CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1895, p. 7

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e thst men say "LM the Ized cote of ltmeIf." But the con- ner wtt, féesl boumud <o risk tm"d strengtln la <is assai strag- spi '«- d'uatitu dirt. Tht coasequence thr fserlsh aiet>' over extra work my on of th biuod, the source ut thrg * aud strength, manif ested la that mu tbirmLnervotis condition tooprev- no ,tao# at Ibis seaon and ver>' dangero.s cve lUlowodto continue. Wh'at ever>' san lie MIS~ ~~ inmi>%eesl the spring is Huood's M>11 humpusila. It keeps tht blood vital- i IIood's Sai Us thé True Bk ')0 Promlieftly ln the, P Notet Du. B. Il. Green & Sons, Atlanta. CGa..i are thtesiest drohîsy mpeealiss lan<the I world. Cue nore patients han the ecabreI oi> f phybicians satatered over thilu. ronilI 184of ours. A -valuabiedisco% er5 outie my> midal book or pmbu tshed opilnionu. A 1 eurytotilCpreparal!on. - ItejusceaI i MIroplcass-nptom5 rapidiî -Ten da% s' i tesiment fîraîshed froc t.- ever'- enilerer. ii Bes adv*erti,'eineati n ther mcoinnuofuth<is ý Imper. - _lu___t Not Su Convenlent. or Pys4ieiîurii indlorse Iipas Tabîries b>' icrlbiug thie remediae<lie>' eontiiî. hit lu for1ýai noeteonveiient. inexpenSive P sud aecuarîteasîîinuItiipaim 'abules. Pizo'g ('r-luEua tihe inedicinie o break np eildren'm ('îîghs sudVoids. I . . oi Buý-NT. Spr.uene. Wa..,li.. Mai-oh M, 155<. jIîIGHEST AWARD WORLDS FAIR.j %,Uot EST SUI lTERGpltMS lOR NDiTlONS ESVE.GP Dyspe ptic,Deiate,Infirm and AGED PERSONS T ESAFEST F000 IN THE SICK RZOOM FOR INVALID S "DCON VALE5C,£'A' e*NURSING M0THERSINFANTS,ý? CHILDREN THE SOLO 8v fIý]DRUGGISTS. JOH-N CAP Lrk SONS, NEWYOPK. Ehe la ratiier ras looking But lacks ac 1 fi. dimolves A e Ripans e Tabule On her toague Instead et Swaufowng It whols. It doea ils worr F-ther vray, Êut thl ast la tii va>' Intendeul $3 8H05 s n-* tAl"ÙK"INO;. AMI>> ov WL a-. ý44SllOeS UT&Ti ' treOidn ow %0aiLs.mlaragond P.iiaa. bui r tz ii, ut d luatruitioml. g. N. 4lice. l-"i lo- it lt &«X a~'that huv n~tpw ""uly e dto-advanceth ol rI ýýVq , m w aa aevolution of primitive peuples 10 that of the dance. Doctor Grosse, a German d and eniched, Mi,, he, uthorlty la etbaography, bas riteent- ow a t h e B s me and ail the bodflly functions. iy pointed out bow important dacing Il take Hood's Sarsaparfilla verY ia la attractlag rude folk, nccustomedi ring, and it la the only medicine 1 se to gain Ilîir living pl-uIripaîiy by hlant- rough the year. It enabies me to do lng, tu social gatiîcrlngs wblch result Royal Baking Powder neyer dîsappoints, ale rbouse cleaning and farm work ail lit co-operatlon for otixer purposes. lcig rough the summer. It helped me ver>' Dancing amnong suell people lsaa r never makes sour, soggy, or husky food; ch for palpitation of thellcart. I think i n I od's Sraris l the medicine for miore slgnlftcant tblng than hisla mong neyer pisgo maeal; neyer lae le dm ~roenaIwo ae l w nyrclvilzyed races. The fondniesl; for danc- sp1sgo aeraslae without It. 1 bave aiso usod llood'a prtat g e I lealook y upn a ost ll3t lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake; while *~ . . Ilsotant ngentala tlie eariI development 1. aa. theyNREWShe beoate 1t.of mankind. But w'bat la ftle natural ail thesc things do happen with the best ta Iil NDRI<S S.WodsockCt.ciarmn of the dance whvli as gîven If Snell a coaspicuonus place in social of cooks who cling to the old-fashioned W SY ~: rsa p a rilla evolnîbon? Âcurdiig to Doctor Grosse, mtos rwoueohrbkn odr.lm rsa ril a the charm consst simply lu -the pleas- *4mthosMrwhlus lire of strong and rhytbmlcai move- 0 à ments. the piensure of imitation, and fTO f MM îui~Fii* O n ythe pleastire of givlng vent tu the feel. If you want the best food, ROYAL s. siins rums d P u rif ie r Inga."areut. a l o tehane Is raked I n Powder isindispensable. R ! Cà f ~Olusefare, ad teut ancit te arac-d.11191111 ublil Eye To-Day among the Important arts of primitive O R K N t nileaaantly True. muan. The passion for dancing la oneAgnsMmad1 .f A lînsband very seldoni ecfila bis o î togsttageres f~UCP olS C,16WI#., 5C00 ara fite. J. IL Huater à<~. ifre "Litten" after elle legins to Ili ieillzed lite the dance retains lis 5 i5i 5iii~i ii ratdi. Exclbange. charm, but it la as different 1,luits ln- The Young Man Wasn't Turned Down. Value of flotel Cockroaches. -fluence and lualiesoffet upon the dance- Mrs. MiLks-Uavo you filled the par*- Accordlng to ai recent encyclopalelc Ank Aid, ërs as If Is la torîn. As cliized peu- ubrlybte okoabsar an ToIw ar trîiduesltroub.iil. o dpp- pie pracUice it, of course. dancing lio olmesl Igcs tdn' ed iîu', ablnts 'lhel re sai tudestr lo. b Iliui.'a ldîttoui r Yî longer serves the original nes eteIgesI o't nee, ma'anî. malierIn l ts. a m re sip t estîf roa 1. of l,sttter's toinai'b Bittera. and I vemno 1<.petfru a ,111 lie lo.-eliy forthinu. Ser,'oimiiens. w-hlchlautact, bave Ilion jrac'tlcalliy "The parloir was la use last evenlag ture than themiseives, and.inlutroupe, B cy l asut.ptle n aee. n ain o 'g disiippeared. ti neariy nildnight." eve overcomoe and devour milce.B r. are aiso rerrnedled by ibis restratily. Preventlon V'a, Cure. "Yen, ma'am, but yoîlr dauglter's mnany biotel managers It Is deemed wilse Of course ouwillride. Anlb Iî>nylelnans of contieence Indorue If. a val- iIlIe coniruatiýof th<le verdict ofthie peu- Muet people are quick tuo see the flepd youag man wns the only caller."-New to permit these lîttle animais ot matu> world willý-fashîl, pluu le and thei irA. Talle fi reguiarli. of medical nid wvben diseuse lias tas- York Weekly. legs to have full freedom ai nighflin bt basmueus - u t'ned ltseif upon flnor 'when HethHveOnet<ey may rîd the rooma 0of the more Women, c»di one Way of Pntting I 0l. aeprsrte > tim tîyHeo tliav Oe. tbnkobjeetionable buigs. The cockroacb 1a It takes à Father SO yon tailed %witb vr n r potae ysonne pidemic. If ila Jones-Hlo mt! oyut kproud of <the number of lits legs. île memfo )f the six examina-rs'? not ever>'one, liowever, wlio reaIizI"s Ive gut a fit? read=lsl s<u rao'c fworldtu. îajrit. llgîue Batertaie Ipatncties o resistteatckg fI a thîkeotbat.- rdaliind tnn s lienariti curs lybuofb 8tuAent Jtust go; I succîunubed tu bthe iprac fkelgtebd Smlth-1I <bat know, my boy, but I'd lis klnd. because or tlint advantage. itizeits--. ýnaorty-Figiie late. nlu snb a state of heati tlint it wili be have oei idaca ieta. Altbouglb Occasionaily seen skuiking btwe Catarrh Cannet De Cureil or disease. Iftgiswluen ftle system tg Harpr's inekly. is adpromptouier I l 'l wth LOCAL APP'LICATION S. as they canurut weakeaed by overwork or worry, daus- aitee usns imîsaeu fore, you whoar rec tes at fteasee. a6oaderod0 putt. wcn aLke aunopen book, nîglut. It i, tlien ftint <lue roacb shows in the worldvI vou mufai tke Internal remedieb. Hl'i Catarrh jgrenti>' deblltated. or "ail mun down," Our fcs<I h ra cîî> u tîei oes l rre la taken lnternally. and &ets dlrectly ont< lint the danger of serions slcknegs telle of bealtb or dia- ls a devotee of sport and dispînys muelu biood a8n ueoius surfaces. Hal's Catarrli(lire <îtesseHolwciea ougeapirutf c.TisCO UIBL Wnet a quack medicine. 1 wsprescribed by and heavy doctor's bis la <o lie feared. .an d su cekeeys, cou-rae sueofn eei eesa- bcco o eietebi ne of <e .best phyicans lula îs coumnryfor O h te ad fprethatiadsne ys okoce aeotnbe ensu- bccýfo d'ifrtI I, Ias and lî àregniar prescription,1t îs com- lniu te ad f efc elî îstless steps and lng belgtbs and bidglng clinsms thîclu world produces; a H=rfo ,u,ýed of tic boit Contes knownl. combined wth eaaulie mintaIned. thie blood kept languoroas 10ook a would ailpear quite Imnpossile tu nul- next best, if anything shoctW51, lie bfit blond purifiers. acting drectiy on the riiicîqi% surfaces. The rerfect -ombination of< pure. and tlie circulation good, the ap>-- tell of wasting de- mals of their sive. Tic>' aiso Inove Columnbia will content you. he vro lngredients Ib wla~su~ch %'on -petite normal and lie spirits cbeerftil, b"i' tigdi sea-e- ,ith ip y <at l soihn. Columbias, S100; HîîrtfoW4î lerful reabuil: 13icuring Ca miSienifor tes-<bee4wli e u ocason o tur l illnui. fret. tee /' cnoocain o/ fieesonne place lan<the The>' can lie malle better pets ftlait $8o $6o; for boy ad eowg u6ss F. .. (HNET CO. <to).. gip. neumni<, dilithria r aty Z body. ItIna>'beone cats, or aimost an>' otller domestic aiîi- oHru~~m SodbyDîtb. rce~sînilar alliment. Xs a menais of ke- place oranote, < mal' The lonely blot clerk at niglît l ist wlctu Tbrowilnra Little Ltghton theSubiect. Iug<lie body Inlusmt ibis condition Of cause is g*aerally Ilu the habit of cultivatlng <lie nc- sa rsa;cz spreieaas, ~ ('lar.i I hear yonr taibler lias for- bealili no0 licter agent bas yet been N traceable to, a com- biddeîu Mr. lligglns caliing on you. found tban that great blood purifier - 1mnsuc-m ulttds0 h nelgn ok A c.t w -îhai. (ir Noyoar nske. aîîd strengi builder, Hood's Sarsa- pure bood, and im- roacli. Mc b fr Ciara Diid lie not telli hlm ai niglit partita. White it ts true tint lootls in the digestive ure blood stauis ievex- tu darkeu bis parlor again? Nraail ue"i aeulytu r Pierce's Golden Medical Discover> Short and compreheusive la tiîe eulo- Corn lic dld, but flit referred t<o lits <lît Hoou's Sarsapariîla prevet pujifies the blood, ifimulates digestive giumi prouounced upon Fronde, <lieis- R E M tuning down tile Iampil.-Voiera sickneqss ad ibis tratb la 0f supreme action, searches ont disease-germs wlîer- torlan: lu turod b ~L statesman. inmpotance to aU. mrs. C. C. Roles, of ever they exist and puis the whole bodY A rtrh andcnsan t rOODc ? '.i iOleagW W'auregau. Con.wrtng Io the pro- into a igorous, strong and bealti>' con- bis Ideal, anil bis private condut wns .,tin llotnuds foîlow a trail better duirlng prictors ut Iloods Sarsapartilla, stated dition. It huilds np solid, useful fi e quay omertd b' n Ifbeib htuild ilian lu dry weatlier. because <lie case most concîsel> wliea she salit:ruisot itebrgiestceeegla. B. .mea the iioisture of file aiîuoslliere lire- "IVe dun't uaît unitil we are sick. but and Imakes life reuli>' worth living. tegîtC..r167oS tiravnt. vents tlic dissemination ofthIe odors take llood's Sarsaparilla to prevent - 9 left by fieeiig nimlns. slckness." Certaini>', preventiOn is far Other ratuer ma EL ______________________bettet <liacure. Ac YteE«l NO SECRET Afraid of thoeIlattler. JsT. 4JF*1 <JOB S OILtalsuicte IN THIS WONÂN'S CAS. The instinct of self-p)rewrvationIo 13 Ptofo strong and autoiiatii. If works Inde- Il u.*rfbDmda a ~ eao Ena. Camspbell Wishes Mer Letter Pub. peîiîently of reason and knowiedge, Uslied » <thM th Trti ZAY 1l0 but even agatinst their teachîngs. The Known. cnhnt nurrtlsasoywil Oï"UW t'îiîîa< Eqîle t~lssry HAib VE YOU FIVE OR MORE COï 0f the thonsandz 0f lettera recelved A mari on a Lake I uron Steamer hall___________300_ from women ail over tbe world b>' M s. fte nul>'spe eimemi of black rattlesoake If ese a" br I ear. Why contnua m I s e t for tem eikbam. flotone lain liav-e ever met witii. 1< was about <ilie aob&a tS rp,~O given <o the publie size of an ordlniiry garter suake and du 1 itablaS aae gult ue. Poffl n.-oa Adr.m<'ls. unies&- b>'the sia 0o- th rtr ins h- f ry vicions. It was confined luin afleed a gfflrator and Wou need Bu -ogbupwvard. Senid for naw 1 us salte confidence is sti u bx covered wii<i dici late establishied le- glass. IPD <seen Mms. Wlien anvone w-ould luch tbe glass THElDELAVAIE ÀRiATDnII .1 N.ta >.U»a i Piakham itli lits <luer f<bc Snake would trîke -l - sma: mossuQinmu Omom and ber lie undudr ide opposite tile <uger as ELIISII, ILL. 74 CORTL*NOT SI..NEW YOM te, ow whai.mdlum ~0Wbfl army of «uickli> as a stroke oif ligilitninig. 'l'le ______________________ pent exî.iiienter îvoîld always jerk aviay Beecham's pis are for bil- "He tiqat. W orks Easi Iv W orks freeiy Fo- as auddenly.lou îose, lIcIta a ]et- Tiiere was not a man on boardt.. Oses sick headache,, diz-ce ful. 'is V r Ea y t ter fricm ever miiscular and f ree f roin ervouI ndsesiaadtstes f ly. T s V ry E s o an>'19 0- nawio cuid keelu bis fiuger <o <tie. niea. ricb glass wîîen ftle Snake wînîld strike. ai- in the mouth, heartburn, tor- Otean House W ith wh al 11hat r or pour, tiougi knowing <lît It licoid rid liver, foui breath, sallow I the case of Mary E. Campbell, c o uld t< poss iratoii lduimu S trou mi1i n otdtnre ip Ahbior, Noble Co., luid., ber .ufferlng o ld r a-ity auleandaluretet. berau si ote Ïon,pipe scas so severe, lier relief to suddeuly real- ot telrofîlît> an mîdur teece.t hit t ized, anîd ber gratitude so great. <liat elle wltb <lhe saine result. - Ios u pputeLec. we wlahes tic circumstances pnbliEbed, in Caused by constipation; and tlue bope 'bat otiers may hoe bcaefiied A Japanese Brfde's Test. ----- ---- thereby>. Sicsays: - 1< appenra<fint Ili Japsu one factoi- constipation îs the most fre- 7 My 'physicf an ltit nie I had dqu'etrngIîotepoîe f<ocil e nt cause of all of îhem. and falllng of the womb. Mfy' temacli dulte ul and bowel sofra whloated Icoiuld 0 h waIsier akill lu andtbawfuli bretho My ae d col 'o ralsiug sllkwornm. Tlîe tirend spuin One of thie mont important thinga foi were bioated badi>'. 1 had <bat drcadfal b>' lue silkworiu la suid <o lbe regulîur Vi>bl'toeaaa<atcntpto heaîngdow pinbacach, alptatcaand eveuî lutproportion as <he worm att5" 'mote han hait the sickneess la the ofe bar t, on adnrvance aptti bas been regularly sud cnrefully ted. worldespecial>' of scomen; and itcan ail fhat you bave *of e hofrmy pdhysicianss beprevented. Goli>' the book, free at -on: reaâutaSanta Il Oe o myphyicins okI nme 1 had Thîe prospective muotier-ln-law cure- dragvtt'ç,or wrteB.F.AlICO.,365Cane. somethisg growing lan >' stomachi; and fuli>' anîl maintely examuines the' evli- SI. ew York. Pina, î04 and 254 a biox. Clauis Soap is tht medîcîne tilat I took gave me relief neas ofthebu 81k thread lun<tue materizil Aouansuseaofai theZ ouI>' for a short fimie. 1 thougt 1 muet ftfilie gariuîeuts worli b>'tiie youiig- greatest labor- - die. 1 began to takre Lldia E. Pinkiam'a ldybetore givlng hrlsetI ie DRCIN o sn Vegetable Compound, snd it worked like sa>ai' seu o<i IETIN e is ving inven- a eharm. After taking <ho first boutle betrothul. CREAM BALM.-A.pelio coutld walk acroasa<ho treet, now 1 arnA <i jsii-ich a aricle of lm eBalm d taire lt." up isto th îuo8trUs. ftsrtie. Tl well. I advise ail myfrienda o k tu "Wliat t l 'ou>' F'vles dIi iîa nnw !' a moment de-neai 8resliretat .-MuRY E.CAMPDELý,Âlbion, Noble"O. sked onîe girl. yehtrogtenu the Orcatest Modkcal Discovery "'Looklag for work," replieul the Use <lir limaes a day, if- w 4ae e .filer. ter ,,eals pTfi/ifl'd, anid I strlngth, save of thie Agei. "Pour felow! les go near-siglied' onrettila. her,time, save- K~NNDY~S -Wasingtoni Star. C A T A R R H Thelesolution ELY CBEKAN BA othe * The imerits of Of medîcluni agents is graduli>'rele- 5ma ita uInlmato patrwed s a remed 0Y<tcrsERY Iliga. To gel the trac reeMemeranset. <luat it -atglel-ieeb,)1,,rult cases, and neyeri ft'ied andcbu".nTteo cases (both thnder huor). He as nowla lus I laandl <luat sreliaefus inje

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