CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 5

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tv~' 1 ito a ena 0to . <.D1J..L. TAY LOR. 11b*.Ovef Trlggs & aylorle Store E0Y tSo1Oa.m. tO4 P. nm. tos HOME: A J. E. TELGOS'. LIuSHTYVILILU. - ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, QOmpe over Lovils Drug Store. LIbertyvlloe, I11l0li. MISS LUIU MS. PEUNimAN^. .....T&ACU MOr... Vocal and Instrumentai Music. H.I. BRUBAKERI PHOTOGRAPRERI l sen«ee est. Wauke N e ha letisa of voù den. ;esan. r a- * falph Darby, - Libertyvllle. I. SMITH &5 IF ' - 1g iithe l'lm- atu, Bu- U -Lid Mr-IC Ci QL.O'77S, ' Ladies end Childrene MITTENS, Musyq Bd 4 umerllli. Fancy Work Materials, STAMPED LINENS. Ladies Neckwear. Ruchlng. etc. SM TH& 6 SWFT. Lake Ooimty Bank Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. enaues lnterest-Bearing Cer- Ificates Payable on Demand. Chas. Kaiser. *irlng Neatiy and Quickly Done. I ILIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS WALL e PAPER. AvwEg HAVE TME,W Largest -Newest Stocke rALL PAPER ever Carried ied ln ths place anti at prices twi suit you.:............ C. Sith & Son. by Our Rustling News Cathoers. ~BDY. .PI 19, 1895. o go away from home, or M&N 92P AM have friends iùilig sou, or Y"t are p4ýî-goag to gwre a Party, muasicale or reoep- tiaIy wloned. U, UI.W. M t4tior îvhen youîr chai-ch or society E. NUAOs. ue. -yrI ontemplates any proceeding, or sohen Ohurch and Society Drectory. pots oeil, buy Or cditoie youi- reaidence or SAErUODIST-J. B. UcGullin. Paitr. Ber b"sness, or yoar s*n or da-ugher is a ar- 'Vice :' Genovat class. 10 a. n.; Presclb 6n.. pa n.5 . 1 i pwrbLaue vr"c, or when our îîeightbr gels a w S:0p.I;Prlcinu. l7:00 pý. n.Prayer Ileet bgWodusday evoaing ai :30. baby, or, in a "ord, if yoèi know or hear jaIIsIYTRIN .. . aloiiPstm of any item o iuxt to th le public, trvimes: Presehing, 10:2aU .nean 7:00 bing~ Or sÇend i t ini,anid li/te lNDxpj1> Mrerieting. _Wedneaday een p 11.rn. iilglil Zbl-l t PROGRESSIVE IDEAS. - Sebool election next Saturdît',. The question bas been settled agairn. The IDPNiN for enterlîrise. Alderman Appley boldo tbe key to Now let publie lmprovemnent.s go Ont. the situation. Neither gamblers nor Leai'e an order for y Euter bon- saloun kisepers can bluff hlm. net at Smiths & Swî Our new aldermen, M. B. Colby and The INDILPYNDENT blÇ oîaijl r H. B. Eger, are uotb progressive men wl a o ohl uti t *and succesoful merchants, just the wl a o ohl uti t kind to entrust wiLh public business. The INDEPENDENT 1111 the bill for a The re-election of Alderman J. C. County and General Newspaî,er. *MOregormeanathatLlbertyvllle wil1 Drop Items lri our privat.- mail box, stop out of darkness into llgbt and op the dc.or at foot Of INDEi-ENDEN' soon have a systera of water works stairs. anîd electî le llghts. This la the only paper that stantds, We believe this year's city couneil up for the Interests Libertyvîlle, will eclipse ail predecessors-make Central and Rural Lake County. more and grander lmprovementa. Rooms to rent in the Hlggln' U e Our streets are ln good condition, ~ thanks to te work of the past two 1 liîue a few cholce Oyesh Milk years, and the neiL Lhlng needlng at- (Jows andi Spriîîgerg for saf. tention la some systeni of tire protie. J oln N TN J ai. ion. It lo also stated that our 8treets F could be ligbced as cbeap and mach Fr strietly fIrst-class r~watt-, botter by electrlcity than, as now, by rio joli lots or sectonds,callo kerosene lampa. We understand the H. oa board are getting plans and figures For iSale-A w(>oice Devon Buîll for these improvements. There IN Calves from^ eacb. NOW is talk of levying $2000, wbich, witb the the ime ta<o Wie your stock. $M0 on band and $15M0 saloon license County Farm. Ov 23-25 would make about 44000 ihat could be Who wlll be pOîî)le'm elloice for devoted to electrlc llghts and water school director? We'll tell vou after Orki. eletion." Mayor At erill enjoys the respect For anything int d m', Misses' or and confleence of everybody. He ehildren's shoes4 ~~ Protirîe never shlrks bis duty. We believe if wbcre you will fîtlland coim- the town *oent no-licence. that he1 p:ete stock.wl wtîuld enlorce the laws juat the same. The wie-amnait ativertisea his e-ares. There ta no rifling witbhlm. Those lives up to hig advertisemsfnts, ;îay.> who promptly pay their tares need lis debta and prospers. Remember neyer have any trouble Wltb con- the INDEPENDENT leads in this ductor Averill. He la aie-nys polite county. and obliging. He knows; bis pîlace For a good iiv est nt, lut>ansd and la equal to any emergency re- impro-e onfltheLb c .50 foot lots quirlug actlon-fully competent to In the jiîve tawn f ftl .W remove any obuoxious peràon from can relit it for you e iately. bis train, on juat provocation. Some .1ulits Heim r Comîî-any. object to bis holding office, beentise ockeller. he is a raiiroa-t mail. but that iu no Wlîat is going to happait? Are uc logi<.al argument. He does what lie1 cu.nsitiertt right. If yùu know of ait aaaetraott-nyoî er liece»? rite î,abi--s set-m to lie nurly nuisance, mako comilaint to hlm andai î stisv.r.'V-rwllte 9ee how quick h,-'ll have iL atîated'iatto- hsyjr leewl le Mavor Aven il Is a diguitîcti gentlte- eu wv,?.i Min of stately proplortions a c-rediirTIcle igpcî,t imlurovemen-îinlthe able répraseît.ative for Ljl.ertytville. past 1(1 years took effect AItnil il, 185. Let ns co-operate eith hlm andi otr InINNs. J. P'. Wiliams iniveltei a wool worthy couneil for the iniprovemeit lpress. andi also a table to shear ou, of thte touwn. -I union thera la e-hieli 1w lins tîseli evary season sine». strength.' lividad e-e accomplieh Wiîen folded ni>i, t ('afl le arried like uothing. a cotuple Of emîîrY boxes. Ilu 1891 lie in- Wideawak merhant BaytàM 'et-ilwhat ila known as tIi " Wheu-l ide awae mechats >' taiof Fortune." He lias madie sav-ral Advertsing pys. -imlîrovemeuits oithte wlîael sitîcu-e, C.M. &St. P.Ry TmeTable.ý (ttIlN0 NOutTIt: a.. m.. ttPifn P.u chltio. t1-a, adorti i-7iuu tiWt 45 t.>-t luI 2 ;iii :t2 It)i2 21 2i4 42 . Itlt.. î2 f t;Io :1 :1 5 5 3 . 0#1 M Lv.1 Iiiî-r1,t-ile,. :10p. ,. Ar. Itondout S6ii l)am Ls-LibrtN> i-9:0ar.Ar. Chieugut 1:2.5a.a L.v. .'hit. ,,a t . .Ar. Liberty ville i:4iia.uti Lv.Lib)ert> vilit-2:40 Ar. Ikiadout 2:.Ne p.rn Lv. Cicago 1:45 p. mi. Ar.Llbertyville 3: 10 Wsc.Cent.R.R.Timo Table. GOING oNORTH. ia-In. p i. p.M. Ch a..... t'frt 8(0 125 45 i11ou Aptakl.ic-....736 891à .... 516 &L M Prare Vew.....531 @0.9 5.... 520 s1216 Lettiton-.....M48 s925 @2385à 28 M M lioekefeller- ...8 ribs$80 8248 38 81227I Ga 1"e ...... 20 9940 £958 552 a]286 . ...... 9 46 2:58 5659 81240 Lake Villa-. .91 951 3W go 10 145 00:1, SOUTrH. Lake Villa ... .. 4M 45W 0 f 2 p5 Biouin@u........... 4 8 7 52 ... . :700 0 a ~ Lake-....s487 800 106 ... : 70 -s4er....."47 81là 12 54 M 54@7 19 Leithion-.....84 fil85281 on . .8721 Prairie Views ....4 58 831 118 ... .@730 Aptakinte-..6.801 886 118 .... s7 82 Cig . 6301046 t t21làs8 5 1 àSur vORLY. Gonig South Trataloavo. Orays L&ke6 4'7 p. ni Rtockefeller 0667 p. mi. arrives Cblelago 8 30 p. ni *Daity oxoept Sundsy. aStlop oaly on atgnai. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. (lorrected by theo Marchants evory Thursday. Butteai-Cresmery........C.1808S 20 Ruttz-Chbo la iry------16 :lut er os buah........ ....W lu M p pe bshe .......... 7à .80 Wotd.-dy. par nord ......... . 0 3.20j CORIn ad. prton .. 0....600 626 CaIS ,p«r ton..... 3....0lm 400 ,,upe Isio . id ...... io 63 (>ts. bubl ........... 0» M eaemaled1.0 110 ..h.......... .. 14.0 16.00 puron ...1.. .00 LOO 16.00 to ...14.0 Ur ~poeb il...........75 6.0 amuse. ............157 4.M MtE c» ::Ib ......4.0IL7 vaalamu, p A& b .OS .MA tù 1t ow.-À. T. SteW#rt . -. too.,.d@peai u5e - l a Hui pt-ffageof pmulne ngasi- Astor. .. . How eau us Wvorld know a mmaboa 1ai good thing unlosa ho advevtiase 0pane. $ion Of 0t?-Vandrbllt ... . M7 son, " emrel witb mon who adverttae. You wit! nover be. LIN E. Iii niiumory oft'Haut tic Anr-hiur. aI., itîd [t-îot.le ikî.ttiawuy. And is li.-.haîtihindir Himtu> %V-u-îîîii ii isli tii-r tii MDi In O til.ii'trIît of sorwa~nd in.î Iti-iii. iii(. tiketh away;" T'- t4i- ali wu hiiity taiw Niur aglk- %t' tat it,t Tluitt 't uuuy I'iii l,- tian,iiin uiri,. T l tîtîrî t !i rittu i utav. liet- Mitiiir, îvetas ymIir wei-piiig Anrl iti- i, s. tt-veimr.-, Nuit ,-,t. Iti t uie Wiifo-r-. 1>r. Kuiglit vas lu towuî Thuîrsday. Oh! :How lovel>'! '[ho-',. ats at.%rs. Pîi-otiîîu<s. NMrs. Augusta Moore of Chii-ago,was liere lest week. Miss Ells Stalîles vislted frieudinl ý'ittikeguin. recentl>'. Mrs. 0. P. Si)riggs vIsitail relatives ln Elgin over Sund.ay. EJAiusLtut and famlly, of Clieago, spetit Suîiday ln L-. Eti GlyD, of Chicago, le spendiug a fr-w days wlth frienda tiare. Mrs. John Canar>' who bas been qutte slck a few days is convalescent. Miss Kitty MeCormlck attendael the Ea.îter Ball at Watikegan, Monday evening. Mrs. Rosson, of Waukegan, former- 1>' a resident bere, la visitiug at J. WV. Bîttler's. E. W.Parkhuîrst stuîrted for Nashus, la., again Tuesday to look after hi, pickleinterestéCl tMs.-Peth Itilgest andi finest.y ofi.lnery ever broîîght to te-n. Hugb Morgan hast aecepteul a posi tion as coachmaîî for State treastirer W ulff at Jefferson Park. I-nîgiiiter Scott bas moveti bis famiiy bere from Milwaukee they occup-y W~m. Etiriett's la-w bou se. Abitur T'l-or and wife, of Fremnont, have- moved i lto tiie boite jusL va- i-utted by Franik Dîtsenbury. Freîii]lZutzet isl grandpua to a new 9 lb. hoti%,loria '~îru.son of hi., tlaughrî-r, Mrs. Nrim. (;ii-ke. Miss Atiti M. Geliuge visiteil bi-r sistu'r, M1rs. Millie M-Nilliizer, uit Wau- kaegîit. ,sevu'rald aS recctIy Miss (iraee Madola, of Chic-ago, lias corne to Litwrtv 11e to sta>' witl lier gtntmottur, a-ho la Dot eal. Mrs. (iibsoti, o! Util! Day, la visiting bu-r rnttliu-n.Mrs. Sarah Triggut, a- li her' il a iglittE t i ta, i s attetîtiing sch- ooni bulta thte Iiggest improv-umerit lut jist Mn00... ' liti lidî,eh oult ant i-rt ît foituti ili the s,-r- have weau vers slk witli metas lste DENT. lutatttrai- r-eka, tire coustilesent For ucae Vkets, ait irt ssaîst 5, il ut 1er Dr. Tavsuit's tutatt,. ladi,< -arbÇ nalîîe.'.etc, -rne Mrs. Drn. Strotig lins retîtiieti îon Lo 1 2 . ber anim. a lrtii î iiit..-r a) oti rit l in l Ly lTe làilertyv'ille 8S' ittîlcate lititI ait home andtiti e -lu ]îtîy L'lover Cottaîge itif,îrrnl meeting 1Titirý;aasv-.lresij- tugailt titis sviti.'Tis uililihe glati deit- .Tii .-' Etiu as tiiii îrorn c ilus i -~e-a tt tlit-r mai y L ibei-t3ville fr1 .-îds got, sitov.iîtg tu-o geti t limita rut îîd iice thle ti-I ar trc of Dr.- K niglit tow:n ir lîtit tset-rnto bi tins emilngtoyoli biooma iii îtro,lect (tor us so fatî tii-. etqit 'y.D.. .R Saroîtj. NWe hop- to rep'orttoeta-re>~iIovi fIt t tLieiitî !f' i o tii-îgeîmeîî ttii Il ue ulon' t 1,,)k ,;;t; l h ji- ot',(-ijidai te bk t f foli et- oit, t.ioti-kefelleir a iii go alientiof ks o a snihiii eka olw W.- liiîbliises etal laid ada for ttthu C."NU--N.iiutand.ti -II'iry(Carsoni. Wrn. syiheutuetitis week anîd e-irî~iitek-1 '-.l-t l;1ttir 1 1 1latitiTomr pic utsurv -inufui-Ltr aetit-nlsiiîg t.- ý id > homte ."îî Ilettre, for a uonsiderartt tio . .1 i'h oit Wo tii ig e lit. I utlit'r A rnost cxveliiîîtprogramme wttsoe tNsiiila,'% git r-:îut rite Literarv societv Satut AI iil.17, '95.. ait ocitk p. ni., fnorn dii> eveuiug and e-as duiy appreoiatu-i Ii re reci'e tl ie muuntî 'ilt IL by te largeauatdience preseut tIie tiie axplosionui of a lamp. 'Mr. WooI- reading of Arthur E. Bulkley anti the ritige , vtlo liati eeîîtriasat-ting bitai- salectiona given hy the Mandolin club iesa in Ubivago, arrived a short time w-on wee merlted applause. Foiiow- bef or» ber death. Chiarles Woolridge ing the litersry part of te program antd wlfe lef t for Nîahun Wednesday camne a heated debate upon the cveuîug. Mrs. Woolridge e-as a resi- question as to wbether a Hlgh school dent o! Libertyvil le seversi >eara and would serve tha:best interests of tItis bati many frienda bore e-ho regret her commuolity. The debaters handied sad death and extend heart-feit symn- the question with skili and oleverneas pathy to the bereaved famlly. The and were generousil appauded. One romiains whli be brought bore Friday speaker announcod that our town and thon taken ta Ivanboe for Inter- "Was not dead but sleepeth and was ment. sufferig -no doubt from a torpid MTan coeti me'ii tyle, a liver." The neit meeting of theMr.rtles society e-I be held April 27th wben somes in humai parents abandoned the question of the Lake Co. Pair e-ni a six weekB old ba'by ..eaving lit OR bo debat.ed. Everybody Invited. Everett Marsh's door stop about Libertyville ciL> election e-as tame mnidnigbt iast Saturda>'. IL e-as taken affair. Oniy te-o-thfrds of thiecity vote to the itoor bouse Sentis>. The rlg e-as polied. The license party got e-bich brougbt iL e-as tracked toward acareti, but the antis didn't turn out Waukegan and tbe authorlties think wortb s cent.Tbe resuitlas the toe-n goea they have locatedtire parties near high licence for the third year. believ. G urnee. Tiiose e-ho treat their ofsprlug ing that la the moat effective e-a> to thus, ahould ha deait -it to tire fit il control the liq uor blz" in Libortyvllle. extent o! the law. Below we show the te-o tickets eith - their correspondlng figures: Cucu mbe Con CtS. Pu'opte's iLicutase) Ctiten'. <NoLitante Fou PRi'asunt.v Now is thee mc to kI con- Avrtiii. 79 Wrght. s7 tracts and.or ed M. B. Fou VILLAGE CLEKES. Colby &C .1I0o 'W a lim- e. L. Duluutut M H. 8. Hurlbu, 40 ited num r of ac s, he books J.C lcOrgo, 8 E B.Cop, wIloni open ort time. If H. B. ]Eger, 80 J. A. Gaga 50 you in nd to plant pýckles, con- A. P. tapios. 09 L. IL 10nk, te tract at once before you are too FoB.Dvi.U lEm J.IBorta. late. R. W. TAFFORD. TOei o ols oi . .......1 Libertyville, Ill., April 2, 1895. IL, 1 - 'c\ t, \ \;"1 Carpets. Ladieg- Wirappe, ]Ready Made, Latest Styles, 90c, $1.00, ;14 See Them, BUY The m - New Patterns just in. Cheaper than eve No one has prettier patterns.1 No or' makes lower prices. Carpet Stretchers. We have the famous .'Victor." Buy or and make carpet Iaying easy. Somnethir new and the beat yet invented. Garden Seeds. Ail our seeds are new, none better. Top on ions at 10 cents a quart, ail of 0i departmnents are full of bargains and yt can do no better than to trade with us.' Largest Stock, Lowest Prices, Goo4 Guanrateed, Free Delivery. ......j~.B. C olby &C on What Does This Mean? -Z-ýHOW le IT-- C. R. Sherman Ss so Many BicycI Mere are the simple ReasOns.- FIRS Bccu-.ehe warrants the wheels he selis. SEc.ON 1)-Ile can repair an)' kind of a Bicycle. TiIl- c knowts the mwheel, he k selling arc as good, ifi surperior to ali otlhcrs. ýB Li a ),vlhceI tf hiiii and Savo lýi Xp cll; andi Labor. ZatI-t ce COME in azt Examineii stock he base] band. ('urne 3i ni] t\.uincii the great tinme antd 1aborî saving clin et titi. It bt-ats, the wo'ant. Be.'t tinte oui record was nu 011 tl Clut ber Tire. Coi-ne anti see thern. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. viiWluPsy q$300 for a mas,. SWEET PEAS z '1t Lâced, Only 40c.A POURUI For roll parttculars of $300 aSter andthIbhndsoniest and Sisalcoi. plate Catalogue et Plowers. Vegetables and Fruits, cotatnang *it otd fa, vorit.,sud Crean oftn.w Novties, printed in q dtffseret Catn, eltgs*it colarod plte..Bond ta t. twttich mn i e dsductsd frai Zuttadvife CKSFLORAL CUIDE. v 1 K % sjrDs antan the i.,,, of lire. JAMS VICK'sBSons, Rocbsur, N. 1r< SC IEOOL S u pLJ Pen and Pencil Pens, lnk, Tabiets, Pencils, School P-a per, Books. Stationery. Full, Fresh, New line Just Received At LovieI's 09u LIBERTYVILLEb ILL. -t satisfaction assured to everyona. W. m. AUCTIONEER. Libertyville, - Illinois. Ravlng bad maech xpenience in Auction- "ring in the. put seventeest yerm, 1 arn preamred ta attend slealu nany part of llilosd adjolning Countien t very Low Ut .Satisfacotione: atd GEO. B. MASON, PPREWIIo Commercial IHotel ýbLivery Bomrd by the Day or Week Qpecial Accommodations for Traveling Men., LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINO>IS. RW111 AIB!'S BARBER SROP -là n0W Loated In the- ODc=nL.rciO.1* Mlotel- Where you eau alusys get yonr ehailng. 04.0v Cuttlng. A Dressing. -in the Laé-t Style of the- ai.rt-. triai I wiIl please you. orse *Furnishinge>Coods,;Ru,.I POSES, BLANKETS. W14'PS. ,ttt--uîLt TRqUNES AND VALISES. Warvurti,'nut ail gootis usialy kelti l a frs;t- ... l --, mv) it 7 ii 12ut R. j ut - 2 i t 4:37 ..t 12 40 cia.', Shytp. IEvi-tti t it '41 7 4 i2 et4 K-6 32sîti-d 6. t ut?.... 12 .11 $iirn-sii- 6 36 il(tg -,is i 's Stock food inys on oui. Ciwe-o. arrive. *tit090 10 -1-5 I e, 1.

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