CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 2

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ott aeeao*. repart irhat Dr. Loa w bl -. stain, e New yatr hu dlbas Nd'the im..ui i qe etngconsupttom ,lupus, aîý4 Peahape 0eMbr. The. iInEtoV ultotiflC ln tii. Germait medical ptpers an extra,- ordlnary action of minute luectinii Of piocarpine, a el.talllatiextraet frain te. »BraulanJabornudi plant, on thie lyinphatlc systent. This, ln a sause, cruî- plete. the clebrateut beil sanuit." utietig farorahiy on patienta whent the sertuni doe« not cure. The key of the discoTer.7 As Ibis: By Ésuccelqive injectIOns ofiuminuite ivam at a graduât stimulattion of the lyuiphatic systaîn. That systent inercutif Ithe nwhite corpuscles iu the blooti wlich, ln nome wu7 otagrwedupon. certuliily li.eeptible WolverAuc lu Tremble. aveva,c'e Pi.'.--InIý- -- - Wlia John Leeûn, of Grand Rapidis, duce diseuse. Thé, report closes îith n lea.sav a Dul ti-oau ferntlie tiret stalemant et a caseoetlInus ts ai tnenty- eu is arrivai in tara'the. othaer tva eana' duratîtîn. regarde-I asincurai- âàialg ha gavaeue gasp anti mutie up bIe, which vas reiievecl immedîiael! tatl-r JM leinillie ihodlil bug lhan f lhediati for tht. fi rstinjection anti sla w almasi cureti. »o. bc titi-anti survivati. Pregeutiy - w lie m othen Dulthinivoan-the tavu NE WILL PAY ON "46,000. îchall of thmnt-atid, amboldenati lY bis *Ï, attempt, haeantbracad liar ikewlse. Piedt l CevelandTtinutuMitn PaY »F tus tinethie hugging habit liecame Comeu Wthin the. lucotie Tex Lav. OW-ounhMai. ant In Aupiti successiont lie Presitient Clevelaînd ii Alpay the Aconet l"Ieo numbair of the. Duluth voman lha tex an bis official smlary. Thal section '4W lkugged up ta eight. If DeputfSItar- af tht. constitution whicit pravîies that *~ VarIai bail ol caome along jut about te presidats alry wbeu fixeti ly letv lh ime anti gatheredthel ainftatietishal net ha dininished durAng bis lernt ng ani tiiehavomît bava béeau otoffice daes uat exampt is salary froint '~~lagDuImI ventn yt.. A5 the , Inlcame tex aet.orting laeilie Prami- la uduns la n pec e t. t lu'ia de t'@ ov n Inerpreîatioe fl ith e coustitti- in u.puadug arg plcesof ton lno ten.Privat. Sarelary Thurlien. disvuss- -r bni iaugfra l uvrnupleta as ng tha suhjeci, aiti that vithout 8881in1- W,gratirsu in'.%vngJIrge ng ta refieci M. Cevlaut'ipersal *019(wi gave hlm îixty-oetdtays. Mn-vvi an the. legal question invalvati, ho *1& mya e vas drunk ut thet lme. Ne tiltinet agneea vilth t.eiimatit. ly liste beau founti vbe teniat it. United States Jutiga Hughes, et Norfalk, that the. salary et tht. Preaititt anti the. -OPCE EEKING TUE SMEN. salaries ai United tiBates jutigai vent.ex- emptai hy tint clause ef tua constitutiaon - Uâ§M,4for MuaI Inspectoatnt isi which sai thase salariei ahal net ho di- *CiUst* Excee 4mthe lPli' minishati by 1mw turing the tarnti foffice. 1%he Oerv' vIe comiigian las axieus The coustitutioal provision. Mr. Thur- Ië- t$wq* udiltianal applications for the. ban hlts, bas ratereuva te the officiel VWWet! Mnt Ieainspectons lu the Agri- salary par se, vhicli, baiug ouce fixeti 40#wM9.Dppaitment antif in iA vutur- hy 1ev, canuat be Increnaeti or diiniseti Wýeë i' euetgetI anti tatislical fid turing the terni ef office. 4-- U *41'W fliicomumsin. lun8aIl polbxuaouuierabie tachuival BIG LEAsE o0F'WESTERN LAND. lus reqitinret. anti the tieman ~-~gutacapable ofdilsvliergiug the Tex@ Catti.lDelers W 111Mak a Fiht is et12aylu excesoft he suppi. Ton th ' *Barons" in Okahomat. hpctuui.ier n$2,0h. lie Tt.Okhoma territorial siool uandi ti ron $M00tau5$72(, tne van ýw$1-00O andthle fieldi agents 00e$1.200. Examînatiant for aifut ay ha takeai betoreA UY revlng examlnatian hourds nov %*itatÏ, but appfication muaItfinit te the.coimisalan office la Wailt- Ahit anti pentission totavmpat Ob- lease ai Aaui aveniaea Intht. West. The lasses are D. Waggouer & Son, the big caille dealers ai Devatur. Tex., anti lie leeselas tor fi va yearsaneutcaversa al the achool aud in RageraMIls, Day anti Woodward Conutes. or 532,800 acre&. The aura of $1T,250penrannuml aspaiti for the lase. The lease means e revival of .. *i.i.hoiw.n te lae catiemnenai salves. Fritiay aflerneon tht. deutil htiAes ot Louils Frank aund Kate Keih ivera tutttii on a tant, a fa it.les ivest et St. lotus. Thelr Ibroats wert. cut andI thair faces ltaine- Iîth blooti. lu tht. rAglilbaud oett he an uaarnvolver. Ench wuvasahet hrough the heart. At the. f.letolte bodiies vas ail enttbox[ ambalec "ret toison." Tht. wemau's uat. crusheil undt broken. vas ou the. grounti. Pinnedti t tht. rilhon ita lis nota: "Wa have botit decid tiao adit. togethar, ant ifAtonc ar the1 othar abouti recavar, tht. suirviver shull ual ha helti responsîble tor tha deecl. We are bath gaiug ta take poison, andti i vii do ltae shoaiug. Wa are not tioing titis on account oi any love mfuir. but sgim- pîr baeuse va da net vani le iive uuîy louger. This in ail ne hava ta say, andi hope there irilI ea n trouble. We rm- main as even, yeuins truly." Thea bIter vea vnitteu iu ink. shoving tAhe de-id was cant.tuîly plunnet. STRIKES IN TUE WAT. Trbey Are the Chierf »Aaturbiuig Feul- icAnlu usiit.BmCOuditAeundl R. G. Dun & Ca.'a Wt.tkuY Reviair af Traitea ys: Pragnes toward baller buts!- neîs continues, but At is slow anti meats many obstacles. iinapevutlatAva aspects ant iAn vhoîesaIe de-nanti for gotis tht. waek shows improvamnut. Money mur- k-els are undisturlieti anti a litle more active. But amoug tht. chiai obstacles a tht. suxietY ao peamivs, tesecura bat- tan vuges, even white ntany manutur- iug vork9 are munmnitîg witiîaut profit anti A the tught eween temg ti.f tter.l flu. nanme 0&?U 581 N TB OAS. Taxas andteuta t tt th hans e unenia ottr wo-s' hv b *iB I HCIO B Waggannes have matie Iis lasse for no af esît cs'hmnuIs b t h ees haa beau *wts4arotvherr porwero Rverfahe epe pjtrpose than ta drive outi the catlle vouceded. tius lcin utht purchaeing -. lat'Nw ort mmc lovas, er*barons nav graing stock Au Western paeett pplbtstkuhv o Eewt t oiste Ineto ulia ksioa byhave matie arrange- Iargely averblaaucd setiemants, several C- - t~~ç N y. eoi.îen ladavs et antnvu ,0valAuto the aofiImportance heving Ibrowu about 12.000 jAt .4oati suod muculentar tan vcounry,. vihîclas jusi ntght ton venkens eut 0 mAyal hi ak çmbiy fWodanaie ume wsReluroe éail Itaebas mproveti ou tht. vbole an qmwt sai. ____sinve Mardi. Of *p Sè&verkIl. WilAo, Delaware antI MORTON 19 PRODING. ]KURDEREU BT FANATIC% .. rivere 1h. damage done viii- te9. nani thousani dollars. T e rits au n vestigation ofuthle Ad- DuaikutitaKil a Cosumpive Couvertin "14 la S vr~I ullivan couaIr laftit il ançe in Price.ot Met, gBe nIc'Nae. h momncourse at a point abova lmltuand, . - Berary Jpf Agnlctîture Mortan has by Ii1 uelxiBHa nIeWlr *= ý nIn triet Ofthe villagbwvas begun an utiloto m the. revat luvreasa 1 tatÂtUZmey omtîl f «0mkiant vi ç,ami tb. next tiai people vaugt la tie pnlv'at meats for Ithe puitpaeaofiNtd, Au invesigating lia daalh bd Jacob inbthepondsl inte road alter l.svatheugA ti obnail l il- Moxssr. Tie young man contractai a ~ ba suiitia. Th higvai ndtieno a svexista far tht. purpese ofaiit- Idlti, bclirapitiiy developet inAto cou- ý = ftJ bridges lu thle viiniti oftîing np prlce&u.Ho villi nvestigate re-sumopîlon. Tan days ega bis tilisician a' udP»ýnilLivingstone Mamnrvere <epîs et Ometa, Kansas City, Eiat Bt. tdihm hliicaevshttls u Louis anti Chicaga stock yards, ami coma- la prapant tiA. Hia friands, being Dun- par vti hesaie in prevnons yearu. karts, pesuate iat httt lie euîgt ta bhel PME 1»" OF O 3'0,00O. Ta lia chii.! af thaBureaun ai Animl ins iienuet accrdiug ta tht. rituel ai thet. Intimiri bua aysý "I Astut tie agentsetietdteti. n CoOrt fK«»m*ladi misai.Blocis ut ai lie burau la make thoraugl inlquliriadanttapo elvt Wltobarg. Ife., Druci. as ta vuather, Au their jutigment, tuera setam near b , took liA nti bis heti ou lie iabuugMo., arn vIieli itarte le any canibhaullon In violation ai0 evwb thle aide of the sireant, ant immurseti uîm Ji 'IR111ili iT stable f aimsi.. Bortn, iltvbîi ha caIle 'trust' laspuullu)g up lie Ibreahies lu ice-cold waver. - Thrae tisyaS Illa otli «(WioaiMain triet, resultet iniiprie. af ieef prodmets, wville Aitla puîting latar lie tilet. The. incident han causai ._1* t1-uo6twou ai b. cutions s. i I ceu arepI eprv f caIlle." a gooti deal of comment, and t inIsproableî$ *0 d*ge"ds Io tenctreboneu h aildw tekes pt i)tht. grand jury vilI lhe callati opu te iu- toi hbie partialdestruction of et third RattfertOlivter. 'vestîgate lt.e vasa. wpéà- The iantraply enavelopei lA. A Washinugton dngatcb ays: Tha lead- ZWIe liw'y stable sud ver. carIidby ers at lie nev slver parti are altetaie BIG ELEVATOR 18 BURNED. vlni îea ier the otire block. Vt.i'i aylutg plans for Ibe attemptei converiIon ]O u t ol a et e rtell edtrot an Ot tht. of tue lahoreleteuts oi tue East la tht. O ai SI. Loula MiRani .' ~ ~asbuIIdDg5.The lamaWinUl tolup free ilvr doctrnue. Tiay arae retti OOWeiaid.Mslg UOiOO iltu e opinon tIhat the exialîug Durtir At SI. Louis, Mo., Jahu W. Scharpe & ant isstlialln mog(ien abnl Co.'@ grain elavaten vms aimait complét.- t 1>Y ItPOUN'D XI A BARREUL.close ha eutilizedtetaexcellant airant- Ar tistroyat byl ire. Tht. building vap. aeain tunlhering theIr plan&. An oulline seven storAcu high. savanty-seven feet lonîg IlgIStedI Remalam of ala maau elu of tuait Intentions centaine the statement anti sevt.nty teat vide, mund cotaittel J(hi.- Dimaem r I Uby W*. taI macii oitht. trouble ai the laharlug 000 bushels aofvlieat. Tht. line starl.-îl Àu ]Ah afmasCty twoiSubermnalu ounti a cliasIsndue itevital thai lerni a con- Iu tic corner ai ibe sixti flo-ir ~Al~burM ed ageilu a pile ot bruai- tractai curreucs andtetatht. manapoîsaf andthltafautes ipreati nepidir. Wauter ti~ahie I ouri river luavbhiev er. the goltibugs. The soilistie classes vilA vas tonnai on frontaIl sides. Ibut tha - atzim4 legs, houdandautruak ofaatian, bc arrayai agalusl tht. old tg-dad asbuilding vas soan a meso.o aianeq. Tht. Ila spesable taeientlty lie romnains being aynanyinau viti capital aptd mon- lama an building anti conteutsa IS iront * i0 '<ute theaiavanceet ate ef decampo- apoly. Wall street andthAe RolilAi $75000o la $100,000. tus initureti. T 4111l"u. lalite lie mavas erlieutiy vilI ha sel Dit asthe bugbéer aifte vork- wivaiclin Asîsing. - .t tluAry yearm aid, smooi-iaeed, lugmen, responsAble ion ail theIn 11e anti desa-savlen, vill irAregitar teelli, tiiree te nt.e conaga of silvar anti an anlerged G0001 WEEK FOR WREBAT. id tdieblira -mAuang. Coroner Betiarti reulatini medilumt ill ho anggeâîtd as lbaes liaI the hody vas a atuden's tht. cure ton exising troulesa. Tht. finit Hovever, Grovth la Net Rapi atid t' uiart'.mare ln hé direction oi eliciing tae ai- Moature Woiati Do No Harta. teution ai peaple upon wbiai lia new pan- The Cincinnati Prive Cunraul summar- HORTGE II EXASCATLL y A veningi. dîsemitnalion ai vaut Item lie drap conditions fer tht. pont veel amounti oi iree.uliven lîlerature. Ias tollevu: "Thetpipestvas a favorable Tra reWIlIIBe no Gram-Yoai Stock wack tan vbemi anti othan crops. The Becaa. 0 Droti. h-u Cas oi t. Kni. gravt asnet advanving napily. Tht. Georgetovwn, Tex., tiflmat: ,The test For thet rot tie iAu-tht. hlsory et the teoaiwetcpnannhmbauvl train baioft tel-tet ctte for Ibis sea- conty, a pardon As ta hoaasked ion a meltainati, axceptinAuKansas. Sprnug dosa yl hba mippeal iront hera Wetinem- uurdrer au lia grounds af nsanty catis- ieeding lasprogressiug tavoaaily frtanlcul 4@and ti ler. vîli ha no gram-fet caille ad.tihie Keelay Ireelmeni. The casaeswhul niles Sne rmsaeetl teà-p his ua annîeni acouint af drouli. Ilial oi Daniel Weling, vi uteeinediug moisttra. Tht. veak's packiug at tINé ippiy af stock colîleaonibond taelie is vif, ai Pitslurg lait Apnril.crharles ohagsaemountadte ta195,000, agaiual 230,000 lai next vnter on cotonseed meai ls 21% A. O'Brien, isaaoney, h a. afliavîts ianrlte correspolnug veek a yaar ag." q«iscet, leus han lait rearx. rhntlnent front datos viio maY thai lite Keeley -.httlemenn do net attributs le ie-mse la Inealnt t requnutly producei Insanihy J W. SCOTT DEAD. limaite any combnatbon, but ta lie sup- anti sametimes dealli. Wet t ook tva ui fcsle hlci bas falien of0 ge utrgnes aifte Ke.ley treelment Imalte ai Ps-opietowofithie Chicago Tintes- ~udo li pat tv îera n acoun aisixmnte befara lie vammttedthle mur- auiPs.sAa e ett- etaonimno James W. Scot. praprietor ai Tht. drout. da. _______Tlmes-Hereit anti Chicago Eveuiug Post, lMais the North Pole. Or. Fltiot Nansen, te tatous arcett bo~. hma ilseovret ticennti pale, voi bm piatet tirete fiag ot Norway. 1»l tht. report glven curanvy by lie -I*Figura. vhieh mAtes liaI Naneu tepoleona a cbaln af mountalas. ~tary la regardai as belng vîiaul ,uitln but tiare are layaI findts ai *0 lutrepîi explorer via protes. la be- Pise. laI h. basnmadte egrealt iscar. *i', baisnthte beie upon a knowledgt. - lovu. Under a Locomotive. At ýardeuu CAty, Kan.. a terrifie vinti- eftasa iii onsîtrble tdamage ta builît, ctved one deamîl. George 'iAt vas bloira untian a locomotive anti e'tge pecs. De vas a preninant huai- 41140 mun andtiKighl Templan. Hall Mta lie dupti of tour.inches. Pa>ovI'ei bu Sevec it Wra 1WOllstu'eatrIick, vantai lut Ohio, Cooltla u4iaTeuneimaantiKentucky vas. uresteil au a ciarge i '~5~nIlaeta iudileshoro, Ky. Seen ÎýIU W Ives ane au iWs lnik. Iioudle Meaeres àtevaked~ fie nav Chicago Council WecIn.stisy aiglil rapealcît lie ordianees prtittlug aperallana ai the Ogtian Gai, Cosmapoli- tan ElectIlc anti Commercial Hast anti Paver Companiam. IfaIter ei Ihat ignoras thia action, Mayor Svift sys ha vifiistop. thein vork Ay lia Police.,anti et once lake lie malter ta lie courts. Tht. reaon tor the rapeal Ia Ihal lia mensures vere ail af tAe bootie sînipe. Omaia Fîooded vili Queer. Omahat is being floated i vh counnteet touer. lied bibis bave heen lu circula- ton for ramne tinta, but Fritay t vms dis' cavereil lita e mevcountafil silver dol- Iarandni ah-dollar are n crcuation, al] oriff 18date.'tht. Faderai authoritles halis thalt uliy $6,000 lu silvar caun- tanteihs are nov in crculation iu Omaha, BoulA Omeaha anti CouneAl Bluffs. Driven -la Suicide bY Ille Wres. Fnoderlck Waiuner, a veii--ta frmer, age 45, hIe-wbisa lraas ont pear Ver- va, atrali ai being praseculeti for bA&- 'lmiy anti killeti himselt uaau u îl apatman SoliayHoat Hnse Aln h olltan yaumlnNew.YGrave HutcliSvetndbel whaut ha dieti. one Million Lus. Tht. HalRaymondi aI Pasadiena. tan miles iront Las Angelas, Cal., n'as de- siroyeti hy fins et 8:30 a'clock Sntay aftermoon. Nol e stick ot thtentaons ra- sant lAs The hatl as vrovted willi touriste, but lhay aliescapadti Alu ii lIras, alîbougli vendrobas and tilier pues sassions vent. conîumat. The Raymand vss. oeo e amast tatoua baillA and pleasure misants la the United Blutas. Il vas lovaled on a bill vammautiug a mtag- ulficeul viev efthle Bau Gabiel Valley, anti cosl aven $I,00,000. - .New Conuteuleitantk Note. A pualographkv countert fthiIbm$5 Il. sue of lie American Exchange Nationsl Bank of New Yank CAiY, merle& aifl18M chteck latter F. viarter.No. 189, bsutk Na 101,798,traury numbar latter V 1,23<% 061. portrait of G'anifeAt, baus matie Ifs ap TOHU'EMILL M0W DULUÜT1 wOMIN AFFECTEO A GRAND RAPIDS MAN. jgdbul Cnditionl of Affaire lauTwo 00v' Iânfflt ureaua-Temme View Of tue. Ç.teTrsde-GobautlY Find et Kan- -am Cty-Easternl Flood*. WSII.AO*~ ~ th NA TIN. PLAT& M84L. Domth Comea Bu<denlY to a FMsOUB, Chicago N.WBP&Per Mat-i Plames Destroy a Maguiicuit Hotei-BUmi- nasa Retardei b! iltrukes. New Field for WOMOUn. The Monongahela Tini plate Comnpafly nt Pîttaburg Io repiacing i male. mili wo-rkers by womnen anîd girls. Two'week» ago Mns. Hattie Wllilamn, wife of a la- liorer. who ivasick, camne to the maou- ager of the Mill and asked for work, saY- ing sbe had worked lu tAhe Welah titi plate factories teu years She wgs trla and so succesuful wonsithe that a haIt-dosai) girls were put ln os maslistanMTh.lie fi- now, announces that 100 additiofl îwemen and girls ivililiae put to work An the linext two weekÈ An the polishing andi other de- partulents. ____ A BOCEING CRIME. a , e1zw£VDR -M F ta 1 de, omithlaË-i l tI ý0e Meet,45qtb a Crumiiîag De- Ani thi ue h the. eala st paent! CongYsiSaso frao .antaething thatvWuot lutended tast ani Geucral Cronibet la MlaedIc nid ba permitted. Tiie emb1~ita .ct -Bevre Blow to the. R.valutltin ttllr net lanspeci1fic ternis ptroliblt vOmmi Cause-China Reudy tu Quit. Samul B.I., age, but It doe. specifr that the. YOt- Journal au am"sit la the nolv State shall bu doin. by ReoFrcPu it1. Vievrof hm extreuudy quailfied cîtisens endier eelting av.tant'eicPu o Aglt ev >esr is tb. zmmcli nsContre«s bad pri'siy Late Havana a udvites say: NMuceca q am 6yt en away froin the tramai fUtaha the captureanud Cubas tat halpe la gono. ivediNew ot pilvîlege. bause experlesia had Cruitbet bl been killed. Witbout tii... ara Ain IM a a" ,wi thait te Iowa nndei vbl*uh tiey two leaders ail 1a chaos la the Insurgent A. Tenty-ulgbt St mi. int vtai A trrtorals4c-ranki and iblerty's mnt ardent friands aBriysidai lmied gîven the Mornis a "eLclu*i admit that tht Cuban cause ln )ost. The 5n0 ttt te local palltical contrai, At Asaulumint Spaniali authorities are pou 1 bl>ulletin - denîy, laverai y.Trs , I ýtCongress Atendeti ta leglaate anti the loyalluts In Havatia a çelabrat- trated wlth " b p doat the gantier sex lui tls Partlilax lng thae eding eih rvltlrWith- nouticai I.ocomtarAtaml.à , tent This. nt leait, IJeuthe view ont Cruntl*t aitd Maceo tiaeÏ be no could get amous4 saowhtat ei An tient intoma icres ln uah real wnr. OniiSaturday the Ci amy ea».progresteed qtte ripidl ton. where the Utahi subject ls that- anud the gSjaith soldiers metfit Pointa- hardly any feel lunbasg ily udastood Inuaal Atâ campIeZ rito. The. nebel, forces numblereut 2,000 g feimmcb wode. t of I îeoA s. ni~~~~en andi thnt of the S'panlard5 32. A tr.yauvtotbla desperate battt followed. ind, navcordlugand friandseoul fy. ýM RISON CLOSED TO, COI4VICTS. to officiai reports. lasîtd îwo houre. At gavertl physicia»ia n la UnerQuratnesu Rcat the endtiof that tite the reela retneateil. elliewb&r, andteai laUne Qaanie n RCev MPe usdhyte it rop adticlles wouid net belp, mue. hat lis No "Fini Flo." is t>4iîd do notbing tae efect a care andltio Zo prisone1ns have beau nevaiveti Bt the ~î<ocpucl issceywtsns a tinte 1 sbuuld hecume entirellyih souri SAta peitentiary duritg the. taken. andi nil tlierteîil nuit private beanta diécon vsa i ttwo nionths on accounit of the quaran- papeci, of (Iînertil Maceo were coaliseat- ta my vite anudrlendi. Shbo î e ugaunt enallib,x. The. State Board cdl. 'rTelîmttît. wms n bard-teugbt one, met an old armaicoinnade, Mn. AIL 'U. liealth bus decideti tna the qna' nitic' turgents b:uttieul desperately lini, a rezldent of Mdision, Maine. lie Psabli nemain hIforce mut fuinther thlit ~ 1~<Sindiaiîr eo- Dr. Wiliams' Pink Plas for a sevsn ce. There has been ano custe of &Mail- sseiwtirmîrauecuaeta o f heumathmandnia sina xlu the iîauiteuitiaýry. but the Board Ot sîaught ot the rebels. lit thte batile a troubla, that ha bât suffarei vlt îlIth devin iAt utvimabît. to protevi the in- limnd-to-hamîd u'oifllnt, al îumnber ot Caban quant of bis army lite, and a les ligotnt possible contagion hy pris- onilers, oui- of wboîut was a colonel, n cre greatiy benelitet by thei s.B ~ nr frein cies and towua kîllpd. eamueift recommendation Ivs1lu el ire amalipox exista. At mayavllle, TliR(WS UP lItS MÂNDS. time1thegpla. tenta kn um as Fthe. MaysvilleCcotton mille. enîployilulair legs andilaaretunaOf etre gob 0bands. are closedl clown. About a Emsperar of China DaclaraslNc Cati' couitil icote thea a littia. Afier a &* L'k ego, turing tht. antalîpox scare, ntLngrvven eeks 1 bagan ta feel a ntanked impevps ry one et the enPoesn-s acino-nndonga Gvaiieut in ml condition. 1 soan w«.eS Tht vius ookso ellt-at Thuradat- A dispautell frot Shanguihai te 1iîa m bled ta walk anoai a littie vlth the m the. empîloyez were Incaipable of wonk newm ugFtncy s:îym tit n proclamuationt of cmutches. Aftar takîug for molntl li the. concertucloused dow u tiAithi baaring flie empcnror's nlie u.liast been lAs- 1 ean nov walk vitiiont cnutcee sue-I ,lcicriinilgtth-enempireams ilnished, g ancrai healtil smucl iAmprovc o ainsget hetten. andi uusertlug ltai lie.As tnutile to e eemu waik aut ani ajor liteor.ae1 consumea Font the Bii. any loniger. muit that the. officiais lbc trust- fr lk aoItanfeal ay tlits hun il (fil bas apurteil te sucb a higli figure cil v ni. currupt. Itlm iiatdeti that tt happy reluit la due ta tei use of D l.a.I iat ail the gis conilanies of Chicago prolaujnio boit in canseti great excitetit.ui, louisPink Pilla." ýlikeIy ta misa titein privas for gas. ýo(I tlit tliere unr- sigus (et reblilon. Thea Dr. W'llilams' Pink Pilafor Pale Peu ec statentent a autbonizeti that one of c,'uînhow-iene. us sauid to lie the. wrk pIe ara not a patent Medicine An thé 5tse lmont Importanit qutioîs contint lis- u h.sce oitis ited sthat Dame. implias. Tliey ver. trai u- inWlpomnded as a presription andi usai » 'e the. direters noîl< ha ltae priva aof i-lt it the State I>Déprtaent l Wsh ncb An ganaral .noctles W'au a.oia a. Au adatice ta $1.25-er 1,000 leat ito lin t tht. procamnation posteti in physician. Sa great trau their .BciVe to lie cousiderei. it n-ns ouly a iew 811iaîgliai a unoucins îlîmt the. ChAncie that At vas desmei vii. ta plact.. thou eeks ugo agi) that gui n-ns reduite 0 iempire As finished iqAsrealir the. work et vilAin the radi aiail. They asm »W .10 pan 1,000, the. reiluvion belug vol- t Icie.fer there la no<record in manmtacjird by tht. Dr. Willama' Mail taniiy matie by aIl tihe olti vomaanit. !hseyc Ievoiutuyadcton ot a vina CaKPany. Scenectady. N. Y.. si te sudîten ativance ut nil, fronti wiich CAi-tieeofthero.l rabi thttt. are motif An boxe. tuet-ar in boa. forai bp, Cliiiee eilwor.It i; uidthâ thsethe doien or bundreil, andtihte.nbie ara i thté. uisted in Cheugo As matie, faly eret so-ities. miniu-t tfliexistence f cautionail againt ummeraus mitatlonot a ti th e. gu s teople. Tlîcy are no wv P Y tthe lqecscît tiyiasty. lire tuumericalY solti lu ibis abapa) eai rd)>cnta a liex. te tg froin (S0 te 615 cents a barrai for cil strong Anilite( central previniemsudait in six boxas for $2.50. and ir b b ad of aX ut conts 15 cenîts a barrel lama titan digsoo ietb alto r glilen nouta uo. ht. isebasbeenau s iuAended thtut ipn thei. î-eiginso fdrtgtsodietb malra D. gduenmunsagtew Th iu seo.ibn Pen<e their rmna ti il lie welleti W' the Wilims' Medicine Company. rana uping ap re<-<lis nia ou tn t dishunde wi dtiens isitlui.iivetl iy the. lion- teanjupig il7,(4tis t fnad. an. or trur, Partny, aitut Ats rai evo- A Obievdi RcJoinder byir ucnolus. Officiai Investigationi Ordered. ltttionary uuovemellts mur ee xliected iAn But among the virani.Incidents «S luspector Stuart ielegmîphel the. l'eut viarioes lparts oif the. country. the. conference tht. vorîti vill probaLblY fAce Depantmntnt W ~ashington ihat longent nemember ltai recorded l, muuntefet two-cent stanîls wtren n ircu- DItARTU 0F BEEF. Alexander H. Atepiaus. ana oi tii. tien et Chicgo, whereupoit ('ief lia. ilira. commAssloneni.wlio afiervardi Sn ai the. United States secret service Scarcity sud Rise Are Attnlbuted te Witn fhe rn.saithtl. noit Chiaf Inspector Wlielaet o tht. l'et Naturel Causes. ingoth evn @dta br Office Departineut. aftr a consultation Eighte-cm motitbsi front tht. present tAnte Hunier madle a long neply ta the IPre- with the postal officiaIs, decidedti t issue ii-liiî lie frsky cuIt ot to-day Asi rendy Adentsa refusai ta ravogutlze natiier ecircular ot Instructions to inspectors fth mli lungluur buiuse, ihere w~ill be a Governmant Instile of that of wie troutghout this country te Astitute an tuAilAi tAhe Arusc ilitprie -oftbeef, h lan.ouevas President liy recelifl ivestigation of the. stock ot stantît on n-luîthîr iurcbmtseti on the. boof or et ne- ambassaciors ta treftt for peace. r I bn dtI iith e. po t offices ut ail the Aagî ti. 'This asserti ont is bonne outn tou 1m tr" s j tp e s rirtd t the. assertions o tht. intrested pckefs the. correpoanceios hftween Klu# Carileifor the Sexiste. tf('bicugo. Omnaha. St. Louis and KasasCharlea i. sud his par niam ag e Tbe Lexington, Ky., Leader pubuinheb City. but by the t. timsuî- preliared ciar- îrswrh rcd na lca 1tit 'X au Interview with a Keutuckiu jut I e- tcrly by fic ue iveTttmetnt conening thet.,oa Intetn tuinuatifroinWashington who I laoise ta shippimu. rcceiiAg andl killiîîg of t ee ue tetn ih ee r aecratany Carlisle aîîin AmI', anti who iithe four Anuenicn cAties wbivfi control Lîncoin's face then vore that lader- says. that tht. Stcnetuny n-LI suînely lia a tit(- dilivtry of liee dresacti or on tht. icrîibahle expression vAicA geDbTSlAyX candidate fer Seufton front Kentucky ta hbot te tAie remuiintivr ofthe country anti preceded bis hardait ita, sud he te- succeeti Blackburn. Europe. Thte ntultnmenlthat a combhine marked: t'pon questions oi hAstes? 1 Bank"Cashier 5hot. aîng thet. ourirncipal packans o et i m ust rater you ta Mr. Bavard, for lie AIo At Covington, Ky., Stata Sanator Wil- West lion canseiltihe mcreasedti ces As posted l u scb things, andi I do uoý liant (oeliel abat anti kiileti h-ln D. intiignantAy leied by tient, anti the de- pretenti te ha bnight. My osaiî dIstinet Saufanti. vaguer anti manager oftihe vastuttîl grues aiand sage bmush ranges of recoiletAou of the. matter la tflt Fammers andt Tradens' National Bank. the Wet poIntti t aua irrettttable evu- Charleso bot bis heati.' That settied Mr.. Sautnfr iedthe firut idhat. The trouble dtiue ot th ht. lunua ack af cattle inHutrora bAe'Cmtu7 arasa aven a nevipapen article ivnitten comuIIauannitllitht. demanai. utrfrawie-etu by Sanfarti. ___ LI INS TIK TERMS. GERM THEORY OF DISÉEA8L Poisonati by e Negro Girl. At Hickory Fiat, Mis., tour inmntas japan-Cita Pence Commimison Con- Tie Positionnlit Ocuupieu am Atten- et the tentily ai J. L. Crawford venet. a- cluded ut Shionoseki. tionl i la tceAvlag £tom écicstUOf soned witlî 'rouit on rata" by a negro A duspatchito the Landan Tintes frillt mea. servant girl 12 yenrs oft e. '.%mCraw- Tegr hoyo h rgAO ford anti Welter, ageti 16,, ara in a cii- Shanighai suoys LAIîuling Cbaîîg's son-mn- Th. en thryo AengIia calconitin.lai te legrupis that a peace convention diseuse la a subject wielhas t Pr e- ias siguietilut Shimnios-ki Montiny ly eut eiiractlng lb. attention af scien- Blacreatit Causes a Wreck. thue 1îlcuii>oteitiarites ut Chmina anti Japan. te men In ail parts ai tih. vorld.& A passelîger truin ou tht. Southern ,'louî-wiig anc thui ter-nsot the convea- 'fTle chiafI mportanlce of lb. garn the- Raliroati nas pantiali! wnavkad St Afton,lho: I. Thte iudeîîentulnceut Crea; 2. amy. bowavcr. la not Ihat il howstbe Tenu., Fidy night. Suint. uiscreani hail Thit .Jpoîn etutims tht. Places shee an origAn of diseuse but that I pointe ot "siikei" lte track. Jhnt Sivts, engi- coiitereti: 3. TliîtJunon salli aise ne- ltehe bet means ta h.emenployain et- miter, ivas seiously Atinit atally injuredI tinu the. tenritery netet tht. Lino river; t'ect a cure. Thie gamma ai diSu %e Fualu frram a Pitt ri . 4 h t ytht Is uip on-. su5. eTedpy et fro n wiatvar source liai co ute, iKM An unknowntan, white waiting ton a Penmuiuetily elpm;5 h.pyin train on the plalform of tht. Lake Stret.atOf an itteiitiirof $100.00000; anti. 6. lotigeti anti tivalopcd An the blooi. Tibi ElevaledrndatiAn Chicago, feul off tAie An offensive anti defeusîva aliaence. blaodai course, hi cirvulalling ta evetyi structure antiwos almüst lustantly killeti VRU IAM O. part of lte body, is sure tau catter dis- OVERUN Y AMY ORM eucse tbronghout tht. systeul vheflevet MARKET QUOTATIONS At Io Impure. the weakest andi mont su.- Kentcky Fermera Tiratened by vaptible parts belug tht. finit ta sttffei'1 the Living Scourg. I Mihlngo-Cattle, coninon ta prima, The tuucA-trettd amuy worm lias it la beaueon s. irotuloiia talulm lla $3.75 te $6.501; hogs, shipping gruader, tseîi.blottit, tor Instance, liaI lbe 5kmii, $3 te $5.50; slîaep. tair te choica. $250 oK. Thee une millions ot thent, antd they contes cavrc vl rutot.I ta $5; wheat No. 2 mati, 55e ta 56c ar~e nmkiug an dean sweap ot evenytbing luctte acîid Iu lb. blod wleli causes . cor, No. 2, 45c ta 46v; ca, No. 2. 20ve green tai lies in tteir iva. They havaenuteumattclfl. and ti AIl becauma thie 1 ta 30cv; rye, No. 2, 5(kc ta 58 ; butlr. iîtvasîuted lielts ot yeuag cern antid coyen, hlood does nal îuppli p ro per uu u ii-> choice cram ttry, 20 ta 20%c-. aggs, trait.nd huintinctis f plant licids bave been met ta tht. pertes thal people muSfer 'lic te 12c; potittpas, car lots, per lit-relly caiten up)-nol a sprig of tht. te- vAth narvauanems The curae W ' 111 1 bushe , 75 c ta 110v; br unit c rn. par lb, bac o pluats i ng lmî i t. Sente of th t I e e diseuses, sud of muu i iatbe! f cmînan greivlta Aoine brmlI. 4c t tu nttcrs hure resevut their lieds, anti it van ouly b. effected hy pu il a tbat» )Iuudiannpoli-Cutttle, sluippîing. $3 ta yul throîv their crops late. Fomers are $6.25; ]legs, chaive tiglit, $3 tu $5; sheep, tîvAgaanttt om nihsesblottit, and absoîtitelydetoig 3 comnt ta prime. $2 ta $4.75; vhcat. of thent bave beau killeti. gtlsCidSse aituloti No. 2 reil, 55c ta 55Wt; corn, No. 1 white,* son van tiaubt that 1160« S5iflOIiU¶t 46e te 46%c; als, Ne. 2 white. 113v ta* 34e-. Mçxican Cattle Admitteti. bas acltuilli mand Permâiiuitl Bt. Lons-Cattle, $3 te $.2 5;, bos, Sacra ry Menton reports that thene tas mauy th Oatitdi etOf liCa 5O eOtW§4' $te $5.25. vhat, No. 2 mati, 54etae*Uc, a khertage ai about 3W0,000 heatiofetsct- 'nheumatlsmi, nervouaueso, dyap.ulS ecorn, No. 2, 42e ta 43c; aato, Na. 2, 30e ia for jdaughter; andtietacheck thet. tn- anti ather trouble, and. s ltm PV oPrie-ý ho 0%ëc; rye, Na. 2, 56v ta 00. 1dncy ta excessive Privasfanrtirasmaibt, tarla ian, At Asail bevcn..t its ek Cint'lunatl-Cattle. $3.56 ta $025; 11ag, vuthout Injmnug the Atents af tht. pro- cAne purfie& lhe blon . As a£ uilitoV à $3 ta $5 50; slieep. $2.50) ta $4 .5 . vbaat. duiar, as ortierat tht. fre e admission ut ofaitact, Hood'i a S an lf uth e rNO. 2, 60e ta Elle; can, Na. 2 mixai, certain Californie. anti Taxas ponts ofetfl a h I a46,1 te 46W~; aat», No., 2 mixai, 31Wv ta poel npcaicil rn eîa relula bleaioo purifier tuat la béeorà, - S2iAmc; ryt., No.2, 60v la Oic. th. public la-dai. npersous LRa wCté<

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