CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 1

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OIIR AIM.: TO FEAR GOD, TELL THE TRUTU AND MAKE MtoNp >Y. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, Aprit 19, 1895. $1.50. inà , e t Ijiependent' 00*d &MFruq st rtvïitLL. ILLINOIS. id Idke Oourtuî for Ibeir sevuvi W1u give mai lie Coety Nov Ir «uatàio sMme oca dau i or7 PM-&5 l i »Ila so 2 *g'" u par lise for @Wa dii à, VI ~oe .rrytnsgtaadln à" lboiam5cu apslar , semt. OttoP«r lam*for *uCit rmad 5fty IW *b mv indu"e adv«ouaii la aul No - *r, chargefor chassesmade. .*<~iSta rnaLg by tue yeu. *or WWMUMWg &" Job PrlnUt m ae te 44"«& aoe.taail Bot being au open se OISIe Captes 6 ota eech.s4 5for IL g1wiloe mPrie, $1.50, p e sr. 1.C. PADDOCK, Publisher. ffor sae" JMt sud Ose. vwI its Wgro, J kivIN MDhlfoi .2 per bShel. !Ibs vhs osse ,etith thé cash F A19X Poor RENT-185 lAirji, or stock i1 ,ORO mile vet of go" b jW on ouwis. (Jeu. av. Fr tmm ga u %rtbnr paftlcullars qmlyqto T.c~s.- (20-23) k W. A. GA omixt, (Gray' Lake, Ili. AM 7019 SALE-1 57J acres, We.111 inGt i Stock and Dalry Pam.lacated on town of sud ia ve nml West of 4kefeller, go will. m R. T sdefront 310b" lHo sud I roafronu Ibuak1Ui p. Terme reasonable. lgbuit ofwner on promisese. NICatOLAS 8MITHI. P0.Address, Wauconda, 111. 1000 CorUà Wood. Frsale lnqusuilto suit. The Heu J4I'U bas started aga mn uple y of saw dut now mu bond. 1 have afew topof/tame lbey that I Wlllu t M mile West tf Gurnee. ,yW. METCALF. A , 0os Busine For Sale. Grseery,Bot d Shoe Gent's Fmuralag Gooda te., stoc nd good îrillh ilvel wIng of Lake oouxty, for sas t a n. (Jood tbaiet B wlll Inepection. y@« partie pply e edidor, H.C. PADDOCK, Rosi Estatean Loan Agent. Libertyville, 111. exeoutors' Notice. Omao& vali a ent 0 (u nI l Ake Sbolani the- astha d (Ir or=1ctin WINOB.U).Exocutora WANTD,&%500 PAID ON ACCOUNT. -0-- ALb who krrow themnseives in- 4debted to me on book ac- count olotherwise, wiiI pleasc cali and settle same by cash oi bankable note, on or before MAY 1. 1895, and oblige, JS. MURRIE, QRAYS. LAMIE. OUR OILT EDOBO LIST. EDITORIAL RAMULES. Scissorlnctums. e.apdm ly ni h. h. aie otaN uiheupin As la hie froquent customi the aditor Eleverihundred horse, werêelotigit tuWe ,l as ret the da te Jne "ear 1haIn took a drive out ln the southera part recently in Oregon at $1.80 a litua(. We @t te dte ne yar he inorf the county lest Friday and made consideration of $1.50 paid by each of sisosrain sfioa The Standard 011 comîmamîy ba ad- the followlng, sine the last Publics oa rne oserdtins as aut te poplar vnced the îfrlce of kerosene about tion~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~W 0fsieluteIDEEDIT. bte nd ceeseHuntaerthendOPlngtwo cents per gallon. tienof me n te IEPEDZI: btterandchese ake iatening The fariner wno has a buînch of LI3ETYVILLE. trictiy te hie business aud giving ateers te seîî et. present prie, .wjîî George Vowier, Mrs. Sam'i Moore, entre satisfaction te the Patrons of maeahtu-fmny J. B. Ayé rs. Diamond Lake creAmery. He finds akeahtu fmn IVANBOX. time te read thie Dally and Sunday Ton wili observe that it je always B. D. Maynard, C. F. Beckwitb. Inter Ocesu aud keeps veil poeted the case that the mani who neyer Henry Tamplew. on aU current news orthtie day. By epeoke 111 Of hie neigbborS bas a OUBEE.the way, h. lo a mma of gond iound pretty good reputation at bomne,-and John McGarva. 8. P. Steadman, judgment vira woul amke a firet vice verse. Âdolph Brizen. claos superviser sud wo suggest te Arbor Day cornes April 19 la this DIAMOND LAK«. the republcans of Libertyvile teon- tate. The objeet of the observance John Gosswfiler, H. A. Mille. ship that they place hl& name on their ta te bave trees, ebrube, vines, &e., Harry Blows. ticket next sprlng. plaated for the comlort, wealth and 1 PRAIE EVIEW. *. attractiveneas of the State. W. P. Dlekinson, Peter Holst. H. N. Mazhani as smre extra fine lisebers! Biggest offer yet. Amer WIIEBLINO. Poland China hoge whloh ho lutends icau Former, Chicago Weekly Times, J. sebvingel, Emma Baumann. to enter for prem, urne at tifhoe IlosWoinakind, sud the, LACE COVNrv M. J. Dalziel, Digbtou (Big Hoilow.) state fair neit 151. INOEPmNDuNT, four papers ons year Emily Horeaberger, Deenfield. W o Oly S2.00, cash Ini edvance. Pay Frank WUIlngWto, Leithton. We round T. 8. Mille, that wel ap what you owe and take advatage Frank Proctor, Grays Lake. kuovu horse breeder and suoesefuli of this offer quick, whlo it lests. H. W. Limebeck, Rondout. farmer, at home enjoylng tihe fruit of The bottoni of the Pacifie beteean WiII Thomas, Rockefeller. hie vinyard lu good heejth and happy. Hawaii and Celîforula la said te be se B. Schneider, Lake Zurich. He eays Mrs. Mille, who bas spent levei'that a railroad couid ho laid for Henry Smith, Haîneeville. several months vlth ber daugbter, Uou miles vithout alteriug the grades Peter Mover, Hall Day. Mrs. W. B. Cronkbite at Greely, Cal., enyvbare. This tact wvas disovere Fred Bauer, Fort Hillbas recovered ber bealth lu the bY the United States surveyingvess8el Fred Glas Aptakusic. mouatain climate and le expected eagaed ln making soundinge with G. H. LUII, Chicago. home soun. The sou H. A. Mille who theé1lAylng of a eable. ___________nov operates the old ferca, le gettiflg Did y ou ever eee a colored ma beg- COMING EVBNTSI. lu bis crope lu fine shape.. ging food or clothing for hixuseif? In Arbor day-Friday, Apr. 19, '96. 1j me t Sebool Eleotion Saturday, April 20. W. P. Dloknan. t 1 A Chicago bauker, *hbo la the. new a Tr.aohes' Examination. proprieter of-the oId Oridîsi' farrn, la( In order that the date of aur regular renovatlng sud lickiug up that place tr monthly examination Mnay unoS cou- lu fine style. ne bas bult Miles 0f i ilicS iti tiraS of tire meeting of the Ove board fences of dresard lumber i N. 1. T. A. to lbe heid ait Joliet, April viricb viii soon au bc painted white. ti M6-27 lit bas beau changed frorn the Be bas built a -ide veranda ail 'round fourth te tire tiird Saturdai' of April. tire stateli' fans masion sud repalred Candidates for teachera' certîfioates the tenant bouses; bas disposed of bis oc are requested to attend an examina- ctte and ii transform the large ai lIon to lie beid at the Court Bouse, bari, puttlng lu seventy box stalle g Waukegsu, Sattrrday, April 20, et (10110 fi) ftr the convenieuce of o 9 o'cîock a. m. 2t boarding clty borsese, vhlchbh con- e aiders more profitable tha cova. Ha i The Ienarzuvxxi la the officiel bc bastvo young horees wbich have d paper of Lake Couuty. Berid us your neyer been tracked, but b. thinka fc legai notices aud hava them puhlished they eu develope speed viîh smrn acoordlng te lav. training on the Libertyville track and o --rnrrr7ý=viii enter thera ',and try toi vin the i Rockrefeller to the front. ChoiO 50 Faerer Race at th. net Fair. Ha fi lit. ica lthtbl"dftW M&rnnutatrig legarting off ail the old rubbleh the C' toya of Rockefelierriov aaUing rapid- accumufatIon of years and cleaing i hi' f rom $150 te $250 per lot. J ulias up ail the surroundinga. Ha bas a io Helm Peper Company, Rockerfaller. gardaner et vork trenspiaatiag andq drassing bis large vîneards. Among si Butter on the Elgin Board of Trede Mir. Dicklnsori'e, pet echemes ia the ir Monday vas ver active, ail offerlage OAKWOOD Doo KENNEL, t being soon taken: 28,000O pouride ut ea ev indu.ztry for Lake Coutay. Il 20c, 4,380 poundo aI 204c. Lest weak, vili ha huilt on iînprovsd idees withd 20e; yeer ago 22&221. e brick calar vitere the doge conm kaep verni la the vinter and cool La Tiiose vbo have tbsir Sale Bille aummer also a commodioris yard, an- f printed ai t the1N1>RPENDENT offite get cîoaed vithea high vovea vire fanes,e a full liat and terme published in the for axercise tins vilieiho loate-d on Lake counti' nevapaper, whicL lvays Pesd iIna tebri eeh draws a large crovd and everything teBd ilna h an eelei gown et good prices. We get ouStihe proposes ta maise thorough-bred Stv aMessit bilîland use the best palper. Bernarde, Fox Terriers arid Gordon0 Frices reasonable. Try us and you Setters that viii command a ready r vili b.e coavinced. (lotf) saleaiathigir prices. Thre kennel vili _____________ih stocked with imporled doge vitir If you vent te baip your home ragistered pedigree. Be expecte te paper, order al your Legale, Ad- expend about 87000 on the place and ministrators, Exacuter's, Tex salaeviren hae gela tbrough believes bet and othar notices, puhlished la tira vil have tire INDEPENDENT. Wa viii guerante MODEL FARN iF YLAKE Cr~~ correct legal publication, lot notices Mr. Dickinson la an enterprisiag( and fila cartificates of saine, saving hustiar viroi .he people vîli soonè you ail that troubla. H. C. Paddock, appreciate as a citizen. Ha is a Puhhleber. tf thorough believer in public improva-t mente and raceatiy gave $i00 cash The reason that DeKalb bas added toverd having the rond graveled f rom ten industries la thre paet tan yaars is hie place te prairie viev station. becauae therevaaithy, the men of Mr. Dickinson eujoys coinpenv and moderate means and the poor have. vili entertain many ity guesta as vorked tegether for the progression soon as he gete ttra place riggèd up of our citys intereste. Thes reason te ihis Ideal, for receivlag thtm. that maay other rieigirborlag cities Tireir comiag viii create a market have gone hack, or are at aistarid stil for adjacent ferma, for tirese clty ls becausq no concert of action can lbe1 people naeae faricy for rural homes secured upon matters of mutuel wvire they cen spend their suniniers e terest-DeKalb Beview. aeray froin ciii' dust and dia. Our vorthy oo-ternpamary thre Baif Day lvaya takes e lively Antioch Neya published thre Lake intereel la politica. Tir ananuai County Deinquent Tex Li8t at sprlng and bienniai feul elections are veek. Tiro' it teok 7J pages (42J about about thre oaly eyants tiret excite columas) of soid noapareil type those Vernon townshrip. Aireedy there are busting publishers, Messrs Burke & sevarai aspirants for successor to tiret Sterms got out a neat nawsy 16 page acknovledged worthy supervisor A. -papar on tume. We congretulate Wý. Waldo wbo lias tbe lbonor of heiag theni on their ability to compete chairman of the cotinty board: J. M. vitir the old established corinty-settt Foote lis a candidate for' tlat offie papers. We uaderstand they sent wbich hlie once uuiy Ililed, and va hear out a large edition wbielh vas fairly H. H. Holtjc the, poliular assessor, waîl petrouized b>- advertisers. As, il i ot object. u to a romlotioni wie we have salit before, A n1tiocb buis Hon Peter Ililst, wiiu lias servea hlis reasoiî 10 feel prouîd of ber locailieus- tovi' ixte(cut cars rs iighwrt> coin- paper and everS' itizen of thut li~i uicr is a strouig intlueurce anrd - ocality shoaild patron!ize it. cîîiiki captuire the pluni if lie chooses. There is chance for otber candidates ýr Prenium No. ¶ .-Firniers Monthiy. to -omae forward as the vucaticy wiii strlcthy Cash la Advance, for the INDEPENDENT Oaa ycar, va viii send a Have you e fiend or relative b, yers subscription for the Fermera viron you votrld like to te h bld in Monthly, a 16 page farm journal pub. pleasent remembranas tveri'veek foi Llebed aSt Bockford, Ill., Pries Socents; the coring year? Make thal persan -but aur iCaah-ini-Advance aubecrihors, e. pressent of a year's subscriptian to eahave l abeohuteli' Fa=. . eINDEPEnDET. to bavc s white tramp boid you up for anickel 'to get sornething to est beer,)' but you donlt find any colored trampa or vage. Ha viii vork wbite ths white vag begs& The coiored mexi ias toomucb pride to beg. The only tme he ever solicite moaey là for "de minlter" or for "de cburch." Dr. Leslie E.-Keeley, the discoverer of the Keeley cure for drunkeaneas. announoes the follo,;tlng cure for the grip: 'Na persan need di f grp; not only that, but no one need, ho sick enough froni grip te go te bed or quit is nouai occupationi. Assafoetida, ln doses of slxteeri grains, adminlstered tour times a day, wiii completely break îp the voret case of grip aS any stage of its deveiopment. NoS only wilI assofoetide cure the grlp la Its prlm-ary oprm,>t It viii break up m*iy of the eomptIatlons aristng f rýli. It'. 1 i as absolute a specific for grip as quinine is for agite. A particulariy valuable quaiity of this Specuficila ils cheaeis simpliclty uad harmlesnuess. No matter boy many grains you may take la a day, it wili not hurt you." Serrator Frye, of Maine, ln a speech Lellverad et Bridgeport, Coan., on the 3uth of March, drif tad loto propbesy. He said: Give us Republîca rula for a single decade, unlimited, un- crilpled power, and wa yuli show the people the beneficence of Republican legislation. Every man who vanta vork wll hava il, and et the weges of the crownirig year of Rapublican rule 1892. We viii place our fiag on ail the seas of the aarth, restore the marchant marine la its place, and va wiii increaae our white. stroag ermed squedrone so that tbey vili commnand the respect of ail nations. We wli annex the Haviian Islands, fortify Pearl Harbor, bulld the Nicuraguan canai and marry two oceans. WVe vilI show tbe people a foreign policy that is American lu ever fibre, and holet the Ameriven ifag on whetever Island we thiuuk best, and no baud shall ever pulli t dovît. The pueople wbo are in the habit of patroniziug paddlers should remember that the goode carrled by the average peddher are made te salI and not for service aud durehllity, and if chap lu prieeawill cartaialy ha cheap la quality and therafore expansive et any figure. The peddiars pny no taxes, reap what they do riot sow, and wrong two classes -the buyer and the merchant: To the farmers they sal inferior goods et prices for which rellable merchandîse should ha bought, and defraud home marchante of trade that le rightfuHiy theirs. The bomes marchants pay taxai and their succese coatributes te thE prosperity of the towa. They atand bahind the couniter from morniag tili nigbt, rerdy to back the gonds the) sehl, wbile tîhe peddlers disposa of theli goods anud rre known no more. There- fore, bu shy ofthem, uand lu justie t( yotirself litni the moelua uts llao, vourt radei cW Ie i t ici u>lg.. l'or aut t--i..tutg r ril cards givucI ithe f-i Si S -I (i Fia s new Scipt t itrd a n cusot menit of carti ier,. Premium No. 2,-Money Found. W~e rylil .5111ati a prînmîîuurto cii subsciibers r'.it.>pa>' strlctiy Cash iii Advarîce, si.i for thC I.xuEPE.IDEICNT,-a copy of Prof. Tios. E. Hiil'eriew book -'Money Fotiud" viieli clealy sets forth a raetical reftedy for penice sud bard timea. GURNEE. Dun't. forget the echool electioni. Dr. liutclîart sîet Tuesday fi Chilcago. A pair oif bloomiers îîas8ed tlîroughi town 8uuiday. items left nt box 9m, wmust be in by Monday niglit. Eiigene Knox and Wife are visiting witlî iesparents. Look for Dr. Butcarta aigu which was built leist week. Mr. Knox bas fully recovered from ail atteOk of LaGrippei. Boys get 3our tUn cens ready: There wvî11be e woddingsioon. Mr. Jones bas opened a large lumber yard on the Brown faim. Misses May McClure and MoCullough speat their vacation et Waukegeii. Peary Peareons and mother, of Weukegau, spent Sundey at Garase.. Sehool opened Monday morning wltb six new acholars, three of vbom psy tultion. The clams thet finishied Civil Govera- ment lest terni, have taken up botany tîie term. UNULE JoMII. WARREN. After e week's vacation thîe Gurnee school lias re-opened. Goven Daîziel and wife lost theïr infant son lest Tuesday. Mrs. Houas who lies been an lnvalld for more than a yeer lies not berna qulte so vell as umul. Mise Vlaud Moore bas resumed ber sebool duties la tire 8-te-arna district elter a three veeka vacation.t Mms. Borer Ormabi' la la poor healtir. BS irevtbber tirre. littls chlldren are vitit Mr. Ornuaby's parent&. We hope for ber apeedi' recoveri'. The Warren Cemeteri' Associationc met wtb Mma. Walter Duniapj Wedaesday April 175h and wyul meel vitb Mma. Charles Lamb, Mai' lot.c Mra. Mary Hock Cerpenter bas ne-1 Surned to ber home in Wuter Ne-1 basacu business. Rer lvodangbtsrs1 viii romain vitir relatives bers la Warren antI l al vben lirey aIl exp.ct to meire their home in Florida. Last Friday eveuîng a private parti'1 vas given aS Grange Hall. This Fr-1- day evenlng,, Mm .'Ad* Knoxa d1 Mse C4crpenter viii give pseicl'ey et Shesasme piace. ;Zr Warren1 orchesatra viii fumniah tire Ymsie. 1 Albert Browni, of Waakegaa, former- hi' a reeldent of Warren pasaed avai' Fridai' et te home of iris son-in-iav Charles Whitaey. Thes faneraI vas langeli' attended from Mr. Wbitnei"s home Sundai'alternoon. Mr. Broyn vas bora la Nov York stete about 82 years ago. Be lbaves a faitirfal lovlng dagiter, Mise Ida Broya, and tbree grand chilîdre. Ilits eldeat daugirter Mim. Whitney vas talien aeva ittie more tiran twa years ugo.. Hie aged companion, Della Wilbur Broya died about ten yersego. We hear of a very unusuai tiig happening lest Saturday night et tire borne of Everoît Marah. Be vas avakened between elen and îvoive o'clock hi' hearing an unusuai noise outaide thé houses,lhoarmse and ook- ing ont tire indov sav a prircel on tirs porcir; tirecri of a chlld attracted hie attention ho stepped ont and fouîîd te iis astouiebmont titet an infant cbild byldeatly but a 1ew wvesoid baîd heen el t et bis door ahaîidoned ini threde'ad of aiglît. It vould ecareeli' ho believad tiret sncb a lîsartieseset could ho perpetrated lunotmr country' iieighbtorhood. MELANOIc. GIL.MER. Franuk Thomas weurt to Chicago Tuesday. 0. Quentin and vifs took e trip to Chicago Weduesday. J. Becs sud H. Sciwrvemaîr, Sr., vent te Chicago Tuesaei. à Mme. J. B. Thromas and Mre. Geo. Brown viited hore rocentli'. * L. Li'ona entent aincd iris brother andi cfamili' of Waukegan over Sundai'. The Misses Herbinson, of Ivaab os, spent Mondai' vitir Mm. C. G. Smalal. Stella Andrevs îeceitli' roturaed *front e three veeks' visit witir relatives et Rockefeller. Sewerd Anîdrewes ud f anily of Lake ForestI speuit Sudai' witli ra- lves at Gilluier. L. li, Morse andmiutglter of Liber- tyville aint Mme. Mary ilawsoli, o! %uukegaui vire guess at M.- A. AuurIrevs' uudu Thie Easter series ut-'t iurleldi wre i usuall Iv huai stiuug. Th crli iiias iveil ulled iviliiimi ap[ue- ciative audieuice. NI u.ts Fliiie M (i se bli e r leu choî et P'rairie Miewn' oiiduy, Miss Euuuie Ainus iîuitdie Pr ica diticnut ai E. M. Avenu uiat Ibis place the saure day. Wiren you at te sali or et a fanm, buy a lot, tracte herses, or ani'- thing else, 15 vIl pai' you Se place e notice lu tire INDEPsNDBNT vbioir la airnoat sure te bring you e castOnier. WAUCONDA. IVill Lamphers ia nurslng a srlS foot. lion. Cihes. Partridge, of Wauhsg%% was bere lest week. M us. S. Reynolds la tbe gut fe<v and Mrs. John Spencer at Avod. An 8xl0 frame vitb glace Aa ooly 19 cents et the Waunoni Supt. W. M. Marvin, of IVW spent last Fridey visitjng ou §at Mr. sud Mms. H. Nevilles,. e Lake, visîted relatives hem laué S. Robinson, of Barringto., Ws«*m Waucorida viator last week WedMfv' day. Mrn. Eutrle Woodhouss &W %M» EloioJeriks vere Nunda calma be vei. Bey. Fitther Bbode, oIf rmu.& Conter, vas a Wauconda visitai MM of the veek. Wauoonda wes veli repreautai Fairloeld M. E. eharcb lest Son&*, The exorcises vere very goud. Ester service lu the Baptiat bai*,- wero velI attended. A large nuO ' of ester egg e esdlstributed Msad the littIe one. BAaoAiN-Choiooe foo% lots la ths tlo0f Bockefele&*OB'u]1t at0. Julius RHps y village Rcci Ofeiler.Qt* affalr. One ot the tickels bavlm been tbrown out hi' the eâi e eaount 0f nome dOfiesIn 1»tirepet tion. We May' heurtfram I ltu Don'S Min.thesocial to-algit te 0. A. lanu amer uhe auspese tiLe Daoghtse. ei ue isp= s. Lulnch oI Se~ Ail are Invitai Wo cornieaud ha»e good Sinus. Who u nesod of a gond plic# crai'on portmat, or pictueb"04 ronumben liaS the Wsusonda teullosi given tW viev vork, tbe of @Wb veai. Ifi'ou o havlng ani' vieva,4 or ng tabený gel thé Waummoa pher'. prions sud Ibus meembé gel good vork. Oun people are grovIp mom numrin thebhabit ofhloklug te . ,» Lovsll,Llbertyvlkheasd G. C. Wsucomdia. du fors b t âm&% beet of ev.ryth ngw h = ~yseilCh= nberln' falmouà for Ils ecure of bi eé and vhoopnjg cougb. Wbeu la of sncb a mnedicine, Ulve Sie is trial and i'ou viii h rnoq*hq-,. leased vitir the resait. VOLO. E. L. Hluson la quise poarli'. Dr. Robertel, of lova, vlelted al; 3.ý L. Hieon slast vsek. Everybodi' la buey putting lu graa. No time to talk politica. Ester Suadai' vas very p0su~ Everyhodi' snjoyed tiremasive. Dr. Robinson was vleltlng hdre' i.* veek. ies îov vonksaet stone layme. Our hlacksmitb vas apeedinglb yoaag bore Saturdayie. e ad1olug file. The Grant ceareteri' socleS! vIE ment Mai' 3, vitr their preaident, Uts. Veorge W elle. Mrs. Robrert Paddock wss quit eicka e w dase ast veei vith jneuraigie in lier side as omeuièeter ab preseut. Tire are celle for thre nov rosi counmissioner f rom everi' diretio.. Serape anîd gnusiel ths roada; thet; id vireS pays. Job Vesey bas retui lid from Dlzm. vIrealha bas been etteîdug tchA. He did irot go home filmt. Nover mimd J- viii get tiiers. Doîi't you tiab~- go? Next Sunday afternoon et 2 p.- m. Quartorli' meetinîg service la the Vet. M. E. churoir vlth $crament et Ibe Lond'a supper. Sabbatb schiQo t alo p. M. AU Il iiie velCOMe. Tirere vil be a Sundai' aclîiol MOU -. ing aext Sundai' et 10:30 a. m. tIe Ro.cvillo achool. housefor tirep organizlng a schooh et that placeM are cordiali' inviteti te b. pree»tsalWu belp la thre gooti vork. Sundai' April 28 et 2 p. m. tb*rM- wyll bc a Satndai' seiool meeting Ila 11 Beunett scirooi bouse la Cuba vp sbip. Sunday scirool vorkems froceI Waîîcoîîda echool are cordial' i =I to ho present; elso tire fnienda fmm iltînsi Lake district. We hope to@*'ý ail tîre fauiiies ln tha Bennett 4iW~ represeurtet. Towîrsiip hVreMdtepS, The wife of 1). Itobinsoir, a~'jU#Q nent luiîuubrirran of llartwick, 'uic suck wlth rheiîui tih fr O *S miirlls, li speakiiig 0f 1, M. iiilî 1SuuvS -ChUlambrlilil l r Balîru is t Ire ouîly tinug that gave' au>- rest fri aini. Fo«r tirerei jIain it can fot hie beat.'" Ma bath cas-es of nbeuurstiatu haVS etired .byi i. For sale aS 1.0M bottIe hy F. B. Ilveih, làb and G. C. Roberts, W W. cari produce a peper, If aur delI14ss ty pay thoir auhenEO- 'N o.27. ~mou, s PBICIC, 5 1 1 1. 1 1 ýý

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