangini! the bnnch oif lowerets lu L<%elv bint. eertainhy bc ba-t net t0e ppoar as if hoi ber t:uttou-hole toproceoil furtber. ~ W.ii ahe ou!d lake bis hint, but bad doue anything 1tehocashameti of, "hr sBlednoe hr. mut, take It lu ber own %vay- and it would go lac- towvacd vindicating obeerleil Cecil, ai1 uucouseionshy, Saoii. Ho was quilo righl te i- is believior if hoe coulil appear uncon- --,§liait we ride upto birn? I daro say maothat bile wouhd do v.tcll flt toe lt scions tif there bavinig heen anythinirlhe la corne t0 bave a look at you." omysten.. ofi nîuî rn codnl b a n akdy or wrong arîpoar: about ilt t vindicate. With a bol *'Not 11koy Anle saaknt bu% when it cane te the practiel part foniacodnllyhese n tlkde'ol.I doAnet hoi pekuho lia oftheb proceodlng she thougbt sue Ah' but ho waa aashamed for ail that, scin u er pel. Ide net thiuk oabast tuould do btter than ho. Ho miglît andl the truîb seemed te glare at hum hlm, and I arn tiraof het.b corner," tîuow for bim-oit. It mght ho right ouI t ftuvo ery eyes. lutb bis compauien. turnlng bier enough fî,r hlm bte ccept Bellenden's Net Geraldînes eyos, for fbey were herses head round; "Il shoulil hîke te overturea. aud bo rociprocal andl re- nover turneti bis way at al. thougli take enother turu up andl down, Cecil, sosve;, but be had net once- andl they hoarnei large and liquid as ever if yen, do net mi d. Let us go the bot 01flash rose te lber broi, andlber on Cecul, on ber grantirnthor, on env hlleg oteriencmr- tf were set witLln ber rosy lins at oh ct in tho rooun rathi-r than hlm- wholelenceb or the ride once iore- the tbougbt whicb folowed. sef Ibtte ohd laily's. fer tboy wero unceoen. Cern," and sbe bail set off 11) *q>i rng hîm," cried abc the noal rnlld. sorene, bene'voent, and regardcd cr0 hoe rep'edi. minute. -I)o, guannuv, lot ( ociii bring hlm witb a caîmnness wich eh irnaci Nthng bth, ('oeii followed. tUv Froieriek Blelendeuî houe, t waut sas fac from feeling: flot Cecils: ('oeil Be bil ng wln ebpaeBl te sec hlmn agein. Andl. grauuy, if 1 waà perte, tly happy. and perfectl unu- lenden. il was truc, as hoe aiways was amneflt at home wbeu he oueies ouni ensciens -secure et ha> îug doue tbe wiîîiug te ho accu lu cornpany witb a Sund.ay, yen wili ontertejît hum. wili right tlîing aul charmel thet ai bail, well-kuown presontable acquaintauco àpou net. Sey pou will, thecois a tuined out 00 well. -but hoe was more than pleid ta dear. " No. the eyci were thno <iof bis own Geraidine should ntoeare abotatd If pou are net at borne? Wbere uewly-awakened aud indignant coP- shoulil prefor "anether aut it, and L ver. you thiukiug <of ging. rny be? esience.con itniscfThywle l inquirea gratuuy lunsaine surprise. %Wbata f001 ith adlmaie cif hîmsif dwu' Si h rers-ol Tby walosed *To th chiltreus stervice at 1Herke-' Why cmuId lhenet, by a littho ordiuary Ipast, u'F-dcrt i-telerably clse loy Gbaptil. li ou know it la sonetar attention, bave noue away wtb ail tbfa pt oo battg ply ogther, reve i:ads thati1 can easil1y go alone, i f Mus 'or- awkwsrdness, and this tiroserno cm- I îhonb uhocither ec eid hr andIl unna does nfot are te go witîî me. harrasement? A ltter or two, Gecai- preakento cout eondtheîr horsos- »ut yan wlii nelgo, dear; au grouuy diue>s prouent. an invitation tram his break intaurai ntanitho tr Ig-r ivii b at houle,(Ceil. If youi bring mother, a littie civilittvshewn t0 tue ure spfait ailu hoh eenrier. C*pt. Beleienltîece new. 1 must haymends-uy onue <ftts inhlsle remeunber, and w imust zgrenut', that have enaý led hlm uow net euhy te feel ie ho cerne there. a. Ceccibail hob la 'Capt. Belenden' ne longer. i quite cemiortable. but would have bailt &eGeadie emuanot thlnk hew il iNu that wo botb given hum the pleasant rigbt t t ie te- He id, tet e edno.h ie tta Sjoaget, unless*' witb a linge ' the nId garded lu the' igbt et eue who was Ht' dfor ne secubathlog' re a tha aîI~tere.a" may bu Ihat uvo more than a m"re aî'quaiutauee. Ho eufrteeeebilogaephd lwbaenoitber seen uier heard ans thiuig toit alilat once a desîre te ho ookeiluo uai obe e i essi ofI bim si.liebe hoîarn '-ir kred- îuou lu Ibis ight sud the desre wes town: but leho ac. et i ho bul like ta ~r1ck.'" eeccely thece eccclho wa, conîlu cd ft mbeol bb ttiedonerse rnetIucb 610h, sha 1Iyeti ho eut' Ëid Ceeul, wouhd ucvebe orealized. arw oineloc mr. Wy 1dgrather blauk. lie almust sigeil as C'oeil ooked et siueîld i', not? -1 am bwcheu h et a chidren«s 5cr> jet. hlm, and rose te go. Ho had inter- Sbc bal heen quite civil te hlm, sud Md ypair sbtera teck me te H3erkelî'Y ehangeil a fcw mcv words with Gcr- there wm n po sibie reason wbv theo Chapel thet irsI .Sunday wo true beje. aldinec. Sho liai shown hlm the flow- twe cheudnoe t o oolrieuda. or, et and lI iiced it se much." crs o'n hec balcon>'. and lbait alioweiî cuîy rate. polite, sociable ac quaintancee "But the ber'u ce ailho over by 5 ini suswec te bis inquiries, that she a-as in future. * o'cin.'k, tuy dear." hier grandît ochier charmoîl with al l sto liedt accu sud it was net te bc expected that sbc remindeillier:.-1 belicei îis ec ly doue, andl wa"loekiug ferwardwithde- shouid ho as ilemonstretive and opîen- 4. A~nd .eotimut (terne ii te tee, se ight te what was next te tlle.. Both hîarteil a. wbeu she wss a chilI ccv. - htil Ccýci contetben ' beti conineL.theniseles te London , l as hersodly poias tehzhofxohte 140h, I nover meant te corne hooce," andl te tbe pi-osent. The past bail net tha en hsecurdtbsul as sh ha oet l sala ho lheetitouched l chou Iuchmarew nover ee ubrsce elaaebloc Geraidine carilessly. -I only mesut 'I heu yeug Raymnd bail orewn but h li i net tbinitlbe bail hlmself te say that glauuy would ho ecee fer ceai. and bail contidently murmucoi l etered. or. et toast, se ltered as that certain. oldntsignify. %ot oîntbinr i i osn'er iw i (;1eraidiuo shoul wtbdcew ftcem him kow ifIwnaicteGrusve*or tep other bail et once mou cd asidi' ail ordinary lîkiug. u e te0teoa1""'iaughtv and vexcil b>'this inerup Sheh bailfo".bu "To Groovenor Square' Toe "tion. and. roreoer. witb kna ndorrip- ' ebi e ee aml said Ceccli.*'t-btd h e-bttrreletoofav once seul nether bail sho hocu trigil. Heil she pét you ' 0f course tlucy weîld hi' de- that Cecil wtiud de well 1)î chiait> a ' Icec, one or ther lho would have Iiete;but, yen sec', ry m(,t ci' ah- start with the heiceas. knowu what te make ot IL. But, as il vapa goes teue r own oin te cstaud 'fIlt start bail aiipaceutly been oh- was, ho bail thanks ta Ccciii been the girls are eoithcu'n luite rs or- eff taitnel. i ba'¶el:cand theonouy soLution <f the somoewlece or ther. M,\y mther i ces 'Yen are goîug te ride iwith lier'." lîreblem w tichabl et fi rat occtucred te e-jnt bavepeinl ut.) eclock oun saul Sic Freueciok, as the twe alked i hlm bhail bon tee disagreearilo t have tp ase phoydeu n est bouses, se, away. "D)ecsIlo ride as woll as rbeen long i outemplebeil. But it uow L k1L , w thet ef couutire h er' îecuured îvth reuewed terce. alw>skîce ou sîli yn aiL "hvery bit: andl wchave iet hci'suchb Hec indiereuce couid mean utbiug 1 <iy su eelu. yen have a herse! elou tll o -ý se then thet hoe vas now powerless Wa. o etig"'hbave I seculber eutidavci ither te ttreet or te repel: andl S1houlti If Il is bo-)h-t te take Belleulen as itîinuatingthet liemiurt wbetber tbat powccle'usncsa vere the "aka for uothing, certail 'v," retumtel have oabiiy donc se Withent îomcu'k- jresuIt ot an>' change li himÈacIf. or aGeraldine, with a îormeutuug aiie. in, it 1 whether it prececileil f--m bIle ssceud- l'YeOu wiih ho lu at 5, thtiun' salI lue. "ý\o. the horse' ouîy came np yestei'- iee>cyf e rival, it dil net Zroatiy sig- persvernul. dy. Yn vii ec ereute-orrw."nitv. Eithec way wax bail euough. -iNo. sir, I dil net sny thut. And I Àii thc enrd saw Gecaldine out onu as'e too ho bai on 5tcm ailtMaye iver <jiduyseif by engazements, ln tee i t.e el ternluisanonicgtioan. Taie I loel adesiu te break Ilium If As she rode siewly up andl dowu tb, sunlign.hL oto ntn ovcin Imaire an*engagrenieut I keet, lb -I amn sunlit l<ow. where the shîne lcom the He bail himseil. been watcbtng the paît' pot liko sonne peopl-' the allusion glitterinv, boavena dancing upen Jout foi' some 1 ittie tiinoPcovieuslv, and had w& naeflt so viel but thet fhe caught lb anil stemn. the glosa onu the satin-like1 knewn tèe exact moment whon each ...,iwhereforc prudence suggestetb veets et the herses, the hutter e aun bd1talmost simultaneueshydiscovereil mXking nAue." And ho feit that she 1ci' parasol. lace andl feathet' emoug tlb hr' hlm Wea Qhoralldaine ba umui e * U ne difltmean hum te entrap lbei'. hri'l iaut, meny-tiîtcd ui'owds, made aea r bailho i andrnc il berao lie was, in censequeuco, somewbat spectacle novertto cefterwar l mc- ta espeb anil reew bItaeuthe eunprisuei when the day anc the bouc gîîtcn, the youtbtu1 helces as a.ier-ta.obpeibilmsned0te ara'lved. s elf one ot ils chieLet ornements. j noveineut iustatiy- and thon the t wo On thinking the matter over Geral-, She hati net becu theco betere, foc lb bail walked shoeiy by, to ail appear- dine hadl neithor attended tbe service bail been a busv lime of day witb lier. aie teken up s.eywb e'tokr ai Berkeley Chapel nr gene te teesluneand site bai nut carel te go untiahe itbail been doue delihrately; lb Gnjsvonor Scuau'e. lusteail, she baile musdtk e lc rnnteîlc' ut have lecît of set purpose. aroapeil or Sefuac ndrso <ifabth soit- orleosr hprove mns ve rbidl mm i Ildh hv- lh bi 1 - -bieailplsItit-p-il aaceb- a b-.utf-lbyth1-ienhA,f 1 hîviethug. Ho d u lottin thet REUNION AT SLLLLOH. f h :mighty about the line moed jradwt charge. A aheet ofiante ______________ Iand a mighty uproar burat from the Fcd- P ral stronghold. The Confederate liue GREAT GATHERING OF VETER- withered. but there waa flot an Instant'@ ANS ON THE HISTORiC FIELD. pause. The creàit was gained, and tien. Jobuston bad bis borse abot in fobr places. Hia clothing -'as plerceil witb bullets and Fa-Ou. Battie Oround Now Turned bis bout moles vut hy minle balls. The Into a Fine Park-Sonse Accotînt of Federal soldiers kept up a voutinuous lire a Meorabe an Blody onflct-as8 tbcy fell back on their reservés and de- a Meorabe au Blody ouflet-livered volley after volley as they sud- Gen. jobnstou's Death. deuly retired. -. A uinie bail from one oif tbese did its Story of the Fight. fatal wvork. As b mast there after bis The' receut reiunioti of the' survivors <if wouud, '10v. Harris rî'turned and finding te buttle oif Sliilob. or Pittmburg LI01(1-him vi'ry pale ask4d him, "Geucral, are ig, ou, that historie field, vaa the' largest o wounded ?" le answered lu a very gatbcring of v'teraiw i eîld i lleS-,(),th deliberate and ernphatie' tne~, 'YssandI t lice the w ar. 'nu' reooiîou %vas udîer fear s3eriously." Tbcse were bis last te auspices of the Shilolh Battle-lit'ld As- words. sciation, wbleh w as orgauized threî' AIliext day the roll of arlillery an<l1 ln- Years ago b IturlIIase aid tIr"in jto a fautry waa heard ail along the lunes. and park the historie groiiiid wbere the' grî'at evPry foot of groutud was being eonte.oted. outiet took pilace. Col1. E. T. 1,ee, oif as the Cônfederatea were being preameil lonticîlIlo, Ill., la foutider of the aaso- hack from the battlefield. The losaea bad iatioîi andl lins îworkeil monîit suee-essqftlly been fearful ou botb sidea. Tbe Cou- in its bîlialf. Thé' reeit gathî'ring ¶was federates were driven f rom every position for the-pîîrpose of nirkiug the position»isuntil tbey reacbed tbe old Sbilob Cburcb of tlic varjous coumandîs îlîriiig lt(-fight. vbere the battle bad commnicced on Sun- The aveount oif the bîîttlî' of Shiloh la day morniug. Tbey still bcld the rldge one of the uiost 'xeitiiig pages oif tbe eivil whicb had been cbargcd and recbarged %var. itvas hiet îiteîdî'd tii tigbt a liattle lime and time again. Gen. Grant came bîeri, lit Coîl. Albiert Sidnîey Jobustoui up and, seeing tbe situation, bc aehected deterrîi îied iii sutrprise thli'e edral troills. Vaiî' brigade oif (;en. Hurllîut's divis- envanîiped on t hi' spot, aud gl o îireciîiiîuteil iou, witb other rc'gimeiits. and formed the slrîiggli'. Geiî, trit îas î'aîiîg îîem ilinoefor the finaI charge. "Weil breakfaîst uatiîvanniah,. seven miles away. do we retuember," writes Col. Lee. 'wben n th hclerry mnsion, uvben hi' bearil the lbey took off tbeir bats and gave tbre iraI vannon thal opeiied the' batîle. Mrs. ebeers for the' Union aînd the nid flag. W.' H. Cherry was l4ic aeuat <of haniling Then swecpiug up the sloîw and over tbe him a i'up oif eoffce at thet' ime. lie imje- riîlgc they disapîîeared down the declue, iiatî'ly tîrose, sqaying: 'W'î'muîst go te the' îarrying cverytbiîig lefore them n ad GRAVE OF THE DRUMMER BOY 0F' SIILOH. front. the bail lias openeil." Gen. Johin- driving the Confederate arn»' tromn the stou bail made bis order et hattif, aud lield. Cheer after cbes'c vent up au the li.i formel bis army in tbree long parahle]list tahot dled nvay lu the distance amd 'meës.Shiiob vas s'en." Thbe Cenfederate arm> movrel forward Gem. Beanregand, lu bis repart maie lu solid colunin tînder the utersonai coom- atter the' batîle, plies the Contêerate mnmioet en. Albert Sidney Jobuston, loua et 10,»9. Promn later farts derived striking tien. Shernîan's divisiou ai the front the regimental. brigade and division ShiIoh Church. He struek fSherman iike commanders, il bau been ascertaiued te a cyele.";yuubing hi.e lno of baIlle rlgbt havi' becu, macbh arger. tic-. tGrant pîac- on tei the batteries and tiirowiug man>' et -ilthme Udiinonns at 18,047, wh" in l the tht' uew trooioî tho ha eu cvî'r bec-n ln judgmeiit of man>' lu far belntv the actuai battli mIngroat conutsioîn, rautarniug uc- loua. oral pierea of nrtiiht'ry andi the camps ut There are bunlei lnl the Natilouai Cerna- the Union arn»'. vith ai tbîir provisions, tory aI Pittsburg Landiug, Tenu., almout The lido of battu'le'îl edou. atrikiug l'reuî- 4,000 Union deil. beuides the great numn- fias and anheuuu d t driviuîg thuu b$r that a'ere talien nortb by their friands ________ eand buri-dlu the cemetericna t home or who died et the varinnuo ospitalu andl were burie init the Natiotnal cemeterles in the North. Thecotrrect figutres viii show a Ionsof killeîî uil dw-osuilui d dlied uit ivounis cf uîut lia thau 30.000. TWO FATAL WRECKS. Fonr lPersona h(illeil by an Accident. aI Sutunerfiehld, Ohio. Four persoits acre kilîcil outrigbt aui a tuftb fatal>' injurel ini a vrî'ck on tht' Bllairo, Zauicavilît-andl tiniiuati unr- rus ganuge at a trestie live mtiles iteut of Stuuuuiertild, Ohio. A coach jumuietithe . .. trutek as tbe train wîîs apiproaebiuig tht' i trestie, vbieb la aitîtateil oui a curvo. The coach rau oui tht' tics ialf sa>' aerus, anu then the englue also loft fthe rails, car- ryiuîg downvu i.e htt'uts of tht' treLstie te tb& ravine fifty feet belca. GENEAL IN ARLO BVLL. A feartul tvreck ocutrrel at Wood river (t LIA I t)is Autit ui Ett.. tridge. oun the ('hiengo and Aiton eut-off. lu2ik tii lthlinome(if bautt' foritd liv (,em. abutt al f a mile nortit tf Altoti, 111. A Iixcîhîttnut lPeach f rciutrd auîh Hornets' lonug, liu'.y freigbl train was fouoing NiaI. About 10 11. mn. ubere was a coni- luiv thie'gratte t'henth ie midle cf the iîuutrîtiiuof tiie'Unioîn foirces uîuîer the'trauin uutlgdeilut, aud fiftecu cars tvere iit iii of tuiu. &G;rantt, vb arn vt'd ounpiletiI i) ou f uaî'h otbt'r. Four mon the' abottlf'il ut i91)a. ni..iandtithe fîur- '.'.'n,'killel uîttriglît anîl tac fatally lu- t huir rîgress cfithue Comufî'îhtrates w-es j ure' N cuit' of thupi itire kuoyu, but stohiiiîi. uare' suhuhosoîl te bctrampuîasvfîo Iere 1)cath eofC.en. Johnson. stai'aiug a rile. Tht'evrur vs ceuisei A terile uruugglu tlook laie taer on b>' theî train being toc beavil>' loaded bo- thi- urisi cf a lbill ît thbbc loriiets' Neat. hîtild, Ia eti tti' bra kies ttcrt- ît ouithue For live 'hi m s tbrigaeu after brigadue îîus frontt tar4e i'tvigbt belîlntl îuas tlrot'.u ini tvtaiinlda go huaIthe' Union foc'es sat cmitii a thit car lin the mliddt'eîof tht' tratin, T'huis ii; toot' hebu'ShihliSp~riite riur w here th(-' fiele oh)iu'iandI tvlure w îîutuhd f ron iixttuarnus gatuieredl itIiarge uiinmburs fuir t'.er. tiomiol hëet. Wl'hu'utt hu. .Iîiiuston rame up atduti at".tht'situatioliu ai Te are efferiuug abubbon î esistauue e hrt. I shah have te putIthe' hayotuet te tîtîni.' Hie seuil Gur. Harria. of lisstittl'. t eî'nil tbe Forty-fiftlt Tenunsset' Iltgimii'tt. ;en. Jobucton roule eut lu front t adil sIc.'.y doami the lDuo. is hat wuas oif. lis presene as inspiiing uts be sat oui his tbcoeghtired bey. flic volte vas lier- suasive. fils sonda acre te»'.fIe ,suid, "Mou, Ibe>' cre-stnbrn. V muâItise the bapouet." Wbeu ha rearboi the con- ter <if tbe lnehe turateil sudsai: "1 tvilI leeti pou," andi moyed bowerilthe Poilerai înusiiuu. it tu itliwi îud rer-kilug the îtlîr curs. 'l'his Iu roiiit ierferem'uin iiCentral andîî Soithtii Atut'iiitu ut tuira is bcriîuiuiig cat lnuit .I t'a t inuwforUit'b ite'Sain te Nth.1 uu itll bt ti'andul <tii iiuetht te lt'sutr pîtvrs thuit tut'>canttpmle>' -in ilis baek i." Advlohi M. i"ieldl v oîld have ouI>' c s îîuu ti C(ii aîuuu'u eiuni' bre as tîere arc Anmuriîauus gîîiug teu('bina. 'The ahippers <of Sottheru Califomia are doing a fine business now lu scllnag carloades <f î*Florida oranîge%" TKE SUNDÂY' TI4OUGIITS WORTI'Y 0F OALu» REkLEcTrioN. A Pleaaaut, Xtere.ting, end Xautauut ive Lemnon, and Wbere It XMy»a Founud-A Learned and Cocus, M- vîcw <of the Sanie. Lenson for April 14. The resiirreetiou <of Jeans la the smb- Ject ofthIis esson, wvlich i. fond in Maut 161: 1-8. Goui ho iraiseil fer the reanree- titun! W'ltmout il wwiuee f ali men meut miserablo; îvilhî it e arc- of ail men ment joyousanaud assurad. F'or when Chrhzt arase, ail hope arese and ail grief amd glocua 'were iiurii'u. For the tombb ibut gives us %aiukounr Lord engultuS atanl. Hure infiielity lies bîtrlod. Hie jacet te doubt and unhelief. Ail bail! te hîfe and love anti jîy. Christ is risen! Christ la risen! Tell it, siîîg it, rejeice in it every- îvhcre. "Joy te the werhl. the Savior Teigna', Let mou tlîeir songs enîploy; While fiels and flocula, rocks, bils and plains, Itehîat the' sotudiug joy." W'lat a surprise! Tues rame with apices te anoiitt fer iove's "aLe, a deai body; unîd le. a livinug voire w-as preaeutlY @*Y- iug,"Children. have ye' an>' tent?" Hence- forth eave iuî'îuse auîd apicea b th elîurcb that vorshipts nait'ad Christ. Lot Protesteuitisni ari'seud folhow hi. fout- sIc-ps oif mcc>'tii Galilee, andi preseat)y to Olivet. "V1ery earhy in tlt&tuorîing," theY Came ta the uepulcber. But Christ va. earlei'. Up and awa>'! Ilumnlove ares. ve!p earhy ou the tiret day efthbbc vek; divia. Ilove rose cacheér. Gel is always iraI with bis love andl bis power. "Who ahaflrlil ua awa>'the' stone?- S'> bbc>'said as bber rame, or nmire liti'rally, tht'> kePt aYlug And thuen tIîîy lokeandIo ! the. 51011 Iva alrondy rolîci away. Brother, ululer, troubled anud hurdeued. bereaved, It M&p ho, death itseif impenuling, look, the tonwe lu gene! lu Christ the rock of offense la reunoveil. Oniy iook. "Tbey aaw a peun man sittlug." One oif beaven's youug men.. Have you'ever ceeu hlm before? WiII 700 ever sep- hlm Again? Yes. you and 1 saJil one day ho like bina, a aPecimen eicuttial. cai in.vbite garmeittu aud in everlaffting youtbfuiuess. "Be not affrlghted." HEn enis ail affright, bere et th~e resurrectios of our Lord. Heucetortb gbosts arM hanisbed, dont b Ilaboru of ituilofu, the grave'. vicIer>' gene. Christ lu tisoIn; ho calm, be confident. Huinead Illustration. The doctrine et bbe resurreetion la «eat; resurreef ion lite ia greater. The power De a nasa ilife--preach ut, live it. Doepou? It inalatogother more important thal Gel shonid have power over us n tha *. rW ubouli bave paver ever otheru. The latter viii tellnvwbeu once the tinat lsa eeus The adage says that deail me. tll» taies, Iu the kingdotu of lte Idator Il la only deail men who tell the tldingo-mef wbe bave been alain o etl ord, anthem raiueil again tu wahk lu newuemof f t, The woend needa sncb. Andth bbc cuas needa tbem. Do vo prescIr andiap.ek s the remurretîlo ugb?. Not se msué perbaps, the reaurreetion au tlwi" Christ. Wby bave vs flot been oIe - lu it ail tbe lime? Pouaihly poitll*v4,~ But it bas corne tu usnaa àglatinovDas sage that Jesns la already on the thrmue, ami at the right baud <of Goil. Tbluk of it, brother. He lu net any longer ulader tortore et scourge and laab. He h». pasueil tbrough aefferiug aud deatit, A~ las oeatei*lreaiy as a conqueror, crownm nov witb glery andi bonor. Andi . e eon tu hlm. and ho, by tind'u grace, to us. sm vo nI pray nov aud work now as noye hofore? Was il flot some aucb ocp lion au Ibis that maie the dylng mae. raiaiug bis eyes towari beaven, cr7oni: ",It ilme! Ithiftame!", Set your affec- tionu on thingu above. "Peace, perfect pence, the future ailU»- Jeans, s-e kuow; sud lhe la on the ibrone.» The reaurrection vas ail oif Goti, entire-- 1>' un. The discipîles vero not expelins lb; the Jova dii not tvautil; Pilaie dli ail bie couid (maie it sure, peer Impotent) te prevent it. Tben cama Goin ur. ndonenoss, and diditi for us.Se Goti et- ton dues witb us by bis grace q1:111. Tho littie lad, essaying to beip bis ftbler wltà bus books, set veoping on the hetlom, utail. wlth a volume lu bis arma too big for him te carry. Thon came a great arsa aroumi him and hifleil hlm. hurden sud ai, tu the top. Christian brother or aister, has not tiol thue Pethor eften Irealeil you thua? V'euiture seme'.vbat on ila resurrecio potwetr. Go heynnd cernai empectatlouL Exitet greal things et Goil, and se et- teutuhît foîr hum. If 'uv undoratani Dwlgbt L. Mouudy tbis is his spirit; and belle bo suîrprises andl atarties sueeet us. Doubt- less, vo neoil beho akeoilp, halt aaleep mis t' are. Riding aroas the couty tvitb a gentleman who bail heen ui«e teuuîîoet bim. Mr. Meoil> caugbt sigbt of a srbochhotîso. cul proceedeil te give ouit notice along the w.ay ut a meeting to e bell there. "But 'uho lugoing teleadti li hi@ companibnaskeil, for lhe knew thut Mr. Mool>' lîctiapphiintments every nlght lin the fbttn, near b>', to wbich they ver. goiug. "Ynu are, air," respoudd t be evangehist. *"1?", sl never ilid sncb a thimîg lu my lIte!" Quoth Mnr. Mooy, i>,"t i. Ilifrb tisa. yencos menceil." And comimencé ho dîid, and likewiso a gracions revivalinluthb.ceuntr?, community. Next Iessou-"Watchfulness."-Mbtt. 24: 4-1 The Oreatent Sîncer. Tuhe gretats, mnt guilbp ulnpr'ta bbe man whao bas hoard the »çsPI plainiy, affectiouately andi falthfuml> preacheti, eni pot has triflet i ~Ib desplsci It anudrejectoi lut., No Mn aluner eau ho foundID luail lt.he .lbth wenltî, cul yet sncb are often bbe oMW ivîiu puzzle theintelves abolit wbAt vilI lec0ui'etfthe beatbon. DO Good. "Do ahI the gool you Ca, MîY ailIbthe anaisyou Cali. l1t ail the waya yen can, Ini ail the places yota eau,.. At ail the limes you camu 'ro ail lbe people gon eau. Au long aa eer pou el. John Wesley.- AÀrmatch Ignhie be generateti by

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