CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 8

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Your ' Orocer for PIE V ?IlTII POIflE -1- iIr0001 St., Staillon, LJo.25 R.A. P.R Mby W. M. t, Andersoni fW.ed july 1g ~w11mmke th( Re *1the besi $rostôM.inLak( R~is ýcoltsbeioe 04smooth ahd fin( leu,. Onie year ag< fall one of hit oig colts tooi ýýPremum over i 6 fleld.of colts il te.dster class a SCoumty Fair. iosns--- 10 dollar mm-ue live colt o, iie original owne be héld'responsi for service fee c marés diposedc r being bred. Fo ipe. cali on c ress, C. A. Apyle) inty Farm,* Libei e4,11 ý,4) j- QUENTINS CORNERS. Jack Fruat le very buisy yet. Geo. Knigge, of River View made a cail home. Dira. Jacob Schneider la getting quite smart again. Ela cornet band gave sonsenBster1 Ïl DSltlStI'Y. open air selectlona.1 pur. ones re Furmers are rusbleg tlîeim eeding ~p~ H rss resud planting igbt ulong.1 ,bi'ôdon't eat well; Oea. Quentini made a pleasulît cali g,,p y you to have Bor, t10 Jacob sturâ and wlfe a4 teeth examine4@ . Miss Mubel Ellis ou imtu ried andj ~s m ilatth mot found wunting teaclser la again i t.isa.m n a thechage f ou scoolfor tesummer. iyFarni who Fred Grever bad the rifortune to rsjtands the busi- mrrey badly broke up sometime ugo. Il. B. Les, of Talmage, N. Y., when troubled wîth heurnatlsml, lxsught a a. bttie ot ChsrnberlqiiV5 Pain BlaI meinateon Free. frai» E. J. Neuves, tIse druggist there, -TERMS.and saie it did bilu more good tban anything be bad ever before ueed. For )r Leveling and sale by F. B. Loveil. Libertyvilie, and G. C. Roberts, Wauconda, druggist. 4agidBitracting, Jeabm srnmiaAdvertiolng 9 BCroaes may a duR business. to how bad &oss.rany a ltbusiness; Saves mmay a Waling business. Pres.vum ny a largo business mr.14. -.W1I-N-G. DissAsseS 0rTH£ iiira. Speoll stsilon givesi ta the correct Until 10 a. m.-1 te 2 P. M- end eftOr 0 P. M- WHEN YeuWANT A..., A Nce Smooth Shave. A Fasbona- bic Haîr Cut or Bb.rnDoo. .... CALIos.. WM..GUSKE. BARBER, WVbose Toubistl Ilarlolu are Wviltequîppeit wtb la--'- blsmd killed art- ROCKRIILLFt. - ILLINOIS. ROCKÉPELLMR Mise Grace Cronkbite bas been quite ill thse paut we0k. A& »w stock of Jewelry at Will Knlge's f"wntViOstome. Ida BroWn. Of Waukegan, ia Viait- ing wth Miss Grams CrOnIkhite. Lepter Kiver, o! Bîver View, spenýt Bunduy with bis ancie, Mr. Kramer. A. M. Brlggs tolk a business trip to Elgin ilut week, returning Konday. Miss Lottieliarden s%*nt Sunday wltb ber parents, returning to the City Monday. Fred payne le! t Monday for Oak Park wbere be hbas ecured work list the milk businessa. Mfr. and lirs. Bergborn and faîsiii speut Saturday and Sunday ut Fred Berghorn's near Lake Zurich. Frank Knigge ,w m re Over Sun- day - -e asyàbusine s 900od a' LaIe Villa. We wish i success. MisseMnoi; Gisasonbegan li. school la tbn Buttergilid district Mon- day.LAbtile KOBrige begiesl'sext Mondal et the Swan district. A number fronbobes attmnded the qla. Lawsuit conducted by thb *e Woodman iodge ut Ivanhoe.. lbwa vety intereetlng. Tbome wbo attended worm gretly amused. M- Machinery for Bo, feller'S ft ,factory now on the~ Secure aome Of OuroChoice lots n6lH,if you wiah og toashare ln the n Vfte. EkLIl1 COMPANY. e Now in tbe time to siick Up and deu- orate your bornes. 1 bave just re oeived tIb, larget and d SemaIstock oc Wall Paper everbrought to Ibis loas iby and 1 wiili l itilcheaP, onlY 8 tc 36i cents a doube rol. Cali and set I L A. M. Buuoes. BThe social wbich occured aI the cbapel a week ago. was iargely attern ed. A gborl program wu srendered which ws very interestief. A tri Bwus rendered by the Mins"sNortonî Burdick and Cronkbite. Duel by Mns 0 E. B. Harden and Grace Cronkhiteà select recitaîlon by Miss Mary NortoQ anmd a Duel by Miss(oraBurdick ail Mra. Hardon. Supper wus served k eariy. Procedsa anounted to $22.7( including supper and sale of quilte, a We- feel safe in saying that ail whb attended enjoyed it very mucb. t FREM)NTr. TIie Esster dance ut Mir. Hertel' Monday eves)ing waa weli attemided about 35 tickets were sold. 8George Ebinger bought a fine ne% organ a few duym ugo. Now girls là Ër la iooklng for smre fir musiciais. Miss Nellie Ebieger who bas bee id sno long, la able to be Out ugail We are glad to have lier amnongt ronce more. Sohool meeting in District Nu. Saturday evening. Corne out al ot ladies too and Bes if we can't maà our achool meeting more interestîng. Jed Gould lîad the misfortune1 drop a drag on is fout the tooth goir r traigbt throngi. 1He is pretty a: jmat Dow, but flopes soon to aroul iragal U. Executors' Sale. Tîîesday May 2, '95, tise undersîgned, exccutoris of thse hist wilil and teStament of Chrstian Sciswingel,, decea5ad, wil sOi t publie auction ta thse iigiset reopoassi. bic bldder on tise premi4es, là mles west of Deerteld village. Commencing at 10 oclock a. um. tise tollowlng prOPerty ta.wit: 2 WorKng hom@es, t iMilk cows, $et double isarneas, Single harnes., 2 Lumbar wagon@, 12 Seated buggy, Pair bobs, Wood'm conshtned self rake sud Mower. Bolier, Seeder, Horse rakre. 2 Hayrowa,, gay rack, 2 Seated sleigis, 3 Walklng ploya, Hratie hoe, Coltîvator, trou kettle2 30 0.ain ha g@ Corn s aeller,lfannlng Mill, Abot 200tn of corn, About 250 busbesi of oats, About 8 tous of gSot iay, 5o Chickens, 2 barries of fleur. éet âmscae, r5 Fnrsisled beda, Wlua press. Wss§inig Msachine, Cook stove, Hcting slave, Sofa, Bureau. 2 Tables, 8 do, chairs. Oi, Cisurn, About 80 <da carpet, là gai. of wtnc, A lot of diahes, eAnd other uteusils too numerons ta, emention. Termenis fSale-Al sPuma of $5.00 and under, Cash;Oer 85i.00> a cretit of Une Year will ha givan, an approscit notes tbearing 6 per cent tuterest. J. Se 1 1gO, Maria chwnal, LE'culars Catharine Sebile. W. R. Wilmot, Auctloneef. Adm instrtotLU 0 h t h -pUBL1O NOMI 1 vi ha h o-aubsorier. n1 t t UicFuatle of John TekaM. 'êoa tU,1 1 attend tic ConutCours o ,Lke OO ttftltbWfr s a .f I t o i e I d l a s mb k e - Jua nee ilp&U o hâvlugolaC againtatMaid ata are ntf mo and q oett a inme tusait Court for tidlcatlon. HNTTEKAMPF.. Admînttrator. Waukegau. April thI. 0 (0-3 t.rUid Bail! There will b. a ball givn»iut tleChi- cagn Housut Wheeliqg, Ill. Stur- day, April 20, 195. Good music wil be lu uttendance'. Everybody le cor- dially invite. Ticket#, including up- per. $1.25. E. Il. M AffN, prop. DIGHTON (Big HolIow.) Robert MeNeil went to Chicago Moeday. Benc 00eman wam a pleusant caller boe Snnday. Miss Lena Drssry, of Antioch visited luat week ut Ed Suyiem. Frank Hooper, of Antioch visited bere one day lut wsek. F. J. (yBoylm was elected achool trustee lsst Saturday. Wil Huthorn, of IlaiLiesville viited a few days ut Wm. Sirneo. Juo Brown and wife, of Hainesville, calied on frienda boesSunday. A. Sinss ad twenty one couples at bis hall Moîîday evenimsg and ail enjoy- ed themselvee. A. Signes received his P. 0. com- mnission iast week ansd expects ta batîdle miail in a few day8. Dighton le becoming quite a place of businsa. There le lready sorne dernaud for corner Iota. We'Il soon begin to boomu. The entertalenent authebbc cool house last Satnrday evening wasaa enecess; the dialogues and pieces were weil redered especlully tbe parts carried by the young acholurs. EverY- body acered well pleased witb tise program. Elgin. josiet &£Easterfl Ry. Tins TAMLE do m 'a. a8lO5 0150soMD 4M0 pms &rive . . . Wakacn...dtapon 7«0-a, ?8 pus... t .... L ..tisan 8:0r z:8 pS... ......Olimer ..... ..... 9:12 am 2..0 pus de] .Lake Zurib....[ar 9:88am l :5 Pm r - * 10*05 am 1:40 Pm..... tartugtcu.1... 0:10 aus 12:45 pus...... pauling .1 .. 2:15 Pus 11:00am... ...TTurnes'........... 1:25 Pus 7:5è amrn .. Plaufield ..... ....:36 pus 6:40 sus............ Jolt.......... . .16 pus If you want handhtl\, If you want ealvelopea, If you want, If you want business carde, If you wanî ceat bill heud», If yen wunî Ial ter boude, If you wsnt nia. vlitlng carda. If you want wedding invitelonil, If you wantany kind o! job work, Leave your orders aI the lIuN>ui mT office, Libertyvlue, sd have tisa. exoeutàd l theshorlt iMe posibloo eUh VO!kof iRsal £@tata Transfors. (capied Frnrn Wukegais Datly lleaister.> lruma A llowemnitt t William J Liskorii li,ç38 aoid lOt )Highsland dsrit 10lilgh- Park w d ... . .. . .....8450 A' W Plet.l.@r 10 G L Blran.d li It 911k ±? Hilghlan.d Park- w il.......... ..... 75 Madalenie Fireliaber 1< C EIarshail ,06 8o11S Hghland add W lHighlansd Park deed .. ...... ............... 7 Ada D Adams tao rg & tMl Is2 .7 and A bikô81, Wackt wl l w .. . 1100 Catharine 8 Smith 10 H 8Bi'rosser undiv M of Pt 1w4 ,$4 12w d ...............18am I<wotimat Len( Ià oves a'e nMay look forward 10 sMMis chaivarts. Unr. -Linduer, of Chilcago, was tfie guest of Dirs. Zerwer Tueaay. Everett la to have a firat clau bal nine s ii year. '1hey have already organlzed. some of our young people atteîîded the Buter hal ut Libertyville anîd report a s'ery good tUnie. Leonard Kurtz the îîew section forensai on the (C. M. si. P. R% . ia to niove into M. Melody'a tenant bouse. Tisermade are exePtioîîally go0d tiis eprlîg. W. wihi îlot bave suiv more bad rouits atter the gravelilig la completed. Jos. Redmoiîd bas been spenditig le <0w dsys ut home but issoon to retmî'n, to Chicago to engage i busies o r bimmeif. We wish iîîî uffiiîîited 'Ths renlalusa of lira.Carro'il ho forrnerly reslded a few lmiie îotitf bere, werelrought f roi Chicago tat Saturday and interred ut the Cathollc oenàetery. Il w d.................... .. 5 AS Estan et ai toJames 0*'onnuer n se ofttnw se 4 M43 Il w l .... ......... S Heurlelta F Bsickbee to.J C Rldgevay lut 7anda tst land Its 2144 45 46and 47 Bouth Highiand Addition tu Htgh- land Park wd ........................ 4 IF P Hawvkins tuC 8 Qiinlan iota 12 150 aul part il 26 and lots asanMu 7South lllghlant.Atddtion tu ItigbsîmitPark wvil 2M0 Il LPresm to WPrehm Iti6lER Clark',. sub lnuenul w % b54812 wtd.......... 250 W p Yeoman tu W K Nixon It 1 block I Yeman aDougla sub tsu294 12 d.. 6&0 M M Jamiebon e 1F Ilirsel unîd 2 acres ln 3148 ls wd .................... ... a H Kainterit te I Kamport lut 2 block L towv of Cuba wilt................... 1400 J Woodbrtdge lu Sara 51111.Il144 block 28 Waslbursi Park wvl t. ...............75 H Vookc teaW 9Haay unit v. ln 161lots lu A rminstead att t .a............. a RN Hull toi? 8 Fovucaut lots I1sand 2 blocks 17 Wsshburn Park v t... ........ NO JEB Hoicomb te Jui,>, IetusPaper O nauw% uvi 80 441 il d... ..... 100 Ad D Adams tuJ IH Kerr Il 4 blockl84 South Wukesfl wd ......... - 4150 HU 3lebrecht te J&Baucllt liIl aut 12 bj=C1 Sprague's snb tai1448 10 w t..-.. - 0 FiT Benkel et mlto J J Galiaglsr 43 28 aores ln 33and38 fl w d ............ I M Arthur JJhnon s te B B Ioerner Il 119 South ighutland ad teaHilgiandi Park wd ............................ 45 3J9Poerwo toJ A fléch et ai - 50ft 1it 29 ighvoot qcd ................I J Il Basmen tu Anlun Baba x acres lu f, .4812w dt............................ 3M G Morris to Mary Ansi Chmrd M C 100 acres l 1244 wd ................ I 0 à loy lu Gari.l a Hughes part It 2M Asa&55rs5 suad part nvl . 1 46 0 wtd................................. liMs gva M Lawrence lu Esielîne E Parkhurst lllt4,8andViblock 6tSiSsth & Atams' n addteWaukoga il --............. MW w K Nixon to D Fulluser lots 1238 and 4 Oaklandtsub of anwk se 17 412 w d240 H 4ouke to 0Hermun It 17 block 2 H Coke»sub opt nwX ne% 4612Hvw d 10 p .lacoby te H Orabbo la 7 100 acres lu 14 44 1)vwt..........................M#2 3H Grigou by adte10ecynolds 75 acres off w aie% 4612Swd .............6M 47 rR y Bouse et ai ta thse Congregational Chueuiouf Rockeafeller part tswIV 1441Il qed ......................... ........ I1 y Rositto W H B3ranistatter 1lta 13114 ant l5bluck tGrays ]Agisq c d........... 2M Bl E Rubertson to Stalla Robsertson Its 5 andtl i >14@ Chicago Spriug Bluff att wd.... ....................... Mot) p j flietusoyer te Ousan A Dietmeyer It A aa t18 t ek llàbl 24 McKay ant mttwd .. ........................... MO JP. WILLIAMS, The Wall Known and Exproionced Well Digger la now makint vola witb bis own outlit The «WHEEL OFFORTUf4E," as e oCas It. Nov, if you ame thinkîng of having a weil dug or au oit one reWare, 1[arn quite sure 1 can please you. if you let me dig deep enougis. for Ibat le the tallure lu Mst Wells. My Prics Are: foot lau iametei', first 20 fot 75Le. next 10 foot *L00M uaxt 10 81.5u, ueXt 20 foot 12.M0,nuIt là foot 83.00, per font. For WoIlls ix foot luntiinmeter, fiast 20 tact 81.25. for vells elght foot acrose82 00 POr font for prospctliig wIth 2 or 3 Inchs muger fimat 90tesactéd par foot nudt, 20 tect 1à eta. mai1 1 0 ttct's. per f001t rous tise top ofthtie groutd or thse bottous of uld vWilas, but no charge for bortug lu m uev vell nie" tisa aviser stops me trami digeglug topar. Clean- lug out mut replaring oIt Wells 50 et@ par bour and furnis hciep. Parties hmvtns work tois MntfUruibis board for belp, brick for Weil manusauet for tise top andt lumbar for curbing. If needt; only On jobs vitsi t Ivmlles of hume, thon 1 will board mysetf ansd bop; work tu ha doue lu a goot vorkmanlike manner mut ha sale tu go towu lu st muy t ise. I Petter that If tisa ovuotcanngt Suspect uMY vork. that hi. sent a man of cousmon-seuffl 10 go down aut see tisaI amn tolor al tisat can ha done, aud that viii help usy ressutatios andtsty hlm. 1 bave dug ant repairet 392 weils so fur lu L'akseCo., and ouI t ofKi'Jots'witlsin twO miles ot homne 3s are nuw wells. and 1 re'aIiy thînk they *ere ail thaîîkful for the ensaîl susu whlch it cost thow for my Uie. 1 can give the naîses Ot everY une 1 have dunc a job for aince Aug. 2'J,18M4, and I uni g1'ad 1 have got thse credit ot aluseet everY one, especially rigisI aI homo, for trying mY bout t10 bave thons plenty of vatOr. Hoeatter 1 viki allow a tiscount otf fvo per cent trom above prices for cash on ail jobs tisat amou nt tu over C65.00. Work doue lu guet shape musI ha settled for by cash or due bil11. Thianklng m&l for Puat tavors. I trust ta sbare your patronage lu future, Address, SJ. P. WILLIAMS, Box 141. lbertyville, ai. New bille o! tnlture- 01 ATFuII Line oflJndertaking always on heid Carpets, Oit Cloth, Linoleum. Rus. Comfor- ters. Pillows, ln fact Everythinig ln the ulne of Flouse'Furnflshinge. Hang- ing Lampe, Stand lampe. MEROHAN DISE TI@N 1 want more Cash. and Iess Goode, so 1 have conclluded to give the people Another Chance to. Buy Goods at theie Own Prices. Batiuday AMorlon anld Evenilli April 20, -995 1 willsell at Public Auction Crockeyy, Shoes, Straw apd Feit ligts, Clothipg, etc@ Corne and Get a Bargain. ROBERT F. IROUSE, Successor to JOHN J. ROUSE. Rockefeller, 111. Pamg.'s pUteut Lab. ud Ieelu band- MmrtIs Ouirne la mtarnped ou evUr7 eba.W. warrant .vS, pear to b. tborouWbi7 sd honUst7rnma" Our Lou S hom at $8.50 e arweb oms f beauty sd tha ft C. H. FARÔO& 00.,@9 stm Establlsbed 180-ON1 OACO W. C. Triggs, Agent, Libertyville, 1IlI., M. Lux, Agent, Wadsworth, MI., Henry Seip, Agent, Lake Zurich, III., Golding Brothers. Agent, Wauconda, Ill., Re F. flouse, Agent, Rockefeller, 111, FR ED CROKER, Tailorie Draper LIBEBTMVLLE. 'o] amun Cid]1 a bink J', Lake v il........................... Nicholasj Largen to Aze lJohsnson It & blk =uo.isn & Co's subit v tl........ 00 Jr 1 efo t Us syCaerun it 10 blk Il .atdto Lake lliffv ......... .. M John W: ridgeet aI i flD7 B Harle10 biale )k lWashburnparkwd.-10 M4aryT W D Chllis It 7 blk i2 Hlghllanit Park wvdt...... ..... ...... ..1350 M C Fauîketier 10toaoSph Taylor 3a m lu Il 46 U w d..-. .......... ... .. 4 TwGanse Ioc Peursun it 3bik as o Waukegan wi ...............20

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