CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 6

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MACCA13EES 0F ILUINO HAVE going rd< i, the genninonema ma1fiwitet inuesthe pop~ et Iller c M thd extent fb r 0 he bUt thro*D* it saï4c. fié hall. henoiamui rowth of 'hia GrosetSocety,1 no notion et boisg lo gr 1okd upon Order-lirna Over 70000 13.aeflltriem familier bat ar io nèion, ~it !tln the ight law h e il Ii pl aMcirnaC1871 tate Lad4vflay no M L icia, n 187 Atgehrthat of1 il u . 001 0 o uinented biaisait, sud. Inoe.d, mm ho -akaScn i h Caty. teK mo idtomwhat »uirly wrnan br gan to twaddle èo Cooliabli and se SRip- -ak ccn nteCuty h n niother of theneomsty of bIng car.- pntly. tha thea poor child, £iagusted 9 MaeAIX andahamed, begged te b. taken tack Stato Organizatloli Perfccted. bers cia ".people are ao outrareous," she de- to her chaitone, with a vemmptori- Chicago correspoudefloe: numerie ciarefi. lteally one la ashanti d o1 nets whièh admitted ot no dental. Knightu of te %Iaeeabeen look poses- gives Il oriels fellowi nowà.days. Directy a tFhe wus very short an1d reserved sien of the C2hica~go Auditorium Tue#day among1 girl wth Money oppeam upen the with ber noxt partner, an eleslant nigitt, and with the heilp of their friends of Ita1 se te the mon swarni aler lirdr outh, Who fortbwth 1 egan tne nsai ocecunp i d every United S hi"e of be. And a fine. unencum- rttIe about Asodt Bandown, Dur- square inch of titi the Ai brdestate like Inchmarew la net u in rl ham, and, the 111, te whlch the big theater's meeting of Unit th markt everv day. Fray b pr- was Dow tecouluracustoxned. 8h. cnpaeity. They like- iinving tieun as te Whoae acuanta c ou woald inako iiîek imrk of hi ,Jerry wire crowded the roll han penl.p- thought; and with the tip of ber pretty foyer, packed the ie cf1 it aldi just ocour te Mrs. <dam beil noaseli nthe.air, &h.aMl at once veIina- wairways and puh- ciii and ~~ ~~L ~that ber daugiter mi lt haveben te'ir.d a piece &~-Information wbieh e.ltoiease i Mar o~gu"= A.s uaffi ua' WMnow. some Attraction for tbe beon gave in eah. had net hitherto beca nager te lmn- - deiance of the uâh- record1 .ux fftenin ae pt 1h.fdue, uneugemabreL estate, and parters ,and policemen. Jnne 1i 41 ~orq maybe eut. thatabeapoke with iomeacerbltywhcfl1 "I know nothing of lb... pýces,?l- Vroît h ve rof der'a ex ,sdalW, arU' with money." Il imadle ber brIdIo nul, home la ini the~ Hizhlandeof ;Ot.'dl--the. stage there was tis ha( &%W.daysafatrthis, as Bellenden and eut Charlotte omeiwbat short in Wonder ef wonders. tb. offect wra a soîîd mass cf peo- yena r *ss atwIfg up Bond etrebet s at nalV ber Dnt remarlit, so that Lady Ray- recisoly contrary to- that orpected. pIle to whom the. 30.001 boru-fos ho wos au .arlier maen Dow mond feared 4ftorvards that abe badlTbc igbiandg et SeetiaLd? The Sent- îeeiîngs and priin- thie *alie had beaun-«ont te bo -ho 15W fnt on the wVoie donc quite no weil as tub fHighlads were hie Paradis., hie jAs. P. DOWNtEIL. cîpies cf fraternallêiep an, â"iftwtoward him Geraldine sdMi"a ehe had expoeted. $lie hadl ineant te 1 Elysiuin. Ris wboe lace iighted UP et ognzto eemd aiirdr es i - &u h sa 1.mre aide of the pave- auggest that application arn te the the more mention or their naine. Heorultonirenidfalirdlgbrss U.character and teneta beid by thb. bees Wu a i oru Ilighlan or himself, bhem the evening. Itn'as a nîasterly stroke of 178 ~fot.latter Mla'ht b .k. i hsinobudb iaeb e and bred wtbin thc wilds of Lochaber. on the part of the order for disseinat- iîaid to ÈoItbib.ho ni off.his hat, and hail mother te lber son. and that Cecil alone 01 Course ho had kenta i n knowiegec the ntts0 MMa-etuc M sI,-heping thsttOmetbilg more should furniah the raamword te granny s CampbelliMmuet bo Scotch. probably beism, and thc overilowlng condition of 789-16. tSma orebo ibtb1othonn good graces; but ehle- wu obiiged te bc frein Araylishlre-with a emile-b-t hgeatetrsoedtt(jarun Te 6 lb lgb iguenara 0 . satistied with vaguely hintetaIwbat he'dld Ddt knew, hoe did net tink, ho Matrcfhepsscmntehdmai iit vo~8aws. The laies prnsed on; @h.ohrnd intended puttlng mbu t good thought girls cared fer nothing but the mnt of bis opportunity. frateri g>àOZgb1iappoaranoe, or ratherGer- round terras. London. and -sud -but did ahlereasir The entertalnment n'as incidentai te a bodilY1 ,b&' hvitng awakened ars As for Cecil timnrl!, lbe waa pèrfectiy enr for tb. heaber, and thoees, an~ convention cf delegates froin the tents ~i m bo<toigtt becominnira dy aisfied with tue ituation as it teeti. Ihe tartan, andi the prs H.ýdy wrnmof the Maccaiesn lu Illinois, caiied for and 70 #L i de Dbs reami, heatond emlii for lu the double of bisegand-1'nlng the pipe. îiseit. He lio. the purpose of forming a great camp, or deati, à Uk*bkènt. -'-xutiy gatlng ie a f.& mother's aide-de-camp, and Gemaldine longedt t a Highliand regiment, and ho perfecting a State organisation. A long and o]d voitshp afdow,.-without, on this isrco u companlon, ho tirnt1 watt learning f roxOt hie own pipe-ma'or, sud attractive pro- nges 0 oscudimn4 eeing wbm t Itcoitiiid. about with the ladies everywhere; and the finest J ipe-ma or in the servIce, grain of music andi the ni T sot> Vpas Grove's. Weil known te on the occasion cf thehal ln quezit ou. The ppe-aor hlied himacif compoed speeches n'as pre- lectua] bit lovwenof aini n i a e erhad the hônor of prcoutlug h i scousin a ".ut kstei' sud a 'Horup p,'and sented. Tie addres b i eueàdon without a tller- wth bier bouiq'et, o!fnciag ber in the w as-to play eue or o1her of tileulho, b tweIcoe nwas te f Is cmol, fresh. Bhinlng, carrnage and of folewnig lher up the was 1 ou sure which, ei the Norhora madie hy James P. A ppcr ta.. isfootutoeceaaed broad, red-caroted tops into tic tes Meeting 1 t- a tumu. Did MlssCaml- Dowuer, State toin-i *poudty etlikemmlves, sud he waa tire balle. beit ever go te the Norhera Meeting? mander cf Illinois.Ca 1»,ýSU PPMU-&nces cooipetely en-I The sean. that bore met her ovies No? Weil,,lhe could net aay ho cared Wbo lutroduceti the -< Cha Àtt b« cue, jut auoho Wluran was as uew as aIl lb. rest had beeni te for lil very mueb himoel,ît, hwas gettin~ principal speaker of cai SMima Camupbell came tnp he ltilo Hîihlander. but, true te ber- so awfully blg and cockneyfled. SUIti,1h. eveuhitnjor -_ ormoo anàud aone. self, sone DOW waleddemurely through ho se dgauterpua o am on. ~acrc --, ru m1ebrd drop'pd her companlOn ai the batiks o!f fower end ahrub, anti ho- te compot-sud Do on, anasou Port Huron, Mici.,' irovenor Gallery, and wu5 burry- tve h oglnso ivr an-, Nover had lbe a moroe ocaie neicfudr of \represl bweintimo e malea readY for looking nether te right no te lof est tee. DgeWa t iIn theliodr., APS >5 Me. Beitenden conld hardkvihave CÇ;eU aiond ueoaugbt aniisin ber de- lads s ehool-boy enthusiasin whlcb de Fls tac meeting ha hbed te mormnent, Thoy were rathor late, and ligiteti aud ex hiliaratedGeraline,and The Major is a duofTes t~~gu s lwrs 1 ooedber fuUl dancing lied begun. w hich rame like a bresth ef fresh air latsiender inu, iiti a handfl f ic.,l M~ ~ a.f nud the lkwasc s TuhciFl st t t hlGer- aie Ucthtise, artiicial vapors which hsesobichnaCagarf-cut lem hoeîiglored. For ibere voie aldine was nt a gond dan er. Al leb. bore hadl been supposed te ho lber tures. He o efet on thie stagtal5fO swe -ligsCaffronted, Kalmosi Dite- runnng ngsd limbng lu the world wtt pioper atinesphoro. hhadLineon ancue feronDaieAba-d Adam 4i u~;anà moelle»ansd ivboi- Iet ternh the swing of the waltz Witb- It waa net,inereover. lest upn brbiIiclaadJfesnDaiaCAiu jl$gwêas0lb.1 e ung tirl fait îs~itoui some pains belng lakren lu lis ac- that sho had been twice misled wlthi admtted that both were very homeiyAii en wtbout lmpropnlI.y. compliabna; and, accordlugly. al- eue short balf-iour;,se granny was oct men- He han rulel uitig1.Bn - Iet dfrat time she baC evur aeeu though parnons Ver, rite, mu wO have wrong lu îbinkiug experlence was attention o! the audience, anti before lie Broot »1 101M look a ber Ili1e.ihat. saa1, ibey speedily diacovered that the gaiued, te wbich, tre rday hoe rdd, Buren eb uCyBllendiefl aC beau preity boires» did net care tu behong1 ovory succoeding evening breught it ulo ebllmd "i spsocanle. and h. bail n o ia a1Ilr. and that they mIRht quota. Cahho lis bt htibaC t feitasbriaik bh jofully exebage the fatigulng exer- jelue a oe IIebla etr - - sO t4 oda ho had net aie for a cuiet trIli hrough the gal- w s nt adanoing man, aud neyer h Cham W a~ axeptn th ditan etries, or0 bttor stili, a leungu unden been; ise ibat baving p.rslstently de- or moème ttrrwdhdDlteann tiebloycîîned invitationsbitherto, ho could Clark 10.1 uom ber; and itllC helatr w , the lie affectedl by Di)t now hav-e turn.d round and accept- Clayi 4 î$baC so mu yte rstaelb. helady ed theen, oven liad he wlhed -fur nueClintc a.a upoe leh aCbeen 8h. baCDenoer donc auything of tb. were sent hlma. ls tofl au" anyt ai b el feinat kind, and nover een anyihing o! the Nother iiiC ho se wish;, ho oaty dis- 3N "<smgrloation. HoW dii-lind before. ikw (h=coir1-amodime b! l .bould ne' M h attbe t orstanding o MsiCsa là y4k' ayjnond nwtbkbes- bâtitbhu$ 'tts! ba 01r~Iy teaP"Ifty London i roo, amldst a cre.Nd ci happehedIýte Biglât taeraet'orlie Dk ~~aIklg ~~bail-gers.ifln ber brilliatit bali-bresa, nztbeforo ibat, u'beDsver h at>. Xookagdowri anion ber. HRiigbt, while lb. music went tiukling piaea a- l omay nh h î A'-- o 01 O I, 10 k dowu uponber, telan asn Wlti thIe vent saoeno, anC the oaa. .mttei niut mera- D *rown. 1 aceswetorolg on, ni otingsilu le Hew, pretly ofton ln tbe 'Wii, je. I pamed a minute ago," voices and laughter and ligbt patter- alternoona, toc, at oue place e,-anotber Zw rpm e aestdingliromt i lsb oup-ie r fe lng the air ouevery ide- il -perbars hie noted where they were -Efihi týM.YO&Mstudyin Ces. im rswasike. airyland. Sho Weudered If ail goîngi- anC new sud then in Me ut Fy i4o Everyoner. I tibavaI thgirls there wernînavînir as gond a sireel. Net by themeelves, Of ecours.; Fr -- Ud.un epec-ib i bf aveato-tino as alle. but what was grantimother, or ex-gov- Fa 11439ahitu wae -about te av e e - Soine o! thora looked ai bier raber ernue or cousin'? On ly e Oe Fuao IUsUS' @i ai both e drh b ardelhe theug li: anC so, fer that standing by fon propriety's naire., sone al e 'h ad o h matter, did the mon. What was il eue, toe, sure te bo engrosseti wi the tiree rem Va ai Inm ' h a iw . " of t e they 15W pictesDr m uide or the a"t tr o u-s asa. . s. uovw roN. G % betlcod? r e turbot? With ait ber sbrewdnoss andClber lu- tunes, or wbatever il wrsthatGeraldiue H 'DrtbibTe "coïtGOr tule, m er aatt etnaive îeî-iin portance, it baC, by tbe wsy, gene te ses, but bati speken a iaule ho hall .veryboiy fiai. lDr e re.bonu ane cu te ber that tbey wer. whlc lielienden very muec, doubtet islugiluts.lie began by tlking about Bar, rfiy.-'Surely you frret. We bad elg To aMe apel Ca ieg.-hcg aawnefict, HD doiboof theéeAt inobmarew. We bave sya.' îI CImSCmbî iw hethor &hoeover iti sec. Sho never C(jhi ao "Chigo haaoerf abuneH, , oi comin i n ga there;but, o!f-le tb. greai 8,otebh eiresa' and ihat, îeokod t tbem alter b.os'as thero, ai Major faoejofon s ait. T earbt une Ha qai~~~~~ p tberenpoii soin.tellia-mnuing, auI auj rate. she dîi net lbote ai hlm Chicago Onuh aeo Gdaeyi ioior, Vela have forgoten-- ne te picking ber te plecea. rnuch, noither. Rer oyes, bier ea, understand yen are Ospreading your iti- Jack Ù1 have forgotten potbinig." .My désar, yen italipostlvely stl(k lbereattts and aiisWers were forCe- its; Ibat lon lutand laklng lu lie Wbclé Jasu wtIibne ihave forot a aUttle cdoser te jeur graudmther, or cl- or se ut aeemed te Cecil*os rival, !of lilineis, Michigan aud Indiaua. and fti *'a i k i a I hane ridten wh" , 10 i ~ber AuntCbariotte admcnished 81111 Bellenden walted. Thero were liaI finaily jeu will istihude te wbeie Ï-r O ul« t la. Iatàtoie a mom-y' ber some'what sbarply ailust. "Do0 asîims-f!oîltany moments-wheu ho tiîd worîd. l'In not goîng 1te tel jeuiia j moustu, ads ud Inyer cusis d. the momelnatr net feet qulte se aune about tiis u ha yeur ivomen ais atAhe et looking ivoxen . "udèmy gvernsSof ou pic~r.alway o inpg t ackwardesand forwarda mîight bave lieeuL Be b.d aomeimliin the word-fer tbey are ao!i'ege ~'~atroinoldgoerea te é. 1 u, they show ibey are unde r Our been bîmeoif shet a giance, a flabh of oesai home Who la tie beat ieoking Kni j I ~charge ib slyinî witb uastehen lie)> lie oye, a furtive, swiftly-witbdrawn. woman in the worli, saieIKnes ' n Dstiadeb, w ib till the saine danger- are not. rncing.' ernîghme-thritstiug lok, whieb te bandsemest man lu Ainerica." Th! iiiK . ly tr-espetve toue; "I-1 aboutit "ud ae ohniI ealook=ed am'ber witb much greater1 u1 aeben eugaged for every 8uzzeld hl.0 was 100 inîch for the vest audience tu La taiofmi .dI kow.' hedbaenouee?"Yn To BE OONTINUED.] stand withot findlng sonme sort o! relief. L Wtiflborc1rn owni -haee then hlueie bai-oo.erann -alcrdt Yeue ________ _A tumoit of .Isaihter filledthelb great the- ,av ber-sre a i h &l r d bi e- havelntteusltnytheieu !s-- I beIy andmrntlli sutlY a thngai baC ,Outside. On the baicony-" began The itad of a Duisee. ater, whicb grew nl e lusen boràte u bedla M egeaia Graldine, but coutd proceed ne for- Mme. d'Abrantes id net seule bel jor Boynton retntirk- Whi éor, nb ed . in Bi'ter is.ter. et libe admured L ne ~ ieuhstare, Tbat Cea ned,, m er u O bore Napoleon on bis brief retuma from bi_ ifedaue h .dcuindeê Wbawaa . tbnklu 'O* -net -de," frowned ber aunt, wll nie uha etntwndhv *Th dî,ae anumuet bave gene crazy. tiîfow l.r, "1theugi yenwoud been trying evea to ber "rare menal* frmta imnshe oubilsD meut, o f urihse cmmlte n ening . ave knewn boîter. Ethel and Aiicia flexibility." She was la Rome Curiag Ord ientnod ed. {ommbent sdaay ic tenover go eut on the balconles -nover. the'Hundred Duys, "surrounded," ac- - speeci tie andience ol as Iodod l»hi s a eandber bonm i ougtlto bave teld yen. Cucîl eught corng te theNouvelle Biographie nasmoent'%0natie . 1'ellkng te have tolC you" - ate, ab memenl's ndnltice,' n~bre1td-udikrttan est luber j- (eei,"yatsi n t~,'His remurks ivere car "tmut er liote, net aitogetier bu- Wi . ~ahtIymii u'ib ber Ui e 'tW, bae juat ben Iere wîtirlud. *on usadobs . iin sigitievnA o""ad a y enod wîshed Few and meagre are lb. particular! th. reus oeueti tf>or i- o - -*o lî der bhcie vas tewadSighl, oah. ah. bâtil bld ber tague. "Oh. -Ob' whlch oaa now b. gleaued o er ltrlepeet h d f tbougnu te stile aarace et tsh e joh.-,,she asiC, Dot kuewlng what, yeara; there are handly any mater"siaBON. D.P. F.MAIKEY- rautages of tie ira- dls once witiu doors, anCd else inuj M ii ! orem dafer bridging the guif belveen the tra eeia7odr5 lil iIl Vihl hr w gon l. u ofC0sq, tht-ahem'- moas a differ- ParisisuQueen ef aeclety and tlb.&Ilcoud underataut i hm. -.,hmn<ed. j e~~nce toe s ure," tln au eoatlretya-broken-dowU wreck of Chorley'a lurid Missna .Wmspeercr * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t " nwnd1yu yocie? lr.èd-' 1 uarethat-abem- ketercf the Ladies of ltheiltienii>, nos-l ld , yo vxe u hyoi? ldentoy jcepletey allers the au e. It isa ou sethalseadtiresseu t h, audience, payiug par- " théoeitie vAn ouin slice b msk, Myauxlelvti at jou abould ho.- b. Tbe revolutien of 1830 feund lber iii tkular attention te lh. organizattion site ffsj mo bl dv o tahntopmie- mne s eue of my oten daugblera, yen the Abbaye-aux-Bois, vhitber tbe ttalilî'preented. 11e phenomenal gron'l aud Ibl Iy to isirugte thai jeu -havte keot n kow. GesiaiClu: sud, no deuil, Cecil ýoss et ber fortune compelled bier te r-e- poplarily demntratedtitehlt>o!' your interest -in - lunime tbrong'h .11 -Cecil, no doubt-"iifounderilig on, -1 tire. She aya Ibat on lb. reappear- wemen tb manage a fraterni beneficl diC %hoe easThse eas rngdore ai be took ccare as te wbom jeu auce Oethie tri-cooelle e as "aisieorganisation iiti as muci ecceisa as thc ait y he on bave nover voucesafed one "ero wîb, oucidndor il, t eiy ,,l'une de ces joies sans mesure qui m T heBuies esan.M nAo ab ror . l ilover agYu wouid The noit moment, however, bronght revoient le ciel, but il la ao vay al- TeBsns osc.4 notste &RanCàgi, ol a uew -introduction.* Gerald ne, my leviated hier meluncboly fate. From There were 153 tenta, or iodges, repre-ai jota woldgeimeatone, Iove "I'said ber grandmotber's voice, , 1831 te 1M35her memoirs were inucourse snleiee'ale ien tie orets-. Plb r jour soti luanat t-.lnga, sud vl ànruDacewse 0ko'VO.e ulcto.She wrOte Sem6otoler lion n'tij called ln ortir aletnri. b .:bei, a d -A me B a r ? d t j u ele te k vo it.ofs ub icts. d iniw ~ ro u Te proposition to tortun great camp e!f L e O i it s d s b a i t e l , i b a I c u u > i a d o d a e , o w e r " h o a s k d o ! h l m s e.e_ _ - - A a p p a r- -l uih e.Rv u e t.o-en t s o !-î l- --s- - -- --sc u s e t 4 -r u 1 , 1 ;àý oUscle et the Os-e git the -aeaeeto thareeret op f milar charaerP,eshstue in a>' b. mre te «Item 05 tr 10O lie en- -haa y,10 Ar ftle than ]rot1IsYý,> Mlgisi0o!te -telligently sa" Prontabwy ><ee, Its Mein- - aauoAtIt gu that.1 Golden Teit-"-lTake ya heU. vstê t secon raniepros>." -Mark 13: B&. ti seod lisi The leaon titis weck Sla f l r te in îîti-s 2: 42.51, sud bas for la s u*o àStates, cal>' -flea"TeCt !vth ûtrient Orti:r ~~ ON eau gaina>? W. bave goas Ii ýtd Woke fl .y ONBý1a coutremisi mecd me Omaeù W9. a harger memiershii. Ils total hostile campe, or at issut ebmb4, Ka non' reached lie formidable fig. queftisOnfetOnt Lord'à @asoemê 181,743 meiniers. This prosPen- th5t ev* bave largely to#gettle ti populaRr orier n'as teundet b>' .d hlm perm-ualiinPOrt. Tel tIiW N. S. Boyulon, ils pressantImsprema Ib m-manti, 'Watcb." Il a1 1keeper. and ti inas Incorpbrted our Savloura owu iipm. r il, 1881. The tirst jear cf theet-r-1lut or praienlaiiit aev~ eistence sas' the modest ieginuing ne rigbt of oursalven te ha th*b entbersiip o! 700; Ove jean hatei-b>' setting au ear>' date-, no inCa ad gron'n b 11(19. The nezt ivOrsw05Lrigbt te doter lthide sàiOM â ' resutectiLt bringiug thé roll up ta rmnte date, sud aiseullng lii Lmeuniers. Tien It Icek, lunlte thiagea, ccrdlngu 0our owu lut- subsequent years. a î,benoutenal tien, Muet tiretl take place. Ho put utC utidt more than 100,000 mens- astau>' time. W. shouut never bo- and 181)4 cosed wsitb a membtiai-sil hsethon a watcing tuoed. Tbat a:.- S.727. Dîiriug this îeried it ba@ mid ns>' ha quicks'ued la lta h o b' teficiarics oit daisiinthelb through this lasuon niay weolieh SU 2 8 9 , anti on dea th e $4, =fi- prayer. P i t a t e L » n objecta o! tie order, as bidl tid "Wstcb." A watchlng citurcbhaC iofficiai literature, arc: "To unlle vilis, 11#11 ie comns,", Re ha rnaît>' ail n-hite persona cf Round He. la cemiagIII Lt ery one 157 I Jt rheulli anti gooti moral cliaracler, the life au wel as tbe'hp. "Watcb, are soclail>' acceptable, beln'eeu 18 fore." Wbs-? "l'or y. know a»C. io jeans ef age, andti 1 prendse for a weak falth Ibat cul>' watchm wha. 1sick, funeral, occitd-nt, dioabiitil know. The ver>' fact Ibat vie do ti age henelits 10 tiose beliveen lb. kuow the exact lime, oui>'h ibmtat of 18 anti 55 years, anti to educale le contieg aboulti keep us wslchlnun i neniers sociatl>', mornît>' antilabel- more vigilant>'. aî>':' "But know luis." Soins tAingo wa _______________know. on, thins- lAisI Christ ia HE ISSUES TH-E CALI. comiug again. And aiaIse ha1tAiev rîloumeat of De-etere .by Couaiesnt I lirefus»id acling asif i len for the Sîlve,' Convention. peot. il.theLorid atin bifl ' airman liurictiuen o! tIse Demo- "Knowlng this Oralt11th& n cState Cenîtral Consuittet' lias isaif>d comn ah let dy@ acoffeta, il al tifor tie Sate Convention alrlti w as u alg inetar>' conîfereuîce, go bc helti aI la the promise et Ails eong? for sace igfield June 5, 18M. Tic si lso! fatiers fen anicep. ail things contiu esentution la te bc une delegele for li>we finltbcilnethe _ li00 votes or fraction o! 150 gr over tiOiL",th for Berunard J. Claggell for State oao-Lrcmpehmelwt murer in 1894. Othbis basis tif> "bis!" bere? H. la wihiing, forsoo ltes wvill bc entitlet brpreaeilsttiosuimit inseif le su>' simtude la o Ilon'a:that h. mss awakeu mca. And s-et Del. Ci). Del- like the coming cf a tAit inlu 1 Mes........22 liri ngton .. Il expecteduesbalf-uncxpctduh -- &nder . 4 Logtan.........9 Coming o! Our Lord. Ha l4 lMacon-------- 12 nigAit,lh. May- Conte 1- e .........1 Misc,.ul)in '.. 13 onis-s'S 10,5t' eady lan 10 4 l.... 8Marisons 14 on the guard. "Iu n»Ch att......S arluStik fot"; literahly, j loun-------3 Marshltîl 6 totall' unknewn. We es roll--------- :1 lisait--------- 1 jutge hebhur. Our Lord a7 M a sai . . . . 1 cartils- p ignim age, out f , mpaign .. 1l Mt-Donoîtgh . 10 la it wrog le preost or A~~ uia .... 10 Melleur>'y . 6 it? It la as wMong 0 tpo I t. ' r7 eke.t....-. ei 14 ltheCasy ar-ireg it wvIl hbovil5 5 Menstîud ... oui keenent judgment; Il viA on----..----7 Mercer---------5 starle n ai. Ther e eh> ls es10 Monroe .... 4 lit oursolrsa lu mid or moal, <t à3M7 Montomnery'. alwss-s rtady. ufrd .... I6 Mors-----d AdnathIbtucv* g uberlnd Muftll BL&udyWtVwefktow kalb .... 4 Ogie-----------5 ed a hat evant who cmb1 'itI-------- ti'ra-------- 18 he cemetha@hall fiud sads 4 uglas---- il Per>'----------6 wat? lIving bit househoi lPge -. .. 4 Pla t ........ 5 du. sa on." Certa n l ieh l gar--------Il Pk----- 10 found 'sMillnt is feiw wards .... 2 'ope---------- 2 ealittg asu d urtuking "-wil lAt Igiani .. 8 'uia ki . . . 2 B>' ties ign a n , s a t. elle--------iPutuaiu Iîî hoplng ad i4 rd -- -- - 7 Ianuboipi .... 8 promise, feeding on lte 't ukil - 6 ticiani5 word. Bs- them« aigu. keoiraise Iton-------- 1Iitock slatsd . 8 wachig churc-it le ha niof qui ltn-------. 7Saltute---------3' uarreling. cf vwaalon mi ue--------7. 4Scgulon ..... 6n'erid. Whait sihonhold the c Isidto 6. 4Scott...... 4tiretand aira-frointichela ailîcu . 12 O ietI . .. . 9blesicti bpcetfour Lords s idneo ...- 2 S$sti>.......' 2nelhing short o! il. pet Midrn----- tr ~ ' Loi-d'aseond contingtsa" idron-- 3 $t. Clair ...... 19 more cul ef his first Ceming. ns-------Stephenson . mos..Ib lgtI!lb oiquois- .. Il Taieneu ' l mre In thme lb. ilofghe Ckson ..... 8 Union----------7 l rfetmnheig o Ape----------7 Vermillom thIbisaspect theon-omu ýferson .... 6 W'abashi.. i.D4metoclot , e Caava St: p iem------ OWarensus ia te-day on ltse lurofte dt a D a'ei--. 7 W au ingt n 5 Ab nd. A u d t e n z tuson .. 7 Wayne-------- 've pro ne.........10 White--------- O pora, n oiâ,1 akaker . 6 OWbitesiie . la 5inpower. Presci, teaes i -udal .... 2 ill-------- 14the thons-ht of it, the hope #Àil no% ....... , Wiliamson ... 6 oig clic.. ..... Winnebago ... 4 A gooti practical suiggestion Let t aSale... 22Wootiford .. ftélmn aiir awrence. 5..- _ lto familiear. Se isusam 7-------- sTotal-...1076 et ticechai-ch just lnow luere are hypocrites lu il. AÏMÏi1wilt- ula. hypoctites at 1he lent? Like tic Pope, the Sultan eut" b>' portion witu tiche p h he nîssîf. Turklahbomuses bave no dia- b. weeplng and s-naaf ig halls, anti bis najemty o! Stamboiii Frienti, do yen assume W tiersç bis meain servet Inlu vnte-e. citem, aud jet appoint -q partaientlih appens tle . A silUrthmfre? tyo ' cibe I brugh Inandic ecool's aida awas- frentChrist ou acSonute ble te brotiit lu,'ith thein eterualiDot rry lu disiies eue afler ancther, le"s there amn. oins bs-oelt la 'thi Vallers take ench platter. ieI ils nia- church. Thoren'Winh b. aegi-cl utituda st>' Sec tuaI the seul lanbrekea, like o! lum a einsll.Wbich do e' 1pneUs? ýf the cover anti place lhe steatiitiga fev Cdey@n'lihhei Are, «ortannally ahib befone tic grand Ture. Tic a,'tl vtithaint lier.? Gout help nus t h.era«- Aalttachedti teever>' Chah iy lis grandsmbsle and myre. lzien. 1 linte and Illantrtiu - The Sultan'@ table ls mosl bountiful- It la lmpesoihle, excepl>ta hau 1 y -anti varlous>' anpplled. Ho entas and iflrent or 1iodoeuit cbureb W rrenauli'of o! tea. eets. regela- kecp-Covu lb. quellon if carLarC m. les, sorbets anC Ice Crenin. Rie tua- onut comîns-. I Ibo hé fet tohlb.Ne* 'ntyla atota aisine. Atulu e Tstaint aud of lb. Ncv Tstau#arn Jesy l a otl astane. A maechu-ch. Christi15coing amn. R êH" lunera, wheutheticgucato are Inl.- .- niee. feeageia h sie rocin, but net at is table, wlîe eIt oeland ilere ami re eist, I ob tid c a mnp g ne are, iew ever, fi»-ui e n t work o! inspiration, "S e 1>1ce ule Istpenseti. Tie Sultan npenlas alzu-qlci"an lbprer Jtrs alii anctillion francs for is table. no, coins, Lord Jesua;" tihan tite,bcii.dle. For Her Colorlon. Chris's Imminent enuing. tIbis la For lie Colon.clear>' revsadi t hli e niplures. Imui

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