CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1895, p. 5

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'~,~~~DOK, DÎTOIR AND PaoP. I~'LWNo.492 F. A. M L Cmulîcatiloi nd et'u I e ;. J. . Leu. W.-M.111. r miss LULU M.S. PENNIMAN. .... .TEACHER O0..... -j Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC. lô Delarte gultin f llertioi lUI MilaNes ti EiuiAILE rEius. LIBENTYVILLU. ILLINOIS- Dr. Charles GalIoway, office over Lovle'S Drug Store I4ours From t to 3 and 8 to B. LÀbertyvULe, - 1ios *Dr. J. L.TAY LOR, @ffoe over Trigse & aIor Sores iHOUW s tolo, n. 2 te 4p. M. 5W p.1n Boxii. At ja.TRIGOS. LUBERYVILE. -ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, Office over Loveille Drug Store. LibertYville. - Illinois. j. H. 1BRUBAKER. pHROTOGIRAPIE RP l. e n«eoet. WoukegSfl. % bight dm d NTkdm q&atttCttoflaseured to *veryone. AUCTrONEER, Libertyville, - Illinois. flaving bad soucis experffle. in Aurtion - «rilug in the panst, retCOflyears. 1 an prep&ied to attend mie in auy part of leim and a4joining COuuntielt very LOw Utes qb&tOgg ton Ouaranteed. cive me a col,. RWIiiDABTS BIBR I ZOP -là a" Locatocd In the- OO~.Z~2 ai 61 .motel. WbeoeFm as i ways get jour Shavins. bMeir Cutinfg. ࣠OSe4ng, -In tbe Latet StYle ut th- Gts'C me a trwa. i wilI plea...e y'n. SoloS' Derby, -Libertyvillt, III. -je sbe Pace to Buy- Ladiee and ChldrenSMITTINS. U..,r.VWork Materials. eTAkMPED LINENS. "adiesaNokwear. Ruchlng. etc. SMIT H 6&SWFT. Lake Coimty BankR Wright, Parkhurst & Co.,j LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. issues -.ennim-.-- Cer- tificates Payable on Demand. Chas. Kaiser. ...ANtD UILER i. Norme * Furnishing * Cod, ROBES. BLANKETS. WHIPS- TiAUNKS AND VALISES. And a&R gooda usually kept in a first- class Harness Shop. m maStoc fouAIvas ua U. *opoirlflB Neatiy end I iCkly Donc. IBEERTYVILL. ILINOIS 0 e e e 0 WALL- PAPERO 'liwwE HAVE TWE'"Q- * Largest -Newest Stock 0f WALL PAPER ever Carried carrled la this place and at pries that wll suit you .............. F. C. Smith& Son. o PROPLE'S o For l'resident, For l'rcýidcnt, E] GHAS. Il. AVERILL. ri g, F. WRIGHT. F'or Clcrk, For Clerk, Fýor Irsident, F'or Clerk, E] EDWARU L. DUBOIS. E] . S. HURLB . E] DWARD k. DUBOIS. For Trio'dcc'. C.J~~ MrcGREGOR. H, i.B. EGER, E] A. P. 8!APLES, F"or P'olice Magistrate, E]. EM. .RUAIS, '] M. B. gOLBY, Election April 16, 1895. E] LKWIS K. S81IANGKO For Police Magistrate, ElWM. K. DAVIS, Village Cierk. 90C, $1-09, Cucumber Contracts. 1dertise your business. N.S NTE.__ Se Tiin Now k te timeto -eacon 1The INDE'NET for enterprise. Particlea of Information OathoedBa.e By b ractsand -ct peur ',ccd t M. 13. Ask to see tdvrllt; ,hoevihrflbyOur Rustling News Gatherers. .oby & Co" 1 Ionily want a lir-n-, at Mrs. Protin'S.~ ý1 .310Mheu 1 go away from home, sor fin litlit ited numnber of acres,. so the book',ýý1Leuve an order forot fr bon- hveftien<h vùW" yos, or you aro wili only be open a short time. If ý net t Smith's & Swift# og(gieaprymucl riep you intend ti> plant pickles,.con- 1The INIEEDEN4T helleo i Uandi ~tilogtt aaryeitacae ract at once beore vou arc'to willI pay you to hep Sustain f. Itrwenywchrhoru ate. R. \\. STlAIl1-OR D. WVho wants to bur4 See ad of ce- <t- a O? ui,- Aen Liet«ilIII., April 2, 189~5. ym «,V, buy ordage your resieneeor New Patterns just in. Cheaper than av .~bryvilc.). W. Metcaf in Wan bautroraeraghr l<iuNooehs rtie aten.N Vinlage CounsAla Sieet. TA'D"pN)Tfisthe aildfora el, lor when your neighbor glsa m m akNooe Iowerprie. atrn.N Frthe tiftFeel yar eiaI tatM.e ,1,.t. y ndGeneral ýNewspaper. bbyor, in a word, if gmt knm oor hmrAur o erpics Sholin th monto reNicfuný, e. h- New prints in est stvles atof ayie ofÜ rgIom uu M t"t'tiry est lhe 'trnnmn of o.., year. Mrs. Protine's. 0 4eAsugoral it inad itil e N rmr»j- G r thea:nunt andf ini fit" This s the' only paper that stands C ~ e S tre tc h e rs . ~uroe' .xtrît.. .îI, t lt - « yart Il 1) for the interest.s Libortyville, ENT totl gi4ly pubUsh il. __________________________ luit' af.,ldCnrladRuaLaeouy.P OA. We have the famnous "Victor." Buy -C IM4. U>A R~~~~ooms to rentin the HiggW b "se Ms uprl eylw n aeaptlyn ay o ih April 1, Amo,unt In îre,ury. . Y..~ r.Tu~ri er aeapt aigesy o et Jeay Ml. lIe-' Cof .lel. n cofot Mrs. J. B. MacOuffin la vislting at e.yndtebsytin ntd 'a 3.nA fWt F ls 1,.P.C.'tI,.t'Irinr -e 1 hate a few c iFresh Milk St Charles. nwadtebs e netd JNewU"IN1J l Sarmng ice ls moving In tota UeGa d p S d .; uy e, 14w 'ew Srii nery lit Mrs. Pro. ilybueGa d p S ds lu t tex .f 11411 .9 145 . 14 îî In.~.tcunyr,.. tAn'snet e.Cl.adodrMrs. John Canary visited Chicago ânae1.tent it-CNu :rI. .. 11 ouEseB et. friendsth" week. AUl our seeds are new, none better. tut Il 0<I..D..t.C.. .,rfau-r.i~""~ etMra. F. B. Maoi now able to ait oo .1 For strictly first-class wre Top onions at 10 cents a quart, ail, of' Auz 14. Jeeph Itteite.iim,, itut o jobe lots or ïevonds, ealup an bour or two every day. dprm nsaefiIo agin n . s. aLttC- ...îî..-. "W.'aa Mrs. E. J. Hlgley visited ber parents eatn ts refu1ofb ginsad . EMl vie 91a. at Shermerville last don betrhntordew hus :er. 'A io~lt. .....', t . e: FOuR EsT-The&Wuse recently 0c-1cnd nobte h otr ewtus tSCt 12 -. -- viipied by hre.t. Good welli Winfield Ellis Jr., of Highland Park La esLwet i G Fýb. 7. ýj,, dý. d.. listern and barD. X9ply to F. ProtUne. ealled on C. R. Sherman iast week. ags Stok Lw" Prc ,G> eil t. . , e ],r Sle ew Choies Dovon Bti!J Eugene Ray visited relatives at G arteFe eîey Ca~ 'îlve, fro ,3 aoh08.Now is jDia ondLae vrldyqth l'Y ICoe. w ut rm 2-2 Mr. ake .val sytt kB.C olby & G o0i' .1' ~~ ~~ ' t"' w I i the im1t ir3e i t 5 soc. e . Muhlke has returned to Lib- 1 t"it"' i"Bîy olîr neto sprinig of Mrs ertyv'ille to attend to ber mother, Mrs. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. Fm,-t 01 ,,t "- 2e t Protine.ASh(' has a rie co plte Tupper. _______ F r .1 -c t.,mî, . 'l xtvk of evorythiti nA. rI'1ne . Mrs. J. C. McGregor visited ber Suri~~~~~~~~-i',i- cr. totLiidu M. Pennimari teathier of Vocal nn ody i'.e. rnu . T M t îý"I;2Z 1':c<'rd i irnotrMo. StWlldaMA-V hat Does lTh is IVean? and IntuetlMseailD-srt baby boy arrived Monday to glad- L Ii.'tiy %'te.ik. ' , i,tltitiy ,nota I"f ii N W'ni. tGuke, the torîsorial artist,bas den the hearts and home of Benj. y l ,,rieh. a l h . ...~o. t~ bi s ard inii titis palier. le s an Biitterfield and w ife. t.,ý tt h'S f >itit' ,t if. experieetidbaibler. give Ibini a tir igl. i>i " , U f p.iAt>ls ilaeelcio Imst. ox ue-Mrs. Oscar Norton was caîîed toC.I SleIaR bi1 SO JY11 D1J Su a.rî,tnd - n o,,.te Politio's s quiot and lthoeugh the Fox Lake Tuesday by tire illness of cOR hr a el o M n i A )iI-6 tlgeeicio oresof ex irs ber mother, Mrs. Stanley. Nere are the Simple feaeons.-«om. K L.. liei. S i 1ui il. ay tiiere s no appîenraiîce of ane îsrBcueh arnstewel esis ____J. .9peekner bas rnoved from the FR'-eas ewrat h iel esis LIBERTYVILLE MARKET.irs. DuBois property into the bouse re- SECOND- He can repair any kind of a*Bicycle. cor','t t tt erhnnn ~ r>Thirda Lib,'rtNvillî' will 1robahly '."o cently vacated by C. F. Smnith. THIRD-He knows the wheels he is selling are as good,1 Butter-cmreXe,........ ... l @:* a11 Miss Mattie Colby, of Diamond surperior to ail others. fluter ('h _ .ý....oie D0 i'I o an ieaw k for rm th i Lake, s taking care of Mrs. F. W. Hgganm ptroz e ...... .-,5la tttSI) osition. .Purdy wbo is slowly eonvalescing. Pototitr. petbitel 2.., a 42I __3-5____ WoodI-.try. peretl .0la 1 lion tires have been seon In nrer- rt0 * IIE i i Co; Cot.P ii. *~ S> 011o5o c 'nsb'k zyards, eonsurming the rnb- 'Miss Lin uPeniniman will teach tbe Coni SofO. per tou. M1 Corn, per- bushe. ghei leei __ ',(Ioa i - oat.p.Xuiîl trzt t ish colloteîI diiring tho whinte-.Ltsir em fsho tDann BUY a wheel COME il 2rnpro.....ý 1. >iýA the good work go o.LkecornnigModyirl1. of kim and Examiï Mddlint's. Ptr ton . T..iuj 9bla l 5 'ool election s on tl"i'k. WhAo Charles Kucker, ofWaukegan, came Sav Fne stockb (irano Gluten Peeti w. pe o i .. e xpeneC, C'ornt Meel. per ton 1l Site C% tre0 intert'sted n lhaving a village ligh ox'er last Sattirday to get some legal and LTor,. hand. H0911, Per leK) le* _4751la:à a,.Ma~r Pot-k. dtesed. perloe ... t, 75 la î ., st'hool'> Show your hands iîow. or practice bieforo the Libortviville liter. Bee-f. etteper 100 lbs..... ..-,0 ea 1325sleel)on for anoether yeaî'. W-Mat Vealelves.drtsiNed. per- lb ..... 04 - - - - - - - . ans . ______ --Annual -Village Electrnon.-1 Notice is hereby giv'en that on Tuesday the sixteenth day of April next, et the Village Hall in the village of Libertyville in the Coutity of Lake and state of Illinois an election wili be beld for thie folowing village oflcers viz: One Pred8ident of the Board, Three Village Trustes, One Police MagistratA, One Village Clerk. Wbieh election will be opened at seven o'clock in the mornlug and wili continue open until flve o'clock in the af ternoon of tbe same day. Giveni under my hand at Liberty- ville, Ili., the 22nd day of March A.LD. 1895. E. L. DuBoîs, Village Clerk. North East Lîbertyville. School closed lut Friday. G. Schreck s hauling tule. Mother rumor lias t that Ilerrnaii Elfering will get married soon. J. Fineutter was lucky enough one day last week ta shoot a wild goose. Herman Laing and family have left for Minnesota, where he s going ta farm it. Meurs. T. Sage, Ed' Sage and Brunt Fry were out to Grass Lake, lat Saturday buntlng ducks. Just oe more electien this spring for Sobool Diroctor, Saturday, April 20. AU the votera of the district should be ther. Drop AbU ala our privattiail box, ostih. dbor At fot or IIJISI Ix director? Theseceolurnns are opens fon discussion of school or uny othîr question sof nterest ta the pteopile. Services as usuel ut the Prt'.by- terian church next Sunday ut lii 311 a. M. and 7:30 p. M. Subject for monn- ing, "Waitinic for thse Coming of Christ;" evening, "Moab on bis Lees." Next Tuesday affords another op- îiortunity for the opponents of saloons ta, show their strength. There As no question but that the temperance element Io largely An the majority if they should unite and tom onut to tbe poils. WiIl tbey do lt? There will be Easter services et the M. E. church* next Sunday, a sermon appropriate to the day will be given In the morning. The young people of the Epworth League and Sunday sebool wili conduct the evening services. Good singlng will be pro- vlded. May At be a day of joy and gludness to ail the people. Corne anti we will belp you ta make At such. Trust? Nol Pay au you Go. Many of our customers, who would not think of asking us to ]end them money. often ask us to "book" a job, not tbinklng that we bave ta pay cash for our stock and cash to our men every Baturday nigbt. We shade our prices for job work on a very sgmalA margin and flnd It mucb easier to colleot cash On Delvery. tban to get it prmâptly airer ward. If you wili not have the money to psy for the job whenA t Io dons, pleame Bay no r hM 1«ougive lb. order; thon we wlU Frand odse f rm otors ouse o- hler od 0fr9Mwakee ve. nd houcr-h Crei n xmn h gettm n ao ig net.. iwaurkele ABo nd resdencee ir de amneat theword et tie n rord avgt S. on Milwauee Bve, eonena e ie T re. Cte ornd e dst e o recod a The License party s getting ;ýI desperate. First they don't faceC cauctîs People's instead of License LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS- ticket, as it really s. )Then, discover. ________________________________ ing their party was llkely ta get de- Fil la~wT feuted, part of tbem sought ta ride A 00. LE-JM -STOuK two bttrses; and lastly under the guise of law (perverted) they rule that the license candidates, (DuBois and Davis) names shaîl appear twice on the ballot wbile the Anti-license candidates C. F. Wrght, M. B. Colby and L. H. Schaneki shail be d.ebarred R N 9 E D ,M L S . mention this matter if ail candidates Lime, Drain Tile,Fam W g n, B* were given the* samie show, but the ptîrpose of these schemes As clear Agricultural Imipiements, Etc.' andi wlen thse voters analize the fae ae ewSocsf h thes-, tricks wiil re-a,"t ike a boom- W aeanwSoko h erang on those -,00 attemp to play thern. Al thbe publie wants is fair play wbbo'h the law s intended ta a l u e e oil wili alwuys seek for loopholes througb A d teBloigo which to crawl out and trap the un- wr.The Citizens Caucus wasbeld Herber Bros. Buggies % O flrst and their canddates bave a rlgbtCal ndS TIe t0 ouppear under that head, wblle the C l n f 'hb Indeeendent ticket was a private affair wltb no caîl and bas ne right a - I w :.Im caucus loak. Many wbo would have W P I U voted for tbe license candidates wlU iî aow oppose them because cf tielr M'W0 are always ready to jupply your Wantt la Our #l&M -' trickery. Lot there be a large inteili- ' gen tvote poled. Don'tlet anybody j~ 4yvlj fahe or t"olYOU. 5- în ilw thi Ladiegi Wrapperg Ileady Made, Latest Style&,q GITIXRN'S 8OPUDN l'or Tru-tje',, E] J. A. GAGE. For Police Magi'stritc, E] IRA R. HOYT,

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