CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1895, p. 8

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95 style. FuIALneof Undcrtaking always on hand Rrpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Rugs, Comfor- ters, Pillows, in fact-gverything in the Une of House Furnishings. Hang- ing Lamps, Standt Iamps. MERCHANDISE iLàUCTION SALE! iant more Cash and Iess Goods, so 1 have concluded to give the people Another Chance to Buy Coods at their Own Prices. 9tuiday Aftorllooll and Ev0llillI April 20, '95 I will seil at Public Auction IyrockeyShoes, Straw apd FeIt Il ats, Clothipg, etc. Corne and Get a Bargain . uccOssSor Io IN J. ROUSE. ROBERT F. R.OUSE, Rockefeller, 111.1 * l.Fargo&'Cols 1- «'s Pteat Leathei m SES. au the opular styles; either Conres. or Lace on Foot-Porm lens. French, Globe, Op>- OMn Tale end PlooaMly. ffli WeI6 at 93. 0 e1t*a, VietKam- Vm ol"o Bhees in band- MUme la sumo" on. voeu'ah»osW. wa-rrnt every 1». be tbarouhw 0" d hn.t17 ma" .Our lame o m. mn savlsotbftigW»al tbW f V'C. Triggs. Agent, Libertyville, MI., d., L.ux, Agent, Wadsworth, Ill., Ionry Seip, Agent, Lake Zurich, Ill.. 40lding Brothers, Agent, Wauconda, Ill., LF. Rouse, Agent, Rockefeller, 111, SC 110L SUFFPLIES. and Pencil Tablets, Books. Pen, lnk, Pencils, Paper, Stationery. Fuit, Fresh, New line Just Received koellsDrug store, -LIB!RtTYVILLE .-ILL. t ff.c. PAD~~@~~<D b.2Roc*efeller, fliinolu w bine o! Furnitilre 181, M r. and Mnrs. J iti Rtodel anditis't1t Elimcr. of Cliicago, sîîcît S,îtnid; , Yai Wm. Kngges. Miss Wagner, cif h tîtîfîtte. c:îiîe Monday ta assia4t Ms fîiiî,~ Bride ini lter fîatselîtld i uties. Miss Liiella Ie ,lle i.ali speîît a a eek ut lalaimetietii fiel titcle. hfeîiiv kuiguze, ietiiiîîtL list Thle itastiîti lute fiegauthte (elliri cf .. Bu e liew it. <itt' btuiltdings ililihe eiected kt,,sot i the mweatlîer lpermit,. A~ corajlete lhue of Iîl Cari age s anti sometlîiig new ini L\teiili Tables.,i'eerless self- adjnstiiîg icai a, at the Furîtiture Store. «He who blowetn not his own horn the same shall not be blown." Moral-I get out of the nuts and' abi-ertiE o yotî willket ieft in flic shuffie aitd it wLI' serve you riglit too. Now fithîe bie t"Iit ec- orate yurhme.t lii> îSt re- ceive.' the lar eta. jta tock c Walil'Paîer ever bri,îgfît ~ttS local- ity and 1 will sei l tci 1),p.01;ly 8 t, 35i cents a dotie o.C(al tutti sec lb. . f. Biuîi(,i(;c. suhooieî It .aliect Ntfiîiiuia . as 'Miss T Ctii e Wciii ettiii ied frn lsc i Miss (Grava-5 itl Tantes Keetitr, if (licîguî. vere %i tait i îg ;atDi. Kilitack's M)viiig t., ie nainlic the îiir sertl ti t St 1'aff chlîticli 1auts plarsely tttel it fitd. lThe itiiii aih;flii Wëletcr arel latid fa rest Frit li. Hfeî .h SItPil ;tfe it3>t-' i1 relat ivies andîlfi iii lai ere. We crin produce a grect deal better paper, if aur delinquents wiill prompt- 1: hay their sîthacrilmiins. Thfie ui iitaiti nîcit1tatth e W ilint sCittîtil ivas fille a.itî leipette.' great ci iit cou teaecier aindhptipifs. Thte teektits social lîclîlut AI Vetter'slast Wiieslveveittite as well atteitîf landifcat le rcgardcd as a sticcess. Mtiss Ednt ta rettiriieti fraîn Sf1 Cleniens, Mfit-i.. Friday wltcre Silias 1"1 hepi visa itile a i thi lier graîtîfnuitier 11ev. antîfMis. (itckman and littIe I Ilrs. sciîeîp. sait stait titis geck for a ta>it îîcst. Mrs. Jaeofi Antes sfteiit Sitidav ai Tiîey expect to bc g ite tabouît tfîie Matoidai iiiin'iicaizo withi ler miîtlî weeks. Tîtere a ill ot fie ait>- prescfî- Mr-t. Sifletit. a lia las jîst rettîl îîîg iteit Suiîday at thie cîtaîel. 1ev. froit i Mt lemelis, Mii. wfîcrc SI I i ibile, cf I la il ttîe, citenit s a cclia tl andt lier griif dsu ghtter Mists Fi ianvitationrficrail to attendf bici . .\rites sîîeîîtheic aSt fuir ae 1l. B. Lee. ocfTt1ln i a gc, N. Y.. a%%eu11 e 1 t aha ive ier aît uclide11à> trouble.' a tfî îleuuîîatisin, i. auglit a aitoîtit tifftîca s. bpttfe of ('lîaîilifîrlîiiis l'aii lialiti front E. J. Neatves. $,î'."eilrtggi.-ttfbiei.. ', and5~ sa sit ditf f jioreta Cgotîit Iltait FOX LA KE. ,tittig lie fia.' el rbefcretitseîf. Fi J'11l'iela'iiiene 'gý sale hi F. hB. Iiîîell. Lificit.> itle. and Tt ,uî ocalteuthîtg G. C. %lcts aWuicîîîit , iuiggit. (liii stîoil commiiiences Mtt er. ned ilYiea vel-i The Fteunotî iglk%it. îîîî1)1Siiîtîi- 1(Great uimîiietilitie leeît matie ers shîol.' conidîer i t tle il ilst ditI at fi îglesîî idete Iiat seitat . to gravel tht w aorst, titi) mîtt trai ci- Lthilc itf(v rondîs ahIi-l dîck cd road of the tom it. Il is a wsste ofiiiîîtiîîg auc the printcial featitres tif rime ta grade uip mitre stic'ky cfa> iiton tt the pike8 betweenIN-iai iioe andthed) Rockefeller. If tltey fîtîcî't nîcuey Mrs. A. Tweedl las retîtrîteif fram to pay fir the job, let tlîem solicit the city> lter dauglîter ieiiaii il for a donations of labor anti cashî. 'flîre louger visit. are lots oi mcin Who wauld coîtriblte Wc are sîîrry ta lbearucf.1ithecattîs froin elle to tweiity-fivc days work cf Raymnd Sfîerwooii's uttm iti oh haulirig gravel for te sake of i lavîtg Diiits babies, a hidi acctîred lait Fii- good permanenît gravel rîîads te traîci day. ove r. Rockefeller Booming. Rockefeller was nane.' froua a great man an.' the place s9ecis destiîîcd to become a big toali. t liai eijoyed a. healtlîy growtlî, but new tltat dtîcont. side wonld liai discovere.' its beauti- fuif lecatîo*îî1, maiîy cit> peopile aili soon bnild thentielves snhurbaît hontes lient, wfierc tiîey eaî brestît a pure atmosîîhere atnoag tuîny peotle, free froua saloons, witlu good scîtool an.' churcb privileges. It is vie Ibaud- somest place ahaîîg the picturesque Wis. Cenit. I. R. It l bighi and dry witb gond naturaf drainage ait.'a healtby place to live. A syndicate of capitalists uîîder the management of two wide-awake Chica- go real-estate dealers, recently boughît forty acres on the bluffs south of the present village, platted the same and placed it on the market. There are ehght blocks each fronthng on a wide street, wihbah feys in the rean. These choice lots are sellhng 4"lîke hot cakes" ta city people at $200 ta $250 aphece. Several fine residetîces wili be built titis year. The Congregation- ai 8ociety, whîch recently finislied paying for thein chuncit, will begin wonk iminediately on a cominodions parsonage for titeir pastor. The Syndicate arceitegotiatiigfan more land ta subdivide itito lots for their resdy customers. The nîacltiîery for tiie paper factory is tut the rita. exepecte.' toa rrive next îvee. "lite future looks bfigit iuîdef for 1tocke- fefler ant.' -e rejoice au ti tht-m eiîterprising citizeus utîd îvil heil) tîteîn te prosper. Weddilng Cards. For Weddfng stationery of the fluiesti juality and workmanshhp ahways corne 6a the IIIDzpzNDEaT Prînting Office. We challenge comapetition in fancy as welL-at plain prhnttng. We cen fur- nlah anythfng (engraved work a spechalty) on ai low terme as can b. obtained in Obloaga. Bernembor, we caurst. aa"aotioa. Saturday Mardi 30,I Frank an.' Aniae Galiger, Ethel lVisner and tîteir teacher John Laite, attendeti the teachers readîag circle at Autiocli. Elaten Baritstable's teain being lef t withaut fasi:eiiitg lait Monday mont- ing, taok leave of the factory very un- ccremoitiously an.' rail up ta tîte post- oIfice witere tltey acre 'lîcaded off! ty Mr. Bropfty. Dr. Broîîlîv las miade maîîy im prevemeets on Itis stock fdrm aîîd bis stock lias been wintered in gond condi- lion. One onfy îeeds to see bisi place iin arder te realize that it is un ornament to the surrotinding country. AU eiîterprtsing farmers slîould see his fiue borss. Ili as saine with a record of 2.14. WINDMERE. Chas. Thiorn la putting in a well for E. Grahîam. John Lane lias becit vsiting Gurnee friends fately. Duck shooting oit Lonîg Lake i very good this sprng. P. J. Grahamn, of Elgin, visite.' lis parents and friends here recently. Mrs. M. Grafiam, of Chîicago, spertt a fea- days lîcre last week calliîîg oit frieutds. Townt electiontfsise.' off quietly andî aftcr tlhe votes acre couîîted it a-as discovered thiat thie nsajeity ofte votera are determine.' to have a fair assessinent cf tîte titan andi a cotniii siolier wlîo is iin lavol tif gocîl i tuiif. Everylitdy sîtoni.' attendi te enter- taininît tii be guîciil b>' te aclîclars at Iig ,lfelloa' scîtool biouse next Sat- urday evening. Undter tîte skillfnl mnagemenut of tîte taîîtteti Young teachier, Miss CoaaHIoward, ae predict for it a big succes. Igavé you a frlend or relative b1j whom you would like ta be held in pleasent rernembrance ever week foi the oomlng year? Malte that persan & preffent af a year'e subecrlptiou tu MOeprance1 Temple» ~uhT. PIUDAY. APRIL 12, 1895. Adam Kranz bau noved to Rondout. Dr. H P. E ING, ieM. Biederstedt lias nioved to Deer- R.ehercller, . nai..d.. George Zaiiîî h working for Lywan DISESES F TE EY. 1 Wilmot. Specti lattention gh eîî to the cw-re: t hîicue Ot siiî fttiig or glisedpisrova Lina Julifrelitit is Aol.kiiig at 111gh- Until 10 a. m.-I to 2 p. m. alPrk and efter 0 p. m. Gerge Vetter fritta Cîieage spett .... IIEN Ytiî A NT A iîfeawake merchianti say that A Nioe Smoath Shave. A Fasbiona- Advrtising pays. ble Hair Cut or Sharnpoo , î..îî~< w M. (;USKE, EARBER, tit.tIigat fIii tti.l tsi n ituiToi utttiii Theitie a, tinie fiit:uinoy ttOCKEFELLFR. - - LI I. tlettnis l(icibieitii Iulia - aere fitite îty huit week. ROCKEFELLER. It is rttntatcil thitat ftle Alsijt Brick Charles Brown, (et Wattkct- ii, OMl ls 1)aii on clerking for A. MN. Briggs. Miss LiilttPLlagite ient la Ciicaeo Our citizeits otgli to iiift .îmWtiiei ii vti ii tîlsaleadi> gravel ail the principai >ticets t 't, ie literai 'istîciéWis icw trgan village. ias Mun iveIIaud ei snîs timfy e' ery- Mns. Jas. 'tleatîtît. of St. lII ýeS hpeii t h calied on frieitds Itere cite da it, t lIn I.«.m.;:utîitt tthi îî week. t tue as lie Caine Iliist anti was servedl ILf . .-A N .- f- - 1-A 1 Coat, 2 PantuiCap' The Nodel's Coifitation. 1 Spauiding Bas Bail.1 1 ?bise 3 thv ln Ir SPauldhng Batil* iUdl tiTicket on a $50 bicycle SI uithe Mit,. -(%I- i -tut al (o iti!tit. I i i 'Ilte Git dltifin.%oý1, it tIru us.........i......... (iîsaiier .e ait The le st ttitit> tl ie Ibai aitvwire iîîiu.lit.g iith.. .tt- tit i We lotie tfîtese suitu ivi I Lugfit Grtuv, 1)uîîk (Wîv Tiis, Blits, NMxcii and iotftcr sîifes. ý2.5i) Li.gltt Tan:s. Duîrk '3'1' ftîîY's Si..witîîiltt the extra îîîîîis. at lii.i.(, 2.0( a ) 1()an l'lic BIl aMid Bat and 'Ilîcycle Ticket, fre with ecier. suit. Thé "Mqodel" Olothing 110118, Temperance Temple, -Waukegan. STALLION IN SERVICE. i IRoyalist, 6438, Reeord 2:4b, The Best Bred Trotting Stallion in the Northwest. Sircîfi ,'v te gu eit sa izart 6-'11.Ilias 4: 14l ii titiiatft recotrds f ront 2:17 to )iî lias 2S îîniaiuciitg sons andî as mittai> taiglittrs. Rt>ytlists jrst dain. Biav Fautitly, i)V hRichiards; IB-cl Ifuiund - ei. îlaîî cf ieiy. 2;21;Resolute 2:27 ý. Alexandîer Mi51 llîe Kialg il. 2.26;: Fox S. T. B. 2:30; Riivalist 2:42. "eoiî itamîti b. sign ai.,w f tii tiiree in the 2:21) Itst. Itoyalist coits are aIl sîteedy an.' canhiot fîelp heiiig so. but Onue0 cifs colts have beeti haîîdhed for speed, iismciy Taiisy D)., 4-year-old recorti 2:34, finîislîed god second lait faI ini 2:17. Royalitit is 16.1 bands lîlghtan.' weigiîs 12.W it)s. ylou can make ita mistake la breedlng to bim. If yau (It aur get a trotter, voit are sure ta get a fine, large diriver or car- niage hiorse. Wili Make the Season o011895 at niy Stables. imms: $2m»CO T I t F. J. DF-ETMEYER, 604 WASHINGTON ST.. WAUKEGAN. ILL. 2t-i--~. FR ED CROKERS Tailorï Draper SPRAGUE ST.» LIBERTYVILLE. CLEANING *REPAIRING w-, -il, P-Y $300,r-r a -Ue. 2,5 varietics and iff SWEET PEAS colors mixed, Only 40c. A POUNDI For full particulars of $3oo offer and the handsomest and mont coin. th h and r.-- .r) for plete catalogue of Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits, containing ail ol la.d la- ýorites and cream of new Noveltien, printed in 17 different colora, elegant 0 ly Oc. OU N 1)1 d n 4 A p coloredplates. Send iocts. (which may be deducted from firatorder) for e and. - est 01 zz w oc te S FLORAL CUIDE. V IC K Y i$-VEDS oomtwa the germ of Ille. JAMES VICK'S SONS, Rochester, N. Y. EXTPR PARTS &STARJ eAP.?lM The Most' Popular Short- Pant Boy's Suit this Season is the Combi nation ISuit. Trhe Combmgnation we Seil Consiste 0f -....~ P c Wl' .005 J, 1 1 Ottd) Ott là workinir

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